Street: Mailing: Web: 1250 S Ivy PO Box 10 Canby, OR 97013-0010 Phone: Fax: Center Hours: 503-266-2970 503-263-6192 Monday—Friday 8:30—4:30 March 2015 On-Going Services and Programs Contact Wendy May, Client Services Coordinator at 503-266-2970 if you have questions on these programs. Bus Call at 8:30 a.m. on the day you need a ride to the Center and we will come pick you up. Bus runs Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Dear friends, We’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of a couple of new initiatives providing services to seniors. Some of you may have noticed the big Medical Teams International bus parked in front of our building on February 9th—they were here to provide free urgent dental care to qualified clients. What a great service, and they’ll be back in the early fall! We’re also participating in a pilot project to test the feasibility of using technology to set up shared rides—putting people in need of transportation in touch with people going in the needed direction. This is potentially exciting stuff, so please plan to attend the orientation to be held here at CAC on Thursday March 19th. This is a great opportunity for those of you who no longer drive out of town. Read the flyer included in this newsletter for more information. See you at the Center—Kathy Register Now for our Annual Irene Collins Memorial Bridge Tournament! When: Where: Cost: Saturday, April 11th, 10:00 am to 3:30 pm Canby Adult Center $10 per person Bring a partner and join us for our annual bridge tournament! $10 fee pays for soup, bread, dessert, winnings and door prizes. (Bring a sack lunch if you need a heavier meal.) This is a bridge party, not duplicate bridge, although you will have the same partner all day. Last day to register is April 6 2015. Advance registration is REQUIRED. Free Assistance with Income Tax Preparation This free service thru AARP is still available, however, available appointment times are limited. If you need an appointment for tax preparation, call us at 503-266-2970. Applications available at the front desk. Please call us at 503266-2970 if you need more information. Annual Spring Bazaar Save the Date - April 25th Spring is just around the corner and preparations are being made for our Annual Spring Bazaar! We are contacting vendors and plant donors so we will have another great selection of wonderful plants and vegetable starts for you in April. See Kathy for a vendor application. Tables are still only $20. Be sure to save this date and plan now to join us for this fun event! Share a Meal March 17th ! Our annual spring Share a Meal is Tuesday, March 17th. Local businesses join in this fundraiser by purchasing a lunch from CAC for $10, which is delivered directly to their door by our volunteers! Businesses support the Center and get a sampling of one of our delicious lunch choices. Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday, March 8th. Remember to move those clocks forward one hour! Medical Equipment Loan Program CENTER STAFF DIRECTOR Kathy Robinson [email protected] ADMIN ASSISTANT Timpra McKenzie [email protected] Medical equipment for loan. Suggested hours for pick-up or donations: Mondays 2:30—4:30 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am—10:30 and 2:30 pm—4:30 Legal Assistance 2nd Wednesday of each month an attorney will meet with you for a 30 minute consultation. To schedule your appointment call 503-266-2970. FOOD SERVICES MANAGER Susan Voss [email protected] Lynne Bonnell [email protected] TRAVEL COODINATOR Lynne Bonnell [email protected] Library: Books, magazines, audio books, video-tapes, DVD’s, & puzzles available for loan and no check-out required. We accept donations of hard-cover books only. Free Blood Pressure Checks 1st & 4th Monday in February: 10:00—12:00 No appointment needed. ASSISTANT COOK Audrey Barnett Share the Ride This pilot project through Clackamas County runs March through December. It is open to people who need rides, and people willing to provide rides. For all the details, please read the full page flyer inside! Join us for our St. Patrick’s Day Lunch on Monday, March 16th! Dedicated to keeping Seniors Safe, Healthy and Independent Foot Care Choices KITCHEN ASSISTANTS Karen Krettler June Nice Monday’s with LaVerne Lind March 2nd, 9th , and 16th Wednesday’s with Tracey McAllen March 4th and 18th KITCHEN UTILITY Charlie Leibrand Call 503-266-2970 to schedule your appointment TRANSPORTATION Wade Porter CUSTODIAN Howard Brooks Carol Clark BUILDING MONITORS June Nice Carol Clark TRP Volunteer drivers transport seniors to destinations in Clackamas, Washington and Multnomah counties. 5 to 7 business days notice required. Call Wendy at 503-266-2970. Health & Wellness Noon Meal in our Dining Room Hot meals, prepared in our kitchen, served Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 12:00 noon. Suggested meal donation for those over 60 is $3.50; for those under 60 suggested donation is $4.25. Musicians provide entertainment and meals are served community style. Sit To Be Fit Mon….10:30 am Thur....10:30 am Suggested donation $1 Meals on Wheels Senior Fitness CLIENT SERVICES Wendy May [email protected] MEALS ON WHEELS Bev Vandecoevering [email protected] Transportation Reaching People: Mon….9:30 am Wed...10:30 am Fri......10:30 am Suggested donation $1 Tai Chi Class Focus on movement, mobility and balance—meets twice weekly: Wednesday & Friday 9:00 am to 10:00 am $2 Minimum Donation Suggested TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly Every Tuesday: Weigh-in 9 am - 10 am Meetings from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Membership $28 per year Line Dancing: 1:00 pm every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday No partner needed. No fee—Donations accepted For services listed below, call 503-266-2970 for an appointment: Linda’s Hair Cut & Style 4th Wednesday of each month March 25th— 10 am to 3:00 pm. Cut $7.50—Cut & Style $10 Chair Massage with Dennis Luna Family Hearing Luna Family Hearing service is here the 2nd Friday of every month—this month March 13th, 10 am to noon. Stop in and they will clean and check hearing aids, make minor repairs and check ears. More Information on page 7. 