Join us for Alcona GospelFest Saturday, April 25, 2015 Introducing Alcona GospelFest, a gospel music workshop and concert! We would love to have you join us for this ½ day workshop and evening community concert – and bring your friends! The GospelFest mass choir will unite singers from Northeast Michigan and provide a wonderful opportunity to sing new music and meet people of other denominations and cultures. No previous experience necessary – just a love of singing and a willing heart! $10 per person includes workshop, music, folder and dinner. Singers ages 14-18 are invited to participate FREE. This event is sponsored by Inspiration Alcona, a nonprofit group bringing music and arts to Alcona, with support from the Community Foundation of North East Michigan, the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the National Endowment for the Arts and Harrisville United Methodist Church. Featured director: Jean Wilson, Director of One Voice Gospel Choir, Saline, Michigan Accompanist: Susan Armstrong, Music Director of Harrisville & Lincoln UMC and other directors and musicians of Alcona County! Location: Harrisville United Methodist Church 217 N. State (US-23) Harrisville, MI 48740 Attire: Casual attire for rehearsal All black attire for the evening concert Schedule: 12:00 noon 12:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 25, 2015 Registration begins Rehearsal begins Dinner Free public concert with mass choir & other music ALL ARE INVITED! ENCOURAGE FRIENDS & FAMILY TO ATTEND THE EVENING’S FREE CONCERT! Questions? Contact Lynn VanderLinde at 989-724-7902 or visit our website at Mail registration to: Alcona GospelFest, c/o Inspiration Alcona, P.O. Box 506, Lincoln 48742 ___________________________________________________ Alcona GospelFest Registration (Deadline April 17, 2015) Name:______________________________________________ Phone:______________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ Zip:_________________________________ Email ____________________________________________________ Age (if under 18): _______________ Church affiliation (optional) : ____________________________ Amount enclosed $____________________ Registration is $10/person and includes price of workshop, music and dinner. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO INSPIRATION ALCONA. Youth singers 14-18 are FREE, but still need to register. If registering a choir, please include a list of member names & e-mails. Singers’ attire for the evening concert is all black. Mail registrations to: Alcona GospelFest, c/o Inspiration Alcona, P.O. 506, Lincoln 48742
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