ADAR I 5774 ADAR-NISAN 5775 FEBRUARY 2014 MARCH 2015 FROM THE RABBI’S STUDY Rabbi Debra Landsberg I realized that I had become the "Women and..." rabbi. Upon ordination I became assistant rabbi at The Temple in Atlanta, Georgia. A large part of that role for me was community engagement—for both the synagogue and the broader community. I was invited to teach regularly: in churches of various persuasions, in other synagogues (of more limited persuasions), and in innumerable Jewish organizations. When I would inquire whether there was a subject in particular that the inviting group wanted me to address, the answer seemed to be The Foregone Conclusion: "Yes, Rabbi, could you please talk about women and...." Sometimes it was general ("Women and Judaism"); other times it was quite particular ("Women and the Rabbis of the Talmudic Era"). Yet there was a consistency about the ask that astonished me. This was happening in the late 1990s. The second wave of feminism had already passed. Women had been ordained as rabbis in the Reform movement since the early 1970s, and I was certainly not the first female rabbi to have served in Atlanta. So after my first year at The Temple, I simply stopped. Although I continued my monthly women's Rosh Chodesh study group, I otherwise refused (politely, I hope) to teach anything "Women and..." My teaching specialty became—as it was from the get-go for my male colleagues —"All Things (gender-neutral) Jewish." We are now a few years on. Different century, different country, different congregation. What is new? A woman has been ordained as an Orthodox rabbi, while the liberal movements are bemoaning the disappearance of men in synagogue leadership. I think it is time for us to have a good "Women and..." conversation. Actually, Nisan seems the most propitious time for us to have that conversation. Nisan is the month of Pesach, and as R. Avira declared: it was as a reward for the righteous women of that generation that the Israelites were delivered from Egypt. (B Talmud Sotah 11b). So please join me in celebrating the month of redemption with learning and discussion: "Women and....." Shabbat Around the Table Potluck Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Nisan Friday, March 20 6:30pm RSVP by March 17. (You will see reminders on the March calendar, page 2; and a box on page 3.) PAGE 2 MARCH 2015 AT A GLANCE—WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS MONTH SUNDAY 1 10 ADAR 8:30 AM Minyan MONDAY 2 11 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 9:30 AM The Centre Sunday WEDNESDAY 12 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 4 13 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 17 ADAR 8:30 AM Minyan 7:30 AM Minyan Megillah Reading 9 18 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 10 19 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 11 20 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 7 PM Social Action Committee Mtg. 15 17 18 25 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 7 PM Religious Practices Committee Mtg. 2 NISAN 8:30 AM Minyan 26 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 23 3 NISAN 7:30 AM Minyan NO CJLL 27 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 12 19 9 NISAN 30 10 NISAN 7:30 AM Minyan 9:30 AM The Centre Sunday 13 22 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 4 NISAN 25 5 NISAN 7:30 AM Minyan 5:30 PM Hebrew Booster 8:15 AM Adult Hebrew 11 NISAN 7:30 AM Minyan 11 AM Small Fry Passover (see page 7) 7:30 PM An Evening with 7 PM Special General Meeting re: Land Sale Joseph Boyden (see page 12) 20 29 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 21 1 NISAN 9 AM Shabbat Study (see page 3) 7:30 AM Minyan 31 23 ADAR 9 AM Shabbat Study 6:30 PM Shabbat Around the Table (see page 3) 24 14 10:30 AM