NAMADGI NEWS Tuesday 24 March 2015 Week 8 Term 1 Thursday 26 March Year 4 & 5 Sailing Thursday 26 March Primary disco Yrs K-2, 4.30-5.30 Yrs 3-5, 5.50-7.40 Yr7 Japanese restaurant excursion Friday 27 March Friday 27 March School Assembly 9.10 Dear Parents and Carers, Harmony Day Thank you to the many parents who brought food in for our Harmony Day celebration last week. It was also wonderful to see so many students wearing orange for the day or clothes from their family cultures. We hope to build on this important event in the following years so that we continue to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity. Did you know that, while the majority of our students are born in Australia, many students in our school were also born in one of 27 different countries? P&C The P&C had a successful Annual General Meeting last night with all positions filled on the committee. Please see the P&C report in this newsletter for the Tuesday 31 LSU Learning Journey names of the new P&C executive for 2015. I’d also like to say that they are a fun March group of parents and citizens – there is much laughter too! I would like to acknowledge all the hard work done by the 2014 Parent and Wednesday 1 Yr7 Immunisations Citizens group. More money was raised and over 20 events held. The fundraising April success of last year has meant that the school now has a range of new curriculum Thursday 2 Yr9\10 Outdoor Ed resources for student learning. April Wee Jasper Excursion However, it is not just about finances. The P&C have brought people together. For example, the Trivia night at the Burns Club was lots of fun and included people from outside our community. Support for our first Year 10, and support for our first overseas excursion are examples of new P&C activities. Well done Parent and Citizens! Monday 30 March Yr7 Japanese restaurant excursion Annual Operating Plan I recently went to professional learning with the three Deputy Principals to discover the merits of using the National School Improvement Tool. One aspect of positive school growth highlighted in the tool is to have alignment of Directorate plans, our four year Strategic Plan, and our Annual Operating Plan. Here is a reminder of our 4 year priorities from our 2014-2017 Strategic Plan: 1. To improve literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students 2. To develop a whole school collaborative culture of professional learning communities and build teacher capacity through a coaching and mentoring framework 3. Improve student connectedness and the safety and wellbeing of the school community 4. To build stronger parent community partnerships in learning and communications Year 3 Camp I enjoyed visiting the Year 3 camp at Birrigai last night. Birrigai is such a wonderful asset to have for learning about our natural setting, Aboriginal cultural history, and more recent modern Australian cultural history. The students were very excited about having their first overnight excursion and will return exhausted but with many lasting memories! Charlie Morrice Principal 1 141 O’Halloran Circuit, Kambah ACT 2902 Phone: (02) 6142 0900 Fax: (02) 6142 0904 [email protected] Preschool The Wombats have been having a great time at Preschool! The children have settled into the routines and have made new th friends and are enjoying having new experiences. We had a great turn out for our “Family Picnic” on Tuesday 17 March and Mr Hollis involved the children in parachute games, ball games, movement games and musical statues. Our very first Preschool excursion to the Bus Wash was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by the children, parents and staff. We have extended this learning to the classroom by incorporating a unit of work on ‘Transport’. Our ‘Family Picnic’. th Our Bus Wash excursion on 18 March 2015. Boddington News All the Excellent Emus have settled in very well to Preschool life. We have learnt all our daily routines, our group and class rules. We had an amazing family welcome BBQ, with nearly all families coming. The PPA also organised for a surprise Fairy to visit, her name was “Nessa” the Fairy, She read stories, had a puppet show, sang some songs, played some games and gave us a prize as she was leaving, to fly home. Also, we have been on our Bus Wash excursion, The children and mums and dads had a great time. Thankyou to Action, for providing Preschool with this awesome experience. The Term is flying by, and soon it will be Easter and then School Holidays. st Coming Events: Easter Hat Parade 1 April. th Kenny Koala: April 7 . Melissa and Louise Preschool philosophy: Thank you to those parents who have returned feedback about our preschool philosophy. The staff will consider your comments soon and input their thoughts as well as we review the philosophy. O’Halloran site: We were very lucky last Tuesday afternoon that we only had a light drizzle during our family picnic. The 19 families who attended were entertained by Matt Hollis (Namadgi PE teacher) and a couple of his students as they led us through some parachute, musical and ball games. It was great to see families introducing themselves to each other, and building a network of preschool families. Working Bee: A big thankyou to the families and staff who gave up a few hours on Saturday morning to work on our playground. Kangaroos: Thanks to the many helpers who came on our bus wash excursion. Some knew what they were in for, for others it was a new experience, but I think everyone enjoyed it. Thanks also to ACTION for providing this free service. We’ll use this shared experience to: create a class borrowing book – recalling the highlights of the trip, and talk about and find common symbols ie Maccas, road signs and look for more symbols around the school. We welcomed Mel to our class. Mel is a student teacher who will be visiting our class on Wednesdays for a few weeks, leading up to a 2 week prac session in term 2. 