The Mercury UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 467 N JUDD STREET HONOLULU, HI 96817 808-536-8418 WWW.UCCJUDD.ORG Celebra ng Our 100th Anniversary (September 15, 1915) 9:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL “Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome in this place.” 10:30 AM WORSHIP V O L U M E L I I I , N U M B E R I I I M A R C H 2 0 1 5 All are invited to attend Wednesday Lenten Soup Suppers at 6 p.m. The dates and speakers are as follows: Mar. 4, Rev. Dean Fujii Mar. 11, Rev. Phil Mark Mar. 18, Rev. Ron Ching In MacKenzie Hall Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 10:30 a.m. Worship Service Save These Dates: Maundy Easter Sunday Thursday April 2, 2015 April 5, 2015 6:00 p.m. Soup 10:30 a.m. Worship Supper Service 6:30 p.m. service A LOOK INSIDE….. Pastor’s Perspec ve, Book Review 2 Adult Educa on, March Worship 3 Youth News 4 Randy's Farwell 5 Stewardship Corner 6 Precious Legacies 7 Moderator's Report 8 Nomina ons 9 Birthdays, Prayer List Announcements, Staff 11 March Calendar 12 10 PAGE 2 Pastor’s Book Review: An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor Barbara Taylor leads you on a journey to where human beings in this world can recognize altars (places where we meet the Divine) in ordinary places. She talks about such things as the practice of getting lost and the practice of encountering others. She talks of the vocation of becoming human: the job of loving God and loving our neighbors. And in that sense we are Christians in progress. She mentions that prayer is not about “winning God’s attention” and that "Reverence requires a certain pace. It requires a willingness to take detours, even side trips, which are not part of the original plan." Senior Pastor’s Perspective: Five Mistakes People Make When Reading the Bible "But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like." James 1:22-24 Since we have entered the Lenten Season, in which one of our practices should be reading the bible more, it seems appropriate to share this article that I have edited from Mike Querry, who is a Youth Minister at Bay Area Christian Church and writes for Relevant Magazine. 1. Looking for Insight Rather Than Personal Application. Simply reading the Bible for information is not enough if we want it to have an impact on our lives. (James 1:22-24) Just about every verse you read contains some kind of direction from God on how we can change our lives for the better and open up to God’s transformation in our lives. We read it with the intent to let it guide us and bring about change where there needs to be change. 2. Failing to Research Context. While many verses work fine when read in a vacuum (most notably Proverbs and Psalms), most Scripture is meant to be understood in context. You can learn a lot more about the verse you’re reading by examining the details surrounding it: Author - who wrote the book, and why were they writing it? Date - when the book was written can tell you a lot about the verses in the book you’re reading. Recipient - who the book was intended for can also give you more insight. 3. Sticking to the Same Translation. If the only version of the Bible you’ve ever read is the one sitting on your shelf that you’ve had since you were a kid, there’s a chance you’re reading a translation that may not be right for you. Reading a different version can give you more insight into the Scriptures, and can make an otherwise confusing Scripture more accessible. 4. Reading in a Distracting Environment. This one seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people read their Bibles with the TV on, or while others are nearby asking for help. Rev. Darren T. Galindo Senior Pastor 5. Thinking the Only Way to Read the Bible is By Looking at Words on a Page. Many people feel intimidated by the sheer volume of Scriptures. If you’re feeling bored of reading, or perhaps have a learning challenge, try listening (audio Bible) or watching the Bible on DVD. PAGE 3 March 2015 “Jesus is the Question” Sunday Worship Schedule 10:30 a.m. 1st “Can Any of You, By Worrying, Add a Single Hour to Your Span of Life?” Matthew 6:25-34 Pastor Mary Herbig 8th The Reach of Love: “What Must I Do to Gain Eternal Life?” Luke 6:32-34, 10:25-37 Rev. Darren T. Galindo 15th Healing: “Do You Want to Get Well?” John 5:6, Matthew 20:32 Randy Reynoso nd 22 Abundance: “How Much Bread Do You Have?” Mark 6:31-44, 8:14-21, Exodus 16:1-18 29th Palm Sunday “Questions About Who Jesus Is” Mark 8:27-30, 10:18, John 14:9, 21:15-17 Rev. Darren T. Galindo Rev. Darren T. Galindo Adult Spiritual Life Opportuni es Adult Forma on – Beginning this month and throughout