rebuilt from Herald 120912jz 0% 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN BLACK FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 VOLUME CXXXI A1 H T H E READ ONLINE AT Faith set in motion H O L C A D W E S T M I N S T E R ' S S T U D E N T N E W S P A P E R Children complete an art project at Origins after school. They will be welcomed to campus during Lil Sibs weekend for the chance to have fun and interact with college students. Sarah Clark/The Holcad Performers took 'Leap of Faith' for annual show Liz Buechele Staff Writer On March 21-23, Wallace Memorial Chapel was filled with music, miracles and merriment as the Office of Faith and Spirituality presented the annual chapel drama. This year’s show was entitled “Leap of Faith,” was based upon the motion picture of the same name. Sophomore music education major Ariana O’Donnell directed the show, having been a member of the cast last year. “For it being my first time directing a show, I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work with,” O’Donnell said. “They’ve been with me through both successes and mistakes alike, and they inspire me.” Reverend James Mohr and Diane Gabriel, Office of Faith and Spirituality secretary, are in charge of the show, but the students are the ones who handle the production itself. Junior Lauren Thayer has been in chapel drama for three years as a cast member her first year, last year's director and this year's music director. “I loved working with the guys in the pit,” Thayer said. “They are so talented and they make the show more awesome. I also love working behind the music with the cast and watching them discover things about their voice that they never considered trying to do; it’s a really cool experience.” The story chronicles a con man by the name of Jonas Nightingale, played by senior Aaron Crider. Having dealt with his share of problems in the past, Nightingale and his younger sister Sam, played by sophomore Rachel Hedges, find themselves in the conning business, hosting religious revivals in different towns across the states. When they break down in Sweetwater, Kan., Rev. Nightingale is challenged by sheriff Marla McGowan, played by senior Annette McHaddon. When the two become romantically involved, the Reverend is forced to re-evaluate his life and change his unscrupulous ways. “I really feel I was cast in a role I can relate to,” Crider said. “I lost my dad at a young age, and so did Jonas. That commonality really created a bond for me with my character.” First-year Jeremy Roberts played Jake McGowan, the sheriff’s son. The rest of the cast included Kendall Williams playing Isaiah Sturdevant, Antonia Flamini playing Ida Mae Sturdevant, and Ashley Galore playing Ornella Sturdevant. The Townspeople/ Angels were played by Emily Martin, Keely Mohn and Matthew Younger. Martin also did public relations for the show, and Younger was part of the stage crew. The rest of the production team was filled in by sophomore Deborah Heyl as stage manager, Ariel Clifford as costumes and set design and Stephen Bendig as sound and light crew. The pit ensemble was comprised of Thayer on piano, junior Scotty Webler on percussion, senior Aaron Sutton on guitar, senior Sam Mellon on bass and junior Zack Harper on trumpet. For O’Donnell, picking one favorite highlight was a challenge. “From the show perspective, seeing everybody in the group numbers having fun. From a director standpoint, seeing it from the other side because I’ve never directed before," O'Donnell said. "From my standpoint, seeing my friends and peers do things that they didn’t know that they could do before.” “Antonia [Flamini] draws you in and makes you feel like you are a part of the show,” sophomore Natalie Merola, who attended the show Friday night, said. OUTSIDE THE BUBBLE Clinton email, not nomination, compromised Jamie Linderman Staff Writer In recent national news, information emerged indicating that Hillary Clinton used a personal email address while serving as Secretary of State. Concerns regarding the security of the information sent to and from the address, as well as the legality of the issue, have appeared. In a press conference on Mar. 17, Clinton confirmed the use of the personal account and provided a detailed explanation to the public about what some news sources are referring to as the "scandal." Clinton began her statement by saying that she opted to use a personal email account rather than one that state department had issued her for “convenience.” It is not illegal to do so, and Clinton argued that when she made the decision, she was thinking about the advantages of carrying only one secure device versus two. Several former Secretaries of State have also chosen to use a personal email account. In fact, John Kerry is the first to rely on a government-issued account. During the second point of her argument, Clinton clarified that the majority of the work-related emails that she sent from the personal email account were to government employees with governmentissued