Corner Broadwater and Ham Roads Mansfield Qld 4122 Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 07 3452 5333 Fax: 07 3452 5300 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! 17 February 2015 From the Principal that so many of our parents attended in order to support their students. Once again, many thanks are extended to our teachers who gave their time to make the evening a successful one. The Mansfield State High School Community has a wonderful vibe about it and as Principal I am very impressed with how quickly our students have settled back into learning. The uniform standard is looking excellent, the grounds are looking fantastic, the buildings are looking better by the day, students are engaged in their learning and doing their very best and our teachers are working hard to ensure quality learning and teaching is occurring in every lesson, every day. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents and caregivers for helping your children get ready for the 2015 school year. OP 1 and 2 Assembly Our school vision Quality Learning in a Caring Environment, certainly shapes our student learning and assessment and our teaching at Mansfield State High School. Every day when I walk around our school I am so impressed with all students as they strive for and achieve their individual success. While visiting each classroom, it is obvious that our students love learning and love being part of Mansfield State High School. Last week our Year 9, 10, 11 and 12 students attended a special assembly at which we had the pleasure of welcoming back our 2014 Year 12 OP 1 and 2 students to celebrate their success. We had the opportunity to hear the students’ academic achievements and what their future plans are. It was wonderful to see them back and we certainly enjoyed their stories. Unfortunately, because of private commitments some of our students were unable to attend; however, they were there in spirit. Well done to the Seniors of 2014! Year 7 and 8 Welcome Dance Student Handbook Our annual welcome dance was enjoyed by our Year 7 and 8 students as well as our school student leaders. It was also an informative evening for our parents as they had the opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers and learn about the subjects they study and the services and opportunities available to them. Many thanks to all the parents who attended and also to our teachers who helped make the night a success. Year 11 Information Evening Our Year 11 information evening was also a successful event at which our parents of our Year 11 students attended a night full of information to help understand the next two years of their students’ senior schooling. Our teachers certainly appreciated Our Student Handbook is a valuable tool to assist students in their planning and organisation of their study and co-curricular activities. Parents are asked to peruse your student’s Handbook on a weekly basis and to sign at the bottom of each page. Students should be writing SPECIFIC homework for each subject that they have that day. It might be something like: Revise Pages 34-37 of Science text book on Energy; Read Ch4 of ‘Holes’ novel; Think about wood joining skills; Write 3 paragraphs on Ancient Egypt. This is not only vital for students’ learning, but it also provides information for parents to assist in the monitoring process. We also ask all parents to view the School Handbook to familiarise themselves with the policies and rules of the school. Information includes: • Procedures and guidelines for student behaviour and welfare. • Procedures and guidelines for assessment, referencing and research. For ALL parents, please note that there is a section for notes between teachers and parents to be able to communicate on a weekly basis. There is a multitude of learning tips throughout the Handbook. Some of this information is included in our weekly Student Development Program. Please take the time to see what our Student Handbook offers to our students. Please also check that your student’s Handbook is free of graffiti, pictures, scribble etc. Thank you so much for your assistance. Get Involved in Our P&C Getting involved with a Parents & Citizens’ Association (P&C) can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but many people may be unsure of how it works. If you’ve never been involved in a P&C before, the Quick Guide for P&C Executive Officers is a great way to get familiar with what they do, and how you can help out. The guide sets out the roles and responsibilities of members in an easy-to-read format. The Quick Guide for P&C Executive Officers has been produced by the Queensland Council of Parents’ and Citizens’ Associations and Education Queensland