Simcha Shabbat Service (see page 3) RSVP Shabbat Around the Table 5:30 PM Hebrew Booster 10 AM Choir Practice 28 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 26 1 12 NISAN 7:30 AM Minyan 6 NISAN 7:30 AM Minyan 27 7 NISAN 7:30 AM Minyan 28 8 NISAN 9 AM Shabbat Study 10:30 AM Shabbat Service RSVP Small Fry Passover Party RSVP Community Passover Seder (see page 7) (see page 12) 8:30 AM Minyan 21 ADAR 7:30 AM Minyan 9:45 AM Adult Ed: RSVP An Evening with Rabbi Englander (see page 6) Joseph Boyden (see page 4) 10:30 AM Shabbat Service 8:15 AM Adult Hebrew NO HEBREW BOOSTER NO CJLL 16 ADAR NO SHABBAT STUDY 10:30 AM Shabbat Service 11 AM 92 St. Y Film 7:30 PM Board Meeting (see page 6) 16 SATURDAY 7 7:30 AM Minyan PURIM 7:30 PM Fundraising & Advancement Committee Mtg. 24 ADAR 15 ADAR 8:15 AM Adult Hebrew 10 AM Choir Practice 8:30 AM Minyan FRIDAY 6 8 PM Erev Shabbat Led by Rabbi Bielfeld Service with TE-E and Sinai Choirs (at TE-E) (see page 3) 9:30 AM The Centre Sunday 29 14 ADAR 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (see page 3) 22 THURSDAY 5 8:15 AM Adult Hebrew 5:30 PM Hebrew Booster 11 AM Purim Carnival 8 TUESDAY 3 2 13 NISAN 7:30 AM Minyan 8:15 AM Adult Hebrew 9:45 AM Adult Ed: Rabbi Englander (see page 6) 7:30 PM Choir Practice APRIL APRIL (see page 7) 3 14 NISAN 4 15 NISAN 8:30 AM Minyan NO SHABBAT Followed by STUDY Search for Chametz 10 AM (see page 7) Passover Service with TE-E Choir TEMPLE OFFICE (see page 7) CLOSED 6 PM Community FIRST SEDER Passover Seder (see page 7) APRIL APRIL BULLETIN DEADLINE Reserve space in the Bulletin by notifying the editors no later than the 15th of the month. All copy must be submitted in digital format. Content is at the editors’ discretion. [email protected] [email protected] PAGE 3 MARCH 2015 Join us for Shacharit (morning service) minyan every day at Emanu-El and for our MARCH SHABBAT SERVICES MARCH TORAH PORTIONS March 7 Ki Tissa Exodus 30:11-34:35 March 14 Vayakhel-Pekudei Exodus 35:1-40:38 March 21 Vayikra Leviticus 1:1-5:26 March 28 Tzav Leviticus 6:1-8:36 Deuteronomy 25:17-19 Friday, March 6……………………………...8:00 pm TE-E & Sinai Choirs (see below) Saturday, March 7..………………….…....10:30 am Service led by Rabbi Bielfeld Saturday, March 14…………….………....10:30 am Friday, March 20…………………………….6:30 pm Shabbat Around the Table (see below) Saturday, March 21…………………...…..10:30 am Simcha Shabbat (see below) Saturday, March 28……………………...10:30 am CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES Friday, March 6..................................... Friday, March 13...…………………...…... Friday, March 20.……............................ Friday, March 27………………………..…. 5:55 pm 7:04 pm 7:12 pm 7:21 pm Erev Shabbat with the Choirs of Temple Emanu-El and Temple Sinai SUNDAY, MARCH 1 Friday, March 6 at 8 pm 11:00 am to 1:30 pm Purim Shpiel with David & Music followed by the Carnival CELEBRATING OUR OWN! Join us for a special musical service that will feature compositions by Cantor Charles Osborne and Composer-in-Residence Ben Steinberg of Temple Sinai and music composed by our Chazzan Sheini-Choir Director Judy Adelman Gershon as well as others from TE-E. Tickets for ALL RIDES & GAMES: Children-$10 THURSDAY, MARCH 5 at 7:30 am Megillah reading Hope to see you there! SHABBAT AROUND THE TABLE Friday, March 20 at 6:30 pm SIMCHA SHABBAT Come for a Rosh Chodesh/Shabbat potluck followed by conversation and learning Saturday, March 21 at 10:30 am Having a birthday or anniversary this month? Come celebrate with us. (see Rabbi’s message, front page) RSVP (416) 449-3880 by March 17. PAGE 4 MARCH 2015 FROM THE PRESIDENT Pekka Sinervo We've been talking about surplus land sales for a long time—perhaps close to the 40 years that our ancestors wandered the Sinai. I was reminded of how long this process has taken