February 22, 2015

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
To my family of St. Joseph,
Happy Mardi Gras! We are in our last few days of preparation for Lent and there are two things I ask you to consider in your
preparations. One- make an extra effort to feast in these days leading
up to Lent and then truly commit to avoiding parties and other extra
festive celebrations until Easter (especially on Fridays!) so that Lent
can have the stark contrast to the Easter Season that it seeks to establish (one way you can do this is to support the Knights of Columbus
Pancake Breakfast this Sunday which funds our CCY Youth Activities!). Two- we as Catholics are encouraged to make spiritual pledges
for Lent in the areas of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. So pray about
your spiritual plan for Lent and then commit to them on Ash Wednesday (recall that we have Masses in the GYM at 9:05am, 12:05pm and
5:30pm). Consider the extra opportunities provided by the parish and
community when making your plan- Monday Holy Redeemer 5:30pm
Mass with Soup and bread Feb 23, Mar 2, Mar 16 and Mar 23; Tuesday Lenten Ecumenical Services at 7pm fr om Febr uar y 24- March
24 with us hosting March 3rd; Thursday Eucharistic Adoration
from 8am-830pm starting this week (consider committing to a half
hour); Thursday Prayer Soup and Pie at Noon at First United Methodist Church (total prayer and lunch lasts an hour); Friday Stations of
the Cross will be held at 6:30pm star ting this week. Plus we have
our regular opportunity for daily Mass and the church is open from
sunrise to sunset to stop by for prayer anytime. So party now and
then get ready on Wednesday to enter into our annual 40 day Catholic
retreat of going to the desert with Jesus so that God can perfect us in
His love. May God bless our Lent ahead!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Rich
Our Lady of Perpetual Help …pray for us!
St. Joseph…pray for us!
Notes from the pastor…
**Commitment Sunday for the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA
2105) Hopefully you received a letter this week which explained
CSA 2015. In a nutshell- our Diocesan Assessment is $51,689, our
parish goal is $110,000 and our project is again the completion of the
painting of the church ceiling and arches, replacing the fans and the
carpet around the sanctuary. Total cost is $157,868. We have accumulated $84,610 so far with half coming from the Legacy Campaign
(2012-14) and half from last year’s CSA. If we reach our CSA goal,
that would gain another $56,000. The remaining cost will be covered
by the Rose Halle bequest. If we exceed our $110,000, we will also
consider replacing the carpet in the rest of the church as well as other
important projects. If you have not already done so, please pray to
God to help you discern what part you can play in this effort and then
hand in your pledge envelope (at the office or in the offertory at Mass
the next few weeks). Recall that if you are not able to make a financial pledge at this time, that your pledge of prayer and fasting are
equally as important. My hope is that since our Legacy Campaign is
officially over, that many of you will consider continuing the incredibly generous pledges you offered to God and His Church in that effort, so that we can continue to solidify our capital assets as well as
consider ways to expand our ministries. If you have any questions or
concerns about CSA 2015 please feel free to contact me.
**Painting of Church Ceiling Due to the need to complete this
project before Holy Week we have to move our Wednesday School
Masses as well as our Ash Wednesday Masses (February 18 th) into the
gym. Also all funerals will be held at Holy Redeemer until further
February 15 - February 22, 2015
from Caitie Ryan
Catholic Heart Work Camp: There are still spots open to attend
the Pittsburgh this summer. Please let me know if interested.
Middle School: Middle school will be meeting on Feb 22 5-7pm
in the Youth Room
Totus Tuus: We are starting a new high school program called
Totus Tuus. This will not replace the regular CCY meetings. Our
first topic is Adoration on Sunday at 6 pm, in the youth room.
notice. At this point we still plan to have all weekend Masses in the
church and weekday Masses as well as Eucharistic Adoration will
continue to be in the chapel. Also, the Blessed Sacrament has been
transferred into the tabernacle in the chapel so feel free to spend
time in prayer there while the church is open. I know this is an inconvenience and not the same as praying in the church, but in order
to help maintain and beautify our great worship space, which is
long overdue, I hope all of us can make the best of this, have a positive attitude and be patient with any challenges this may pose.
