This week`s bulletin... - St. Paul Catholic Church

The Third Sunday of Lent
March 7th – March 8th, 2015
Weekly Liturgies
who drinks
this water
will be
again; but
drinks the
water I shall
give will
St. Paul Catholic Church
622 South Beach Street
Plainfield, WI 54966-9637
E-mail: [email protected]
Parish Office: 715.335.4314
Fax: 715.335.6016
“Like us” on Facebook
Parish Coordinator: Deacon Jim Trzinski
cell phone: 920.240.1968
[email protected]
Tues. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and before and after Masses on weekends
Administrator: Rev. David Greskowiak
Office: 920.787.3848
[email protected]
For medical emergency requiring the Sacrament of Anointing: 920.765.3382
Administrative Assistant: Marsha Hadden-Phillips
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Parish Trustees:
Treasurer Trustee: Karen Giese - 920.765.0224
Secretary Trustee: Kate Drmolka - 715.366.4743
Our Mission Statement:
To care for each other as Jesus has taught us and to
extend that care to others beyond our community.
St. Paul Parish is affiliated with the Diocese of Green Bay.
Mass Schedule
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m.
Saturday: 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.
Sunday: 6:00 p.m.
Communion Services
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m.
Eucharistic Adoration/
Holy Hour & Benediction
Sunday: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Sunday: 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Contact Information
Finance Council Chair:
Bob Ebben
Pastoral Council Chair:
Cathy Kaminski
Director of Religious Ed:
Carla Murray
Music Coordinators:
Kristin Pfluger and
Nicole Marek
RCIA Leaders:
Linda Golla
Alice Phillips
Care Minister Coordinator:
Linda Golla
Cemetery Coordinator:
Larry Zalewski
Funeral Luncheon Coord:
Betty Burns
From the Deacon’s Desk
What About the Water Jug?
Seems like an intriguing question. Yet in this weekend’s Gospel, we hear about the woman at
the well bringing her water jug to fill it with water. We probably are pretty familiar with the
story about the woman at the well as we typically hear it each year during the Lenten season.
The part of the Gospel that I would like you to think about this weekend, is this... what actually happened to the water jug? Towards the end of the gospel, what does it say about her jug?
She puts it down and leaves it and goes back to the village to share what she has encountered. She originally brought
the water jug to the well searching for water to quench her thirst. But after the conversation with Jesus, she
found something far better to quench her thirst, the gift of eternal refreshing life with Christ. Many of us
have “jugs” in our lives that we keep searching to fill to quench our “thirst” for happiness and satisfaction
— money, power, material goods, etc. But we know that we have to keep traveling back to the well to
continue to fill them up because they do not satisfy our “thirst” for happiness.
What is that jug in our lives that we have to keep going back to the well for to get refilled, and yet it does not satisfy?
God wants us to be united with Him so that we can put that jug down so that He can fill our lives. The Samarian
woman was so satisfied that she wanted to get back to the village quickly to share her joy of meeting Christ with
Is that what we do when we have a great experience, we tell people about it and encourage them to experience it for
themselves? When we see a great movie, we want to tell others. When we have a great meal at a restaurant, we want
to share it. When we meet someone very special, we tell people that you have to meet this person.
We want to share with others. And so it should be with the love of God—it is to pass on, to share in the joy and not
just keep to ourselves. So today, let us look upon our Lenten journey. What is in our jug that
we keep filling and that makes us thirst again and again? How are we sharing the gift of love
that Jesus gives to us?
Today, leave your empty jug at the well like the Samarian woman did and go share with
others the joyful life-giving water that Jesus gives us.
God’s Blessings, Deacon Jim
40 Days for Life Mid-Point Rally this Wednesday, March 11th
It seems hard to believe that this coming Wednesday will already be the mid-point of the Lenten season. The Stevens
Point 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil will hold its mid-point rally at the vigil site on Division Street in Stevens Point
this Wednesday, March 11th. We will join with Our Lady of Guadeloupe representatives to pray a rosary at 5:15 p.m.
with a short presentation on the 40 Days for Life Vigil to follow. Even if you have not taken part in the 40 Days for
Life Vigil as of yet, I would encourage you to come and take part in the mid-point rally. Please let me know if you
need a ride to Stevens Point for the rally.
