ST. MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION PARISH 46 MYRTLE STREET, MELROSE, MA 02176 PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH OFFICE: 781-665-0152 Fax: 781-665-2750 Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday—Friday PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Mark E. Ballard Pastor Rev. Sean M. Maher Parochial Vicar Sr. Mary Samson, S.H.C.J. Pastoral Associate [email protected] Mrs. Marie Sweeney Pastoral Associate [email protected] Rev. John Nazzaro Weekend Assistant EUCHARISTIC LITURGY 4:00 PM 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 AM 9:00 AM Ms. Marge Keohane Operations Manager [email protected] Saturday (Vigil) Sunday Monday through Saturday Mrs. Cynthia Boyle Principal, St. Mary’s School 781-665-5037 Saturday, 3:00 to 3:45 PM or call the Parish Office for an appointment. Mrs. Angela Wrinkle Director of Religious Education 781-665-0152 ext. 22 [email protected] Mrs. Karen Barrows Parish & Rel. Ed. Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Jaclyn Meehan Confirmation Coordinator 781-665-3707 [email protected] Mr. Eric Anderson Music Director 617-974-5948 [email protected] Mr. Joseph Tucceri Maintenance Director SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 1:15 PM. A Baptism class is held for all new parents and godparents on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center. To schedule your Baptism or for more information, please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment to begin the preparation process and to confirm a date and time for your wedding. This process should begin at least six months in advance of the desired date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to hospital admission or any other reason, please contact the rectory. The Sacrament of the Sick is also offered after the 4:00 Mass on the First Saturday of each month. MISSION STATEMENT: St. Mary’s is a Roman Catholic Christian Community centered around the Eucharist, welcoming all, while growing through faith and stewardship. ST. MARY’S PARISH WELCOME TO ST. MARY’S! If you are visiting and looking for a spiritual home, we welcome you to St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish. We hope that you find the worship and liturgy uplifting and an encouragement to your faith. Please introduce yourself to one of the priests after Mass. We want to know you and serve you; we welcome and invite you to become an active member of the St. Mary’s Parish Community. If you would like more information about our parish, please contact Marie Sweeney at 781.665.0152 ext.16 or [email protected]. [email protected]. The Season of Lent DAILY MASS SCHEDULE FOR LENT Monday through Friday 6:30 am and 9:00 am Saturday at 9:00 am STATIONS OF THE CROSS Fridays at 7:00 pm CONFESSIONS Saturdays 3:00 to 3:45 pm Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:00 pm During Sunday Masses. CATHOLICAPPEAL Next weekend, Cardinal Seán will ask Catholics across the Archdiocese to pledge their support to the 2015 Catholic Appeal. The Appeal greatly helps our parish, and thousands of people throughout the Archdiocese. Be sure to take home this bulletin which includes an insert with some helpful information about the Appeal. Please take a moment to read the insert and prayerfully consider how you can support this year’s Appeal. We are always grateful for your support. CATHOLICMEN'SCONFERENCE WORCESTER All men are invited to this annual conference at Worcester's DCU Center, on Saturday, March 21st. Hear from outstanding Catholic leaders: Dynamic Catholic Institute's Allen Hunt, Arise Missions' Dominick Albano, Blessed2Play's Ron Meyer, and Catholic Answers' host Patrick Coffin. Fr. Michael Gaitley will offer a special presentation on Divine Mercy, the role of the Blessed Mother and the importance of receiving mercy through confession. Bishops and diocesan/religious order priests will hear confessions. Bishop McManus will offer Mass. For more information or registration, call 508.929.4345 or visit our website Tickets are $45 ($30 for students) and include a midday meal. THELIGHTISONFORYOU Wednesdays During Lent Once again, during Lent there will be Confessions at most of the churches in the Archdiocese on Wednesday evenings during Lent. Here at St. Mary’s, Confessions will be heard