2 March 18th- $1 per minute (10 or 15 minute sessions available). Marilyn’s Mini Facials Thursday, March 19th—A relaxing facial using fresh raw botanicals from Costa Rica! $20 for a 30 minute facial. Volunteer drivers deliver nutritious meals, prepared in our kitchen, to seniors and the disabled four days each week. Enough food is delivered to provide meals for seven days. Call 503-266-2970 to sign up! Senior Companions Volunteers visit seniors weekly, providing companionship, transportation and independence. If you are interested in volunteering, or if you need a companion—contact Client Services! Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance S.H.I.B.A. SHIBA volunteers help with Medicare, Supplemental plans, Prescription Plan D and eligibility for free premiums. Call for an appointment: 503-266-2970 Canby Adult Center Dedicated to keeping seniors safe, healthy & independent. CLIENT SERVICES: Board News Call Client Services Coordinator Wendy May for more information on programs listed below Clackamas County 2014-2015 LIEAP Program Available for Seniors and Disabled: Services Offered: TRP Rides Available: The Center offers TRP (Transportation Reaching People) rides to Seniors to destinations in Clackamas, Multnomah & Washington counties. If you need a ride for a medical appointment or other necessary personal errands, contact Wendy at 503-266-2970 to see if your trip qualifies for a TRP driver. (5 to 7 business days minimum notice required.) This program is a volunteer based program and rides are not guaranteed. Rides are filled based upon volunteer availability. Medical Equipment Loan Program: Equipment is available to loan at no charge; we appreciate donations of clean, functioning equipment. Check with Wendy to confirm what we are currently accepting. To ensure prompt service, please note hours below for medical equipment pick-up or drop off : Mondays thru Friday: 11:30 to 1:00; and 2:30 to 4:30 Please Note: Canby Utility’s Share The Warmth Program Is Now Closed. You may be eligible for assistance with your heat bill (electricity, gas or wood) through LIEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance Program). To apply for energy assistance you must: live in Clackamas County and be within the following gross (before taxes and deductions) income guidelines: (Term ends Sept 2016) Director’s Report: Ride sharing project pilot launch still on track for March, with an open orientation here at the center on March 19th. AARP Tax Clinic is fully booked into late March. The mobile dental clinic held here February 9th, provided by Medical Teams International, was a great success, providing critical care for 11 patients, including two from the Canby Center. (Term ends Sept 2015) SECRETARY Nicolle Harold On March 17th the semi-annual “Share a Meal” fundraiser will take place. (Term ends Sept 2017 Iwo Jima ceremony and breakfast will be on Saturday February 21. All Board members are invited to attend. Karl Campobosso Plant Sale/Spring Bazaar will go forward but with some revisions. Kathy will call a committee meeting to discuss options by the end of February. (Term ends Sept 2015) Art Hall (Term ends Sept 2015) Hiring process for a Meals on Wheel Coordinator II, to work Mondays, is ongoing. Kathy hopes to finalize a decision within the next week, with new person on board by early March. Dave May All adult residents are welcome including those without dental insurance Call Clackamas County Health Clinics to register as space is limited: 503 655 8471. Same day walk-ins will be seen as space is available. The purpose of the program is to help seniors live independently in their own familiar surroundings for as long as is safely possible. Treasurers Report – Judy went over the latest financial report. No questions or input so agreed report was accepted. TREASURER Judy Hogland Free services available at the dental fair: Oral health screening, cleanings, fillings, other dental procedures, and follow-up referrals Applications for medical and dental insurance available What is the Senior Companion Program? Senior Companions are volunteers who can offer just a little extra help to homebound seniors and disabled adults. There is no charge for the services. If the volunteer is income qualified, they can receive a stipend for the services. Mileage is reimbursable. Tracie Heidt, newly elected to the Canby City Council, gave a brief update on the library/civic center project. An architect has been hired and plans are underway to demolish the homes along 2nd to clear the land. She noted that Juniper Street will no longer be open. Tracie also spoke briefly about the status of the City sale of downtown property—they’ve extended their proposal deadline in the hope that more quality proposals will be received. VICE-CHAIR Mark Adams Saturday, March 14 - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Do you enjoy helping others? Would you like to help a senior with trips to the grocery store, running errands or activities in their home such as putting puzzles together, reading, watching movies? The Senior Companion Program may just what you are looking for. We need volunteers. We have many seniors and adults with disabilities in the Canby community who would benefit from the program. However, currently I do not have enough volunteers to fill the need. Center Director – Kathy Robinson Guest: City Council liaison Tracie Heidt (Term ends Sept 2016) Announcing the Clackamas County Dental Fair Senior Companion Volunteers Needed