d.health 2015 AGING AMERICANS SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES www.dhealthsummit.org NY ACADEMY OF SCIENCES M AY 2 9 , 2 0 1 5 The Ne w York Acade my of Scie nce s • 1250 Greenwic h St, 40th Fl, New York, NY 10007 ANNUAL d.health Summit MAY 29th 2015 PRESENTED BY PROF ESS O RS AVI SEIDMANN & RAY DORSEY 250 health care leaders, entrepreneurs, technology firms, policy makers, financiers and forward thinkers, the first annual d.health Summit will discuss and foster adoption of technology-enabled solutions to improve the health of Aging Americans. Bringing together By focusing on high engagement and networking, attendees will learn, share and evaluate transformative approaches and disruptive ideas to improve care and generate economic value for one of the country’s largest industries in one of its most vibrant cities. S AV E T H E DAT E : T H U R S DAY, M AY 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 S U M M I T K I C K- O F F D I N N E R 6 : 0 0 P M - 9 : 0 0 P M F R I DAY, M AY 29, 2 0 1 5 d . h e a l t h S U M M I T 7: 3 0 A M - 6 : 0 0 P M d.health agenda THURSDAY MAY 28TH 6:00 - 9:00 pre-summit kick-off dinner FRIDAY MAY 29TH 7:30 - 8:30 registration, networking breakfast & expo 8:30 - 9:00 keynote address & kickoff 9:00 - 9:30 aging americans: demographics & economics 9:30 - 10:00 aging americans: medical & social needs 10:00 - 10:30 networking coffee break & expo 10:30 - 11:30 panel discussion: mobile medicine 11:30 - 12:00 investment opportunities 12:00 - 1:00 networking lunch & expo 1:00 - 2:30 disruptive innovation stories 2:30 - 3:00 networking coffee break & expo 3:00-4:00 panel discussion: aging in place 4:00 - 4:30 disruptive models in elderly care confirmed speakers 4:30 - 5:00 disruptive innovation spotlight 5:00 - 5:30 closing remarks Senator Tom Daschle Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress Senator Bob Kerrey Managing Director, Allen & Company Henry Kautz Director, Institute for Data Science, University of Rochester Emily Drabant Conley Director of Business Development, 23&Me Beatrice Korc Grodzicki Chief, Geriatrics Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Kevin Fickenscher CMO & President, Healthcare Divison, AMC Health Scott Pomerantz CEO & President, MC10 Stephen Friend President, Co-Founder & Director, Sage Bionetworks Ralph Muller CEO, Univeristy of Pennsylvania Medical Center Damian Gilbert Founder & CEO, Touchcare George Gibson Program Manager, Xerox Research Center Peter Tippett CMO & Vice President, Verizon Enterprise Solutions Max Little Applied Mathematician, Aston University Kevin Baumlin Acting Site Chair, Emergency, MedicineMount Sinai Matt Galsky Assoc. Professor of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai David Brailer CEO, Health Evolution Partners Todd Sherer CEO, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Philip Levinson Advisor, TigerText John Jesser General Manager & Vice President, LiveHealth Online Kai Hsiao President & CEO, Holiday Retirement Frederick Thum III MD and Professor of Emergency Medicine, Mount Sinai David Klein Special Advisor to the CEO, University of Rochester Medical Center sponsorship engagement levels DISRUPTER $50,000 and up INNOVATOR $45,000 - $35,000 THOUGHT LEADER $25,000 - $10,000 + 6 event guest tickets + 4 event guest tickets + 2 event guest tickets + 6 dinner guest tickets + 4 dinner guest tickets + 2 dinner guest tickets press release mention & boiler press release mention press release mention co-branded program & feature event program spotlight event program bio co-branded event signage multi-room branded signage exhibit room signage full page website feature website feature story website bio & logo pre/post event video feature pre/post event video feature post-event video feature pre/post event blog feature pre/post event blog feature post-event blog feature pre/post newsletter feature pre/post newsletter feature newsletter mention grand exhibit space level II exhibit space level I exhibit space press kit feature press kit feature press kit logo SPONSORSHIP Ray Dorsey, 585-275-0663 [email protected] FORWARD THINKER $7,500 - $2,500 press release mention program logo placement signage logo placement website logo placement PLEASE MAKE A CHECK PAYABLE TO: MAIL TO: UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER ATTENTION RAY DORSEY 265 CRITTENDEDN BOULEVARD, CU 420694 SPONSORSHIP COMMITMENTS MUST BE MADE BY 3/15/15 ROCHESTER, NY 14642 creative opportunities CO-BRANDED EVENT SIGNAGE (TITLE SPONSOR EXCLUSIVE) Total-emersion branding at each event touch-point from registration area to gobo lighting; step-and-repeat branding for photo-ops and interviews. EXHIBITION ROOM BRANDED SIGNAGE Single, large-scale “statement piece” or branded message in the Exhibition Room (in addition to exhibit display), or over Exhibition Room entrance. MULTI-ROOM BRANDED SIGNAGE Sponsoring organization’s banner sized or free standing signage in up to two locations: registration point, event room, luncheon room, cocktail reception lounge, elevator lobby. SIGNAGE LOGO PLACEMENT Logo placement (alongside other participating sponsors) on all official event signage throughout the venue. pre-event benefits PRESS RELEASE MENTION Sponsorship recognition with organization’s name and direct website link in official event press release; full-scale media distribution to national, trade and blog press. NEWSLETTER FEATURE A spotlight feature story in the official dHealth newsletter highlighting sponsoring organization’s leadership, project, news, etc., written in a Q&A interview or letter style. BLOG FEATURE A spotlight feature story in the official dHealth event blog highlighting sponsoring organization’s leadership, project, news, etc., written in a Q&A interview or editorial/guest blog style. FULL-PAGE WEBSITE FEATURE (TITLE SPONSOR EXCLUSIVE) A full-page feature on the official dHealth website to share organization & leadership bios, projects, news, images videos and more. PRESS