from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. The good news is that Jesus Christ wants to free you from the chains of sin, give you new life in grace, and lead you to the heights of holiness. But he won’t do that against your will. You must be willing to say “yes” to His gifts of grace and forgiveness. And the first step along that path is to make a good, sincere, heartfelt confession of your sins. Even if it’s been many years since you last went to Confession, there’s no reason to be afraid or to delay. You can change your life today, simply by discovering Christ and His mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU! PROJECTRACHEL Many women ache with the pain of a past abortion. The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends an invitation for post-abortion hope and healing through its one-day “Come to the Waters of Healing” retreat. Upcoming retreat dates will be March 28th and April 25th. Retreats are limited to 10 women and are held at a confidential location. For registration, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or [email protected]. Trust in the tender mercy of God! PADREPIOPRAYERGROUP The Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet in the Lower Church on Wednesday, March 4th at 7:00 p.m. Please consider joining us this evening as we will follow the Way of the Cross. MELROSE, MA Please pray that God will watch over and safeguard our men and women serving in the military: SGT. PAUL C ONSOLI, US A RMY MAJOR MARTIN FORREST, USMC LT. C OL. STEVEN GERARDI, US A RMY C PL. MATTHEW GREGORIO, USMC SGT. DANIEL GOODHUE , USMC LT C OL. VALERIE HACKETT, USAF PVT. MICHAEL BUTLER, USMC L/C PL DANIEL MORELLI, USMC LT. SHELBY NIKITIN, US NAVY L/C PL ROBERT O’K ONIEWSKI, USMC SGT. B RIAN C RAWFORD, US ARMY MAJ. DARCY SAINT-A MANT.US A RMY LT C OL B ERNARD B ANKS, US A RMY CPL B RIDGET C ORSO, USMC SGT MATHEW C ORSO, USMC MAJOR E RIC B ERG, USAF H.C. E VAN C ARROLL, US NAVY PVT. JONATHAN C AMMARATA , USMC LT. JOHN R MORESCHI JR. USN SPC B RADFORD SAUNDERS, US A RMY MAJOR. E RIC DINOTO, US A RMY SPC JOSEPH RITCHIE , US A RMY AFC DEVON E MERY, USAF MS PATRICK TAGAN US NAVY E NS. SHAWN TAGAN, US NAVY LT. PATRICK FORREST, USMC C PL. MARK GREGORIO, USMC AFC JOHN GOODHUE , USAF L/C PL JARED WIMBERLY USMC A1C JULIE FORBES, USAF LT.C OL CHUCK MC GREGOR, USMC TSGT. SCOTT FORBES, USAF SPC JAMES LA C ROIX, US ARMY WO JAMES PAPPA , US ARMY SS JESSICA RAINWATER, USAF JUSTIN E. O'BRIEN, S/F, U.S. A RMY LT. J/G QUINCY K ING, II USAF MELROSE SYMPHONY'S "LOVE&LONGING"CONCERT On Saturday, March 7th at 8:00 pm at Memorial Hall, the Melrose Symphony will present “Love and Longing,” an entertaining and insightful evening of romantic masterworks featuring the works of Wagner, Tchaikovsky, and Dvorak. Join conductor Yoichi Udagawa for a Pre-Concert Talk at 7:15 pm. Maestro Udagawa will discuss the composers and their works, as well as some of the hidden meaning behind the music. This great evening supporting local music will surely inspire and delight all audience members! Tickets are $30, $11 for students. For tickets and information visit or call 781.662.0641. HOSPITALEQUIPMENTLOANPROGRAM H.E.L.P. If you are in need of a wheelchair, hospital bed, Hoya lift, bathroom helps, etc., they are loaned free of charge with the expectation of return when no longer needed. Please call Anne Hackett at 781.665.8118 for information. BULLETINADVERTISING We are grateful to those who advertise on the back of our bulletin. Their support totally pays for the cost of printing the weekly bulletin. Please patronize our advertisers and let them know that you saw their ad in St. Mary’s bulletin. Pope Francis Has Endorsed 40 Days for Life! With God’s help, 40 Days for Life has achieved proven results: 9,699 babies spared from abortion, 107 abortion worker conversions and 59 closed abortion centers. Get involved, and you can help save lives! From February 18 – March 29, we will participate in 40 Days for Life, a campaign made up of prayer and fasting, community outreach and peaceful vigils. You are invited to stand and peacefully pray in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood, 1055 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, and also to help spread the word about this important outreach. For more information or to volunteer, contact [email protected] 