The Girl Scout Promise On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law The Girl Scout Law I will do my best to be honest and fair friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely make the world a better place, and be a sister to every Girl Scout. Who Can Participate in the Cookie Program? Any girl in grades K-12, registered with GSNYPENN for the 2015 Membership Year is eligible to participate. A signed permission slip is also required to participate. Any adult, registered/appointed with GSNYPENN for the 2015 Membership Year is eligible to participate as a volunteer. Please see your Community Development Manager (CDM). Read, sign & return the Cookie Program Volunteer Agreement , along with a signed copy of the 2015 Cookie Program Payment Policy Agreement to your Service Unit Cookie Coordinator (SUCC) before the start of the program. 1 Girl Scout Cookie Program is AMAZING! Yes, the Girl Scout Cookie Program is lots of fun. It’s also the largest girl-led business in the country and helps girls develop five key business and leadership skills that last a lifetime! 1. Goal Setting Your Girl Scout sets cookie sales goals individually and with her team, creates a plan to reach them, and develops Cooperation and Team Building skills all along the way! 2. Decision-Making Your Girl Scout helps decide how her team will spend their cookie money, furthering her Critical Thinking and Problem Solving skills that will help her in many aspects of her life. 3. Money Management Your Girl Scout takes cookie orders, handles customers’ money and gains valuable and Practical Life Skills around Financial Literacy. 4. People Skills Your Girl Scout learns how to talk to, listen to and work with all kinds of people while selling cookies. These experiences help her develop Healthy Relationship and Conflict Resolution skills she can use throughout her life. 5. Business Ethics Your Girl Scout is honest and responsible at every step of the cookie sale. Her business ethics here reinforce the Positive Values she is developing as a Girl Scout. 2 Whether looking inside of a box of Girl Scout cookies or inside of a girl, you can always find something AMAZING INSIDE! This year’s theme can help bring out the amazing in all of us! What is This Year’s Program Theme? 3 Cheers for Rah Rah Raisins! 4 Mark your calendars for Saturday January 10 for the celebration event of the season! Check our website for more information! Grab your party hat, kazoos, birthday candles, and confetti because it’s going to be a SAMOAS BIRTHDAY BASH! We have a lot to celebrate this season. Not only do we have a new cookie, but the ever popular Samoas turns 40 this year! Look Who’s 40! Let’s Celebrate! This Girl Scout cookie season, Girl Scouts will offer customers a new cookie that builds on the latest food trends. Rah-Rah Raisins are made with whole grain oats, plump juicy raisins and trendy Greek yogurt-flavored chunks. A delicious addition to the already AMAZING cookie line up. Don’t forget the Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils and Savannah Smiles! YUM! How Much is a Box of Girl Scout Cookies?? Girl Scout Cookies for GSNYPENN are $4.00 a box. GS Cookies are paid at the time of delivery to the customer. The price of a box of cookies cannot be altered in any way for any reason. Remember: GS Cookies CANNOT be sold on eBay, Craigslist or any other similar site. Stay tuned more information! Girls can ask customers to purchase cookies through the Digital Order Card and earn the Cookie Techie patch. 3 How the Cookie Crumbles Troop earnings are based upon the Per Girl Average (PGA), which is computed by taking the total number of boxes sold divided by the total number of girls selling. For example: 1450 boxes/10 girls selling=145 PGA. The eBudde system calculates it for you! Proceed Levels! Qualifiying C/S/A troops will now earn: 140-149 PGA = $0.63 per box 150-199 PGA = $0.68 per box 200+ PGA = $0.73 per box 6 Registered older Girl Scout troops (Girl Scout C/S/A only!) have an opportunity to earn 5 cents more per box for their troop with the Older Girl Opt-Out option. The troop must have a minimum 140 PGA by the end of the sale to qualify. If earned, girls will only receive initial order rewards, Cookie Dough and patches. GS C/S/A Troops that enroll will have to unanimously agree to not receive rewards. The Opt-Out form (found online) must be completed by the girl and her parent/guardian and returned to the Cicero Service Center no later than Friday 2/27. Older Girl Opt-Out Plus, all selling GS will receive the Super Seller Pin! Troops that achieve 160+PGA by the last day of the sale on 4/12 will receive a $25 troop bonus! This $25 bonus is in addition to $0.63 (or $0.68) per box, based on the troop’s final PGA! Troop Bonus! Based upon a troop’s Girls Selling PGA, r we & the troop treasury will receive the following: Lo 1-149 PGA = $0.58 per box els lev re ! 