1 First Presbyterian Church of Newton March 2015 From the Pastor Dear Friends: Ash Wednesday came early this year and with it came the arrival of the season of Lent. We shared a service with our friends at the Methodist Church here in town. The service included communion and also the imposition of ashes. Worship has a capacity to lift us out of our solo cruise around our own little world so that we can see a larger picture, a more varied landscape than we ever imagined. Remembering what God has done for us in Christ Jesus can renew us and free us from our captivity to our past or to the narrow view of our present or our presumed future. If you have found that regular worship has become less of a priority in your life, you might want to reconsider and use the season of Lent as a way of getting back on track. “Imposition” is one of those technical terms used to describe the placing of ashes on the forehead or the hand. Often the word is used to describe something “If you have found that that is put upon us like an imregular worship has posed tax or an added burden. become less of a priority Sometimes we apologize for in your life, you might something we are about to ask want to reconsider and someone to do by saying, “I hope this isn’t an imposition on use the season of Lent as your time.” a way of getting back on track.” When it comes to Ash Wednesday, “imposition” might be a good word to describe this act after all. Worship, in general, and Ash Wednesday, in particular, is an imposition on us. It is an added burden to our daily schedule and routine. But the burden of worship is also a source of its blessing in our lives. It is important to remember that we are more than just the sum of our accomplishments. It is good to recall the words of the Ash Wednesday liturgy: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” So often we allow our own agendas, needs, wants and desires to crowd out any thoughts of the needs of others or the purposes of God. We quickly slide into a sea of self-indulgence with frequent side trips to the islands of selfabsorption and self-pity. Throughout this year of worship you will hear the breadth of the gospel message of good news and hope. You will be challenged by things you had been unaware of in the past. You may even sense some urgency and a tug upon you to consider ways you might be of service to others. The stain of the ashes on Ash Wednesday lingers throughout the season of Lent and throughout our lives whether or not we chose to have them imposed on us at the Ash Wednesday service. They are the flip side of the water of our baptism. Just as we walk through life “wet” because of God’s claim upon us in baptism, we also walk through life marked with ashes. May the reminder of God’s presence and powerful plan to save us keep us humble and thankful, focused on God and better able to view ourselves and those around us. I hope it isn’t an imposition to say: “See you in church!” Faithfully yours, Pastor David 2 Anniversaries 3/20 Mary Lou & William Holterman 3/24 Dewey & Dorothy Budd Birthdays 3/7 June Whitworth 3/24 Marissa McGauley 3/9 Sally Norman 3/10 Alex Armstrong 3/11 Edward Snook Daniel Celentano 3/14 Dorothy Tonking Leah Fletcher 3/16 Ron Hoffman Crystal Knight 3/21 Seth Gormley Births Shirley Smith 3/25 Steve Carson Grace Eliana Marthens, born January 27, 2015 to Kimber Leigh and Rick Marthens. Congratulations! 3/26 Hunter Rutan 3/22 Frank Abruzzo 3/27 Doris Wood 3/23 Larry Lengle 3/28 Garfield Jones Dorothy Smalley March 1st Bob Gerdes, Betsy Towle, Jackie & Dirk Kelly, Larry Lengle March Greeter/Usher Schedule Food for the month: Pasta & Sauce March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 The Hough Family Bev & Ernie Jones Dirk & Jackie Kelly John & Carol Riggs Betsy Towle & Tim Voss Call Betsy Towle if you cannot be here on your Sunday. (973) 383-8098 (H) or 973-670-9058 (C) 3 Holy Week Activities: Seder Supper: On Maundy Thursday, April 2nd, we will gather around tables in the Fellowship Hall for a special remembrance of Passover and the Last Supper. The evening will include a covered dish supper and Holy Communion. Everything starts at 6pm. There will be a sign-up sheet for planning purposes. Tenebrae Service: On Good Friday, April 3rd, we will have a service in our sanctuary beginning at 8pm. The service will include scripture readings and the gradual extinguishing of the lights to symbolize Christ’s crucifixion, death, and burial. If you have not experienced a Tenebrae service (Tenebrae means “shadows”) we hope you might consider including this service as part of your Holy Week observance this year. New Weekday Study Opportunity One of many new discoveries I made while attending the conference for Christian Educators last month was an internet-based adult study called “The Wired Word”. It comes out each week with a featured news story linked to Scripture and discussion questions. Its readily