2 141 O’Halloran Circuit, Kambah ACT 2902 Phone: (02) 6142 0900 Fax: (02) 6142 0904 [email protected] Library day is Tuesday. Please place library bags with the returning book in the basket by the door in the mornings. Children can borrow one book at a time for a week from our preschool library. Brumbies (Group B) th On Wednesday 11 the Brumbies went to the ACTION bus wash at Tuggeranong. We had a wonderful time with an awesome team from ACTION in Sidhu and Malik. They took us on a fantastic journey, going the wrong way, playing Spotto, going around and around the round- abouts until we finally reached the bus wash. Thank you to the parents who came with us and hope you had a fabulous time, and thank you to ACTION for providing the service. This fortnight the children are learning how to side step using both our left and right foot as leader foot. We walk along the path with our toes on the grass and feet on the cement to help keep us standing sideways. We are also incorporating walking sideways in our obstacle course. We are turning an area of the preschool room into an aquarium after Artie came back from his camping holiday and told us all about how he touched a shark and a stingray. This led to a big discussion of sharks and sea creatures, who has seen whales and dolphins and who has been to an aquarium. Library day is Friday. Please place library bags with the returning book in the basket by the door in the mornings. Children can borrow one book at a time for a week from our preschool library. Debbie, Louise, Lesley and Josh. Kindergarten Kindergarten has been learning about time sequences and height. We have put daily activities, such as getting ready for school, in order and used a variety of items to measure the height of ourselves and our friends. We are getting very tall! Another focus of our learning has been Letters and Sounds program. So far, Kindergarten has learned the letters, s, a, t, p, I, m, n, d, o, c, k, g. Please support your child by helping them learn the letters and their sounds. Harmony Day on Friday was a great success. It was fantastic to see so many children dressed up in clothing from a range of different cultures. We also enjoyed tasting lots of different foods. We think that having multicultural classes is awesome! A reminder to parents that the ‘Me Boxes’ are due to class teachers by Friday 27 March. These boxes need to have 6 special items that are linked to memories from your child’s life. These boxes will stay at school until the end of Term 1. If you require more information about these boxes, please see your child’s teacher. Parents are also reminded about the Parent Home Reader sessions which will take place on Tuesday 31 March. Parents are required to attend either Session 1 (from 8.15-8.45am) or Session 2 (2.15-2.45pm). Parents must attend the Home Reader session before children will be able to bring Home Readers to their home. Year 1 Last Friday was our Harmony Day celebrations. In Year One it was great to see so many students wearing orange or clothes from their culture! In class we discussed what Harmony Day meant for us before sharing some of the amazing foods from the many cultures within our villa. We have been working hard on our letters and sounds in the morning, practicing some tricky sounds such as: oo (as in too), oo (as in look), ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear. Our tricky words we have been learning are my, you, they, her and all. You might like to support your child’s learning of these sounds and words using some of the activities in your child’s homework book. During maths lessons we have been focussing on seasons, days of the week, months of the year, time and patterns. This week we have begun learning about 2D shapes and will move onto measurement. Discussions at home about patterns and shapes we see in our daily lives would be good to help your child with making connections about the concepts. Maybe on the way home you can point out patterns and shapes you see along the way! As our morning turn colder please ensure you label your child’s jumpers and coats. Thanks Year One Team Cindy Somenek, Rachel Blencowe, Emma Tracey-Patte, Sue Parker, Laura Cahill, Ros Webb and Fiona Stevenson 3 141 O’Halloran Circuit, Kambah ACT 2902 Phone: (02) 6142 0900 Fax: (02) 6142 0904 [email protected] Year 2 We have had a very busy week in year two as we continued exploring our history unit Then and Now by visiting the National Museum of Australia. We had a chance to look at artefacts from households from the past. We were fascinated to discover how differently people lived before the invention of things like electricity. We also