Directors Present: Amy Carlton, Art Hall, Mary Bosch, David May, Bob Sheveland, Judy Hogland, Karl Campobosso, Mark Adams and Nicki Harold CHAIR Amy Carlton For a household size of Income cannot be over: 1 $1,792.14 per month 2 $2,343.56 per month 3 $2,894.99 per month 4 $3,446.42 per month *For each additional member, add $103.42 monthly Applications are processed in the order received and based on available funding. To request an application contact the Energy Assistance Line at 503 650 5640. If you need assistance in filling out your application contact Wendy May at 503 266 2970. Beavercreek Health Center 1425 Beavercreek Rd Oregon City Board meeting minutes excerpts—Wednesday, February 11, 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014—2015 (Term ends Sept 2016) Strategic planning team met with consultant Mike McCallum to review consultancy needs in more detail. Mike has drafted an RFP for the committee’s review; Kathy will circulate for discussion shortly. Mary Bosch (Term ends Sept 2017) Sunnyside Health Center 9775 SE Sunnyside Rd Ste 200 Clackamas Senior Companion Volunteers can: Provide companionship by talking, taking walks, listening, sharing experiences, playing games or cards, reading or watching TV; Provide transportation and accompany clients to their medical appointments, the grocery store, and other household or personal errands; Help with light housekeeping and meal planning and preparation; Provide a break for family or primary caregiver. Senior Companion Volunteers can NOT: Provide services usually performed by a doctor or nurse, Handle money or medication, Do major household repairs or major cleaning, Do any heavy lifting Provide services for anyone other than the client. Kathy informed the Board that the Canby Adult Center is on several disaster preparedness/ response lists, both because of our facility and our large and dedicated volunteer pool. She participates in quarterly COAD meetings (Community Organizations Active in Disaster). Robert Sheveland (Term ends Sept 2017) Big Thank Yous to… The next board meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2015, and everyone is encouraged to attend. George Raney, for picking up flowers every week from our donors, AND for delivering our orders from the Food Bank! Patrick Shauer, for power-washing the sidewalks and garden area in the front of the building, in preparation for the Iwo Jima Breakfast! Connie Bilton-Smith and Patricia Williams, for your imagination and beautiful displays in our lobby window. Newsletter folders who come in each month, rain or shine, to fold and prepare our newsletters for mailing! Gretchen and Mike McCallum for your time and expertise in our strategic planning study and report. Board Members—serving tirelessly on our board! For more information on how to become a Senior Companion Volunteer, please contact Wendy May, Client Services Coordinator Canby Adult Center, 503 266 2970. Volunteers—in every capacity! You are Appreciated!!! 3 4 It’s Your Center! Do you have a great idea, or concern about our Center? We'd like to hear from you! Come share your thoughts with a Board member! On March 11th one or more board members will be available from 11:00 am at the Center to hear from you, reporting back to the full Board as necessary. Please take advantage of this opportunity to share your ideas – this is YOUR center!” Coming Up in March March Trips Chinook Winds Casino and Beach Walking March 3 Chinook Winds Casino offers a wide variety of slots and video poker machines, full-pay games and one- and two-cent slot machines. Go to play at the casino or at the beach for the day. Lunch is on your own on this outing. Depart: 8:00am Return: 5pm Cost: Bring money for lunch on your own. Bus Fee 10.00 (due at sign up) Canby High School Guys and Dolls Play March 10 The Canby High School Theater Company will present the Tony Award-winning musical "Guys and Dolls," at the Richard R. Brown Fine Arts Center. Set in Damon Runyon's mythical New York City, this oddball romantic comedy — considered by many to be the perfect musical comedy — soars with the spirit of Broadway. *We’ll take part in the free spaghetti dinner before the play. Depart: 5pm Return: 10:30pm Cost: $6.00 payable at event (folks over 65 are FREE) Bus Fee: donations accepted Evergreen Museum March 17 The evergreen space museum has a little something for everyone. We’ll have the opportunity to enjoy the famous Spruce Goose—this massive aircraft stands as a symbol of American industry during WWII. *Bring money for lunch after visiting the museum. Depart: 9am Return: 4pm Cost: Museum admission is $25 (payable at event) Bus Fee $5 (due at sign up) McGrath’s Fish House March 26 You may not be able to get to the coast for that fresh catch, but you can come share in the delicacies of the sea with us right over in Milwaukie. For more than 35 years, McGrath's has worked hard to purchase high quality seafood, while keeping prices affordable! Their fish and seafood is delivered daily to their restaurants from local waters, and waters around the globe. Depart: 4:30pm Return: 9pm Cost: Payable at event Bus Fee $5.00 (due at sign up) Culinary Institute March 31 Come join us as we experience the enjoyment of an exquisitely prepared 3 course meal by students of the Culinary Institute. Bring exact cash for lunch and pay driver as getting on the bus that day. *People wait listed on last trip will get first priority on this sign up. Depart Center 11:15am Cost of Event $12.00 Bring exact cash day of Event Return center 3:00pm Bus Fee $5.00 (due at sign up) Pre-sign ups for April Trips 2015 Murder Mystery dinner at Spaghetti Factory April 9 Come to dinner with us and solve a mystery at the same time! The class of 1957 is having a prom, but nobody is smiling when someone literally has their last dance! Help the prom goers solve the crime in this