the Lenten season, we will be looking at the ques ons that Jesus asked during his ministry. Our study will draw from the book Jesus is the Ques on: The 307 Ques ons Jesus Asked and the Three He Answered by Mar n B. Copenhaver. Sunday mornings, 9 a.m. in the Board Room Sundays, 12 p.m. in the Mul purpose Room Wednesday mornings, 9:30 a.m. in the Board Room Women's Book Study, Sunday mornings at 9 am, Cry Room – The women's group is studying A Wondrous Love during the season of Lent. This devo onal booklet is comprised of meditaions and prayers from Henri J.M. Novwen and C.S. Lewis. Feel free to join us any me! Book of Acts Study, Sunday mornings at 9 am with Ginny Lum – This group is doing a close reading of the book of Acts. All are welcome! LGBT Spiritual Life Group – Our group for members and friends in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community, as well as supporters, meets once each month for fellowship, discussion, and support. Contact Pastor Mary if you are interested in a ending. PAGE 4 Youth and Young Adult News On February 1 some of the youth and our families showed our support for the Hawaiian Humane Society. We stood at the intersection of Judd and Liliha Streets to help promote responsible pet ownership. Among the signs we held was the one which called for honks if people loved animals. We got a lot of honks! We also held our annual Burning of the Ashes gathering on February 7. This year we went to Uncle Westley’s house for a night of great food, greater fellowship, and way too much fun. The burning of last year’s palms from Palm Sunday has become one of our favorite get-togethers and brings a certain sense of understanding to how the cycle of the Church calendar connects us to other Christians around the world. We had a double-dip day on February 21. In the morning we once again assisted with the cleanup efforts of Lanakila Elementary School, last year’s Penny Carnival beneficiary. We helped them with tasks such as painting and gardening. The evening brought a return of the YOU (Youth Ohana UCC) events. We joined other church’s youth at Community Church of Honolulu for a night of fellowship. PAGE 5 From the Director of Youth and Young Adults When Ann and I first came to this church in 2010 we immediately felt a part of the family. The acceptance and warm welcome we both received went beyond words. Your actions that first Sunday, and every day since, has only made us feel closer to this very special church. When God placed Ann and me to walk along all of you, God must have known your unencumbered love for us would get me through the final years of getting my Masters in Divinity. I would have never guessed that UCC-Judd would still be sharing my journey as I graduated from seminary and passed the Ecclesiastical Council. Yes, God knew what God was doing. Trusting that fact, and knowing that God continues to be the guide on my journey, the time has now come for Ann and me to move on to another path in our lives. On February 15, 2015 I was called to be the Pastor at Ewa Community Church. My last day as your Director of Youth and Young Adults will be on March 15. When we give our lives fully to God we never really know to whom or where or when we might be called. I have learned to keep my heart and mind open so that I might hear the call of God and understand what that call might entail. It has been a long journey, close to 12 years as Ann reminds me, since the beginning of the journey I currently travel, a journey I’m positive, God has put me on. I know I will take all of the lessons learned by all the people I have met and walked with along the way. Ann and I thank you all for the wonderful conversations, outings, potlucks, overnighters, camps, BBQ’s, movie nights, community service work and so much more. Besides all that, though, what we will treasure most are the moments we shared our lives, in small ways or large, and grew together as Christians in God’s love. It’s in that spirit we say fare well, but never goodbye. Randy Reynoso Randy's Aloha Luncheon On Sunday, March 15, following our 10:30 a.m. worship service, all are invited to a end a potluck for Randy & Ann Reynoso. As Randy prepares to be the pastor of Ewa Community Church, we want to send him forward with much love and Aloha, and thank him for five years of service as our Director of Youth & Young Adults. You're welcome to bring a dish to share. Sign ups are being taken on Sunday mornings. PAGE 6 $178,955 or 73% of our goal $244,789 (proposed) $190,000 or 77.6% of our goal Pledges continue to come in, thank you everyone! If you have not done so already, you can still submit a pledge card to help us get to our goal (about $40,000 more). 