March 15, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Lent Holy Cross priest, Fr. Dick Berg, inspires our parish mission participants. About 150 parishioners attended each of the mission’s three days during the first week of Lent. Santa Cruz Parroco, Pd. Dick Berg, inspira los participantes de nuestra misión parroquial. Aproximadamente 150 feligreses asistido el tres días de la misión durante de la primera semana de Cuaresma. St. Pius X Catholic parish 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR 97229 (503) 644-5264 MASS SCHEDULE Horario de Misas Saturday Sabado Sunday Domingo 4th Sunday 5:00 pm 7:00 pm en Español 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 1:00 pm en Español 5:30 pm Youth 8:30 pm Contemplative 2:45 pm Adapted Mass Daily Mass Misa Diaria 8:15 am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat Wednesday Miercoles 8:15 am (& also 9:15 am during the school year) Thursday Jueves 7:00 pm en Español Communion Service: 6:30 am Monday - Friday RECONCILIATION Confesiones Saturday 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm or by appointment Pr ayer Chain Email requests to [email protected] or call the parish office (503) 644-5264 Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Questions - Roberta Schreck (503) 645-4607 or [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm We are Called to be the Eyes and Hands and Hear of the Risen Jesus. pastor’s note Leadership CHURCH In his catecheses St. Ambrose gives an enthusiastic comment on this passage from the Fourth Gospel. His words are addressed to Christians recently baptized, but they also show us how the Saint preferred to approach baptism. Rev. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Rev. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence When you had yourself registered, he (Jesus) took some clay and spread it on your eyes. What does that mean? It means that you were forced to acknowledge your sin, examine your conscience, do penance for your faults – in short, you had to admit to the state that the whole human race shares. For although the person approaching baptism makes no confession of sins, he does nonetheless admit his sins by asking for baptism that justifies and by asking to pass from sin to grace. (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 / [email protected] ADMINISTRATION EASTER MORNING PARKING To accommodate a large number of cars expected for our 9:00 am and 11:00 am Easter Masses: Do not think that this act is useless. There are those – I know at least one, who, when we told him: “At your age you have a greater obligation to be baptized,” replied: “Why should I be baptized? I have no sins. I have never committed a sin, have I?” Such a man had no clay, because Christ had not spread it on his eyes; which is to say that Christ had not opened his eyes. For, in fact, no man is without sin. • • • Consequently, anyone who takes refuge in baptism acknowledges that he is but human. Christ, then, put mud on you, that is, he gave you a reverential fear, prudence, and a consciousness of your own weakness, and he said to you: “Go to Siloam.” What is “Siloam”? It means (says the evangelist) “Sent.” In other words, then: Go to the fountain where they preach the Cross of Christ the Lord; go to the fountain in which Christ has paid the ransom for the sins of all. • For these two Masses the church will provide traffic control police at both the Saltzman Road and 123rd Street entrances to the church, as well as having traffic control staff in our parking lot. We hope to make your experience of parking as comfortable as possible with the limited amount of space that we have. Thank you for your patience. You went, you washed, you came to the altar, you began to see what you had not seen before. In short, your eyes were opened in the fountain of the Lord and by the preaching of the Lord’s Passion. You seemed previously to be blind of heart; now you began to see the light.124 (The Liturgical Year, Lent Holy Week, Adrian Nocent, OSB, pgs. 108-109) Support the businesses that help make this bulletin free to the church. The Advertiser of the Week is: With God’s Grace, Fr. Sean Weeks Pastor 124 Please carpool and share a ride with someone when possible. Overflow parking is available on the northeast corner of Cornell and Saltzman Roads, on the lower level of the parking lot beneath the Cedar Mill Library. A small amount of parking is also available at Village Day Care on 123rd Street. If you arrive early and would enjoy a walk, parking in one of these lots would be appreciated. Regency Park (503) 292-8444 De sacramentis III, 12-15 (SC 25bis:98-100). 