Volume 6 Issue 2 March/April 2015 Envision Bimonthly Faith Formation Newsletter ~ Diocese of Grand Rapids Preparing for Reception of the Holy Eucharist Highlights Women’s Conference 7 Pastoral Ministers’ 2 Gathering Inside this Issue: Catechetical Ministry 3 New Pathways, New Partnerships 4 The Catechesis of 5 the Good Shepherd Online Learning Opportunities 6 Family & 7 Marriage Ministry Youth & Young Adult Ministry 8 On a personal note 9 Events Around the 10 Diocese Staff Contact Information 14 Children’s first reception of the Holy Eucharist usually comes in the spring of the year. This is a good time for all of us to look at what our belief is in the Eucharist. Our contemporary world seems to have no place for a religion that says they consume the body and blood of their God. Yet that is exactly what happens at every Mass. People will say, how can you prove this? Mysteries of God and mysteries of God’s love cannot be explained by our limited human words and understanding. We think that because we cannot prove it scientifically it can’t be true. Some of the truest things cannot be proven by man’s rational mind, he can only bow down and adore. In the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John we read about the multiplication of the loaves where Jesus took five barley loaves and two fish and was able to feed 5000 people. The next day people are looking for Jesus. They then want Jesus to give more of a sign so they can believe in him. They ask Jesus to give them bread. When Jesus says he is this bread they are confused. “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” The people begin to quarrel, how can he give us his flesh to eat? They then begin to leave Him, saying this is too difficult. Jesus turns to his disciples and asks if they too will leave? Peter answers him saying, “Lord to whom shall we go?” If Jesus thought the people were misunderstanding him why didn’t he say something to them like, “Oh, no, no you are misunderstanding me, really it’s only a symbol of my flesh and blood.” But Jesus didn’t say that and we find him at the Last Supper going all the way and actually changing bread and wine into his body and blood which he promised long before. The belief of the Church, given us by Jesus is that the Eucharist is the true body and blood of the Lord. It is no symbol; it is no clever speech. Jesus, as the Son of God and the second Person of the Blessed Trinity cannot deceive. He can only speak the truth, because there is no duplicity in him. What is our faith response to Jesus? “Lord I believe. Help my unbelief.” What is our belief? Is the reception of the Eucharist the most important thing we can do? Do I believe that with the reception of the Eucharist I receive the very Body, the very Blood of the Lord? Do we look at the Mass as the greatest gift God gave to us in the reception of himself? How are we teaching our children about the Eucharist? Are we really getting down into the very substance of the Eucharist and opening to our children the greatest gift they will ever receive? Or do we spend our time making pretty crafts that have very little to do with understanding the Eucharist. Is the day of their First Holy Communion a day for a big party, inviting relatives and friends and eclipsing the miracle that the child participated in? Is a big party good? Of course it is, but it is better later, maybe a week later, after the child has had the chance to really experience the presence of the Lord within him. Also, after his/her First Communion would be a great time to make a banner showing the joy of the day and perhaps design a plate that gives a concrete expression to the very special day. How do we teach our children about the wonder, majesty and mystery of the Eucharist? It helps to begin with our own belief. We can hardly pass on to children something we don’t have or participate in. Children know when we don’t quite believe what we’re saying. It is empty and lacks the beauty of the Truth. (continued on next page) 1 The Inside Page Calendar of Events March 2015 8 Daylight Saving Time Starts 14 Building a Legacy Catholic Men’s Conference, WCHS buildingalegacy.org 20-21 Michigan Catholic Young Adult Conference, Lansing micyac2.org 21 Diocesan Women’s Conference, CSC. See page 8 for more information. 