Follow KMS on facebook Parashat Terumah February 20 - 27, 2015 2 - 8 Adar 5775 Shabbat Tefilla Times: Shabbat Candle Lighting 5:33 pm (Plag 4:42 pm) Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat 5:35 pm (Youth-Led Ruach Minyan, Youth Beit Midrash) 5:35 pm (Sanctuary) Shacharit 7:00 am, 8:00 am 8:45 am, 9:15 am Shabbat Ends: 6:32 pm Candle Lighting Next Shabbat: 5:40 pm (Plag 4:48 pm) Shabbat Mincha 5:20 pm (Sanctuary) Shabbat Speakers and Shiurim: Hashkama: Jacob Licht 8:00 am: Barbara Blaustein 8:45 am: Zanvy Lesnoy, Rabbi Brahm Weinberg Youth: Mrs. Elana Weinberg Mechy Frankel's Gemara Shiur: 9:00 am - Classroom F David Eisenman's Gemara Shiur Will not be held this week Shiur by Rabbi Brahm Weinberg 4:15 pm "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished . . Or Does It? The Rule of Double Effect and the Consequences of our Behavior" Between Mincha/Maariv Yitz Kasdan "Shaatnez and Organ Donations" Weekday Tefilla Times: All services are held in the Beit Midrash unless otherwise noted. Sunday Tuesday Shacharit: 8:00 am Shacharit: 7:00 am (Sanctuary) Mincha/Maariv: 5:35 pm Shacharit: 9:00 am Maariv: 9:00 pm (Youth-Led, Sanctuary) Mincha/Maariv: 5:30 pm Wednesday Monday Shacharit: 7:00 am Shacharit: 6:45 am Mincha/Maariv: 5:35 pm Mincha/Maariv: 5:35 pm Maariv: 9:00 pm Maariv: 9:00 pm Thursday Shacharit: 6:45 am (Sanctuary) Mincha/Maariv: 5:35 pm Maariv: 9:00 pm Friday Shacharit: 7:00 am Educational Programming for the Week of February 23: Rabbi Bieler's classes will resume in March. Monday 8:00 pm at the home of Dinah Haramati Short Stories of Agnon Wednesday 8:00 pm at KMS, Rabbi Haramati Prophets and Biblical Poetics Tuesday 8:00 pm at KMS, Rabbi Haramati Ancient & Modern Tora Commentaries Welcome to Rabbi Brahm and Mrs. Elana Weinberg The schedule for Shabbat is as follows: On Friday night, Rabbi Weinberg will daven in the Youth Beit Midrash with the Youth-Led Ruach Minyan and deliver a short D'var Torah. At 9:15 pm, Rabbi Weinberg will give a shiur in the main sanctuary. On Shabbat morning, Rabbi Weinberg will give the D'var Torah after Musaf. Mrs. Elana Weinberg will speak at the Youth Minyan. At 4:15 pm, Rabbi Weinberg will give a shiur in the Main Sanctuary. Motzei Shabbat, Mrs. Weinberg will give a 30 minute talk at 8:30 pm, and at 9:00 pm Rabbi Weinberg will participate in a Q&A session. Please click here to get a detailed version of the weekend's schedule. Mazal Tov: Mazal Tov to David and Shulamith Lesnoy on the Bar Mitzva of Zanvy. Mazal tov also to siblings Charne, Deena, Yaakov and Ariella, and to grandparents Rabbi Tuvia and Feigy Grauman and Herb and Helen Lesnoy, and all aunts, uncles, and cousins. Mazel Tov to Bertha and Jack Spiro on the birth of their second great-grandson, 2nd son to Yael and Ari Horovitz and brother to Natan of Modiin. Proud grandparents are David and Tzippy Spiro Horovitz of Beit Shemesh. Condolences Condolences to Joseph Cohn on the death of his father, Yaakov Eliyahu ben Chaim Mordechai (Ha Cohen), z''l. The funeral will be in Milwaukee. Shiva information will be forthcoming. Kiddush: Hashkama Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Lily and Saadia Greenberg in memory of Lily's mother, Tzipporah Nadel, z''l and by Michael and Marti Herskowitz in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Julius Herskowitz, z''l. 8:00 am Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by Howard and Rosanne Benn in memory of their parents, Natalie Rifas Blum, Howard Blum, and Fay Benn and in honor of the 43rd wedding anniversary of Howard and Rosanne. 8:45 am Minyan Kiddush is sponsored by David and Shulamith Lesnoy in honor of the Bar Mitzva of Zanvy, and by KMS in honor of Rabbi Brahm and Mrs. Elana Weinberg. Youth Minyan Kiddush is provided by KMS. Kiddush Committee Duty This Shabbat: Elikan/Goldstein Next Shabbat: Agassi Security Duty This Shabbat: Plotinsky Next Shabbat: Schloss Purim Activities Purim is coming and one of the main mitzvot of the holiday is matanot l’evyonim (gifts to the poor). Please donate to the KMS Tzedakah Fund and we will arrange for distributions of matanot l’evyonim to the poor of Israel and our community on Purim to fulfill the mitzvah. Please send your checks to the shul office made out to the KMS Tzedakah Fund with a notation that it is for Purim or donate online through the KMS Tzedakah Fund click here. If you have any questions, please contact Karen or Jeff Wasserstein ([email protected]; [email protected] ). March 1, 2015: 10 am - noon: Purim Carnival! KMS and YISE are proud to join forces for a community