VOLUME 28, No. 3 M arch is the third month of the year in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It is one of seven months that are 31 days long. In the Northern Hemisphere, the meteorological beginning of spring occurs on the first day of March. The March equinox on the 20th or 21st marks the astronomical beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, where September is the seasonal equivalent of the Northern Hemisphere’s March. (WikipediA, The Free Encyclopedia) I don’t know about you but, if I read this article from Wikipedia too quickly, I come away totally confused. Of course, that’s just me. You probably have little or no problem with keeping this information straight. Shucks, I even have trouble announcing the number of the hymn while MARCH, 2015 looking straight at it on the hymn board. For instance, I’ll look at the number 570 and start to say 750 because I seem to see the middle number first before the first number. Again, that’s just me. I find that I need to really focus, that is, to concentrate on such things as these so that I can communicate the correct information correctly. During the Lenten Season we are encouraged to set aside time — better, to make time — for the purpose of increasing our understanding of what Jesus went through to pay for our’s and the world’s punishment for sin. (Pleas reread this paragraph more than once so it will make sense.) make the exact payment for sin. (John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:19) The forty days (not including Sundays) of the Season of Lent gives us the opportunity to really appreciate — as best we sinners are able — what God has done for us. It is really quite simple after all. We — sinners — need forgiveness for our sin — Jesus — suffers death and pays for our sin — the Holy Spirit creates faith to believe that Jesus is our Savior — we have forgiveness, new life, and heaven is our final destination — SIMPLE, SIMPLE, SIMPLE! FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS. Simply put, God loved the world so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer and die in order to In Jesus’ name, Pastor Miller MARCH 2015 Christ’s Messenger is published monthly by Christ Lutheran Church 64565 Pierson Blvd. All Mail: P.O. Box 669 Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-329-9292 ALL correspondence for church & Messenger: [email protected] !!! Messenger on the Web! WEBSITE ADDRESS: dhschristlutheran.org Deadline for copy: All articles are to be in the church office by the 15th of the month. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and space. The Aoril Messenger will be assembled on Friday, March 27 at 9:00 a.m. Page 2 Christ’s Messenger BOOK REVIEW I'm sure you all remember the author Lorena McCourtney, who wrote the wonderfully funny detective series of the unflappable Grandma. Granted, it has been several years since I did those reviews, but, the books should be in the library. I don't remember all the titles but one of them is Invisible. So be sure and check that out. This month, you might have already guessed, I have another one of Lorena's books. This one is an E-book, so I am unable to donate it to church, but, it is fairly inexpensive and if you have a computer that is all you need. This is another series called the Kate Kinkaid Files Mysteries and All Dolled Up is book number one. Kate has been out of work and has ended up living with her Aunt and Uncle. Her Uncle is a Private Detective and Kate is trying her luck under his tutelage. Unfortunately, her Uncle has an accident and Kate is left to do a simple job alone, but, this job is far from being simple. Before she knows what happened she is neck deep in a murder case and she is the only one who can solve it. Along the way, she meets Mitch who has a heart of gold and a habit of being a Knight in Shining armor. That is a good thing because Kate needs someone she can really count on in this business and someone who also shares in her beliefs. This book is also available in book form as well as electronic so