accessible format and its thoughtful treatment of timely issues in light of timeless truths captured my imagination. I am offering it as a Lenten study. It began on Ash Wednesday, from 10-11:00 a.m. and will continue each week at that time. The weekly lessons will be sent ahead of time via email or available in print copy here at church for all who are interested in this study option. You can opt in or opt out as needed since each week’s topic stands alone. Need child care? Let’s talk! Other questions? Give me a call! Pastor David LENTEN SPIRITUALITY CENTER:- Stop by the choir room (directly across from the adult study room) during Lent (February 22nd – March 29th) and spend time drawing near to God. There are 6 self-directed centers available to help foster spirituality in a variety of ways including creative prayer stations, reflections on readings, and artistic expressions of faith. The center will be available specifically on Sunday, but also anytime the church is open. No one needs to walk you through, simply follow the instructions set up at each station…or adapt them to fit your ability. No matter your age – all are welcome and invited to join in! Newton Presbytery Meeting The March meeting of the Presbytery will be on the 10th at 4:00 p.m. at the Chatham Township Presbyterian Church. Issues of common interest and concern for the Presbyterian churches of Sussex, Morris, Warren and parts of Hunterdon Counties will be addressed at the meeting. Presbytery meetings are open to all and include a delicious dinner. For more information check out the presbytery website at: www.newtonpresbytery.org Sunday Adult Study Opportunities Each Sunday there is a Bible Study during the 9 o’clock hour. It meets in the Adult Study room which is located on the Church Office side of the building. Jane MacDonald facilitates this forum. On most Sunday evenings there is a Bible Study that meets from 6-8pm. It begins with a meal at 6, followed by the study at 6:30. The winter/spring study is looking at the letters of St. Paul. We are focusing on Galatians for the next several weeks. Pastor David is the facilitator for this study. 4 STEWARDSHIP 2015 Last fall, as part of the Stewardship Campaign, we looked at a basket of apples as an image of an abundant harvest of blessings. We share our blessings with a consistent presence for mission and outreach, as a home for community-valued service agencies, and as a sanctuary for all to experience God’s presence in worship, study and service. In the middle of this very cold and snowy winter, it is hard to think of the great apples of the fall – yet winter is the time that the buds are set to blossom and fruit. The orchard may look dormant, but there is a lot going on, just underneath the surface. Maybe we are like that – it doesn’t look like much is happening, but it is. This is a good time to draw together in community – to enrich our spiritual life in study and prayer, to break bread together, to read the Lenten Devotional that is available, to spend some time in the Spirituality Center, to join with others in a service project, whether to cook and serve at Manna House, or to pack meals with the Presbytery in Chester on May 2nd. Let’s look for opportunities to be together like the apple trees – as we do so, just think of what might come to fruition! Spring Rummage Sale – Saturday, April 18th, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Start saving your donations of gently used clothing, shoes, linens, toys, books, housewares and even furniture for the Spring Rummage Sale. Donations can be dropped off in Fellowship Hall beginning April 12th. Family Promise of Sussex County 17th Annual Dinner Auction To Benefit Homeless Families in Sussex County North Warren Regional High School, Blairstown. March 20-21 at 7:30 pm, March 22 at 3pm, March 27-28 at 7:30 pm. Tickets at the door. Sarah Cohea Music Director. Saturday, March 28th, 2015 - 6:00 pm Lake Mohawk Country Club 21 the Boardwalk, Sparta $65 Ticket Silent and Live Auction, Raffle For further information or to purchase tickets please contact Family Promise at 973-579-1180 5 Palm Sunday Passion Story As we have done for the past several years, our Palm Sunday service will include the reading of the entire Passion story. There are parts for individual readers and the congregation is the “crowd”. If you would like to take Faure Requiém The Unity Choir, under the direction of Henry Repp, will be presenting a concert of sacred music including The Requiem of Gabriel Faure on Palm Sunday, March 29th at 4:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 111 Ryerson Ave., Newton. Pastor David will be the bass soloist. The concert is free and open to all. part in this story presentation, please let Pastor David know. Manna House Pasta Dinner Benefit Tuesday, March 17, 5-6:30 pm Fellowship Hall Spaghetti, Salad, Bread, & Dessert Tickets are $5 for an adult, $3 for children 5-12 years & free for children under 3. The "Youth Handbell Ringers" will be practicing after Sunday School at 10:00-10:20 beginning on March 15th. If you are in K-5th grade and would like to play handbells, then please join us! The group will continue to practice each Sunday and plan to play in in the 10:30 service at the end of April. We will not practice on Palm Sunday or Easter. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Mindy Kline One Great Hour of Sharing – During Lent our children and youth will be collecting coins in their fish banks for One Great Hour of Sharing. A gift to One Great Hour of Sharing is a gift of hope. Our gifts allow Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to restore communities around the world affected by natural and humancaused disasters. Our generosity helps the Presbyterian Hunger Program work with Presbyterians and other partners to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes in this country and internationally. Our sharing makes it possible for Self-Development of People to affirm the dignity of all by assisting in the empowerment of economically poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged people. Encourage your children to give a portion of their allowance to One Great Hour of Sharing, or allow them to earn extra money by doing additional chores around the house and place those coins in their fish bank. Children are asked to place coins in the bank throughout Lent. The banks will be collected and dedicated on Palm Sunday, March 29th . If you want a bank for your One Great Hour of Sharing donation, pick one up in the parlor or in the church office. 6 Afghans and Quilts Needed Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser – The youth group will be holding their annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser on Sunday, March 29th from 8 am to noon in Fellowship Hall. Breakfast includes hot fluffy pancakes, sausage, orange juice, and coffee, tea or hot chocolate. A gluten free option is available. Tickets are $7 for adults, $5 for children 3 to 12 years and can be purchased at the door. Children under 3 are free. Enjoy a hot breakfast before or after Sunday School or worship and support the youth group at the same time. Proceeds from the breakfast will help to offset the youth mission trip to Wintersville, Ohio in July. This summer FPC’s young people will be going off on a mission trip and will be helping people repair their homes. It has been our custom for the last couple of years to send handmade afghans and quilts with them to give as a gift from our church. So we are reaching out to our congregation again to put the talent they may have to work and make a quilt or afghan (knitted or crocheted), and would ask that the size be at least 36” x 48”. If this is something you can help with, please let Doris Christians know. Veritas Christian Academy will present an all-student production of Annie The Musical at the Sparta Evangelical Free Church on April 24 and 25. This is a classic show that you will not want to miss! The show on Friday, April 24, will begin at 7:00 pm. Show times for Saturday, April 25, are 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door and may be reserved by contacting our school office at 973-579-6333 or [email protected]. Sweetheart Dinner Thank You! Gertrude Hawk Chocolates Sale – Just in time for Easter! The youth group is selling Gertrude Hawk Chocolates to help raise money for their summer mission trip to Wintersville, OH. Pick up a brochure in the church office or parlor and check out the delicious selection for this year. Bring it to work, share it with your family and neighbors. We wouldn’t want them to miss out on this opportunity! Orders are due in by March 6th to insure delivery before Easter. For more information call the church office at 973-383-4420 or reach us by email at [email protected] Thank you to all who supported the youth group at the annual Sweetheart Dinner. We hope you had a wonderful evening! A big thank you to Laurie Armstrong, Shannon Duffy and Sally Norman for their help prepping, cooking and/or serving the meal. To Carol Aumick for the donation of the delicious carrot cake and cheesecakes. To Carol Boylan for her donations of various food items, to Tim Voss and Tri-State Rental for allowing us to borrow glassware and flatware, to Christine Whitworth and John Boylan for decorating the room so beautifully, to all who helped with cleanup, and to all who purchased tickets for the dinner. The youth group raised over $1100 for their summer mission trip to Wintersville, Ohio. Special thanks to Colleen Duffy for organizing, recruiting, cooking and all-around “do-ing” what needed to be done to make this event such a success. 