Spring 2015 CV 1 Curriculum Vitae Madison Percy Jones IV Department of English, Point University 507 West 10th Street West Point, GA 31833 Tel: 334.744.7231 Email: [email protected] Website: ecopoiesis.com ePortfolio: auburn.edu/~mpj0003 EDUCATION & INTERESTS Education 2012-14 M.A. English, Literature focus, Creative Writing secondary focus, Auburn University. 2006-10 B.A. English, Minor in Philosophy, University of Montevallo. Scholarly Interests Green/Digital Rhetoric(s); Ecocomposition; Food Studies; Eco-phenomenology; Creative Writing; Ecological Pedagogy; Literature & Environment; Bioregionalism; Science Studies; Post-Colonial Ecologies; Open-access Publishing; Literary Undergrounds; Intellectual Property; Ecocriticism; Liminal Spaces; Agrarianism; Ecofeminism; (Post)Modernism; Ecopsychology; Hybrid Genres; Literary Theory; Apocalyptic Literature; Animal Studies; Ecopoetics; (Post)Modern Poetry; Narrative; American Literature; SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS Articles Jones, Madison. “Silence and the Lyric-Epic: Hybrid Ecopoetics in The Shadow of Sirius.” Merwin Studies (September 2013) 1 (1): 47-65. Jones, Madison. “The Phallocentric Sublime: Jungian Shadows in ‘Mont Blanc.’” National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) Proceedings. (2009): 1199-1200. Books in Submission Eds. Jones, Madison and Steven A. Petersheim. Scribes of Nature: Representing the Environment in Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Chapter contribution, “Shadow and Liminal Space in Typee and Walden.” Lexington Books Ecocritical Theory and Practice Series. Afterword by Christopher Irmscher [Under Contract August 2014. Manuscript Draft Scheduled for Presentation March 2015)]. Spring 2015 CV 2 Book Chapters in Submission Jones, Madison. “Sublime Diets: Percy Shelley’s Radical Consumption.” [Abstract accepted for inclusion in an edited collection of Romantic Sustainability. Proposal under contract with Lexington Books Ecocritical Theory and Practice Series]. Articles in Submission Jones, Madison. “Kairotic Apocalypse(s) and Hyperobjects: Environmental Rhetoric in Plato’s Critias-Timaeus.” Submitted for Peer-Review Febuary 2014. Jones, Madison. “Digital Ecologies: Creativity and Ecoliteracies in First-Year Composition.” Submitted for Peer-Review December 2014. Reviews “Beyond Romantic Ecocriticism: Toward Urbanatural Roosting.” By Ashton Nichols. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Reviewed in Southern Humanities Review (Spring 2013) 47 (2): 190192. “Wilderness into Civilized Shapes: Reading the Postcolonial Environment.” By Laura Wright. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2010. Reviewed in Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. Oxford UP (Autumn 2011) 18 (4): 893-4. Interviews “Peter Huggins, Writing South.” Kudzu House Quarterly (Winter 2014) 4 (3): 5-8. “Karla Linn Merrifield, On Nature Writing in an Online Environment.” Kudzu House Quarterly (Summer 2013) 3 (1): 7-10. “Telephone Interview with Lakshmi Eassey.” Kudzu House Quarterly (Winter 2011) 1 (1) Web. Conference Presentations “The Ecology of Blogging in First-Year Composition.” Rhetoric and Civic Engagement, a regular session of Critical Thinking in the Rhetoric and Composition Classroom at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) Conference: Atlanta, GA. 7-9 November 2014. “Sublime Diets: Percy Shelley’s Radical Consumption.” Romantic Sustainability, an affiliated session of the Keats-Shelley Association of America at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) Conference: Atlanta, GA. 7-9 November 2014. “Shadow and Liminal Space in Typee and Walden.” 2013 South-Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) Conference: Atlanta, GA. 8-10 November 2013. [**Awarded the George Mills Harper Fund Travel Grant as one of five outstanding graduate student essays]. Spring 2015 CV “‘A New Art Color for You Irish Poets, Snotgreen:’ Ecophobic Sensibilities, Scatological Shadows, and the Critical Reception of Joyce’s Ulysses.” 