2015 State 4‐H Horse Judging Contest Wednesday April 8, 2015 1 pm iWireless Arena – Moline, IL The state 4‐H horse judging contest will take advantage of a unique and wonderful opportunity in 2015. The state 4‐H horse judging contest has been invited to be part of the NACTA judging conference taking place at the iWireless Arena in Moline and hosted by Black Hawk College East. In addition to seeing world‐class horses in the judging competition in the afternoon, 4‐Hers will have the opportunity to participate in a free mini horse judging camp beginning at 9 am that morning. Not only will Illinois 4‐Hers be eligible to compete in the State 4‐H Contest Division (either in reasons or non‐ reasons), but they can dual enter in the Open Youth Reasons Division as an individual or part of an FFA, 4‐H, horse club or breed team. Online entry must be completed for the Open Youth Reasons Division. That entry form will available after February 1 at http://www.bhcnacta.com/ . The livestock and dairy judging contests will also have youth divisions and mini judging camps so please spread the word to anyone that might have interest in those opportunities. There are no entry fees for contests or judging camps. For more information about NACTA activities please visit http://www.bhcnacta.com/ Due to the anticipated size of the overall horse judging contest, this year pre‐registration is required for the 4‐ H state horse judging contest. A completed registration form (signed by someone at your extension office) must be sent to me at the address below by March 25, 2015. The 4‐H State horse judging contest rules are attached along with the registration form. Also attached are the rules for the NACTA contest. 4‐H State Horse Judging contest participants will judge all classes presented and give all sets of reasons designated by NACTA contest officials. However, to ensure consistency in competition rigor as compared to past and future state contests, six to eight classes of horses and two sets of reasons will be predetermined as the official classes for the state judging contest and only those scores will be included in results tabulation for the State 4‐H Judging contest. Should 4‐Hers also participate in the Open Youth Reasons division, scores for all classes judged and reasons given will be included in tabulation. Please direct questions about the contest to me at [email protected]. In the meantime, please mark your calendars for April 8th! Thanks, Deb Hagstrom State Equine Extension Specialist 1207 W. Gregory Drive Urbana, IL 61801 4-H STATE HORSE JUDGING CONTEST REGISTRATION CARD (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) DIVISIONS: (Please Circle One) 2) HORSES-NONREASONS 3) HORSES-REASONS TEAM NUMBER________ Use separate entry cards to enter participants in Reasons and Non- reasons. (ASSIGNED AT CHECK-IN) COUNTY____________________________ LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH (Street, City, Zip Code) Mth. Day (Numbers only) Yr. 1.__________________________ _______________________ ________________________________________ _____ _____ _____ 2. _________________________ _______________________ ________________________________________ _____ _____ _____ 3. _________________________ _______________________ ________________________________________ _____ _____ _____ 4. _________________________ _______________________ ________________________________________ _____ _____ _____ EXTENSION STAFF SIGNATURE_____________________________________________________(NOTE CARD MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY) Registration deadline: March 25, 2015 Mail entries to: Debra Hagstrom 1207 W. Gregory Drive Urbana, IL 61801 Completed registration forms can also be emailed to [email protected] ILLINOIS 4-H HORSE JUDGING CONTEST Coordinator: Debra Hagstrom, University of Illinois Extension Equine Specialist The Illinois 4-H Horse Judging Contest will be held at the iWireless Arena, Moline IL , on April 8, 2015. Pre-registration is required and should be sent to Debra Hagstrom, 1207 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801or emailed to [email protected] by March 25, 2015. The physical address of the iWireless Arena is 1201 River Drive, Moline, IL 61265. Driving directions and parking information are available at http://iwirelesscenter.com/DirectionsParking.aspx Note: 4-H members who have previously competed in the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup Judging Contest are NOT eligible to compete in the State 4-H Horse Judging Contest. The Illinois 4-H Judging Contest will determine the Illinois 4-H State Horse Judging Team semi- finalists. The top tier of Group I contestants from this contest will be invited to a private workout with the state 4-H Horse judging team coach to determine the four-member official 4-H State Horse Judging team which will represent Illinois 4-H at a national contest. Participation: A county may enter any number of 4-H participants. Contestants will compete in two groups: Group I - (Reasons) 4-H members wishing to try out for the State 4-H Judging Team. All Group I contestants must have passed their 14th and not their 19th birthday before January 1 of the current year. Only 4-H members eligible to be a member of the State 4-H Judging Team may compete in Group I. Each Group I contestant will give sets of oral reasons after all classes have been judged. At least one set will be on a designated halter class, and at least one set will be on a designated pleasure class. Note: Group I contestants will give a minimum of two sets of oral reasons. Group