2 Worship and Liturgy LENT TO EASTER Easter Vigil -- April 4, 8:30 pm (Bilingual). Our most festive, solemn Mass of the year. Gather around the Easter bonfire, process with the light of Christ into the Church, hear the singing of the Exsultet and the proclamation of the Scriptures of salvation. Celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist with the newly initiated adults. Fasting and Abstinence -- All Catholics 14 years and older abstain from meat on the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. • Catholics between the ages 18 and 59 fast on Good Friday. To fast means to eat one full meal; the other two meals that day should be less than the normal amount unless they are already at a minimum for good health. Eating between meals is not permitted; however, liquids including coffee, milk and fruit juices are allowed. Easter Sunday Mass Times -- April 5. Note that the underlined time is adapted for Easter: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm (Youth) and 8:30 pm (Contemplative). CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES COLLECTION Fridays of Lent -- will include: • Stations of the Cross – 5:45 pm in the church. • Soup Suppers – Every Lenten Friday, at 6:30 pm, in the Community Center. See page 9 for details. • Abstain from Meat -- See above explanation. Today’s special collection will be for the international humanitarian works of Catholic Relief Services. Envelopes for the collection are in the pews, and donations can also be made at Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) The Church encourages the celebration of Reconciliation during Lent. • March 16, at 7:00 pm, is our Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service. Many priests will be on hand to hear confessions. • Saturday Confessions are from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, but will not be heard on Holy Saturday, April 4. ADAPTED LITURGY You are invited on March 22 to the St. Pius X Adapted Liturgy, a shorter Mass that celebrates the lives and gifts of all people, including those with physical and developmental disabilities and illnesses. Every effort is made to accommodate the inclusion and participation of each person. The church is accessible for wheelchairs, and listening devices are available. The Adapted Liturgy is offered the 4th Sunday of every month at 2:45 pm at St. Pius X, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd., Portland, OR; call (503) 644-5264 for more information. Future dates are April 26, May 24 and June 28. All are welcome to this joyful gathering! Chrism Mass for Archdiocese -- March 30, 2015, at 7:00 pm, at St. Mary Cathedral on NW 18th and Couch Street, Portland. Holy Thursday -- April 2. Mass is 7:00 pm (Bilingual). Afterwards, pray until midnight with the Blessed Sacrament in the Community Center. Good Friday Walk of the Cross -- Friday, April 3, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, beginning at Bethel Congregational (Faith Cafe). ST. VINCENT DE PAUL REFLECTION Good Friday Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion -- April 3, at 5:30 pm, English; 7:30 pm, Spanish. See above regarding fasting and abstinence. In today’s Gospel, God demonstrates great love for us by sending his Son so that we may believe in him. We demonstrate our great love for God by doing good works: reaching out to others, acting in justice and charity. Morning Prayer Services will be celebrated on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday at 8:15 am. (Continued in next column) Through your donations to St. Vincent de Paul, you are performing a good work; far greater than you think. Perhaps this is a good time to act on your desire to be of greater service. Join us Monday, March 16, at 7:00 pm, in the Church Hall. Meetings last no more than an hour. 3 worship and liturgy, cont. OUTREACH/PEACE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE HOMEBOUND MINISTRY MARY’S PANTRY If you are unable to attend Mass for any reason and would like a home visit to receive communion, please call Fr. Kiko Bringuela, or Deacon Bob Little, in the Parish Office at (503) 644-5264. Volunteers will be collecting food and toiletry donations for Mary’s Pantry at the Youth Center before and after all masses this weekend. Please contact Nan Fey at (503) 626-8772, or Karen DeRego at (503) 6456076 if you have any questions. FREE LENTEN SERIES EMAILS Thank you for your generosity. Betty Arrigotti offers a free Lenten series of weekly emails called “4 Minutes 4 Growth” that summarize professionals’ advice to enhance lives. This year’s focus will be on fighting fear. Betty has a Master of Arts in Counseling and a certificate in Spiritual Direction. To sign up, email Betty at Betty@Arrigotti. com, or subscribe to her “feed” at www.bettyarrigotti. com. LENT SERVICE PROJECT Faith Formation, Youth Ministry and St. Pius X School We will be collecting New Utensils and Dinnerware for the Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program. This program assists individuals and families that must leave their homelands due to fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, and political opinions. Refugees come from all parts of the world. PARISH MISSION NEWS The mission has been completed, and Fr. Dick Berg’s talks are posted on our website. Go to, and click on “Faith Formation” and then on “Parish Mission.” Fr. Berg’s books can also be ordered from the site. Donation bins will be available in the Parish Office and at Sunday School throughout Lent. For further information, or if you have furniture, bedding or other home necessities you wish to donate, please contact our Parish Coordinators: Mia Fast and Maeve Eynard, St. Pius X 7th Graders, at (503) 2131450, or [email protected]. PRAY THE ROSARY Please join us in praying the Rosary. We meet every Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 pm in the Community Center Room S1, second small room on the right as you