and is available for download from the Department of Education and Training website at: quickguide-pc-executiveofficers.pdf Parking Restrictions Please do not set down, collect or park in any of the restricted zones near the entrances of the school, particularly the Broadwater Road Entrances near the Administration Building and the Ham Road Entrance near the Music Block. Please note that outside the Administration Building is a ‘NO STANDING’ zone that is frequently patrolled by the police or Council officers and the fines are heavy. Wherever there is a YELLOW LINE, vehicles are not to stop. Please DO NOT DRIVE INTO THE SCHOOL GROUNDS OR SCHOOL DRIVEWAYS at any time other than to collect a sick student from the Administration Block or for evening functions. There are many safe areas along Broadwater Road west of Ham Road for drop-off and pick-up. It would be appreciated if you would arrange to collect your student from a designated meeting place some one hundred metres away from the school. Thank you for trying to make our school environment safer. It is so important! We have two regulation size disability parking bays in the Ham Road car park, just next to the Music Block. This parking is available for motorists who require parking access with either RED or BLUE permits only. Please note these bays are clearly marked and are not for general parking use. We currently have students who require access to these parking bays at morning drop off, afternoon pick up and during the day. We ask parents to please refrain from accessing these spaces to ensure parents of students with disabilities can ensure safe and efficient access to the school. There is also a disability parking bay in the administration car park. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. 2 Assessment / Assignment Policy This might be an opportune time for parents to discuss the Assessment/Assignment Policies with their students. It is included on Pages M12-M14 of the Student Handbook. These policies need to be adhered to. Student Absence / Late Procedures A note from a parent or guardian in explanation of a student’s absence must be presented to the SDP Teacher (Student Development Program and roll marking teacher) within two days of returning to school. Except in special circumstances, failure to do so will result in a detention. If a student is to be absent for more than a couple of days, the parent needs to contact the relevant Deputy Principal to discuss the absence. If a student will be knowingly absent for assessment, it is school policy not to administer the test earlier. If a student is absent, a note of explanation from the parent/ guardian is to be brought on the day the student returns to school or at the latest on the following day. After this, an after school detention will be issued and parents will be advised of the date. Obviously it is in the best interest of everyone that the detention does not occur. Parents are also advised that instead of a note, you may phone the ABSENCE line 3452 5306 and press 9 and leave a message stating: Parent’s name, Relationship to student, Student’s name, SDP class, When absent, Reason (eg Matt Smith, Father of Gail Jones in 10D, absent today and tomorrow, as she has bronchitis.) An email may also be sent to the student’s SDP teacher; however this is not the preferred option. Your assistance with the process above is appreciated. Students Wanting to Leave Early During a School Day Students MUST have a note, to take to the Lower Office before school. They will be issued with a pass to then have signed by the teacher, from whose class they are leaving early. Just prior to the designated time of pick up, students then leave the class after showing their pass to the teacher, go to the Lower Office/Upper Office with the signed pass to leave and swipe out. No students are to leave classes, unless they have a pass issued to them. In a school of over 2060 students and the complexities that go with that, it is not possible unless in extreme emergencies, for students to be called from a class when a parent arrives at the school office. Wednesday afternoons are for MAP (a compulsory aspect of our curriculum), not for appointments, unless it is absolutely essential. Thank you for your understanding in these matters. Messages Parents/Guardians are requested to phone the school with a message for a student in an EMERGENCY situation only. This will ensure the efficient running of our school. Day to day matters such as where to collect students need to be discussed prior to students arriving at the school in the morning. Parents bringing items left at home to school for students such as lunches, forms or sports items, must be a rare