1 Bishopton Community Council Minutes of the meeting held in Bishopton Primary School on Wednesday 4th February 2015 at 7.30 pm Present: David Woodrow, Brian Stewart, John Anderson, Colin Camelford, John McGinnigle. David Rigg, Peter Bryson, Ewing Mitchell, Fiona Robertson, Allen Brown, Sam Marshallsay . Apologies: John Mackintosh In Attendance: Cllr Maria Brown, Cllr James MacLaren, John McAndrew, Sharon Sutherland, Kara Conway, Mhairi Pedey, + 2 police officers. Corrections to minutes of: Under matters arising. Change created to create, Luise to Leese, Carlow to Carlaw, ate to at. Shona Robertson should be Shona Robison Approval of Minutes: The minutes of Wednesday 7th January 2015 were proposed and approved Matters Arising: Hedges: the one at Holmpark has been cut back but not the one at the Health Centre road. Sharon and Fiona from our education subcommittee have had a meeting with the school. At this meeting were the headmistress and Gordon McKinlay from the Renfrew Education department. The original ratio of 1 child per 7 houses has now been changed to 1 in 4. Projections national are higher still and even higher for new developments. Gordon McKinlay has agreed to monitor these numbers on a three monthly basis and obtain as much information from the builders as he can get. The Cala houses are in the 30 houses occupied averaging 2 children per house. Taylor Wimpey are producing 3children per house. Renfrewshire council claim as the other types of house come on stream the numbers will even out. The Council have apparently taken the 50 new houses added to Bishopton and the impact of the 300 new houses in Erskine on Park Mains High School. The capacity of Bishopton Primary has been increased to 544 pupils because of the way the Council have changed their school plans. They consider it will be 2025 before a new school is needed. A new school will take 3 years from planning to completion for a new school. If the school is needed earlier discussions will have to take place with BAE to amend the section 75 arrangements. The alternatives are to extend Bishopton Primary or bus the children to another school. The monthly figures will be compared to the projected figures which will show any divergence. Assuming our projections are correct and a new school is needed earlier the community will have to be consulted on wither one big school is the proffered option or two smaller primaries. On the issue of safe walking routes to school not all of Bishopton or the new development would fit within the one mile radius of the school unless the new school was situated just within the factory boundary near the level crossing. At the moment a safe walking route evaluation is being done for both the south and north areas of the development. The total number of houses occupied currently is 258 and another 150 is projected for the next year making over 400 in total. The rate of build has risen from 47 in the first year. However with 5 sites now building the rate of construction is very likely to increase. The Persimmon houses are a block of flats and some terraced housing with more to follow. Renfrewshire Council are now using 200 hoses as the projection which is faster than the current build rate. However when the link road is complete other builders may move onto the site. Block H10 has now been bought. Many items need to be resolved such as catchment areas if there are 2 schools. The proposed new school in Dargavel is to have a roll of 341 which may be insufficient for the new development alone. The change in population in the older village to younger families will also increase the school rolls. The Langbank primary is under capacity but is only geared for 140 pupils and could not contribute very much to any shortfall. Sharon, Mhairi and Kara for their work on education and keeping Renfrew Council aware that the community is still watching. The deputy head for the primary 2 school is now in post. (Allan Shields) The Chairman contacted the Health Board following the last meeting to talk to Mr. Calderwood who had been busy with the accident and emergency situation but would get back to David as soon as possible. Annabel Goldie asked a question at Holyrood regarding projections for expansion. The actual details of the question are given in a letter David received. The minister replied that the Scottish Government was always working towards expansion and improvement where it has to happen. Annabel raised the issue of Bishopton specifically and got the reply that the minister would write to Annabel to get greater details of the situation. Within 12 hours of that a letter was received by David from the Health Board offering that David Leese (Community Health Partnership) and Tony Curran (Director of Procurement and Facilities at the heath board) would attend a Community Liaison Group meeting. Of the dates given to them February 9th was the only suitable date therefore a meeting has been arranged for this date. David contacted George Morrison who was on the Health group organized in the same way as the education group for Bishopton CC. An email was received giving some information, suggesting aspirations and information from a Health Centre website which give criteria for the future suggesting 1000square metre premises with several options. The liaison meeting is on Monday night at 6pm in the community centre where all of these items will be raised. All the people concerned either already know of the meeting or will be contacted by email; some other people such as Dr. Downie and one of the community councillors living in the Dargavel site will attend. A report will be made at the next