sock hop gone sour by bribing guests and suspects for clues, gathering information, and solving the crime in time for the prom King and Queen to have their dance. *Show up stylin’ with the times in floor length prom gowns with puffed sleeves and gloves, and white and black tuxes or suits. PLEASE NOTE: *The restaurant REQUIRES that we order our meals in advance. Contact Lynne to pre-choose one of three options for your dinner choice. Depart Center 5 pm Cost of Event $35.00 (payable at sign up) Return center 10 pm Bus Fee $5.00 (due at sign up) Wednesday Afternoon At the Movies—1 pm sharp ... March Movie Features: TRIPS POLICY : March 4th: Finding Forrester, starring Sean Connery as a reclusive prize-winning novelist who befriends a young basketball player with a passion for writing. Please take note of the following procedures: March 11th: Road to Bali, starring Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. On their way to Bali, two men fall in love with the same woman. We take trip signups from the last Monday of the month prior. Phone Bookings acceptable only for trips without prepayment. People may only sign up themselves and a spouse/family member. Some longer distance/after hours trips have a REQUIRED transportation fee, payable in advance. If you must cancel a spot on a prepaid trip, we will reimburse any transportation fee collected; we will reimburse for prepaid tickets ONLY if we have another traveler ready to take your place. * Seniors (age 60+) and caregivers receive first priority for trips. Under 60 travelers may attend if space permits. Thank you for your cooperation! 5 Raffle tickets are 25-cents each or 5 for $1. Pie raffle drawing: Friday the 20th March 25th: Firefox, starring Clint Eastwood. The Russians have built the MIG-31, the most devastating war machine in history. To maintain the world balance of power, the Americans must steal it. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN THE PIE RAFFLE! Congratulations to Midge C. & Trudy L. winners of the January Coconut Cream Pies! A “SOUP-ER” Dinner! Join us on Thursday March 26th, starting service at 10:30 and bring your favorite soup and recipe. This month our cook-off focus is soups! This does NOT have to be a crockpot recipe, and there is NO maximum number of ingredients. Trip involving advance ticket booking by the Center, or a required bus fee MUST be paid in advance before your name goes on the list. Please bring your finished soup recipe to classroom 2 on the 26th—you can keep it warm in a crockpot– we have plenty of outlets, and we’ll let the taste-testers begin their job around 10:30. We have a sign-up sheet at the front desk - but sign-up is not a requirement. Just plan to join us on Thursday the 26th with your favorite “soup-er” recipe and we’ll all have a great time! Disaster Resilience: Preparing for the Inevitable March 11th at 9:30 The things that make Oregon beautiful are also the things that create some of our greatest dangers. Come learn about what hazards exist in Oregon, how the government will respond, and what to do on an individual level to help make it through a disaster. Presented by Justin Ross, who has a background in Emergency Management. His experience includes vulnerable populations emergency planning, crisis communication planning, radiological disaster planning, community outreach, and delivering of disaster preparedness trainings. He holds a Professional Certificate in Emergency Management, a Bachelor of Science in Emergency Management and is a Community Emergency Response Team trainer. Just delivers technical assistance around emergency management related topics across the state as well as delivering disaster preparedness trainings. Don’t miss this opportunity—Justin visited our center several years ago and his presentation was well received. 6 Home-made and ready for you to take home on Friday, March 20th! March 18th: Ghosts of Mississippi, starring Alec Baldwin and Whoopie Goldberg. Myrlie Evers worked for the conviction of the white supremacist who murdered her husband, a civil rights leader, for over 30 years. This film shows how Evers’ killer was finally convicted. Some 1960s-era racial language. Canby Adult Center Cook-off… #2 At sign-up clearly note any mobility device you will take on the trip, i.e., walker, scooter, wheelchair, etc... March Pie Raffle: Suzie’s Bold Banana Cream Pie Health Insurance Presentations Thursday, March 19th 10:00 am Regence Blue Cross Thursday, March 26th 1:00 pm Providence Health Other presentations include: Disaster Preparedness Wednesday, March 11th at 9:30 am Ride Sharing Orientation Thursday, March 19th at 1:00 pm Soup… Did you Know: The word “soup” is of Sanskrit origin! It is derived from the su and po, which means good nutrition. A cup of soup makes for a simple, and smart low-cal snack. To remove excess fat from your soup simply take a lettuce leaf and draw it across the surface of the soup. The excess fat sticks to the leaf. Soup—The perfect solution to incorporate vegetables in your diet. Do you have some late nights and late dinners? Instead of a big meal, simply have a bowl of soup! The high water content in soups will keep you full and give you nutrition too. A bowl of hot, delicious soup makes a great dinner. Bits & Pieces Around the Center Monthly Happenings: … Treat Yourself! Hair Cut & Style with Linda, Now Every 4th Wednesday: March 25th Linda Hagstrom is a licensed beautician who comes to the Center the fourth Wednesday of each month, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm to cut and or style your hair! Still a Wednesday, but now the 4th Wednesday. Linda is also accepting clients later in the afternoon until 3:00 pm. $7.50 for a haircut and $10.00 for a cut and style. Please come with freshly washed hair and bring any special products that you use. Call the front desk at 503-266-2970 to make your appointment. Chair Massage with Dennis Cone, 3rd Wednesday Afternoon—March 18 $1 per minute; 10 or 15 minute sessions available! Make your appointment at the reception desk. Facials with Marilyn: Thursday, March 19th: 10 am to 2:30 pm. Sign up at the front desk for a relaxing and refreshing facial. Invigorating botanicals from Puerto Rico leave your skin feeling revitalized and fresh. 