ST.BARNABAS CATHOLIC CHURCH PRIEST: Father John Horn Address: 28 Vine Road, Molesey, Surrey. KT8 9LF Telephone: 020 8941 8400 Parish Office Hours: 9.15am-11.15am (closed on Wednesdays) Email: [email protected] Website: HIRING OF THE CHURCH HALL: If you wish to hire the Church Hall please contact Theresa D’Burrage 020 8941 9205 or 07757-456-302 Parish Schools: St Alban’s Primary School – Beauchamp Road, Molesey. 020 8979 5893 Salesian Secondary School – Guildford Road, Chertsey. 01932 582 520 The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Website: 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT – Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th March 2015 Parish Mass Book - Page No. 158 NEWSLETTER NO: 9 Weekend Masses: Saturday 6pm (Quiet Mass) Tonna-Barthet Intentions Sunday 10am - Persecuted Christians in Syria (from UCM) Sunday 6pm (Music Mass) - For the People of the Parish Week Day Masses: Monday 9.35am Tuesday 9.35am Wednesday – Thursday 9.35am Friday - 9.35am Important Notices 2nd collection NEXT Sunday: For Easter flowers PARISH RECONCILAITION SERVICE Friday 27th March 7.45pm in the Church Michael Teague RIP Joe Casha RIP No Mass Rogie Brown RIP Confessions: Saturday 5.15 – 5.45pm in the Church or by appointment Mass is also said Monday – Friday at the Kiltegan Fathers, 20 Beauchamp Road. KT8 0PA. Parishioners are welcome. New Parishioners: Welcome to St Barnabas! Please register your details by filling in our Parish registration form at the back of the Church, and return to Father John or the Parish office. Please come and say hello at our Sunday coffee morning after the 10am Mass in the hall, you will receive a warm welcome. WEEKLY PARISH DIARY: Sun th 8 THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT – YEAR B Coffee Morning after the 10am Mass everyone welcome. Last Sunday’s collection Offertory: £440.86 Bank Direct: £403.41 Total £844.27 th Mon 9 Tue 10th Wed 11th th Thur 12 Fri 13th Sat Sun 14th 15th Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10am to 1.30pm Prayer Group in the House of Prayer – 7.30pm Bible Study: 7.30pm, Presbytery Youth Club (Altogether) : 6.30pm – 8.30pm Sat 7th March 6pm Ministers M Thompson Children’s Liturgy Church Cleaners Sunday Coffee Counters Flowers £354.62 Attendance: 312 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 11am-Noon, Presbytery FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT – YEAR B ROTAS 2015 Readers 2nd Collection: (CAFOD) Sunday 8th March 10am 6pm J Casha B D’Alton O Schild R D’Alton L Pang P Sturgis I Lee M Tidmarsh R Methley N Legg G Searle M Healy J Laleatoe Infants – Patricia & Alastair Juniors – Joana Mr & Mrs Jenice RCIA – Yvonne Foster Judith Carratu & Theresa D’Burrage No Flowers in Lent ROTAS 2015 Sat 14th March 6pm Ministers C Wilson M Villani M Stannard P Stannard M Tidmarsh Readers Children’s Liturgy Church Cleaners Sunday Coffee Counters Flowers Sunday 15th March 10am 6pm F Emmanuel B Hogan M Schild O Schild H Healy Infants – Catherine Juniors - Maria Eileen F & Linda McD B D’Alton R D’Alton I Lee T D’Burrage J Duggan Youth 2 – Jean Casha Francis Jenice & Jean Casha No Flowers in Lent Please pray for the sick of the Parish: Kathleen Harrison, Bobbettie McColl, Marie Bolger, Ann Griffin, Margaret Brauer & Delia Hennesey The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878 Awesome or Compassionate? Before giving the Israelites the Ten Commandments, (our first reading this Sunday), God gives them, through Moses, strict instructions not to come close to the mountain where he appears to Moses. And when He came, ‘there was thunder and lightening as well as a cloud on the mountain, and all the people trembled.’ They had already seen God perform many extraordinary signs of His power, most notably by parting the sea for the Israelites to escape through from the Egyptians. Now He was offering to make them His ‘treasured possession’ if they would obey His voice and keep His covenant for ever. At the time, 1300 years before Christ the Israelites were a fairly primitive people with little knowledge of God, and God sought to draw them to Himself by promising them much, but also sternly warning them that they had to keep their side of the deal; - most notably by keeping the Commandments of this awesome God. It is important to appreciate that we only know as much about God as He chooses to reveal of Himself: By the time of Jesus, His beloved Son, who became a human being for our sake, God chooses to reveal much more about his love for His people – His ‘treasured possession’. This advanced knowledge, God reveals through the words and actions of His Son; eventually by Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross (our 2nd reading). God always was compassionate of course, but with Jesus it became the time to reveal the extent of His compassion. How fortunate we are that we have a God like this. But we should not forget that He also calls us to imitate Him in our exercising compassion, especially towards the weaker and less privileged members of society, - as Jesus did. Father John PLANNED GIVING: Please look out for the boxes of Planned Giving envelopes for 2015/2016 available for collection at the back of the Church. If anyone else is interested in donating to our parish through the Planned Giving Scheme, either using the weekly envelopes, or by direct debit, please contact Nic Carratu on 0208-783-1079. Thank-you, for your continued donations they really are vital to the on-going maintenance of the parish. Catholic Secondary School Places reach Crunch Point. Catholic parents in Runnymede and Elmbridge face a crisis in finding secondary school places because though there are 300 rising to 330 primary places offered in each year in the deanery primary schools (which are already oversubscribed) there are only 220 places available each year in the Salesian School Chertsey. Please write to your Councillor and MP highlighting this clear mismatch and asking for their support for the expansion of places at Salesian. You will find a draft letter at the back of the church or you can obtain one from the school website Fr John Dickson SDB, Chair of Governors, Salesian School. General Election 2015 – The Bishops have written a joint Letter to all Catholics in England and Wales encouraging us to participate and vote in the election and offering some key issues and questions for reflection on where candidates stand. Copies are now available (at the back of the church) and can be obtained with other information, from the Bishops’ Conference website Please read the Letter and encourage others to do the same. Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminister. ENCOUNTER’ EVENING FOR YOUNG CATHOLICS (15-30) ENCOUNTER evenings are proving really popular. We have live music, adoration and some brilliant talks, and we usually get a lot of people. Everyone is welcome, especially new people. It’s totally free, and you don’t need to book. Just turn up. It’s a great way to explore your faith and make new friends. The next one is on Friday March 20th at 7pm at St. Wilfrid’s School in Crawley (RH11 8PG). Our guest speaker this month will be Aidan Cantwell, Diocesan Adviser for Justice & Peace and Social Action. He will be talking about Pope Francis words: ‘An authentic faith always involves a deep desire to change the world.’ Search ‘Two:42 Young Adults’ on Facebook for more information. The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878 9-Day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Following in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ from 14th – 22nd October 2015 including all excursions for £1,159, flying from London Heathrow. For further information call Mrs. Mozzi on 020 8472 0843 or 07859 027 301. ELDERLY OR HOUSEBOUND WHO WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE A NEWSLETTER? Do you know of any elderly or housebound person who would like to receive the newsletter either by post or emailed to them? Please let the Parish Office know. ST PATRICK’S CARDS ARE NOW ON SALE IN THE BOOKSHOP The Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust is a registered Charity No 252878
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