enter the Community Center. BABY CORNER AT ST. PIUS X SCRIPTURE FOR MARCH 22 As you are cleaning out your closets, please remember Baby Corner. Baby Corner provides assistance to mothers for babies and young children who are in need in our local community. Ezekiel 37:12-14, Romans 8:8-11, John 11:1-45 Jesus’ suffering led to a deeper relationship with God. How has my suffering helped me discover new dimensions of God’s love? Current Needs of Baby Corner: PACK & PLAYS, strollers, books, used clean clothing newborn to size 4T, diapers sizes 2, 4, and 6 most needed at present, diaper cream and wipes. Please no car seats, cribs or stuffed animals. PRAYER CHAIN Our St. Pius X Parish provides prayer support for the critical needs of parishioners and their loved ones. If you have a request for prayer, or if you can be one of the people praying for the requests of others, please send an email message to [email protected]. Bring donations to St. Pius X Church office Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Questions? Call Marty (503) 614-9630, or Jennifer (971) 404-8040. 4 YOUTH MINISTRY SCRIP GIFT CARD PROGRAM FUNDRAISING FOR ST. PIUS X CHURCH AND SCHOOL It’s not too late to purchase Valley Cinema Family Matinee ticket strips. Cost is $10 per strip for children ages 2-18. Adults are always free. This weekend is week 3 of 10, so there are still plenty of great movies to enjoy with your family! Purchase tickets from any Scrip seller. Middle School Youth Nights: March 15: A Lenten Prayer Night – families invited. OCP music artist Sarah Kroger will once again join us for a night of music and prayer in this Lenten season. In keeping with your Lenten diet, keep in mind the many great seafood and vegetarian restaurant options are available through the Scrip program: McGrath’s Fish House, Newport Bay, Red Lobster, Pastini’s, Sweet Tomato, Veggie Grill, Baja Fresh, Chipotle, Portland Seafood Company and Manzana’s! March 22 and 29: No Youth Nights due to Spring Break. April 5: No Youth Night due to Easter Sunday. Questions: Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Youth Ministry, [email protected]. If you would like to place a special order, request a denomination not regularly stocked, or ask any questions, just email the Scrip Team at scrip@stpius. org. High School Youth Nights: March 15: A Lenten Prayer Night – families invited. OCP music artist Sarah Kroger will once again join us for a night of music and prayer in this Lenten season. COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS March 22 and 29: No Youth Nights due to Spring Break. KIDS PLAY April 5: No Youth Night due to Easter Sunday. Are you a parent or caregiver to a child age newborn to 5? Are you looking for a play-based group to be a part of? If so, we meet most Mondays in the Youth Center from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. Questions: Kristin Mombert, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, [email protected]. If you would like to join our email list, please contact Lisa Williams at [email protected]; or Kat Wright at [email protected]. VOCATIONS BUILDING A CULTURE OF VOCATIONS Additionally, we are always looking for gently used toys. Please email us if you would like to make a toy donation. WHAT QUALIFIES a man to be a Deacon? Prayer. Humility. Service. Grace. Suffering. Love. A willingness to be changed and to offer his life in unpaid sacrificial service to God, to the Church, and to any and all in need of God’s mercy. PARISH HOSPITALITY All parishioners are invited to attend Parish Hospitality in the Community Center after the 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 10:30 am Sunday Masses. Coffee, donuts, bread and bagels will be served. Please join us for this opportunity to meet new and old parishioners. 5 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. You are cordially invited to join the St. Pius X Women’s Club for their annual spring tea Saturday, April 25, 2015 Community Center 12:30-1:00 Table Viewing 1:00-3:30 Tea Cost: $26 per person Menu Scones y r r e b n a r Orange C t B r e a d s Swee ou n d s R r e b m u Dill Cuc ger Sandwiches d Fin a l a S g g ndwiches E a S d a l a S Chicken i c h e i n T a r t S h e l l Qu S p i n a c h Fresh Fruit Cut Puffs m a e r C e d Whit ries B l a c k a n ipped Strawber eD Chocolat C a r a m e l B a r s Pecan eys Specialnce a Appear Julianne Johnson-Weiss, a two-time nominated Grammy artist, is a Portland icon. She is Director of Vocal Music at PCC. She is wellknown for her collaboration with Michael Allen Harrison and their holiday shows at The Old Church in Portland. Come to the tea and be WOWed by her charismatic vocals. a red by Cl cate Tastefully For table or ticket information, please call Mary Campbell 503-929-1788. For general questions, please call Janice Garbayo (503) 319-0597 6 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. S T. PI U S X EASTER H U G NT G E Saturday, April 4th Event Held -- Rain or Shine! Bring your own basket and hop on over to the school field! Egg hunts will be done by age groups beginning at 10:05 a.m. High School & Middle School Volunteers Needed Contact Cristi Hofford at [email protected] Molly Washburn at [email protected] NEW 9:00 a.m. Crafts, Coffee & Snacks in McMahon Hall 10:05 