22nd Annual USC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critical Care Symposium Friday and Saturday May 29-30, 2015 Langham Huntington Pasadena, California Presented by: Institute of Continuing Education for Nurses, Department of Nursing Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center COURSE DESCRIPTION Symposium is hosted by the Division of Acute Care Surgery from the Los Angeles County+University of Southern California Medical Center, one of the largest trauma ber plenary sessions, interactive and provocative panel discussions, and inspiring keynote balance between evidence-based principles and innovative thought-provoking discussion will be maintained during lively expert debates and video sessions. Each session focuses on understanding the latest medical controversies and the implementation of practical procedural skills. TARGET AUDIENCE emergency medical technicians, paramedics and other medical personnel working in the care for adults and seek to enhance their understanding of trauma care and treatment options to optimize management of their patients. PROGRAM Pre-Course: 9:00 am-5:00 pm American College of Surgeons’ ASSET Course (Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma)LAC+USC Medical Center. Course Director: Lydia Lam, M.D. Separate registration required. Contact Angela Martinez at [email protected] Friday, May 29, 2015 6:15 am Registration and Breakfast 7:30 am Opening Remarks Demetrios Demetriades, M.D., Ph.D. 7:40 am Welcome M.B.A. & Daniel Castillo, CEO LAC+USC Medical Center Session 1: L.A. County Health System M.D., M.B. A. 8:55 am Quality Improvement Programs: Tips and Pitfalls Stephanie Hall, M.D. 9:15 am Proliferation of Trauma Centers: Saving Lives or Weakening the Trauma Systems? Ronald Stewart, M.D. 9:30 am Discussion Session 3: J.L. Buckingham Keynote Lecture 7:50 am From L.A. D.H.S. Director’s Perspective Mitchell H. Katz, M.D. 8:10 am Disruptive Innovation in Healthcare Hal Yee, Jr., M.D., Ph.D. Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, M.D., 8:30 am Discussion 10:10 am Discussion Session 2: Improving Quality of Care Moderator: Brad Spellberg, M.D. 10:20 am Break 8:35 am Preparing for Trauma Center Orange Book! Chris Cribari, M.D. Ph.D. 9:40 am Recovering from a Terrorist Attack: A Personal Odyssey Frank Gardner, O.B.E., B.B.C. Security Correspondent Book Signing by Frank Gardner 3:45 pm 10:50 am Conductive Energy Devices: What the Trauma Surgeon Needs to Know Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran, M.D. 11:10 am A Medical Examiner’s Perspective Mark A. Fajardo, M.D. 11:30 am Abusive Abdominal Trauma James Ribe, M.D. 11:50 am Discussion 12:00 pm Lunch Session 5: Wound Care Moderator: Lydia Lam, M.D. 1:20 pm Preventing Infection of Surgical Incisions and Treating Soft Tissue Infections Mark Kaplan, M.D. 3:53 pm 4:01 pm 4:09 pm 4:18 pm Is Interval Appendectomy the Standard of Care? Tobias Haltmeier, M.D. Appendicitis in Pregnancy Stefan W. Leichtle, M.D. Appendicitis in the Elderly Glenn Ault, M.D. Outpatient Appendectomy David Rosen, M.D. Discussion Session 8: An Hour with Dimitri: Believe it or Not! 4:25 pm Panel: Ronald Stewart, M.D. Chris Cribari, M.D. Daniel Margulies, M.D. Mark Kaplan, M.D. 5:30 pm Adjourn Saturday, May 30, 2015 6:45 am Registration and Breakfast Session 9: Military Session: Lessons Learned from the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Moderator: LCDR Daniel J. Grabo, M.D. 1:35 pm Abdomen Mark Kaplan, M.D. 1:50 pm Discussion Session 6: Critical Care I Moderator: Howard Belzberg, M.D. 2:00 pm Ventilator-Associated Events, Complications, Possible VAP, Probable VAP and More Confusion! Paul Holtom, M.D. 2:15 pm Resistant Organisms in ICU: Fighting with Intelligent Weapons! Brad Spellberg, M.D. 2:30 pm Nutrition of the