GOOD TIDINGS MARCH 2015 DUNBAR HEIGHTS UNITED CHURCH …where meaning, justice and belonging meet March Worship March 1st at 10am 2nd Sunday of Lent Communion Sunday DENIAL March 8th at 10am 3rd Sunday of Lent INTERROGATION March 15th at 10am 4th Sunday of Lent CRUCIFIXION Dunbar Heights United Church Rev. Dr. Richard Bott 3525 West 24th Avenue, at Collingwood Vancouver, BC V6S 1L5 Tel: 604 731 6420 [email protected] March 22nd at 10am 5th Sunday of Lent DEATH March 29th at 10am Palm Sunday All Ages Service JESUS’ TRIUMPH? Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS MUSINGS FROM REV. RICHARD..................................................................................................................................... 3 MARCH NEWS FOR DHUC ................................................................................................................................................ 4 NOTES FROM COUNCIL..................................................................................................................................................... 7 CENTENNIAL AND ARCHIVE UPDATE ......................................................................................................................... 9 MARCH DHUC MEETINGS ............................................................................................................................................. 10 WORSHIP COMMITTEE NOTES ................................................................................................................................... 11 WORSHIP NOTES FROM REV. RICHARD .................................................................................................................. 14 NEWS FROM THE CHURCH LIBRARY........................................................................................................................ 19 DHUC Vision Statement We are an involved and connected community… Seekers, questioners and believers at various stages on the journey. We are nurtured and challenged by the presence of the Spirit to find depth and meaning for our lives and to engage our neighbourhood near and far in living lives of justice. Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. Our greatest gift is our multi-age community in which we treasure our roots and heritage and embrace the wisdom of the new. All are welcome and each one enriches our whole to continue God’s unfolding story in our midst. Dunbar Heights United Church ....where meaning, justice and belonging meet. 2 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. MUSINGS FROM REV. RICHARD B y the time you have a chance to read this, we’ll be well and truly into the Season of Lent 2015 – the choirs will be preparing to share with us Bach’s version of the Passion story as shared by St. John, the banners will be changed, and our worship gatherings will have turned a bit more reflective. We will, slowly, wind our way to Jerusalem, to the cross – and beyond. congregation are baptised Christians – people who have made a commitment to follow in Christ’s Way. Perhaps we, in The United Church of the 21st century, need to see Lent as a time to assess, evaluate, and do some “fine tuning” of our lives as Christ’s people. Lent could be a time for us to re-center ourselves as children of the Creator, and as disciples of the Christ. I’d invite you to ask yourself the following questions: But we don’t want to get there quite yet. This is a task that needs to take time. This is a trip that needs some focus, and some wandering. For us, who know the culmination of Jesus’ story, Lent is the epitome of Emerson’s words, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” - So, how are you joining Christ on this journey, during this Season of Lent? - Traditionally in the Christian church, Lent has had a couple of purposes. It’s been a time of penance – a time for individuals to take stock of their lives, to reflect on the places in which they know they are not living up to Christ’s call to “love God, and love your neighbour as you love yourself,” to turn around (repent!), and to live differently. Many Christians have seen this as a time to give up something that represents excess in their life, or to give up something that acts as a barrier in their relationship with God. But Lent hasn’t only been a time of penance. It’s also been a time of education and preparation. In the early church, new converts to The Way would take a long period of time to prepare for their baptism – often as long as a year. The weeks before Easter were often considered to be a time for intensive work in the baptismal candidates’ spiritual work, prior to their baptism. Instead of “giving up” for Lent, they “took on.” - - - am I living Christ’s love in a way that shows compassion for others and for myself; am I in regular conversation