got to roam through the museum and look at many of the exhibits. Last week we also celebrated Harmony Day; an opportunity to acknowledge the range of different cultural backgrounds that make up our community. Many of our students dressed in beautiful clothing that is special to their family. We were also lucky to have many of our families bring in traditional food for us all to try. We had a banquet of delicious sweets and savoury foods that many of our students had never tried before. This week, don’t forget we are having our KultureBreak disco to raise awareness about the important of anti-bullying. The year two disco will be on Thursday from 4:30-5:30 and the cost of entry is $5.00 which also entitles you to a glowstick! Please don’t forget to bring in your handy pouch with your home readers every day so that we can change them over for new, exciting books. We are looking forward to another busy and enjoyable week! Rebecca Fortescue, Jennie Thomas, Elissa Sharpe Year 3 Year Three are currently away on camp and are having a fabulous time! Don't forget the disco is on Thursday 5.50-7.20. Cost is $5. Parent and carers need to drop off at the front door of VPAC and pickup is at the side door opposite the preschool. Notes for our community walk went home last week. Please bring them in ASAP. Cathie, Williamson, Bernie Wyatt and Adrian Lovelock Year 4 th Last week eligible students represented Namadgi School at the Tuggeranong 12 and under Regional Swimming Carnival 20 March at the AIS and showed a lot of enthusiasm and school spirit. Congratulations to those students. This week at Namadgi School we are hosting a Glow Bullying Disco to shine a light on bullying. This is a Kulture Break initiative, empowering our children to be respectful, have a positive attitude and looking out for their friends. Important information: th Date: Thursday 26 Time: Year 3, 4 & 5: 5:50-7:20 Cost: $5 Including Glow Sticks! Also this Thursday, at 4 o’clock is the Under 12’s Primary School Sport Association (PSSA) Netball try outs. If your daughter is under 12 this year, is interested and you did not receive a note please email [email protected] directly or alternatively phone on (02) 6142 0900. Anita McCarthy, Lisa Wilson and Maxine Green I would like to take the opportunity to thank Namadgi School for the warm welcome given to Artura and Lorcan Savage whilst they were visiting from China to attend school in February. It was a great comfort to know they were so well accepted and in such a short time made so many friends. It was noticeable to us how well they had developed, not only in their learning skills but also their social skills, especially when English was not their first language which was an initial concern. We would particularly like to thank the teachers and parents of classes 4LW and 3CW for participating in helping to organise a wonderful farewell party for Artura and Lorcan. The children were so excited by this thoughtful gesture and although it was a tearful farewell for everyone they could not have asked for a nicer send off. A special thanks to those parents who helped out by adding to the party food and presents. Both children are looking forward to getting their class photos as a keepsake. 4 141 O’Halloran Circuit, Kambah ACT 2902 Phone: (02) 6142 0900 Fax: (02) 6142 0904 [email protected] I can’t thank everyone enough for their generosity and kindness in making their stay one to remember. Kind Regards, Deirdre Spain (Grandmother) LSU News The term is flying by, and students in the primary LSU are working hard preparing for our learning journey in week 9. Please save this date in your Calendar. Primary LSU Learning Journey Date: Tuesday 31 March 2015 (week 9) Time: 2:15pm - 2:45pm Place: Primary LSU Classrooms We hope to see all families to share our many successes with you. Thank you Jeanette, Faeza, Abby, Dianah and Sam Beijing International School Buddy Excursion to Tidbinbilla An excited group of Namadgi students and their BIS buddies enjoyed a brilliant Autumn outing to Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve last week. Highlights included a session with two indigenous Rangers, who enthralled our group with their explanations and demonstrations of traditional bush tools and crafts, including, playing the didgeridoo, spear throwing using a woomera, how to catch an emu and face painting with natural materials, closely observed by some very curious kangaroos. We were also able to handle an Echidna, Platypus and Eastern Brown Snake! All very deceased. To add to our excitement, a walk through the Koala Sanctuary resulted in being able to observe three Koalas munching their way sleepily through some eucalyptus leaves. The Discovery Playground was also a highlight, with some children trying their hand at grinding an axe using two stones. It was great to see real life learning in practice. The flying fox ride and Boomerang throwing were Rangers demonstrating traditional crafts also very popular. Roslyn Woods Having a go with indigenous tools Namadgi Craft Group Previously Early Childhood Craft Community Wednesday 1 April 7pm—9pm In the Canteen Making items for the Mother’s Day stall No special skills required Meet other parents and staff away from the day to day pressures of the children Donations of craft items