1 UPCOMING EVENTS WEEK 5A Tuesday March 3&4– Grade 7 New Beginnings Rotation 2 Thursday March 5 – Austins Ferry Campus Open Day VET Information Evening @GYC Junior School Captain Harry Fisher addressing the Junior School Commissioning Assembly Friday March 6 – Senior School Formal Photos WEEK 6B FROM THE PRINCIPAL MR DAMIAN MESSER “Overcoming the "globalization of indifference" requires "a heart which is firm and merciful, attentive and generous". It calls for "a poor heart, one which realizes its own poverty and gives itself freely for others". Monday March 9 – Labour Day Public Holiday Tuesday March 10&11– Grade 7 New Beginnings Rotation 3 SSATIS Swimming Carnival, Hobart Aquatic Centre Friday March 13 – STCPSSA Swimming Carnival, Hobart Aquatic Centre Taken from Pope Francis' English message for Lent, dedicated to the theme: "Make your hearts firm", taken from the Letter of James (5:8)” Please visit the College website www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au to download the calendar ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol. 4, Ed.4, February 26 2015 PAGE 1 Strong Hearts Overcome Indifference Dear Brothers and Sisters, Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each community and every believer. Above all it is a “time of grace” (2 Cor 6:2). God does not ask of us anything that he himself has not first given us. “We love because he first has loved us” (1 Jn 4:19). He is not aloof from us. Each one of us has a place in his heart. He knows us by name, he cares for us and he seeks us out whenever we turn away from him. He is interested in each of us; his love does not allow him to be indifferent to what happens to us….. Pope Francis' English message for Lent, released on Tuesday, 27 January [2015], Lent is a time when we seek the personal assurance of our loving God that we are on the right track. It is a time to listen to the voice within, whilst also looking outside of ourselves and reaching out to others. The entire Season of Lent offers the opportunity through prayer to experience God’s guiding light so that love and peace may be the enduring themes within our lives. In doing so we ensure that our strong hearts will overcome indifference. Around the College this past week I have had numerous opportunities to see and experience this first hand. It was evident in the solemn way in which all members of our community engaged in the Ash Wednesday liturgy. It is evident within the nervous smiles and joyful enthusiasm of our Grade 7s as they reach out to others as part of their ‘New Beginnings’ transition experience. It is at the heart of our EREA Renewal Assembly this week where we pray that our deeds, not words alone will build in our boys "a heart which is firm and merciful, attentive and generous". May our hearts be challenged this Lent so that we may truly rejoice in the blessings that Easter brings. Renewal Assembly & House Reps Commissioning Tomorrow is our EREA Renewal Assembly where we celebrate our Accreditation as a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition. I look forward to welcoming the Executive Director, Dr Wayne Tinsey, Director of Regional Support, Mr Paul Williams and TCEO Director, Mr John Mula to this significant event. At this ceremony we will also commission House Representatives from both the Austins Ferry and Junior School campuses. Congratulations to the following boys on their appointments. Doyle Grade 9 Grade 8 Junior School House Captain Vice-Captain Tyler Morris Steven Roach Ryan Borsboom Baker Smith Dwyer Grade 9 Grade 8 Junior School House Captain Vice-Captain Lachlan Gadomski Liam Watling Joe McShane Thomas Rasmussen Hessian Grade 9 Grade 8 Junior School House Captain Vice-Captain Ben Donnelly Harry Bodnar Jake Cresswell Fletcher Loveless Joyce Grade 9 Grade 8 Junior School House Captain Vice-Captain Tom Morgan Thomas Vinen Samuel Smith Christopher Smith ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 2 A reminder that this is a formal uniform day. Open Day Next Thursday March 5 is Open Day at the Austins Ferry campus. It is a wonderful opportunity to see and experience the boys and their teachers engaged in the learning and teaching ‘business’! I look forward to meeting current and new families who would like to have a look around the campus. Enrolments If you know anyone who is thinking of sending their son to St Virgil’s, please encourage them to lodge their enrolment form. Enrolments for Grade 7 2016 close on Friday April 24. Recommendations from you are our strongest advertisement! Combined P&F AGM- March 18 The Parents & Friends Committee at both campuses do a wonderful job in supporting our College and raising valuable funds. I encourage anyone who is interested in joining the Parents & Friends to complete a nominations form which is attached to this newsletter. New Parent Evening Thank you to all the new parents who were able to attend the evening at Austins Ferry last Thursday night. It was a great opportunity for parents to meet their son’s teachers and receive further information around Pastoral Care, Assessment and Reporting, iPads, Grade 7 Events and Parents & Friends information. Thank you to the P&F Committee for supplying supper at the end of the evening. Junior School I encourage all Junior School parents who are available, to attend the P&F Welcome BBQ being held tonight at Patrick Street. Once again, this is a wonderful chance for parents to meet each other and meet their son’s teachers. New Beginnings This week our New Beginnings programme began for our Grade 7 students. Over the course of four weeks the students participate in Spiritual, Relational and Service Journeys and an Outdoor Experience on both the Austins Ferry and Junior School campuses and also off site. I thank the boys for their excellent behaviour and enthusiastic contribution to the start of this