Kid’s Question of the Week
This weekend’s question: In today’s Gospel, there was a woman who approached Jesus when she
was getting some water from a well. What city was the woman from?
Last Week’s Question and Answer: In the Gospel, Jesus took three of his disciples up a mountain.
What were the names of the three disciples that he took? Peter, James, and John
Stop by and see Deacon Jim after Mass and give him the answer to receive a small treat.
Saturday, March 7th: Third Sunday of Lent
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. - Sacrament of Reconciliation
3:55 p.m. - † Stations of the Cross †
4:30 p.m. - Mass with Rev. Paul Lippert:
For  Duane &  Muriel Cummings
by Terry Callahan
Sunday, March 8th: Third Sunday of Lent
8:25 a.m. - † Stations of the Cross †
9:00 a.m. - Mass with Rev. Paul Lippert:
For  Philip J. Thoma & Prayers for
Improved Health for Chuck Thoma
by Donna Thoma
5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration/Holy Hour
and Reconciliation
6:00 p.m. - Mass with Rev. David Greskowiak:
For the Members of St. Paul Parish
Monday, March 9th
No Prayer Service
Tuesday, March 10th
8:00 a.m. - Mass with Rev. Theodore Lewandowski:
For Prayers of Healing for Robert Malek, Jr.
by Linda Golla
Wednesday, March 11th
8:00 a.m. - Communion Service
3:30 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. - RE for Grades 1 - 4
5:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - RE Family Dinner,
RE for Grades 5 - 12, and RE Reconciliation
Liturgical Ministries for
March 14th - March 15th, 2015
Altar Servers
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Madeline & Owen Creamer
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Braelyn Pionke & Katie Craig
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Lindsay & Dawson Knutson
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Volunteer
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Diane Wolski
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Jerry Knutson
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Chuck Austin
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Alex Aschenbrenner
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Deacon Jim Trzinski
Thursday, March 12th
8:00 a.m. - Communion Service
Friday, March 13th
No Prayer Service
Saturday, March 14th: Fourth Sunday of Lent Laetare Sunday
2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - RCIA Classes
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. - Sacrament of Reconciliation
3:55 p.m. - † Stations of the Cross †
4:30 p.m. - Mass with Rev. William O’Brien:
For  Eleanor Phillips
by the Family of Eleanor Phillips
Sunday, March 15th: Fourth Sunday of Lent Laetare Sunday
8:25 a.m. - † Stations of the Cross †
9:00 a.m. - Mass with Rev. William O’Brien:
For  Ray Persson
by Frank & Marlene Soborowicz
5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration/Holy Hour and
6:00 p.m. - Mass with Rev. David Greskowiak:
For the Members of St. Paul Parish &
For Prayers of Healing for
Denise Reilley by Anonymous
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Jerry & Donna Stapleford
Sunday 9:00 a.m.:
Dick Butzen & Lucille Vezina
Sunday 6:00 p.m.:
Leigh Ann Trzinski & Volunteer
Saturday 4:30 p.m.:
Sunday 9:00 a.m.:
Sunday 6:00 p.m.:
Janet Huffman & Dawn Nigh
Donna Thoma & Kate Drmolka
Gary & Liz Wysocki
There is a signup sheet on a clipboard in the office for ministers
needed for Holy Week. Please
prayerfully consider signing up for
one of the ministries during this
most sacred time of the Church year. Thank you.
We have available opportunities to offer Mass intentions for our Tuesday morning Masses with
Fr. Paul Lippert, for weekend Masses, and for our 6:00 p.m. Masses with Fr. David Greskowiak.
If anyone would like to offer an intention, please contact our Parish Office. The Mass intention stipend is $10.