email accounts. According to Clinton, the correspondence was “captured and immediately preserved by the system at the state department.” Next, Clinton reasoned that when the state department asked her and several other former Secretaries of State for copies of their work-related email correspondence, she was quick to provide them with the requested information. The correspondence totaled 55,000 printed pages, which contained information the state department already had electronically stored. Clinton admitted to deleting any per- sonal emails she received through this account from the files that she sent to the state department, as per their request. The criteria for such emails included personal notes of sympathy to friends, yoga routines, notes written for the planning of Chelsea Clinton’s wedding and anything else she regarded as private. Clinton concluded her explanation by announcing that she has asked the state department to make all of her workrelated email correspondence available for public viewing. Also, she stated the server that captured the emails, which was originally for former president, Bill Clinton, has not experienced any security breaches. Critics of Clinton have asked her how the American people can be certain that when she deleted personal or private emails that she did not also delete workrelated material. To this, Clinton was quick to respond that she has “taken unprecedented steps” to provide the state department with all of the necessary information and that she has “met all of the requirements.” Some news sources have taken her succinct response as a cover-up to some sort of scandal. According to Dr. Edward Cohen, chair of the political science department, the type of response that Clinton issued is typical of her communication style. “The Clintons have always been cautious,” Cohen said. “They like to control the information that is shared about them, which can make it seem like they are hiding something illegal when they are not.” For Dr. James Rhoads, professor of SEE PAGE A3 rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% C YELLOW 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% MAGENTA CYAN PE RS BLACK A2 VES TI FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 P E 120912jz P T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA The Holcad 357 McKelvey Campus Center Box 157, New Wilmington, Pa., 16172 general: (814) 494-1586 ads: (717) 808-8001 Albuquirky Evenings [email protected] Read online at Advisor - Amanda Ries EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief Maggie Rue Hess Layout Editor Sarah O'Malley Managing Editor Liz Filipovich News Editor Rachel Shussett A&E Editor Haley Barger Features Editor Troy Abbott Sports Editor Mike Annarella Photography Editor Emily Martin Business Manager Jeff Seitz Advertising Manager Abby Miles Operations Manager Andrew Henley Distribution Manager Zack Harper COPY EDITORS Joey Bandi,Christy Campbell, Valerie DeSilva, Jenny Jones, Olivia Martin, Lindsay Schich PHOTOGRAPHERS Sarah Clark, Harry Greene, Tiffany Jackson, Krystina Rothhaar, Lindsay Schich COLUMNISTS Pano Constantine, Ben Grove, Kim Moore, Emily Williams WRITERS Liz Buechele, Hannah Branscome, Annaliese Speck, Erin Scott, Thomas Kanyarusoke, Marc Williams, Jamie Linderman, Jordan Locke, Kat St. Pierre, Meredith Douthett, Jessie Klousnitzer, Dan Swank, Megan Romocean, Matt Nystrom, Tiffany Jackson, Amanda Sloan, Doltyn Snedden Maggie Rue Hess Editor-In-Chief “Take the tram,” our cab driver, whose name we never learned, answered. “Most people go to Old Town - it’s a touristy place with little shops and everything - but you absolutely have to take the tram into the mountains.” Six of us literary types arrived Albuquerque, New Mexico with only vague ideas of what the convention weekend would hold. I was somewhat of a veteran, having attended the convention last year, but even so, this trip was my first foray so far southwest. All I knew ahead of time was that we would be greeted by a desert and hundreds of English majors. So much more awaited our sextet. Beth Csomay, Haley Barger, Olivia Martin, Phill Howells, Dr. Bethany Hicok and I managed to achieve mobility in most of its forms, boarding planes, taxis, trains, cars and trams as well as striking out by foot daily. With the help of all this transportation, we ended up seeing Santa Fe and the Sandias Peak aside from downtown and Old Town Albuquerque. Our primary purpose presenting the critical and creative pieces that had won acceptance into the convention - was not forgotten in the midst of sight-seeing. Three of them spoke the same day we landed. Three of them left their fellow panelists in awe of their scholarly work. Barger, for example, fielded questions from a nettlesome audience member with her trademark humor, and one could tell that she had charmed the rest of the room. Two of us did not read until Saturday, when we sat on panels for our poetry. Howells, whose knees knocked nervously before, during and after his turn, channeled his energy