Critically Ill: When, How, What, How Much? Subarna Biswas, M.D. 3:00 pm Liver Failure Damon Clark, M.D. 3:15 pm Discussion 3:25 pm Break Session 7: Rapid Session: Capsule Commentaries Moderator: Elizabeth Benjamin, M.D. 7:30 am Advances in Aeromedical Evacuation in a Combat Zone CDR Joshua M. Tobin, M.D. 7:45 am Combat Hemostatic Agents LCDR Leonardo Rodriguez, M.D. 8:00 am Special Forces Trauma Training LCDR Daniel J. Grabo, M.D. 8:15 am Discussion Session 10: Complex Problems and Other Hot Issues 8:20 am Complications from Bariatric Surgery and the Acute Care Surgeon Peter Crookes, M.D. 8:35 am End of Life Issues Heidi Hotz, R.N. 8:50 am Two for One: Trauma in Pregnancy Daniel Margulies, M.D. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Division of Acute Care Surgery, Institute of Continuing Education for Nurses, Department of Nursing and Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center is grateful to KCI for an educational grant in support of the symposium. 9:05 am Minimally Invasive Surgery in Trauma: An Oxymoron? Edward Kwon, M.D. 9:20 am Discussion Session 11: Legal Issues Moderator: Chris Cribari, M.D. 9:30 am Been Sued! Michael Sise, M.D. 9:50 am Discussion Session 12: High Impact Literature 2014-2015 Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, M.D., Ph. D. 9:55 am Ten Papers You Should Know About! Ronald Stewart, M.D. 10:15 am Break Session 13: Donating Life Moderator: Lydia Lam, M.D. 10:35 am Introduction By Tom Mone, CEO, One Legacy Oran Pentz, Brandon Pentz’ Father 10:45 am Organ Donation: RN Perspective Maybeth Francone, R.N. 10:55 am Optimal Management of the Potential Organ Donor: Updates Lydia Lam, M.D. Session 14: Distinguished Professor and Keynote Speaker Moderator: Demetrios Demetriades, M.D., Ph.D. 11:05 am Death at Home and on the for Improvement Ronald Stewart, M.D., Chairman COT American College of Surgeons Session 15: Get Involved! Moderator: Michael Sise, M.D. 11:30 am Surgical Advocacy: Why is it Important and How to Be Brian Gavitt, M.D. 11:45 am Patient Activist Damian Kevitt 12:00 pm Discussion 12:05 pm Luncheon Lecture Global Outreach: It Makes a Lydia Lam, M.D. 12:20 pm Lunch Session 16: Video Session: Surgical Techniques in Trauma Moderator: Elizabeth Benjamin, M.D. 1:30 pm Iliac Vascular Injuries Gregory Magee, M.D. 1:37 pm Brachial Artery Injuries Aaron Strumwasser, M.D. 1:44 pm Duodenal Injuries Elizabeth Benjamin, M.D. 2:01 pm Superior Mesenteric Vessels Kazuhide Matsushima, M.D. 2:08 pm Measuring Compartment Pressures in the Lower Leg David Duvall, M.D. 2:15 pm How to Do Escharotomy in Burns Anupama Mehta, M.D. Session 17: Debates Moderator: Kenji Inaba, M.D. 2:22 pm Indications for Emergency Room Resuscitative “Rigor Mortis” (15 min.) Peter Rhee, M.D. Proven Indications (15 min.) Resolution (10 min.) Session 18: Critical Care II Moderator: Kenji Inaba, M.D. 3:02 pm Pulmonary Embolism: Unfractionated Heparin, Mechanical Intervention Michael Kearns, M.D. 3:12 pm Survival Sepsis Guidelines: Saving Lives or Perpetuating a Fallacy? Robert Preston, M.D. 3:22 pm Discussion 3:30 pm Break PROGRAM Session 19: Resuscitation Updates Moderator: Howard Belzberg, M.D. 3:55 pm Massive Transfusion Protocol: Final Results of the PROPPR National Study Kenji Inaba, M.D. 4:10 pm Is the Massive Transfusion Protocol Applicable to Non-Traumatic Bleeding? Eric Bui, M.D. 4:25 pm Discussion Session 20: USC “Rheeopardy” Moderator: Peter Rhee, M.D. 4:30 pm Panel: Aaron Strumwasser, M.D., Gregory Magee, M.D. Kazuhide Matsushima, M.D. Session 21: Who Has the Best Resident? Cedars-Sinai, UCLA or USC? Moderator: Kenji Inaba, M.D. and Lydia Lam, M.D. 5:00 pm Cedars Sinai, UCLA and USC Residents 5:30 pm KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Frank Gardner, O.B.E., B.B.C. Security Correspondent Frank