World’s Poor Collection Next Weekend
Bishop’s Appeal 2015; Building Disciples of Christ
This collection provides each of us with an opportunity to
change lives for over 46 million people living in poverty
in this country and abroad. The three agencies represented in this collection are official church agencies that
work to help the poor and disabled, help themselves out
of poverty. You will have choice to contribute to any one
or all.
The 2015 Bishop’s Appeal is well on its
way and they report that over $2.6 million
from 13,785 gifts has been donated already towards the $5.1 million goal. So
far, 48 of our St. Paul Parish families/
individuals have pledged $6990 of our $9,138 net goal!
We are at 76% of our total goal!
The Campaign for Human Development
was founded to end the cycle of poverty
throughout America by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves.
CCHD’s grant go to improving education,
affordable housing, and supporting
economic development in low income neighborhoods
25% of this collection remains in our diocese to support
local anti-poverty efforts.
Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal helps many different
organizations within the diocese such as Catholic
Charities, Catholic Schools, priest and deacon formation
programs, and adult faith learning programs, just to name
a few.
The Catholic Relief Services Collections
funds six Catholic Agencies that work to
serve Jesus on behalf of our suffering
brothers and sisters around the world, providing humanitarian aid, resettling displaced individuals, assisting
victims of human trafficking or unjust laws. This collection allows us to see every encounter with a suffering
person as an opportunity to help Jesus in disguise.
Peter’s Pence unites us in solidarity with
Pope Francis “And you are, dear
brothers and sister, the face of Jesus”.
Your donation enable the Holy Father to
support victims of war, natural disasters,
and other in need of assistance.
Please give generously!
Stations of the Cross During Lent
During Lent, we will have the
Stations of the Cross before our
4:30 p.m. Saturday and our 9:00 a.m.
Sunday Masses. Please come and
join us in focusing on Jesus during
this Lenten season. If you have never
been to Stations of the Cross, come
and join in this experience of Christ’s Passion.
During the last month, we have shared stories and information on the 2015 Bishop’s Appeal. This week, we’ll
share how the Bishop’s Appeal helps to Counsel
Individuals in Need.
Seeing a smiling face during a time
of need is a blessing from God.
Catholic Charities is that smiling
face and a lamp to guide people
during a challenging time.
With five offices in northeastern
Wisconsin, with Wautoma being
one, Catholic Charities offers
counseling services for children,
adolescents, adults, couples, and families facing
challenges in their lives. Individuals from different backgrounds and situations reach out daily to Catholic
Charites for help.
Catholic Charities Counseling
Services it there through life’s
ups and downs...the loss of a
loved one, depression, anxiety,
addictions, life changes, family
issues, and more. These services are provided to
everyone who seeks them, regardless of religious
affiliation, culture or ability to pay.
Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal allow Catholic Charities
to give hope to people in need. To make a gift today
contact your parish, visit the Bishop’s Appeal website at, or call Debbie tollfree at 877-500-3580, ext. 8184.
Next week we’ll share how the Bishop’s Appeal helps to
Welcome New Catholics.
Knights of Columbus News
The Knight’s held their monthly meeting last
Monday and these were the items discussed:
1) Grand Knight Jim Callahan reported on the
Tri-County Threshermen’s meeting that they
attended. The Knights will once again be responsible
for providing the main food service for the Thresheree at
the Plainfield Veteran’s Park June 12th - 14th.
2) There was continued discussion on the Ten Commandments monument that the Knights are considering
putting on the church property.
3) Donations were made by out Knights and the State
Chapter to a local family who had a home fire.
4) Knight Dave Senft reported on the 40 Days for Life
prayer vigil that is now in full swing and that St. Paul
Parish continues to fill up the hours on Mondays. Dave
also reported that he is working with the Living River
Quartet to reschedule their concert.
5) The K of C Tootsie Roll fundraiser will be May 1-2.
6) Knight Frank Nale brought up the renewal of the
Highway Cleanup program.
7) Thank you notes were received from the Pro-Life
Across America Billboards, the Tri-County Post Prom,
Waushara County Crime Stoppers, and the Joseph’s
Hope Ecumenical Food Pantry for their donations.