with God (also known as prayer) about things in my life and in the world; am I regularly joining with others to worship God; am I in regular conversation with our spiritual ancestors, by reading their experiences of God in scripture; am I in regular conversation with other people about their faith-life, and about my own; am I doing what I am able to serve others – with my time, my talent, and my treasure? Is there one of these that seems to be the most out of balance? Why not start your Lenten rebalancing there? If you’d like help to develop your Lenten rebalancing plan, please feel free to contact me: [email protected] or 604-731-6420. Christ’s peace on The Way! Richard Many, if not most, of the folks in our 3 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 We are an involved and connected community… MARCH NEWS FOR DHUC “Good Tidings” is usually distributed on the first Sunday of each month. It is available in the church or on the website during the month of issue. COFFEE CLEANUP March 1st: DEFGHI March 15th: NOPR March 29th: ABC March 8th: JKLM March 22nd: STUVWXYZ Just a reminder… please take notice of the letters posted in the Bulletin each Sunday for “Coffee Clean-Up”. If your last name begins with any of these letters listed, you are encouraged and welcomed to help with the cleaning up afterwards. Thank you to all of you who give your time. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT DUNBAR HEIGHTS KNOX/DUNBAR MEN’S BREAKFAST The Knox/Dunbar Men's Breakfast Group will gather again on Saturday, March 14th at 8:00am here at Dunbar Heights. Good food, fine fellowship, all men welcome. For more information please contact Pat Burns at [email protected]. WHERE TWO OR MORE ARE GATHERED Calling all seniors and others: A Time to Study, a Time to Gather. Rev. Richard and Linda invite you to join them on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1:00-3:00pm for a time of short worship and reflection. You will discuss scripture from the prior Sunday and explore the meaning of the scripture story for us today: In what way is God’s word reaching out to us? Can these ancient words offer life giving meaning in today’s world? The study will be followed by a time of community as the group enjoys tea and conversation. The March gatherings are on March 4th and 18th in the lounge. 4 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 THRIFT SALE The office has been fielding calls from members of the neighbourhood for weeks, asking when this popular event will be held this year! So prepare to purge your drawers, cupboards, closets, bookshelves, and basements, and tell all your friends and neighbours: The Annual DHUC Thrift Sale is on April 25th, 2015. Due to space limitations at the church we cannot accept donated items for the sale until Sunday, April 12th. Please see the event information entry on page 8 of this newsletter for all the details on when, what, and how to donate your items. Questions? Please feel free to contact Penny at 604-736-0070 or Jill at 604-222-9766. Thrift Sale 2014 photos: 5 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE CAN I GIVE YOU A LIFT? There are members of our congregation who could use a “lift” to attend Sunday morning services and other church community events. If you are able to help out with driving, please leave your name with a member of the Pastoral Care team. The team will work with you, providing you with all the information you need. If you have a car and feel you can support someone in this way, it will be a wonderful gift of your time, and an opportunity to deepen your relationship with someone you may not fully know. If you can only help out occasionally, we still wish to hear from you; your name will be added as an occasional resource, and we will contact you as needed. UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF BC The March 2015 edition of the First Link Bulletin in now available on the Pastoral Care bulletin board, and on the Alzheimer Society of BC website. The bulletin outlines the programs and workshops the Society is offering in March and April. To access the bulletin online please go to First Link Bulletin. SANDY’S 30TH BIRTHDAY AND OUTREACH FUNDRAISER Everyone is invited to join Sandy at her birthday party/fundraiser for the HomeStart Foundation, an organization that picks up and delivers quality used furniture to those in need. There will be a presentation about the HomeStart Foundation and the work of the DHUC Outreach Committee, activities for children, spiritual practice stations, appetizers and dessert, and a silent auction. This will be an opportunity to showcase DHUC to those who normally don’t go to church and all guests are welcome. If you can help out by supplying food, assisting with set-up or clean-up, or providing donations for the silent auction please