I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. You know the human mind is always growing no matter your age, so......... …read a book cuz your brain is starving! Dottie West PLEASE COME TO HELP! Editor: Karen Miller [email protected] Pastor: Paul E. Miller [email protected] Before you go to bed on Saturday, March 7, set your clocks ahead 1 hour! MARCH 2015 Page 3 Christ’s Messenger March 29 Jason & Marcy Goss Rita Goss The Grah Family 1 3 5 6 7 8 11 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 26 27 31 Patty Carter Daniel Miró Frank Tierney Jillian Rainey Ed Rauch Amber Gondek Solveig Peck Alex Kuhr Jim Hinman Azucena (Susie) Miró Mel Newman *Halia Timberlake Evelyn Price Audrey Stencel *Grace Anne Dewell Betty Nyberg Bettie Hunter Georgia von Ravensberg Perly Baynes Terry Danne *Youth under 18! 8 17 19 25 Forrest & Connie Skaggs Jim & Lois Lundquist Wayne & Jane Propst Raul & Dorothy Sanchez March 1 Bob & Karen Fletcher Kari Flint Rich & Ann Found We cycle through our roster and pray for 3 families each week in our Sunday Service. March 8 Russ & Ellen Fox Mary Frank Steve & Nancy Galford March 15 Mike & Lorraine George Art & Linda Gercken Jim & Sandra Giefer March 22 George Glau Michael Gnot Pauline Gnot CALL: Sarah Rasmussen: 1-760-251-3505 or EMAIL: [email protected] or Church Office: 1-760-329-9292 GOOD ST. PATRICK On March 17, many churches, especially those with a large Irish population, will celebrate the life of St. Patrick. He grew up in a Christian home in Britain, but wasn’t very religious until a major event changed his life. As a teen, he was captured and sold into slavery in Ireland, but escaped to Gaul (France) after six years. The years of enslavement strengthened his faith. He later wrote, “In that strange land [Ireland], the Lord opened my unbelieving eyes.” He was led by God’s voice to return to Ireland where he led people to Christianity tribe by tribe. Because Ireland is called the Emerald Isle, those who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day will wear something green. Some Christians will even color food or drink green. Many Christians will also eat corned beef and cabbage and decorate tables with shamrocks. Shamrocks are actually threeleaf (not four-leaf) clover plants. Legend has it that St. Patrick used the three leaves to teach about the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. MARCH 2015 Page 4 Christ’s Messenger (See Puzzle, page 12) MARCH 2015 ! W WO Page 5 WOMEN IN MISSION s I begin this newsletter article it is always somewhat a puzzle to come up with an introduction. The special music by Jerry Tonder and Jim Lindgren at last Sundays worship service lingers in my mind. Their music was so beautiful as they sang, “How Great Thou Art,” a hymn I’ve loved since the first time I heard it many years ago. We are currently in the Lenten season and the third verse of that hymn bears emphasizing. The words are as follows: “But when I think that God, His Son not sparing, sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in — that on the cross my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin; Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, How great thou art! How great thou art!” Jesus gave His life for us, what should we do for Him? Ephesians 5:2 tells us to “Walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us.” Should we not live in friendship and fellowship with others? That’s why the church, the body of Christ, is very important, for there we are drawn together in love and mutual encouragement. We need to take advantage of every opportunity we can to gather in the name of Jesus. Our LWML activities and meetings are a way to do just that. Our meetings are built around Jesus — prayer, praise, scripture, service, missions, fellowship and much more. Here is your first opportunity: March 12th at 9:00 a.m. is LWML Workshop Day! We straighten up and replenish the pew supplies, trim Campbell labels, cut used greeting cards and other tasks as needed. The labels and cards are part of our mission projects. Won’t you come and lend