occurrence. Messages for students may only be passed on from parents or guardians. Mrs Karen Tanks, Principal Faculty News 16 Years 1. Ryan Winters 1. Alicia Kane 2. Matthew Phillips 2. Rachel Ottley 17 Years 1. Joe Chen 1. Wenona Cramp-Church 2. Matthew Davis 2. Caitlin Profke Again, congratulations to all competitors and a huge thank you to all the staff and students who made the day run so effortlessly. Overall, a fantastic day was had by all! HPE Representative Sport Congratulations to Mitchell Bradbrook and Jessica Ashworth for selection in the Metropolitan East Triathlon team which competed in the State Championships. Cross Country Cross Country training is on every Tuesday and Thursday morning starting at 7:30am. Students are to meet under K Block and must wear sports uniform. To participate, students must collect permission forms from Mr Kalpakidis, and return them to him completed. Interschool Sport We have 28 junior interschool teams (290 students) and 16 senior interschool teams (160 students) involved in the South District weekly competition. Best wishes to those students! May the teal be with you! Swimming Carnival 2015 in the Year of House Spirit On Friday 6 February, Mansfield High held its swimming carnival. The day was made extremely successful by the impressive efforts that both staff and students put in! As usual, the fight for the top prize was fierce, with congratulations going to all the students who participated, as every point counted in the end. The winner at the end of the day was Schweitzer, with U Thant coming in second. There were some inspiring individual results also, with the following students taking out the runner-up and overall positions in the age championship competition: 12 Years 1. Joshua Mitchell 1. Brianna Mears 2. Megan Cocciolone 2. Jack Rollason 13 Years 1. Sean Kim 1. Ashleigh Magee 2. Dylan Wilson 2. Mineka Vedamuttu 14 Years 1. James Thompson 1. Caitlin Albert 15 Years 2. Tom Rawlins 2. Hannah Wainwright 1. Ryan Magee 1. Stella Karanasios 2. Matthew Cowan 2. Taylor Mitchell Mr Nick Kalpakidis, Sports Coordinator Mr Craig Healey, HOD (HPE) Information Technology (IT) QSchools Smartphone App is Available The QSchools App is a convenient way to share up-to-the minute information with the school community and is designed to integrate with our school’s website. When information is published to our website, the app is automatically updated with the latest news, events and newsletters. The school community can also receive emergency announcements such as natural disasters and school closures through the app. The QSchools App will be particularly useful to parents who have students in different schools, as the app manages updates from multiple schools in a single view. Additional benefits include: • searching for the nearest school by current location, postcode, school name or suburb and view school contact details; • adding multiple schools as favourites to enable parents to view updates from multiple schools in a single view, and • convenient and prompt method of receiving messages/information from school/s. The QSchools App is available for parents to download free. For more information view the DETE website . 3 Mathematics Music Introduction to High School Maths – Year 7 and 8 Parents Success for Young Instrumentalist Wednesday 4 March 2015 The Introduction to High School Maths sessions give parents of Year 7 and 8 students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the Mathematics curriculum and how it is being taught in 2015. The main aim is to help parents understand the assessment process, to look at the text book and how it is being used and to teach parents some maths so that they feel competent and confident when they are helping their students. Mr Broome, Head of Department - Mathematics, will lead one session in the afternoon (1-3pm) and one in the evening (7-9pm). Both sessions will be held in C1 and C2. C Block is the new building located on Broadwater Road. PLEASE NOTE – The evening session (7-9pm) is now full. There are still places available for the afternoon session (1-3pm). To secure your place, we ask that you pre-book your session by completing the Introduction to High School Maths tear-off slip at the end of this newsletter and returning it to the UPPER OFFICE no later than Monday 2 March. You then make a note of the date and time in your calendar and arrive for your chosen session. Congratulations to Year 11 student Daniel Elvery who was recently selected as a finalist in the Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s English Family Prize for Young Instrumentalists. Twenty-two young musicians auditioned with six finalists selected to perform in the Finalists Recital, held