781-762-4391, or If you would like to participate with a group, Saint Agnes Parish in Arlington will be leading a Rosary Hour each Sunday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm outside Planned Parenthood. Please join us! We will meet at 1:30 pm in the public parking lot adjacent to the Saint Agnes Church. For more information, please e-mail [email protected]. Morning Movie LIFEFORLIFE-MaximillianKolbe Tuesday, March 10th at 10:00 am in the Church Hall A haunting film about the 'martyr of Auschwitz' In Auschwitz in 1941, one of the prisoners, Jan, escapes from the German concentration camp while working at a gravel pit. Thanks to the help of goodhearted people he finds shelter. There Jan hears tragic news about ten random inmates sentenced to death by starvation by the Nazis as a punishment for his escape. One among the convicts is Fr. Maximillian Kolbe, a Franciscan priest who volunteered to die in place of one of the inmates. Now Jan is not just fleeing the Nazis, but also from his guilt for his involvement in Kolbe's death. He goes to visit Niepokalanów, a very large Franciscan monastery where Fr. Kolbe had been the founder and superior. There Jan wants to learn what the motives were behind his decision to die for another prisoner, a complete stranger. Though free from Auschwitz, Jan will continue to be confronted by the life and death of Maximilian Kolbe wherever he goes. Kolbe was beatified by Pope Paul VI and later canonized by his fellow countryman Pope John Paul II, who proclaimed Kolbe as the “patron saint of the difficult 20th century”. This film runs for 90 minutes. Polish with English subtitles. We hope you can join us. SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT Saturday, February 28 4:00 pm Cecile & Anthony Iannillo Sunday, March 1 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am F. Joseph Ebert Charles & Mary Morrissey Timothy Galvin Monday, March 2 6:30 am Tuesday, March 3 6:30 am John Savarino Patrick Mulvihill Wednesday, March 4 6:30 am Thursday, March 5 6:30 am Friday, March 6 6:30 am Paul Whelan Agnes Cornwall Annie & Tom Cornwall Saturday, March 7 4:00 pm Evelyn Kelleher Sunday, March 8 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Teresa Laverty Richie Doyle Steve Turner Please pray for those who are ill. Robert Weadick Marion Gianino Jean Riley Nicol Linda Callen Susan Balboni Frank Zinck Rosemarie Johnson Dorothy Pinkam Mary Callen Mike Clark Please pray for the deceased members of St. Mary’s Parish. Ann Monahan Sr. Edwina Menten, SHCJ Mary Tortora John Savarino Our Sanctuary Lamp is lit in memory of Timothy Galvin. We pray in a special way for all those who are unable to be with us, for whatever reason. We pray for all those who are lonely, all those who have no one to pray for them, and we pray for one another. SR.EDWINAMENTEN,SHCJ Sr. Edwina was a St. Mary's High School Graduate, Class of 1946. Although she did not teach at St. Mary’s, she was a founder of the SHCJ mission in Chile. There will be a Memorial Mass for Sr. Edwina at St. Mary's in the spring. MASSONCATHOLICTV ADORATIONOFTHE MOSTBLESSEDSACRAMENT Adoration is held every Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in the Lower Church and on Saturday from 9:30 am to 2:45 pm in the Parish Center Chapel. Please join us. We are committed to having at least two persons present at all times of Adoration. If you can commit to one hour on one evening a month, please email [email protected]. ROSARYFOR CONVERSION&VOCATIONSFOR OURYOUNGPEOPLE Please join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center Chapel to pray the Rosary for the conversion and vocations for our young people, and for their spiritual and physical protection. If you are not able to get out to Mass, you can celebrate Mass everyday with Catholic TV. Saturday Vigil Mass from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception airs at 7:00 & 11:30 pm. Sunday Mass airs at 10:00 am from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame. Daily Mass with priests from the Archdiocese of Boston airs Monday through Saturday at 9:30 am. You can also celebrate Mass live or on demand at Thank you for your generosity. On the weekend of February 15 and 22 we gave: February 15 February 22 $3,541.00 7,711.00 MARCH 1, 2015 ST.MARY’SSCHOOL&PTONEWS COMEDYNIGHT &SILENTAUCTION