TÜBİTAK VE FRANSA ULUSAL BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMA MERKEZİ (CNRS) TARAFINDAN 2015-2016 YILLARI ARASINDA DESTEKLENMESİNE KARAR VERİLEN PROJELER Turkish Partner French Partner Project Title Assoc. Prof. Ozhan OZATAY, Bogazici University Assit. Prof. Thomas HAUET, Institut Jean Lamour Magnetic bubble excitations by field and/or spin-polarized current in nanodevices Assist Prof. Ozgur SAHIN, Bilkent Univ. Prof. Dennis THIEFFRY, INSERM Identifying and targeting sponge long non-coding RNAs to inhibit metastasis in triple negative breast cancer using a systems biology approach Prof. I. Ersin YURTSEVER, Koc University Dr. Florent CALVO, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique Modeling the quantum dynamics of protonated hydrogen clusters Prof. M. Cihat ALCICEK, Pamukkale University Dr. Mireille PERRIN, CEREGE Geochronology of the 601 m drill-log from the Acıgol basin-fill (SW Anatolia, Turkey) Assist. Prof. Didem Gozupek KOCAMAN, Gebze High Technology Institute Dr. Ignasi SAU, Université Montpellier 2 Reload Cost Concept in Graph Theory: A Combinatorial Analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 Turkish Partner French Partner Project Title Assist. Prof. Rezan DEMIR CAKAN, Gebze High Technology Institute Dr. Mathieu MORCRETTE , Université de Picardie Jules Verne Development of Aqueous Electrolyte Rechargeable Stationary Na-ion/Polysulfide Batteries Prof. Sefa ERTURK, Nigde University Dr. Gilles de FRANCE, GANIL Research on Exotic Nuclei around N=Z Region on 96Cd using NUMEXO2 Digitiser with EXOGAM2 Assist Prof. Omer AYGUN, Galatasaray Univ. Prof. Marwan RASHED, Université Paris-Sorbonne A Comparative and Critical Assessment of Aristotle’s and Avicenna’s Conceptions of Soul Assoc. Prof. Muge YEMISCI OZKAN, Hacettepe Univ. Dr. Fabien CHAUVEAU, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center Interaction between stroke and cerebral proteinoptahies: an experimental study Prof. Fatma AKAR, Gazi University Dr. Laurent DESAUBRY, Strasbourg Faculty of Pharmacy The effect of flavaglines via prohibitin on high fructose diet-induced insulin resistance 7 8 9 10
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