50% of members Thank you also to those who have donated towards our 100th anniversary fund – be sure to check the calendar & bulletin for all the events planned. In addition to everyday expenses, funds are needed for the: **Organ Fund – our organ may need to be replaced as they no longer make its parts. **Church School - tables and chairs for young children. **Pali Preschool Renovations **Upkeep of our buildings and grounds (repairs &/or replacement parts) NOMINATIONS FOR 2016 ELECTED POSITIONS The Nominating Committee will be preparing the slate of candidates for the Congregational election on October 25, 2015. This is a call to Congregational members who may be interested themselves, or who may want to suggest other members for the Nominating Committee to consider adding to the election for any of the positions listed. It should be noted that only active members can hold elected office; and officers and committee chairs shall have been active members for at least two years, and shall have previously served a minimum of one year on a church committee. In addition, officers shall be at least twenty-five years of age at the time of swearing in. Please refer your suggestions to any of the Nominating Committee members, including Alison Leong, Donna Lum, Nellie Lum, John Matapua, Donda Spiker, Dawn Young and Kenji Sumida. All suggestions will be reviewed. Positions To Be Elected: Vice Moderator Aha Pae’aina Delegate Treasurer Stewardship Committee Chair Nominating Committee Member PAGE From the Director of Youth and Young Adults 1940’s CHINESE SAILORS AT BERETANIA CHURCH RECOGNIZE ANY OF OUR MEMBERS SEATING FURTHER BACK??? GROUND –BREAKING CEREMONY FOR NEW CHAPEL - 1955 Top Row: Helen Lau Ho, Genevieve Pang Leong, Stella Lau In, Annie Kwock, Nathan Chock, Charles Kwock, George Chew. Pedro Choy. Middle Row: May Chun Chee, Rosamond Mau Chun, Alice Chang, Bettie In Jayne, May Blossom Chang, Elizabeth Chai, Adeline Fong Zane. Bottom Row: Lily Tom, William Chee, Johnny Goo, Kenneth Chong, Wallace Liu Sr. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY - 1937-1938 7 PAGE 8 Moderator's Report By Ed Fong Hello All Many things have occurred with our UCC-Judd St. family this past month. Congratulations to Pastor Darren for the 3 year extension of his ministry with us. On Sunday February 22nd, 86.5% of our active members in attendance at our congregational meeting and by absentee ballot voted to extend Pastor Darren’s contract to July 31, 2018. The congregation also approved the 2014 annual report and the 2015 operating budget. Thirty of our members kicked off the “Year of the Sheep” participating in the Chinatown New Year Parade held on Saturday, February 14th. This event was a part of our 100th anniversary celebration taking us back to our Chinatown roots. Edison reported that the participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They had such a good time that they are eager to do it again next year. Edison shall we? Also need to inform you Pastor Randy accepted a call from Ewa Community Church. His last day with us is Sunday, March 15, 2015. Our Special Activities Committee is looking to have a potluck luncheon for Randy on March 15th after service. Suggestion made was that each person prepare the favorite dish he or she submitted for our 100th anniversary cookbook. If you did not make a recipe submission, please prepare a dish from the cookbook as your gift to Randy. I’m certain Randy will appreciate your gesture of Aloha. We wish Randy well in his new ministry. Please hold each other in your prayers. Ed Looking for informa on pertaining to the banners that were made when Rev. Jow was here. They are wanted to be hung in the sanctuary during the 100th Anniversary Celebra ons. Please se photo for an example of the banners. PAGE 9 2015 Chinatown Chinese New Year Parade - Proudly marching down Hotel Street with a 16foot 100th Anniversary Celebration Banner or riding in a mini-bus, 35 members and friends represented UCC-Judd in the 2015 Night in Chinatown Festival Parade on Saturday, February 14. After a morning of pouring rain and strong winds, the afternoon cleared up and the sunshine came out for the parade. You can view additional photos of the parade on the church’s website: Some members mentioned that they had so much fun marching in the parade that they want to do it again next year. Family Promise comes back to UCC Judd March 22-28 One Great Hour of Sharing will be received on Sunday, March 15, 2015. PAGE 10 March Birthdays!! Your birthday is a blessed event for you are God’s gift. Your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ wish