John Hersey High School Bands Take Note Newsletter of the Hersey Instrumental Association (HIA) Director: Scott Casagrande, [email protected] Time 3 Tues Manna Orders Due 3pm 3 HIA General Meeting 7:30pm 4 District 214 Honors Music Festival at Forest View (select students) 7:30pm 9 Jazz 1 to Jazz Showcase 8pm 11-14 WWQ and Sax Q to Chamber Music National Festival in Indy 12 Concert Band Festival @ BGHS April dates 1 Manna Due 16 Th ALL CICBF Parent Volunteer Training Meeting Thursday night Symphonic Band rehearsal with Dr.Sedatole 17 Chicagoland Band Festival Set-up 13 March 2015 Volume 8, Issue 7 LOCATE IMPORTANT INFO…at a glance Upcoming Schedule Important dates to remember March dates 1900 E. Thomas Street Arlington Heights, IL 60004 School Office: 847-718-4800 Band Office: 847-718-4941 Page locations for this month's articles 7:30 pm Time 3pm 7pm 6 - 8:30pm 3pm until done 18 Sat Chicagoland Band Festival All Day/Evening 20 Freshmen Orientation Meeting 6:30-8:30pm 22 Solo & Ensemble Contest 3 - 9pm 27 Mon Symphonic Band Rehearsal 7-8:30pm 28 Jazz 1 and 2 Night Club Concert 7pm (1) Incoming Freshmen Orientation – Mr. C (2) Congrats on Jazz In The Meadows – Mr. C (2) Chamber Ensembles to Indianapolis - Mr. C (2) Jazz 1 at Chicago's Jazz Showcase – Mr. C (3) Significant Events In Our Program – Mr. C (3) Hersey Sends Five to All-State Music Festival – Mr. C (3) Hersey’s 1st Chair Players in Dist. 214 Honors Groups – Mr. C (4) Auditions Continue Into March – Mr. C (4) Solo & Ensemble Festival – Mr. C (4) Wine Tasting Fundraiser Update – Mr. C (5) Chaperone Thank Yous - Joanell Hoijer (5) Wine Tasting Exceeds Expectations – Linda Koutris (6, 12) Savers & Oberweis Fundraiser - M. Santry • A. Wostmann (7) CICBF Update – Joanell Hoijer (8) CICBF Volunteer Positions – Cathy Heuck (9) CICBF Beverage Donations Needed - Linda Koutris (9) Manna Gift Card Fundraiser – Laura Hynes • Lisa Johnson (9) Senior Moment: Thankful for Band - Kevin Ziegenhorn (10) Band Camp 2015-16 - Mr. C (11) Wine Tasting Sponsor Thanks - M. Santry • J. Hoijer (13) Band Calendar - Mr. C Full Band Calendar-page 11 Welcome to our Incoming Freshmen - The Class of ‘19! Mr. Casagrande • Director Plan to attend the ORIENTATION scheduled for Monday, April 20th, 6:30-8:30pm. We welcome next year’s incoming Freshmen to our band tradition at Hersey! All incoming parents and students should plan to attend the Incoming Freshmen Orientation on: Monday, April 20 6:30-8:30pm JHHS Band Room This includes students and parents that may have older siblings already in the program. Take a few minutes to read about our program in the upcoming newsletters that will be sent to you. Take particular note of the summer calendar enclosed and feel free to email Mr. C with any questions at [email protected]. Welcome! Hersey Instrumental Association An affiliate of the John Hersey High School Bands 2014-2015 HIA Board President: Cathy Heuck Vice President: Linda & Dan Koutris Project Chair: Mary Santry Corresponding Secretary: Anne Ziegenhorn Recording Secretary: Kristin McElmeel Treasurer: Margo Pasek Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION page 2 CONGRATULATIONS ON WONDERFUL PERFORMANCES AT JAZZ IN THE MEADOWS Mr. Casagrande • Director 115 bands from Chicago, the suburbs and four Midwestern states participated at Jazz In the Meadows this year. Hersey Combo I shared 1st place with Naperville North HS in the large school combo category! Hersey Jazz I captured 2nd in class, and Hersey Jazz 2 tied for 2nd in class with Mundelein HS! Most importantly, the bands all played well above expectations. A GREAT DAY FOR HERSEY!!! Congratulations to all!! Chamber Ensembles Chosen To Participate In The Chamber Music National Festival in Indianapolis! Mr. Casagrande Director Congratulations to our Saxophone Quintet and Woodwind Quintet on their acceptance to perform at this prestigious festival in