Starting Sunday, March 8 Worship Services Will Start at 9:30a.m.

Alto United Methodist Church
March and April 2015
Starting Sunday, March 8
Worship Services
Will Start at 9:30a.m.
(And our clocks change also!)
Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service and Breakfast at Bowne United Methodist Church
(corner of M50 & 84th St)
Donations from breakfast go to local missons
Alto United Methodist Church Worship
Bowne Center United Methodist Church Worship
NO Communion on Easter Sunday
Easter Flowers
Easter Flower sale starts Sunday, March 1. There will be a sign up sheet on the table in Bailey
Hall with choices and prices. If you would like your flowers in memory of someone, there will
be a sheet for you to note that information. Please pay Jeri Jousma.
Ink Cartridges
Please save your ink cartridges and bring them to church. There is a box in the Administrative Council room to put them in. Jeri Jousma turns these in for cash and the money is used to help offset the
cost of office supplies.
Dates to Remember for March 2015
Special Moments
March 1
Barb and Don Sterzick
Ruth Ann Metternick
Lila Lee Grummet
March 8
Mark & Marilee Trierweiler
Barb Sterzick
Norma Peterson
March 15
Jim and Norma Peterson
Lila Lee Grummet
Lila Lee Grummet
March 22
Need someone
Karen Onufer
Joyce Hofman
March 29
Sandy Ambrus
Donna Perdaris
Phyllis Jackson
March 7
March 15 Joella Miller
Joella Miller
March 22
Refreshment Committee
March 8
Bill Kinsey
Bill Kinsey
March 29
Joella Miller
Ruth Ann Metternick & Jackie Foster
Dates to Remember for April 2015
Special Moments
April 5
Don and Barb Sterzick
Ruth Ann Metternick
Linda Hawk
April 12
Dick and Joann Strouse
Need someone
Joyce Hofman
April 19
Jim and Norma Peterson
Norma Peterson
Lila Lee Grummet
April 26
Bill Wieland
Hilde Sterzick
Hilde Sterzick
April 5
Joella Miller
April 12
Jeri Jousma
April 19
Bill Kinsey
April 26
Joella Miller
Refreshment Committee NO Refreshments
Newsletter Delivery
If you have internet access and would like to have your newsletter and calendar sent by email please let
Joella Miller know. You can call her at 616-642-3767 or email her at [email protected].
They will be sent as a PDF file so they should open up on everyone’s computer. This will save paper, ink
and postage.
Lindsay Foster
Ron Heffron
Mary Graham
Donna Bollema
Teri Bergy
Louise Overbeck
Merilee Trierweiler
Carol Grummet
Holly Grummet
Barbara Czarnopys
Douglas Jousma
Jason Taylor
Blake Bergy
Kish Johnson
David Fuss
Jay Block
Mindy Potter
Jeremy Overbeck
Sarah Cameron
Joella Miller
Austin Lang
Sammy Mendez
Steven Jousma
Mark and Marilee Trierweiler
Bill and Diane Wieland
If your birthday or anniversary need to be added to the list, please see Joella and let her know. You
can also email her the information at [email protected]
Rummage and Bake Sale
The Underground Women (United Methodist Women’s Group) will be having their annual Rummage
and Bake Sale Friday, April 24 9am—3pm and Saturday, April 25, 9am—12pm. There will also be a BBQ
lunch available for purchase. Free coffee will be served with donuts available for purchase during the sale.
If you are cleaning your closets or your cupboards, please save your good, used items to bring to church
for the sale.
Set up will be Wednesday and Thursday before the sale from 6-8pm.
If you are doing any baking before the Bake Sale, please consider making an extra batch of cookies or
brownies and freezing them so you will have them ready for the Bake Sale.
At 11am on Saturday, the bag sale starts – 1.00 for what you can fit in a bag.
Alto Community Garage Sales are this weekend also, so if you’re looking for a weekend of shopping, this
is it. Please tell your friends and neighbors that love to garage sale about it also.
Dining in the area in April and May
Alto Fireman’s Pancake Supper at Alto Fire barn
Swiss Steak Supper at Bowne Center United Methodist Church
Roast Beef and Pork Supper at Bowne Center United Methodist Church
April 11, 5-8 pm
April 18, 5-7 pm
May 2, 5-7 pm
Crop Walk 2015 will be Sunday, May 3
If you can’t walk, you could sponsor someone else to walk.
The competition will be starting for fundraising efforts between Alto United Methodist Church and
Bowne Center United Methodist Church for the Crop Walk.
Dan and Judy Mendez will be having information in Bailey Hall as it becomes available.