a helping hand? March 14th at 8:30 a.m. LWML Zone Meeting Another opportunity: March 19th at 10:00 a.m. LWML Fellowship and Regular Meeting. Bring a sack lunch — dessert and drinks will be served by our hostesses. Sonnie Faga leads † Christ’s Messenger LWML our devotions. Our program for this month will be presented by Nita Hallman and Janet Cramer, who have been very involved in Bethesda/Good Shepherd Communities. This will be a chance to say farewell to Nita as she is moving out of the area. Hostesses for the meeting are Bettie Heitz and Helen Lewis. This is a great time to get to know one another better and learn of ways we can reach out to others. Please join us. If you need a ride, call the church office and we’ll make arrangements. In closing I share with you the first verse of our LWML Theme Song: “Lutheran women, one and all, we have heard the Gospel call. We by faith have seen our Lord crucified and then restored. We have seen Him pay the price, for our sins a sacrifice. Him we Lord and Christ acclaim and unite to praise His name.” Let us “Serve the Lord with gladness!” Mary Bass, President MARCH 2015 Page 6 Our Soup Suppers have begun. We had three different soups and assorted crackers and yummy desserts. The fellowship was great. Yes it is! I have to remind myself daily that God provides my days and I should be glad in it. Sometimes I just get to consumed by my work and lose sight of all my blessings. Here’s a great blessing: Pastor and I have another great-grandson, Kyle, born February 7. Mother, Dad and baby almost didn’t make it to the hospital in time. Our family is close by and all are healthy.some are newly in love. Oh, my! The storage area in the south side of the church is organized…a bit. We have shelves that are almost filled. The LWML Workday crew cleaning up the room to the left of the altar area. They sorted music and banners. Thank you to all ho helped. Our new paraments have been shipped and can hardly wait until they get here. To my knowledge, Christ Lutheran has never had paraments. They were possible with donations from members and a church in Santa Ana. God is good! There is talk of a raffle for a beautiful quilt made possible by Lois Bremer and Vi Miller. Before Vi left for home this last time, Lois gave her the makings of a quilt. Well, we received the finished product and it is wonderful. We will be selling tickets soon. You don’t have to be present to win. Just think, $10 can purchas a lovely homemade quilt. Think about it. We get people asking, “You didn’t have all of these faceted stained glass window in the old church, did you!” The answer is, yes. and no. We had an extra one made for the Fellowship Hall. It depicts loaves and fish. Claudel Palmer is now at home for rehab. Sarah Rasmussen now had her foot out of the boot/shoe she had been wearing. Jim and Lois Lundquist still need prayers for their health issues. Christ’s Messenger We lost another dear friend last month also. Oddvard Straumë made it out of surgery, but went home with his Lord a few days later. Oddie was over 100 years old. Snowbirds! We are so glad to have you back! It’s great to worship with you again. Some of you folks haven’t made it back yet! Are you coming? We miss our dear brothers and sisters who are unable to come to church: Bob Ellison, Hulda Kreiss, Jim & Lois Lundquist and Dottie West. Continue to keep ALL of these brothers and sisters in Christ in your prayers. Drop us a line, send an email or come to DHS! It’s been great to hear from you while you are away. The emails are always welcome. It’s always great to know you’re thinking of CLC in good ’ol DHS. Take care of each other and give and get at least one hug a day. ☺ the secatari ❣ Before you go to bed on Saturday, March 7, set your clocks ahead one hour! MARCH 2015 Page 7 Christ’s Messenger SCRIPTURE LESSONS MARCH 1 MARCH 15 SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16 Romans 5:1–11 Mark 8:27–38 FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT Numbers 21:4_9 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14–21 MARCH 