NIH/NIDDK P30 Center for Molecular Studies in Digestive & Liver Diseases Joint Penn-CHOP Center for Digestive, Liver and Pancreatic Medicine Division of Gastroenterology University of Pennsylvania NEWSLETTER Winter 2015 CORE FACILITIES THE MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY AND IMAGING CORE - Molecular Pathology & Imaging Core (MPIC) - (D) Jonathan Katz, MD (TD) Adam Bedenbaugh - Molecular Biology/Gene Expression Core - (D) Gary Wu, MD (TD) Lilian Chau - Transgenic and Chimeric Mouse Core - (D) Steve Leibhaber. MD (TD) Jean Richa, PhD - Cell Culture Core (D) Erle Robertson, PhD (AD) Hiroshi Nakagawa, MD, PhD (TD) Hem Chandra Jha, PhD RESEARCH SEMINAR SCHEDULE JANUARY – APRIL 2015 ----- JANUARY ----The Molecular Pathology and Imaging Core (MPIC) is excited about the upcoming year and being able to continue working with the labs of Penn. Please feel free to stop by and see if there is anything we can help you with. Additionally, we continue to maintain an average turnaround of 5 working days for orders, which helps you get your results quicker. A human GI cancer tissue bank is maintained that contains both frozen and paraffin embedded. The bank is a service that is provided by the MPIC and can be used at no additional charge to sectioning. The majority of tissues also have a pathology report. If you are interested in seeing what is available please contact Adam Bedenbaugh, [email protected], for more information. 8, Scott Snapper, MD PhD, “Very Early Onset IBD - From Genes to Function: A Journey from Mice to Man and Back to Mice Again “ 15, Anne Powell, PhD, “The Pan-ErbB Negative Regulator, Lrig1, in the Gastrointestinal Tract” 22, Patrick Seale, PhD, “Transcriptional control of fat cell fate and function” 29, Matthew Good, PhD, “Building Synthetic Celllike Compartments to Characterize the Impacts of Cell Size and Shape on Intracellular Function" ----- FEBRUARY ----5, Wei Tong, PhD, “Mechanisms of cytokine signaling in hematopoietic stem cells and leukemia” CENTER SYMPOSIUM 12, Ramon Parsons, MD PhD, “TBD” 19, Linda Siracusa, PhD, “TBD” Save the date June 17, 2015 for our 2015 GI Center Symposium “Innovative perspectives on pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer” To be held at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. 26, Kitai Kim, PhD, “Recovery of genomic integrity in IPS cells from aged donors” ----- MARCH ----5, Frank J. Gonzalez, PhD, “The gut microbiome leads to a novel treatment for metabolic syndrome.” 12, Andrei Thomas-Tikhonenko, PhD, “TBD” 19, Craig Bassing, PhD, “Lymphocyte Lineage and Developmental Stage Specific DNA Damage Responses Regulate Antigen Receptor Gene Assembly” 26, Lucy Erin O'Brien, PhD, “TBD” ----- APRIL ----- The Molecular Biology Core would like to announce that Ms. Lillian Chau has accepted the position as Technical Assistant in the Core. In January, Ms. Chau will become the Technical Director of the Core due to the retirement of Dr. Sue Keilbaugh. Contact information: Lillian Chau [email protected] 2, Jessie Villaneuva, PhD “Searching for novel targets to overcome therapy resistance in melanoma” 9, Xavier Graña, PhD “Roles of the PP2A regulatory subunit B55alha/PPP2R2A in the cell cycle, differentiation and cancer.” NEWSLETTER Winter 2015 Cont. NEW DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE Dr. Ken Zaret, Joseph Leidy Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology and Co-Director of the Epigenetics Program, was named as the new Director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IRM). The overarching goal of IRM is to understand how cells and tissues are formed and then use the information for medical breakthroughs. The Institute is a collaborative effort, comprised of researchers of varying backgrounds – spanning GI, cardiology, orthopedics, neurology, engineering, veterinary sciences, and more – who share the same desire to join forces and advance regenerative medicine. The IRM also has successful outreach programs, including public lectures on stem cells and regenerative biology and Project BioEYES, a K-12 science education program which provides classroom-based learning opportunities through the use of live zebrafish. More community based projects and events are on the horizon in 2015. For more information about the IRM, as well as becoming a member, please contact Abby Behrends, Communications Coordinator for the IRM at [email protected] . Dr. Klaus Kaestner is the new Associate Director of the Center, effective October 2014, succeeding Dr. Morris Birnbaum. Dr. Kaestner is the Thomas and Evelyn Suor Butterworth Professor of Genetics, and the Director of the Next Generation Sequencing Core Facility. Internationally renowned, Dr. Kaestner and his lab employ modern genetic, genomic and epigenomic approaches (ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, gene targeting, tissue-specific and inducible gene ablation) to understand the molecular mechanisms of organogenesis and physiology of the liver, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. His publications are in premier journals such as Nature, Cell, Genes & Development, and JCI, amongst others. No doubt, Dr. Kaestner's experience and expertise will be most helpful in advancing the Center's missions. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY CORE Beginning Jan 1, 2015, the Molecular Biology Core will charge $100 for the initial training and consultation (includes background, software instructions, setup, and analysis) for both the qPCR (Step One Plus and ABI 7000) and Odyssey instruments. THE INSTITUTE OF REGENERATIVE MEDICINE AND THE JOINT CHOP-PENN CENTER IN DIGESTIVE, LIVER, AND PANCREATIC MEDICINE The Institute of Regenerative Medicine and the Joint CHOP-Penn Center in Digestive, Liver and Pancreatic Medicine has awarded a pilot grant to Drs. John Lynch and F. Brad Johnson, Center members, for their proposed work entitled "DNA doublestranded break repair responses in quiescent and actively cycling intestinal stem cells", effective this month. Please remember to cite the Center (NIH-P30-DK050306) and its core facilities (Molecular Pathology and Imaging Core, Molecular Biology/Gene Expression Core, Transgenic and Chimeric Mouse Core, and Cell Culture Core) in your publications.
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