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt A Parish ored Free Family Even t Spons 7 COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. Date: Saturday March 21st Time: 3:00pm—5:00pm Cost: Food donation for St. Pius X St. Vincent de Paul Facilitator: Mary Jo Saavedra Location: St. Pius X, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd, Portland, OR 97229 in McMahon Hall Walking into Lent: A labyrinth Walk In ancient times the church used the labyrinth for the community to make pilgrimages when it was not safe to travel to the Holy lands. Many of the great cathedrals of Europe had them inlaid into their floors, but all but a couple were destroyed over the years in the wars. As the labyrinth returns as a practice of prayer and peace, we offer our Pilgrim's Traveling Labyrinth, lit with sacred candle light, to make your own pilgrim's journey. Use this time to walk the labyrinth for meditation, a time to honor those who have passed, or any other sacred stirring of your heart. The labyrinth can be a great healing tool as it calms the mind and allows for sacred focusing of the heart. Come in to release, receive and return as you step on to the sacred path of light. Franciscan Spiritual Center 2512 SE Monroe St. Milwaukie, OR 97222 8 To Register: Phone: 503-794-8542 Email: [email protected] COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. FRIDAY NIGHT SOUP SUPPER PRESENTERS START A NEW LENTEN TRADITION – JOIN YOUR PARISH FAMILY FOR ST. PIUS X LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS! Friday Night Soup Supper presenters from Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program and Rose Haven joined us to share their mission and needs Discover the many ways you can help! Every Friday in Lent, we gather as a community to share a simple meal of homemade soups, breads, macaroni and cheese and peanut butter sandwiches. We pray together and eat together, followed by a short program for adults and activities for the children. Parish groups host each supper, providing delicious food and fellowship. There’s no charge for the evening. Donations are collected for Operation Rice Bowl, the Catholic Relief Services Lenten program that reaches out to people in our own neighborhoods, as well as around the world. Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program You can provide help and hope to newcomers by volunteering to provide transportation to necessary appointments, by becoming an ESL tutor (English as a Second Language), or by helping to assist the Refugee Resettlement staff in collecting donations and helping to set up and furnish apartments for newly arriving refugees. You can also help by making monetary and in-kind donations to the Refugee Resettlement Program. To learn more: [email protected]. Supper begins in the Community Center at 6:30 pm on Fridays, following Stations of the Cross in the church at 5:45 pm, and we are usually done by 7:30 pm. Children are welcome – we have child-friendly foods and activities. Come be part of your parish family, and celebrate Lent 2015 with us! Rose Haven is a sanctuary from the street, offering compassion, practical assistance and community to women and children facing loss of home, abuse and other disruptive life experiences in Portland. Rose Haven is located at 627 NW 18th, Portland, 97209. To learn more, visit our website at; or email [email protected]; or telephone (503) 248-6364. March 20 – soups by Habitat for Humanity; Willamette West Habitat and the NW Quilters Project. March 27 – soups by the Filipino Community; Pia DeLeon speaks on Pope Francis’ visit to the Philippinesmessage of hope. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Knights Café Country Breakfast Sunday, April 19, 2015 St. Pius X Community Center It’s time again for a hearty home cooked breakfast at the Knights Café! Our menu includes made-fromscratch French Toast, scrambled eggs, sizzling sausage, and a variety of pancakes from buttermilk blueberry to chocolate chocolate chip! For more information, contact Anne Hanchek at (503) 526-9693, or [email protected]. HUNGERING FOR PEACE Breakfast will be served in the St. Pius X Community Center after the 7:30 am, 9:00 am, and 10:30 am masses on Sunday, April 19. Admission is $7, and children under 5 are free! Come stuff your stomach in support of the Knights of Columbus charitable endeavors! We journey with CRS Rice Bowl to Lebanon to be present to a people who themselves are on a journey. Here we meet a family of Syrian refugees, a family perhaps not so unlike our own. We are challenged through our almsgiving this week to reach out to those who are forced to flee their homes, who are seeking shelter in a land of peace. 