into his presence, tossing each poem over his shoulder after reading it. One eager audience member collected his pile afterward. Westminster was a hit at the Hyatt Regency on Tijuanas Avenue. When the work of academia was done, each day was spent tumbling through the streets in the Land of Enchantment. Led briskly by Hicok, we managed to have some of Elizabeth Filipovich @theholcad General Policy - The ideas, beliefs and opinions expressed in the columns, articles and Rants & Raves belong solely to the writers. The views expressed in these sections are not necessarily the views of Westminster College or The Holcad itself. Editing Policy - The Holcad reserves the right to edit any submission it receives for proper grammar, appropriate structure and accurate content. Advertising Policy - The printing of advertisements for products or services in this publication does not imply endorsement by Westminster College or The Holcad staff. For advertising information, email [email protected]. Want to write a Letter to the Editor? WRITING GUIDELINES • Letters to the editor are published weekly, as space permits. • The Holcad reserves the right to reject any letter. • All letters must be less than 400 words, typed and include the author’s name. • Letters must be free of offensive language, personal attacks and libelous or potentially libelous statements. • No letter will be edited when factually incorrect or in need of contextual clarification. • Grammar and spelling errors will also not be corrected. • Opinions expressed are those of the author. • The Holcad will not print anonymous letters. SUBMISSION All letters must be submitted by 12 p.m. Monday to make the Friday edition. E-mail: [email protected] Mail: Box 157 the most memorable dinners of our lives. Saturday night we sauntered around Santa Fe until we acquired a table at Chez Mamou. The French restaurant shared space with a jewelry store, so I looked across the table at ropes of beads and endless glass counters. Another charming feature of this spot was the musical accompaniment to dinner, provided by a Hispanic guitarist named Antonio Mendosa. Barger convinced him to ask Hicok for a song, and our table was treated to the clear soprano of our professor, whose talent was not lost on the other diners. She received applause and praise from grateful strangers. We managed to make good on our cab driver’s advice, and the first suggestion we received in the city became our last adventure before leaving. On Sunday morning we stood atop the Watermelon Mountains, hair frisked by a chill breeze that maintained snow on its summit and in its crevices. Reciting poetry and gasping over the terrain’s texture, we enjoyed moments of sublime awe that would tide us over for the return to the lower lands of Pennsylvania. Maggie is a senior English major who is currently student teaching. She is the proud owner of a new baseball tee displaying grammatically correct owls. Can we #RaceTogether? The Holcad @theholcad Maggie Hess/The Holcad Managing Editor Starbucks: the brand most likely to be held in the manicured fingers of a well-groomed white girl. Well, stereotypically, at least. Recently, the Seattle-based iconic company launched an initiative to get their customers to begin talking about race. What was originally perceived to be a joke by critics and customers alike was in actuality a proposal made by the company to break down racial barriers and an attempt make their customers more knowledgeable and less one-sided on the topic of race in America. Unfortunately, after less-thanstellar review, Starbucks has rescinded the #RaceTogether campaign. Why the need to talk about race? Before I dive into this I must insert a disclaimer: I am a white, uppermiddle class young woman. But I believe that I have a moderate (at the very least) understanding of the extent of my white privilege. Alternatively, I also understand that to some it can be rather condescending when white people, who will never fully understand the extent of the racial problems in America, talk about race, but I will try my best to do so in an appropriate manner. An aside: if there was something I could have done better, please let me know! Racial tension in the United States is arguably higher now than it has been in the past decade. Earlier this year, Ferguson, Mo. was a war zone. After the shooting of black teen Michael Brown by white police officer Darren Wilson, the racial divide among blacks and whites became national news. This incident spurred a new level of racial division in the South, but also shed light on institutional oppression and racism. Another less talked about racial stigma that’s widely held in the United States is that of Muslim Americans. Islam extremists and the rise of ISIS has fostered an undue amount of racism towards Muslim Americans. Islamic extremism is an extremely rare sect of Islam. Films like “American Sniper” helped to perpetuate misconceptions around it, though. As “American Sniper” grew increasingly popular, so did a lot of