meeting. Any comments or questions to the Liaison meeting should be forwarded to David or George Morrison prior to the liaison meeting. BAE were not happy with the date however if someone could come to take back the results of the meeting. One new doctor (Dr. Toowari) has started and another due in March (Dr. MacPherson). This is putting pressure on the Centre’s accommodation for things other than Doctor Sessions. Physiotherapy is no longer available at Bishopton Health Centre with patients being sent to Renfrew. There appears to be a new bridge being built over the M8 by the old foot bridge after the Arlkeston slip road ? road or new foot bridge. Officer going out to confirm the two sites form the new benches within the next few weeks. Work has restarted on the station ramp after delays caused by organization after the plans had been submitted to Scotrail. The piling is now 8 metres deep rather than 6 metres The overflow carpark is restricted because of this work. Maintenance of the parking boxes in Station road; one set has been done the other will be done when weather permits. No current reply on residents parking permits for Gledstane road and Poplar avenue. The previous request was for a single yellow line making no parking for a period in the morning which would prevent parking there during the rush hour and not cause all day long problems. At the moment the ramp construction is causing parking problems but when finished will allow up 40 more parking spaces. BAE to be asked about the future size of the car park as another area was to be included in the plans. The workers building the ramp have been asked to park their vehicles in front of the factory gates to allow more spaces in the car park to be used. The contractor’s huts cannot be moved over the fence as other work is taking place there. Parking can extend round the first bend in Birch road. Sachelcourt avenue does not have the original problem of parking since the signage was put up. The yellow lines down to the bridge (in bad state ) will be extended to the factory gates. It is hoped that the ramp will be complete by the end of March. The ramps are very long to allow the correct angle. A set of steps are also provided plans are available in David’s shop. The extended car park will provide more than 100 new spaces; its construction will probably take place alongside the town centre construction. This will be over and above the parking for shopping. Cars are being told at Johnstone station car park to go to Bishopton to park and catch the train. For a period there will be no through traffic past the car park. There will be a bus terminus on the other side where buses would be allowed to come out of the development. If the new Health Centre goes with the original plan near the old administration building car parks would be on either side of the building with a physical barrier between them to prevent crossing over to Station road. People however will be tempted to park in the Station road area irrespective of wither the car park is full or not. A note will be put in the newsletter encouraging considerate parking. The problem at Barrangary pumping 3 station has been fixed. It appeared to be caused by valve problems and not extra water coming from BAE. There may be a blocked drain close by as Scottish Water are working at this moment on this as it causes flooding on the dip of the road before the roundabout as you leave the village. Resurfacing of this area and drainage work has been approved for the next financial year (more will be known in March when the program is released). Some attention is being paid by Scottish Water along the pavement in Old Greenock Road between Kingston Road and Dunglass Road. There could be a blocked drain causing flooding on Old Greenock road near the 30 mph warning sign which had attention a few years ago when the flooding was right across the road it is now only on the flashing sign side now. The M8 junction will start construction this spring with the junction (29A) opening in 2017. This fits with the house building timescale for 600 houses. Correspondence Crime Report : By Constable Hanlon. Total number of crimes reported in the area 19, 9 detected Attempted housebreaking nothing in Bishopton via a window but alarm went off and the perpetrators left with not yet detected. Two vandalisms of eggs being thrown as was raised at the last meeting not yet detected. The graffiti artist has not yet been detected. There has been some seizure of drugs and some drunk and incapable incidents. There has been shoplifting at the Coop which has been detected. John McGinnigle showed the police a leaflet from the traveling people quoting a web site which does not exist. These people are now appearing to be professional. A caller to John’s door despite the no cold caller sign representing Helms which is a supplier and fitter of solar panels claiming to be working on a Government scheme. This took place at 5.30 pm while dark which could intimidate the elderly and those living alone. The police’s hands are tied if you agree a price and are satisfied with the work done. However the price has a habit of increasing due to claims that more work was needed. Warnings of these issues could be added to the newsletter we are currently preparing. Speeding on Slateford Road has been noted by the police and will be forwarded the Traffic Unit. The link road was questioned as being a boy racer track. The current design is an improvement over the original and hopefully will include a number of roundabouts and other traffic calming measures to make the road unsuitable for the racers. The work on the link