8 MARCH 22 THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT Exodus 20:1–17 1 Corinthians 1:18–31 John 2:13–22 (23–25) FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT Jeremiah 31:31–34 Hebrews 5:1–10 Mark 10:(32–34) 35–45 MARCH 29 PALM SUNDAAY SUNDAY OF THE PASSION Zechariah 9:9–12 Philippians 2:5–11 Mark 14:1–15:47 Pastor’s sermons are based on these readings. BIBLE QUIZ In the 8th century B.C., a prophet of God condemned the sinfulness of many of Jerusalem’s citizens. On behalf of God, he chastised anyone who abused power, was unjust toward the poor and used bribes and position to gain money and status. He even condemned prideful women who walked “with outstretched necks, glancing wantonly with their eyes, mincing along as they go, tinkling with their feet.” (He was referring to little bells attached to women’s ankles.) Who was that prophet? A. Isaiah B. Amos C. Hosea D. Jeremiah (See 3:16 ff, NRSV, of the book with the prophet’s name.) (see quiz, page 12) WE HAVE TOMORROW! During the Korean conflict, Marguerite Higgins, an award winning reporter covering the war, asked a young soldier, “If I could give you anything in the world you wanted, what would you ask for?” It was a freezing day. The soldier was eating out of a tin can. His face was a bit muddy. He thought about Miss Higgins’ question for a few seconds, and then replied, “Give me tomorrow.” Christians are people who not only have today, but also have tomorrow. That is, because we are people who believe in the resurrected Christ, we believe that whatever comes, whatever happens to us in this life, we will be victorious. The Bible proclaims that “Death has been swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54, NRSV). St. Paul put it this way: “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57, NRSV). We who trust in the God who raised Jesus from the dead have tomorrow already assured. MARCH 2015 Page 8 This outline is a devotional reading plan that covers the entire Sacred Scriptures each year. The average reading is three chapters daily. A seasonal canticle is assigned for each month and is scheduled to replace the psalm on the first and last days of the month. All of the psalms are read twice a year. The lectionary is in accordance with Martin Luther’s suggestions: “But let the entire MARCH Bible Readings 11 Isaiah 64:1–9 Numbers16–18 2 Psalm 85 Numbers 19–21 3 Psalm 86 Numbers 22–24 4 Psalm 87 Numbers 25–27 5 Psalm 88 Numbers 28–30 6 Psalm 89 Numbers 31–33 7 Psalm 90 Numbers 34–36 8 Psalm 91 Deuteronomy 1–3 9 Psalm 92 Deuteronoomy 4–6 10 Psalm 93 Deuteronomy 7–9 11 Psalm 94 Deuteronomy 10–12 12 Psalm 95 Deuteronomy 13–15 13 Psalm 96 Deuteronomy 16–18 14 Psalm 97 Deuteronomy 19–21 15 Psalm 98 Deuteronomy 22–24 16 Psalm 99 Deuteronomy 25–27 17 Psalm 100 Deuteronomy 28–30 18 Psalm 101 Deuteronomy 31–34 19 Psalm 102 Luke 1 20 Psalm 103 Luke 2-3 21 Psalm 104 Luke 4–5 22 Psalm105 Luke 6–7 23 Psalm 106 Luke 8–9 24 Psalm 107 Luke 10–11 25 Psalm 108 Luke 12–13 26 Psalm 109 Luke 14–15 27 Psalm 110 Luke16–17 28 Psalm 111 Luke 18–19 29 Psalm 112 Luke 20-21 30 Psalm 113 Luke 22 31 Isaiah 64:1–9 Luke 23–24 † Christ’s Messenger Psalter, divided in parts, remain in use and the entire Scriptures, divided into lections, let this be preserved in the ears of the church.” Also: “After that another book should be selected, and so on, until the entire Bible has been read through, and where one does not understand it, pass that by and glorify God. APRIL Bible Readings 11 Isaiah 25:1–9 Romans 1—3 2 Psalm 114 Romans 4—6 3 Psalm 115 Romans 7—9 4 Psalm 116 Romans 10—13 5 Psalm 117 Romans 14—16 6 Psalm 118 1Corinthians 1—3 7 Psalm 119:1–8 1Corinthians 4—6 8 Psalm 119:9–16 1Corinthians 7—9 9 Psalm 119:17–24 1Corinthians 10—11 10 Psalm 119:25–32 1Corinthians 12—14 11 Psalm 119:33–40 1Corinthians 15—16 12 Psalm 119:41–48 2Corinthians 1—4 13 Psalm 119:49–56 2Corinthians 5—7 14 Psalm 119:57–64 2Corinthians 8—10 15 Psalm 119:65–72 2Corinthians11—13 16 Psalm 119:73–80 Galatians 1—3 17 Psalm 119:81–88 Galatians 4—6 18 Psalm 119:89–96 Ephesians 1—3 