Update from Visioning Team Work W ith the Covenant and Co-Missioning of the Visioning Team on February 1st, the Team was charged, “To craft an intentional ministry with children and their families for First Baptist Church, by developing their own ability to dream new dreams, by defining a clear purpose for this intentional ministry, and by ironing out a plan for regular activities and special events. In three months’ time, the team will report their actionable recommendations to the church so that we might all see a clearer path upon which we may walk together for a thriving and intentional ministry to children and their families.” The Visioning Team prepared for its work by completing two guided devotions: Teaching our Children with scripture reading of Deuteronomy 6:1-9 and Matthew 22:34-40; and A New Thing with scripture reading of Isaiah 43:18-19 and Luke 9:28-37. These two guided devotions asked team members to consider their faith and life experiences as well as praying for God’s guidance in the task they have been given. The Team has met twice since then. We began the first afternoon with an orientation meeting to get acquainted, review the schedule and begin the process. The team shared with each other about their work, church experiences and what brought them to First Baptist Danville. From their sharing we found common threads in their stories that include being invited to attend, a sense of belonging and a sense of calling to be part of this faith community. The team began dreaming about how to minister to children and their families in the areas of ministry, facilities and community. Over the next two months the team will spend time considering each of these areas and what next steps to take. The Team is committed to their task and the work before them. You can be part of the Visioning process by joining the “PLAY” which Angela shared in the January newsletter: • Pray – Pray for our children, our workers, our team, our consultant, future workers and for more children. • Lavish encouragement – Lavish encouragement on team members. Lavish encouragement on adults working with children. Lavish encouragement and love on our children. • Assist – Assist team members when they need your opinion or feedback. Assist visitors to find appropriate classes. Assist by volunteering for nursery duty. Assist by saying, “I’m here to help. What needs to be done?” • Yell – Yell it from the rooftops – or talk about it in the grocery store or in the neighborhood – tell people far and near about the good things happening at First Baptist Church. And invite them to come with you! Children, children everywhere And what a noise they make…. Ask God to show you who to invite to join you at church this Sunday. Mary Langley Barnabas Partnership Spire The First Baptist Church of Danville Volume 74 • No. 2 Fenruary 24, 2015 Office: 434.793.8331 Fax: 434.793.3228 www.fbcdanville.com [email protected] March 1, 2015 Matthew 24:42-44; 1 Timothy 4:12-16; Galatians 3:25-28 “You Do as unto Me” by Dosso — March 8, 2015 Psalm 19; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” by Ferguson — March 15, 2015 Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Ephesians 2:1-10 “O, My God, Bestow Thy Tender Mercy” by Pergolesi — March 22, 2015 Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 5:5-10 “In Love Christ Came Among Us” by Martin — March 29, 2015 Mark 11:1-11; Mark 14:1-15:47 “Hosanna” by Gregor “Even the Heavens Are Weeping” by Martin Spire Schedule Please have any material that you wish to be included in the next newsletter to the church office by noon, Monday, March 16. You may drop it off at the office or email it to office@ fbcdanville.com. The March edition of “The Spire” is scheduled to be mailed on Tuesday, March 24. John Carroll, Pastor Angela Zimmerman, Music Min./Assoc.Pastor Ben Wright, Dir. of Youth Ministries Debra Purvis, Financial Assistant Tammy Vaughan, Admin. Assistant Sherman Ransom, Sexton Dot Walker, Housekeeper News from the Corner of Chestnut & Main Pastoral Ministries y the time that you sit down to read this article, we will likely be a full week into the church season of Lent—that 40 day journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter. However, even though it may be post-launch for our Lenten sojourn, I believe it is worth taking some time to ponder other 40 day and 40 year journeys that we know from Scripture. Noah, his family, and pairs of all animals endured 40 days and 40 nights of flooding rain in the shelter of the ark. The Hebrew people wandered in the wilderness for 40 years in between the fearful refusal of one generation to enter the Promised Land and the ultimate willingness of a new generation to do so. And Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the wilderness being tempted between his baptism and the beginning of his ministry. While each of these 40 time-period journeys arise out of very unique circumstances, there is a common thread that runs through them. The 40 day/ year time period is one of purification. During the flood, the world was purified of the corruption that had occurred as humanity continually forgot its rightful place, seeking to either be God or be like the animal world under their care. During