Animal Biotechnology Centre National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal National Workshop on Proteomics and Structural Bioinformatics (March 23 – 25, 2015) Under the BTIS-Subcenter, we are organizing a “National workshop on Proteomics and Structural Bioinformatics” during March 23 – 25, 2015. The aim of the workshop is to impart practical skills in the area of proteomics, structural biology & bioinformatics. The program would mainly focus on hands-on training to faculty members and young scientists working in the relevant areas and eager to employ proteomics and structural bioinformatics tools in their research program. Tentative List of Topics to be covered in the Workshop Concept & scope of Proteomics and Structural Bioinformatics High resolution purification of proteins 2-D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry workflow Mass spectrometry data analysis and protein identification Mascot analysis and de novo sequencing Protein network analysis Structure alignment methods Secondary structure prediction methods Comparative/Homology modeling for 3-D structure prediction Structure refinement, molecular dynamics and simulation Protein docking and drug designing programs/methods No TA/DA will be provided to participants. There is no registration fee for the workshop, however, boarding and lodging would be provided to candidates free of cost by the organizers. Only few PhD scholar or Research Associate (PDF) may be considered on merit basis. The selected candidates will be informed by the evening of 18 March 2015. Candidates are requested to send their application through proper channel by March 18, 2015 to J. K. Kaushik (BTIS Centre Coordinator), Principal Scientist, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 132001. Scanned copy of duly filled application form may be sent to the Organizing secretary, Sudarshan Kumar by email latest by March 15, 2015. Dr. Sudarshan Kumar <[email protected]> Workshop Coordinator: Dr. J. K. Kaushik Organizing secretary: Dr. Sudarshan Kumar Joint-organizing secretaries: Dr. A. K. Mohanty & Dr. A. K. Sharma Duly filled application form should reach Dr. J. K. Kaushik, Principal Scientist, Animal Biotechnology Centre, & Coordinator – BTIS-Subcentre, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 132001 by mail or email < [email protected]> APPLICATION FORM National Workshop on Proteomics and Structural Bioinformatics March 23 – 25, 2015. BTIS Subcentre, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal Name of the Applicant : Gender M/F Position : Name of Dept. & Institute/University : Area of current Research : Current Research Project : Name of Supervisor (for PhD/RA only) : Address of Correspondence Tel (including mobile) email ID : Do you need accommodation? : Yes/No Date of Birth: : Why you need to attend this training course? : 1. 2. 3. Date: Signature of Applicant Recommendation of the forwarding authority (Supervisor) (Head of Division/Institution) Duly filled application form should reach Dr. J. K. Kaushik, Principal Scientist, Animal Biotechnology Centre, & Coordinator – BTIS-Subcentre, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 132001 by mail or email < [email protected]>
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