gratefully accepted See Mary at preschool or Jenny in the Canteen 5 141 O’Halloran Circuit, Kambah ACT 2902 Phone: (02) 6142 0900 Fax: (02) 6142 0904 [email protected] Year 10 Fundraising – Hot Cross Buns and Easter Raffle Reminder order forms for the Bakers Delight Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser need to be brought back to the front office by Monday th 30 March. Four varieties to choose from: traditional, mocha, fruitless and chocolate. Packet of 6 for $7. Same price as in store but delivered to your child fresh on Wednesday 1 April. Easter Raffle prizes are in the front office ready for you to gouge your eyes on. 9 prizes in total to win including an Entertainment Book worth $60 value. These books will be ready to purchase individually in Term 2 valid for use until June 1 2016. Raffle tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5. Primary students are to use the attached order form to purchase tickets. Students will be supplied with their ticket numbers to bring home. Got to be in it to win it! 6 of the 9 prizes shown. Rebecca Doyle, Senior Technology Teacher and Year Coordinator Helping Hands TIP HELPING KIDS SLEEP WELL Getting kids to school on time can be challenging, especially as the term progresses. If a child regularly gets to school 30 minutes late, they will miss a total of 25 hours of school during 1 term. Often I hear stories about kids sleeping in or being tired during the day . . . so this week’s Helping Hands Tip is how to help your kids get enough sleep to get to school on time, and improve their learning while at school. Golden rules for kids’ sleep Establish a bedtime routine - so they know what to expect and have time to wind down. Keep bedtime consistent (within 30 minutes), even on the weekends - big variations can disrupt their body clock and undo all your good work. Make sure they fall asleep in their bed - snoozing off on the couch or in front of the TV can affect their routine and make them less likely to want to sleep alone. Remove all TVs, computers and mobile devices from their bedroom - the light stimulation alone will make it harder for them to settle down. Avoid caffeinated foods and drinks after 3pm - caffeine is a stimulant which is likely to keep young bodies awake. Have a wind-down period yourself - show kids that a bedtime routine is important for the whole family. You can find more great tips on the Kids Matter website; 6 141 O’Halloran Circuit, Kambah ACT 2902 Phone: (02) 6142 0900 Fax: (02) 6142 0904 [email protected] Currently looking for girls/boys in years 3, 4, 5 & 6 To join our junior netball teams Welcome to the Maddies Netball Club, one of the largest clubs within the Tuggeranong Netball Association (TNA). At Maddies we offer the opportunity for girls/boys and women of all ages to participate in a safe, friendly and competitive sporting environment. Our aim is to offer individual, team and social skill improvements to all players no matter what their skill level. We encourage families to be involved and we at Maddies see ourselves as a family orientated club. In addition, you will not miss our teams as our uniform is Cornflower Blue and Hot Pink. If you are looking for a friendly, competitive netball club in the Tuggeranong area, drop us a line - we would love to hear from you. We have great sponsors, lots of social functions (BBQ's, parties etc) and encourage everyone to join in. [email protected] or call us on 0414 924 741 Namadgi Parents and Citizens Association AGM The P&C held its AGM on Monday night 23 March. The following fundraising activities raised approximately $20,000 (an equivalent of about $30 for every child) for the purchase of educational resources and activities: *Preschool chocolates *Bunnings BBQs * Mothers and Father’s day stalls *Movie night *Photos *Entertainment books Clothing pool *Walkathon and hot dog day *Raffle *Athletics Carnival *Kinder and Namadgical BBQs *Trivia night *Bushwahzee *Bush Dance * Christmas stall *tea towels/plates This required an enormous effort by a very small band of dedicated workers, often to the disruption of their family and work lives. We look forward to your contribution in the future. The new officers for 2015 are: * President: Colin Glover (0458004413) * Secretary: Cassandra Koch *Co-Treasurer: Marsha Rutten/Verity Warn *Fundraising Co-ordinator: Rhodina Ellison *Public Officer: Jenny Ingle Our new P&C office (at the back of the VPAC) will soon be opened. We will have a computer to access local and national P&C information. We will set up a comprehensive Fundraising calendar. We are considering ways in which we can facilitate purchase of second hand uniforms. We will also have photos of fundraising activities as well as what resources we have purchased. Our next Meeting will be held on Monday 30 March 2015 at 7:00pm. Your presence, thoughts and practical help are most welcome. Canteen Specials (week 8) Large noodle cup - $1.00 Chicken,cheese &mayo toastie - $3.00 Jingles tacos - $3.50 Lamb & gravy roll - $4.50 Deal of the week Ham & cheese muffin, wedges, moove milk & fresh fruit bag - $5.00 Canteen is open from 8.40am to 3pm 7 141 O’Halloran Circuit, Kambah ACT 2902 Phone: (02) 6142 0900 Fax: (02) 6142 0904 [email protected]
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