racially charged tweets echoing anti-Muslim sentiment. ISIS is a huge problem, but we must remember that this is truly a small segment of an otherwise peaceful religion. While this is just the tip of the iceberg, these are two common examples of the racial problems in our society, and even on our campus. Talking about race is important, but Starbucks was quite far from hitting the nail on the head. For starters, let’s think about who are the (stereotypical) Starbucks customers: affluent, [primarily] white people. It takes a lot to be able to afford a five dollar cup each day. While, yes, absolutely these are the people that need to be talking about race, how much perspective can they really give? Even though the #RaceTogether program has now been eliminated and had many flaws, the sentiment remains true. By not talking about race we are not talking about what we can do to combat the racial tensions. Let’s all take a hint from this idea and recognize and celebrate the differences of other races and other cultures. Liz is a senior sociology major who spent part of the week crying over her capstone. Letter to the Editor: Dear Editor, I love animals. My dog might be my most treasured possession, I support organizations like A.R.F. (Animal Rescue Force) and you might catch me throwing food to squirrels and chipmunks on campus. I have begun eating less meat in my diet due to the moral qualms I have with the conditions in which animals are raised and slaughtered as presented vividly in documentaries such as Food Inc. Needless to say, I care deeply about treating animals well. However, the recent campus-wide vote to select the Lawrence County Humane Society as the SGA philanthropy forces us to consider an ethical dilemma. Apparently, a plurality of Westminster College students believes that fighting animal cruelty and sheltering animals in need, unquestionably a good cause, is more important than fighting heart disease, the number one cause of death in the United States, treating cancer patients, or helping inner-city youth. I would never argue that Westminster College students would refuse to support any of the three alternative causes but my original contention still stands. The value of human life is not something I can easily argue for in such a short space/ time. However, I will make two short appeals. My first appeal is directed at Westminster College students who are Christians. From Genesis 1:27, when it is said that God created humankind in His own image, to the ethical injunctions of Jesus in passages like Matthew 25:31-46 where we are told to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, give shelter to the stranger, etc., the Bible is littered with commands to help those in need. My second appeal is for the secularist, though I do not endorse this view, and will be deficient in its brevity and lead to unintended conclusions. If the evolutionary model, via natural selection, is accurate, then I suppose Dawkins’ selfish gene theory should dominate our altruistic behaviors. The only species about which we should be concerned is that which will preserve our own genes through reproduction. However, such apathy toward other creatures is not my desired perspective. My purpose in writing this letter is not to assert my authority in the subject of the ethical treatment of animals. My purpose is to stir up critical thinking and debate about this subject. I invite and encourage anyone who reads this to respond with a concurring or contradictory argument. Sincerely, Kevin Suchcicki rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% 120912jz YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN BLACK A3 PER SP E C T FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 " An Eye-Opening Experience Kim Moore Recognition Columnist The first time I set foot in the Prince of Peace Center in Farrell, PA, I found a small church-like basement, with various tables filled with assorted non-perishables. A volunteer of the center ushered us to stand behind tables with instructions to hand out food—one can of cream of mushroom soup per family, two if they have three or more members on their card. I was there, at this small food bank near Sharon, with some of my classmates, both to observe and to help. The purpose of the class, Social Class in America, is to understand and qualify income inequality as it operates in America. Part of that understanding is fulfilled by service learning, which explains why we were all opening boxes of macaroni noodles and suggesting that some people take the extra cans of green beans. Hunger is a huge issue in the United States. According to Feeding America, a nonprofit that focuses on food banks, 49.