that your special day is filled with joy and happiness. If we missed someone’s birthday, please call the Church Office and let us know. Happy birthday from the Membership Committee! Richard Nickell Sandra Chu Jean Ark Richard Young Edwin Fong Lydia Kamiya Thelma Lum Martha Alip Melodee Mitsui David Char Gwendolyn Nishimura Monroe Jong Richard W.C. Lau Jane Yoshimura Ruth Ching Avery Asato Charisse Yuen Allen Yee Michael Ark Phyllis Valentine Brenda Asato Wellington Wong UCC-Judd Street Prayer List DECLUTTERING DAY at UCC-JUDD Date: Saturday, March 7, 2015 @ 9 am to 12 noon in the Parish Hall Here is your opportunity to declu er your clu er in your homes, garages, and closets. We will accept new or gently used items. Please, NO JUNK and no computers. Acceptable items: clothing, shoes, linen, towels, books, toys, kitchen items, small appliances For furniture or large appliances or if you have any ques ons, please contact MH Sato, 988-5195. If you, or you know someone who needs anything, you are welcomed to take it with you. This is an opportunity to turn our “junk into someone else’s treasure.” Hospitalized & Long-term Care: Jeannine Ark Jane Oshiro Stephen Bischoff William Chee Amy Pang Beatrice Ing Yoshiko Smallman Rev. Harold Jow Lee & Lydia Kamiya Shirley Tuthill John and Rose Park Nancy Lau Cheryl Tom Clayton Lau Natasha V. Evelyn Lau Margaret Yee Richard K. H. Lau Wai Chee Yee Dennis Yuen Pearl Ma Gary Ann Cordeiro Phyllis Valentine Ruth Ching Please notify the office at 536-8418 when you no longer require intercessory prayers, and to add or remove a name from the list. If you would like more information about those listed, please contact Membership Chair, Donna Chang. PAGE 11 ATTENTION!!! It’s going to be Transforming… For over a year the UCC-Judd St. Board and Pali Preschool have been planning for major renovations to our facilities and preschool. Please join us for a special presentation at the Congregation Informational Meeting on March 29, 2015 at 11:45am, when special guest Charles Kaneshiro of Group 70 will present impressive architectural drawings and design of what is to become of Pali Preschool and our church facilities. Join us on this journey as we transform one of the best preschools in Honolulu to a place where they will not only receive an outstanding education, but where the facilities will be exceptional as well. Pali Preschool Committee April 2015 ar cles due March 15 Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 4:00 Rev. Darren T. Galindo, Senior Pastor [email protected] 536-8438 [email protected] 397-1977 (emergencies) Mary Herbig, Pastor, Senior & Spiritual Life [email protected] 522-1730 815-979-5124 (emergencies) Randy Reynoso, Director of Youth & Young Adults [email protected] 286-2103 Cayanna Herrera, Director of Music Ministries [email protected] 348-1203 Eli Buckland, Church Secretary [email protected] 536-8418 Anelle Graham, Custodial Worker [email protected] 392-4826 Mon 2 9- 5:30 Exec (BR) 16 - 5:30 100th Aniv. Mtg. (BR) 23- Family Promise 5:30 BOD (BR) 30 Sun 1 - DOF (RM 6) 8- 12:00 Missions (Rm 6) DOF (RM 6) 15- DOF (RM 6) Aloha Lunch for Randy One Great Hour Offering 22- Family Promise 11:45 Worship (RM 6) 29 Informa onal Congrega on Mee ng 31 - 9:00 HT (CR) 9:00 Chapel 24- Family Promise 9:00 HT (CR) 9:00 Chapel 17- 9:00 HT (CR) 9:00 Chapel 10- 9:00 HT (CR) 9:00 Chapel 3- 9:00 HT (CR) 9:00 Chapel Tue March 2015 25 - Family Promise 9:30 Faith Walk (BR) 18- 9:30 Faith Walk (Br) 5:30 Project GOV (MPR) 6:00 Lent Soup Supper 11- 4:30 PPS (BR) 6:00 Lent Soup Supper 4 - 9:30 Faith Walk (BR) 6:00 Lent Soup Supper 7:00 SL (BR) Wed 26- Family Promise 5:45 Bells (S) 7:15 Choir (S) 19- 5:45 Bells (S) 7:15 Choir (S) 12- 5:45 Bells (S) 7:15 Choir (S) 5 - 5:45 Bells (S) 7:15 Choir (S) Thu 27 - Family Promise 5:45 Girl Scouts (Rm 6) 20 13 6 - 5:45 Girl Scouts (Rm 6) Fri PPS Spring Recess 23rd - 27th 28- 8:30 LTK Church Sanctuary Spring Cleaning 21- 8:30 LTK 11:00 Issei Wedding 14- 8:30 LTK 9:00 Membership (BR) 7- 8:30 LTK 9:30 ACS (RM 6) Declu ering Day Sat All articles limited to 250 words. Mercury articles due: 3/15 Notes: DOF - Door of Faith Church Society ACS - American Cancer FW - Faith Walk PPS - Pali Preschool LTK - Luk Tung Kuen ROL - River of Life MPR – Multi Purpose Room CR – Cry Room Rm 6 – Classroom 6 PO – Pastor’s Office PH – Parrish Hall S – Sanctuary BR – Board Room 12:00 Study with Randy Reynoso (MPR) 10:30 Worship Service (S) 9:00 Study with Ginny (Rm 6) 9:00 Women’s Study (BR) 9:00 Adult Educa on with Pastor Mary Herbig (BR) 9:00 Children/Youth Sunday School UCC-Judd St Weekly Sunday Schedule: PAGE 12 100th Anniversary Celebration Notes for