last night at the QSO Studio at Southbank. Daniel performed Concerto in Eb Major (Alexander Glazunov) on Alto Saxophone. He was awarded fourth place, receiving a cash prize to assist with further music studies. Well done Daniel! ACO Workshop Maths Tutoring Sessions Tutoring sessions are available in C Block for an hour before and after school for free by our teachers on the following days to assist students to improve their maths skills. Year 7 Thursday 3.10pm to 4.10pm The Australian Chamber Orchestra and Australian Chamber Orchestra 2 conduct String Workshops during their national and regional tours each year. Students become part of the ACO for a day, learning rehearsal and performance techniques. Students from different schools also combine to form a chamber orchestra with ACO players leading each section for an informal concert. This year four Mansfield students successfully applied to participate in the Brisbane workshop. Congratulations go to Ann Carew, Briony McConnell, Ellie Minto and Rebekah Malcolm. Thursday 3.10pm to 4.10pm Music Benefits Your Brain Friday 7.45am to 8.30am Tuesday 3.10pm to 4.10pm Wednesday 3.10pm to 4.10pm Year 8 Tuesday 3.10pm to 4.10pm Wednesday 3.10pm to 4.10pm Year 9 Wednesday 3.10pm to 4.10pm Year 10 Thursday 3.10pm to 4.10pm Friday 7.45am to 8.30am Maths A Maths B Wednesday 7.45am to 8.30am Maths C Thursday 3.10pm to 4.10pm Mr Peter Broome, HOD (Maths) 4 (Source: ExchangeEveryDay – 13 February 2015) “Playing music is the brain’s equivalent of a full-body workout," writes Maria Popova in her article, "How Playing Music Benefits Your Brain More than Any Other Activity," in Brain Pickings. "Playing an instrument engages practically every area of the brain at once — especially the visual, auditory, and motor cortices. And, as in any other workout, disciplined, structured practice in playing music strengthens those brain functions, allowing us to apply that strength to other activities…. Playing music has been found to increase the volume and activity in the brain’s corpus callosum — the bridge between the two hemispheres — allowing messages to get across the brain faster and through more diverse routes. This may allow musicians to solve problems more effectively and creatively, in both academic and social settings. Because making music also involves crafting and understanding its emotional content and message, musicians also have higher levels of executive function — a category of interlinked tasks that includes planning, strategising, and attention to detail, and requires simultaneous analysis of both cognitive and emotional aspects. This ability also has an impact on how our memory systems work. And, indeed, musicians exhibit enhanced memory functions — creating, storing, and retrieving memories more quickly and efficiently. Studies have found that musicians appear to use their highly connected brains to give each memory multiple tags, such as a conceptual tag, an emotional tag, an audio tag, and a contextual tag — like a good Internet search engine." Australian String Quartet As a special opportunity for families and friends within the school community, the Australian String Quartet is offering a special subscription offer to attend its concerts at the Conservatorium Theatre, South Bank, in March, September and November. For every student subscription purchased for $75 you will receive an adult subscription at no charge (valued at $174). For further details of the season concerts including the booking form visit . To redeem this offer simply quote SCHOOL on your booking form or when phoning the ASQ on 1800 040 444. Mrs Marg Overs, HOD (Music) Science Senior Schooling External Senior Exams Year 12 students wishing to apply to sit External Senior Examinations, particularly in the area of languages other than English, need to see Ms Wenzel in F13 this week to collect information packs. Students who sit for these exams usually have the results credited towards their OP. Students are eligible to sit a maximum of two examinations if they cannot study the subject/s at school and must be able to demonstrate they are receiving an appropriate level of tuition in the examination subject. All examinations occur in October and November 2015. Registration and payment is due by Monday 27 April 2015. TAFE TAFE Queensland and TAFE Skills Tech and a number of other TAFE institutions have now finalised their orientation process with most courses having already started. If your child is absent from their TAFE course please contact the relevant TAFE and advise of your child’s absenteeism on the day, as you would here at school. The school will also be contacted by the TAFE if a student is absent from their course. For those students