RELEASE BOILER (TITLE SPONSOR EXCLUSIVE) Sponsoring organization’s boilerplate, logo, quote and direct website link in official dHealth event press release; full-scale media distribution to national, trade and blog press. VIDEO FEATURE Option to provide a video message (can be biographical or promotional) on the dHealth event website. WEBSITE FEATURE STORY (TITLE SPONSOR EXCLUSIVE) A spotlight on the sponsorship page of the dHealth website highlighting the sponsoring organization’s “disruptive innovation story”. DINNER GUEST TICKETS Sponsoring organization representative and their guests enjoy “a seat at the table” with dHealth leaders and VIP sponsors for an invite-only intimate pre-event dinner, Thursday, May 28th. WEBSITE BIO A boilerplate-style write-up of the sponsoring organization to accompany direct website linked logo on the dHealth sponsorship partners page. WEBSITE LOGO PLACEMENT Sponsorship recognition on dHealth homepage & sponsorship partner page, includes direct website link. at-event benefits EXHIBIT SPACE (TITLE SPONSOR EXCLUSIVE) Grand, Level I & Level II Exhibition Space To inquire for more details on exhibition opportunities contact Ray Dorsey, 585-275-0663 or via email [email protected] EVENT PROGRAM BIO A boilerplate-style write-up of the sponsoring organization to accompany logo on the printed dHealth event program. PRESS KIT FEATURE (TITLE SPONSOR EXCLUSIVE) A full-page in the official dHealth press kit dedicated to share factual info, official quotes, leadership bios, etc. with media; distributed free to all on-site press (includes placement electronic web version) PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT A dedicated section of the printed dHealth event program highlighting the sponsoring organization’s “disruptive innovation story”; includes logo and one image. PRESS KIT LOGO Logo placement and sponsorship recognition in official dHealth press kit (includes placement electronic web version) CO-BRANDED PROGRAM & FEATURE (TITLE SPONSOR EXCLUSIVE) Front and back cover co-branding of the printed dHealth event program; full program section dedicated to title organization featuring organization & leadership bios, projects, news, images, letters and more. post-event benefits BLOG FEATURE A spotlight feature story in the official dHealth event blog highlighting sponsoring organization’s event participation, project up-dates, news, etc., written in a Q&A interview or letter style. NEWSLETTER FEATURE A spotlight feature story in the official dHealth newsletter highlighting sponsoring organization’s event participation, project follow up, news, etc., written in a Q&A interview or letter style. VIDEO FEATURE Option to participate in the post-event video reel featuring with exit interview footage, farewell message, or event coverage clips. NEWSLETTER MENTION Call-out in the dHealth newsletter; event photograph with featured quote or blurb to showcase sponsoring organization’s event participation. PROFESSOR AVI SEIDMANN Professor Avi Seidmann is a Chair Faculty at the Simon Business School, University of Rochester (Information Systems, Operations Management & E-commerce), and has been awarded several prestigious prizes for his Outstanding Research & Software Development projects. He has over 30 years of proven experience in developing and implementing complex information systems around the globe. Seidmann has consulted with many of the leading industrial and service corporations and presented numerous research and executive seminars on four continents. His research was cited twice on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, and he was granted several prestigious prizes at international conferences for publishing outstanding research papers in the areas of information systems, information economics and electronic commerce. Professor Seidmann is the author of over 100 research articles, which appear in many of the leading scientific journals, and has been the founding department editor on interdisciplinary management research and applications in Management Science for 10 years. His current research and consulting activities include medical informatics, electronic commerce, online auctions, information systems, health care management, business process design, project management and optimal resource allocation, strategic manufacturing systems, information economics, stochastic processes and performance modeling for capacity planning and pricing. RAY DORSEY, MD Ray Dorsey is the David M. Levy Professor of Neurology and Director of CHET at the University of Rochester Medical Center. For the past seven years, Ray Dorsey and his colleagues have used telemedicine to care for patients with Parkinson’s disease in nursing care centers initially, and now, in their homes. To date, they have connected to patients across six continents in 20 countries, including five states in the US. Ray Dorsey previously directed the movement disorders division and neurology telemedicine at Johns Hopkins and worked as a consultant for McKinsey & Company. His research has been published in the leading medical, neurology and economic journals and featured on National Public Radio, as well as in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. d.health Summit MAY 29th 2015 ADVISORY BOARD Senator Bill Frist, MD Peter Tippett, MD, PhD Damian Gilbert Partner, Cressey & Company Chief Medical Officer & Vice Fortress Investments President, Verizon Enterprise Solutions David Klein, MBA Mark Zupan, PhD Special Advisor to the Medical Dean Emeritus & Professor Center CEO, Professor of Public of Economics, Simon Business Health Sciences, University of School, University of Rochester Rochester Scientific support made possible by Simon Business School & University of Rochester Medical Center C O N TA C T F O R Q U E ST I O N S & S P O N S O R S H I P : R a y D o rs e y , 5 8 5 -2 7 5 - 0 6 6 3 R a y . D o rs e y @ c h e t . ro c h e s t e r. e d u
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