March In Christ, grateful for the past. Eager for the New! CHINESE NEW YEAR CHINATOWN PARADE: Proudly marching down Hotel Street with a 16-foot 100th Anniversary Celebration Banner or riding in a mini-bus, 35 members and friends represented UCC-Judd in the 2015 Night in Chinatown Festival Parade on Saturday, February 14. After a morning of pouring rain and strong winds, the afternoon cleared up and the sunshine came out for the parade. You can view additional photos of the parade on the church’s website: Some members mentioned that they had so much fun marching in the parade that they want to do it again next year. Would you like to join them? Pastor Darren, Ken, and Terrilyn with our UCC-Judd 100th Anniversary Celebration Banner Alison, Eduardo, and MH with our Worship Welcome Banner 100th ANNIVERSARY HISTORICAL TROLLEY TOUR ON SATURDAY, MARCH 21: This one-hour narrated trolley tour will take members and friends to historical and current sites that have been important to the beginning and development of UCC-Judd. See the exact site where the Beretania Church was built at the corner of Maunakea and Beretania Streets. The fee for this tour is $5 per person. Included in this fee are refreshments before and after the tour. There will be two identical tours from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Members and friends are encouraged to come and spend some fellowship time with members in the morning. Space on the trolley is limited. The deadline for signing up for the tours is Sunday, March 15 at the information table after service in the courtyard. Members can also call in their reservations for the tour to the church office. 100TH ANNIVERSARY COOKBOOK: Our 100th Anniversary Cookbooks are now on sale for $10. You can purchase the cookbook from the church office throughout the year. We have sold over 500 cookbooks. 100th ANNIVERSARY POLO AND T-SHIRTS: We have started distributing the shirts that were previously ordered. If you need to pick up your shirt, please stop by the office. We will be doing one more re-order of the polo shirts. The deadline for ordering a shirt is Sunday, March 8. You can also call the office if you would like to order a shirt. These are the choices available: men style or women style, red or royal blue, one of two designs, and size. PICTORIAL DIRECTORY: The Pictorial Directory will be distributed in June. Thank you to all who have reviewed their photos. If you have any questions about photos for the directory, please contact the church office. 100th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SPECIAL FUND DONATIONS: We would like to thank the following for their contributions to our 100th Anniversary Special Fund in February: Jennie In Gracie Ann KP Lee James and Thelma Lum Robert and Eleanor Okimoto Cynthia Suzuki Kenji and Kathleen Sumida Sadie Wong The purpose of this fund is to: 1) help defray the costs of the 100 th Anniversary Year-Long Celebration and 2) give members and friends an opportunity to make special gifts to the church during this historical occasion. If you would like to make a donation to this fund anytime throughout the year, you can either pick up a donation form from the office or leave a donation in the offering plate. Please designate that your donation is to the 100 th Anniversary Celebration Fund. Please use the “Pew Offering Envelopes” and be sure to designate that your Special Offering is to the “100th Anniversary Celebration Fund.” PRECIOUS LEGACIES SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS THE END OF JULY: The Precious Legacies Project encourages members and friends of the church to contribute photos, drawings, essays, stories, news clippings, and other print material of special thoughts or memories of an event significant in the life of our contributor as it relates to the church’s history. Written contributions could be a few sentences or a complete essay. A final compilation of contributions will be produced and distributed at the end of the celebration year. The deadline for submitting a contribution for this project will be at the end of July. 100th ANNIVERSARY BANQUET TABLE SIGN UPS: Members and friends may begin signing up in May for tables for our 100th Anniversary Banquet that will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2015, at the Manoa Ballroom at the Japanese Cultural Center. Early reservations will be for full tables only. APRIL SURPRISE: The 100th Anniversary Celebration Committee has a surprise for you during the month of April. This activity is not on your calendar. We will let you know about this special event on April 1.
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