MARCH-APRIL, 2015 2 President’s Message 3 ~ Rick Sayers Season’s Greetings !! I know you are saying that it is not Thanksgiving or Christmas but it is MY season when I c a n o p e n u p t h e h o u s e a n d p ut o n m y s a n d a l s a n d s ho r t s. I can’t tell how happy it makes me to see the new faces at our community center, lots of fresh energy these days. I want to thank Dan Keeney for bringing our website up to modern standards, Charla Shamhart for taking on our newsletter, Dominique Gonzalez for ram-roding our community garden and helping with our Facebook page, Manuel Borges for keeping our book very professional, Paula Carter for cleaning up after me, Nancy Sammons for getting the word out to the newspaper about Yucca Mesa events and Barbara Harris for all the things she does !! Our building usage is picking up lately, which is very encouraging. Transition Joshua Tree will be having their quarterly meeting on March 22 nd. Charla Shamhart begins a series of herbal and health classes also on March 22nd. The Radio Club will be using the building several times in preparation for Field Day. On April 17th we will be having our second catered dinner featuring Italian food. We are have a wedding reception on April 25 th. The 4th Friday potlucks are going strong with good food and interesting speakers. Our focus at the moment is hosting a fund raiser for a Mesa family. If you are on the ‘Yucca Mesa Neighborhood’ Facebook page you may have seen Abigail’s Day. Abigail Snipes is a 12 year old little girl suffering from plexiform neurofibromatosis NF1. She recently had a biopsy done and had the tumor removed as much as they could remove on 1-222015. The surgery took 10 hrs. The tumor weighted 15 lbs and was located on her neck. The biopsy came back Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor. A sarcoma cancer of the nervous system that occurs in less then 1% of all cancer diagnoses. Abigail is connected to several life saving devices such as a g tube aka feeding tube. Trach so she can breath and a pic line. Abigail is having radiation treatments along with chemo treatments at loma Linda. She finally was able to come home for a quick visit last night. The Snipe’s family has been in Morongo basin community for ever. Her mother Angela was raised here. Her father Rickey was stationed in 29 palms. Abigail has two sisters one older and one younger. Angela just started working for Riverside sheriff's department and has not been there long enough to take leave. Rickey has been with his company for a very long time so he is able to take off work and stay with Abigail. While family help with life here in yucca and watch over the other two siblings. With the expenses of every day life and now traveling for Abigail and missing work times are rough. I put together a relay for life team. Our community came to me wanting to raise money directly for the Snipe’s family. It was brought up by Paul and Jennifer Russell to do a fundraiser with the goal being to pay the snipes rent for the remaining of the year. Their rent is 800.00 a month. I contacted Yucca Mesa Community Center and they are letting us hold the Event Abigail's Day there. There will be BBQ, games, raffles, booths, our goal is to raise $7000.00 and bring awareness to this special family in need! Please find it in your heart to help spread the word!! You can look up cards for Abigail on Facebook where her family has written more in detail. Rebecca Pahssen 760-220-4934 4 YMIA Board meeting 5:30pm Andromeda Society Seed swap 6pm Herb Class 1:30pm YMIA Potluck 5:30pm TJT 58pm Abigail’s Day ^ Potluck Speaker Clay Elam YMIA Board meeting 5:30pm Kid’s Movie Night 7:45pm Spaghetti dinner 6-8pm YMIA Building Maintenance Day On Saturday, May 2 at 8am, members are asked to come and help prep and paint the fascia of our Community Center. On May 1, members will pressure wash the old paint off so that boards can be re-painted to preserve the wood and keep the Community Center looking nice. Please plan to come and help. For more information call YMIA President Rick Sayers at 760-574-6598 Poultry Assn. 6pm YMIA Private Potluck Wedding 5:30pm Reception ^ Potluck speakers on Landers Solar Every Saturday at 9AM is a Community Garden work day. Come and help out! 5 YMIA Board Members, Staff & Community Leaders YUCCA MESA COMMUNITY CENTER By Donation YMIA is a 501 (c) 4 non-profit HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY Call or email Rick Sayers 760-574-6598 [email protected] President: Rick Sayers VP: Paula Carter 2nd VP: Olivia de Haulleville Treasurer: Manuel Borges Secretary: Dominique Gonzalez Grounds Keeper: Chris Nichols Webmaster: Dan Keeney Facebook: Dan Keeney & Dominique Gonzalez Newsletter: Charla Shamhart Community Garden Leader: Dominique Gonzalez Yucca Mesa News Correspondent: Nancy Sammons Spring is a time when honeybees swarm to relieve overcrowding in their hive. Honeybees are becoming endangered due to colony collapse from pesticides and other conditions. If you see a swarm of bees, call local beekeepers Michael or Charla Shamhart instead of pest control. They can often help rescue the honeybees and provide or find a new home for them at no cost to you. Time is of the essence! CALL IMMEDIATELY. The honeybees need a SAFE home.760-401-3030 or 760-401-0689 >>>>>> Rev. Dr. Charla Shamhart, MsD We d d i n g s , C o m m i t m e n t C e re mo n i e s , M e mo r i a l s , Funerals, Christenings, Naming Ceremonies and Other Rites of Passage. 