Indianapolis March 11-15. The ensembles include Emily Heuck, Mike Wostmann, Angela Kucharski, Luke Maslanka, Rachel Fredrick, Lauren Zattera, AJ Mikkelson, Asia Luboyeski, Tom Schwaba and Joey Borrelli. They were two of only six ensembles selected to perform. They will participate as part of the National Music Festival run by Music for All with over 2,500 students participating from across the United States and they will be evaluated by some of the top conductors and musicians in the country. A fantastic opportunity and congrats on your acceptance! Jazz Ensemble 1 to perform at the historic Jazz Showcase in Chicago! On Monday, March 9, our Jazz Ensemble 1 will perform with the Bob Lark Alumni Big Band at the historic Jazz Showcase in downtown Chicago. The Lark Band will play the first set, followed by Hersey. We should be done by 9:30pm. More info to follow. Congrats to Jazz 1!!!!! HIA GENERAL MEETING Tuesday, March 3rd 7:30pm in the Band Room PE Exemption Update Mr. Casagrande • Director Students will receive a form soon to indicate if they would like a PE Exemption, or not, for next Fall. Raffle drawing will be held for one FREE ticket to 2016's Wine Tasting! Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION page 3 Significant Events In Our Program….. Mr. Casagrande • Director We have had several significant happenings in our schedule over the last month, arguably the busiest part of the year: Jazz Ensemble 2 made their annual trek to the New Trier Jazz Festival where they performed and heard great clinics. Jazz Ensemble 1 and 2 received a clinic from Bob Lark, DePaul University’s Director of Jazz Studies, in preparation for Jazz in the Meadows. Dr. Shawn Vondran, from Northwestern University, conducted the Symphonic Band’s performance at the District Symphonic Band Festival with BGHS and WHS on Feb. 18. On March 9th, Jazz Ensemble 1 will perform with the Bob Lark Alumni Big Band at Chicago's historic Jazz Showcase. On March 12th, the Concert/Cadet Band will perform and rehearse with Mr. David Morrison, retired Director from Prospect HS, as they participate in the District Concert Band Festival with BGHS and WHS. A GREAT COUPLE OF MONTHS FOR OUR PROGRAM! Hersey Sends FIVE Students To All-State Music Festival Hersey Again Posts Large Number Of 1st Chair Players In District 214 Honor Groups Mr. Casagrande • Director Mr. Casagrande • Director Congratulations to our Hersey students accepted to perform at the Illinois AllState Music Convention. All traveled to Peoria at the end of January to perform with the best musicians in Illinois: On Thursday, March 4th, at 7:30PM at the Forest View Education Center, District 214 will host its 52nd Annual Music Festival featuring the best band, choir and string students in District 214. Congratulations to the following 1st chair students from Hersey, again representing the largest number of students as well as 1st chairs: Angela Kucharski Yuki Nojima Emily Heuck Tom Powers Luke Maslanka Congrats to all! Emily Heuck (O) Katie Lundgren (B) Luke Maslanka (O) Angela Kucharski (O) Brendan Stonequist (B) Joey Borrelli (B) Rachel Fredrick (O) Chris Sable (B) Yuki Nojima (O) Morgan Treppa (O) Hasan Barakat (B) Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION Auditions Continue In March page 4 SOLO & ENSEMBLE: APRIL 22nd Please note the date change! Mr. Casagrande • Director Mr. Casagrande • Director Auditions for all band students continue into March. Audition material was distributed in early February. Scales and sight reading will also be included in the audition. Good luck to all! We will again host our own Solo and Ensemble Festival at Hersey on Wednesday, April 22nd. We’ll provide a set of accompanists and a flat fee for everyone this year. In addition, our policy is that everyone who takes private lessons in the Hersey band should be participating in Solo/Ensemble. Registration is over. Payments