30 minutes, $20. Please Note: If you must cancel your appointment, please call in ADVANCE. Please honor the appointment you’ve made AND if you cannot keep it, please give us a courtesy call. Thank you! Luna Family Hearing Service: March 13th at 10:00 am. No appointment needed. Monthly Music Line-Up Nutrition Tips: Go for the ‘bright’ Ron Burghard with CM Riders March 12th Remember when we talked about ‘eating the rainbow’, eating the brightest colored fruits and vegetables to maximize nutrition. I will focus on sweet potatoes for this edition. Thursday, March 19th: Jim Wilkey Country, Gospel & more Thursday, March 26th: “Accordian to Go” with Leta Bunnell Beautiful accordion music including some well-known favorites! They are rich in complex carbohydrates (the good carbs), dietary fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. The Center for Science in the Public Interest compared the nutritional value of sweet potatoes to that of other vegetables and ranked it the highest. Fiddling Friend’s Music Group: Every Monday at 11:00 am! Happy March Birthdays 1 Keith Galitz 1 Leona Hart 3 Nancy Howard 4 Angelo Carocaro 4 Dyanne VanZandt 4 John Oliver 5 Leonard Walker 5 Eileen Lettenmaier 6 John Deinema 6 Florence Zwicker 6 Jeanne Sowers 7 Marilyn Thompson 7 Leland Brown 8 Teresa Farquhar 9 Marieanne Flagg 11 Margaret Purvis 11 Gwen Schweitzer 11 Ron Burghard 11 Dorothy Wehus 11 Gwen Schweitzer 11 Carol Teske 11 Kareen Bayless 12 Darlene Jacobucci 15 Joe Kalinowski 15 Peter Borschowa 16 Betty McDaniel Our Lost and Found items have grown and are starting to over-take the front desk! Please check the lost and found to see if any of these items are yours. Unclaimed items are moving to the “free table” on March 20th: 3 sets of keys 2—Ladies watches 2—pair of glasses 1—skinny belt Sunglasses Strand of white & gold beads 1 - Silver bracelet 1 - black 1—single black leather glove 1—pair of black gloves (lined) Rings, earrings, etc. 17 Connie Franz 17 Patricia Smith 19 Jack Benson 19 Dennis Olson 20 Carl Hanson 20 Gregg Ekenbarger 20 Gwen Carriera 21 Sharon Henry 22 Katherine Holt 23 Lillian Walter 23 Voni Wisely 23 Jan Galitz 24 Linda Tasker 25 Judy Johnson 26 Sharon Falardeau 26 Jerry Falardeau 26 Janine Miller 26 Arlene Dana 27 Evelyn Carlson 27 Evelyn Moeller 29 Virginia Keil 29 Fred Egger 29 Lynn McFadden 29 Virginia Keil 31 Dennis Britton 31 Sandra Peterson The dark orange flesh varieties have more betacarotene than those with light colored flesh. Despite the name “sweet” they are beneficial for diabetics as they help stabilize blood sugar levels and lower insulin resistance. They provide a good amount of vital minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and potassium that are very essential for enzyme, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism. Cook several at a time to have extra on hand for soups or hash browns, toss some cubed with salt and pepper and a little oil and roast in a hot oven until crispy and lightly browned. Enjoy the ‘brights’ Canby Adult Center’s First Ever… CROCKPOT COOKING CHALLENGE RESULTS! We had seven participants for our first ever Crockpot Challenge and a great turn-out of taste-testers/voters. Voter results were tallied and winners were: Large Print Books Needed! 1st Place: Wade Porter and his delicious Teriyaki Chicken! Congratulations Wade! We have completely depleted our large print book category in our library! 2nd Place was Dorothy Barich serving “Crazy Meatballs”. 3rd Place was Gregg Ekenbarger with his “Beefsteak Chili”. If you have any large-print books that belong to the Center, that you are finished reading, or if you have largeprint books you’d like to donate, please do so. We’d love to have them in our Library! Many thanks to all our participants and all our “tasters”. See page 7 to read the details about our next Cooking Challenge… “Soup-er Dinner” Everyone is invited to participate in these fun cooking events! Thank you. Thanks for checking! 7 8 There Really IS a Difference… Sweet Potatoes vs. Yams Sweet potatoes come in two main varieties here in the States. One has a golden skin with creamy white flesh and a crumbly texture. The other has a copper skin with an orange flesh that is sweet and soft. All sweet potato varieties generally have the same shape and size -- they are tapered at the ends and much smaller than the yams. Yams are native to Africa and Asia and other tropical regions. Yams are starchy tubers that have an almost black bark-like skin and white, purple or reddish flesh and come in many varieties. The word yam comes from an African word, which means "to eat." The yam holds great importance as a foodstuff because it keeps for a long time in storage. For eating, yams are typically peeled, boiled and mashed or dried and ground into a powder that can be cooked into a porridge. WARNING: Summer 2015 Paving Project Ahead The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is working on a project to repave OR 99E from SW Berg Parkway in Canby, to just north of 2nd Street in Aurora. ODOT expects construction to start in summer 2015. The project will: *Repave OR 993, completing most of the work at night to minimize impacts to local businesses, residents and travelers. *Update sidewalk ramps to meet Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA) standards at the corners of OR 993 and Berg Parkway, Barlow Road, and 1st Street (in Aurora). *Restripe OR 993 north of Lone Elder Road and add rumble strips to the