The 57 Cent Club
A sad little girl stood outside a small church one Sunday morning. Her name was Hattie May Wiatt. She wanted to walk inside the church, to sing songs, to learn about God and worship Jesus. But she was afraid. She was alone, her clothes were
shabby and unkempt…and she had no ticket. This church was often so crowded that admission tickets were handed out
prior to the services to avoid overpopulation. New facilities were desperately needed. Little Hattie was afraid of getting lost
in the shuffle of people. Worse yet, she was afraid of being turned away. Reverend Conwell happened to walk by the front
gate where Hattie was standing. He took compassion on her, lifted her up on his shoulder and carried the little girl into the
church, through the crowded foyer he found a small corner for her in the Sunday School room. Hattie gave him the hug of
a comforted and happy child. This embrace would be etched in his mind for a lifetime… A short time later, Hattie became
ill and died. Her parents sought out the kind-hearted pastor who had befriended their daughter. At the funeral, her mother
handed Reverend Conwell a small purse—Hattie’s purse. It contained 57 cents. Her mother told him tearfully that Hattie
had been saving up her money to help build a bigger church…big enough for all the children. The Pastor was deeply
moved. He gratefully accepted the little girl’s contribution. He later shared the story with the church congregation. Each of
Hattie’s 57 pennies was auctioned. Church members made donations. Checks came in from far and wide. Hattie May Wiatt’s unselfish love had paid large dividends. Some of the members formed what they called the “Wiatt’s Mite Society” in
which they were dedicated to making little Hattie’s 57 cents grow. The amount of money raised through these efforts was a
sizeable investment towards the purchase of a new property. 54 of Hattie’s original pennies were, in time, donated back to
the church, where they were put on display and can be seen to this day. The next time you are in the city of Philadelphia,
look up Temple Baptist Church, with a present seating capacity of 3,300. And be sure to visit Temple University In addition to the Good Samaritan Hospital, both of which also claim their origin from the fruits of the Temple Baptist Church
property purchased from the seed money of Hattie May Wiatt’s 57 cents.
There are a lot of versions of this story that have made the rounds - especially on the internet. It’s hard to know the exact
truth anymore but the basis of the story always drives the point home in how small things add up to make a difference in
someone’s life.
Pastor Dean and Jan Bailey had made a suggestion that the church form a 57 Cent Club. It is a club that has no meeting,
rules or dues. The only purpose is fund children’s ministries.
At our church the 57 Cent Club has purchased the chairs in the nursery, the Bible verses that are hung on the walls and
sinks, counters, cupboards and bookcases in both classrooms.
You may have noticed the big, glass jar inside the sanctuary on the right hand side. This is the .57 collection point. Anytime
you feel inclined to help or if you’ve got some money burning a hole in your pocket please consider donating to the 57 Cent
Club. You can also mark a giving envelope with 57 Cent Club and drop it in the offering plate.
In February’s blood drive, there were 33 pints of blood was collected. The blood drive
challenge resulted in a tie. The Alto Fire Department and Alto Elementary PTO tied with
nine votes each. Both organizations will get $100. The prize money was donated by
Kentwood Sales and Stedfast Constuction. Many thanks to all who come and donate.
The next Blood Drive is Monday, April 20 from 2:00 pm to 5:45 pm
. If you would
like to sign up online so you can see availability easier, please go to .
If you prefer to talk to someone to schedule or have any questions please contact Jen
Dougherty at 616-868-0439 or her cell at 616-644-6529.
If you have friends that would like to give blood at this location, please pass this
information along to them. This blood drive is for the community and is not limited to
just church members.
Upper Room Devotionals
There are Upper Room Devotionals in the back of the church under the bulletin board. They are there
for anyone to take and use. There is large print also. If they are gone before you get one, please let
Joella or Jeri know and we will order more.
Ad Council Highlights—January
Snow Days will be announced on WoodTV and
Sponsor Community Easter Egg Hunt March 28
Speaker being arranged for Sunrise Service
Ad Council will be held after Worship on Second Sunday of month during Feb/March
United Methodist Women
Of Bowne Center UMC
are holding a Second Best Sale
Friday, April 24 9-4pm
Saturday, April 25 9-1pm
Bowne Center UMC in the
Fellowship Hall
Easter Egg Hunt
There will be a planning meeting for the Easter Egg Hunt Tuesday, March 10 at the church at
6:00pm. We are planning on filling the eggs and going over other details involved. Everyone welcome to attend the meeting and help. Volunteers are needed for the morning of the Easter Egg
Hunt also if you would like to help. Volunteers are needed 8:30 - 11:30 including set- up and
clean up. Sign up sheet in Bailey Hall.
The Community Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, March 28 at 10:00am with registration starting at
9:30. The hunt is for children ages 2-12 years old. There will be activities and craft projects along
with prizes with the Easter Egg Hunt. The activities will last about an hour.
February Ad Council Meeting Highlights
Souper Bowl brought in $60.00 in cash and $50.00 in groceries which has been donated to FROM.
Jeri reported on the first planning meeting for the Easter Egg Hunt. They need more volunteers to
help on the morning of the Hunt.
Because of high utility bills, Don Miller will be turning down the thermostats after Sunday worship.
Don Miller is getting bids for the second urinal.
Worship will revert to the old starting time of 9:30am starting March 8.
Karen Onufer will be having hand surgery at the end of March. The position of organist will be open
if anyone knows of someone who might be available.
Easter Flower Sale will start March 1.
March Administrative
Council Meeting
will be Tuesday, March 10 at
7:00pm. Please make a note of
the change in the date.
Weather Update/Church Closing
In addition to checking WoodTV or for closing information - if you
are on Facebook, follow Alto United Methodist Church for updates. Joella will post
information there also.
If you follow the page, when you see something posted please hit the Share button
under the posting and share it on your personal page so your friends/neighbors can
see what’s going on at church.