who have taken up a placement in a course then decide that it is not their preferred pathway, they must see Ms Wenzel prior to withdrawing. It is extremely important that the school is notified once placement has been withdrawn, by email: [email protected] or phone: 3452 5333 as this may impact on your child’s ability to receive a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) at the end of Year 12. For students who have missed a place this year, the 2016 process will begin in September 2015. Yr 11 Biology Thank you to parents/caregivers for supporting your child in this exciting and new opportunity on which they are embarking. Ms Peta Wenzel, Acting HOD (Senior Schooling) Guidance News Australian National University (ANU) Tuckwell Scholarship Information Session Year 11 Biology students have the opportunity to participate in the SPARQed program in the last week of Term 3 (previously the work experience week for all Year 11 students). If students would like to do some advanced research in real biology programs at the Translational Research Institute (TRI) at Woolloongabba, check out the SPARQed Research Immersion Program online. Applications are online and the program costs $250 per student . Please see Ms Vander Spoel in S block for further details. 4.30pm–6pm Wednesday 25 February at Brisbane City Hall, 64 Adelaide St, Brisbane CBD. Representatives will be on hand to present on the possibilities open to students at the Australian National University. Speakers include: • Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Marnie Hughes-Warrington, • Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions Ms Angela Watkins, and • current Tuckwell Scholars Ms Terri Vander Spoel, HOD (Science) 5 This is no ordinary scholarship. Receiving a Tuckwell Scholarship is not just about your intellect. It is about your desire and determination to use your national abilities, if given the opportunity to realise your full potential so that you can make a difference in the world. The Tuckwell Scholarship program has a focus on giving back to Australia. It is the only one of its kind that nurtures Scholars to fulfil their wider ambitions over and above the pursuit of an undergraduate degree. Applications for study commencing in 2016 will open on 2 March 2015. For more information about the Tuckwell Scholarship or to RSVP please visit [email protected] or visit the Tuckwell Scholarship website. Australian Defence Force (ADF) Trade Careers Information Sessions The Navy, Army and Air Force are now recruiting for a wide range of trade, apprenticeship positions such as Marine Technician, Electrician and Avionics Technician. In these jobs you will be able to work on some of the country’s most advanced hardware – from F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets to M1A1 Abrams tanks to Seahawk helicopters. You will also receive many great benefits, such as free healthcare and subsidised accommodation. For more information on Trade Careers available in the ADF attend an information session on Thursday 19 February at 6pm at Defence Force Recruiting, Level 11, 410 Ann Street, Brisbane CBD. To RSVP to an information session please contact Alayna Bullock on 07 3016 2425 or email [email protected] – specifying your chosen location. Defence Force Careers Information Session Wednesday 25 February 2015. Two sessions at 6pm and 7pm at Defence Force Recruiting, Level 11, 410 Ann Street, Brisbane CBD. Mrs Karen Agnew/Ms Kamal Mistry, Guidance Officers Community News Chaplaincy at Mansfield Parents’ Prayer Group Chappy Glen would love to hear from any parents interested in becoming involved with the Parents’ Prayer Group. Please email him at [email protected] The meetings will be held at 2pm, fortnightly on a Monday and will finish to enable parents to collect their students at 3pm. If you are unable to attend the meetings but would like to know more, please still email Glen. Rauchle Service Club Valentine’s Day On Friday 13 February, $390 was raised for the Rauchle Club to donate to charities outside of the school from the sale of roses, chocolates and serenades to the school community for Valentine’s Day. Thank you to all supporters of this venture. 