22 LifeFest 2015 Youth Rally sponsored by Grand Rapids Right to Life 28 Shine Rally, WCHS. shinerally.wordpress.com April 2015 5 EASTER 14 - May 23 Encounter A Massively Open Online Course nacyml.org/ moocRegister.htm May 2015 1-3 Beginning Experience Retreat, Camp Geneva 17-21 National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, Buffalo NY. Register at nccl.us Note: Calendar items in bold text denote diocesan sponsorship. CSC denotes Cathedral Square Center as the venue. Preparing for Eucharist, continued from front page The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program has one of the most beautiful, faithful and true processes of bringing children to the understanding and experience necessary to ready them for receiving the Eucharist. For many years children have been learning about the Good Shepherd and the love and care he has for his sheep; how he will go to any means to save a lost or hurt lamb. As children identify with being one of Jesus’ sheep they come to learn how they can deeply love him too. Along with learning about the Good Shepherd, they are also learning about the altar at church and the articles that are used for Mass. Slowly the sheep leave the sheep pen and move over to the altar where Jesus, the Good Shepherd is standing. As they move they become themselves, girls and boys who want to be where Jesus is. One of the sheep becomes the priest who will be acting in the name of Jesus and now the Good Shepherd becomes one with the bread and wine consecrated by the priest. They are ready to receive Jesus as food into their inner being. What a prayer of thanksgiving arises from each child’s heart as they now receive Jesus for the first time. How do we teach ourselves as well as our children about the Eucharist? Perhaps we need to stand back and spend some time in prayer in order to find that as we deepen our own prayer life that we will grow in our faith and are able to hand it on to our children in a meaningful way. Spring Pastoral Ministers’ Gathering Thursday, April 23 | 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. The office of faith formation is hosting the Spring Pastoral Minister’s Gathering: Helping Marriages Thrive at Your Parish: A Vision and Strategies for All Pastoral Ministers In our various ministries as parish leaders, we encounter folks everyday whose marriages are healthy, those who are struggling because of current challenges impacting their marriage, and those whose marriages are broken and/or dissolved. What makes the Catholic vision of Matrimony good news for everyone? What resources are available to provide pastoral care so that we are supporting and strengthening marriages? How do we put into practice the “ministry of accompaniment” called for by Pope Francis? The Spring Gathering will be held on Thursday, April 23, at Cathedral Square Center, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. and will feature Dr. Jim Healy as the presenter. James Healy, PhD is the Director of the Center for Family Ministries of the Diocese of Joliet. Dr. Healy has spoken on marriage in over 70 dioceses across the country. His marriage preparation and enrichment booklets and CDs (most notably “How to Get Married and Stay Engaged”, “Living Together” and “Christian Commitment”) are used by dioceses, parishes, and couples throughout the United States and beyond. He received his M.A. in the Social Sciences from the University of Chicago in 1978 and his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Illinois in 1985. Having written for such magazines as Family Perspectives, Marriage, Liguorian, Catholic World, and Deacon Digest, Dr. Healy is also an online contributor to the popular Catholic Bishops’ marriage website: www.ForYourMarriage.com Dr. Healy was the founding president of Illinois Catholic Family Ministries, and has served as an advisor to the National Council of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Marriage and the Family. He was honored with the 2000 Family Ministry Award by the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers. He and his wife Madonna have four children. The gathering is open to all catechetical leaders, youth ministry leaders, music ministry leaders, pastoral associates, deacons, and priests. Cost is $30 to attend and includes lunch. Please contact Jean Kastenholz to register. 2 Catechetical Ministry Sacrament of Reconciliation: FAQs for formation This is the second in a series of articles intended for teachers, catechists and parents of children in grades 1-8. What bible stories can I use to explain what Jesus taught about forgiveness and reconciliation? Here are some of the many stories that can be used: The Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15: 1-7) The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-32) Jesus Forgives a Sinful Woman (Luke 7: 36-50) Zacchaeus is Forgiven (Luke 19: 1-10) The Woman at the Well (John 4: 4-42) Jesus Gives His Disciples the Authority to Forgive Sins (John 20: 21-23) I thought that only those with “mortal sins” were required to go to Confession. Has that rule changed? Many people think that children are not capable of mortal sin. If that is true, why do children have to go? No, that rule has not changed. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “after having attained the age of discretion, each of the faithful is bound by an obligation faithfully to confess serious sins at least once a year.” Furthermore, “anyone who is aware of having committed a mortal sin must not receive Holy Communion, even if he experiences deep contrition, without having first received sacramental absolution, unless he has a grave reason for receiving Communion and there is no possibility of going to confession” (CCC, n. 1457). Calendar of Events May 2015 29-31 Encounter Conference - a Steubenville Young Adult Conference encounterstl.com June 2015 13 “Today and All Days” PreCana Retreat for Engaged Couples, CSC. Contact Mark Mann for more information. 14-20 DYMO Camp www.dymo.org July 2015 You are correct in asserting that many people question if children are capable of “serious” or “mortal” sin. According to the National Directory for Catechesis, “the formation of conscience is influenced by many human factors, such as the person’s age, intellectual capacity, psychological capacity, emotional maturity, family experience, and cultural and social conditions” (National Directory for Catechesis, pg. 165). 24 New Pastoral Ministers’ Orientation, CSC However, this does not mean that children should not participate in the sacrament of reconciliation. Instead, it is important to return to the Catechism for direction. “Without being strictly necessary, confession of everyday faults (venial sins) is nevertheless strongly recommended by the church. Indeed, the regular confession of our venial sins helps us form our conscience, fight against evil tendencies, let ourselves be healed by Christ and progress in the life of the Spirit” (CCC, n. 1458). September 2015 The Church believes that “the example of Christ’s life and his teachings are the norm in the formation of conscience. The person’s relationship with Christ, expressed by frequent participation in the sacramental and prayer life of the Church, is the basis for the formation of the Christian moral conscience” (National Directory for Catechesis, pg. 165). 2015 Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference | September 19 Call for Workshop Proposals: The office of faith formation invites clergy, parish staff, and master catechists to submit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The overall purpose of a workshop is to provide attendees a formative experience of learning about a particular topic within a field of ministry, including skill-based training or methodology. To submit a proposal for a workshop, please contact Sister Barbara Cline, FSE, to receive an application form. All proposals must be received on or before April 15, 2015. 3 11-13 Retrouvaille, Grand Rapids helpourmariage.org 19 Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference, WCHS 22-27 World Meeting of Families, Philadelphia worldmeeting2015.org 22 - Oct. 11 ArtPrize Exhibition at CSC Note: Calendar items in bold text denote diocesan sponsorship. CSC denotes Cathedral Square Center as the venue. N ew Pa t h way s, N ew Par t ne r s h i p s New Pathways, New Partnerships is a diocesan initiative for persons of all abilities. The Sacrament of Reconciliation for Persons with Disabilities This is the second in a series of articles intended for teachers, catechists and parents of children with disabilities. In the sacrament of reconciliation, the Christian faithful obtain from the mercy of God pardon for their sins. At the same time, they are reconciled with Church, which they have wounded by their sins and which works for their conversion by charity, example and prayer (Lumen Gentium, n. 11). Only those who have the use of reason are capable of committing serious sin. Nevertheless, even young children and persons with mental disabilities often are conscious of committing acts that are sinful to some degree and may experience a sense of guilt and sorrow. As long as the individual is capable of having a sense of contrition for having committed sin, even if he or she cannot describe the sin precisely in words, the person may receive sacramental absolution. Those with profound mental disabilities, who cannot experience even minimal contrition, may be invited to participate in penitential services with the rest of the community to the extent of their ability. Catholics who are deaf should have the opportunity to confess to a priest able to communicate with them in sign language, if sign language is their primary means of communication. They may also confess through an approved sing language interpreter of their choice (Canon 990). The interpreter is strictly bound to respect the seal of confession (Canon 983, sect. 2 and 1388, sect. 2). When no priest with signing skills is available, nor sign language interpreter requested, Catholics who are deaf should be permitted to make their confession in writing. The written materials are to be returned to the penitent or otherwise properly destroyed. In the case of individuals with poor communication skills, sorrow for sin is to be accepted even if this repentance is expressed through some gesture rather than verbally. In posing questions and in the assignment of penances the confessor is to proceed with prudence and discretion, mindful that he is at once judge and healer, minister of justice as well as of mercy (Cannons 978, sect. 1; 979; 981). 