road will be brought up at the forthcoming Liaison Group meeting. Councillor’s report: Report from Cllr Maria Brown A grit bin was requested for Hamilton Crescent which has now arrived. A large proportion of the pavements in the village were gritted during the bad spell. A grit bin was requested for the top of Dunglass road at the corner with Carron as the original fell to pieces and this is a bad corner at the top of the hill. Grey bin collections were a problem in the Erskine grounds at MacCalum Avenue. This has hopefully been resolved. A request has been made to deal with the weeds on the verges of Home Farm road and Golf road. Some work has been done but not all. The woodland between Home Farm entrance and Freeland on Erskine Ferry road has also been contaminated and along with the other areas requires attention in the spring. The planters at the edges of the village on request have now been maintained the one on Old Greenock road required more precise details as to its location. It has now been found and tided. All the lights on Yarrow crescent and area are now on. The speed sign on Old Greenock Road have not yet been cleared of overhanging foliage. The solar speed signs on Greenock road at the school are not working probably due to lack of sunlight recently. The shared surface signs have been delayed while awaiting the developer demonstrating that the lamp posts can support them especially in high winds. The new countdown speed markers from the Linburn direction have blown down. They were not sunk very deep in the ground and had very little concrete ballast. The shared surfaces in Camphill Gardens appears to be ok but it is a col- de -sac though roads however can be a 4 problem especially when speeding is common or at sharp corners. The signs are required to remind drivers of potentially pedestrians on the same piece of road. The design of Slateford road as also been questioned with relevance to the swales either side and the danger of slipping into them. The road is not yet adopted by the council who are still in discussion with the developer regarding the swales and this could be amended prior to adoption. The road was built to Renfrew Council’s specifications and is considered a country road. The swales on the other access road are much shallower. A different contractor was seen gritting in the afternoon but this may be due to times that the different contractors work. Report from Councillor James MacLaren: 1. Roads i. DFS signs: - The signs are still to go back out on Slateford Road, but this is expected soon. At the last meeting the question was asked about solar powered signs. The DFS signs that have solar power help charge the internal battery. Therefore, a severe dark spell would not affect the DFS operation. If the battery on a DFS were to run down the unit would stop completely so there is no risk of faulty readings and times being recorded. ii. Residents Parking – Station Road Area The previous proposal, which was opposed by residents, was to enforce a single yellow line for a set hour in the morning. This would prevent commuters parking all day and not affect residents as they have adequate off street parking. It would also have avoided the all-day enforcement and administration costs required with a permit scheme. Our traffic section is happy to re-instigate discussions with residents about these proposals. iii. M8 Junction 29A BAE Systems are to build 2 roundabouts to form junction 29A on and off the M8 near Bishopton. These works are anticipated to commence in the spring of 2015 with the road opening in 2017. iv. Drainage issues on the A8 east of Bishopton Areas of this road have been put forward for consideration for resurfacing this coming financial year and we will know for certain in March once the programme is finalised. With regards to drainage I can confirm that drainage works are programmed from the roundabout on this road to Rossland Garage, which should hopefully improve conditions further. v. Kerb Stones There is some damage to kerb stones on Gledstane Road. The information has been passed on to our footway inspector and he will instruct the necessary repairs. vi. Damaged Motorway bridge on Old Greenock Road The structure is owned by Transport Scotland and maintained by Scotland TranServ. Renfrewshire Council have no involvement with the on-going works. I have been informed the works have been delayed due to the current weather conditions. 2. Food Waste Bags There are no plans at present to change the current arrangements and the liners will continue to be provided free of charge. 5 Feedback from Meeting 1. Residents Parking – Station Road Area There are a number of variables that are affecting the current situation. a) Station Rd: the restricted parking area boxes have now been repainted and the restrictions will start to be enforced. b) Station car park: the on-going work to the new disabled ramp is affecting around 30 to 40 spaces. These should be returned to use when the ramp is complete. c) BAE future plans: BAE are obliged to provide a further 100 parking spaces in due course. d) Johnstone Railway Station: current work on a "multi-storey" car park is restricting parking there. Signs exist there directing commuters to park and travel from Bishopton. In time this will return to normal. 2. Blocked Gullies There are blocked gullies in the village: a) Poplar Avenue: At the corner with Station Road, the gully seems to be permanently blocked, or running very very slowly. b) Greenock Road: The gully opposite the co-op supermarket is blocked, outside village store. I will have these gullies reported for cleaning. 