150-199 PGA = $0.63 per box mo eeds 200+ PGA = $0.68 per box oc pr 100% of the proceeds from the Cookie Program, after payment to Little Brownie Bakers, stay local to help support Girl Scouting in GSNYPENN Pathways! Cookie Money Distribution at $4.00 per box o $0.58 to $0.73 Troop Earnings Directly supports Troop activities o $0.15 Girl Reward Program Pays for the cost of patches, rewards & Cookie Dough o $2.13 Membership, Program & Volunteer Services, and Service Unit Bonus Provides funds for program events and support services, adult recruitment and trainings, maintenance of council properties and the NEW SU Cookie Bonus o $0.99 Little Brownie Bakers Cost of the cookies GSNYPENN’s Sales Goal Last season, our final PGA was 138 boxes! For this season, GSNYPENN has a goal of 145 PGA boxes. That means that of all the girls that are selling, we would like to have a per girl average (PGA) of 145 boxes. We can make it! Every girl should be given an equal opportunity to experience the power of the cookie program. Our goal is to have 100% girl participation. Together, we can do anything! 5 Girl Inspired Rewards With the exception of Cookie Dough, all rewards are cumulative, including the Initial Order rewards! Images of all the items can be found on the girl order card. Reward levels range from 25+ boxes to 1250+ boxes. Rewards will be mailed to your SUCC in May (except for items earned at 750+, they will be mailed to each eligible girl). Cookie Dough Girls can earn Cookie Dough at the following levels: 200+ boxes = $15 Cookie Dough 500+ boxes = $50 Cookie Dough 1000+ boxes = $100 Cookie Dough 1250+ boxes = $15 Cookie Dough Cookie Dough will expire Friday, December 18, 2015! Cookie Dough is Not cumulative! How Can my Girls use their Cookie Dough? o Annual or Lifetime Girl membership registration fees o GSNYPENN resident camp o Girl fees for program events which GSNYPENN accepts registration o At any of our GSNYPENN retail boutiques or camp trading posts! Cookie Dough cannot be used towards earned awards or camp deposits. Cookie Dough is not transferable or cumulative. 7 Earned Patches If earned, the Cookie Techie and Gift of Caring Patches can be ordered with the final reward submit on Thursday, April 16. o Cookie Techie - girls that sell at least 25+ boxes through the Digital Order Card will earn the Cookie Techie patch! o Gift of Caring - any girl that sells 15+ boxes for the Council GOC program will automatically earn this patch! See page 16 for more information! o National GS Cookie Weekend Troops that work together to go door to door during NGSCW can earn this patch. This patch is not ordered through eBudde. Please visit to see how to order! Orders are due by Friday 3/6. Can’t Get Enough Cookie Patches?? We will also have additional cookie patches (and pin) for sale in our Girl Scout Boutiques. Please call 800.943.4414 to place your order o Booth Sales - if a girl participates in a booth sale with her troop, she can earn this patch. o Volunteer - any volunteer that helps with the cookie program is eligible for this patch. o Goal Getter - any girl that sets a sales goal and reaches/exceeds it is eligible for this patch. o 2015 Cookie Program Activity Pin if a girl follows the guidelines set by GSUSA, she is eligible for the pin. Visit our website for more! 8 Where Can I Find More Helpful Information? o Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways, Inc. website. You will find links to LBB website and eBudde. Also, you will be able to download/print important cookie sales forms and paperwork. o Little Brownie Bakers website o troop website for ordering cookies and rewards o watch fun videos, safety checkpoints and more from GSUSA! o complete list of all local booths in your area Who Can I Contact for More Help? ) or ( ) If you need help with anything related to cookies, please contact your SU Cookie Coordinator (SUCC). They are available to help you with all aspects of the cookie program. My SUCC is: Their email: Their phone #: ( You can always email [email protected] and someone from GSNYPENN will return your email as soon as possible. Additionally, contact GSNYPENN’s Customer Service line (800)943.4414 and someone will be able to assist you during normal business hours! 