when, thumbing through the congregation's 2008 Strategic Plan, I came across the following regarding surplus land sales: "For reasons of which we are not aware, these have never gone beyond the discussion stage. We believe that it is now necessary, rather than desirable, to take this step." The emphasis is in the original, perhaps reflecting some sense of frustration that progress had been slow. And so, it now feels like we are approaching our Mount Nebo. The proposal to sell our surplus lands has gone from a recommendation in our strategic plan, through a lot of hard work by dedicated volunteers, to reality. At the December 2014 annual general meeting, we together approved the plan—already accepted by the city—to create three residential lots at the northeast end of our 6-acre parcel. We are well on our way to completing all the conditions for the severance of the three lots by summer 2015. I and the Temple Board are excited to formally begin to market all three lots starting early this month. As Yogi Berra is credited with saying, "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." However, given the frothy real estate market we are in, I believe we will be making decisions on the sale of one or more of the lots as early as end of March. We will be listing the property on MLS starting in the second week of March, and we will be considering offers in the last week of March. It is possible—I'd like to believe likely—that the congregation will have to decide on an offer to purchase one or more of the three half-acre lots we have for sale. Because of this possibility, the Board is scheduling a Special General Meeting of the congregation at 7:00 pm on Sunday, March 29, 2015. Notice for this meeting appears in this month's Bulletin, next to my message. Additional background on the meeting will be sent to you in the next few weeks. Of course, the possibility remains that an offer won't be submitted that the Board would recommend to the congregation. In that event, we may choose to use that meeting to bring the congregation up-to-date with next steps, or just cancel it until we get an appropriate offer. In either case, please mark that evening in your calendars. I strongly encourage you to come to the meeting on Sunday evening, March 29. Take part in a decision with very real implications for the future of our beloved shul. On a related issue, we have been planning for significant improvements to our property. The House committee has been working with the Land Use committee to develop a detailed plan for a new parking lot at the west end of our property—the so-called grassy knoll—and a complete redesign and resurfacing of the parking lots surrounding our building. This project entails planning for improved lighting, new signage, enhanced security features and improved accessibility to our building. These are all essential improvements that the membership has been awaiting, for the most part, patiently. Other improvements are also under consideration, though the Board will be giving priority to using the bulk of the proceeds to create the endowments that help to ensure the long-term success of the congregation. Please contact me or Howard Cramer, Temple Operations Administrator, if you’d like to get involved in this project. We could use many heads and hands in this effort. As always, I value hearing your comments or concerns. I'm particularly happy to field any queries on how you can get more involved in Temple Emanu-El. Don’t miss The Temple Emanu-El SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING [email protected] RE: SALE OF SURPLUS LANDS Sunday, March 29 at 7 pm Details above, in From the President PAGE 5 MARCH 2015 Please Join Us for a Special Erev Shabbat Service and Oneg to Celebrate Rabbi Landsberg’s Bat Mitzvah Year as Temple