6 Special thanks to the Prefects who planned and conducted the sales. Pancake Day - Thursday 5 March Lunchtime at the Hall Batter up! By Alexandra Radke Yes, it’s nearly that time of year again! On Thursday 5 March the Hall will be filled with the aroma of fresh pancakes and syrup and maybe even ice-cream, as the Rauchle Service Club serves up its first annual fundraiser – Pancake Day. The money raised goes towards the various causes which Rauchle (pronounced rich-ly) supports from Guide Dogs Queensland, to Lauren, a student who we ensure has a decent quality of life on the other side of the world in Tanzania. All batter is made by hand from scratch by dedicated Rauchle members and the pancakes are cooked to perfection under the watchful eye of our resident pancake connoisseur, Chappy Glen. Recognition is also given to the dedicated Mrs Holley who oversees the massive undertaking of making the hundreds of pancakes needed to feed the growing number of Mansfield High students. We look forward to seeing you at the Rauchle Service Club’s Pancake Day where all pancakes are Rauchle by name, made richly by our volunteers, and enriched with syrup! YUM! Price List • Pancake with syrup $2 • Pancake with syrup & ice cream $2.50 • Cold drinks $1.50 • Meal deal with the lot $3.50 A Mansfield tradition, not to be missed! Smith Family Student2Student Program Year 9 and 10 students are invited to become buddies in the Smith Family student2student program. The program involves matching students from Years 3 to 8 who have reading difficulties with older students (buddies) from a different school who have high literacy skills in order to develop the reading skills of the younger students. The buddies are expected to telephone their young readers once or twice a week and listen to them read for 20 minutes. The program operates during terms 2 and 3 and is very rewarding for all involved. Any students interested in becoming buddies should see Mrs Holley in upper admin or email her [email protected] Environmental Council Clean Up Australia Day for Schools Friday 27 February In 2015 the Clean Up Australia Day organisation is celebrating 25 years of volunteer action across Australia. Last year, an estimated 572,406 volunteers cleaned up 15,708 tonnes at 7,140 sites across Australia. In 2015, the students of Mansfield High School will have the opportunity to clean up our school environment when we participate in Clean Up Australia Day for Schools on Friday 27 February. Don’t forget your hats and sunscreen and get involved and make a difference! Mobile Muster Not sure what to do with the old phones cluttering up your kitchen drawer? We can help! Just drop your old phone and accessories into the Mobile Muster collection box in the library. Mobile Muster is able to recycle 90% of the materials in mobile phones, batteries and chargers. This is such an easy way to help our environment. Thank you for your support! PS Stay tuned for our collection of spectacles, that are no longer required. P & C Membership 2015 All parents, guardians and friends of our school are cordially invited to become members of our Parents and Citizens’ Association. Our active P&C works closely with the school to achieve common goals and to build a stronger school community from which all students benefit. We need people from all walks of life and with a range of talents who are committed to delivering great outcomes for their children and school. P&C meetings are generally held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7.00pm in F-block, next to the assembly hall. Membership does not mean you have to attend meetings; however it does entitle you to vote on matters pertaining to our school. At the end of this Newsletter is a P & C Membership tear-off slip which you are invited to complete and return to the UPPER OFFICE. Please note that membership must be renewed on an annual basis. All memberships received before the date of the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 26 February will be automatically accepted at that meeting. P & C Annual General Meeting Thursday 26 February, 7.00pm F Block (next to the assembly hall) Everyone is invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the P&C. Memberships must be renewed every year as per the P&C Constitution and all new memberships and renewals received prior to the AGM will automatically be accepted. The first meeting of the P&C for this year will immediately follow the AGM. If you are interested in nominating for a position on the 7 P&C Executive Committee, please download the nomination form from the school website. Student Achievements We love to hear all about the wonderful achievements of our students (present and past), whether they be sporting, musical, cultural, or service. We also like to share this news with our community and the wider public. If you have a story to tell us, please contact Mrs Sue Holley on 3452 5337 or email [email protected] We just love to share the good news. Mrs Sue Holley, Community Liaison Officer PLEASE telephone the canteen directly on 3452 5323 if you are unable to attend on your rostered day. 16 MARCH 17 MARCH 18 MARCH 19 MARCH 20 MARCH M Asmussen K Oliver S Rapisardi T Barr M Gunton R