For more information on our Knights of Columbus,
please contact Grand Knight, Jim Callahan
at 715-249-5657
“Do You Believe” Movie
The Cross…But at What Cost?
We say we believe. But as we
ready Jesus’ words in Luke 9, we
are reminded there is a heavy cost
to following Him. The brand-new
movie from Pure Flix brings this to
life beautifully. More than a movie
title, DO YOU BELIEVE? is the
question we must all answer in our lifetimes. Join with
believers in your town and across the country on opening weekend, March 20-22, and together, let’s declare:
We Believe!
We will be carpooling to the Friday, March 20th
premiere showing at the Marcus Cedar Creek Theatre
in Rothschild. Our plan is to stop prior to the movie for a
fish fry. There is a sign up sheet in our Narthex for
those of you who would like to join us. Why not make
this a part of your Lenten journey!?
Man Camp
On the weekend of March 27-28th, the Green Bay
Diocese Department of New Evangelization with partial
funding by the Bishop’s Appeal, will sponsor another
“Man Camp” at Camp Tekakwitha near Shawano. “Man
Camp” connects men with a passion for the outdoors,
sports, fishing, hunting and other endeavors with likeminded men who love their faith. The theme is:
Connecting Men with Nature in Pursuit of the Eternal
The weekend will include numerous indoor and outdoor
activities led by Jim VandeHey and Fr. Matt Settle. Feel
free to invite sons, grandsons, nephews, or significant
role models along.
There are registration forms available on a table in our
Narthex or you can register by contacting Shelia Schaut
at 920-272-8276, or [email protected]. If you have
any questions, please contact Joe Tremblay at 920-2728313, or [email protected]. The cost is $35 for men
18 years and older, $10 for boys 12-17 years old.
Easter Memorials
Easter memorials in memory of our loved
ones are now being accepted by calling
Flowers by Ken at (715)335-4262. Your gifts
will help with the decorating of our church for
Holy Week and Easter.
Vacation Bible School Team Needed
We are looking to put together a Vacation
Bible School Team. Last year, due to
time constraints, we were unable to put a
VBS Team together but we were
graciously invited to share in an Ecumenical VBS program with the Plainfield United Methodist
Church. If we can put a VBS team together, we’ll be able
to have our own VBS this summer. If not, we do have
the option of joining in again with the Plainfield United
Methodist Church or with St. Joseph Catholic Church in
Wautoma. Please prayerfully consider this wonderful
ministry for the youth of our parish and contact Deacon
Jim if you interested in helping with VBS this year.
A Day of Prayer with Bishop Ricken
Saturday, March 28, 2015
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Holy Cross Parish - Kaukauna
Please join Bishop David Ricken for a day to renew and
deepen your prayer life. The schedule for the day
consists of presentations on prayer, as well as personal
reflection time.
All are welcome; free of charge! Lunch is provided.
Register today at
or 920-272-8194. Pre-registration is required.
Only one chance left to attend!
Ask Jack Woyak, Terry Olivas or Marsha Phillips for info.
We have started collecting items for our
Parish Festival Cherry Tree. We are looking
for adult and teen items only this year as
we had a generous donor supply us with
several boxes of children’s items!
While you’re out shopping, look for the great sales and
consider picking up a few items for our Cherry Tree. The
items can be placed on a table in our Hall. Thanks!
Our Mission Team has St. Patrick’s
Day, Easter, Confirmation, and
First Communion cards available
in our Parish Hall card rack.
Please stop by the rack and see the many
card types available.
Rural Life Days 2015
Rural Life Day, March 24 and 26,
Featuring Fr. Willie Van De Loo,
Retired Diocesan Priest
All are invited to celebrate and support Rural Life 2015
in the Diocese of Green Bay at one of the two celebrations. The day includes 10:30 a.m. Mass and the blessing of farm equipment, animals, soils and seeds.
Following Mass will be lunch and a keynote address. $8
per ticket for luncheon; please purchase in advance.