9 First-Aid & After Hour Emergencies Follow the guidelines and procedures as established by Safety-Wise and GSNYPENN. Call 1(800)943.4414 and follow the instructions! A staff member will contact you ASAP!!! COOKIE SHORTAGES/ISSUES? PLEASE CONTACT GSNYPENN DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS! 10 Updated Booth Sale Rules and Regulations Please visit to view our Booth Sale Rules and Regulations prior to attending any booth sale. The Booth Sales Rules and Regulations agreement must be signed by TCM/Leader prior to February 7. Troops are now required to complete a Troop Activity Form 2 weeks prior to each booth sale, as per Volunteer Essentials. Girl Scout Booth Sales Ratios Each troop must review and sign the Troop Cookie Manager Agreement and Booth Sale Rules & Regulations prior to the start of the program on 2/7. The Booth Sale Rules & Regulations breakdown the Girl:Registered Adult ratios for GS D/B/J and GS C/S/A age levels. These ratios provide the appropriate girl coverage to ensure adequate supervision of girls, cookies, money, etc. during a booth sale. Credit Cards at Booth Sales! Want to boost the number of boxes sold at booth sales? Have a Smart Phone? NYPENN will offically permit troops to use Smart Phone credit card readers! There are many inexpensive devices on the market that will make it easier for troops to collect funds at a booth sale. Such as: Pay Anywhere, Square Card, Spark Pay, etc. If a troop decides to use such a device, it will be up to the troop to set up the program through their troop bank account. Research from other GS councils offering this option to troops and LBB shows the financial benefits of offering a credit card to customers outweighs the fees that go along with that. In summary, this option is beneficial to the troop and a great way to increase troop cookie sales. 15 SU/Troop Booths in eBudde If your troop has an individual booth location (i.e. partnering with a small business in your area), please make sure to add that booth location to eBudde 72 hours prior to the start of the booth. o Login to eBudde o Click the BOOTH SITE tab on top navigation bar o Click on MY SALES o Click on the ADD A LOCATION and fill in the blanks! Only sites approved by your CDM/SUCC are permitted. Council Sponsored Booth Scheduling for Troops Mark your calendars! Troops will have several opportunities to sign up for council booth locations. During each time, troops will be able to sign up for ONE council booth. Each sign up starts at 7pm. The sign up dates are: o Sunday 2/15 o Wednesday 2/18 o Tuesday 3/3 How to Sign up for a Booth Location: o Login to eBudde & Click BOOTH SITE tab on top navigation bar o Click on LOCATION (i.e. Wal-Mart) & then CITY (i.e. Ithaca) o Click on the DATE desired o After the date is chosen a box will open on the right side of the screen with available times. If a time slot is full, you will see CLAIMED in that slot. If a time slot is open, click on the available time, and your troop number will populate the box. Be sure to click on SUBMIT to reserve your slot! o If all times are taken, go to the next date desired and continue on until an open slot is selected. Locations written in green have openings available. After securing your time(s) and location(s), click on CURRENT SIGNUPS to see your location! Recommendation: print and bring your troop’s signup sheet to each booth sale. Remember: Troops can order additional cookies for their booth sales when they submit their Initial Order in eBudde by Friday 2/27 at 11:59pm. Do not over order. You can always get more cookies! Initial Cookie Deliveries and Pick Ups Cookies will be delivered starting the week of March 16. There are three different ways cookies will be received/delivered depending on which service unit your troop is associated with. o Warehouse pick-ups o Cookie Drops o Service Unit Deliveries Your SUCC will inform your troop where/ what time/day your troop will receive their cookies! Stay tuned for more! Cookie Problems? Check your orders for correct counts and potential damages. You will have 48 hours to report all overages/shortages/damages. Please email [email protected] if you need a replacement or need an adjustment on your bill. Any unreported overages/shortages/damages from inital order will not be adjusted to your bill after Monday, March 23! Product Complaints If you have a customer that is