2012 South-Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) Conference: Durham, NC. 9-11 November 2012. [**Nominated by panel chair for SAMLA’s Graduate Student Essay Award.] “‘The Fierce Thrust of a Will’: From Rusty’s Rape to Nuclear Apocalypse in Gore Vidal’s Myra Breckinridge.” 3rd Annual Graduate and Undergraduate Student Conference on Literature, Rhetoric and Composition: UTC Chattanooga, TN. 1-2 April 2011. “The Phallocentric Sublime: Jungian Shadows in ‘Mont Blanc.’” 23rd National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR): University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. 16-18 April 2009. [**Paper was later published in the conference proceedings.] Other Conference Work: Chair, “Ecocomposition, Green Rhetoric(s), and Digital Environments (special session),” SAMLA 2014, Atlanta, GA. Secretary, American Literature I (Pre-1900), Session A: American Environmental Literature Before 1900 (Fiction & Poetry), SAMLA 2014, Atlanta, GA. Secretary, American Literature I (Pre-1900), Session B: American Environmental Literature Before 1900 (Nonfiction), SAMLA 2014, Atlanta, GA. Electronic Media Projects Rhetoric Society of America’s Auburn University Chapter website, wp.auburn.edu/rsa, designed as part of requirements for a web development course with Robin Sulkosky, launched March 2014. Ecopoiesis.com, a professional website created and designed as part of requirements for a web development course, launched February 2014. Master’s Thesis ePortfolio website, auburn.edu/~mpj0003, launched October 2013 as part of the requirement for Auburn’s M.A. in English. Kudzu House (formerly Kudzu Review) website (designed with Robin Ward) first launched in November 2010 at kudzureview.com; fully redesigned (with Robin Ward) in 2014 at the permanent domain kudzuhouse.org. CREATIVE PUBLICATIONS Books Reflections on the Dark Water (Poetry). In Submission. Live at Lethe (Poetry). Rockford, Illinois: Sweatshoppe Publications, 2013. 3 Spring 2015 CV 4 Anthologies Jones, Madison “I Am Singing as Rome Burns” The Art of Margee Bright-Ragland and the Words of Others. Ed. Gail Langley. Auburn, Alabama: Village Smith Press, forthcoming 2015. pp.#. Print. Non-Fiction (Journals) “A Fool on the Hill” decomP magazinE. February 2012. “Ride for the Dead.” Sleet Magazine. Fall 2011 (Vol. 3, No. 2). Poetry (Selected Journals) “One Man Renga in Late June, Lee County.” Canary. Summer 2015. “Self-Portrait at the Mouth of Summer.” The Tusculum Review. April 2015. “Coyote Makes This World.” Southern Humanities Review. Spring 2015. “Self-Portrait as Apollo and Dionysus.” The Greensboro Review. Spring 2015. “A Heron.” Blue Lyra Review. Spring 2015. “Field Grief” The Café Review. February 2015. “The Burden of Dumah.” Camas. Winter 2014. “Funeral Games,” and “A Genealogy of Silence.” Harpur Palate. January 2015 (Vol. 14, No. 2). “Jim Morrison Believed that the Right Words in the Right Order Could Kill You.” The Citron Review. Winter 2014. “The Bicycle.” Painted Bride Quarterly. Fall 2014 (Iss. 90). “Sunfall Triolet” and “The Campfire.” Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review. Fall 2014 (Iss. 41). “Self-Portrait as Silent Ritual.” Hawaii Pacific Review. Fall 2015. “The Broken Branch.” The Boiler Journal. Fall 2014. “Ubi Sunt.” Saint Ann Review. Fall 2014. “Fish Tale,” and “To the Liquor Store with Hayden Carruth.” Harpur Palate. Summer & Fall 2014 (Vol. 14, No. 1) [“Fish Tale” was nominated for the 2014 Pushcart Prize]. “Nocturne in an Empty Field.” Cumberland River Review. April 2014. Spring 2015 CV 5 “The Silent Thrush,” “On the Field of Cattle Bones,” and “Prayer for the Great Dog: Central Alabama.” Buddhist Poetry Review. March 2014. “Otology.” Portland Review. Winter 2014 (Vol. 63 Iss. 2). “Nostos.” Cumberland River Review. January 2014 (Vol.3 Iss. 1). “Fig Tree,” “Amphora,” “The Mill