shoulder and center line to improve safety. *Perform minor repair to the bridge over Pudding River. Tired of those unwanted phone calls? You can stop those unwanted calls by calling 1-800-donotcall or visiting the website. This is a free service but you must call or visit the web-site to be added to the “Do Not Call” list. Just a reminder you can put a stop to those unwanted phone calls! On-going Classes and Activities WEEKLY CARD GAMES Bridge: Pinochle: Game Day: Monday at 1:00 pm Tuesday & Friday 1:00 Thursday at 1:00 pm Bridge Players Wanted Bridge players meet at the Center every Monday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm for a friendly game of Bridge. If you are interested in joining this fun card game, just stop by the Center any Monday at 1:00 and you can join the fun. No need to sign up, just stop in and play. New players welcome! Library Doors open at 12:00, games start at 1:00. Bring your own project — A great time to work on your project and be with friends. Special games: $2 for four games, 3 cards to a game, and payouts vary by number of games purchased. Thelma’s Place: Adult Day Center offering a place to engage in stimulating activities with other people who have memory loss. Thelma’s Place also provides caregivers the respite, or rest, they need to “recharge their batteries”, helping to minimize stress and helping provide caregivers with information and encouragement they need! Call 503.266.5100 for details. Minimum $5 per game for 7 – 11 players, Payout: $7 per game for 12-18 and it keeps going up! Canby Police Department Home Safe Program— Sit & Be Fit: Class meets Monday and Thursdays at 10:30. A great exercise choice focusing on exercises you can do from a sitting position! This class also offered yeararound with instructor Kay Walter. No fee—donations appreciated. Senior Fitness— Class meets Monday at 9:30, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30. Get a great work-out, rain or shine, using weights, balls and bands. Join this class with our experienced instructor, Hurshall Walls. No fee—donations appreciated. Senior Tai Chi— Walk-ins welcome! We are pleased to offer Tai Chi classes twice each week. Class meets every Wednesday and Friday from 9 am to 10 am. Check out this class—a great way to increase mobility and balance! No fee—$2 donation suggested. Canby Community Speakers Group meets here at the Center every Wednesday at noon. Make new friends and have fun finetuning your public speaking skills. Join us!!! Thelma’s Place: 352 NW 2nd Ave. BINGO—EVERY TUESDAY AT THE CENTER! Handiwork Group Tuesdays at 10 am: Exercise Classes Open to Everyone!!! Canby Communicators Speakers’ Club Every Wednesday, 12 o’clock Noon Around Town Game Day Every Thursday At the Center We supply the space and the games, you just come and enjoy socializing and a great variety of games: Mexican train, dominos, bunco, cards, and even Scrabble. Join a fun game group every Thursday at 1:00 pm Regular games: 1 packet $5, 2 packets for $8, 3 packets for $10 belong if they have wandered away from home or a care facility. Identification is made by use of a specially designed bracelet which is provided at no cost to the individual. See Wendy or Canby Police Department for more information. Line Dancing Classes: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 pm No partner needed for these ever popular and fun line dancing classes! Mondays are geared toward beginners, and start with the basics. Tuesday and Thursday classes are for those with more experience. New dancers always welcome! Yarn Needed for our Knitting and Crocheting Volunteers… If you have spare yarn for our knitters and crocheters, please feel free to donate it to the Center. Our volunteers knit all year long, hats, scarves and sweaters for us to sell at our fundraisers. We will put your yarn to good use if you have no need of it. Our supply is unusually low and our holiday bazaar is coming up so all donations are especially appreciated...Thank you! Computer Lab— Internet access and printer are available for your use. You will soon be seeing some changes in the computer lab so watch future newsletters for more details! Wifi is also available— just check with the front desk if you need the password. A monthly column offered in partnership with Canby Public Library CANBY PUBLIC LIBRARY 292 North Holly Street Phone 503-266-3394 for more information 24-hour Prescription Drug Drop Off at Canby Police Identify where displaced or Department: 1175 NW 3rd memory impaired persons may Avenue: Black-out Bingo: 1 number added every week! Maximum pot $200, weekly $20 consolation prize. Attention Bridge Players Cutsforth’s Thriftway: Battery recycling available but you need to sign your name, address and phone number when you take your batteries to the Customer Service Desk— they need to show that the batteries are coming from individuals and not businesses. Recycle standard “AA”, AAA”, and See Page 1 for details. Advance Registration Required. every Tuesday, 5 pm to 7 pm. Call 503-266-4061 for details. SENIORS: Free Spaghetti Dinner & Musical March 3rd Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a great spaghetti dinner, and to seniors! 