4 The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Celebrating Easter with Great Joy! Preparation in Lent Our orientation of faith with the 3-6 year old is always done in the context of Jesus as the Good Shepherd as he calls each one of us by name to enjoy the Kingdom of God. We reflect on his teaching about this kingdom through five parables: the Mustard Seed, the Precious Pearl, the Hidden Treasure, the Yeast, and the Growing Seed. During Lent when we explore how this total gift of the Good Shepherd’s life and love are given to us in a most particular way in the bread and wine at Mass. The Last Supper We begin by focusing on this particular moment in Jesus’ life - the night before he died. What did he do? What new words did he say to his friends when he broke the bread and shared the chalice of wine? Did you know that we currently have two Level I Formation Courses? One at Prince of Peace in North Muskegon led by Mary Wernet and another at St. Thomas the Apostle in Grand Rapids led by Annette Witte. After Jesus and his friends left the upper room and went to the Mount of Olives, we solemnly proclaim that the very next day Jesus was crucified and place a small crucifix on the table, but we immediately say that on the third day, on Easter morning, Jesus rose from the dead. We light the candles stating that the Jesus’ light can never be extinguished. We ask, “Where does Jesus’ light shine now?” Many children have responded, “In our hearts.” The children are usually very quiet. We say very little but listen for their responses which are often profoundly moving. The Liturgy of the Light The Resurrection is the foundation of our faith and a great mystery. In the atrium we have developed our own Liturgy of Light, modeled after the Easter Vigil that begins the Easter Season. It includes The Blessing of the Paschal Candle. We place the symbols of the cross and the alpha and omega on the candle, light the flame, and read the Gospel account of the Resurrection. We may sing or listen to a few verses of the Exultet. With careful preparation, each child is called by name to receive a small candle which is placed around the Paschal candle to show how we create a beautiful light together. We enjoy the light with more singing and prayer. Presentation on The Empty Tomb For the oldest children, we look more closely at the Gospel account of the Resurrection and offer this material for their own meditation. Our regional organization CGS West Michigan offers workshops throughout the year. Although each event is led by CGS catechists and include materials and presentations that are used in CGS, they are open to all who want to deepen their own faith and those who share their faith with children. To be included on our emailing list: please contact any one of us: [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. You can find more information about CGS online at: www.cgsusa.org Article by Barbara Gilbert and Annette Witte. Photographs of Sofia Cavalletti’s Atrium in Rome by Douglas R. Gilbert, 2005. 5 Online Lear ning Opportunities in Faith For mation 2015 Seminars @ Catholic Distance University Conscience Formation and the Sacrament of Penance | March 2-23, 2015 Instructor: David Bonagura This three week interactive online seminar will address the formation of a moral conscience, sin and conscience, and the relationship of a person’s moral conscience to the sacrament of Penance. Participants who complete this seminar should be able to penetrate more deeply into how each person is called to think and judge correctly in moral matters so as to become more fully the persons and disciples God wants them to be. (Professional Theology) Catholic Distance University Through our partnership as a diocese, CDU seminars and Catechism courses are offered at a discounted tuition rate of $30 per seminar or course for anyone in our diocese. To learn more about the CDU-Grand Rapids partnership and these upcoming seminars, visit www.cdu.edu/ The Psalms: Israel’s Prayer and Ours | March 2-23, 2015 Instructor: Pete Brown, PhD This online interactive seminar course will examine the Book of Psalms as religious poetry and prayer of both Jews and Christians. The Psalms will also be explored as models of communication with God using the whole range of human emotions. In addition, students will be introduced to critical methods for