at Sunset,” “Against Naming the Dead,” “Night Rendering,” “At the Planer.” Ginosko Literary Review. January 2014 (Iss. 14). “A Prayer for Lethe.” Tampa Review. September 2013 (Iss. 45/46). “Bangor Cave.” Town Creek Poetry. Spring 2013 (Vol. 7, Iss. 1). “My Father, the Arborist.” Canary. Summer 2013 (Iss. 21). “Wood Drakes Bobbing on Dark Water,” “Down the Oxbow,” “Gone Far Gone.” Grey Sparrow Poetry Review. April 2013 (Iss. 16). “Asphalt Nightmare.” Willows Wept Review. June 2012 (Iss. 14). “Early Spring,” “Today I Felt You.” Avocet Review. Spring 2012 (Vol. XV, No. 3.). “Ragweed.” The Centrifugal Eye Poetry Journal. February 2012 (Vol. 3, Iss. 6). “Bird Song,” “Ebenezer Swamp” “Gathering Ferns,” “Love Song from a Sinking Island,” “Rain,” “The Deepening,” “What is the Wind?,” “Why Thoreau Left the Woods,” Wilderness House Literary Review. Winter 2011 (Vol. 6, Iss. 4). Reviews The Uniform House. By Jim Murphy. Mobile, Alabama: Negative Capability Press, 2014. Reviewed in storySouth (Issue 38, Forthcoming 2015). The Small Blades Hurt. By Erica Dawson. Evansville, Indiana: Measure Press, 2014. Reviewed in The Journal. (Vol. 39.1, April 2015). Adventures in the Lost Interiors of America. By William D. Waltz. Cleveland, OH. Cleveland: State University Poetry Center: New Poetry, 2013. Reviewed in Valparaiso Poetry Review. (Vol. XVI, Number 1: Fall/Winter 2014-2015). Regular review contributions to Kudzu House Quarterly and Kudzu House’s blog, The Kudzu Vine. Readings Featured Reader, “Fish Tale” (Poem). Mad Poet’s Award Ceremony. The Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum in Montgomery, AL. 13 December 2014. Spring 2015 CV 6 From Reflections on the Dark Water (Poetry): Auburn Writers Conference: The Inspired South. Auburn, AL. 17-18 October 2014. Third Thursday Poetry Series, Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art, Auburn, AL. 21 August 2014; A reading for Research Week’s Creative Showcase. Auburn University. 14-17 April 2014; “Creative Writing and the South,” a panel for the English Graduate Association Annual Colloquium. Auburn University. Auburn, AL. 05 April 2014. From Live at Lethe (Poetry): The Gnu’s Room Poetry Series, Opelika, AL. 29 March 2014. Third Thursday Poetry Series, Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art, Auburn, AL. 20 March 2014. Pebble Hill Writer’s Series. Auburn, AL. 21 February 2014. Auburn Writers Conference: Artful Crossroads. Auburn, AL. 18-19 October 2013. Featured Reader, “Coyote Makes This World” (Poem). Mad Poet’s Award Ceremony. The Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum in Montgomery, AL. 14 December 2013. New Work (Poetry). South-Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) Conference: Atlanta, GA. 8-10 November 2013; “Selections New and Forthcoming,” Creative Writing Panel English Graduate Association Annual Colloquium. Auburn University. Auburn, AL. 06 April 2013. Out of the Kudzu (Poetry). The Gnu’s Room Poetry Series. Auburn, AL. 04 March 2013. "Ecopoiesis" (Memoir). Imagination and Memory Readings. GNU's Books. Auburn, AL. 29 November 2012. “Indecent Exposure: Ecopoetics, Waste, and Renewal in Central Alabama.” (Poetry) University at Albany 10th Annual English Graduate Student Conference. SUNY. 30-31 March 2012. AWARDS & RECOGNITION Academic Appointments 2015 Instructor of English, Department of English, Auburn University. 2014-15 Instructor of English, Department of English, Point University. 