FAMILYACTIVITIESFORLENT Lent is a time of prayer, penance and sacrifice, a time for the entire family to be more attentive to the words of Jesus and to each other. It is a time to try harder to put Christ’s teachings into practice. It is a time of concentrated effort toward the springtime of spiritual growth, or rebirth and renewal. It is a time when the whole Church goes on retreat for 6 weeks. It is a 40-day journey with Jesus. Lent means doing something as well as giving up something. Clay Pot – Shatter an inexpensive clay pot and give each family member a piece to keep during Lent as a reminder that we are like clay in God’s hands. During Lent, we can allow God to shape us into new vessels. Fasting during Lent – has always been a popular religious practice. Fast from fast food. Fast from TV one day a week. Fast from electronic games one day a week. Fast from using the computer and spend that time with your family. Fast from buying anything that is unnecessary during Lent. Fast from bad habits that need to be changed/given up. Practice the 3 C’s – Give 3 compliments a day to your spouse, your child or to someone else. Have Sugarless Tuesdays – as well as meatless Fridays. OPENHOUSE St. Mary's School is having an Open House THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 1st from 1:00 to 2:30 pm for interested families for the 20152016 school year. St. Mary's offers a faithbased education and a rich history of academic excellence for students in PreK through Grade 8. We offer a full- and half-day 3 year and 4 year old Prek, a full day Kindergarten, and a Before and After School Program. Registration is now open for the next academic year. A birth certificate, registration forms, and a deposit are needed to preregister and hold a spot. Tours will be available. Please call 781-665-5037 or visit our web site for more information. MAKEITPARTOFYOURLENT! We need kids and families to bring the Gifts to the Altar at the 9:30 Family Mass. Please “take our fish” and let an usher know you will bring the Gifts to the Altar. When you go back to get the Gifts please make sure to return our Fish! This is a great idea for young people who have recently received the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and will receive Holy Eucharist or Confirmation this year, as they can be more actively involved in the Celebration of the Mass. Friday, March 20th Jackson Suite in Malden Reservations $35 per person We will have a dinner buffet and a lot of fun and laughs. Also, how about a Reverse 50/50? These tickets are $50 and give you a chance to win up to $5000! You do not need to be present to win. Please send checks for your reservation and/ or the Reverse 50/50 into School, payable to St Mary’s PTO. We are also looking for donations for our silent auction. Some of the items we are looking for are concert tickets, theatre tickets, admission passes for families to museums, etc., vacation rentals, trips, and lottery tickets. Would you like to donate a themed basket for our raffle? You can choose the theme. If you would like to make a donation to the Silent Auction or Raffle, or if you are interested in helping, please contact Debi McInnis at [email protected]. PARENTSERIESCONTINUES Our Parent Series will continue on Wednesday, March 4th and Wednesday, March 25th. On March 4, the District Attorney’s Office will present “Underage Substance Abuse.” All parents are invited, but the parents of students in Grades 4-8 are especially urged to attend this important presentation. The meeting will be at 7:00 pm in the Lower Church Hall. On March 25, parents of students in Grades PreK - Grade 4 are invited to “The Best Technology Tools to Support Student Learning” at 7:00 pm in the main building. UNIFORMCONNECTION Thanks to many generous uniform donations over the past two months, we have many boxes of uniforms. Please contact Lisa Youssef at [email protected] if you are in need any uniforms for your children. SAFETYFIRST Safety is a top priority here at St. Mary’s. Please be patient during drop off and dismissal. Students must use the crosswalk to insure the safety of all. Remind your child about being extra careful getting out of the car and crossing the street. Thank you to all the parents who consistently do the right thing.
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