reading and studying the Psalter, and, interpreting and appropriating the story of the Psalter for contemporary prayer. (Spirituality) The Gospel of St. Luke | May 4-25, 2015 Instructor: Fr. Lane, SSL, STD This course is an introduction to the Gospel of Luke. Participants who complete this seminar should be able to identify and explain Luke’s distinctive theology by making reference to particular passages of the Gospel. (Professional Theology) Registration open at University of Dayton VLCFF University of Dayton VLCFF The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) is an internet distance-learning program administered by the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at the University of Dayton. Anyone in our diocese can take a VLCFF course. Through our partnership as a diocese, cost is $40/five-week course and $30/three-week seminar. For more information, go to: vlc.udayton.edu. Registration closes on March 4 for the following three-week seminars, running March 8 - 28: Designing a Parish Catechetical Plan Marianist Studies: Three Offices Marianist Studies: Virtues for Mission On Bended Knee Our Hearts Were Burning Overview of the GDC & NDC Theological Reflection: Key to Connecting Faith and Life The full list and course descriptions are available at https://vlc.udayton.edu/calendar/ #cycle_2_2015_English Cycle 3 Five Week Courses Registration for Cycle 3 opens March 11and closes April 8 for five-week course offerings in the third cycle of the 2015 calendar year. The full list of 35 courses is available at https://vlc.udayton.edu/calendar/#cycle_3_2015_English. For the list of courses in Spanish for either cycle above, click in the upper right hand corner, “en Español”. 6 Fa m i l y a n d M a r r i a g e M i n i s t r y Marriage: Unique for a Reason The Supreme Court is expected to again hear arguments in June concerning marriage and Michigan’s constitution. The website – www.marriageuniqueforareason.org – is part of the Bishops’ ongoing efforts of advocacy and catechesis about the authentic meaning of marriage. Short videos “Made for Each Other” and “Made for Life,” along with their companion materials. Extensive FAQs about marriage, sexual difference, children, etc. Regularly updated blog with ongoing catechesis and engagement with common questions Multiple resources available in Spanish We invite you to make use of this resource in your ministry. A variety of web banners are available to download for use on your parish website. Updates are available by subscribing to the blog and by connecting with Marriage: Unique for a Reason on Facebook and Twitter. Diocesan Women’s Conference: When’s God Gonna Show Up? Spotting the Divine in Daily Life | Saturday, March 21, 2015 All women, ages 18 and up, are invited to attend the sixth annual Diocesan Women’s Conference – a day of vibrant prayer, an inspiring speaker, and a welcoming community. The conference will be held on Saturday, March 21 at Cathedral Square, 8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. The conference will feature Marge Fenelon, Catholic wife, mother, author, columnist, and speaker. Cost is $25 per person on or before March 13, 2015; this includes morning hospitality and lunch. Registration is available online at www.dioceseofgrandrapids.org. Building a Legacy Catholic Men's Conference Saturday, March 14, 2015 | West Catholic High School This is the tenth annual men’s conference sponsored by KEPHA. The event will take place on March 14, 2015 at West Catholic High School in Grand Rapids and will feature presentations by San Diego Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers, Fr. Leo Patalinghug the founder of Grace before Meals, and Trent Horn of Catholic Answers. Bishop Walkowiak will preside at the Mass for the day. More information can be found online at http://www.buildingalegacy.org/ Beginning Experience The purpose of the Beginning Experience (B.E.) ministry is to help divorced, separated and widowed men and women heal the grief of their losses and free them once again to love themselves, others and God. These individuals, in turn, offer a better quality of life to all those with whom they come in contact. The peer ministers in the B.E. ministry are “wounded healers” - specially trained and certified men and women who are themselves widowed, separated or divorced, but further along in the grieving process. The Beginning Experience Weekend is a Friday evening to Sunday afternoon program for adults grieving the loss of a love relationship who are ready to come to terms with their losses and begin to move forward with their lives. This is the core program and the foundation of the B.E. ministry. The next B.E. Weekend to be offered in the Diocese of Grand Rapids is May 1-3, 2015. Please assist those who could benefit from this ministry. Learn more