will be due in late March. Students are not required to use accompanists provided by band. Students will receive a class grade for their solo or ensemble. Any student not in lessons and/or not in solo & ensemble will need to submit a recording of an etude to be assigned in March and due the week after Spring Break. Mon Tues Wed Thur 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 Trumpets Trombones, Baritones, Percussion Tubas French Horns GOOD LUCK TO ALL! Wine Tasting Fundraiser Another Huge Success Mr. Casagrande • Director On Saturday, February 7th, we hosted our Seventh Annual Wine Tasting Fundraiser and it was bigger and better than ever. We moved to a new location at the Rolling Green Country Club in Arlington Heights and it was perfect with a fantastic room, great food and wonderful staff to work with. We again increased the number of silent auction and raffle items available. We raised over $8,000 for the band program and all 180+ participants seemed to have a great time! LOTS of great auction items were donated – thanks to those of you who contributed! Special thanks to our committee of dedicated parents who spent so many hours pulling this together! Thanks to all of you who participated, and we look forward to next year’s event. A committee for next year’s event will be formed over the summer – if you are interested in helping, please see Mr. C. ATTENTION SYMPHONIC BAND MEMBERS! Please note that the Wed. 4/29 rehearsal has been RESCHEDULED to MONDAY, 4/27 AT 7PM. Please mark your calendars! Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION page 5 THANKS FOR LENDING A HAND.... Joanell Hoijer • Chaperone Coordinator On behalf of the HIA, thanks to the following chaperones who spent their Saturdays helping the students as they participated in various Festivals: Purdue Jazz: Joanell and Bill Hoijer New Trier Jazz Festival: Lou-Anne Cronin, Sue Conolly, Robert Liesz and Jim Rheingruber Vandercook Percussion Festival: Jane Treppa, Jim Rheingruber and Mary Santry Jazz in the Meadows: Lou-Anne Cronin, Kristin McElmeel, Jim Rheingruber, Jane Treppa and June Lingner In Good Taste 2015 Exceeds Expectations! Linda Koutris – Committee Chair On Saturday February 7th a record 184 people attended HIA’s Seventh Annual Wine Tasting Fundraiser at Rolling Green Country Club. The ballroom at Rolling Green provided a beautiful setting to sample many wines, enjoy fantastic appetizers, and listen to music from an alumni jazz ensemble. Thanks to the hard work of the Wine Tasting Committee and the generous support of many band families and local businesses, we were able to exceed our expectations and raise over $8,000.00. I would like to personally thank all of the parents that helped make In Good Taste 2015 a huge success. You contributed many hours of creativity, talent, and time: Lisa & Brian Borrelli, Scott Casagrande, Sue Conolly, Cathy Heuck, Joanell & Bill Hoijer, Joanne Kloeppel, Dan Koutris, Anne Liesz, Cindy & Kevin O’Donnell, Kelly O’Neil, Margo Pasek, Mary Santry, Joan Schwaba, Adriene Wostmann, and Anne Ziegenhorn. Thanks as well to Linda Gaio-Davidson and all the spouses and fiancées who helped set-up the ballroom at Rolling Green, pour wine, and clean up. Thanks to the Bassets, John & Sue Wotal. Thanks to John Slania for his PR support. Special thanks to alumni parents Danny & Laura DiVietro, who donated all the wine that we sampled – we could not do this without your generous support! We look forward to another successful event in 2016. Next year’s committee will begin forming over the summer; if you are interested in helping, please contact Mr. C. Take Noe NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION page 6 Savers and Oberweis Combo Fundraiser for Hersey Band Do you have old stuff in your closets that you want to get rid of? Well, that "stuff" can help Hersey Band raise money for their trip to Carnegie