Gardner, is the B.B.C.’s award-winning full-time Security Correspondent, reporting for TV, radio and online on issues of both UK and international security. In 2004 he was shot six times at close range by . with major injuries. He is an Arabist with a degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies from Exeter University. As B.B.C. Middle East Correspondent . Middle East, notably Saudi Arabia and Yemen, as well as Afghanistan, Pakistan, the US, Guantanamo Bay and the Horn of Africa, the Balkans and South America. to journalism, awarded Honorary Doctorates of Laws by six British universities, the McWhirter Award for Bravery, Spain’s El Mundo Prize for International Journalism, the UAE’s Zayed Medal for Journalism,voted Person of the Year by the UK Press Gazette and Journalist of the Year in the European Diversity Awards. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and his Sunday Times best-seller ‘Blood and Sand,’ describes his 25 years of Middle Eastern experiences. A keen skier and scuba diver despite using a wheelchair, he has been elected President oft he Ski Club of Great Britain. Ronald M. Stewart, M.D., F.A.C.S. Ronald M. Stewart is a tenured Professor and Chair of Surgery and also currently serves as the Chair of the ACS Committee on Trauma. Dr. Stewart has served in numerous regional and national leadership Institute, chair of the South Texas Chapter of the ACS Committee on Trauma and the ACS COT Region VI Chief (Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas). In 2000, Dr. Stewart was appointed by Governor George W. Bush to the Governor’s Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Advisory Council where he served until 2014. Dr. Stewart has received numerous awards for teaching and service, ncluding the Presidential Award for Clinical Excellence, the Distinguished Alumnus of the UTHSCSA School of Medicine and the Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award. In 2013 he was the recipient of the National Safety Council Surgeons Award for Service to Safety and the American College of Surgeon’s Arthur Ellenberger Award for Excellence in State Advocacy. FACULTY SYMPOSIUM DIRECTORS Keck School of Medicine of USC Los Angeles, CA DEMETRIOS DEMETRIADES, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Surgery Director, Division of Acute Care Surgery KENJI INABA, M.D., M.Sc., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.C. Associate Professor of Surgery Medical Director, Surgical ICU LYDIA LAM, M.D., F.A.C.S. Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery SPECIAL INVITED GUESTS DEAN CARMEN A. PULIAFITO, M.D., M.B.A. Keck School of Medicine of USC Los Angeles, CA DANIEL CASTILLO, M.H.A. CEO LAC+USC Medical Center THOMAS MONE CEO, One Legacy MARK KAPLAN, M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor of Surgery and Director of Acute Care Surgery Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA MITCHELL H. KATZ, M.D. Director of Health Services, L.A. County Los Angeles, CA DAMIAN KEVITT Director, Finish the Ride Los Angeles, CA SATHYAVAGISWARAN LAKSMANAN, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C) Former Chief Coroner of L.A. County Los Angeles, CA DANIEL MARGULIES, M.D., F.A.C.S. Chief, Acute Care Surgery Professor of Surgery Cedars Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA THOMAS NOGUCHI, M.D. Professor Emeritus Keck School of Medicine of USC Los Angeles, CA CHRIS CRIBARI M.D., F.A.C.S. Medical Director Acute Care Services Medical Center of the Rockies Loveland, CO PETER RHEE, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S. Professor of Surgery Director of Trauma, Critical Care and Emergency Surgery University of Arizona Tucson, AZ HENRY CRYER III, M.D., F.A.C.S. UCLA Medical Center Los Angeles, CA JAMES RIBE, M.D. Senior