programme. Junior School Swimming Carnival Well done to all the boys involved today. It was great to see the lively House spirit with cheering and support. All boys tried their best, which contributed to a wonderful House day. In the spirit of Blessed Edmund. Damian Messer ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 3 DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Touchstones of the EREA Charter MR TERRY BLIZZARD “Please be aware that next Friday, March 6 is Formal Photo day at Austins Ferry. Formal Uniform is required for this day”. Liberating Education For the Calendar Please be aware that next Friday, March 6 is Formal Photo day at Austins Ferry. Formal Uniform is required for this day. Any problems or concerns can be directed to me. We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all. Leadership As a College we work to help our boys develop into fine young men and in the start to the year we have seen what boys can become when given a chance. The newly commissioned Grade 10 Leaders and the Grade 10 Peer Support Leaders have been charged with setting a tone of support in the school and to date they have done a wonderful job. The leadership shown by these young men has been exceptional and I would like to pay tribute to each of them. We could not wish for better role models, and I must say that the Grade 7s are very fortunate to have such fine mentors. Homework: Study, Organisation and Planning As problematic as it can be for some families, there are a number of key benefits in doing homework including reinforcing class work and the development of selfdiscipline, organisational skills and personal responsibility. Parents may find it hard to believe but organisation does not necessarily come naturally to many boys! Even though at school we tell the boys that there is never a time when there is nothing to be done at home, many boys often quite honestly believe that they have no homework. Many parents tell me that their sons claim not to have any homework – this is not the case! For many boys the key is in understanding the difference between homework and study. There is always study to be done, however many boys don’t know how or why. Study helps in the retention of information whilst homework reinforces learning. When your son says ‘I don’t have any homework’ parents should always encourage them to do the following two activities: Re-read and/or re-write class notes in a more organised way in things such as planners, on their iPad, note taking cards for example. Summarise the things they learnt that day into dot points. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Gospel Spirituality We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community. Inclusive Community Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good. Justice and Solidarity We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself. Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 4 Study such as this is something that should be done regularly (each day) because, as we tell the boys, it is surprising how quickly we forget things! Studies have suggested that: - A good part of what a person forgets takes place within 20 minutes of initially learning it. Within one hour a student forgets nearly half of what was originally learned. After 24 hours, almost two thirds of the previous learned material is forgotten. Further studies show that re-learning material (studying as outlined above) is crucial in retaining information and suggest that after five repetitions (of study activities) we can retain 95% of what we learnt. Much can be gained by boys when reviewing and rewriting their class notes into a more organised and neat manner, and things such as cue cards, which are available from any office supply store, are great for this. Boys also need to organise the following day or the remainder of the week as well, i.e. do they have all the required books and notes, and are there assessment items due, and so on. We continue to try to help boys with their organisation and planning and we encourage parents to help their sons to understand the importance of study. Over the coming weeks we will be working on this information with all Year levels in an attempt to assist them. COLLEGE MINISTER BR PETER FLINT I occasionally do an internet wander into ‘Pinterest’ where I find the occasional great statement - like the following. During Lent we can be told we are sinners and need to repent, but I’m not comfortable with that. I try to be a decent human being and make the mistakes that go with being human. I’m not sure these make me a sinner. The following quote spoke to me, and I’d like the boys to get the message within it. I know not the author. You fall, you rise, you make mistakes You live, you learn to breathe, You live, you learn. You’re human, not perfect. You’ve been hurt, but you’re alive. Think of what a precious thing it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, and to chase and to love. Sometimes there is sadness in our journey. but there can also be lots of love and beauty. We must keep putting one foot in front of the other, even when we hurt. For we will never know what is waiting for us just around the corner . ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 5 JUNIOR SCHOOL MR ANDREW PINELLI, HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Inclusive Community Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good. Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstone The boys who attend St Virgil’s College are indeed very lucky and fortunate. Parents have entrusted their son’s to the College during some of their most formative years. Now that the academic year is close to being in full swing, many other opportunities are being afforded the boys. Yes, many of these opportunities are heavily reliant upon parents assisting their own son with equipment and transport but also in critical roles like coaching and managing groups. The boys have so many opportunities both in the classroom, in the performance hall or on a sporting field. We all need to challenge our boys to try a variety and range of activities to see where their skill and/or interest may lie. Specialising in just one activity, no matter what it is, at a young age is probably not recommended. Taking up the opportunity to join in a range of activities with class or school mates in both competitive or friendly competition is yet another way to start to form long term friendships that last the test of time. Assembly This Friday, Grade 5M will be leading us in the assembly which will commence at 2.30pm in the Junior School Hall. All parents and friends are invited to join us. Leaders Commissioning This week, the Aussie Sports Leaders, Student Representative Council (SRC) and Mini Vinnies leaders were all presented with their badges of office. A big thank you to all the parents, grandparents and friends who were able to attend our ceremony in the Hall. All of our guests were then able to share morning tea with their son before everyone went back to their normal routines. Green Thumbs The Green Thumbs boys have been very busy up in the vegie patch over the last couple of weeks. This week they have been very busy harvesting the crops and also weeding and getting the beds ready for new crops. The fruits of their labour will be for sale at the P & F welcome BBQ on Thursday evening. Please support this very important endeavour. Also, the green thumbs boys are still in need of some manure if you are able to access any for the garden beds. Thanking you in anticipation. ICC World Cup Late last year a parent of an Old Virgilian donated tickets for every boy to be a spectator at one of the ICC World Cup games at Blundstone Arena. The game that we were given tickets for is between Sri Lanka and Scotland on March 11. At the time ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 6 of writing, Sri Lanka could possibly qualify for the quarter finals of the tournament. Further details about this exciting opportunity will be coming home with the boys very soon. Sport This week, all boys should have brought home information about the sport offerings for 2015. All boys are strongly encouraged to take up at least one of these out of school hours offerings at some time throughout the year. Thank you to those families who have already returned the form and also offered to assist in coaching and managing roles. P & F Association The P & F welcome BBQ is on tonight. We look forward to having our Junior School community getting together especially after a day of competition at the House Swimming Carnival. Junior School House Swimming Carnival Today, all the boys travelled to the Glenorchy Pool for the House Swimming Carnival. We look forward to publishing results in next week’s edition of the Star. Parent Volunteers The College as part of its commitment to community and the integral home-school partnership, welcomes parental involvement in a wide range of College activities including music, sport, canteen, camps, events, classroom help, tutoring and fundraising activities. With new legislation for volunteering coming into effect on April 1 it will be essential that all parents having a ‘Working with Children Card’. These will be required for all community organisations including scouts, sporting clubs, art, craft and music activities – any activity that brings adults into regular contact with children. More information about the Working with Children Card (including online applications) can be obtained through the Service Tasmania Website – http://www.justice.tas.gov.au/working_with_children/application More information about the card and the College’s arrangements for management of card requirements will be outlined in upcoming editions of The Star. Permission and Information Notes Many parents and families are active users of the College website and find it full of a wealth of information. This year we are striving to make even greater use of this resource by placing permission and information notes in the “In The School Bag” section of the site down the right hand side. We know that sometimes ‘paper’ notes don’t always get home or get out of your son’s school bag so this will be an invaluable resource for parents/guardians to check so you are even more aware information that is available. Calendar Update Parents and guardians are reminded to subscribe to the College’s online calendar. The great advantage of this is that if there are necessary changes to dates these changes can be made immediately. Please check the calendar at: http://www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au/calendar/ Significant, upcoming events are summarised below February Week 4B House Swimming Carnival @ Glenorchy P & F Welcome BBQ @ 5.30pm House Captains Commissioning @ 10.30am Senior School Campus ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR February 26 February 26 February 27 Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 7 Week 5A Grade 5 Camp to Port Arthur March 4 – 6 Week 6B ICC Cricket World Cup Match STCPSSA Swimming Carnival March 11 March 13 Canteen Mrs Olga Leon Friday February 27 Wednesday March 4 Thursday March 5 Friday March 6 No Canteen – School Commissioning F Kline / D Garlick C Monks / T Crellin J McLeod / M Careless If parents are able to assist please contact the Mrs Olga Leon on 62342440 or [email protected] ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 8 ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 9 SPORT ASSISTANT DEPUTY PRI NCIPAL (MIDDLE YEARS/TRANSI TION) Please visit the SVC Sport Website! MR CAMERON ALEXANDER New Beginnings The Grade 7 New Beginnings Programme is a key component of the wider transition programme to assist our