Hall! From Friday, March 6th - Sunday, March 8th, Savers of Arlington Heights at 780 W. Dundee Rd. will pay Hersey Band $0.20 per pound for the following bagged items dropped off at their store: clothing, shoes, jewelry, fashion accessories, and linens. Please see the flyer on page 12 in this newsletter for more details and spread the word to family & friends about where to take their old stuff. BONUS: On Saturday, March 7th, the Oberweis Ice Cream & Dairy Store at 9 E. Dundee Rd. (1/2 mile east of Savers) will donate 30% of all sales to Hersey Band when the coupon below is presented at the register! So dump your stuff at Savers and pick up some milk and ice cream at Oberweis on Saturday, March 7th to benefit Hersey Band! Any questions please call or e-mail Mary Santry (847) 394-8031 or [email protected]. Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION page 7 Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION page 8 CONCERT BAND FESTIVAL JOBS — HELP WANTED Cathy Heuck Volunteer Coordinator The Chicagoland Invitational Concert Band Festival (CICBF) is an all day and evening event held on Saturday, April 18, 2015. The HIA needs help from every family in order for the festival to run smoothly. There are fourteen different jobs and three time preferences (morning, afternoon or evening) to choose from. The schedule is set up on a first come, first served basis. Below is a listing and brief description of the jobs we need to fill for this event. Please look it over and consider what job(s) best suit your abilities and look for an email sign up blast in early March. Thank you - Cathy 1. SET UP CREW on Friday evening We need 25-30 parents to help set up the school classrooms, performance rooms, warm-up rooms, clinic rooms, and hallways for the event. Comfortable clothing required for this job. Shift is on Friday late afternoon and evening (evening before CICBF). 2. CLEAN UP CREW – late Saturday evening Need 15 parents to help put away equipment after the event. Comfortable clothing required for this job. Shift on Saturday evening after the final concert and continues until the job is done (usually around 11pm.) 3. STAGE COORDINATOR Setup the performance stage for each band, using specific instructions/layout for the band. We have three performance stages. The coordinator works with a team of students volunteers. 4. HOME ROOM MONITOR aka “Hall Monitors” Make sure that homerooms are locked/open when bands leave/return. This job is ideal for the parent that would like to read a book/newspaper, or work on a laptop during the down time. 5. WARM-UP ROOM MONITOR Monitor the warm-up rooms to make sure the bands keep on schedule. The monitor will hold up signs when the bands have “five minutes” left and “time is up”. Bands that perform in the Gym will warm-up in the Titre Room and bands that perform in the Black Box will warm-up in the Choir Room. 6. CLINIC MONITOR Monitor the clinic rooms to make sure the clinicians keep on schedule. The monitor will hold up signs when the clinicians have “five minutes left” and “time is up.” Bands that perform in the Gym will have their clinic in the Band Room or Orchestra Room. Bands that perform in the Black Box Theater will have their clinics in the Black Box. 7. TICKET & PROGRAM SALES Sell tickets in front of the performance areas. In addition to selling tickets/programs, this position also requires you to keep people from going into the performance room after the band starts playing. 8. BAND MONITOR Keep bands out of performance area until signal received from stage coordinator that stage is set. When bands come out of the warm-up room they wait in the hallway until they can enter the performance area. You need to keep them here until you receive a signal from the Stage Coordinator. 9. BAND HALLWAY MONITOR Provide directions as people move through the band hallway. Need 1 monitor at each end of the band hallway. 