9 Become a Knight! Interested in finding new ways to get involved with our parish? Come to the Knights of Columbus’ next General Council meeting on Tuesday, April 14, at 7:00 pm, in the St. Pius X Community Center. Please email [email protected] if you plan to attend – all are welcome! COMMUNITY LIFE AND GROUPS, CONT. 10 Ministerio latino la Nota del parroco REFLEXIÓN En su catequesis St. Ambrose da un comentario entusiástico en este pasaje del cuarto evangelio. Su palabras son dirigirse a Cristianos que son recientemente bautizado pero también enseñan cómo el santo preferido acercarse bautismo. Si observamos con cuidado a nuestro alrededor, quedaremos sorprendidos al darnos cuenta de que la naturaleza tiene algo relevante e importante que enseñarnos acerca de nuestra fe. La observación de esas gigantescas montañas, las cascadas de inspiración divina o las estrellas que cuelgan en el cielo, las mariposas que vemos durante el verano volando alrededor de los jardines y que ayudan a polinizar las flores, etc. Estas mariposas hipnotizan nuestros ojos con la belleza de sus alas de colores. Yo creo, que tienen algo espiritualmente profundo que enseñarnos. Cuando tuviste a registrarte, el (Jesús) se coge arcilla y se difundirlo en sus ojos. ¿Qué significa este? Significa que forzarte a admitir tus pecados, examinar tu consciente, hacer penitencia por sus culpas –en curto, había que admitir al estado que toda la raza humana compartirá. Aunque la persona que se acerca bautismo no hace confesión de pecados, pero se admitir sus pecados preguntando por bautismo que justificad y preguntando a pasar desde pecado a gracia. Algunos biólogos consideran las mariposas entre las más fascinantes de los insectos, porque tienen el sabor de su comida en los pies, no vuelan cuando está frío, y el hecho más interesante de ellas; se someten a un proceso único de transformación de crecimiento llamado Metamorfosis. No pienso que esto acto es inútil. Hay algunos– conozco al menos uno quien cuando le dijimos: “A tu edad tienes un gran obligación para ser bautizado,” el respondido: “¿Por qué había de hacer bautizado? No tengo pecados. ¿Nunca comité un pecado, verdad?” Una hombre como este no tuvo arcilla porque Jesucristo no difundirlo en sus ojos; esto significa que Jesucristo no se abro sus ojos. Por un facto no hombre es sin pecados. Algunos de ustedes saben mejor que yo este término científico, Metamorfosis. Yo no sé mucho al respecto. Probablemente me dormí cuando lo estudiamos en la escuela. Pero recuerdo como las mariposas pasan por diferentes etapas de la transformación física. Comienzan como un peculiar huevo que busca convertirse en orugas. Entonces, después de ser unas orugas, se convierten en mariposas; preparan sus propios capullos donde permanecen dentro varias semanas casi como un hombre muerto en un ataúd. Cuando están listos, hermosas mariposas de colores comienzan a emerger de esos capullos. Consecuentemente, cualquier que se refugia en bautismo reconocerse que es humano. Jesucristo, pone arcilla en usted, eso significa que te dio un temor reverencial, prudencia, y un conocimiento a su debilidad y se dijo: “Ve al Siloé.” ¿Que es Siloé? Significa (dice el evangelista) “Enviado.” En otras palabras, entonces: Ve a la fuente donde predican la cruz de Cristo el Señor; ve a la fuente en la que Cristo se pagó el rescate por los pecados de todos. Este proceso metamórfico de crecimiento de las mariposas y de muchos insectos e incluso en los mamíferos nos dice que el cambio es una parte inevitable de la naturaleza. Casi todo lo que vemos a nuestro alrededor se somete al proceso de cambio o transformación. Fuiste, te levaste, vino a la alterar, comenzaste a mirar que no vistes antes. En corto, tus ojos se abrieron en la fuente del Señor y el predica de la pasión del Señor. Parecía ciego de corazón; ahora comienzan a mirar la luz.124 (El evangelio de año, La Semana Santo de Cuaresma, Adrian Nocent, OSB, págs. 108-109) Esto es algo que podríamos aprender a medida que continuamos la celebración del tiempo de la Cuaresma. De la misma forma que las mariposas y muchos animales se someten a transformaciones, como parte del ecosistema, nosotros también debemos cambiar o transformarnos para ser mejores seres humanos y cristianos. Tenemos que pasar por un proceso de metamorfosis espiritual, transformación o conversión que nos debe llevar a un cambio positivo en nuestra vida. Esta transformación no se trata simplemente de un cambio externo, un cambio en la perspectiva física, sino más bien una transformación interior, un cambio del corazón. Con la Gracia de Dios, Padre Sean Weeks Parroco 124 De sacramentis III, 12-15 (SC 25bis:98-100). En el Evangelio, Jesús nos invita a ese cambio interior que debemos atravesar. Jesús nos llama a cada uno de nosotros a hacer una limpieza de nuestro ser interior de cualquier actitud negativa que nos hace menos de la persona que Dios quiere que seamos; (Continua en la pagina 12) 11 ministerio latino cont. de la misma manera que él transforma y cambia todo en la naturaleza, de igual forma que las mariposas, los insectos, los mamíferos, e incluso los árboles, Dios quiere transformarnos para convertirnos en lo que él quiere que seamos. Dejemos que Dios haga eso en nosotros. Dejemos que Él nos transforme en esta Cuaresma a través del sacramento de la confesión, dejemos que Dios nos cambie a través de la gracia eficaz de la Eucaristía, nos transforme a través de las personas que nos rodean. RICA/RCIA. A todos los participantes del RICA/RCIA les invitamos a nuestro retiro el 4 de abril de 9:30 a 12:00 M en el Centro Comunitario. A los padrinos al ensayo el mismo día a las 8:00 am. Mayores informes con José Flores. CLASES DE FORMACIÓN DE LA FE. Introducción a las Sagradas Escrituras. Las clases de formación son todos los Miércoles, Jueves y Domingos. Los Miércoles estamos desarrollando el curso sobre La Biblia, tanto a las 9:00 am como