contact Sandy at [email protected] or 604-726-5326. Donations to the HomeStart Foundation can be made at the event by cash or cheque, or at any time online at DHUC Outreach in Action! photos: 6 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 NOTES FROM COUNCIL The Council believes the next step is to approach other congregations with a clear statement of who we are, and our desire to plan together the creation of a new vibrant ministry on the west side of Vancouver. Thanks to all who attended our Annual Congregational Meeting on Finance Matters, March 1st. The Finance Committee's comprehensive and well-written report on 2014 results and the 2015 budget were approved. The report is available on the website at ance2015.pdf. The report highlights vibrant ministries and the effective use of the funds from our Behold campaign to grow our pastoral care, music and children, youth and family ministries. There was broad agreement with these statements although the prospect of leaving this place and what is comfortable, known and also vibrant, challenges the faith. Council will now consider a Prospectus designed to explain to other congregations who we are and our sense of how we can work together. The draft prospectus concludes with these words: The report also makes clear that we will be seriously challenged to continue our present level of activity once the Behold funds are exhausted. In fact we would need to add 40 families giving at the annual average of current supporting households, about $2,500, to replace contributions from Behold funds. ”We seek a congregation with ministerial and lay leaders who believe that their view of the future and our view of the future can mesh into new possibilities for Christ’s ministry through The United Church of Canada in this part of Vancouver. The second part of the ACM focused on responses to the Council's wish to confirm the objectives of our Strategic Ministry Plan approved in 2011. We asked those attending the ACM to express their degree of agreement with these four statements: We seek to meet with people who are ready to dive into these possibilities, with the clear hope that we will be able to come together as a new, excited, vibrant community of faith." We continue to believe that the people of Dunbar Heights United Church want to be part of a vibrant congregation on the west side of Vancouver. The primary way that a vibrant congregation on the west side of Vancouver will come into being is through amalgamation. If an amalgamation is to take place, it is highly probable that the people of Dunbar Heights United Church will need to leave this building. It is now Council's task to continue to execute the plan for the future as set out in our approved Strategic Ministry Plan. We will consider which other congregations to begin discussions with and the best ways to engage and encourage. If you have questions or concerns please speak to me or to Rev. Richard or to any member of the Council. Mark Paetkau, Council Chair [email protected] 604-730-9035 7 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 8 March 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 CENTENNIAL AND ARCHIVE UPDATE IN OUR 101ST YEAR ONGOING WORK HERE AT DHUC Our Centennial year is behind us, and we had a wonderful celebration. Many of you took part in the events of the year: the February Launch Luncheon, the April Trivia Dinner, and that old-fashioned picnic in July; the celebratory events of our October Weekend. Remember concerts on Friday night, and Saturday and Sunday afternoons; our busy Saturday Open House; and for Sunday’s returning ministers and friends who joined us for worship and a luncheon that no one wanted to leave. Thanks to all who contributed to and took part in making these events great community-building and memorystirring times. We also thank the many who helped by working on pictures and documents in the archives, setting up displays at the Open House, contributing to the purchase of our new chairs, and organizing, leading and performing in the concerts. A CENTENNIAL BOOK We are nearing completion of a Centennial Book that honours those who have loved Dunbar Heights United Church through 100 years. Thanks to those who have contributed information about groups you were part of. During the next few weeks, Lynn Hitchen is doing most of the work to get it ready for print; Lorna Clare, our church librarian, has offered to proofread the book before we send it away for printing. We thank them both. When it is completed, you will have a chance to look at our library and archive copies of the book and order one for yourself if you like. THE ARCHIVES All of the material left in the archive room in the basement has been sorted and boxed in solid storage boxes. There is still some final organizing to do and we have a plan for what