Grade 7 students successfully transition into the St Virgil’s College community. The programme consists of four, two day programmes that run over four weeks, with each House group rotating through each activity. The activities are based around important aspect of your son’s life at the College and provide opportunities to build strong relationships with fellow students and staff, as well as build a sense of belonging to their pastoral Care Group, House Group as well as the College itself. All boys received detailed information this week in their Welfare Lesson which is included below for families: All boys received detailed information this week in their Welfare Lesson which is Grade 7 Camp Ever sat at your office desk wondering whether cricket, tennis or sailing will be on tonight due to inclement weather? Or more practically, where is the Bell St Oval? The website, accessed from the front page of the College website www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au features a range of informative features including: Calendar of events Fixtures, ladders and results tabs Ground locations – including google maps Latest news from the Director of Sport Sport sign up forms – for students and parent helpers/coaches A Red/Green traffic light system which indicates if games are on or off. Uniform requirements for all sports Photo galleries out in the field! from Please visit the site in the coming week to sign up for Term 1 sports such as cricket, tennis, basketball, mountain bike riding, rowing and sailing. For all sport enquiries please contact the Director of Sport, Mr James Dalton [email protected] ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 10 Location Outdoor Education College camp site, Cliftonvale Uniform Appropriate free dress, please refer information sent home Food BYO lunch on Tue. & healthy snacks. All other meals provided Doyle Dwyer Hessian Joyce Tues. 3 & Wed. March 4 Outdoor Education My Relational Journey My Spiritual Journey My Service Journey My Service Journey Tue. – Austins Ferry Wed. – Various Locations off campus Tue. - Free dress, appropriate for land care work. Wed. – College Sports Uniform Tue. – as per normal school day. Wed. – bring packed lunch, healthy snacks and drink. Tues. 10 & Wed. March 11 My Relational Journey My Spiritual Journey My Service Journey Outdoor Education My Relational Journey Tue. – Hobart City Wed. –Austins Ferry My Spiritual Journey Tue. – Austins Ferry Wed. –SVC Junior School Both days College Sports Uniform Both days -Formal uniform Tue. – bring packed lunch, healthy snacks and drink. Wed. – as per normal school day. Tue. – as per normal school day. Wed. – bring packed lunch, healthy snacks and drink. Tues. 17 & Wed. March 18 My Spiritual Journey My Service Journey Outdoor Education My Relational Journey Time and Space Programmes - Save the Dates! As published last week the Annual Time and Space Programmes will commence in just under a month. Last week all Grade 9 and 10 families will have received detailed information in the mail regarding their programme and attached to this edition. Famlies of Grade 7 boys will also receive detailed information in the mail this week. Attached to The Star is a flyer for both programmes. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions in regards to this programme. Grade 9/10 Time and Space Night 1 Tuesday March 17 – 7:00pm Night 2 Wednesday March 18 – 7:00pm Weekend Friday March 20 (evening) – Sunday March 22 (early afternoon) Dinner Monday March 23 – 7:00pm Final Night May 18 – 7:00pm ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 11 Grade 7 Mother/Son Evening Thursday March 19 – 7:00 – 9:30pm Mother and Son registrations are now open and can be completed by: online - http://bit.ly/SVC2015 or email - [email protected] Grade 8 Stepping Up Evening Tuesday May 19 – 7:00 – 9:30pm Australian Defence Force Academy Roadshow ADFA Student Recruitment Officer Vanessa Dawson will be visiting Hobart to conduct a presentation to students in years 10 – 12 who are considering a career as an officer in the Australian Defence Force. The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) is a tri-service military Academy that provides military and tertiary academic education for junior officers of the ADF in the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). Date: Time: Location: Thursday March 5 2015 11:30am (approx. 1 hour) Defence Force Recruiting building, at Anglesea Barracks, Davey Street, Hobart. DIRECTOR OF IDENTITY MR DANIEL LAPOLLA My Service Journey: Doyle House This week marked the first week of our New Beginnings Programme. Doyle House were the first house to experience ‘My Service Journey’, where they discovered the true meaning of service and how it is an intrinsic element of our faith at St Virgil’s College. On Tuesday all 41 students gathered to discuss and examine the true meaning of service. We had a specific focus on time and how we use our time and the ideal of being selfless and what this means. Most students highlighted the fact they did not always use their time as wisely. They also acknowledged their parents and loved ones for demonstrating what it means to be selfless. After lunch the boys were now going to put their thoughts and ideas into action, where they worked as a collective on the construction of the new path down to the main oval. All boys worked well to carry and spread the gravel for the path, putting into practice our motto By Deeds Not Words Alone. On Wednesday the boys went out into the community to again express how their time, attitudes and actions can benefit those around us. The boys had three options to choose from consisting of Foodbank, Holy Rosary Primary School and St Vincent De Paul’s Community Growth Centre. Below you will see some evidence of the boys in action at Holy Rosary. They we greeted with wide eyes and big