Collections taken at Masses go to scholarships for
students pursuing a degree in a field supporting rural
life. See Deacon Jim about scholarship nomination
Dates: Tuesday, March 24th at St. Mary Parish, Crivitz,
715-854-2501; or Thursday, March 27th at St. Isidore
the Farmer Parish in Denmark, 920-776-1555.
Please see the poster for more information.
8th Annual Heroes Musicales
Benefiting Local
American Red Cross
Disaster Relief and
Service to the Armed Forces
Saturday, May 16th at the home of John & Vicki Jenks.
Reservations required - Book early!
More information on our entryway easel.
Dates to Remember
March 18th: Care Ministry to visit at Heartland House
Reconciliation begins in prayer. Sometimes, the first
step to reconciliation is praying for the person with whom
we need to be reconciled. Make a commitment this Lent
to come for prayer while confessions are being offered
on Saturday from 3:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. or on Sunday
from 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. We gather for prayer and
the Sacrament of Reconciliation
for all of the situations in our lives
that need the healing grace of
Jesus’ love. The Church will be
open and you are welcome to
come for a few minutes or for an
Learn more at
March 20th: “Do You Believe” Movie in Rothschild
April 2nd: Holy Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
April 3rd: Confessions from 12 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Good Friday service at 1:00 p.m.
April 4th: Easter Vigil at 8:00 p.m.
April 5th: Easter Masses at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
April 12th: Confirmation at St. Paul Parish; 3:00 p.m.
40 Days for Life
First Choice Baby Bottles Update….
40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful and proven effective - pro-life campaign
that has already been embraced by more
than 650,000 people worldwide and has saved 9,699
lives from abortion, led to the conversion of 107
abortion workers, and seen 69 abortion clinics close.
Vigil hours are 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. every day near the
Family Planning Health Services in Stevens Point.
St. Paul Parish has volunteered to schedule Monday’s
vigil hours and several of our parishioners have already
participated in the walk: Donna Thoma; Lucille Vezina;
Margie Studinski; Roger and Sue Lederer; Deacon Jim;
Dave, Julie, and Robert Senft; Jack Woyak, Sandy
Poetzel; Kristine Gaele; and Jim and Kate Drmolka.
Please contact the local contact for the Stevens Point
40 Days for Life, parishioner Dave Senft, at 715-3476678 for more information. Or sign up to walk at Also find us on
Catholics at the Capital;
A Church United in Hope and Love
On Wednesday, April 8th, the
Wisconsin Catholic Conference in
cooperation with other organizations
are sponsoring Catholics at the
Capital, A Church United in Hope
and Love in Madison, Wis.
Who Should Attend: All those interested in learning
more about Catholic social teaching and how to
advocate effectively.
Cost: $40/person for advance registration; $12/students;
due by March 31st. $48/person same-day registration
There are registration forms on a table in our Narthex.
If you are 60 years of age or older, looking for a healthy
meal and companionship, call your local Senior Center
for information:
Plainfield at 715-335-6735
or Hancock at 715-249-5872.
The Senior Centers need
you, too!
Leigh Ann Trzinski, the executive director of
First Choice Pregnancy Center says that the
response to the “Change to Change a Life”
baby bottle has been wonderful. Leigh Ann
sent a card of thanks saying,
“Thank you for running our Baby Bottle
Campaign. As of the this week, you have
raised a total of $1,985 for First Choice. We
are truly grateful for your donation and
Leigh Ann said that there are still 20 baby bottles
remaining so if you have one, please turn it in, with or
without a donation ASAP so they can reuse them for
future events.
Informational Sessions on Immigration
and DAPA
Free informational sessions on Immigration and DAPA
(Deferred Action for Parental Accountability) are scheduled at St. Paul Catholic Church on Tuesday, March
10th from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Do you have USC or LPR son or
daughter born before 11/21/2014?
Have you been in the USA since
Not convicted of a serious crime?
Bring with you these documents: your birth certificate,
your US born child’s birth certificate and any US
documents such as tax returns, rent receipts and work
Application date is 5/19/2015.