Emanu-El’s Rabbi Friday, May 8 at 8 pm To honour our Rabbi’s dedication to all generations and her influence on every aspect of our Jewish lives, this celebration will also be a fundraiser. We hope to raise $100,000 in support of our congregation. All donations are welcome! Double chai ($36) to $5000! Call the Temple office now to discuss your pledge and set up a personally convenient payment plan. Don’t miss this wonderful evening. RSVP by May 1! For further information: Marty Goldfarb [email protected] Pat Caplan [email protected] PAGE 6 MARCH 2015 ADULT EDUCATION WEDNESDAY STUDY 92nd Street Y presents with THE FUTURE OF GOD RABBI LAWRENCE ENGLANDER The What, Why and How of Jewish Prayer MUST SCIENCE AND RELIGION ALWAYS BE OPPOSING AND IRRECONCILABLE FORCES? Why do we pray? What do we expect from God, from our fellow worshippers? How do the words and music affect us during prayer, and afterward? How did the siddur (Jewish prayer book) come into being, and how has it evolved? These are a few of the questions Rabbi Englander will explore with Temple Emanu-El prompted by Jewish texts from the Bible to the present. Dr. Reza Aslan, Andrew Zolli and David Eagleman look at recent trends in theoretical physics and the response of contemporary theologians to scientific theories and discuss whether science and religion can, in fact, be seen as complementary ways of understanding our world. Three Wednesday morning lectures at 9:45 Starting March 25 Pekka Sinervo (Nonmembers are welcome: $25 or $10 per lecture) More details coming through THIS WEEK eBlasts and in the April Bulletin After 41 years of service, Rabbi Englander recently stepped down as founding rabbi of Solel Congregation in Mississauga. He now spends his time as president of ARZENU and, as a gifted, warm-hearted teacher offering wonderful learning opportunities. Last October he taught about The Middle East Conflict Through Maps at TE-E. Sunday, March 8 at 11 am After the screening will moderate a discussion. Parents, please come back to TE-E to see the film, enjoy the discussion and meet your children at the end of their morning at the CJLL. MONDAY SPRING 2015 LECTURES Still time for you to subscribe Send in your $35. Nonmembers, $45. April 13 April 20 April 27 May 4 Coming Attractions Thursday matinees at CINEMA EMANU-EL May 11 Sergei Plekanov on The Ukrainian Crisis Rick Phillips on The Music of Tchaikovsky’s Ballets Rob Steiner on Unlocking the News Daniela Monaldi on Marie Curie and J. Robert Oppeheimer Katherine Barber on Hebrew and Yiddush words in English Speaker bios and topic synopses coming in April Bulletin All showings at 1:30 pm Shlomo Schwartzberg will introduce the films and lead a post-viewing discussion April 16 The Cemetery Club April 23 Avanim May 7 Ushpizim May 14 Walk on Water April and May Bulletins will describe plot synopsis for each Israeli film. Ask your friends about the last book of the 2014-2015 TE-E book-lecture series. Although it’s not too long, it is very powerful! On Thursday, April 30 Janna Nadler will review The Radiance of Tomorrow by Ishmael Beah Reserve a copy through the Temple office. PAGE 7 MARCH 2015 EMANU-EL SECOND NIGHT COMMUNITY PASSOVER SEDER Saturday, April 4 at 6:00 pm Reservation Deadline: Friday, March 27 Seating is LIMITED, so reserve now! WE PROVIDE: Seder plate, soup and the main course Kitchen and serving staff A beautiful & inspiring seder YOU SUPPLY: Side dish Adults $25, Children (5 to 12), $10 A keen appetite of body, mind and spirit Extended family welcome. Reservations confirmed on receipt of your payment. If you can volunteer with setup, please contact Dolores Wallis through the Temple office. Children Newborn to age 7 along with Parents and Grandparents are invited to SMALL FRY PASSOVER PARTY Sunday, March 29 at 11 am