at www.beginningexperience.org. 7 Yo u t h a n d Yo u n g A d u l t M i n i s t r y Just Beginning in Youth Ministry...or Are You a Veteran? Imagine a gathering where nationally recognized youth ministry practitioners identify what they wished they knew when they began as youth ministers. Imagine a space where youth ministers can take time to evaluate their current youth ministry practices, engage one-on-one with leading experts, and plan for growth. Picture a conference that addresses the common trouble spots, and the real, but often hidden issues that can make or break a youth ministry. Consider a gathering that helps you focus or re-focus on the essential elements that lead to a fruitful, disciple-making youth ministry. This four-day conference is co-sponsored by Cultivation Ministries and the National Association for Catholic Youth Ministry Leadership (NACYML). So, it is designed by youth ministers for youth ministers! Register for the Institute for Catholic Youth Ministry - August 10-13, 2015 in Chicago. This year the institute will offer two separate tracks for two unique audiences: for new youth ministers and for those who have been in ministry for more than five years. For more information, view/download brochure at http://www.nacyml.org/icym2015.htm NCYC 2015 | Here I Am Lord Now is the time to begin registering for the next National Catholic Youth Conference happening in Indianapolis, November 19-21, 2015. Over 25,000 young people are expected to attend. WHY? Youth attend the NCYC because they want to learn more about themselves and their relationship to the Church, celebrate their Catholic faith, and meet thousands of other Catholic youth. Pre-registration forms and information packets have been sent to each parish via email. The cost is $475 per participant. The registration fee covers participation at the conference, meal plan, hotel stay, and motor coach transportation. A $50 per participant non-refundable deposit is due May 1, 2015 along with a completed parish registration form. All registrations are coordinated through the diocesan office. For more information and promotional videos to share with parishioners, check out www.ncyc.info Statewide Catholic Young Adult Conference | March 20-21, 2015 The 9th annual statewide Michigan Catholic Young Adult Conference, March 20-21, is for all young adults, ages 18-39 - married, single, or in religious life. The conference begins with a Friday evening of reflection, ending with Eucharistic Adoration and social gathering. It continues on Saturday with insightful and inspiring keynotes and small workshops to help deepen your knowledge of and relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church. We conclude the Conference with the Saturday evening vigil Mass of that Sunday. Instantaneous translation of general sessions is offered in Spanish, and a track of workshops will be presented in Spanish. More information on the theme of this year's conference and workshops offered is available at www.micyac2.org. Registration is open. Please assist the diocesan office in promoting this opportunity to young adults in your parish. 8 Yo u t h a n d Yo u n g A d u l t s Free Online Youth Ministry Training Opportunity | April 14 - May 23, 2015 The National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders will present “Fostering a Culture of Encounter with Young Disciples” from April 12 to May 23, 2015. This is a free online learning experience for all those interested in helping young people encounter Christ and the Church including parents, youth ministers, pastors, DREs, Campus Ministers, Catholic School Teachers, adult volunteers, and catechists. Join hundreds for this five-week Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) with a variety of national speakers including Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, Dr. Ansel Augustine, Dr. Carol Eipers, Fr. Joe Espalliat, Dr. Carolyn Woo, and many more! Registration is now open at http:// nacyml.org/moocRegister.htm DYMO Camp | His Hands, His Feet | June 14-20, 2015 Awakening teens to the love, power and mercy of God. At Camp, high school teens experience Catholic Christian discipleship through prayer and the sacraments, leadership formation, group discussions, creative expressions of the arts, swimming, sports activities, hiking and forming lasting friendships. The volunteer staff represent a variety of parishes throughout west Michigan. DYMO Camp is overseen by a board of directors and works in cooperation with the Diocese of Grand Rapids. DYMO Camp is fully licensed by the State of Michigan. Online registration for DYMO Camp is open. Please assist the Camp Staff by extending the invitation to the high school age youth in your community. Go to www.dymo.org for more information. Catholics on Call is now accepting applications