smiles from two Grade 1 classes. They worked with the students to assist them with their spelling and maths work. Recess and lunch provided more opportunities for engagement as the Year 7s taught the younger boys a few hand ball tricks. I congratulate all Doyle boys for conducting themselves in a positive manner over the last two days of their service journey. We thank our local partners for allowing our boys to be involved. Let us never forget the power to influence those around us in a positive way. It does not need to be anything extraordinary, a simple smile can have so much reward. If we are to be true to our charism as a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 12 Tradition we need to be constantly looking for ways to serve others. I leave you with a quote from Mother Teresa and some pictures of the boys in action at Holy Rosary Primary School. “At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, or by how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” If you take the time to think about these words, you will understand the true meaning of service. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 13 DIRECTOR OF LEARN ING AND TEACHING MRS BEV PETTIT Vocational Education and Training (VET) Information Evening 7.30pm – 9pm Thursday March 5 2015 Glenorchy Campus of Guilford Young College All VET students and their parents should have received an invitation from Mrs Bobby Court, Principal of Guilford Young College inviting them to attend the VET Information Evening. Please complete the RSVP sheet by Monday March 2 and return it to St Virgil’s College via your son. The VET Information Evening is an important opportunity for VET students and their parents to meet the staff that deliver the VET courses. It also allow students and parents to view the Trade Training Centre facilities at GYC where most students will have the opportunity of completing their certificates. Last week the VET Hospitality students had their first Masterclass at GYC with Mr Stephen Lunn. The boys really enjoyed the class and the opportunity to work in the GYC Hobart Kitchen. The Pulled Pork Croquettes they made were excellent. Every Monday afternoon during term time, Mr Barry Maxwell and the VET Automotive students will travel into GYC Glenorchy Campus for their VET classes with Mr Brett Devereaux. Mr Devereaux has many years of experience working in the Automotive Industry. His expertise and the new purpose built Automotive Workshop are yet another example of the wonderful opportunities the VET students have to develop pathways towards their employment. Drama – ‘Off the Beaten Track’ Drama Workshop Miss Imogen Gray On Thursday March 5 some Grade 8,9 and 10 drama students will have the privilege of undertaking a workshop run by Olivia Simone, a NIDA graduate currently living and working in Los Angeles. Olivia will be coming into classes during the day to lead boys through some drama exercises with a focus on key elements of drama from the Australian Curriculum. This workshop provides students with an invaluable opportunity to work with a highly skilled and experienced professional actress. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 14 Herbert River Experience Mr Simon Harder All boys interested in participating in this year's Herbert River expedition need to see Mr Harder in his office (above the stairs down to the Main Oval) during pastoral care this week (Tuesday – Friday) On Friday during recess we will be meeting as a whole group and working out trip selection and other logistical arrangements. This needs to be finalised by the end of this week so if you are interested make sure you make this a top priority this week. The expedition letter can be found on the College web-site (In the School Bag – Senior) - http://www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au/inthe-schoolbag-senior-school/ DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MRS JODIE WILLIAMS The College Musical This year is a Musical year for the College, with performances running from August 5-8 (Week 3 of Term 3). The production team has now been confirmed and it is with great excitement that I can announce that Mrs Jennifer White, our very own, highly experience drama teacher - will be the Director. I will be the Producer/Musical Director. Mrs White and I met with St Mary’s College students during the week, to let them know about the Musical for 2015. It has long been tradition that students from our sister school, St Mary’s College combine and take part in St Virgil’s College musicals. We were very thankful to be invited to St Mary’s College for a chat with their students during lunchtime. Encouragingly, there were 50 excited girls who attended, eager about the prospect of being part of a musical with St Virgil’s College. Mrs White and I question however if the eagerness shown by the girls was about the musical or about the number of strapping Grade 7-10 boys that would be involved! There is a meeting in the Drama room this Friday at lunchtime for any St Virgil’s student who would like to be part of this year’s musical. This meeting will outline the requirements for auditions, the rehearsal schedule and the synopsis of the musical. Auditions begin in two weeks. The male auditions will be after school on Friday March 13 from approximately 3.30pm – 5.00pm in the JPC. Each student who would like to audition must prepare a short song (verse and chorus only) and a poem and they will be given some simple choreography to perform as a group. There may be call-backs for lead roles on Friday March 27. Female students will be auditioning after school on Friday March 20 from approximately 3.30pm-5:00pm in the Hall at the Junior School. Each female student will have to prepare a similar audition. Mrs White and I will post regular updates in The Star relating to casting and rehearsal schedules. Towards the beginning of next term we will also be asking for helpers, particularly parents and guardians that have dressmaking or ‘handyman’ skills. The title of the musical will be officially announced in next week’s edition of The Star, when we have officially received the rights. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 15 Private Music Lessons All private music lessons commenced this week. However, it is still not too late to hand in your private music enrolment forms or enrol via the College website. Each student has 16 lessons per semester (approximately eight per term). For any queries regarding to music lessons - please contact: [email protected] For all enquires about music @ SVC - please contact Mrs Williams - [email protected] Yours in tune, Mrs Jodie Williams Director of Music SPORT NEWS st 1 XI Cricket Mr Cameron Alexander SVC Blue 6-119 (Austin Keeling 43, Andrew Bourke 24, Declan Waddington 15) defeated Friends 10-118 Harry Burgess 2/8, Andrew Bourke 3-14) SVC Blue had a nail biting win scoring the winning runs with only four balls to spare. Bowling first Friends scored freely early before a fantastic run out from Kade Applebee changed the game. From there all bowlers restricted their batsmen to a manageable total. Our batting innings began slowly as Friends bowled very well, however a 64 run partnership between Austin Keeling and Andrew Bourke steadied the innings and took us within sight of the win. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 16 SVC Gold 1-196 (Calvin Coles 53 ret. Zac Berry 52 ret. Joshua Price 46 no) defeated Hutchins Magenta 10-81 (Fletcher Keeling 3-15, Jordan Cowen 2-0, Jack Anders 2-19). Round 3 Game Details: SVC Gold v Friends @ Bell St SVC Blue v Hutchins Black @ St Virgil’s Main Oval Grade 7&8 Cricket Week 2 of the Development programme involved two trial games played at St Virgil’s. Over 55 boys participated in a great night of cricket and there were some tremendous performances and efforts on show. For some boys it was their first experience of competitive hard ball cricket and it was wonderful to see the joy on their face as they made their first run, took a wicket or made a catch. For others it was a continuation of their journey through the sport and it was great to see them assist and encourage their team mates. Scores SVC Blue 6-106 (Sam Schultz 20 ret. Harry Anderson 20 ret. Kayde Saward 2/10, James Bourke 2/0) defeated SVC Gold 7100 (Will Collins 20 ret. Isaac Manson 11, Lachlan Boorsboom 2/5, Tyrone Fyfe 2/11) SVC Green 6-92 (Jordan Baker 3-15, Toby Butler 14 ret., Matthew Westward 10, Tom Vallerine 10) defeated SVC White 8-88 (Tom Lewis 15 ret., Alex Weaver 19 no, Josh Robinson 3-11) For the more experienced players next week sees two matches against old foe The Hutchins School. These games are a great test of each boy’s development and are played with great intensity and sportsmanship. Other boys will participate in internal games at the College. Details: SVC Blue v Hutchins 1 @ Hutchins Main Oval (turf) SVC Gold v Hutchins 2 @ Hutchins South Oval SVC Green v SVC White @ SVC Main Oval SVC Divva’s* v SVC Jewells* @ SVC JPC Oval *Named after old scholars Michael Di Venuto (Australian ODI player) and Caleb Jewell (Current Tasmanian Tigers 2nd XI player) From the Admiral Br Peter Flint When we came off the water last Monday I was somewhat depressed. The RIB had a tear in the hull; the universal joint on a tiller extension had given way; the jib of boat three had worn through on the luff cable; and there was something wrong with the support fittings on the RIB trailer. Today, Thursday, the RIB has been repaired, the tiller repaired, the jib may be ready tomorrow, and we have identified the trailer issue - thanks to a number of people who have the specialist knowledge and skills. We had had a great sail on Monday, thanks to the presence of our experienced team racing helms: Angus, Josh and Jack along with Coach Jonny. I think the boys who were crewing got a taste of real team’s racing - fast, furious and complex and not for the faint hearted. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 17 Another Learn to Sail Tomorrow After School. I need the boys to confirm their attendance, either through the email links that the boys’ families have received, or directly through me. It is not too late to come along. Email me at [email protected] if interested. Br Peter Free Afternoon Boot Camp Presented by FIT 4 LIFE Fit4Life has continued at St Virgil’s College this year. It is a program aimed at raising the health and fitness levels across the College. There is currently specific smaller student group sessions conducted during school time. There is also student ‘bootcamps’ (open to all students before morning pastoral care on a Wednesday) and staff and community bootcamps after school on a Wednesday. Student Information It has been great to see students come to in-class sessions as well as before school. If you are interested in these sessions please contact Mr Beck: [email protected] Parent Information Just a reminder that on Wednesday afternoons, there is a free of charge (yes that’s it, FREE) Community Bootcamp for adults. Or if you think your son could benefit from the other sessions please let me know. For more information contact Mr Beck: [email protected] or 6249 6555 ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 18 COLLEGE COMMUNITY NE WS GL Curtis Scholarships for Old Virgilians Applications are invited for the GL Curtis Scholarship for first year university students. The GL Curtis Scholarship provides a sum of $1,000 to an Old Virgilian beginning university studies. It is a once only payment to assist with the costs of attending university in the first year and is to be used for the purchase of essential texts or materials, the payment of university charges or the establishment costs necessary to provide university accommodation (country or interstate students). It is normally expected that the student will be enrolled at the University of Tasmania unless there are significant reasons why this is not the case (such as the courses not being offered there). Criteria 1. Recipients must be graduates of St Virgil’s College. 