a las 7:00 pm. Los Jueves estamos desarrollando el curso La Luz de la Fe. Domingos a las 3:00 pm estamos estudiando el curso de Los Sacramentos. Hay cuidado de niños. Que la belleza y la maravilla de la naturaleza nos inspire a abrirnos y cooperar en el cambio y la transformación que Dios ya ha comenzado en cada uno de nosotros. Padre Francisco Bringuela, Vicario Parroquial Jaime Sevilla, MA, Traductor y editor. SERVICIO DE RECONCILIACION. Invitamos a todos a participar del Servicio de Reconciliación el Lunes 16 de Abril a las 7:00 pm. Para los niños que harán su primera confesión, es importante que estén a las 6:30 pm. PLÁTICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES • • • • • • • • • CATECISMO. Les recordamos a todos los padres de familia a traer sus niños que no se han confesado y van a hacer la primera comunión al servicio de reconciliación este Lunes 16 de Marzo a las 7:00 pm. La plática es de 9:00 am a 1:00 pm. Solamente tiene que asistir a una sola plática. No tiene que registrarse antes para tomar la plática/clase. Traer una copia del acta de nacimiento de su hijo(a). Durante la plática se le darán los documentos necesarios para bautizar. Si va a bautizar fuera de nuestra parroquia, le daremos un comprobante de pláticas. El cupo para tomar la plática/clase no es limitado. Padrinos de fuera, pueden tomar su plática de donde son, y traer un comprobante. No tenemos cuidado de niños. Favor de dejar sus niños con alguien a cuidar. CORO. Si alguien quisiera participar del coro parroquial tocando un instrumento o cantando para la Santa Misa de la 1:00 pm, por favor comuníquese con Don Guillermo Martínez, el director de coro. Para información sobre el coro de niños, comuníquese con la Señora Verónica, coordinadora del coro que canta la Santa Misa los días Sábados. VIA CRUCIS. Invitamos a la celebración del Santo Vía Crucis en español todos los viernes de Cuaresma a las 7:00 pm Fecha de Próximas Platicas Abril 11, 2015 Julio 11, 2015 Mayo 9, 2015 Agosto 8, 2015 Junio 6, 2015 Septiembre 12, 2015 CELEBRACION DE LA SEMANA SANTA. Por favor ver el boletín para todas nuestras actividades. Fecha de Próximos Bautizos Los Bautizos inician y son a las 10:00 am. Es obligatorio estar en la iglesia a las 9:40 am. Abril 18, 2015 Julio 18, 2015 Mayo 16, 2015 Agosto 15, 2015 Junio 20, 2015 Septiembre 19, 2015 SANTA MISA PARA PERSONAS CON NECESIDADES ESPECIALES. Les invitamos para el Marzo 22, 2015, en San Pío X a la Liturgia Adaptada, la celebración eucarística, que celebra la vida y los dones de todas las personas, incluidas aquellas con discapacidades físicas y de desarrollo y las que está enfermas. Se han hecho todos los esfuerzos para acomodar la inclusión y la participación de cada persona. La iglesia es accesible para sillas de ruedas, y dispositivos de escucha están disponibles. La liturgia adaptada se ofrece el 4o domingo de cada mes a las 2:45 pm en San Pío X. Dirección: 1280 Saltzman Rd, Portland, OR 97229. Para mayor información llame al Tel.(503) 644-5264. Las siguientes fechas de las Misas son: Abril 26, Mayo 24 y Junio 28, 2015. ANUNCIOS RETIRO CUARESMAL PARA LÍDERES. Invitamos a todos los Líderes a nuestro retiro cuaresmal el próximo 28 de Marzo, dando inicio a las 8:30 am y terminando con la Santa Misa a las 7:00 pm. En el salón de la Oficina Parroquial. Mayores informes comuníquese con la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. MONOGUILLOS. Si su hijo desea ser un monaguillo, por favor comuníquese con la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano al tel. (503) 213-1446 o con la Señora Patricia Hernández. 12 contacts and resources Parish Office (503) 644-5264 / [email protected] Administration Fr. Sean Weeks, Pastor (503) 644-5264 Fr. Francisco Bringuela, Parochial Vicar (503) 644-5264 Fr. Peter Siamoo, Priest in Residence (503) 644-5264 Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 Adult Education and Enrichment Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Annulment Advocacy Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon (503) 234-5334 Baptisms Tom English, Sacristan (English) (503) 213-1442 Jaime Sevilla, Latino Ministry Coord. (Spanish) (503) 644-5264 Baby Corner Marty Abts (503) 213-1376, Voice mailbox Bereavement Arlene Lee (503) 579-9822 Bookkeeping (503) 213-1445 Bridge Group - Social Hilary Hutchinson (503) 526-0650 Bulletin Items Cheryl Hopkins (503) 213-1449 Burnside Meals Rebecca Gaerlan (503) 372-9176 CYO Anthony Vuky (503) 213-1444 Confirmation (Adult) Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Confirmation (9th - 12th grades) Kristin Mombert (503) 213-1448 Elizabeth Ministries Jennifer Radosavljevic (971) 404-8040 ESL (English as a Second Language) Jaime Sevilla (503) 213-1446 Facility Reservations Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 Faith Café Joan Andersen-Wells (503) 642-2764 Parish Nurse Ministry Fran Breiling (503) 645-3775 Faith Formation Molly Washburn, Little Saints - Preschool - K (503) 213-1450 Chris Kirnak, Sacramental Preparation (503) 213-1463 Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation-Elementary (503) 213-1460 Janell Hoekstra, Middle School Ministry (503) 213-1454 Kristin Mombert, High School Ministry (503) 213-1448 Amy Lopez - Faith Formation Secretary (503) 213-1461 Peace and Justice