the years in the wilderness, a whole generation opposed to God’s desire and direction had to be lost so that God’s people could move forward. And during Jesus’ time in the wilderness, Jesus had to face and overcome what would be his deepest temptations so that he could come forth and begin his ministry to proclaim release to the captive and good news to the poor. That leads us to the second commonality of each of these sojourns, the purification happens so that new life might be given or discovered on the other side of it all. God makes a new covenant with Noah and humanity begins to flourish again under the sign of the rainbow. The Hebrew people finally enter the land that had been promised to their ancestors. And Jesus brings life to the hurting and the oppressed through his teaching and miracles and ministry. This is the model for our own Lenten journeys. This isn’t simply a time to give up chocolate, TV, or coffee, this is an opportunity to intentionally surrender ourselves to God so that we might be purified of those things that prevent us from experiencing life abundant and free. It is an opportunity to purposefully walk alongside Jesus as he sets his face toward Jerusalem, surrendering himself to the will of God, journeying into the heart of human darkness and sin and taking up the cross until he bursts forth by the power of God in the glory of resurrection life, new creation. May our Lenten journeys lead us to new life abundant and free, even as they take us through the valley of surrender and purification for the sake of our Lord and his Kingdom. Amen. [email protected] • Cell Phone – 336.880.3576 I like snow. I waited and watched for the snow to begin all day yesterday. When it did start I watched out of the office window enjoying the snow filling the air. I also noticed the snow gathering on the window sill. Those were the tiniest little flakes I think I have ever seen. I was very worried that those little flakes wouldn’t amount to much, but, to my delight, we have over three inches of the white stuff on our deck. I was so amazed at the smallness of the snowflakes that I was inspired to write my newsletter article about snow. I expected it to be all about how those insignificant bits of snow could work together to make a white blanket for the ground and how we could work together to do more than any of us could do by ourselves. That truth holds. We should work together to accomplish amazing things! This morning I found a comfy seat by the window, turned on the computer, and prepared to write. I looked out the window expecting to see pristine snow beautifully covering the ground. I was too late. The neighborhood kids had already been enjoying the snow. You could tell. There was the packed down, smooth area on the sidewalk, just the width of the sled. There were the many footprints at the sledding adventure waiting area. Some scooped out places look just the right size for snow ball material. No pristine, untrampled snow scene for me. All those footprints made me think. These children are playing and having fun. Their intent was not to leave an impression in the snow. But they did. Just as their playing had an impact and left a mark in the snow, our actions also leave a mark. I haven’t thought about it in a while, but every step I take, whether I intend it to or not, makes an impression. The places I go, the words I speak, the attitudes I exhibit, all leave their mark. I wish I could impart wisdom that would let us all know how to leave only wonderful, positive marks in the world, but I can’t. Some days, I wish there was a way to go through the day and erase the marks I made, but there isn’t. I will use the footprints in the snow today to help me to be mindful of the marks I leave. My prayer is that the footprints I leave will mark the path to God. Music Ministries B [email protected] Cell Phone – 336.212.3213 Staff ANNIVERSARies We are fortunate to be able to celebrate Debra Purvis’ 12 years of service to our church. She began work here on March 5, 2003. Be sure to thank her for her wonderful and faithful service. We are all grateful to have her! Page 2 News from the Corner of Chestnut & Main D Youth Ministries uring June of my senior year of high school, I attended a week long summer camp with my Youth group from College Park Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC. We spent Monday through Friday at a small private conference center at a beach in South Carolina. The week was composed of small group Bible studies, large group worship services, personal quite time, and fellowship opportunities. This type of camp had been a regular part of my summers during senior high and I hadn’t anticipated that summer to be much different from years past. However, that summer, my Youth Pastor, Raymond, came to me privately after one evening’s worship service and asked me if I would be interested in leading the evening devotional the following night. I still don’t know what compelled me to do so, but I agreed. I had grown up in the church, was the grandson of a respected preacher and dedicated pastor, had gone to many different camps and on various mission trips, I was even the president of my high school Christian club, but I had yet to ever