unhappy with their box of cookies, please offer them a replacement or refund. Or bring the empty box to your nearest Service Center for a replacement or GSNYPENN staff will adjust your bill. Customers can also contact Little Brownie Bakers directly by calling 1.800.962.1718 Do not discuss complaints with the media. Direct all media related questions to Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways, Inc. 17 Need More Cookies? Before you place an order with one of our convenient cupboard locations, please contat your SUCC. They might know of a troop in your SU that has what you are looking for! Please visit our website or contact your SUCC for specific cupboard locations and hours of operation! Pending Cupboard Orders With the help of eBudde, TCM can place a pending cookie order for cases at any of our council cupboard locations. Through the pending orders, TCM can select from our many convenient cupboard locations, they can choose which varieties they need (full cases only), and they can select the date/time of pick up that fits within their schedule (based on the hours of operation of that specific cupboard). Be sure to add your contact information if the cupboard manager has any questions! Too Many Cookies? Communication is key when it comes to cookies! If your troop has too many cookies, be sure to let your SUCC know ASAP!!! Your SUCC will be able to find a troop in your service unit that may need what you have too many of! If your troop does not sell/transfer them by 4/12/15 your troop is responsible to pay for them. GSNYPENN does not except RETURNS! 18 Remember...Once cookies go out to troops, they cannot be returned!!! Try additional Cookie Booths, Door2Door selling or support a Gift of Caring (GOC) program! Be sure to keep your SUCC informed throughout the sale. Our goal is for troops to have no cookies left unsold. Toffee-Tastic Gluten Free Cookies Are Here! We ‘re excited to bring you a gluten-free cookie with an indulgently rich flavor that meets the expectations of loyal Girl Scout cookie buyers AND creates new chocies for consumers with gluten-free lifestyles. At the request of Girl Scouts across the nation, Little Brownie Bakers is proud to announce Toffee-tastic Girl Scout Cookies, a gluten-free variety that is sure to delight our Girl Scout Cookie customers. Toffee-tastics are buttery cookies packed with golden toffee bits bursting with flavor. Crisp and delightfully rich, Toffee-tastic just might inspire girls to set a fantastic new goal and make new friends along the way. The Toffee-Tasic cookie will not be available for the initial order but it will be available at select cupboards in time for booth sales. Troops will be able to place a pending order for Toffee-tastic gluten-free cookies in full cases only. The Toffee-Tastic will sell for $5/box and eBudde will adjust the sales report automatically based on the number of cases picked up. Limited quantities available. See page 18 for more information about our cupboards. Council Gift of Caring (CGOC) Program! For the 2013 Cookie Program, Girl Scout supporters purchased a total of 625 cases of cookies to be donated to the Military Family Assistance Center through the CGOC program. That’s 7,500 boxes! In 2014, we nearly doubled our donations! Girl Scout supporters purchased a total of 1,100 cases of cookies. Thank you to the troops and girls that partipated and promoted this great program! Again for this year, girls that sell 15+ boxes for the CGOC program will receive this seaons Gift of Caring patch! Council Gift of Caring cookies will be donated to the Military Family Assistance Center. This facility shares the donated cookies with Veteran groups, military members and family members throughout New York State. Don’t forget, troops will still be able to support their own Troop GOC (TGOC) program in addition to the CGOC. The GOC patch is only earned with participation through the Council Gift of Caring program. 