19 Psalm 119:97–104 Ephesians 4—6 20 Psalm 119:105– 112 Philippians 1—2 21 Psalm 119:113– 120 Philippians 3—4 22 Psalm 119:121– 128 Colossians 1—2 23 Psalm 119:129– 136 Colossians 3—4 24 Psalm 119:137– 144 1Thessalonians 1—3 25 Psalm 119:145– 152 1Thessalonians 4—5 26 Psalm 119:153– 160 MARCH 2015 1 SUNDAY MITES 8:45 a.m. Page 9 MONDAY 2 Pastor & Karen’s Day of Rest 3 TUES 4 Christ’s Messenger WED Soup Supper 5:30 p.m. Lent 3 7 p.m. 5 THURSDAY 9 a.m. DHS Ministerial/ Community Meeting 3p.m. the Cove 8 8:45 a.m. SS/Bible Class Worship 10 a.m. 9 Pastor & Karen’s Day of Rest 10 Noon Elders 7 p.m. Church Council 11 Soup Supper 5:30 p.m. 16 8:45 a.m. Pastor SS/Bible Class & Karen’s Day of Rest 17 22 23 Pastor & Karen’s Day of Rest 24 29 30 Palm Sunday Pastor & 8:45 a.m. Karen’s SS/Bible Worship 10 a.m. Day of Rest 27 8:45 a.m. SS/Bible Class Worship 10 a.m. 18 3p.m. the Cove 19 Soup 10 a.m. Supper Women’s 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Lent 5 7 p.m. Worship 10 a.m. 9 a.m. LWML Lent 4 7 p.m. ♥ 15 12 LWML Meeting FRIDAY 6 9 a.m. Secatari’s Helpers Noon Choir 13 9 a.m. Secatari’s Helpers SAT 7 Before you go to bed,set your clocks ahead one hour! 14 Noon Choir 20 21 1st Day of Spring 9 a.m. Secatari’s Helpers Noon 3p.m.the Cove Choir 26 27 28 25 9 a.m. Soup Assemble Winkel at Messenger Supper Hemet 5:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Lent 6 Secatari’s CERTS 7 p.m. Helpers Meeting/CLC NOON 3p.m.the Cove Choir 31 February April 2015 February 2015 2015 MARCH 2015 Page 10 Christ’s Messenger THOSE WHO SERVE IN MARCH If you cannot serve, please call: ! Chet Panique @ 1-760-318-3152 or email: [email protected] ACOLYTE MARCH 1 MARCH 8 MARCH 15 MARCH 22 MARCH 29 Palm Sunday Tyler Robinson Owen Matas Tyrell Robinson Owen Matas Tyler Robinson Svend Lerche Scott Matas ALTAR GUILD Bettie Heitz Lois Bremer ELDER Scott Matas FLOWERS Svend Lerche Scott Matas Please consider signing up for flowers! Nathan & Karen GREETERS Johnson USHERS Bettie Heitz Lois Bremer Stan & Mary Bass Bettie Heitz Jeanette Nunn Sonnie Faga LaVon Lindgren Julie Wrankle Bettie Heitz Ken & Marcy Griffin Dick Willis Dave Nunn Cyrus & Jan Robbins Laura Roberts Jim Lindren Kim Robinson Jean Van Beveran SUNDAY SCHOOL STAFF Mary Bass & Victoria Soderlind LENTEN MIDWEEK MARCH 4 7 p.m. MARCH 11 7 p.m. MARCH 18 7 p.m. MARCH 25 7 p.m. ACOLYTE Owen Matas Tyrell Robinson Tyrell Robinson Owen Matas Scott Matas Ken & Marcy Griffin Jim Lindgren Laura Roberts Svend Lerche George Glau Cathy Campbell Kim Robinson Jean Van Beveran Scott Matas Sharon Willis Nancy Sonnichsen Dick Willis Kim Robinson Svend Lerche Sonnie Faga Jeanette Nunn David Nunn Jim Lindgren ELDER GREETERS USHERS A PRAYER REQUEST In Dr. Burns’ Prescription for Happiness, comedian-actor George Burns wrote that after he played “God” in a movie, he received a letter simply addressed to “God — Beverly Hills, California.” It was from a 6-year-old boy who asked “God” to keep it from raining on the day of his baseball team’s championship game. The boy ended by saying, “Don’t forget; it’s this Sunday.” Burns said he guessed it didn’t rain that day because he later received another letter from the boy that read, “Thanks, but we lost.” (Page 4) PUZZLE ANSWER: rain, eggs, chick, flowers, butterfly, mud “Jesus said, ‘I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ” (pg 8) QUIZ ANSWER: A. Isaiah MARCH 2015 Page 11 Christ’s Messenger More Pics from the Dedication! “There is a… season for every activity under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1 …Our Season is NOW! Christ Lutheran Church 64565 Pierson Blvd. P.O. BOX 669 Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 760-329-9292 This Newsletter taken to the DHS Post Office on 2/27/15 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED IN THIS I S S U E Pastor’s Page 1 Book Review 2 God’s Family 3 Fun & Games 4 Women’s Page 5 Bits & Pieces 6 Bible Quiz 7 Bible in 1 year! 8 March Calendar 8 Those Who Serve 10 CLC in action! 11 w e N Non-Profit Org. 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