Purim Carnival at KMS. Join us for carnival games, Hamantaschen baking, mask making, Purim storytime and singalong. Each person who makes a Mishloach Manot basket will be given the name and address of someone in the community to give the basket to in the days leading up to Purim. Cost is $6 per person (children 2 and older), family maximum $18. For more information please contact Rabbi Moses at [email protected] or Gary Winters at (301) 592-1578 or [email protected]. Current Events: February 21, 2015: Bnei Akiva Snif meets this Shabbat at 4:20 pm for all 3d-6th graders. Walking groups leave Shomrei Emunah at 4 pm. February 22, 2015: 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm, DCJCC: 5th Annual Community Education Day on Arab Citizens of Israel is an opportunity to learn about the daily lives and challenges of Israel’s largest minority group, its Arab citizens. The program is presented by the Embassy of Israel, the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, the JCRC, and others. The afternoon begins with a keynote address by Dr. Dalia Fadila, president of Al-Qasemi College of Engineering and Science, followed by a panel discussion with Dr. Fadila; Dan Arbell, scholar-in-residence, Center for Israel Studies at American University; and Safa Garb, JDC division director, Arab Society and Infrastructure; and moderated by Rabbi Sid Schwarz, co-chair of the Greater Washington Forum on Israeli Arab Issues (GWFIA). A highlight of the program is the D.C. premiere of "Dancing Arabs", followed by a reception and discussion. "Dancing Arabs" is a bittersweet ‘80s coming-of-age drama about a gifted Arab teenager who wins the opportunity to attend a prestigious Jewish boarding school. Isolated and lonely at first, he begins to fit in and form close friendships, but heartbreak, personal tragedy, and politics threaten to destroy his adolescent idyll. As the teen moves into manhood, he is faced with impossible decisions about where he will stand — and who he will be. The film is suitable for adults and older teens. RSVP online for Community Education Day and purchase tickets ($12 each) for "Dancing Arabs": 70 Days for 70 Years, KMS is participating in this ongoing worldwide self-study program that has multiple start dates in 2015. It is designed to engage and empower participants in a global project in memory of Holocaust victims and create a positive learning experience. For further information, contact Beth Lichy at [email protected]. The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) is reaching out to Holocaust survivors, children of survivors and their families to be recognized personally during a community-wide candle lighting ceremony commemorating Yom HaShoah which is taking place on Sunday afternoon, April 12, 2015. To learn more information about how you or your family members can participate, please contact Save the Date: February 28, 2015: Bracha Rutner, our Yoetzet Halacha, will be with us for Shabbat. She will be speaking at the Hashkama Minyan and between Mincha and Maariv on "What's Hiding in Your Jewish Genes: Ensuring Healthy Children in the Next Generation." March 7, 2015: Our first Malave Malka of the year features Dr. Sylvia Barack Fishman, professor and master teacher from Brandeis University, who will be discussing "Modern Orthodoxy in the Spectrum of American Jewish Life." Click here to make your reservations. March 14, 2015: 8:30 pm, A special Malave Malka with Senator Ben Cardin. Click here to make your reservations. March 15, 2015: 6:00 pm, KMS Annual Dinner and 25th Anniversary Celebration March 15, 2015: Join KMS and Berman Hebrew Academy on Good Deeds Day, as we partner with Bikur Cholim to clean and fill the local kosher pantries at Children's Hospital and Shady Grove Adventist Hospital (children over 15 and adults). Upper School students can receive community service hours. We will meet at KMS at 10am to distribute Good Deeds Day t-shirts and split into carpools. We will return to KMS at 1 pm. Please contact Naomi Carmel for any questions at [email protected]. KMS will also be holding an ongoing Passover food drive for Bikur Cholim. Lower School Students, send us a picture of you picking out a food item to donate, and we'll post it in the KMS lobby! There will be a prize awarded to the child who shows the most ruach! Please contact Naomi Carmel to sign up or for any questions at [email protected]. March 21, 2015: The renowned Bible scholar and teacher, Judy Klitsner, from Pardes, will be Scholar in Residence. Details will be announced soon. Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month Activities February 21, 2015: 7:45 pm, Reelabilities—Greater DC Special Preview Screening of "White Balance." This is a coming-of-age story about Itamar, a boy who has a passion for ice skating, but is slowly losing his hearing and his balance. This free screening will take place at Beth Sholom Congregation, 11825 Seven Locks Road, Potomac, MD, and is open to the public. For more information, contact Sara Milner at [email protected]. February 22, 2015: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm, Strengths to Strength: Disability Inclusion Now & Next— Individuals with disabilities, their families and the community are invited to come together to help inform the future of disability inclusion in our local area. The event will take place at The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, 6101 Executive Blvd, North Bethesda, MD. For more information, contact Lisa Handelman at [email protected] or 301-230-7278. The event is free. Please register here: February 25, 2015: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Jewish Disability Advocacy Day. The Jewish Disability Network invites the community to participate in a day of learning and lobbying. The event will take place at the Capitol Visitor's Center. For more information, contact Allison Redisch at [email protected]. The cost is $72. Please register here: There is more information about other Jewish disability awareness programs on the Jconnect Jewish Disability Awareness Month webpage ( ). Youth News: Youth Minyan Kiddush: If you are interested in sponsoring a Kiddush, please contact Avi Warshawsky, at [email protected] or to sign up online, click here. Opportunities to Get Involved and Help: We are excited to announce the launch of a new initiative that will improve our KMS-sponsored kiddushim. The "Kiddush Fund" is a great opportunity for members to celebrate milestones without the full financial responsibility of a sponsored kiddush, while also lending support to the weekly kiddush that would otherwise have been sponsored by the shul. Contributors to the Kiddush Fund will be listed on the Shabbat sheet each week. We look forward to your support as we launch this fund and celebrate many enjoyable Shabbatot together. For your convenience, please click here to make a donation. Gabbai Volunteers Needed to join the Friday night and Shabbat Mincha 4-week rotations and weekday Mincha/Maariv and 9:00 pm Maariv-only rotations. Contact: [email protected] or speak to any of the Gabbaim. Given the difficulties we've been experiencing making Mincha minyanim (the very early time, regulars are away, etc), KMS is establishing a list of members who aren't necessarily always able to attend but who are around Kemp Mill in the afternoon and would be willing to be called to come if necessary. Please click here to volunteer. The KMS Tzedaka Fund helps people in need in the greater Kemp Mill Community. Donations to the Tzedaka Fund would help us meet these requests. Please give generously to the KMS Tzedaka Fund by sending your tax-deductible donation to the KMS office. Checks should be made payable to the KMS Tzedaka Fund. If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact Rabbi Bieler [email protected]) or Karen and Jeff Wasserstein ([email protected], [email protected]) The Chesed Committee provides support for members in need (health, family problems, disabilities that prevent people from attending shul, etc.). If you or anyone you know might be in need of help, or would like to volunteer to assist others, please contact the Chesed coordinator on duty for February, Ed Friedman. His contact information is: [email protected] or 301-384-4607. If you are cold and wet, double check the KMS Lost and Found to see if you left coats, sweaters, boots, hats, gloves, scarves or any other type of outerwear. We are full to overflowing with these items left behind. Refua Shleima: Nechama Yenta bat Raizal, Yehoshua Dan ben Naomi, Binyamin ben Sara, Bayla Tova bat Rivka, Rachel Blimah bat Freydel, Levi Yitzchock ben Leah HaCohen, Yechezkel Yonatan ben Chana Masha, Baruch Yosef ben Riffel, Mana Shlomo Hakohen ben Beila, Yechiel Mechl ben Eidel. Please keep these names in mind during recitation of the misheberach for cholim. Please email the office at [email protected] if you would like to add names to this list Community Connection The KMS Community Connection is online! Visit to keep us with events and community programs. To submit a Community Connection item, please visit:
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