with David (one-half of Judy and David) Passover songs, crafts, treats, stories! RSVP by March 26 (416) 449-3872 ext. 11 [email protected] PESACH 5775-2015 following morning minyan on Friday, April 3 Bedikat Chametz (Searching for Chametz) Bring your children and grandchildren! Saturday, April 4 Passover service at 10 am with the Temple Emanu-El Choir 2nd Seder at 6:00 pm RSVP by Friday, March 27 Friday, April 10 Yizkor (Memorial) service at 10 am PAGE 8 MARCH 2015 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENTRE FOR JEWISH LIVING AND LEARNING Corey Margolese, OCT, MEd My Report from the 2015 NFTY National Biennial Convention photos by Corey On Friday the 13th I began my journey to the NFTY Biennial in Atlanta with frustration. My flight was delayed, someone was in my seat and I reached my hotel room at 1:00 am. I was tired and drained, but determined to put it behind me. My first step was attending Shabbat morning services. I joined the North East Lakes, Ohio and Michigan regions for a combined morning service. There was an unmistakable air of camaraderie and community in the room. I experienced firsthand the desire of all of these youths to actively participate in their Jewish heritage. Following the various regional services, each smaller group of teens marched through the conference venue with voices raised in joyous song, carrying a Torah, and converged as a unified group of 1300 to worship together. Imagine, 1300 teenagers listening to and absorbing Rabbi Rick Jacobs’ d'var torah because they wanted to! As much as I loved being with all of these inspirational young people, I went to Atlanta to learn with other youth educators. We attended interesting sessions, led by professionals from across the URJ family and beyond. I met many community leaders, professionals and volunteers, who came together with the same goal in mind: learning about, and sharing, ways to reach and promote the growth of our Jewish youth. FEISTEY president Naomi RamoGisser had a fabulous time! I am very excited to share what I learned with any who are interested, but I particularly want to share my thoughts related to a question posed by Rabbi Jacobs at the Shabbat service: "If I don't do it, who will?" We are constantly asking our youth to reflect on who they are, what they value and how they connect to their Jewish world. We are extremely dutiful about ensuring that our young people are prepared for their bar/bat mitzvah. We join committees and/or contribute ideas toward increasing community involvement and connection. How many of us continue to reflect upon, and to practice, those values that connect us to our Jewish world? How many of us maintain connection to our congregations and our Jewish communities post b’nei mitzvah? There are so many rewarding benefits to involvement in a congregation. There is no greater evidence than what I saw during my time in February at the NFTY convention—1300 teens who are involved in their congregations, their communities and are strongly connected to their Jewish selves; 1300 teens who can serve as positive examples for other young people in our community. The inspiration for them—and for me—is knowing that they have answered the question they have asked themselves, the question that I urge all of you to ask yourselves: “If I don’t do it, who will?” FEISTEY advisor Ryan was there too (on the left in red shirt)! Corey, our CJLL director, with URJ president Rick Jacobs REMINDERS FROM THE CENTRE CJLL classes—Sundays, March 1, 8, 29 Hebrew Booster classes—Tuesdays, March 3, 10, 24, 31 Purim Carnival—Sunday, March 1 (see page 3) Small Fry Passover Party—Sunday, March 29 (see page 7) No classes—Sundays, March 15, 22; Tuesday, March 17 MARCH 2015 PAGE 9 SHABBAT SHIRA/2015 BOARD INSTALLATION/ NFTY-NEL WINTER KALLAH/VE’AHAVTA