2012-14 Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Department of English, Auburn University. Awards 2014 Second Place: 2nd Annual Mad Poet’s Poetry Contest, for the poem “Fish Tale,” sponsored by the Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum in Montgomery, AL (Competitive, Honorarium). Graduate Assistant Teaching Excellence Award 2013-14 (Masters Level) Auburn University. (Competitive, $200 Honorarium). Spring 2015 CV Robert Hughes Mount, Jr. Poetry Prize 2014, sponsored by the Academy of American Poets, for the poem “The Campfire,” selected by poets Peter Kline and Brittany Perham for the award (Competitive, $100 Honorarium and Membership in the Academy of American Poets). First Place for the Presentation of Poems from The Broken Branch. “Creative Writing and the South,” a panel for the English Graduate Association Annual Colloquium. Auburn University. Auburn, AL. 05 April 2014. Honorable Mention: Calvert Award competition for the essay “Sublime Diets: Percy Shelley’s Radical Consumption.” Recognized at the Association of College English Teachers of Alabama (ACETA) conference at Gadsden State Community College (Competitive, Honorarium). 2013 First Place: 1st Annual Mad Poet’s Poetry Contest, for the poem “Coyote Makes This World,” sponsored by the Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Museum in Montgomery, AL (Competitive, $100 Honorarium). George Mills Harper Fund Travel Grant to attend the 2013 SAMLA Conference at the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. (Competitive, $200 Honorarium). Best Graduate Student Paper Award 2012-2013 (M.A. Level) “Shadow and Liminal Space in Typee and Walden.” Auburn University English Department (Competitive). Robert Hughes Mount, Jr. Poetry Prize 2013-2014, sponsored by the Academy of American Poets, for the poem “Gone Far Gone,” selected by poet Jennifer Elise Foerster for the award (Competitive, $100 Honorarium and Membership in the Academy of American Poets). 2012 Nominated by Patricia Foster for the Association of Writers & Writing Programs’ 2012 Intro Journals Project Award in Creative Nonfiction for the piece “What?” 2009 First Place: Fiction. Carmichael Library Book Review Competition, University of Montevallo, The Road. By Cormac McCarthy. (Competitive, $100 Honorarium) [undergraduate]. Scholarships 2009-10 Head-Cleveland Scholarship, University of Montevallo. Southern Progress Scholarship for English, University of Montevallo. East Alabama Alumni Fund, University of Montevallo. Academic Recognition Auburn University Pi Kappa Phi Honor Society University of Montevallo 7 Spring 2015 CV 8 Dean’s List: Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Fall 2010. TEACHING EXPERIENCE & INTERESTS Point University, West Point, Georgia Teacher of Record English 264, Advanced English, Poetry Writing Workshop: taught one section, spring 2015. English 102, Critical Reading and Writing II: taught three sections, spring 2015. English 101, Critical Reading and Writing I: taught four sections fall 2014; one section spring 2015. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama Teacher of Record English 1120, Composition II, taught two “Sustainability” themed sections spring 2014, one openthemed course spring 2015. English 1100, Composition I, “Writing Spaces:” taught one section fall 2013. Teaching Assistant English 2200, World Literature I: led two weekly discussion sections, served as teaching and grading assistant for Dr. Kathryn Olsen Wickman, spring 2013. English 1120, Composition II: led weekly class discussions, served as teaching and grading assistant for Dr. Dan Morris, spring 2013. English 2260, American Literature II: led two weekly discussion sections, served as teaching and grading assistant for Dr. Miriam Clark, fall 2012. Observation English 1100, Composition I: observed Dr. Allen Salerno, taking daily notes and composing a large pedagogical ethnography essay as part of the requirement for the graduate course English 7040: Composition Issues and Approaches, fall 2012. Practicum Practicum II, “Teaching Composition II:” led by Dr. Frank Walters, Dr. Chad Wickman, and Dr. Tricia Serviss, Auburn University fall 2013. Practicum I, “Teaching Literature and Composition:” led by Dr. Miriam Clark, and Dr. Kevin Roozen, Auburn University, fall 2012 Spring 2015 CV 9 Invited Campus Talks “Succeeding as an English Major.” English 300, Introduction to the Major. Teacher of Record: Dr. Jim Murphy, University of Montevallo, spring 2015. “Romantic Vitalism in Science and Literature.” English 4960: Special Problems in English, Romantic Science and Literature. Teacher of Record: Dr. Emily Friedman, Auburn University spring 2015. “Teaching 1100 as an MA Student,” Panel Participant with Kathleen Kent and Heather Noel Young for First Year Practicum, Led by Dr. Trisha Serviss and Dr. Susana Morris, Auburn University, spring 2014. “Du Fu and the Tang Tradition.” English 2200, World Literature I. Teacher of Record: Dr. Kathryn Olsen, Auburn University, spring 2013. “The Graduate School Experience.” English 4800, American Literature. Teacher of Record: Dr. James Ryan, Auburn University, spring 2013. Teaching Interests Rhetorical Tradition(s); (Eco)Composition; Technical Writing; Web Development; Document Design; Environmental & Digital Literacies; Grammar; Teaching Practicum; Place Writing; Creative Writing: Poetry and Memoir; Interdisciplinary Writing; Apocalyptic Literature; The Fugitive Agrarians; American Literature (pre & post-1850); Modernist Poetry; Postcolonial Ecologies; Ecopoetics; Tutoring Online Writing Tutor, Smarthinking.com (Pearson). August 2013-December 2014. Duties included providing assistance with essays for college students in all disciplines, most commonly in English, communications, and humanities courses, and tutoring students in literature, grammar, and writing. Private Writing Tutor. August-December 2012. Worked with individuals in English composition courses, guiding them in thesis development, organization, grammar and mechanics, closereading, analytic writing, responding to prompts, freewriting, and process-centered writing. OTHER EXPERIENCE 2008-10 Circulation Assistant. Carmichael Library, University of Montevallo (Work-study). Editing Southern Humanities Review: Alabama’s Premier Literary and Critical Journal, Auburn University, Auburn AL. Associate Editor 2012-14; 2013 & 14 Summer Internships (Funded). Spring 2015 CV 10 Kudzu House Quarterly: Literature of an Invasive Species, independent, international journal, published under the auspices of Kudzu House Press, a 501(c)3 Nonprofit; print and digital; Auburn, AL. Co-founder, Editor-in-Chief, 2010-Present. Skills Proficient in Canvas, Blackboard, Jing and other Classroom Software, Microsoft Office, Adobe Professional, Photoshop, HTML, CSS, Web Editors, and WYSIWYG Design Platforms. Languages Spanish (can read and translate with dictionary). German (limited reading and comprehension ability with dictionary). MEDIA COVERAGE Interview with Phineas Dowling. The Writer’s Block. WEGL 91.1. 24 February 2015. Featured alumni author in a special issue of Montevallo Today, University of Montevallo, Fall 2014. Auburn University, “Student Spotlight: Madison P. Jones IV, graduate student in the Department of English” 2013. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS, SERVICE, & ACTIVITIES Department Service Point University First-Year Writing Committee. Creative Writing Club Sponsor. Auburn University M.A. Co-Chair, Auburn English Graduate Association. Rhetoric Society of America, Auburn University Chapter: Founding Member, Treasurer. Regional Service Judge, Seventh-Annual Jeremy Lespi Poetry Fellowship, University of Montevallo Literary Festival. Spring 2014 ($50 Honorarium). Other Service Kudzu House Nonprofit Status Committee Member, 2012-14. Spring 2015 CV University of Montevallo Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, Member-at-Large, Scholarship Chairman. UM Environmental Club. Professional Memberships Academy of American Poets Alabama State Poetry Society Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment English Graduate Association, Auburn University The Pi Kappa Phi Honor Society Rhetoric Society of America, Auburn University Chapter South-Atlantic Modern Language Association References available upon request. 11
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