**Prayer Workshops on Eucharistic Adoration Ther e is one
more workshop on prayer prior to the start of Lent. This Sunday,
February 15th we will look more closely at Eucharistic Adoration. The wor kshop will r un fr om 6:30-8pm with the following
agenda: 6:30pm- the theology and history behind Eucharistic Adoration as well as some suggestions on how to effectively engage in
it; 7:15pm- fellowship; 7:30pm actual participation in adoration.
**Do not forget to mark your calendars for our Warren Area Catholic Mission to be held at Holy Redeemer from March 8-11 at
7pm each night with Fr. Pat Hanon, CSC as our leader . Mor e
information on all of this with be sent out this week but I just wanted to encourage you to put it on your calendar now.
construction in the main church, we are asking you to access the
Mother’s Chapel for adoration using the school parking lot and entering the doors closest to the Mother’s Chapel.
PARISH LIBRARY We have a parish library which will be
open before and after weekend Masses for you to browse the many
titles we have and sign out books. If you would like to donate monetarily to have books purchased and given in Memory or to Honor
an individual, please see one of the librarians or stop by the parish
office during the week.
Knights are hosting a pancake breakfast on Sunday, February 15
from 8:30-Noon in the Cafeteria. Cost is: Adults $5.00 and $3.00 for
children under age 10. Proceeds to benefit the Youth Group.
Our next Parent Baptismal Class will be Tuesday, February
17th from 6:30-8pm. This is required of all first time parents or if
you hae not had a child baptized in the last five years.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION is essentially an embrace with
Jesus in which I say to Him: “I am yours, and I ask You, please stay
with me always.”-Pope Benedict XVI Stop in the Mother’s Chapel on
Thursdays for your embrace with Jesus. Spend a few minutes or to
commit for a half hour or hour by signing up at the exits of the
Church or call Becky 726-2849. Extended hours during Lent from
PIEROGI SALE St. John Church Women’s Guild in Tidioute
will be selling frozen Pierogi as a fund raiser during Lent this year
every Saturday from February 21 through March 28, 1-4pm in the
church’s center. Available will be potato & cheese and potato &
sauerkraut. Pre-order each week by Thursday to guarantee availability. Walk-ins are welcome. Call Fran at 484-7157 to pre-order. Cost
is $8.00/dozen or $5.00/half dozen.
Saint Joseph Church
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, West - Warren, PA
Sunday, 2/15 - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00am Living & Deceased Parishioners of Saint Joseph
10:30am Anne Cashman and Sr. Anastashia by Joan Olson
Monday, 2/16 - Weekday
8:00am Shirley Franciso by Gretchen Morrison
Tuesday, 2/17 - The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
12:05pm Betty Hoffman by Warren Class of 1952
Wednesday, 2/18 - Ash Wednesday
All Masses will be celebrated in the Gym
9:05am Kathleen Shea by Howard & Doris Labowski
12:05pm Autumn Doherty by Mike & Lisa Lewis
1:30pm Living & Deceased Members of the Catholic
Daughters of America #834 by CDA
5:30pm Lucille Reisinger by Charles & Catherine Ditz
Thursday, 2/19 - Thursday after Ash Wednesday
12:05pm Phyllis Sobina by Don & Nancy Sobina
Friday, 2/20 - Friday after Ash Wednesday
8:00am Richard Anthony by Jim & Diane Gallagher
Saturday, 2/21 - Saturday after Ash Wednesday
8:00am Konky Tridico by Mike & Lisa Lewis
5:30pm Living & Deceased Parishioners of Saint Joseph
Sunday, 2/22 - First Sunday of Lent
8:00am Joan DeStefano by Carl DeStefano Family
10:30am Rudy Funari by Bud & Margaret Funari
Genesis 4:1-5, 25; Gospel - Mark 8:11-13
Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Gospel - Mark 8:14-21
Wednesday Joel 2:12-18; 2 Corinthians 5:20—6:2;
Gospel - Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Gospel - Luke 9:22-25
Isaiah 58:1-9a; Gospel - Matthew 9:14-15
Isaiah 58:9b-14; Gospel - Luke 5:27-32
Genesis 9:8-15; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Gospel - Mark 1:12-15
In your charity, please pray for the soul of Rose Fadale,
mother of Tom & Roxie Fadale, whose Rite of Christian Burial was
celebrated Monday. We extend our sympathy to her family, and
ask God’s love and strength to bring them peace and consolation.