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households in 2013. This is about 1 in 6 Americans. I consider myself to be a middle-class American, and one of the things I have learned in this class specifically is that my class status sometimes affords me skewed views about the state of affairs for classes lower than mine. Sometimes the middle and upper classes forget that our society allows problems like this run rampant, but for me, and for my other classmates who joined me, volunteering at the Prince of Peace Center was an eye-opener. When the center opened at 9:30 a.m. that Thursday morning, the throng of people lined up outside began to filter through the distribution line. At times, it was hard for the volunteers, including myself, to keep up with unloading boxes and cans to hand out. At times, I couldn’t believe just how many people in our own community needed these resources just to keep afloat. But the experience wasn’t just sobering; it was also a truly positive experience. One of my classmates, Anna Cooper, a senior history major, was kind enough to talk about her experience at the Center. “It definitely gives me more of an insight into hunger and inequality in this country and it makes me want to help in other ways," Cooper said. "Everyone is so nice and willing to tell their story and really it's just a comforting and friendly atmosphere. Food pantries are important because they provide a basic necessity to those that do not have the ability to gain access on their own. If food pantries were not readily available, I am positive that hunger and inequality would be an even bigger issue than it already is.” I wanted to take this specific class because understanding my own place in the world makes me better suited and more knowledgeable to help others. I am part of a generation that is actively working to be a solution to the problems that our predecessors have bequeathed us. I’m learning to do that not only as a student, but also as a volunteer, an active force of support. Cooper agreed with this sentiment. “My main reason for taking this class was because it counted as an elective for my minor, but I was also very excited to take the class because of the volunteer experience that came along with it. I like being able to put what I learn into action, and this class seemed like a great opportunity to do P ES IV T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA Food pantries are important because they provide a basic necessity to those that do not have the ability to gain access on their own. If food pantries were not readily available, I am positive that hunger and inequality would be an even bigger issue than it already is. -ANNA COOPER " that,” Cooper said. Sometimes, we talk about this college as a “bubble,” and I really want to encourage us to step away from that definition. One day, all of us will be active members of society, and part of learning how to exist as a part of the whole involves learning about those around you. Please, don’t just spend your college experience, your first step into adulthood, in your comfort zone. Learn about the world. Volunteer. Study abroad. Have incredible and fantastic experiences that guide you towards goodness. And most of all, be the change you want to see in the world, because without that passion, we are stagnant and without hope. Budgeting for Global Conflict Pano Constantine Controversial Columnist The home of the brave expects to continue its trend of exorbitant spending which has led to the $18+ trillion debt it currently faces by spending an estimated $555 billion in 2015. While our military spending is greater than the next 15 nations combined, our government continues to spend obscene amounts of money (approximately 55 percent of the nation’s overall budget) developing weapons and continuing its policy of being the world’s watch dog. People have become anguished by this recurrent trend. A poll was conducted by the Center for Public integrity, the Program for Public Consultation and the Stimson Center asking about defense spending and what the general public believed was necessary. The "Huffington Post" reported that these results showed a consistent decrease that surprisingly transcended partisan lines; the average decrease was over $100 billion. In line with these thoughts, I too feel that the budget should be decreased. But why stop at $100 billion? On the right is a pie chart of the current breakdown of our government’s spending. My proposition is that we as a nation cut our spending by 50 percentage points of the overall budget. Our nation does not need to be focused on the world. It needs to first be financially responsible within its own borders before it can fix the rest of the world. America is falling behind. We spend a paltry 6 percent of our budget on education. It shows. Our comparative intelligence in math, the sciences, history, and geography have fallen dramatically in the national eyes. On the PISA international literacy scales we fell behind in every area of the test and were surpassed in each category. Arguments in favor of the morosely excessive military spending center on it protecting our nation from foreign threats. Since 9/11, arguably the worst attack on the U.S. in its history, our military spending has started multiple wars overseas, thus creating our enemies. It can be arguable