Tucker Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 23 MARCH 24 MARCH 25 MARCH 26 MARCH 27 MARCH Y Chen I Jones L Look HELP NEEDED S Edgeworth V Chau Canteen News N O’Shea Canteen News Thank you to those people who have already offered to assist in the Canteen this year. Rosalie and Debbie are still looking for volunteers on the following days – 25 February, 26 February, 12 March, 26 March, 30 March and 31 March. If you would like to help on any of these days please call Rosalie or Debbie on 3452 5323 to discuss your availability. Canteen duty is not just for Mums – Dads and Grandparents are most welcome! Mrs Rosalie Buzzoni/Mrs Debbie O’Neill, Canteen Convenors Monday Tuesday 30 MARCH 31 MARCH HELP NEEDED HELP NEEDED Canteen Telephone: 3452 5323 Calendar of Events Monday 16 February Canteen Roster FRANCE EXCHANGE GROUP ARRIVES FROM ROUEN PLEASE telephone the canteen directly on 3452 5323 if you are unable to attend on your rostered day. Monday Tuesday 16 17 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY M Asmussen Wednesday 18 FEBRUARY Thursday Tuesday 17 February Friday S Rapisardi T Barr M Gunton Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday JUNIOR MAP BLOCK 1/SD SUMMER SPORT ROUND 2 MUSIC PARENT SUPPORT GROUP MEETING 7PM R Tucker Monday 23 24 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY S Phillips I Jones 25 FEBRUARY HELP NEEDED 26 27 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY HELP NEEDED Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 MARCH 3 MARCH 4 MARCH 5 MARCH 6 MARCH S Charlton J Chai A Lin N Amies J Burns S Smith 8 Thursday 19 February Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9 MARCH 10 MARCH 11 MARCH 12 MARCH 13 MARCH L Nicolson C Lowe A McKenzie Y Calligeros U Jasti HELP NEEDED Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING 1.10PM IN F BLOCK Friday 20 February 4-4 day SPECIAL ASSEMBLY – YRS 7, 8, 11 AND 12 – PRESENT TIP BADGES Lunch: BBQ to raise funds for a student whose house was burnt down A Weh Monday Monday Wednesday 18 February SENIOR MAP BLOCK 1/SD SUMMER SPORT ROUND 2 S Edgeworth N O’Shea NEWSLETTER AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE DISTRICT SWIMMING CARNIVAL 19 20 FEBRUARY FEBRUARY K Oliver CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM LUNCH: YEAR 7 TUG-OF-PEACE CONDUCTED BY PREFECTS AND TIP LEADERS Sunday 22 February YEAR 7&8 FRENCH IMMERSION PICNIC Monday 23 February CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM RAUCHLE SERVICE CLUB MEETING 1.10PM YEAR 10 CIC VISIT TO BOGGO ROAD MUSIC CAMP 1 MEETING IN HALL AT MORNING TEA Friday 6 March MUSIC CAMP 1 (UNTIL 5.30PM SUNDAY) Saturday 7 March MUSIC CAMP 1 LIONS YOUTH OF THE YEAR ZONE FINALS YEAR 11 HOSPITALITY STUDIES EXCURSION Tuesday 24 February ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL MEETING 1.10PM JUNIOR MAP BLOCK 1/SD SUMMER SPORT ROUND 3 Wednesday 25 February YEAR 11 EARLY CHILDHOOD EXCURSION SENIOR MAP BLOCK 1/SD SUMMER SPORT ROUND 3 Thursday 26 February CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM PREFECT MEETING 1.10PM Sunday 8 March MUSIC CAMP 1 Monday 9 March CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM RAUCHLE SERVICE CLUB MEETING 1.10PM Tuesday 10 March JUNIOR MAP BLOCK 1/SD SUMMER SPORT ROUND 5 Wednesday 11 March QDU DEBATING ROUND 1 – YEARS 10 AND 12 P&C MEETING 7PM IN F BLOCK (BESIDE HALL) Monday 2 March HEALTH EXPO IN HALL (LUNCH TIME) Thursday 12 March CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM 12 GEOGRAPHY EXCURSION TO BOGGO ROAD URBAN VILLAGE OPEN DAY NO.1 FOR YEAR 7 2016 OUT OF CATCHMENT STUDENTS – 9AM-12NOON IN ASSEMBLY HALL CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CHALLENGE AT QUT HOUSE CAPTAINS’ MEETING 1.10PM OZCLO LINGUISTICS OLYMPIAD ROUND 1 (ONLINE) FUTSAL STATE TITLES YEARS 11 AND 12 ECONOMICS RBA SEMINAR YEAR 11&12 MID-SEMESTER EXAM TIMETABLE AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS Tuesday 3 March YEAR 7 RELIGION PERIOD 1 SENIOR MAP BLOCK 1/SD SUMMER SPORT ROUND 5 YEAR 12 CATERING EXCURSION Friday 27 February ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL MEETING 1.1OPM NEWSLETTER ON WEBSITE TIP LEADER MEETING 1.10PM STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING 1.10PM IN F BLOCK Saturday 14 March LIONS YOUTH OF THE YEAR REGIONAL FINALS JUNIOR MAP BLOCK 1/SD SUMMER SPORT ROUND 4 FRANCE EXCHANGE GROUP DEPARTS Wednesday 4 March YEAR 8 RELIGION PERIOD 1 SENIOR MAP BLOCK 1/SD SUMMER SPORT ROUND 4 INTRO TO HIGH SCHOOL MATHS 1-3PM AND 7-9PM FOR PARENTS IN C BLOCK QDU DEBATING ROUND 1 – YEARS 9 AND 11 Thursday 5 March 4-4 Day PANCAKE DAY AS RAUCHLE SERVICE CLUB FUND-RAISER CROSS COUNTRY TRAINING 7.20AM 9 10
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