Mary Ryan Hotchkiss (503) 646-5449 Filipino Community Melliza Palazo (503) 804-6510 Prayer Shawl Ministry Geneal Kanalz (503) 646-9547 RCIA / Returning Catholics (Landings) Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Reception / Parish Office / Mass Intentions Jackie LaCasse (503) 644-5264 Sanctity of Life Jo Cooper (503) 646-2250 Funeral Coordination Evelyn Gibbons (503) 614-9415 Habitat for Humanity Patrick Wheeler (503) 645-1645 IT Support Jim Shaffer (503) 644-5264 Serra Club Dan Jones (503) 645-2172 Special Needs Committee Mary Ann Hassold (503) 617-4965 Stewardship Anthony Vuky, Business Services Manager (503) 213-1444 Indian Community Presenta Almeida (503) 466-4799 St. Francis Dining Hall Debra DiPaola (503) 533-0984 Knights of Columbus Paul Butler (503) 533-2018 La Casita Pat Pitz (503) 806-0389 Latino Ministries Jaime Sevilla, Latino Ministry Coordinator (503) 213-1446 Liturgy and Worship Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Loaves and Fishes Anne Fornay (503) 646-0487 St. Pius X School Mary Thompson, Principal (503) 644-3244 Mary Beth Anderson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 Fran Wilson, School Secretary (503) 644-3244 St. Joseph Toolbox Knights of Columbus (503) 644-5264 St. Vincent de Paul Bob Weisend (503) 629-2014 Vocations Art Diederich (503) 645-6142 Mary’s Pantry Mike and Nan Fey (503) 626-8772 Wedding Coordination Barb English (503) 643-3144 Meals on Wheels Tess Pimentel (503) 645-3728 Ministry to the Sick and Homebound Bob Little, Deacon (503) 213-1447 Music Ministry Wendy Reimann-O’Hearn (503) 213-1468 Outreach Michelle Schleh, Faith Formation/Outreach (503) 213-1460 13 Women’s Club Colleen Lucas (503) 645-5646 Community Resources: Care to Share-Food Assistance (503) 591-9025 Child Abuse Reporting (800) 275-8952 Pregnancy Resource Center (503) 643-4503 Housing Assistance (503) 846-4794 St. Pius x community calendar Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am - March 15 Monday Frank Schreck Salud Paras Faith Formation Classes 9:00 am - School High School Discipleship Team Meeting 3:00 pm - Parish Office Conference Room Youth Choir 3:30 pm - Church Youth Ministry Activities 5:30 pm - Church, McMahon Hall, Etc. Wednesday 8:15 am 9:15 am - 8:15 am 5:00 pm - 21 Eric Latosa Nathalie Kuehle Coyote Club 7:30 am - Youth Center Latino Adult Faith Formation (Parents) 5:30 pm - Youth Center Parish Reconciliation Service 7:00 pm - Church Latino Bible Study 7:00 pm - Youth Center St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 7:00 pm - Church Hall Ladies of Light Night Bible Study 7:00 pm - Community Center Ladies of Light Bible Study 9:00 am - Community Center Social Bridge 10:30 am - Parish Office Conference Room Funeral: Patrick Leyden 11:00 am - Church and Church Hall Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm - Church ESL Class 7:00 pm - School RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center 8:15 am - Latino Adult Faith Formation (Parents) 9:00 am - Community Center Chaplet of Divine Mercy 3:00 pm - Church Youth Choir 6:30 pm - McMahon Hall 17 8:15 am - 18 Thursday Mary Lajoy David Titer Saturday 16 Tuesday 8:15 am - Tom Smith 19 Jackie Miller Sylvia Tallman Friday 8:15 am - 20 TC Smith Old Testament Video Series 8:45 am - Parish Office Conference Room Al-Non 10:00 am - Youth Center Latino Youth Choir 5:00 pm - Church ESL Class - End of Year Party 7:00 pm - Community Center Hospitality Room Stations of the Cross and Soup Suppers 5:45 pm - Church and Community Center Latino Adult Choir 7:00 pm - Church Latino RCIA 7:00 pm - Community Center Latino Marriage Encounter 7:00 pm - Community Center Sunday Intercessions 9:00 am - 22 Ruth Bertolani For those who are suffering illness . . . Adaptive Liturgy Mass 2:45 pm - Church Youth Choir 3:30 pm - Church For additional information regarding our calendar, visit our website 14 For those who have died . . . Robert Lee New members John-Gerado and Diana Muirhead Cristin and Aaron Rosenbaum Justin and Katharine Llamas BEYOND OUR PARISH WALLS FREE LECTURE WITH BROTHER MICHAEL CASEY LIVE DRAMA PERFORMANCE All are invited on March 18 to St. Cecilia’s for a live drama performance of Therese The Story of a Soul. The event will be at 5105 SW Franklin Ave., Beaverton, in the McNamee Activity Center, at 7:00 pm. This is suitable for all ages. There is no admission fee, but there will be a free-will offering. Brother Michael Casey, a Cistercian monk of Tarrawarra Abbey in Australia, will offer a free lecture at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 147 NW 19th, Portland, on Wednesday, March 18, at 7:00 pm. Brother Casey is a well-known retreat master and lecturer on monastic spirituality, as well as author of many books including Seventy-Four Tools for Good Living. For information, contact Michelle Hallett at (503) 6442619, ext. 178; or [email protected]. START MAKING A READER TODAY Would you like to read one hour one day a week with a child? Volunteer opportunities available at William Walker Elementary Tuesdays and/or Thursdays from 3:20 pm - 4:20 pm, starting April 7 and 9. Register at Contact Leilani Larsen at leilani_esping@beaverton. qxd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page 4 Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible 2.972 x 2.958 Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device Covered by most Insurances~ Medicare Approved ~ 1.800.795.2070 / Attention: New Year Special Call Now! Call Donna/Kevin 1-800-867-0660 ext. 253 Push Talk Help is on the way! 