for the 2015 Young Adult Summer Conference Catholics on Call invites young people, ages 18-30, who are considering a life of service in the Church to join them for their 2015 young adult summer conference. Participants will have the opportunity to connect and pray with other like-minded young adults, to hear nationally-known speakers discuss how to listen to God’s call, and to learn valuable skills that will help them to discern their vocation, whether it be to lay ecclesial ministry, priesthood or religious life. This five-day conference will take place from August 4-8, 2015 at Catholic Theological Union in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. Registration fee is $100 and includes room and board. For an application please visit www.catholicsoncall.org or for more information contact Catholics on Call at [email protected] or (773)371-5431. 2015 Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference | September 19 Call for Workshop Proposals: The office of faith formation invites clergy, parish staff, parish youth ministry leaders, and master catechists to submit proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The overall purpose of a workshop is to provide attendees a formative experience of learning about a particular topic within a field of ministry, including skill-based training or methodology. To submit a proposal for a workshop, please contact Sister Barbara Cline, FSE, to receive an application form. All proposals must be received on or before April 15, 2015. 9 ON A PERSONAL NOTE Congratulations! Bernadette Poirier, who has been hired as the coordinator of youth ministry for Holy Redeemer, Jenison. Barb Scott, who has been hired as the campus minister and theology teacher for Grand Rapids Catholic Central High School. Marty Best, who has been hired as the director of faith formation for St. John Vianney, Wyoming. E ve n t s A r o u n d t h e D i o c e s e EXPLORING THE INNER JOURNEY OF MALE SPIRITUALITY A Retreat for Men Saturday, March 7, 2015 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. followed by lunch at the Franciscan Life Process Center, Lowell Paulist Fr. Joachim Lally will direct this half-day retreat. All men ages 18+ of St Robert’s Parish, their friends, and men from surrounding parishes are invited to attend. Attendees are asked to make a free will offering. Sponsored by St. Robert of Newminster | 6477 Ada Dr SE Ada MI 49301. For more information, contact Teri Burns, pastoral associate for faith formation at (616) 676-9111 ext. 115. Lent Spirituality Series at St. Robert Thursdays through March 26 6:30 p.m. Mass in the Marian Chapel with presentation immediately following March 5 Pursuing a Spirituality of Work with Bill Weitzel March 12 Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation , no 6:30 p.m. Mass March 19 Practical Prayer for Saints & Sinners with Deacon Mike Dordan March 26 The Spirituality of Russian Icons with Edward & Christine Cole RSVP to the Faith Formation Office by contacting [email protected] | (616) 676-9111 ext. 114 Shine Next Level Shine Next Level is coming: a gathering for high school age teens on March 29, 3:30-7:30 p.m. @ 3-Mile Project in Walker. We've got Jackie Francois and The Thirsting. We made it real simple for you...$20 per participant (payment prior appreciated or day of the event...send to St. Patrick in Grand Haven; checks made payable to “Shine”)...simply estimate the amount of teens coming from your parish by filling in the online form one week before. We will accept attendees right up until the day of the event at no extra charge. Other quick reminders: Pizza dinner will be served and parishes are requested to bring snacks to share. Use your parish field trip form and keep it with you. The contact person for SNL is Chris Epplett. You can email him at [email protected] 10 E ve n t s A r o u n d t h e D i o c e s e Coming to Holy Family Parish, Caledonia: an exhibit on the Shroud of Turin April 2 - 4, 2015 Come see a full length photographic image of the Shroud made by the Eastman Kodak Co., as well as a nearly life-size crucified corpus showing the wounds of Christ corresponding to the passion narrative in the Gospel accounts and the wounds shown on the Shroud. The exhibit will feature the presentation - Shroud Encounter - by Russ Breault on Friday, April 2, 6:30 - 8 p.m. RUSS BREAULT has been researching and lecturing on The Shroud of Turin for over 30 years. His highly acclaimed presentation known as Shroud Encounter makes use of over 200 superb images and unfolds like a CSI investigation. The audience is intrigued as each clue is revealed and becomes another piece of a grand puzzle as the mystery of the Shroud is explored. Carefully designed to be educational and entertaining, he delivers a dynamic, fast-paced experience. Exhibit Times: Thursday April 2: Friday April 3: 12:30 - 3 p.m. Saturday April 4: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 5-7 p.m. 9-11 p.m. 4-6:30 p.m. 8-9 p.m. Shroud Encounter Presentation: Friday April 3: 6:30-8 p.m. 11 E ve n t s A r o u n d t h e D i o c e s e Franciscan Life Process Center 11650 Downes Street, NE Lowell, MI 49331 654 Davis St. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49500 (616) 897-7842 or [email protected] www.lifeprocesscenter.org Lenten Lunches and Prayer Experience Wednesdays, 12 - 1 p.m. at the Lowell Campus Lunches include soups donated by area restaurants, bread baked by our Franciscan volunteers and applesauce made from apples grown on our farm. A Lenten prayer will be offered at 12:45 pm. Donations appreciated. Menu March 4 Schnitz Ada Grill Mexican Chicken Chili Cinnamon Bread March 11 Kitchen Sage Chicken Vegetable Oatmeal Bread March 18 Tommy Fitzgerald Catering Potato Soup, Corned Beef Irish Soda Bread & Cabbage March 25 Vitale’s Ada Minestrone Soup Garlic Bread St. Patrick Lenten Lunch at the Grand Rapids Campus Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with us on March 19: Tommy Fitzgerald Catering will be providing Potato Soup, Corned Beef & Cabbage, and Irish Soda Bread Classes at Lowell Campus March 25 - Polish Egg Decorating with Sister Mary Margaret Delaski, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Watch a demonstration and practice making your own Polish egg with symbols that represent the Easter Mystery. Bring a dozen hard boiled eggs. Cost: $10 Go to http://www.lifeprocesscenter.org/events.htm to register. Participants are welcome to attend the Lenten Lunch following the class. New FertilityCare Services The Creighton Model FertilityCare System is an international network of morally and professionally acceptable reproductive health services providing a means through which a couple may either achieve or avoid a pregnancy. FertilityCare System can be used throughout the woman's entire reproductive years and is a natural system that cooperates with her body, not against it. To learn more about FertilityCare, go to our website, www.lifeprocesscenter.org. To schedule an appointment with Tennille Benedict, our FertilityCare Practitioner Intern, please call 616-481-2823 or email [email protected]. 12 E ve n t s A r o u n d t h e D i o c e s e Join the Fun! Your Local Catholic Radio Station Needs YOU! Teams are forming now for Holy Family Radio’s “A Light in the Darkness” Spring Pledge Drive May 5-8. Do you have a desire to evangelize and share how God is working in your life, parish or ministry? Want to do this on air while helping raise operating funds for Holy Family Radio? Many enthusiastic people who have a great love for their Catholic faith and appreciation for Catholic radio are needed to help fill the 36 hours of the Spring Pledge Drive. Who can participate? A group of 3-5 people from any parish, Catholic organization, school, ministry, Knights of Columbus Council, evangelization or other apostolate, prayer group, Bible study, youth ministry, underwriters, family, friends, etc. are invited. Be creative and challenge your friends to make a pledge to Holy Family Radio during your hour. Pledge drives are great fun especially when many people get involved. Please step up, get involved and help make each pledge drive a fun event for the whole community of listeners! Get your team together and contact Lisa Brown at toll free 844-337-2346. The theme for the Spring Pledge Drive is “A Light In the Darkness”. People are so hungry for God and many have no idea where to turn. Holy Family Radio reaches the spiritually hungry and nourishes them with the truths of the Catholic faith. That is truly Light in the Darkness. With so much disturbing news these days, you can count on Holy Family Radio to uplift you and provide the truth of what’s happening in our world and in our Church. Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Holy Family Radio is bringing hope to people, drawing people back to Mass, and changing hearts and lives. We invite you to be a part of this life-changing ministry where you can know the satisfaction – the joy – of making a real difference in the lives of others. 13 OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION Diocese of Grand Rapids 360 Division Avenue S Grand Rapids MI 49503-4501 Sister Barbara Cline, FSE, director faith formation Phone: (616) 551-4742 Fax: (616) 551-4744 Email: [email protected] Mark Mann, director family, youth and young adult ministry Phone: (616) 475-1243 Fax: (616) 551-5638 Email: [email protected] Jean Kastenholz, administrative assistant faith formation and family, youth and young adult ministry Phone: (616) 246-0588 Fax: (616) 551-5647 Email: [email protected] 14
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