2. The recipient will be enrolled for the first year of a university course. 3. In line with the terms of the endowment, priority may be given to those enrolled in medicine, law or chemistry. Applications Written applications are invited by March 27 in the year of intended university enrolment. Applications should outline: the intended university and course, including proof of enrolment; the reason for this choice of course; the intended use of the funds; the personal circumstances of the applicant, particularly any relevant financial difficulty. Selection The selection panel will include the Principal and two Board members of St Virgil’s College. The panel may wish to make personal contact with applicants to gain further information about the application. As funds are held in trust by the Archdiocese the final decision will be ratified by the Archbishop. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 19 Austins Ferry Canteen Mrs Carol Hilyer The Summer Menu has commenced for Term 1. Parents are also reminded that lunch orders can be placed and paid for via secure online portal from the College website or via QKR mobile device payment system – please see the attachments to the newsletter for how to download and use QKR to order lunch for your son from your smartphone http://www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au/news-publications/ Monday March 2 Marian MacLachlan Help Needed Tuesday March 3 Maria Spinks Wednesday March 4 Trish Hurley Elisha Berry Thursday March 5 Susan Harvey Graeme Morris Friday March 6 Goldy Mandy O’Connell Parents and Friends Association Mrs Susan Roberts President As previously advised the March 18 meeting is our AGM – please see the note below about positions within the P&F Committee and the process for nomination. I look forward to seeing you at coming meetings for the start of another fun-filled and rewarding year. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION The Annual General Meeting of the St Virgil’s College Parents & Friends Association will be held on Wednesday March 18 in the Joyce Performance Centre at Austins Ferry commencing at 7.30 p.m. At this meeting nominations will be called for the election of Office Bearers of the Association for 2015. St Virgil’s College Parents & Friend operates over both the Senior & Junior Campus’ of the College as one organisation. The Parents & Friends primary functions are, firstly, to represents interests of the parents of the college by providing a vital link between the college and its parent community; thus creating an avenue for information sharing with in the college. Secondly, it promotes the interests of the college by organising and assisting with social and College events and fundraising activities. For the P & F to continue to carry out its primary functions it needs the ongoing support of the parents of the college. Parental involvement is paramount to the ongoing success of the P & F. The mainstay of the P & F is its Executive Committee and without that small group of parents then the P & F would cease to exist. Each year the P & F suffers a ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 20 natural attrition rate where parents who have sons in grade 10 leave the College, along with their sons. Consequently, new parents are needed to replace them. I would ask all parents to give some thought and consideration to becoming an active member of the P & F in 2015. A Nomination Form for the election of Office Bearers for 2015 accompanies this letter. The Nomination Form lists the various roles and capacities in which parents can serve the school community in the course of the year. Please feel free to put your name forward for any position, which might interest you. If you wish to discuss any matter pertaining to the P & F, please feel free to contact me on the following number: 0416 278 721 or by email: [email protected] Nomination forms are to be returned to the Austins Ferry Campus Office by Friday March 13, in an envelope addressed to: Susan Roberts, President, SVC P&F Association. Susan Roberts President ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE PARENTS & FRIENDS ASSOCIATION PROFILE OF ELECTED OFFICE BEARERS EXECUTIVE OFFICE BEARERS (SENIOR CAMPUS): The PRESIDENT is the chief executive and spokesperson of the Association. The President represents the Association at official functions, supports other office bearers and normally chairs the monthly meetings. The VICE-PRESIDENT deputises for the President when necessary. The SECRETARY provides secretarial support to the Association, including Agendas, Minutes and correspondence. The TREASURER undertakes the receipting & banking of monies; the keeping of proper books of accounts on behalf of the Association and presents an audited balance sheet (audit organised by the College) at the Annual General Meeting. The EXECUTIVE MEMBERS: (2- 4 NOMINEES) TO: - Provide support to the executive as required. EXECUTIVE OFFICE BEARERS (JUNIOR SCHOOL): The JUNIOR SCHOOL VICE-PRESIDENT– Chair of Junior School Executive - takes responsibility for the operation of the Parents & Friends Junior School. Liaises with the SVC President. The JUNIOR SCHOOL SECRETARY provides secretarial support to the Association. The JUNIOR SCHOOL TREASURER is required to keep proper books of accounts on behalf of the Association and present an audited balance sheet at the Annual General Meeting. The JUNIOR SCHOOL EXECUTIVE MEMBERS (2-4) provide support to the Executive as required. COORDINATORS OF VARIOUS STANDING COMMITTEES (Austins Ferry Campus): Association Members are required to act as coordinators for the following:- CATERING COORDINATOR – Normally calls on a network of helpers to assist when required. FAIR COORDINATOR - To work with Executive and coordinate the Annual Fair. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 21 NOMINATION FORM FOR P & F COMMITTEE 2015 Please return to the Austins Ferry Campus Office by Friday March 13, in an envelope addressed to: Susan Roberts, President, SVC P&F Association I …………………………………………………………………………………. wish to nominate …………………………………………………………………………….. for the office of ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for 2015. Proposer: ---------------------------------------------Seconded: ----------------------------------------------- Date: --------------------------- Changes to the Secondary Schools Tax File Number Program in 2015 The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) Program will not continue beyond 31 December 2014. This means that School TFN forms will no longer be processed beyond this date. How students can apply for a TFN from 1 January 2015 The Australian Taxation Office in partnership with Australia Post is making it easier for individuals to apply for a TFN. Students can now apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. Applying online is the fastest and most convenient way for students to get a TFN. More information on applying online can be found at ato.gov.au by searching for 'QC27248' Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form Tax file number - application or enquiry for individuals form (NAT 1432). More information about lodging this form can be found at ato.gov.au by searching for 'QC22604' The ATO will continue working with teachers to educate students about tax and superannuation. The curriculum resource Tax, ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 22 Super & You is a free, easy to use, online educational resource aligned to the school curriculum of each state and territory. This resource can be accessed at taxsuperandyou.gov.au In the coming weeks we will provide more information by email on how students can apply for a TFN and the educational services we can provide. In the meantime if you require any further information you can phone 1300 130 282 between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday. Sacramental Program Catholic children aged eight and upwards who live in the Sandy Bay-Taroona Parish, or who attend Mass there, will be prepared in the parish for First Holy Communion and Confirmation to be conferred by the Archbishop on Sunday 13 September. First Reconciliation will take place earlier in the year, date to be determined. Preparation for First Reconciliation will commence soon. Parental support during the classes and in home exercises will be an important part of the program. Parents who wish to enrol their child should contact the parish secretary as soon as possible. Phone Claire on 6224 1423 between 9.30 am and 1 pm on weekdays or email [email protected] Fr Brian Nichols Parish Priest CLAREMONT JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB Under 13s & Under 14s Would you like to play the great game of Aussie Rules Football? Training has commenced on Tuesday Nights at 5:00pm. Friday Night training will commence on 6 March at Cadbury Oval U/13's - 6:00pm & U/14's 5:00pm REGISTRATIONS are also being taken for other age groups! For further information please message our facebook page or contact Shelley on 0408 149 474 ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 23 Brighton Junior Football Club Registrations 2015 - Auskick to U18s Player registrations for 2015 are now being taken online at http://www.foxsportspulse.com/club_info.cgi?c=1-110-31344-00&sID=319174 Registrations close on the 13th March 2015. Junior Training commences on Friday 20th February at 4.30pm on Ferguson Oval (U8 to U12) Youth Training (U13 to U18) will continue on Wednesdays at 4.30pm for U13 & U14 and 5.15pm for U16 & U18. Auskick recommencement to be advised in due course. Clarence United FC The Club is preparing for the 2015 season and will like to invite all students to come and play. There is no skill requirement or any restrictions. We are a community based club that can accommodate all levels of interest. Training at the moment is at Rokeby High School as follows Men Women Youth boys Youth girls U18 men 6-8pm Mondays and Thursdays 6-7.30pm Tuesdays and Thursday 5-6pm Thursday 5-6pm Tuesday Cambridge New Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-7pm Newsletter Attachments – Available from website - http://www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au/news-publications/ - 2015 Instrumental Music Programme Enrolment Form OHA Junior Hockey Club Season 2015 Registration Details Metro Letter – Transfer Passes Not Accepted Asthma and Anaphylaxis Flowchart How to Order your Lunch at the Senior School QKR lunch order and App download instructions React Drama Classes for ASD Students Tasmania Rugby Union Friday Sevens Hobart Under 16/18s football club flyer Mona Gasp Fun Run ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 24 Grade 7 Hessian Camp Grade 7 Hessian Camp A WEEK IN THE LIFE OF THE COLLEGE Each week boys at St Virgil’s College are involved in a wide range of exciting curricular and co-curricular experiences. These experiences provide a rich source of learning, fun and personal growth – here is just a snapshot of these activities, captured through the lens of Br Peter Flint and Mr Andrew Pinelli. Additional photos can be accessed at: Svcpics.phanfare.com Grade 7 New Beginnings – ‘The Amazing Race’ Aquatic Science Grade 7s settling in! Grade 7s settling in! ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.4, Ed.4 February 26 2015 , PAGE 25
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