II - (Non-Reasons) Contestants not wishing to try out for the State Team. Group II contestants may be any age within 4-H age requirements. Group II contestants are not required to give oral reasons. Group II contestants will complete a questions class after all classes are judged. Classes: All contestants will judge six (6) classes of which at least two (2) will be halter classes. Halter classes may be selected from Appaloosas, Arabians, Morgans, Paints, Quarter Horses, Saddlebreds, Standardbreds, Thoroughbred Hunters, Tennessee Walking Horses, Missouri Fox Trotters, draft breeds or mules. Performance classes may be selected from Western Pleasure, Saddle Seat or Hunt Seat Pleasure, Hunt Seat Equitation, Western Horsemanship, Reining, Ranch horse pleasure or Tennessee Walking Horse Plantation Pleasure. Sixteen (16) minutes will be allowed for each class and eighteen (18) minutes will be allowed for reasons classes. Two (2) minutes will be allowed to give oral reasons to the judges. General Rules: 1. All contestants must be 4-H members and a record of their enrollment must be on file in the respective Extension office. Counties may find it more appropriate to select older youth for this statewide event. 2. Contestants need not be enrolled in a project pertaining to the field in which they participate; however, state judging events should be used to support the county/club 4-H livestock curriculum. 3. Pre-registration is to be made by March 25, 2015 on the attached entry form and mailed to Debra Hagstrom, 1207 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801or emailed to [email protected] . A registration card must be filled out completely for all 4-Hers that desire to participate and include a signature from the county extension office. 4. Members of past State 4-H horse judging teams who have represented Illinois at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup Judging Contest (and in some instances the AllAmerican Quarter Horse Congress Youth Horse Judging Contest) are ineligible to compete in the State 4-H Horse Judging Contest. 5. Members of teams having participated at national breed organization judging contests are eligible for the State 4-H Horse judging team as long as they have not competed at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup and in some instances the All-American Quarter Horse Congress Youth Horse Judging Contest. 6. Contestants and coaches will not be allowed near the classes to be judged before the 1:00 pm starting time. 7. Each contestant must have a pencil and eraser. Results and Awards The summary results in the contests will be emailed within five (5) working days of the contest to the County 4-H Contact. Detailed results and ribbons will be mailed within 2 weeks of the contest. Contestants will be ranked in three groups with blue, red and white ribbons awarded. Ribbons will not be awarded to county teams. Sponsor edby: Rules: 1. This contest will consist of placings classes with some classes requiring presentation of oral reasons. 2. Each school may enter two teams consisting of four (4) members. Only one team counts for sweepstakes (must I.D. that team before contest starts). 3. Individuals, in addition to, teams may also participate for individual awards. 4. Neatness of dress is encouraged. Contestants may not wear any pins, badges or article of clothing that identifies them personally or their team. Contestants will not be allowed to wear hats while judging classes, but may be worn when given oral reasons. 5. The possible classes to be judged will be chosen from the following: Halter classes: Quarter Horse Paint Horse Performance Halter Arab Halter Stock-type Halter Performance Classes: Western Horsemanship Hunt Seat Equitation Reining Trail Western Riding Hunter Hack Western Pleasure Hunter Under Saddle Ranch Horse Pleasure 6. This contest will consist of 2-4 halter and 4-8 performance classes. 7. All halter and performance classes are composed of four horses. Back numbers corresponding to horse numbers must be worn by all handlers or riders. 8. Four (4) sets of oral reasons will be given after all classes are places. Two (2) minutes will be permitted for the giving of each set of oral reasons. a. All classes are possible reasons classes 9. Contestants may carry note-taking materials into the arena, notes may not be used during the given oral reasons. 10. Contestants may assume all halter class horses to be sound. Performance classes are to be judged as seen. All exhibitors’ tack and attire to be considered legal. 11. Only contestants and those individuals assigned to assist with the contest are permitted in the arena during the judging. Judging is done on an individual basis. Any conferring between contestants or between a contestant and anyone other than the contestant’s group leader is grounds for dismissal of the contestant(s) from the contest. This policy stands in effect from the time the contest is officially started until the final contestant has given his or her oral reasons to the official reason taker. 12. Contestants are responsible for the proper marking of all class placing cards. Cards handed in without a class placing and / or a reassigned number will receive a score of zero. 13. Contestants an official judged will not be allowed to handle horses. 14. Official placings and cuts will be presented after completion or oral reasons. 15. Points are accumulated on the basis of 50 points per class for placing, 50 points per set of oral reasons. 16. The decision of the judge(s) is final.
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