and when new material will be added to those boxes. That has been a very satisfying task and one which garnered us praise from the BC Conference Archivist when he came to our October Open House. We are happy things are in good order now. Here’s an interesting thing we discovered — behind the 1950 cornerstone for the sanctuary building is an urn containing memorial pictures and papers. Council is considering taking a look! Won’t that be fun! OUR STAINED GLASS WINDOWS There is one project we’d like to complete, that is to record an account for the archives of each stained glass window in the sanctuary and the narthex. There is some information in the Trustees files, but we would like the kind of personal insights that come only from people who know the people and the stories. We appreciate Jill Parker’s generous offer to write up those stories. So, if you know something about any one of the windows — knew the person the window is dedicated to; know how the subject/image was chosen for a window; know how the funds were raised; know the artist who did the work, any details — please speak with Jill. 9 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 Our greatest gift is our multi-age community in which we treasure our roots and heritage and embrace the wisdom of the new MARCH DHUC MEETINGS Committee Meetings Spirituality & Group Meetings WORSHIP COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month, at 12:00 noon in the Lounge. The next meeting is March 8th. STITCH & CHATTER meets every Thursday at 9:00am in the Ethel Todrick Room. FINANCE COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Lounge. This month’s meeting is March 10th. HEALING MINISTRY usually meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. The meeting on the 4th Monday is open to the community. March meetings are on the 9th and 23rd. MINISTRY & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Library. The next meeting is March 11th. CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATION meets every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Library. PASTORAL CARE TEAM will meet at a time and place to be announced. COUNCIL usually meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Ethel Todrick Room. The March meeting is on the 18th. UNIT 3 usually meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at a place to be announced. OUTREACH COMMITTEE usually meets at 5:00pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month. The March meeting is on the 12th, in the Lounge. CHOIR PRACTICE is every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. 10 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 We are … Seekers, questioners and believers at various stages on the journey WORSHIP COMMITTEE NOTES THE SEASON OF LENT MARCH WORSHIP SERVICES st 2 Sunday of Lent March 8th 3rd Sunday of Lent March 15th 4th Sunday of Lent Communion Sunday “What’s in a name?” Denial “How Then Shall I Live?” Interrogation Crucifixion March 22nd 5th Sunday of Lent Death March 29th Palm Sunday All Ages Service Jesus’ Triumph? March 1 nd EASTER SERVICES March 29th April 2nd April 3rd April 5th Palm Sunday, All Ages Service Maundy Thursday, Seder Supper in Gym at 6:00pm followed by Worship Good Friday, Service at 10:00am Easter Sunday, Communion, Flowering the Cross EASTER PERFORMANCES April 3rd April 4th St. John Passion at Dunbar Heights United Church, 7:00pm St. John Passion at St. Andrew’s-Wesley United Church at 7:00pm 11 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 MARCH LECTIONARY READINGS* March 1 st Genesis 17.1-7, 15-17; Mark 8.31-28 March 8th Exodus 20.1-17; John 2.13-20 March 15th Ephesians 2.1-10; John 3.14-21 March 22nd Jeremiah 31.31-34; John 12.20-32 March 29th Psalm 118.1-2,19-29; John 12.12-16 *The lectionary readings may not correspond exactly with the themes of the service, but are presented here for your time of personal reflection. ST. JOHN PASSION Join the Dunbar Heights United Voices (previously known as the Dunbar Heights Centennial Choir) and The Postmodern Camerata for a joint presentation of J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion this Easter weekend. This dramatic masterpiece depicts a vivid account of Christ’s suffering, death, and burial. There will be two presentations. The first is an intimate performance at Dunbar Heights United Church on Friday, April 3rd at 7:00pm. The second is a full cathedral experience at St. Andrew’s-Wesley United Church on Saturday, April 4th at 7:00pm. Reservations are strongly recommended, and you may reserve by going to and searching “Passion@” to find our performance registration page. Suggested donations of$25 will be accepted at the door. THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE The Worship Committee has been receiving some very thoughtful feedback about recent services. We appreciate this feedback as it helps us to plan meaningful worship services. All feedback is discussed at the Worship Committee meetings each month. If you have thoughts you would like to share with us please speak to one of the committee members. They are: Ed Geppert, Janey Cole-Morgan, Lynn Hitchen, Judith Ann Donaldson, Cecilia Bernabe, and Barbara Johnson (chair), and ministry staff Rev. Richard Bott, Cathy Cryder, and Greg Caisley. 