really speak about my faith openly and thoughtfully and surely not in front of a group. Up until that point I hadn’t been given an opportunity. The following night, I found myself sitting, Bible in hand, on a small, black barstool in front of sixty or so of my peers and the handful of adult chaperones present. I begin briefly talking about what the Bible meant to me before reading and giving my reflection on Psalm 40; a passage I found particularly meaningful at the time. After, Raymond came up to me and said, “That was really good. You have a gift. Keep it up.” That opportunity and affirmation planted a seed that has and is continuing to grow into the minister I currently understand myself to be. March 1st is Youth Sunday at First Baptist. This morning’s worship service has been designed, created, and will be delivered by the Youth of our church. In addition to leading prayers, reciting scripture, and performing musical selections, three of the students will be presenting short scripture reflections that they have crafted themselves. Each chose a topic from his or her life that enthuses them. They then, with minimal guidance, found a partner text that in someway echoes the chosen topic. From there each student used the material gathered to construct a reflection that speaks truth to all hearers present. I invite you to attend this special worship experience on the first Sunday in March. After, go up to a Youth member and let them know your thoughts on the service. God knows what seeds you may sow. DEACON “ON-CALL” LIST: march Elizabeth Compton (Home) 434.799.0865 Karen Harris (Home) 434.792.1792 John Holshouser Ray Robinson (Home) 434.685.3778 (Cell) 434.228.3350 (Cell) 434.489.4046 (Cell) 434.316.3129 (Cell) 434.250.9015 First Reflections: GOD’S PERFECT PEACE M y good friend, Paul Greer, underwent triple-by-pass surgery a couple of years ago. He told me he prayed with the doctors before surgery and when he came out from the anesthesia he felt God’s perfect peace. Although he was in the hospital for nineteen days, he was at peace and knew he was in God’s hands and on God’s timeline. I was diagnosed with low grade non-invasive bladder cancer in 2007. After elevation to high grade non-invasive and many different treatments in 2012, I was back to low grade non-invasive. I was satisfied to stay there despite my doctor’s recommendation to remove the bladder. Another good friend, Gary Roach, was diagnosed with bladder cancer after I was. I saw the opportunity to encourage him, however he informed me his cancer had become invasive. A while later, he and his wife called Sandra to wish her a happy birthday, and shared the information that he was going into the hospital on the 28th of that month for an operation that only gave him a 30% chance of survival. Before I called him back to offer words of encouragement, he called me on a Tuesday night and convinced me I was making the wrong decision in not removing the bladder. On Wednesday, Gary died of a massive heart attack. I believe the Lord had him to call me to make the right decision, and then took him to our heavenly home in order that he would not have to suffer the indignity of having a surgery he could not survive. Needless to say, I called the doctor to tell him I had changed my mind and the operation was scheduled. I prayed and still pray for God’s perfect peace to help me get through the battles I have been waging. When you ask me how I am doing and I say great, wonderful, or any other adjective I may use, I know it is true. I am in God’s hands and on his timeline, so all is GREAT! I truly experience God’s perfect peace. Sincerely, Tom Warren lThank You l Dear Friends, Your thoughtfulness and care for us when we were both hospitalized and recovering at home were sincerely appreciated. Your prayers, phone calls and cards helped us through another difficult time. Thank you so much. Thanks, too, to John for coming to see us in the hospital. Not many wanted to brave that environment. We are so blessed to have friends like you. Sincerely, Betty and Stokes Daniels Page 3 Sharing the Love & Life of Christ Sanctuary Flowers —————————————— S u nda y N urs e ry M i ni s t ries March 1 March 1 – Sunday School/Worship: Mollie Duren March 8 – Sunday School/Worship: John & Karen Holshouser March 15 – Sunday School/ Worship: Heather & Hannah Vipperman March 22 – Sunday School/ Worship: Karen Tuck March 29 – Sunday School/ Worship: Jane Gilbert March 8 ————— W e d n e s d a y N i g h t S u p p e r ————— March 15 March 4 Cook: Dot Walker Host: Jimmy Flippen Serve/Clean: Covenant and Roundtable classes March 18 Cook: Dot Walker Hostess: Suzanne Inlow Serve/Clean: Philathea Class and Leadership Council March 11 Cook: Dot Walker Hostess: Karen Harris Serve/Clean: Friendship Class March 25 Cook: Dot Walker Hostess: Carolyn Stinson Serve/Clean: New Beginnings Class and Deacons The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Laura Lassiter by Dr. Max Lassiter and family. The sanctuary flowers are given to the glory of God in honor of Elijah Davis’ 9th birthday on March 8 by his grandparents, Kathy and George Davis. This date is available to place flowers in the sanctuary. Please contact Eleanor Crumley at 836.0905 if