9 Senior Tuesday: Shop on Tuesdays and present your Thriftway Rewards Card— the register will apply 10% of your total bill to your Thriftway rewards card balance. MEALS AROUND TOWN: Zoar Lutheran Church, is located at 190 SW 2nd Avenue, and offers a free, on-going dinner, Canby High School offers a spaghetti dinner and musical Tuesday, March 3rd. Dinner is at 5:00 pm and the musical starts at 7 pm following dinner. This year the musical is “Guys and Dolls”. Annual Irene Collins Memorial Bridge Tournament on Saturday, April 11th. Items accepted for deposit include: Prescription & nonprescription medications; Vitamins; Pet Medications; Medicated ointments and liquid medications (in leak-proof container). “C” batteries at the Customer Service counter. Thank them for this service, they pay the recycling fee! 10 Link Master Gardener Talks: Mason Bees– March 3, at 6:30 A native bee and the answer to pollenating spring fruits and flowers; easy keepers & they improve garden yields. Perma Culture Gardening—Marc 10 at 6:30: Aim to create a sustainable garden space in harmony with the larger ecosystem. March 17 at 6:30 pm: Writer/historian Lois Leveen read ing from her latest book Juliet’s Nurse. A new telling of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. March 21 at 2:30 pm: Music in the Stacks featuring Beltaine, presenting Celtic and traditional music. March 24 at 6:30 pm- Oregon Black Pioneers. Hear about the rich culture of Oregon’s early African American pioneers. March 31 at 6:30 pm. Departing Decisions: Learn how to start a conversation on how you want to age, die and be remembered. Metropolitan Senior Network Community Outreach Silent Auction fund-raiser benefitting Clackamas County Meals on Wheels Thursday, March 5, 2015 from 5-8 at the Historic Ainsworth House &Gardens 19130 S Lot Whitcomb Dr., Oregon City OR 97045 Join us for hors d’ouevres, wine and great company. Hosted by Metropolitan Senior Network. Registration is $30 and includes two drink tickets. For more information please see: American Legion Update— Canby American Legion Post #122 424 NW 1st Street Canby American Legion invites you to the following: BINGO every Thursday, 6:30 at the Legion. Open to the public— 16 games are played. Sunday Breakfasts: 8:30 am to 11:00 am. $6 for guests 11 and over; $3 for ages 10 and under. Choices are Bacon/Sausage/Ham or Chicken Fried Steak and includes Eggs, Hash browns, Hot Cakes, English Muffin, Biscuits & Gravy or Biscuits/Jelly and Coffee, Juice or Milk. March 1st - - - - - - -- - - - Auxiliary March 8th - - - - - - - - - - - Sons of the American Legion March 15th - - - - - - - - - Legionaries March 22nd - - - - - - - - Auxiliary March 29th…………… All Houses March 1, 2015: Breakfast profits are for Canby Adult Center Meals on Wheels program. Mark your calendar and plan to attend! Saturday, March 14th: Suzie’s Swiss Steak Dinner 5 pm to 7 pm. Tickets are $10 each and may be purchased from Suzie. Activities—March 2015 1 Mon 2 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 Daylight Savings Time Begins 8 15 Tue 3 8:00 Trip: Chinook Winds 10:00 TOPS 10:00 Handiwork 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Pinochle 1:00 Bingo 9 10 9:30 Senior Fitness 10:00 Foot Clinic 10:00 TOPS 10:00 Handiwork 1:00 Line Dance 16 1:00 Pinochle 1:00 Bingo 5:00 Trip: Canby High School Spaghetti Dinner & Musical 17 SAM 9:30 Senior Fitness 10:00 Foot Clinic 10:00 Blood Pressure Clinic 10:30 Sit & Be Fit 11:00 Music: Fiddlers & Friends 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Bridge 22 29 9:00 Trip: Evergreen Museum 10:00 TOPS 10:00 Handiwork 9:00 Tai Chi 10: 00 Foot Clinic 10:30 Senior Fitness 12:00 Speaker’s Club 1:00 Movie: “Finding Forrester” 10:30 Sit & Be Fit 10:30 Speaker: Low-Cost Weatherization 1:00 Line Dancing 1:00 Game Day Fri 6 12 13 10:30 Sit & Be Fit 11:30 Ron Burghard– CM Riders 9:00 Tax Clinic 9:00 Tai Chi 18 9:00 Tai Chi 10:00 Foot clinic 10:30 Senior Fitness 12:00 Speaker’s Club 1:00 Movie—”Ghosts of Mississippi” 19 10:00 Regence Health 10:00 Facials with Marilyn 10:30 Sit & Be Fit 11:30 Music with Jim Wilkey 12:00 Pie Raffle 1:00 Line Dancing 1:00 Game Day 1:00 Share the Ride Meeting 20 26 10:30 Sit & Be Fit 10:30 Cook-Off #2 “Soup-er Dinner” 11:30 Music with Leta—Accordion to Go 1:00 Line Dancing 1:00 Game Day 1:00 Providence Health 4:30 Trip: McGrath’s 27 2:00 Chair Massage with Dennis 23 24 25 9:30 Senior Fitness 10:30 Sit & Be Fit 11:00 Music: Fiddlers & Friends 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Bridge 10:00 TOPS 10:00 Handiwork 1:00 Line Dance 9:00 Tai Chi 10:00 Hair Cut with Linda 1:00 Pinochle 1:00 Bingo 10:30 Senior Fitness 12:00 Speaker’s Club 1:00 Movie: “Firefox” 30 9:30 Senior Fitness 10:30 Sit & Be Fit 11:00 Music: Fiddlers & Friends 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Bridge 31 1:00 Line Dancing 1:00 Game Day Sat 7 Sun Mon 1 10:00 Luna Hearing Service 10:30 Senior Fitness 1:00 Pinochle Tue 2 3 Salisbury Steak Pasta & Gravy Carrot & Raisin Salad Mixed Vegetables Apple Sauce 9:00 Tax Clinic 9:00 Tai Chi 10:30 Senior Fitness 1:00 Pinochle 11 9:00 Tai Chi 9:30 Guest Speaker: Disaster Preparedness 10:30 Senior Fitness 11:00 Board Member Available 12:00 Speaker’s Club 1:00 Board Meeting 1:00 Legal Assistance 1:00 Movie: “Road to Bali” 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Pinochle 1:00 Bingo 10:00 TOPS 10:00 Handiwork 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Pinochle 1:00 Bingo 5:00 Trip: Culinary Institute Lunch Thu 5 4 Senior Fitness Foot Clinic Blood Pressure Sit & Be Fit Music: Fiddlers & Friends 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Bridge 10:30 Sit & Be Fit 11:00 Music: Fiddlers & Friends 1:00 Line Dance 1:00 Bridge Wed 14 8 21 15 9 4 Club Sandwich Wrap Black Bean Corn Salad Butterscotch Pudding 9:00 Tai Chi 10:30 Senior Fitness 12:00 Pie Raffle 1:00 Pinochle 29 Sat 5 6 7 Baked Chicken Rice & Vegetables Cole Slaw Mixed Vegetables Fruit Jell-O Roast Turkey Potatoes & Gravy Tossed Greens Winter Mix Vegetables Baker’s Choice Serving Group: Thursday Team Serving Group: LDC Church 11 12 13 14 Baked Meat Loaf Mixed Brown Rice Cole Slaw Wheat Roll Lemon Bar Oriental Chicken Salad Tossed Greens Vegetable Soup Mixed Canned Fruit Pork Loin Garden Veggie Pasta Fiesta Vegetables French Bread Baker’s Choice Serving Group: LDS Church 2nd Ward Serving Group: Fred Meyers Serving Group: Canby American Serving Group: Zion Mennonite 16 St. Patrick’s Day 17 SAM 18 19 20 21 Corn Beef & Cabbage Red Potatoes & Carrots Chilled Fruit