Liturgical Ministry Schedules
J Walker
Extraordinary Ministers
J Anderson, P Bailey, R Kujawa,
A Hultquist, *K Jones, H Zaffino
Altar Servers
T Heubach
S Holmberg
C Wolf
J & R Cecco, J Hausmann,
B & B Crowley, Volunteer
N Sandberg
K Wagner
M Reynolds
*P Christy, R & P Osche, A Kiehl,
*R Beyer, *G Grosch, P Lobdell
J Funari
J Funari
D Funari
DME Retreat This weekend (Feb 13-15) several of our parishioners will be
attending the Divine Mercy Encounter (DME) Retreat in Erie either as team
members or participants. Divine Mercy Encounter (DME) is a three-day encounter with the Divine Mercy of Jesus and His call to discipleship. DME reveals to participants authentic Christian living in the Catholic tradition. DME
assists participants who are searching for a deeper meaning, purpose, and hope
in life to find those things in a true relationship with God and a community of
believers through a series of talks, activities, prayers and fellowship. DME’s
primary goal is to enable participants to encounter the Risen Christ. Jennifer
Wortman, Brooke Siliano and Craig Kostrzewski are on the team; David Wortman and Esrl Keeney, Jr. are first time participants. Please keep them all in
your prayers this weekend.
Liturgy Corner
Mark your calendars now for the celebration of our patronal feast day (St.
Joseph) on Thursday, March 19th ! Mass will be held at 5:30pm with the
great St. Joseph Table to follow. Due to the work in the church we will celebrate both the Mass and the meal in the Educational Center Gym)
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Weidner by Family
Sunday, February 15
NO Religious Education
K of C Pancake Breakfast (Cafeteria)
6:00pm CCY Totus Tuus Meeting (Youth Room)
6:30pm Prayer Workshop-Adoration (Meyer Hall)
Tuesday, February 17
4:3pm Soup Kitchen (Cafeteria)
6:30pm Parent Baptismal Class (Loranger Hall)
Wednesday, February 18
9:05am Children’s Mass in the Gym
10:30am Faith Share (Meyer Hall)
12:05pm Mass in the Gym
1:30pm Mass at Warren Manor
5:30pm Mass in the Gym
Thursday, February 19
8:00am Adoration (Mother’s Chapel)
12:00pm Lenten Prayer Service (FUMC)
8:15pm Night Prayer & Benediction (Mother’s Chapel)
Friday, February 20
5:00pm K of C Fish Fry (St. Paul Center-Sheffield)
6:30pm Stations of the Cross (Gym)
Saturday, February 21
8:00am Finance Strategy Session (Mass & Meyer Hall)
4:30pm Reconciliation (Church)
Sunday, February 22
8:00am Retreat for 6-8 graders (Church/School)
9:00am Rel Ed K-5 (School)
10:30am Rite of Sending for RCIA (Church)
Weekly Donations - February 8: $ 7,021
Thank you for your continued generosity!
Crone’s HealthMart Pharmacy
Please patronize the sponsors of our bulletin. It is through the
paid advertising of the sponsors that we can publish the bulletin.
Please thank them.
We would like to thank Ann Wortman for taking the
Vocations Icon this week and praying for an increase
in vocations here at St. Joseph.