interested. March 22 The sanctuary flowers are given in loving memory of Jean Meyer by Dr. John Meyer and family. March 29 This date is available to place flowers in the sanctuary. Please contact Eleanor Crumley at 836.0905 if interested. From the Missions Committee O ur Annual Missions Offering is well underway. At the time of this writing, we have no early totals to report, but you will see the progress every Sunday at Worship as the candles are lit on the altar. To recap briefly, the theme this year is “Seeds of Today, Hope for Tomorrow.” Our generosity to this offering will provide hope and resources for our mission partners and the people they serve. Our goal for the offering is $12,000, which will mean $2,000 each for God’s Storehouse, Grace & Main Fellowship, House of Hope, Good News Jail and Prison Ministry, Lude Labieville (Haitian student at Averett), and Marc & Kim Wyatt, CBF Field Personnel in the Raleigh area. We will once again have the “change pots” out, so feel free to empty your change purse or get rid of some old dollar bills for this more than worthy cause. You have already heard from Joshua Hearne and Mark and Kim Wyatt. Join us for the next two Wednesday night suppers and hear from representatives of the other four Mission Partners. Thanks in advance for your help in making our goal for the 2015 FBC Missions Offering. Kathy Davis, Chair FBC Missions Committee The Breakfast Club Schedule First Sunday: Second Sunday: Third Sunday: Fourth Sunday: Fifth Sunday: Ed and Jane Pratt, Rodney Reese, Bill Rigney Mollie Duren, Virginia Garmon, John/Janice Gilstrap, Bruce Hopson, Mark Mills, Dave Slayton Jane Gilbert, Randy Richardson, Rodney Reese, Karen Tuck, Sherry Turner Harold Brinkley, Jimmy Flippen, Neda Haymore, Sherry Turner Jimmy Flippen, Virginia Garmon, Neda Haymore, Jim Livingston Men’s Prayer Breakfast O n the first Tuesday, March 3, and the third Tuesday, March 17, the men of the church are invited to a Bible study and prayer time held in the parlor at 7:30 a.m. You may bring your own breakfast or order a biscuit from Biscuitville through the church office prior to Tuesday. Coffee and juice are provided. John Carroll will be our devotional leader. Join us before going to your other activities of the day to pray for our church, our members, our city, and our country. Mark your calendar for MPB on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month. Our Stewardship Year-to-Date Revenue (January 31, 2015) $31,516.50 Year-to-Date Expenses $34,408.16 Revenue Received (Under) Expenses ($ 2,891.66) Page 4 Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Danville, VA 24541 PERMIT NO. 78 First Events Special Events____________________ Sunday, March 1 11:45 a.m.............................. Youth Luncheon 5:30 p.m............................... Habitat for Humanity Duo Amabile Concert (at FBC) Tuesday, March 3 7:30 a.m................................ Men’s Prayer Breakfast (in parlor) 871 Main Street Danville, VA 24541 Return Service Requested Saturday, March 7 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m............ Community Garden Prep Day Tuesday, March 10 7:00 p.m............................... Leadership Council Meeting Wednesday, March 11 10:30 a.m.............................. Library Committee Meeting 6:30-8:30 p.m....................... Children’s Visioning Team Meeting Friday, March 13 7:00-10:00 p.m.................... Youth Game Tournament Monday, March 16 12:00 p.m............................. Spire Information Due (for April) Tuesday, March 17 7:30 a.m................................ Men’s Prayer Breakfast (in parlor) 7:00 p.m............................... Deacons’ Meeting Wednesday, March 18 11:00 a.m.............................. Staff Meeting Sunday, March 22 4:00-6:00 p.m....................... Children’s Visioning Team Meeting Sunday, March 29 3:00-8:00 p.m....................... Youth Easter Party (meet at FBC) 4:00-6:00 p.m....................... Children’s Visioning Team Meeting Monday, March 30 12:00 p.m............................. Holy Week Service at First Presbyterian Church Tuesday, March 31 12:00 p.m............................. Holy Week Service at First Presbyterian Church Regular Weekly Events (unless contradicted by special events) Sundays 7:00-7:30 a.m. ......... Breakfast Club 9:15 a.m.................... Prayer Time 9:30-10:20 a.m......... Sunday School 10:30-11:30 a.m....... Worship 4:00-6:00 p.m........... Youth Group Mondays 7:00 p.m......................Starmont Swing Band Tuesdays 3:30 – 5:00 p.m..........Tutoring 5:30 – 7:00 p.m..........Handbells 7:00 p.m......................Boy Scouts Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 p.m..............Supper is served 5:30-7:00 p.m..............Childcare (infants to 4 years old) 6:00-6:40 p.m.............Faith Steps/Children’s Music 6:00-7:00 p.m.............Youth Group 6:15 p.m......................Bible Study 6:40-7:15 p.m.............Preschool Music/Faith Builders 7:15 p.m......................Church Choir Thursdays 3:30 – 5:00 p.m..........Tutoring Ministers Contact Information John Carroll • [email protected] • (336) 880.3576 Angela Zimmerman • [email protected] • (336) 212.3213
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