10. FOOD SALES & KITCHEN HELP Need about 30 parents to work in the concessions area selling food, baking cookies, re-stocking food products to sell, cleaning tables, etc.. 11. SATELLITE COOKIE & WATER SALES The main concessions are in the cafeteria. We also need parents to sell water bottles and freshly baked cookies near the Black Box Theater and outside the cafeteria during the festival. 12. GREETERS Greet bands and attendees at front and back entrances, and provide directions (or escort) to homerooms as the bands arrive. 13. PERFORMANCE DOOR MONITOR Check wristbands, open and hold doors between performances, greet and thank guests. 14. VIDEO SALES ASSISTANT (maybe) Monitor the video sales table, provide assistance with order taking and payment collection. 15. T-SHIRT & BUTTON SALES Sell T-shirts and buttons in front of the performance areas either in the East wing or the featured performance stage. ARE YOU AVAILABLE FOR ANY JOB? We always need parents to fill in for helping out with last minute jobs. If you are not fussy, this is great way to help us out and meet some great band parents. Just let me know what shift AM/PM you are available. Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION page 9 CICBF Beverage DONATIONS NEEDED! Linda Koutris • Adriene Wostmann CICBF Food Co-Chairs CICBF is the band’s biggest fundraiser; most of the funds come from the food and beverage sales. The CICBF committee is asking each family to donate at least one case of any name brand diet or regular soda, a case of bottled water, or a case of 16.9 oz. Gatorade (any flavor.) Please bring your beverage donations to the BAND ROOM by Friday, April 10th (one week before the festival.) Also needed: Gift Cards to Ultra Foods (for supplies: i.e. plates, napkins, etc.) THANK YOU!! MANNA GIFT CARDS FUNDRAISER Laura Hynes • Lisa Johnson Manna Program Co-chairs February was another good month for Manna with over $12,000 in orders. Why not join the other families that are adding free money to their student accounts? Think ahead and start your planning for St. Patrick’s Day, Spring Break and Easter. Wouldn’t it be nice to pay for private lessons, the band banquet or next year’s fees from the money in your student account? It’s never too late to get started! To place your first order, contact Laura Hynes to receive your password and instructions. Once you have placed your order online, submit a check payable to HIA in the Manna mailbox. The next ordering/check deadlines are Tuesday, March 3rd and Wednesday, April 1st at 3:00 p.m. Pick up will be on Wednesday, March 11th and April 8th. If you have any questions about the Manna program, please contact Laura Hynes at [email protected]. Senior Moment ~ Thankful for Band! Kevin Ziegenhorn I am very thankful for my four years (nearly 1/4 of my life) in the Hersey band program. I have had opportunities to perform at prestigious venues such as Orchestra Hall and the Krannert Center at U of I. Not all high school bands get opportunities like that, and I feel very lucky to be a part of such a high quality musical group. Participating in band has also allowed me to make very close friendships that I wouldn't have developed otherwise. I have friends in many different activities, but it's the band friends who always have my back through everything. I have enjoyed working to help maintain the prestigious reputation that the Hersey band has earned over the years. I owe much of my teamwork and leadership development to my experiences in the band program. These are skills that have given me great confidence as I head into the next chapter of my life in college. Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION Band Camp 2015 - 2016! page 10 READ CAREFULLY!! Mr. Casagrande • Director Next Fall, the marching band will be competing in three competitions, to be determined. In August, particularly 8/10 thru 8/14, we will be learning 75% of what is performed throughout the Fall season. A small portion of the June rehearsal time will be spent preparing for the July 4th parade. A majority of the June rehearsal time will be spent preparing Fall season material and fundamentals. Therefore, regardless of attendance at the July 4th parade, June/July rehearsals are EXTREMELY important. Absences from Summer dates: In the event of family vacations that conflict with June rehearsals, an explanation of conflict should be directed to Mr. C from the parents as soon as possible. Any summer music camps are also excused; notify Mr. C immediately. Students should make sure that job schedules, etc. are adjusted. August band camp rehearsals are mandatory for all. Freshmen are STRONGLY encouraged to not miss June rehearsals. Please adjust calendars and avoid conflicts with the following dates, particularly in August: JUNE (Students excused from these June/July dates in the event of family vacation) All incoming Freshmen only Week of 6 to 9pm 5/26 and section leaders TBA (1 rehearsal) Week of 5:30 to 9pm Available Section Leaders 6/1 TBA 6 to 9pm Freshmen (1 rehearsal) 23 5 to 8pm Section Leader Session/Dinner 24 25 30 JULY 1&2 5:30 to 9pm 6 to 9pm 6 to 9pm 5:30 to 9pm 6 to 9pm 5:30 to 9pm 6 to 9pm Section Leaders Freshmen only Battery percussion only Section Leaders Freshmen only Section Leaders ALL MEMBERS 5:30 to 9pm 6 to 9pm 9am Section Leaders ALL MEMBERS Report Parade 4 AUGUST 5 (Wed) 2 to 3pm 3 to 4:30pm 6 (Thurs) 8am to 5pm 12:30 to 5pm 8/10 11:15am 8/14 12pm to 9pm 17 5 to 9pm 18-20 5 to 9pm 9 to 10pm 21 5:30pm 26 New Section Leaders ALL Section Leaders ALL Section Leaders ALL Freshmen Section Leaders ALL MEMBERS Band Section Olympics ALL MEMBERS Band activity Picnic/Parent Fall Preview First day of school NEXT YEAR'S PERFORMANCES: Home Football Games: Dates TBA COMPETITIONS: Lake Park HS, Sept. 12 Prospect HS, Oct. 3 Illinois State University, Oct. 17 Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION HIA Thanks Our Many Generous Wine Tasting Sponsors! page 11 Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION page 12 Take Note NEWSLETTER OF THE HERSEY INSTRUMENTAL ASSOCIATION page 13 2015 JHHS BAND CALENDAR Changes from previous are highlighted March 3 3 4 HIA General Meeting Manna Orders Due (TUESDAY) District 214 Honors Music Festival @ Forest View (select students) Jazz Ensemble 1 to Jazz Showcase Symphonic Band Rehearsal (No Wed this week) Concert Band Festival @ BGHS Sax and Woodwind Quintet to Chamber Music National Festival in Indy (select students) Spring Break begins Classes Resume 7:30pm 3pm 7:30pm Manna Orders Due CICBF Parent Volunteer Training Meeting Solo and Ensemble Contest at Hersey Symphonic Band Rehearsal (w/ Dr. Sedatole) - No Wed. rehearsal this week Chicagoland Band Festival Set-Up Chicagoland Invitational Concert Band Festival (Will need lots of student & parent help - 38 bands participating!) Freshmen Orientation Meeting Solo & Ensemble Festival at Hersey Symphonic Band Rehearsal (no Wed. this week) Jazz Ensemble 1 and 2 Nightclub Concert 3pm 7pm 3-9pm 6 - 8:30pm 3 (Sunday) 5 6 9 11 15 20 21 22 25 31 Spring Concert HIA General Meeting Manna Orders Due Symphonic Band to SuperState (tentative - if selected) Concert/Cadet Band concert with Thomas feeder schools Formal Band Awards Banquet Music Dept. Senior Teacher Recognition Night of Percussion Dress Rehearsal Night of Percussion Memorial Day Parade Graduation Afternoon 7:30pm 3pm All Day/Evening 7pm TBA 6pm 3-9pm TBA TBA June 5 (Fri) Last Day of School 9 (Mon) 9 (Mon) 12 11-14 21 30 8pm 6:30 - 8:30pm 7:30pm April 1 13 (Mon) 15 16 (Thurs) 17 18 20 (Mon) 22 27 (Mon) 28 PM All Day/Evening 6:30-8:30pm 3 - 9pm 7-8:30pm 7pm in Black Box Theater May See important Summer and Fall schedule included on page 10 of this newsletter!
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