760-401-0689 MORONGO BASIN AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Meeting 3rd Thursday of each month St. Christopher of the Desert, Joshua Tree 7 PM Membership $15 Individual $20 Family Contact Manuel Borges 760-365-2652 ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service Meeting 1st Thursday of each month Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Yucca Valley 7 PM NO CHARGE Contact Manuel Borges 760-365-2652 6 A Community Garden Begins at YMIA Along with Spring Weeding Paula Carter, Dan Keeney, Manuel Borges & Michael Shamhart Dan Keeney & Rick Sayers Michael Shamhart, Thaeden Fleming, Dominique Gonzalez & Dion Dubois Michael Shamhart Derek Morrison Michael Shamhart, Rick Sayers, Paula Carter & Dominique Gonzalez Janet Vikdal Dominique Gonzalez 7 Dominique Gonzalez, Derek Morrison & Thaeden Fleming Paula Carter Derek Morrison, Suzin Sequoia, Dan Keeney, Paula Carter & Dominique Gonzalez Michael Shamhart & Marilyn Lutz Derek Morrison & Suzin Sequoia Charla Shamhart Rick Sayers & Jerry Goforth’s Ford Tractor John Stevens & Paula Carter Community Garden & Cleanup Day Participants: Rick Sayers, Paula Carter, Manuel Borges, Dominique Gonzalez, Thaeden Fleming, Dan Keeney, Michael & Charla Shamhart, Suzin Sequoia, Derek Morrison, Dion Dubois, John Stevens, Janet Vikdal & Marilyn Lutz Dominique Gonzalez, Derek Morrison & Dan Keeney 8 Transition Joshua Tree was begun by a handful of locals who could no longer ignore the issues brought forth by peak oil, climate change & economic instability. It grew into a group of people who together are actively facing the future by becoming a resource for teaching & demonstrating strategies for community resilience. Transition Joshua Tree will hold their quarterly meeting with a potluck dinner at Yucca Mesa Community Center from 5-8pm on Sunday, March 22. The organization has three working groups who hold regular meetings and community events: Water, Permaculture and Heart and Soul. This meeting is being put on by Heart and Soul and features a musical: Heart & Soul. All are welcome and there is no charge. Please bring your own plates, cups and utensils, as this is a ‘no waste’ event. Contact Transition Joshua Tree at [email protected] High Desert Homegrown Poultry meets 6pm Wed., April 22 at Yucca Mesa Community Center. All who like chickens and other poultry are invited to attend. Meetings are lively and everyone always learns from the presentations. There is no charge but a hat is passed for donations to cover space use. For more information contact Charla Shamhart at 760-401-0689. On Facebook at High Desert Homegrown Poultry Association and at Raising Homegrown Poultry. MESQUITE TALK at MARCH POTLUCK Mesquite specialist Clay Elam will speak about the history, utility, cultural and food value of desert Mesquite trees at the March 27 YMIA potluck. Clay and his wife Jan will bring samples of foods and beverages made with mesquite pods. Mesquite trees were prevalent in both high and low deserts in past years, but have been removed for cattle grazing and building. The largest local stand of these trees remaining is in Covington Park in Morongo Valley where both the Honey and Screwbean varieties grow. Mesquite was an important food source for Native American peoples that allowed them to end a nomadic lifestyle and settle down with plenty of food. The Permaculture group of Transition Joshua Tree is committed to replanting as many native mesquite trees in the area as possible since they are home to many species of wildlife. Mesquites also serve as nurse trees for desert plants that grow under their shelter and receive nitrogen from this member of the pea family. HERBAL & NATURAL HEALTH SEMINAR Herbalist Charla Shamhart will offer a seminar on 'Herbal & Natural Methods to Have Healthy Kidneys for Life' on Saturday, March 14, from 3-5pm at Yucca Mesa Community Center from 1:30-3:30pm on Sunday, March 22.This is the first in her series of teachings on herbs and wellness. Charla is a long-time herbalist who first went herb collecting with her family at age 3. She has practiced herbal and nutritional healing methods for 40 + yrs. Do you want to live a long and healthy life? Do you have low back pain? Do your legs swell? Do you have diabetes? Have you had kidney stones? Are you on 'water pills'? Come learn how you can use herbs and make lifestyle changes to improve all aspects of your life with healthier kidneys. Herbal formulas to assist with kidney health for both adults and children will be available for purchase. There is a suggested donation of $10. Those who are not able to contribute monetarily will be asked to contribute or volunteer community service in a mutually agreeable way with prior arrangement. For more information call 760-401-0689. Proud Spirit no Borders Cooking — Chefs Gena and Danny Echeverria who catered last fall’s Starry Nights Festival and a spectacular Mexican dinner at YMIA in February are cooking AGAIN on April 17. The menu is a CLASSIC ITALIAN DINNER. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $7.00 for children under 10. Hours will be from 6-8 PM. Boun Appetito! NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 Linda Willgues lived in Landers for 10 years and was a dedicated communityminded volunteer, serving as an officer of the Landers Association, correspondent to the Hi-Desert Star and newsletter editor. She was known to all the bargain hunters who love the Landers Thrift Store, as she and her helpers worked very hard to reorganize and improve it. She was Landers delegate to the HVCC for several years. Even though she was forced by ill health to discontinue attending meetings, she faithfully continued to be the information pipeline, distributing e-mails and the HVCC Newsletter. Newsletter photos show her during our 2010 Poker Run fundraiser, and at the presentation of the flag that flew in Afghanistan over one of the Marine units HVCC sponsored. Linda lost her long fight with cancer on October 23. She was only 60 years old. L anders residents whose homes lie within 1,000 feet of the Bowman Solar development were indignant that they did not receive the required notification by mail that this 35acre project was to go in just up-slope from them. They also missed legal notices in the Hi-Desert Star and various radio announcements. So it came as a bombshell to hear the County Planning Commission had ok’d the permit for s-Power to proceed with construction...and there were only days to appeal...and the fee would be almost $1200. An emergency meeting at Belfield Hall on Saturday, December 13, drew about 80 people from Landers and other Homestead Valley communities. A representative from s-Power was on hand to explain the project and answer questions. Too late. he 1000-foot notification rule is ridiculous in the sparsely-populated desert where most parcels are 5 acres and neighbors are few and far between. The closest resident complained of construction noise, trespass and vulgar language by workers in the hearing of her kids. It turns out this was not s-Power jumping the gun on the permit, but an SC Edison contractor trenching in the Bowman Trail right-of-way to tie into existing underground cables connected to the transmission lines along Reche Rd. The protesters raised the money to pay the appeal fee, and filed the appeal before the deadline–which was the following Monday. he Homestead Valley Community Council is on record since the days of the battle against the LADWP Green Path North transmission lines: The better way to utilize renewable energy is solar generation on rooftops and parking lots in already built environments, at the point of use. The system the County now uses permits industrial projects on private property and fails to protect County residents and their property values. The Planning Commission ignores County General Plan requirements for development compatible with the character of desert neighborhoods. This has now resulted in what looks to be the first of many private property is being leased and sold for industrial projects. The cumulative effect is “upgrades” of power poles and transmission lines. Those already in place are not scenic. Who wants them? No one. Is it any wonder the County, SCE and the developers are called sneaky? First Industrial Solar in Homestead Valley T T HVCC Projects and Issues • The 4 Communities • One-Click Donations with PayPal Yucca Mesa + Flamingo Heights + Landers + Johnson Valley = HVCC 9 Many people in the Landers area have been protesting a proposed solar project in Landers for a number of reasons and anticipate a May 5 hearing to appeal of the Land Use Services approval of the project. The Landers Association is sponsoring the appeal to the Board of Supervisors. Some of the reasons they object to this project include: SPower's deceptive description of the property as "disturbed land" with OHV trails, liter, and prior development, none of which is true. The project is within 1000' of residents there who oppose this development for the dust, destruction of view sheds, and destruction of wildlife habitat. SPower began grading and trenching in earnest prior to approval from the Count and then lied about it claiming to be operating under permits secured by SCE. The project will most certainly drive down property values of those who live closest to the project, while the developer will enjoy an exemption to property tax. SPower bought up many of the adjacent properties and then mailed project development notices to themselves in order to satisfy "noticing requirements;" disingenuous at best. SPower claims they are only interested in developing 35 acres, but concealed their interest in the purchase of an additional 60 acres immediately to the south of phase one. SPower claims that the project will bring much needed jobs to the area, but what they did was bring outside workers to the area all the way from Denver and Fresno. They used no local labor. The efforts to derail this project include a petition drive registering public opposition to be presented to the Board of Supervisors. The goal is 1000 signatures. Please add names either online at or by signing the petition and following the "return" instructions once completed. It is NOT necessary to fill the petition to send it in. Landers Community Assoc., PO Box 3108, Landers, CA 92285 10 11
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