Church Hall Booking Secretary Pat Mitchell 01420 562331 [email protected] Pewsheet Editor Adrian Barnes 01420 562854 [email protected] Church Hall Hire Rates Hall hire £8.50 per hour or part, deposit £30. Off site hire of tables, chairs & tablecloths are £2, £1 & 30p each per 24h. Please ensure copy is received by 6:00pm Thursday . If you would like a copy emailed to you, send an email to [email protected] with “Pewsheet” as the subject line. Diary Dates Today 8th March Next Tue 10th March Next Sat 14th March @ 6:00pm St. Andrew’s Church Concert @ 7:45pm ‘Bumbles’, Medstead Lent Course “Called to Contemplative Action” @ 4:00-6:00pm Jubilee Hall, Bentworth Messy Church See inside for The Lenten Lunch Programme Services next week Sunday 15th March @11:00am Parish Communion Prayer requests. At the back of the church, on the table by the door, is a book that can be used to request prayer. If you have a particular need that you would like us to bring to the Lord during our services, please let us know. There is also provision on our website, or you can always ask someone to pray with you. 8th March 2015 Pewsheet No. 1119 St.Andrew’S PAriSh ChurCh Medstead THE third Sunday of lent Visitors are always welcome and are warmly invited to join us in the Church Hall for refreshments after the service. 08:00 Holy Communion Celebrant: The Reverend Flenley First Reading Exodus 20. 1-17 read by Philip Standing Second Reading 1 Corinthians 1. 18-25 read by Ian Jurd Gospel Reading John 2. 13-22 read by Celebrant Sermon Celebrant Intercessions led by John Hammond (OT p68) (NT p162) (NT p89) On duty are: Churchwarden: Ian Jurd Sidesman: John Hammond 11:00 Family Service Officiant: The Reverend Flenley First Hymn 273 Lord Jesus Christ Second Hymn 272 Lord, I lift your name on high Third Hymn 365 Seek ye first the kingdom of God Fourth Hymn 28 At the name of Jesus Reading John 2. 13-22 Prayers led by Officiant On duty are: Churchwarden: Music: Carol Fuller Refreshments: Diane Palmer Bells: Nathan Smoothy Stephen Blackshaw Sidesman: Stephen Blackshaw Cleaning: Wilma & Ian Hainsworth There are no flowers during Lent. Collect for today Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Church Web Site Contact Details Rector The Reverend Ben Flenley PCC Secretary The Rectory, Bentworth, GU34 5RB Wendy Busby 01420 564168 01420 563218 [email protected] [email protected] Organists Assistant Curate Adrian Barnes 01420 562854 The Reverend Kathryn Flenley Patrick Busby 01420 564168 [email protected] [email protected] Licensed Lay Ministers Carol Fuller 01420 562445 Choir Charlie Shaylor 01256 381351 Wendy Busby 01420 564168 Churchwardens [email protected] Debby Barnes 01420 562854 Ian Jurd 01420 563533 Flowers [email protected] Marion Slater 01420 564295 Deputy Churchwarden [email protected] Stephen Blackshaw 01420 563937 Today’s Gospel reading tells us of how Jesus cast out the money changers from the temple in Jerusalem and he said that they and the other dealers and merchants were “making my Father’s house a marketplace!” Jesus drove out the money changers from the Temple on Monday of Passion Week, just three days before the Passover and four days before his crucifixion. The high priest received a percentage of the profit from the money changers and merchants, so their removal from the Temple precinct would have caused them a financial loss. Because pilgrims were unfamiliar with Jerusalem, the Temple merchants sold sacrificial animals at a higher price than elsewhere in the city. The high priest overlooked their dishonesty, as long as he got his share. The Gospels tell us that Jesus Christ was ushering in a new covenant with humanity, in which animal sacrifice would end, replaced by the perfect sacrifice of his life on the cross, atoning for human sin once and for all. What is a Lenten Lunch? Every year, after the Ash Wednesday Service and then each week in Lent, we invite people to gather together for a frugal (but delicious) lunch of soup and bread. There are a number of reasons for this: 1. It is good for Christians to meet together informally, and food and fellowship are close friends! 2. During Lent we remember Jesus’ trip into the wilderness where he fasted for 40 days and nights and was tempted (yet without sin!). 3. Going without our usual Sunday roast reminds us that we need to keep our appetites in check and discipline our bodies’ cravings (the “lusts of the flesh”). 4. By having a light lunch instead of a main meal, we can save a few pennies and give the money to a worthwhile cause instead. The charities supported are as listed below. The 2015 Lenten Lunch Programme is: Wednesday 18th February FRRME—Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East Thursday 26th February Prostate Cancer UK Thursday 5th March Hearing Dogs for Deaf People Next Friday 13th March Ngorongoro Education Project Tanzania Tuesday 17th March The Woodlarks Centre Saturday 28th March St. Michael’s Hospice Please note all lunches commence at 12:30pm. Venue: St. Andrew’s Church Hall MESSY CHURCH ... is a way of being church for families involving fun is a church, not a craft club, that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour is found across the world values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Following the success of previous Messy Churches, the next occasion will be next Saturday 14th March in the Jubilee Hall, Bentworth from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. During this session of Messy Church, the children will be making posies of flowers (supervised) in preparation for the Mothering Sunday Service next Sunday. For more information, contact Kerry Prior - [email protected], Antonia Goor - [email protected], or Kathryn Flenley - [email protected] The St. Andrew’s Musical Recital postponed late last year is rescheduled later today at 6:00pm in the church. There are still some tickets left at £12.50 (with concessions for children) and include a finger buffet with red, white wine and soft drinks to be served after the concert. This promises to be an exciting evening with many of the participants from our normal Sunday congregation. Come along and enjoy an entertaining mix of well loved classical and light music, performed by local singers and pianists; including music by diverse composers such as: Ravel, Handel, Chopin, Liszt, Mozart, Richard Strauss. For tickets and more information please contact: Sharon Blackshaw on 01420 563937 [email protected] Wendy Busby on 01420 564168 [email protected] or just come along this evening. Well at last the “secret" is out…the 2015 Quizmaster was our Rector Ben!! After initial qualms at seeing the headings on the blank answer sheets (names of different books from the bible which proved to be just a ruse to get us all to think laterally), everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening! n Many thanks to Ben and Kathryn for all their preparation… ro a the evening was widely regarded as one of the best! Sh This is your personal copy of our Pewsheet. Please take away and use during the week ahead.
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