3. Drainage issue on Ferry Road The new pavement along Ferry Road has created a perpetual puddle on the road by the monument in the field. I will request work to alleviate the problem. 4. Resurfacing a) Stuart Road: - Further patching is required. I will chase this up. b) Carron Drive: - Following on from the resurfacing, it was agreed that a central drain would be installed at the hammer head. I will chase this up. 5. Damaged Signs a) Large Direction sign on A8 at the bottom of Hatton Brae, between the railway bridge and the roundabout. The sign has been damaged by fire. I will chase up its replacement. b) The series of black plastic chevrons indicating a sharp bend on Old Greenock Road are all faded and require the poles for the signs to be vertically re aligned as they are all askew. I will chase this up. 6. Faulty Street Lights There are a 4 street lights out of order at the HP factory roundabout. One faulty light is on the right hand side approaching r/bout from Erskine. Two lights on r/ bout itself, and one light further on the lhs of road approx. 30 yards as you exit r/bout on way to Bishopton. I will chase up their repair. 7. Concessionary Rail Travel I will investigate to see if any movement with this. 4/2/2015 Sub Group Report/ Environmental Report/ Community Trust: An engineer will visit the sites of 6 the benches. The cost of the benches is £1600 and we have received a gift of £500 towards this. The secretary is in the process of applying for an LAC grant which if successful could be used to replace the damaged bench in Greenock road. The bench donated by Ernie Hassler is ok only needing painted it is one further up Greenock road opposite the social club that is damaged. Erskine and Bishopton Rotary club may need to be contacted as they installed this bench. From the recording of last month’s meeting the suggestion was that the money returned from the trust would be used to buy the new benches and the possible grant would be for refurbishment and repair of those benches that were not under Renfrew council jurisdiction such as those in “Matie’s Field”. This would however not seem to be a problem as the money would be spent judiciously on benches. Community Trust met at Ingliston 2 weeks ago and had someone from Sensescot with whom the trust had agreed to arrange with them to do the paperwork to put the trust in place. The next meeting will start to look at ideas as to what the trust may be able to do. The minutes of the trust will go on the website and be put in the library and also on the noticeboard at the post office when they are adopted. Articles of association have been sent and the trust will be registered as a charitable trust limited by guarantee. This will take about 6 weeks to complete but the trust will continue to work meantime. No discussions have taken place about replacement of the Bishopton Sports and Social Club. The Trust is only just set up and have as yet not discussed as a Trust what projects they will go forward with. No one from the Trust has met with the social club either officially or unofficially. Some members of the social club are also on the trust. Members of the Trust must be residents of Bishopton and any who leave the village will no longer be allowed to be on the Trust. Chairman’s Report: Treasurer’s report: Bank balance stands at £6655 without any outstanding bills. Community Council Forum: No new meeting Local Area Committee: No new meeting. There will be one prior to our next meeting. Community Liaison: A.O.B: News Letter draft has been emailed to all members and feedback is requested . A site called In Bishopton run by Stuart Duffy has some very good information on it but has some very out of date Material which no longer reflects Bishopton. It would be good to take the good information and Transfer it to the current Bishopton Community website. There is also a link to a Bishopton Facebook Page which the CC does not favor using but the Bishopton Community Site could be made much Better. Stuart was on the CC but moved to Erskine and originally was going to continue managing the site but until John Mackintosh stepped in the site was not in use. The £25 per year was for the Community Council site not the other sites. Child after school care which was to be included in the Newsletter has had a survey done through the Bishopton Primary Parents Committee and the Dargavel Facebook page and as a result the necessary information was obtained and the after school care Scheme is going ahead opening either in April or August and it will include a breakfast club, after school care and possibly a play scheme as well. The response was for 47 children requiring places. A new Facebook page for the Community Council if backing is given would be set up to find out information that the Community Council might require without all the problems. The new social media is the best way of quickly finding out information. The first thing that people find when searching Bishopton Community is the In Bishopton site and the old Bishopton Facebook page and could end up with dated or out of touch information. The only reservation are control of the site to prevent any unsavory item being put on the site or taken of if it occurs. The group can only be joined if 7 the moderators agree. The moderators can also remove individuals from use of the site if they transgress the site rules. There is also costing to consider although this should be very low or nonexistent. Proposed dates for future meetings: At 7.30pm in Bishopton Primary School 4th March 2015 1st April 2015 Venue yet to be decided 6th May 2015 3rd June 2015
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