Salad Pistachio Pudding Chicken & Dumplings Potatoes & Gravy Mixed Vegetables Choc. Chip Cookies Baked Fish Fried Rice Broccoli Fresh Roll Fruit Jell-O Teriyaki Chicken Soba Noodles Oriental Vegetables Roll Baker’s Choice Serving Group: LDS Church 1st Ward Volunteers Serving Group: Rackleff House & Clackamas FCU Serving Group: Smyrna Church Ladies Serving Group: LDS Church Missionaries 23 24 Pork Tips Orzo Black Barley Tossed Greens Corn Muffin Cookies Serving Group: United Methodist 9:00 Tai Chi 10:30 Senior Fitness 12:00 Pie Raffle 1:00 Pinochle Fri Baked Chicken Sweet Potatoes Brussel Sprouts Wheat Roll Peach Crisp 28 22 Thu Serving Group: Canby Police Department 10 9:00 Tax Clinic 9:00 Tax Clinic Wed Serving Group: St. Patrick’s Church Clackamas County Dental Van Sun March Menu 2015 30 Birthday Celebration 31 Roast Beef Potatoes & Gravy Tossed Greens Birthday Cake Serving Group: CAC Team 25 Taco Salad Tossed Greens Sour Cream Black Beans & Rice Custard Serving Group: Wednesday Team 26 Hamburger Feed Baked Beans Potato Salad Cole Slaw Chilled Fruit Serving Group: Thursday Team 27 28 Singapore Curry Chicken Steamed Rice Tossed Greens Baker’s Choice Serving Group: TOPS Why do they Call it "Corned" Beef? The term “Corned” comes from putting meat in a large crock and covering it with large rock-salt kernels of salt that were referred to as “corns of salt”. This preserved the meat. The term Corned has been in the Oxford English Dictionary as early as 888 AD. 7 Friends of the Canby Adult Center Thank you to our 2014-2015 Annual Appeal Donors Donations of $251 + Marvin & Marcella Kastama Robert Kauffman Betty Keys Chuck & Mary Ann Kocher Kathryn Levy Arleta Lucht Patti & Arnie Lucht Dorothy McCormick Mary & Bernie McWilliams Sheldon Marcuvitz & Carole Laity Mernie & Henry Martin Robert & Maxine Martin Todd May Alice Merrill Linda Michaelsen Marty Moretty Nancy Muller Kathy & Richard Oathes Betty Prakken Geni Pittelkau Gary & Lisa Potter Rose City Garden Railway Society Stutes Financial Group Judy Torgeson Irene Wolf Al & Nori Zieg Thank You Business & Organizational Supporters Providing on-going donations Canby Fred Meyer, Canby Telcom Cutsforth’s Thriftway, Hulbert’s Flowers, Kahut Waste Services, Reif, Reif & Thalhofer, Canby Kiwanis Foundation & Thrift Store, Andrew Kauffman—Attorney at Law Starbucks New & Renewing Members Jo Algiers & Michael O’Rear Richard Carroll Avonelle Dollar Jimmie Fox Dennis Hardy Lynn & Diane Kadwell Barbara and Kenneth Kendall NONPROFIT US POSTAGE PAID CANBY OR PERMIT NO 81 Sustaining Donors: Gold Donors: Donations of $101—$250 Robert & Janet Adrian Thomas & Anna Adams Lynne Anderson Ken & Millie Blodgett Wyatt & Jake Brawner Marjorie Brood Canby Import Auto Bob & Amy Carlton Bob Cornelius Janis Cox Bob & Cec Cullison Carol Davidson Henry & Georgia Deetz Norman & Brenda Elie Susan & Scott Enyart Jean Epley Ellen & Emmett Gray Carmen Hamilton Laurie Harmon Judy & Roy Harvey Madeleine Henderson Yvonne & Larry Hepler Hope Village Judy & Butch Hogland Curt & Nola Hovland Glacie Iverson Keith & Caroline Jensen Lynn & Diane Kadwell Friends of Canby Adult Center Inc PO Box 10 Canby OR 97013-0010 Janeen Kemp Loyd Alice Lowrie Evelyn Moeller Leroy Myers Joline Shroyer Linda Tasker Lori Alexander Julia Barklow Ted & Linda Baumgardner Lois Becker Wesley & Eleanor Belieu Janey Belozer Bridge to Life Fellowship Calvary Women’s Missionary Soc. Canby American Legion Auxiliary Canby Lions Auxiliary Canby Telcom Gwen Carriera Stanley Cullington The Chair Outlet Custom Plumbing & Construction Jane Dahl Gregg Ekenbarger Leona Hart Patty Hatfield James & Paulette Hefflinger Delbert & Rosa Hemphill Bob & Wanda Herman Kathleen Hostetler Ken & Sherley Howell Dave May & Christine Parno Larry & Ann McBride Michael & Gretchen McCallum Elizabeth Meyer Richard Miller Betty Meyers & Lowell Hall Conrad Nystrom Mariah Olson John & Marge Pursley Rackleff Place Melvin Saraceno Steve & Janet Skinner Sons of the American Legion Shelly Taranoff Howard Thomas Harvey & D'Anne Tofte Uptown Medical Billing Earl & Suzie Voss Thank You February Donors Financial Donors: Lynn Bloomfield, Calvary Women’s Missionary Soc., Dorothy DeHackbeil, Lonnie & Dan Harms, Patty Hatfield. Toni Hvidsten, Jeanine Kemp, Bill Kennemer, Kroger Foods Charlie Lam, Larry & Ann McBride, Brenda Mootz Rackleff Place, Steve & Janet Skinner, Cathy Strickland Howard Thomas, Zoar Lutheran Women In-Kind Donations: Gloria Bornkamp, Canby Lions Auxiliary, Cheryl & Canby Center,l Dorothy Fillis, Patricia Gerber Bob Henry, Nicki Harrold/Rackleff Place Donna Marunen, Larry Perry, Tami Roler Bob Stewart Cathy Warren e rvic e S rn u Ret CANBY ADULT CENTER MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION New Member Name Name Renewal Bronze Donors: Judy Adams Alan Stewart Nancy Meyer Diane Shannon Silver Donors: Richard Fry Tina Jarboe Frank Long Randall Pitchford Cutsforth’s Thriftway Constance & Clee Lloyd Wyatt & Jake Brawner Robert Kauffman Kathy & Richard Oathes Single Membership: $15/year Couple: $25/year Under 65___ 65-70___ 70-75___ 75-80___ Over 80 ___ Under 65___ 65-70___ 70-75___ 75-80___ Over 80 ___ Birth Month_______ Birth Day: _______ Birth Month_______ Birth Day: _______ Address:________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Renewal postcards are mailed quarterly as a reminder to renew your membership & update your information. Enclosed: Check: $_________ Annual Appeal Donors Gold Donors: sted ue Req E-Mail Address: ____________________________ Check here to receive newsletter by e-mail only with thanks for helping us save on postage! Cash: $_________ May we contact you about becoming a Canby Adult Center Volunteer? Yes DONATION: Donor Name: Donation Enclosed:$ Address: MEMORIAL: In Memory of: Acknowledgement Address: Memorial Enclosed $ No
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