12 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 WORSHIP SERVICE ATTENDANCE Thank you to Nigel Cole-Morgan for compiling these statistics. Average Attendance - 10:00 am Service Month 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 3 yr avg. 2014/15 July 64 70 71 67 65 August 62 54 54 58 61 September 90 107 78 99 89 October 97 103 99 100 116 November 103 103 78 103 107 December 97 123 104 110 105 January 80 93 85 87 84 February 109 102 85 106 March 91 97 84 94 April 115 94 118 105 May 91 107 77 99 June 82 110 84 96 YEAR 90 97 85 94 Average Attendance for Past Ten Years: Average Attendance - 10:00 am Service 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 2004/05 2006/07 2008/09 2010/11 13 2012/13 90 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 WORSHIP NOTES FROM REV. RICHARD This month, we began the 40 days (plus 6 Sundays) of Lent. Lent has long been a penitential season in the life of the church – one in which followers of Christ are called to take a deep look at their lives, to recognize those parts in which they are not following God’s call, to talk with God about it, and to turn their lives around (or repent). Because of this reflective season, many of our prayers and much of our music have a more somber note. It Be” (VU506), while the music we sing as we prepare to listen to the scriptures is “Be Still and Know” (MV 77). The text of the second piece comes from Psalm 46, and the music from the Iona Community in Scotland. The response to the Benediction & Blessing is “Lead Me, Lord,” the text from Psalms 4 & 5, and the setting by Charles Wesley. We’ve changed the lyric back to its original “Lord,” rather than “God,” for this season, to help us in our reflections on being followers of Jesus. The colour of the season is a deep purple – a rich, and historically royal colour – reminding us of the robes that were placed on Jesus when he was mocked by the Roman soldiers. As well, for the season of Lent, we’ve returned to using the King James’ Version of Jesus’ prayer. This is the version that many of us who grew up in English speaking churches would have learned as children. It is written in the beautiful and lyrical, “Early Modern English” of the Jacobian era (the period just following the Elizabethan era). As a liturgical writer, I find the rhythm and flow of this version of the prayer Jesus’ shared with his disciples fits with the rhythm of the Lenten season. When people enter the worship space, prior to worship, they may notice that the Christ Candle is lit. In some Christian denominations – especially those of our Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican siblings – there is always a light shining in the worship space to remind us of Christ’s ongoing presence. As well this season, there are six purple candles surrounding the Christ Candle. These candles come from a tradition known as Tenebrae. Rather than lighting the Christ Candle, as we usually do, this season we will be snuffing out one candle each week, as we come closer to Good Friday, when we commemorate Christ’s death. As a side note, I’ve been asked why we use versions of Jesus’ prayer other than the King James’ Version, especially when so many people know this version. There are a few reasons for changing the translation that’s used. While rote (or memorized) prayers can be helpful in our prayer life in that they can give us words to “jump start” our prayers, there is also a danger that the words become sounds without meaning. In fact, in the gospel according to Matthew, just before Jesus gives the disciples Our Service Music (the music that is repeated through the Season) supports the idea of reflecting on our lives, and offering them to God. The offering music is “Take My Life and Let 14 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter his prayer, he says, “When you pray, do not heap on empty phrases (or babble; or vain repetitions – depending on translation) as the Gentiles do. They imagine that the length of their prayers will command God’s attention.” (Mt. 6.7-8) One of the ways to make sure that we are still hearing what we’re saying to God as we say the words’ of Jesus’ prayer, is to use translations and musical versions other than what we’re used to. The second reason? While many people know the King James’ Version, not all do. We have more and more people coming to Dunbar Heights United