CLOTHING DRIVE photos by Walter Seaton Shabbat on January 31, 2015 was hoppin’ at Emanu-El. FEISTEY, the Temple’s senior youth group, hosted a regional gathering that drew 150 high school kids from temples in the GTA, Ottawa, New York and Ohio. Some of the kids joined the Emanu-El choir and Cantor Trubashnik to participate in the Shabbat Shira service. The 2015 Board was installed. Also on the weekend, another Ve’ahavta clothing drive. Right: Everyone from the 2014 Board stayed on to provide skill, guidance and commitment to President Pekka Sinervo’s leadership. L to R: Robin Turack, Steve Lewis behind, Cindy Cohanim, Geoff Gisser, Rabbi Landsberg, Pekka Sinervo, Jeff Ambrose, Paul Leszner, Pat Caplan, Murray Leiter, Betty London. Missing: Ian Goldberg, Ellen Neeman & Peter Seligman Left: Rehearsing for the Shabbat Shira service— Cantor Trubashnik, chazzan sheini-choir director Judy Gershon, the Temple Emanu-El choir and some potential NFTY-NEL song leaders In response to winter’s fierce grip, Temple Social Action co-chair Lee Weisser and Frankie Rose bag more clothes to turn over to Ve’ahavta to help those homeless people sleeping on Toronto streets. FEISTEY (Federation of Energetic, Independent Senior Temple Emanu-El Youth) hosted Jewish teens from the NFTY-NEL region. After a fast-paced and fun Friday night, they gathered in the social hall prior to joining the congregation for the Shabbat service. PAGE 10 MARCH 2015 YAHRZEITS ― Memorial anniversaries will be observed and kaddish recited in loving memory of the following: March 1-7 Louis Arnold Arthur Chisholm Abraham Cohen Laurie Dwolatzky Allen Feldman Hede Fliess Jack Gold Sylvain Grainger Anna Habert Milton Harris Lillian Henteleff Saul Kagan Muriel Kay-Stein Rose Krieger Charles Miller Rosalind Miller Sally Miller Fay Nemers Jan Robertson Minnie Rosenbloom Sandra Saitowitz Boris Shields Peggy Silver Mary Sirulnikoff Selma Steiner Jessie Vertlieb Simon Wilson March 8-14 Ruth Acker Manly Badner Herbert Berne Michael Blumenthal Joseph Brody Anne Browne Max Browne Sally Browne Simon Brunner Joseph Buirski Lilyan Caplan Estelle Frankel Evelyn Gould Jack Gould Claire Halperin-Pashlin Joseph Krongold Rose Marder-Marks Dorothy Miller Fanny Miller Anne Nadel Joseph Persofsky Joe Seidner Nettie Shankman 2015 March 6 2015 March 5 5775 Adar 16 5775 Adar 12 5775 Adar 15 5775 Adar 10 5775 Adar 12 5775 Adar 10 5775 Adar 14 5775 Adar 15 5775 Adar 10 2015 March 4 5775 Adar 16 5775 Adar 12 5775 Adar 13 5775 Adar 10 5775 Adar 16 5775 Adar 12 2015 March 6 5775 Adar 16 5775 Adar 15 5775 Adar 15 5775 Adar 14 5775 Adar 13 5775 Adar 12 5775 Adar 16 5775 Adar 14 5775 Adar 23 2015 March 14 5775 Adar 21 5775 Adar 17 5775 Adar 22 5775 Adar 17 5775 Adar 20 5775 Adar 21 5775 Adar 19 5775 Adar 20 5775 Adar 18 5775 Adar 17 5775 Adar 21 5775 Adar 17 5775 Adar 21 5775 Adar 22 5775 Adar 19 5775 Adar 21 5775 Adar 17 5775 Adar 22 2015 March 9 5775 Adar 22 5775 Adar 21 Sara Leah Sonabend Abe Starke Alan Telch Pinchas Tishcoff Mitchell Tozman Charles Tyber Colin Woolf Florence Zelding March 15-21 Debra Brick Harold Denberg Mary Finkelstein-Finson Gerald Gall Israel Gotlieb Abraham Guttmann Anna Kampelmacher Robin Kavanat Nathan Lastman Stanislas Mehl Sylvia Morris Jack Pashlin Wilfred Rovan Fay S. Ruby Mary Sampson Maxine Samuels Anne Segal Albert Singer Solomon Stein Bessie Wales Joel Wilner Issy Wilson March 22-28 Abraham Ackerman Elizabeth Baker Adam Breslin Sandra Simmie Burstyn Renee Coltun Louis Eisenberg Rose Fishman Gertrude Goldberg David Goldfarb Julius Gotlieb Rudolf Hofheimer Raoul Lewin Sara Lipton Suzanne Rado 5775 Adar 22 5775 Adar 18 5775 Adar 23 5775 Adar 18 5775 Adar 18 5775 Adar 19 5775 Adar 20 5775 Adar 23 5775 Adar 29 5775 Adar 28 5775 Nisan 1 5775 Adar 24 5775 Adar 26 5775 Nisan 1 5775 Adar 24 5775 