that ISIS is a response to American military spending. We took out al-Qaida, and ISIS, which claims to hate the West, took their place. Do we expect to create allies by tearing up innocent communities, killing people’s sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers? How much do we expect the world to tolerate in the name of democracy? At home, we ignore the pressing issues like lack of education. The number Got a news tip? Contact the News Editor at [email protected]. one cause of homelessness in America is the lack of affordable housing (the National Coalition for the Homeless) yet we spend a mere 5 percent of our budget on housing and community development. When will we learn that the best investment of our time and money is in education – the thing that makes better human beings and a better economy? If we decrease the spending to 5 percent, we will have enough money to protect us but we will also not have as many enemies. The world will move on regardless of our involvement, if we invest in education and our economy, our country will stand as a beacon to be emulated, not an obelisk to be feared and hated. If our nation invested less in its military then it would not need as large a military – it would have fewer enemies to protect against. There are people suffering in the United States today. There needs to be a shift – a paradigm shift in the priorities of this nation. This country needs to focus on the real issues at hand. World policing is not the biggest issue. There are people, there is hurt. Let’s invest in what really matters. CLINTON FROM A1 political science, the Clinton email controversy does not qualify as a scandal. “It is much ado about nothing,” Rhoads said. “It was not against federal law, though the law has recently changed, and from what I have seen when looking at recent polls, this hasn’t affected her standings. This is not going to derail her as the nominee for the Democratic Party.” rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% N E W YELLOW 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% 120912jz MAGENTA CYAN BLACK A4 S FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 N T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA Bradley Weaver Symposium facilitates networking Aaron Wilson Staff Writer On Saturday, Mar. 22, the Business Department hosted the Professional Networking Symposium. Registration began at 8 a.m. and the event ran until about 1 p.m., when it concluded with a lunch in the Witherspoon Rooms. During registration, companies from many different areas came to set up a small table where students were allowed to inquire about each business. Most of these businesses had alumni representatives. After the opening words were given by Dr. Daniel Fischmar, attendees were dismissed to listen to their panels. The panels were divided into three, one hour sessions, with at least three panels running at one time in different locations. The panels were moderated by a member of the faculty, and the speakers that talked about their experiences and advice were comprised of many people from different career paths, not all of whom had graduated from here. Some of the many panels that participants could attend were: Public Relations, International Business and Study Abroad, Résumé Building, Humanities and Social Sciences and Interview Tips and Tricks. Dakota Marti, a senior business major, is heir to The Cheese Factory that can be found just up the road from the college, and he had his own table at the symposium. His grandfather built the factory that is next to The Cheese Factory. Marti knew he wanted to take part in the family business to keep it in the family and because he liked the idea of being his own boss. Marti identified his idea of the key to success. “Always having a goal and doing your best to achieve it,” Marti said. The symposium had at least 250 people pre-registered. Karen Coulter, business department secretary, and Ben Nelson, an alum, estimated that around 300 people participated. “30 people who were not alumni came here looking to hire students from our college,” Nelson said. Nelson was one of Fischmar’s students. The two stay in touch and spearhead the symposium twice a year, one in fall and one in spring. Nelson also said that the panel was start- ed three years ago by a few friends in the business department. In those three years, the symposium has grown from its original 15 colleagues to 300 participants from all majors and careers. On top of the increasing participation, more students are benefitting from the symposium and finding jobs because of it each year. “Creating relationships is the heart of the event,” Coulter said. On the program that was passed out during registration, Fischmar leaves his advice. “Establishing a long term relationship with professionals in your field is one of the most helpful things you can do as an undergraduate,” Fischmar said. The atmosphere was relaxed, and the panelists seemed eager to answer questions. “This is really something special. I