If you have any questions,
please call Mr. Schrank at (262)679-2094.
Cell: (414)704-8079
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Schrank is not associated with St. Paul Parish.
SCRIP cash cards are available through
any of the volunteers or Pat Bartsch;
acting coordinator for March, or our
Parish Office. You have many options to
buy; in person by cash and carry, paper
order forms or online at Your
routing shopping can help feed the SCRIP piggy bank.
Pat Bartsch - 715-335-6802
Knowing Your Catholic Faith
During the RCIA class recently, a question was asked me by one of the candidates about the “Lost” or “Gnostic”
gospels and why Gospels like the so-called ‘Gospel of Thomas’ were omitted from the Bible. I did some research and I
found some resources on this topic. I wanted to share some of the information that I found, especially when it has to do
with the Gospel of Thomas.
As far as we know, the apostle Thomas never wrote a Gospel. The writing to which you refer is spurious and was composed by
a member of a gnostic sect, probably in the late second century, which explains why it's not in the Bible. It was discovered,
along with many other writings, in 1946 near the village of Nag Hammadi in Egypt. Our version comes to us in Coptic, but
there seems to have been a Greek original behind it.
The so-called Gospel of Thomas really isn't a Gospel at all, but a collection of 114 sayings or logia attributed to Jesus. Approximately one-fourth of these sayings are the same as those found in the canonical Gospels. Of the remainder, some are very
similar to those in our Gospels, but have been adapted for gnostic purposes. Others are completely gnostic in origin and form.
While the Gospel of Thomas purports to have been written by the apostle, there's nothing to support this, and there's a great
deal that argues against it. To mention one example (and this example applies to gnostic writings in general), the milieu is all
wrong. The peculiar sayings attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas are, for the most part, light-years away from the kind
of thing a Jewish rabbi would have said in the Palestine of A.D. 30.
Consider, for another example, the final saying Thomas contains: "Simon Peter said to them, ‘Make Mary leave us, for females
don’t deserve life.’ Jesus said, ‘Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling
you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven’" (Thomas 114).
This is just wacky. Jesus was a great respecter of women as women (i.e., without them having to become like men). After all,
as the Creator, He himself had "made them male and female" (Mt 19:4). And so whether one is a man or a woman makes no
difference in salvation. As St. Paul said, "There is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28).
The so-called Gospel of Thomas is a fake. It was written between one and two centuries after the apostle Thomas’s death. It
wasn’t written under divine inspiration. For this reason alone, we're forced to conclude that the Gospel of Thomas doesn't
compare with the canonical Gospels when it comes to telling us what Jesus really taught. –Catholic Answers
---Deacon Jim
Subs and Spuds
St. Patrick’s Dinners
The Bancroft Lions Club presents Subs and Spuds, an
all-you-can-eat sandwich and baked potato bar on
Saturday, March 7th from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at the
Bancroft Community Center.
1. Hancock-Coloma American Legion/Auxiliary’s
Annual Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner & Raffle on
Saturday, March 14th from 5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.
Adults: $5.00
Students: $3.00
5 & Under: FREE
2. St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish’s
Annual St. Patrick’s Day Ham Dinner
on Sunday, March 15th from
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
More information on our entryway easel.
Feminine Genius Women’s Conference 2015
St. Pius X in Appleton will host this year’s
Feminine Genius Women’s Conference
on Saturday, March 14th from 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. There are many great speakers lined up; Fr. Mark Toups, author of the Oremus
program; Teresa Tomeo, author and EWTN Radio
host; Sr. Maris Stella with Sister for Life; plus
Bishop David Ricken. Register ASAP at More info on easel.
4th Saturday Lunch
The Trinity Lutheran Church in Wautoma is sponsoring
this month’s 4th Saturday Lunch, a Free Community
Meal on Saturday, March 28th from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at
their church hall in Wautoma. This meal is for everyone—those in need of a meal and
those wanting some fellowship and
new friendship opportunities.
All are welcome!