Adar 26 5775 Adar 27 5775 Adar 26 5775 Adar 28 5775 Nisan 1 5775 Adar 25 5775 Nisan 1 5775 Adar 28 5775 Adar 24 5775 Adar 26 5775 Adar 28 5775 Adar 29 5775 Adar 28 5775 Adar 27 5775 Adar 24 5775 Nisan 5 5775 Nisan 6 5775 Nisan 3 5775 Nisan 5 5775 Nisan 8 5775 Nisan 8 5775 Nisan 4 5775 Nisan 8 5775 Nisan 6 5775 Nisan 3 5775 Nisan 6 5775 Nisan 2 5775 Nisan 7 5775 Nisan 8 Shraga Feiwel Sztabinski Joseph Zeidel 5775 Nisan 3 5775 Nisan 6 March 29-April 4 Dora Arons Yeheskel Chai Sylvia Diamond Norma Dubinsky Rae Goldberg Adah Halperin Norman Hollander Paul Hollander Harry Klarer Nathan Ostrow Maurice Samuels Bertha Schnier Lorne Shankman Jacob Steidman Henry Stein David Wilner Sydney Winkler 5775 Nisan 13 5775 Nisan 9 5775 Nisan 15 5775 Nisan 11 5775 Nisan 12 5775 Nisan 10 5775 Nisan 9 5775 Nisan 12 5775 Nisan 15 5775 Nisan 14 5775 Nisan 13 5775 Nisan 12 5775 Nisan 9 5775 Nisan 15 5775 Nisan 13 5775 Nisan 9 5775 Nisan 11 IN MEMORIAM Emanu-El extends heartfelt sympathies to: Corey Margolese on the death of his grandmother FAY ROSE (February 3) Ruth Sutton on the death of her father JACK GLAZIER (February 5) Harvey & Reg Adelman on the death of their brother SEYMOUR ADELMAN (February 6) Joy Reiter on the death of her father JAMES REITER (February 11) Fliess Family on the death of HENRY FLIESS (February 15) “The Remembrance of the Righteous shall be a blessing.” Proverbs 10:7 PAGE 11 MARCH 2015 The National Social Action Committee of the CCRJ Temple Emanu-El’s Social Action and Adult Education Committees along with Holy Blossom Temple and Temple Sinai Invite you to AN EVENING WITH JOSEPH BOYDEN Monday, March 30 at 7:30 pm Acclaimed Toronto author Joseph Boyden’s Three Day Road won the Amazon/Books in Canada First Novel Award and the Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize. His second novel, Through Black Spruce, won the 2008 Scotiabank Giller Prize. His third book, The Orenda, was the winner of CBC Radio’s 2014 “Canada Reads”. Pay-What-You-Can! Donations will be directed to Boyden’s special cause—Camp Onakawana for First Nations youth Open to the Public! RSVP to the Temple office by March 24 so you’ll get a seat! A Social Action Committee Initiative SAVE THE DATE! SAVE THE DATE! An Evening with PROFESSOR IRVING ABELLA FRSC AN AFTERNOON VISIT TO AGA KHAN MUSEUM and ISMAILI CENTRE Sunday, April 26 Explore the architecture of the museum and learn about key features of the site. $28 (adults) $15 (children, students, seniors 65+) Contact Lee Weisser for info [email protected] TEMPLE EMANU-EL - 120 Old Colony Rd. Toronto, ON M2L 2K2 Website: Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism Phone: (416) 449-3880 Fax: (416) 449-9831 E-mail: [email protected] Religious/Hebrew School Phone: (416) 449-3872 The Bulletin is published by the first of every month: Sept.-June. Bulletin Editor: Pat Sinervo Sunday, April 12 at 7:30 pm The Holocaust and Anti-Semitism in Canada: The Untold Story of None is Too Many, 1980-2015 Toronto-born and –educated Irving Abella, an historian and writer at York University, is a specialist in Canadian Jewish history. He is the author of many scholarly yet popular books (including Coat of Many Colours: Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada and None is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe 1933-1948), a former president of the Canadian Jewish Congress, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He holds both the Order of Canada and the Order of Ontario. Debra B. Landsberg, Rabbi Arthur Bielfeld, Rabbi Emeritus Anna Trubashnik, Cantor Pekka Sinervo, President Corey Margolese, Director, The Centre for Jewish Living and Learning Randi Feldman, Congregational Life Administrator Howard Cramer, Operations Administrator
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