Coroner, L.A. County Los Angeles, CA MARK A. FAJARDO, M.D. Chief Medical Examiner and Coroner of L.A. County Los Angeles, CA MICHAEL SISE, M.D., F.A.C.S. Director of Trauma Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego, CA GUEST FACULTY MAYBETH FRANCO, R.N. RN Administrator, LAC+USC Medical Center Los Angeles, CA STEPHANIE HALL, M.D. CMO, Keck USC Hospital Los Angeles, CA HEIDI HOTZ, R.N. Trauma Program Cedars Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA BRAD SPELLBERG, M.D., F.I.D.S.A., F.A.C.P. CMO, LAC+USC Medical Center Los Angeles, CA JEFFREY UPPERMAN, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P. Associate Professor of Surgery Director, Trauma Program Children Hospital Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA HAL F. YEE, JR., M.D., Ph.D. CMO, L.A. D.H.S. Los Angeles, CA FACULTY KECK SCHOOL OF MEDICINE OF USC and LAC+USC MEDICAL CENTER FACULTY Los Angeles, CA GLENN AULT, M.D., M.S.Ed., F.A.C.S. Chief of Surgery, LAC+USC Medical Center Associate Dean, Clinical Administration Associate Professor of Surgery HOWARD BELZBERG, M.D., F.C.C.P., F.C.C.M., F.A.C.P. Associate Professor of Surgery, Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine ELIZABETH BENJAMIN, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery THOMAS BERNE, M.D., F.A.C.S. Professor Emeritus of Surgery NICOLAI A. BILDZUKEWICZ, M.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery SUBARNA BISWAS, M.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery DAMON CLARK, M.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery PETER CROOKES, M.D., F.A.C.S. Associate Professor of Surgery DANIEL J. GRABO, M.D., F.A.C.S. Lieutenant Commander Medical Corps, U.S. Navy Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery Navy Trauma Training Center PAUL HOLTOM, M.D. Hospital Epidemiologist LAC+USC Medical Center Professor of Medicine and Orthopedics Division of Infectious Diseases, USC Department of Medicine MICHAEL KEARNS, M.D. Commander, Medical Corps, U.S. Navy Navy Trauma Training Center EDWARD KWON, M.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery ROBERT PRESTON, M.D. Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery LEONARDO RODRIGUEZ, M.D. Lieutenant Commander Medical Corps, U.S. Navy Assistant Professor of Clinical Surgery Navy Trauma Training Center JOSHUA M. TOBIN, M.D. Commander Medical Corps, U.S. Navy Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology Navy Trauma Training Center FELLOWS ERIC BUI, M.D. Surgical Critical Care Fellow DAVID DUVALL, M.D. Surgical Critical Care Fellow BRIAN GAVITT, M.D. Surgical Critical Care Fellow TOBIAS HALTMEIER, M.D. Trauma Research Fellow STEFAN LEICHTLE, M.D. Surgical Critical Care Fellow GREGORY MAGEE, M.D. Trauma Clinical Fellow KAZUHIDE MATSUSHIMA, M.D. Trauma Clinical Fellow ANUPAMA MEHTA, M.D. Surgical Critical Care Fellow DAVID ROSEN, M.D. Surgical Critical Care Fellow AARON STRUMWASSER, M.D. Trauma Clinical Fellow COURSE OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of the program the participant should be able to: •Discuss the new trauma center criteria and strategy for integrating into your home program. •Identify and implement critical care management of the ICU patient to include new resistant organisms and ventilator associate pneumonia. •Outline methods to improve organ donation programs at your home institution. trauma patients. •Integrate new guidelines of sepsis management and other infectious diseases. COURSE INFORMATION Course Proceedings Meeting Location Langham Huntington Hotel, 1401 S. Oak Knoll Drive, Pasadena, California 91106 Parking Valet parking is discounted $25 overnight/$12 daily. Self-parking is available at the discounted rate of $10. Internet Access Electricity availability is limited. No internet access provided in