encourage more students to come. It’s very comfortable,” Fischmar said. The symposium added a business twist to most majors and how they can help in business but all students are encouraged to go because not everything in the symposium is about business, but it is all about helping students find a good job once they leave campus. Adapted housing process in place Marc Williams Staff Writer With the upcoming changes in student housing for the 2015-16 school year, there are some alterations coming to the housing process. Students will be able to choose their rooms as they have in previous years, but they will need to have backup plans ready in case their first choice is not available. Just as in the past, students will still be assigned lottery numbers, but this year instead of two separate processes for men and women, there will be a single process for all genders. The lowest lottery numbers will be assigned to seniors and the highest numbers will be given to underclassmen. Each building will have different ratios of men:women. For example a 50:50 ratio for Eichenauer, but a higher men:women ratio in Galbreath. Other buildings on campus will have higher numbers of women with Browne and Ferguson Halls remaining entirely female. "It is important for students to understand the designations for buildings are based on math," Stephanie Reed, Director of Residence Life, said. Browne remains a completely female building due to the fact that it is the smallest residence hall in use. Ferg also remains entirely female to remain with the tradition of sorority suites. Galbreath has a higher ratio of men:women to make up for Browne and Ferguson. According to the current enrollment predictions for the upcoming school year, the housing plans proposed by the college will remain applicable. However, according to Reed, "if enrollment exceeds predictions by over 150 students, we will need to reconsider opening either Hillside or Jeffers hall." A fluctuation of plus or minus 15 students will have little effect on the housing structure for next year. The biggest things for students to understand for the upcoming room draw process are prioritizing and having backup plans. Up to this point, few students have come forward with questions for the upcoming school year. "If you have concerns, we are here to answer your questions," Amanda Ries, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs said. "Returning students cannot expect the same things as previous years. Be sure to ask ahead of time because once the process is done, it is done." The goal of the housing changes is aimed at increasing choices for students and making things equal for both men and women. There still will be opportunities for themed housing for sports teams, academic groups and Greek life. One thing that will change is that single rooms will be more difficult to get than previous years. Men will have more opportunities for single rooms than previous years, but women will have a fewer, making the numbers roughly equal. However, unlike previous years, it will be very unlikely for a double room to be utilized as a single. "It is important to remember that housing continues throughout the summer," Reed said. "Even if you are wait listed for your top choice, that room may become available in the summer." Another room draw tip is to have the roommate with the lowest lottery number get the preferred room. All rooms are first come, first serve. The higher the lottery number is, the more backup plans are needed. Both Ries and Reed are very excited for the practical point of the coed housing model. It has been discussed for several years as an idea, but only now can the model finally be applied to the entire campus. If you have any questions about the housing changes for next year, feel free to direct them to Amanda Ries or Stephanie Reed. Hair to be snipped for service Erin Scott Staff Writer Alpha Phi Omega will host a Locks of Love event on Apr. 18 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Berlin Lounge. Kappa Delta, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Mu and potentially some local high schools are supporting the event. The event is open to the public, so participants can walk in that day or sign up for an appointment in the T.U.B. during the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before the event. “The stylists are all excited to come up,” Laurel Michalek, Vice President of Service for Alpha Phi Omega and event coordinator, said. “They’re all local, within 30 miles. It’s a professional haircut for free!” Locks of Love is a nonprofit organization whose mission “is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children.” While Locks of Love provides hairpieces for children who have lost their hair to cancer treatments, their most numerous requests come from children with a condition called alopecia, an incurable condition with an unknown cause. They also provide pros- thetic hair for burn and accident victims. According to the Locks of Love website, “the hair prostheses