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Parent D.M.D.,LLC * You’ll Love the way we clean * Family & Aesthetic Dentistry Dedicated to Your Health Ana Sambrano Free Estimates!!! 971-200-6234 503-640-1056 **References upon request** 730 SE Oak St., Ste. C, Hillsboro Licensed • Bonded • Insured Commercial - Residential Remodel & Repair 503-642-7323 503-644-3101 503-644-3101 Dr. Ken McInnis 21 Years Parishioner Caring for your pets Caring for your pets since1986 1986. since ________________________________ 12790 NW Barnes Rd 1791 NW 173rd #130 Beaverton, OR 97006 AcceptINg NeW pAtIeNts Andrea Laidlaw, DMD (503) 648-0859 400 E. MAIN ST. SUITE 190 WWW.LAIDLAWORTHO.COM HILLSBORO, OR 97123 St. Pius X School Parent and Parishioner FAMILY MEXICAN RESTAURANT Los Ninos comen GRATIS todos Los Domingos y Lunes RENTA de salones y comida para eventos Kids eat Free every Sunday & Monday Banquet Hall Rentals / Catering for any Event •Wisdom Tooth Removal •Dental Implants •IV Sedation 503-643-6607 praisals t Ap Beaverton rs nes Proud Sponsors of St. Pius X 503-672-9124 625 NW Saltzman Eric Duer Window Cleaning, Inc. (503) 737-0649 PRESTIGE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 503-720-0217 Stop in for lunch and a visit anytime! Senior in-home Care Happier, Healthier, and At Home Call for FREE in home consultation 503-292-8444 1225 NW Murray Rd, Ste. 101 503-643-2010 8300 SW Barnes Rd. Portland, OR 97225 ppraisals st A FREENO NO OBLIGATION OBLIGATION APPRAISALS FREE APPRAISALS ne ears Ho 6 Y g r1 in ve id r O We’ll your gold, silver,coins, platinum, We’llevaluate evaluate andand weighweigh your gold, silver, platinum, jewelry or watches coins, jewelry or watches to determine individual value. to determine individual value. SELL YOUR GOLD OR SILVER SELL YOUR GOLD OR SILVER Pr ov Fo Independent•Assisted Living•Memory Care Appraisals est on 6 Years gH r1 in ve id r O We update our pricing daily to ensure that you receive the most We update our pricing dailyWe to ensure that youtoreceive the most price accurate price possible. are happy evaluate anyaccurate type of precious anytocondition, teaanysets, to possible.metal We are in happy evaluate anyfrom type ofantique precioussilver metal in condition, broken gold bracelets and even dental gold! and even dental gold! from antique silver tea sets, to broken gold bracelets SELLING VALUABLES SELLING YOUR YOUR VALUABLES We understand that many items such as jewelry, coins, We understand that many items such as jewelry, coins, heirlooms and antiques heirlooms and antiques may have significant sentimental may have significant sentimental value. We will treat you with respect and value. 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Call: 503-645-4701 ext. 3 David Nase Property Management Lic#158212 FREE NO OBLIGATION APPRAISALS FREE NO OBLIGATION APPRAISALS We’ll evaluate and weigh your gold, silver, platinum, coins, jewelry or watches LIKE GOOD NEIGHBOR STATE FARM IS THERE® to determineA individual value. We’ll evaluate and weigh your gold, silver, platinum, coins, jewelry or watches to determine individual value. GIBRAN N. ZOGBI, AGENT SELL SELLYOUR YOURGOLD GOLDOR ORSILVER SILVER We to to ensure thatthat youyou receive thethe most accurate priceprice Weupdate updateour ourpricing pricingdaily daily ensure receive most accurate possible. We are happy to evaluate any type of precious metal in any condition, possible. Wesilver are happy to to evaluate of precious metal in any condition, from antique tea sets, brokenany goldtype bracelets and even dental gold! Providing Insurance & Financial Services from antique silver tea sets, to broken gold bracelets and even dental gold! SELLING YOUR VALUABLES SELLING YOUR VALUABLES We understand that many items such as jewelry, coins, heirlooms and antiques may significant will treatcoins, you with respectand andantiques Wehave understand thatsentimental many itemsvalue. suchWe as jewelry, heirlooms provide you with honest and accurate information. 503-649-9514 • may have significant sentimental value. We will treat you with respect and provide youCanyon with honest Rd. and accurate information. 8555 SW 6115 NE 114th Ave. #109 Beaverton, OR 97225 8555 SW Canyon Rd. 971.229.1828 Vancouver WA 98662 John Uffelman, Attorney at Law Beaverton Law Group, LLP 503-644-2146 7272-001 6115360.852.0643 NE 114th Ave. #109 Beaverton, OR 97225 Vancouver WA 98662 971.229.1828 360.852.0643 7272-001 ASE Master Technicians All Work Guaranteed •Roof Clean/Demoss •Gutter Clean •Hand House Wash •Pressure Wash (503) 372-7981 Oregon’s Premiere Assisted Living Community is right in your own neighborhood Join us for mass every Tuesday @ 10:30am Exterior Maintenance Call today for a free estimate: Pr ov Fo Michael Gibb,Owner Proud Supporter of St. Pius X 10999 SW Canyon Rd. Beaverton, Oregon (503) 828-0936 Please Join Eddy & Erika Villasenor St. Pius X Parishioners Formerly Lee Davies Real Estate 503-357-1446 Forest Grove ea Ho 16 Y g r in Ove d i r 7272-001 503-640-0395 Pr ov Fo DR. 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