20 Product Sales Check Policy As of June 30, 2011 3/21/15 #2304 o All checks accepted by the troop must be made payable to: Girl Scout Troop #XXXXX (ex: Troop 10999) o All checks MUST have the following information: o Name and address printed on the check o Phone number (including area code) printed or written on the check o Driver’s license number printed or written on the check o In the event a check bounces in the troop account, GSNYPENN Pathways, Inc. will reimburse the troop for the face value of the bounced check IF and ONLY IF ALL of the above information is on the check! o NO STARTER CHECKS ACCEPTED! Date: Sample of acceptable check: Mr. & Mrs. Cookie 100 Girl Scout Lane Binghamton, NY 13790 (607) 724-6572 NYSDL #555-555-555 Payable to: Girl Scout Troop #12345 Amount: $ 20.00 twenty -----------------------------00/100 dollars 5 boxes of mints Signature: Mrs. Cookie Memo: Parent Collection Policy DO NOT PAY FOR A PARENT COLLECTION WITH TROOP PROCEEDS! Only Parent Collections with signed permission slips and signed cookie receipts will be accepted!! If you do not receive payment from a parent, send in a completed Parent Collection form, along with a copy of the signed Parent Permission Slip and copies of signed cookie receipts. All documentation must be submitted by 4/10 to: GSNYPENN, Attn: Product Sales Department 8170 Thompson Road, Cicero, New York 13039 21 Payment Policy Each troop is required to complete the 2015 Cookie Program Payment Policy Agreement before the start of the program on 2/7. All payments will be process through 2 scheduled ACH (Automatic Clearing House) debits. Your SUCC will provide you with the 2015 Cookie Program Payment Policy Agreement. A voided check, copy of a check or an official bank ACH letter must be attached to the form. Please note: if and only if your troop provided a voided troop check, copy of troop check or an official bank ACH letter for the 2014 Fall Program, your troop will not be require to resubmit the information for the 2015 Cookie Program. However, the payment policy agreement must be signed to participate. ACH Debit Schedule o Thursday, April 2, 2015 o 50% of Initial Order payment o Email [email protected] by Monday, March 30 if not able to make payment, otherwise 50% of Initial Order payment will be transferred on 4/3. o Thursday, April 23, 2015 o Final debit - remainder of balance owed o Email [email protected] Monday, April 20 in not able to make full payment or if parent collection is involved. Otherwise the remainder of balance owed will be transferred on 4/24. Please note: it will take 3-5 business days for the funds to be debited from the account from the time of withdrawl. 22 Table of Contents 1. Girl Scout Promise and the Girl Scout Law Who Can Participate in the Cookie Program? 2. 5 Skills for Girls How Much is a Box of Girl Scout Cookies? New and Exciting Packaging 3. What is This Year’s Program Theme? How Much is a Box of Girl Scout Cookies? 4. 3 Cheers for Rah Rah Raisins Look Who’s 40! Let’s Celebrate! 5. How Does the Cookie Crumble? NYPENN’s Goal 6. Proceed Levels New! Troop Bonus Older Girl Opt-Out 7. Girl Inspired Rewards Cookie Dough and How Girls Can Use It! 8. Amazing Earned Patches 9. Where Can I Find More Helpful Information? 10. Keeping Our Girls Safe 11. Troop Cookie Manager Learning Opportunities 12-14. Cookie Program Calendar 15. Updated Booth Sale Rules and Regulations Girl Scout Booth Sale Ratios New! Credit Cards at Booth Sales 16. SU/Troop Booths in eBudde 17. Initial Cookie Deliveries and Pick Ups Cookie Problems and Complaints 18. Need More Cookies? Pending Orders Too Many Cookies 19. Toffee-Tastic Gluten Free Cookies Are Here! 20. Council Gift of Caring (CGOC) Program 21. Check Policy Parent Collection Policy Payment Policy ACH Debit Schedule 22. 13 Sun Mon Tues 1 2 3 8 9 15 16 Wed Thurs Fri Sat 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 Sponsored 21Council Booth Sales Start! 27 28 Booth Sale Scheduler opens at 7pm. Stay tuned for more info! Initial Order Cookie Delivery Your SUCC and Council eBlasts will have specific pick-up/delivery information! 22 23 24 29 30 31 Sun Mon 25 26 March Tues Wed Girls can earn the “Booth Sale” patch by participating in any booth sale! Patches available for sale in our GS Boutiques! Be sure to complete a booth sale activity form, review the information on page 15-16 in this book and add booth location to eBudde! Fri Sat Thurs 1 2 3 4 6 7Have girls contact 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 April Dates and information subject to change. Check often. Stay in contact with your SUCC for information. Check your email for regular eBlasts! Email questions to [email protected] 5 COOKIE PROGRAM ENDS!! And last day of Booth Sales! customers from I/O to see if they want any last minute cookies before the sale ends on 4/14 14 Final rewards will be mailed to each SUCC in May to distribute to troops ACH PULL 50% of Initial Order See page 22 for more info TCM final eBudde submit! FINAL ACH PULL FOR REMAINING COOKIE BALANCE
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