Church who are new to the Christian faith, and people coming for whom English is a second language. Using language that is “Christian jargon” (when was the last time any of us used “hallowed” or “art” (as a verb) in our everyday conversation?), sets up an exclusionary barrier that isn’t necessary. Finally, one of the principles that I have been taught around ministry with children is to support them in finding the holy in the everyday. It strikes me as odd that we would want to teach them a prayer that is so core to our faith only in a language that isn’t theirs. The King James’ Version of Jesus’ Prayer is important, and will be a regular part of our worship services – but so will other versions. (I’m looking forward to the season of Easter, March 2015 when we’ll be singing the setting that Jim Lindenberger wrote!) The final note is about the use of the screen vs. the use of printed orders of worship. While it is true that we’ve been moving to the screen being the primary tool for communicating the text and flow of worship, we’ve tried to make sure there are other ways to access that information, as well. We’ve added more information to the front cover of the Announcement sheet, so that people will know where we are in the service. (As well, we’ve also enlarged the “Worship Ribbon” on the left side of the screen.) For people who find that they would prefer the printed version, there are copies of the “Large Print / Leaders’ Version” available from the ushers. Please, feel free to get one of those copies, if it would help you in your worship time. Worship Notes will come out at the beginning of each season, in the Announcements Sheets and in Good Tidings. If you have a question you’d like addressed here, please let me know. 15 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 16 March 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 United in Prayer Day Saturday, March 21, 2015 “The Mystery of God” Please join us as we celebrate the 23rd Annual United in Prayer Day with our worldwide network of Contemplative Outreach. For the first time, other contemplative groups will be invited to share the day, including Richard Rohr’s Centre for Action and Contemplation, the Worldwide Community of Christian Meditation, Shalem, and the Contemplative Society. We will experience the joy and gift of being united in prayer and united in silence The focus of the day will be on Centering Prayer in community, lectio divina and personal reflection. The day will also include a short DVD presentation: “The Mystery of God” by Father Thomas Keating. Time: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 pm Registration and refreshments at 9:30 a Program begins promptly at 10:00 am Location: First Lutheran Church 5745 Wales Street (at 42nd Ave), Vancouver, BC Lunch: Simple lunch of soup and bread will be provided with some gluten, dairy-free and vegetarian options. Donation: A contribution of any amount is appreciated to cover costs of facility rental, presentation material, lunch and other refreshments. Suggested amount: $25 Please note the day is not entirely a silent retreat. Opportunity will be given to respond to the presentation and to connect with others in quiet conversation at lunch time. For those wishing to maintain inner and personal silence during lunch, there will be tables designated for silence. We suggest you wear layered clothing. You may also wish to bring contemplative tools (notebook, pencil crayons, etc.) to assist in your self-directed time. Please email or call Jan Miko at [email protected] or 604-261 2651 if you wish to attend or have any queries. This information is also available on our website: 17 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 18 March 2015 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter March 2015 NEWS FROM THE CHURCH LIBRARY We are please to have several newly donated titles to our church library: Feisty and Fearless by Janice Meighan (this book about Lois Wilson was reviewed by Jill in October 2014) in “Biography and Autobiography” Escape From Tibet by Nick Gray in “Contemporary Literature” Prayers for Life by Rev. S. R. Copeman in “Prayer & Spirituality” Chief Seattle in “Intercultural Ministry” Heart of Christianity. We learn about God and the relationship with Israel from the Bible. From Jesus we learn about God as a person. Jesus shows us the heart of God – that God’s love and compassion can be present in us, and how that can change the world. Borg calls the traditional way of worship the earlier paradigm. This is the literal interpretation of the Bible – follow the rules and be rewarded with Heaven at the end of life. The emerging paradigm is a newer, less literal understanding of the Bible, and more of a metaphorical, historical and sacramental library, resulting in a relational and transformational