meeting room. Hotel To book a room at the Langham Huntington, call (626) 568-3900 and ask for group reservations. Mention USC Trauma Symposium or the Keck School of Medicine of USC to receive the special rate under the room block. Room rate is $212 single or double. Please make reservations before May 14, 2015. Cancellation Policy email by May 22, 2015, 4:00 PM P.S.T. for a refund of tuition to be issued. A $50 cancellation fee will be applied. USC will not refund any travel costs incurred. In the event of course cancellation by conference organizers, all registration fees will be fully refunded. USC will not refund any travel costs incurred. Currency All registration payments must be in U.S. currency. Personal checks, bank drafts, or money orders must be issued from U.S. banks. A $25 fee will be applied to process payments submitted in other than U.S. dollars or when there is a disparity in the calculated rate of exchange. Accreditation Statement Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Credit Designation activity for a maximum of 16 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP00105 California EMS CE Provider #19-0012. Objectives available upon request. REGISTRATION FORM 22nd Annual USC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critical Care Symposium on May 29-30, 2015 NAME____________________________________________________________ DEGREE_________________ MEDICAL LICENSE# ___________________ TELEPHONE__________________________ FAX_______________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________ CITY______________________________________ STATE ________________ ZIP CODE _________________ SPECIALTY ___________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS*_________________________________________________ INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION ___________________________________ SPECIAL DIETARY OR PHYSICAL NEEDS___________________________ * Correspondence and confirmations are sent by email. TUITION Early registration fees apply until May 22, 2015, noon P.S.T. Physician T$500 May 29-30 T$300 One Day Attendance Allied Health Professional T$400 May 29-30 T$225 One Day Attendance Fellow/Resident/Student T$300 May 29-30 Optional Printed Syllabus T$35 Must be pre-ordered and paid by May 13, 2015. Late registration fees apply after May 22, 2015 at noon P.S.T. Physician T$550 Allied Health Professional T$450 Fellow/Resident/Student T$350 METHOD OF PAYMENT TCheck (Payable to USC) TCredit Card (Visa or Mastercard only) Visa/Mastercard # ___________________________________________________ Authorized Signature ___________________________ Amount $ ____________ REGISTRATION Mail completed registration form and check payment to: Online: www.usc.edu/cme. Scroll down to 22nd Annual USC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critical Care Symposium Phone: (323) 442-2555 or toll-free: 1(800) USC-1119 I Fax: 1(888) 665-8650 Email: [email protected] I Website: www.usc.edu/cme On site payment: Huntington Ballroom at the Langham Huntington May 29, 2015: 6:15 am I May 30, 2015: 6:45 am Cancellation Policy by May 22, 2015, 4:00 PM P.S.T. for a refund of tuition to be issued. A $50 cancellation fee will be applied. USC will not refund any travel costs incurred. In the event of course cancellation by conference organizers, all registration fees will be fully refunded. USC will not refund any travel costs incurred. May 29-30, 2015 Langham Huntington: 1401 S. Oak Knoll Avenue Pasadena, California 91106 22nd Annual USC National Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critcal Care Symposium 1540 Alcazar Street, CHP 223 Los Angeles, CA 90033 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID University of Southern California
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