7 2015 Easter Flowers If you wish to have an Easter flower in the sanctuary, we will be ordering them as a church. Please indicate the quantity and the total dollar amount for each flower. Thank you! Size Mini Daffodils Unit Cost Quantity Total 4.5” pot $3.25 _______ _______ 6” pot $6.00 _______ _______ Hyacinths 1 bulbs 4.5” pot $3.25 _______ _______ Hyacinths 3 bulbs 6” pot $6.00 _______ _______ Tulips 4 bulbs 4” pot $3.25 _______ _______ Tulips 6 bulbs 6” pot $6.00 _______ _______ Easter Lily 6” pot $8.00 _______ _______ Calla Lily 6” pot $13.00 _______ _______ Total Dollar Amount: $________ Daffodils 5 bulbs Orders need to be in to the church office no later than Sunday, March 22. Dedication should read (please print): ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Name:___________________________________________ Phone #__________________________________________ 8 Empty Bowls Thank You!!! – A big thank you to all who supported the Empty Bowls program by either making a beautiful handcrafted bowl or by purchasing one on Super Bowl Sunday. We raised $1000.00 for the Manna House soup kitchen. On that same date the youth group collected $140 for the Souper Bowl of Caring. These monies will also go to support Manna House. Thank you to Jane MacDonald, Carol Boylan, Linda Zwart, Carol Aumick and Colleen Duffy for donating the pots of delicious soup that filled our bowls. Just some of the beautiful handcrafted bowls. The Sunday School children are learning to be good stewards of God’s great earth with a recycling program through Terra Cycle. TerraCycle is on a mission to eliminate the idea of waste. They do this by creating waste collection programs (each one is called a “Brigade”) for previously nonrecyclable, or difficult-to-recycle, waste. The collected waste is then converted into new products, ranging from recycled park benches to upcycled backpacks. Terra Cycle has partnered with Colgate on the Colgate Oral Care Brigade The Colgate Oral Care Brigade accepts the following items: Toothpaste tubes and caps Toothbrushes Toothbrush and toothpaste tube outer packaging Floss container Just place your donation in the large toothpaste container located in the church parlor. For more information about Terra Cycle check out their webpage at www.terracycle.com 2 1 4 - 9:00 pm Samaritan Inn Couponing 8 4:30 pm Confirm Class 23 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 30 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 4:30 pm Confirmation Class 29 Pancake Breakfast 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 7 pm Jubilee Women 22 Newsletter Deadline 15 16 9 Family Promise Hosting Ends Daylight Savings Time Ends 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 7 pm Dis. & Nurture 7pm Manna Hs Brd 7pm Finance & Facility 11:30 am Deacons Mon Sun 5 Thu 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 5:30 - 9:30 Literacy NJ 7 pm Bell Choir 6:30 - 9:30 pm SCYO 10 -11 Wired Word 31 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 25 10 -11 Wired Word 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 5:30 - 9:30 Literacy NJ 7 pm Bell Choir 18 24 5-6:30 pm Manna House Pasta Dinner Benefit 10 -11 Wired Word 17 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 26 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 19 5:30 - 9:30 pm Literacy FPCN Serves @ NJ Manna House 7 pm Session 7 pm Bell Choir 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 12 11 10 -11 Wired Word 1 - 3:00 pm Literacy NJ Board Mtg 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 5:30 - 9:30 pm Literacy 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball NJ 7 pm Bell Choir 4 Wed 10 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 7:00 pm PW Coordinating Team Mtg. 10 -11 Wired Word 3 Tue March 2015 8-10 am Basketball 11-1pm BOL 28 8-10 am Basketball 11-1pm BOL 21 8-10 am Basketball 11-1pm BOL 14 8-10 am Basketball 11-1pm BOL 7 Sat 9:00 am Sunday School 9:00 am Worship (Chapel) 9:15 Adult Study Group 10:30 am Worship (Sanctuary) 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Youth Group 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Bible Study Regular Sunday Schedule 1 - 3:00 pm Quilting Workshop 27 1 - 3:00 pm Quilting Workshop 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 20 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 13 5:30 - 9:00 Basketball 6 Fri Items in italics are outside organizations using the church facilities 9 10 First Presbyterian Church of Newton 54 High St., Newton, N.J. 07860 Phone: 973-383-4420 E-mail: [email protected] Web site — www.fpcnewtonnj.org Reverend David Young, Pastor 2015 RU LING ELDERS & D EA CONS OF F IRS T P RES BY T ERIA N Ruling Elders Deacons Class 2015 Class 2016 Class 2017 Gerald Chandler Ed Caffrey Robert Gerdes Eileen DelBagno Doris Christians Betsy Hall Cindi Gaechter Dirk Kelly Robyn Meehan Linda Zwart Terry VanAuken Carol Weaver Shirley Smith Susanne Gerdes Cindy Fogg Scott Hoffman Nancy Lange Gloria Hehn Nancy Smith Judy Prendergast Sue Hough Wendy Celentano Betsy Towle Tara Walsh
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