way of faith. This month’s book review is The Heart of Christianity by Marcus J. Borg Marcus J. Borg has written several books questioning the state of Christianity today – questioning dogmas, doctrines and stories from the Bible which he and many others inside and outside the Church feel are no longer viable. He is, however, a committed Christian, and in this book he sets out his views on re-discovering a life of faith – and how we can be passionate believers today. Marcus Borg is showing us the “vital elements of Christianity” that we need to know in order to find and experience the Heart of Christianity. There are two introductory chapters: a Preface, “What does it mean to be Christian today?” and “The Heart of Christianity in a time of change.” These are followed by two main sections: Part One: Seeing the Christian Tradition Again (with chapters entitled Faith, The Bible, God, and Jesus) and Part Two: Seeing the Christian Life Again (with chapters called Born Again, The Kingdom of God, Thin places, Sin and Salvation, The Heart of the Matter, and Heart and Home). All the chapters have ‘Heart’ subtitles, setting out Borg’s suggestions for routines and practices which can transform our faith and love of God and each other. This is a book which is written clearly, in today’s language, set out in a fashion which can be easily understood, and its hopes realized. Borg begins by roughly dividing Christians today into two main groups – those who believe in the traditional beliefs and ways of worship in the Church, and those who may believe some, but not all, of the rituals, creeds and doctrines which have been taught. Borg calls these different ways of seeing Christianity “paradigms” and classifies them as the earlier paradigm and the emerging paradigm. For both paradigms, God, the Bible and Jesus are the Many thanks to Jill Parker for this review. 19 Dunbar Heights United Church Sunday Monday 1 10:00 Worship 11:15 Soup Sunday 12:15 ACM 2:00 Lenten Challenge 2 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Dance/Jazzercise 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Monday Step 7:30 Rangers 8 15 10:00 Worship, 2:00 Lenten Challenge 22 10:00 Worship 11:40 Path Group 2:00 Lenten Challenge 29 10:00 Worship Palm Sunday 2:00 Lenten Challenge 9 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Jazzercise 7:30 Healing Ministry 7:30 Monday Step 10:00 Worship 12:00 Worship Ctte 1:00 Gym, Outside Rental 2:00 Lenten Challenge March 2015 Tuesday Wednesday 3 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 6:00 Sparks 6:30 Cubs 7:30 Cont Meditation 9:30 Yoga 1:00 Two or More 4:30 Dance/Jazzercise 6:30 Beavers 10 9:30 Yoga 6:00 Sparks 7:00 Finance Ctte 7:30 Cont Meditation Thursday 4 Friday 5 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 4:30 Junior Youth Grp 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice 11 9:00 Stitch&Chatter TBA Unit 3 Mtg 5:00 Outreach Mtg 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice 19 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 4:30 Junior Youth Grp 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice 16 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Dance/Jazzercise 7:30 Monday Step 7:30 Rangers 17 9:30 Yoga 6:00 Sparks 7:30 Cont Meditation 18 9:30 Yoga 1:00 Two or More 4:00 Dance/Jazzercise 7:00 Council Meeting 23 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Dance/Jazzercise 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Healing Ministry Open Session 7:30 Monday Step 24 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 6:00 Sparks 6:30 Cubs 7:30 Cont Meditation 25 9:30 Yoga 2:00 Senior’s Tea 4:00 Dance/Jazzercise 6:30 Beavers 7:00 Soul Tending 30 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Dance/Jazzercise 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Monday Step 7:30 Rangers 31 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 6:00 Sparks 6:30 Cubs 7:30 Cont Meditation 9:30 Yoga 1:00 Two or More 4:00 Dance/Jazzercise 6:30 Beavers 1 20 6 9:30 Yoga 10:30 Lenten Challenge 4:30 Karate 12 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Jazzercise 7:00 Soul Tending 7:00 M&P Ctte Saturday 7 8:00 Godly Play 11:00 Gym, Outside Rental 13 14 8:00 Men’s Breakfast Group 20 21 27 28 10:00 Karate th 1:00 Sandy’s 30 / Outreach Fundraiser 3 4 10:00 Karate 7:00 St. John Passion at St. Andrew-Wesley 9:30 Yoga 10:30 Lenten Challenge 9:30 Yoga 10:30 Lenten Challenge 26 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice 9:30 Yoga 10:30 Lenten Challenge 2 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 4:30 Junior Youth Grp 6:00 Maundy Thursday Supper & Worship 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice GOOD FRIDAY OFFICE CLOSED 10:00 Good Friday Worship 7:00 St. John’s Passion
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