provided are custom-made from donated ponytails and would retail between $3,500 and $6,000.” Each hairpiece is made from real hair and may consist of as many as 10 ponytails, or 10 different hair donations. The pieces are custom-made for each child and seal firmly to their head so that they won’t fall off, even while playing sports. “We’re required to do a service event that involves youth,” Michalek said. “Locks of Love is perfect because its goal is to help children who have lost hair for medical reasons.” Alpha Phi Omega chapters across the nation are required to participate in Global Youth Service Day, which takes place on April 17-19. Global Youth Service Day aims to get young people involved in service to others through philanthropy and volunteer experience. Hair that has been bleached cannot be accepted, and each ponytail must be at least 10 inches long in order to be used to make the prosthetic hairpieces. For those who do not wish to, or cannot cut their hair, but who still wish to support the event, there will be computers set up so items can be purchased from the Locks of Love website. In addition to supporting Locks of Love, attendees will be able to purchase items in support of Relay for Life. rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% YELLOW 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% 120912jz MAGENTA CYAN A5 BLACK SP O R T S T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA S FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 Westminster is goin' MAD Dan Swank Sports Writer March is a time of year in which people ritually do a variety of things - ensuring that their Christmas decorations are down, getting their last skiing days of winter in and filling out NCAA March Madness brackets. These brackets, found online or in paper form, represent the climax of the college basketball season. As the NBA season continues to drag on with its slower paced style, college basketball speeds up to its highest rate and entertains the masses. I listened to a March Madnessthemed podcast last week, and the host of the show offered some fair advice that came in two parts. One: don’t ever shape your bracket around the liking of your favorite team or alma mater. Two: don’t ever expect to have a perfect bracket. ESPN went on the record and said that they would pay one million dollars to anybody who ended up with a perfect bracket. As of Saturday, Mar. 21, there were no perfect brackets remaining. Kentucky seems to be the favorite to win this years “dance.” The Wildcats are a flawless 36-0 and on their way to the Sweet Sixteen. One of my professors offered students one extra point added to their end of the year grade if they were to pick the winner of this years tournament. Hopefully, Kentucky makes it as easy as I think it will be to obtain that extra point. Senior Bret Zimmerman arranged his own local tournament. “Everyone fills out a bracket and picks the winners of each game. The scoring system is that you get points for every game that you pick right," Zimmerman said. "The more wins you get, the more points you accumulate. Wins in later rounds are worth more points than early rounds.” Three Titans compete on national stage Megan Romocean Sports Writer The women’s Track and Field team sent two athletes to nationals in Winston-Salem, N.C., over spring break. Sophomore Cassidy Shepherd and junior Marissa Kalsey were listed fourth and fifth, respectively, on the national qualifying list. Last year, Kalsey was named U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA) NCAA Division III Midwest Region Field Athlete of the year. Shepherd received the award this year. Shepherd was also awarded the PAC Women’s Most Outstanding Performer after winning the long jump with a mark of 15 feet, 11.75 inches and finishing as the runner-up for the pole vault with a mark of 11 feet, 9.25 inches at the PAC Indoor Championship. “Receiving the Field Athlete of the Year award was a shocker,” Shepherd said. “I feel so honored and grateful to receive it.” Kalsey left the JDL Fast Track with second place in the pole vault for the second year in a row. The first place vaulter and Kalsey both cleared the winning height of 13 feet, 1.50 inches, but due to overall misses, Kalsey became runner-up. This finish for Kalsey earned her a third straight All-American title in women’s pole vault. Kalsey’s mark also broke her own school record that she made last year at SPIRE Midwest Indoor Track and Field Open. “My teammates push me to do my best and are always cheering me on,” Kalsey said. “Also, my coach is the one who keeps me on track. I am so grateful to have a coach who cares so much.” Shepherd placed twelfth with a mark of 11 feet, 7.75 inches out of 17 total vaulters. The Track and Field teams now start their outdoor season and look to send Shepherd and Kalsey to another outdoor nationals competition. Last week, the men’s Swimming and Diving team sent senior Steven Brooks to the 2015 NCAA Division III Men’s Swimming and Diving Championships in Shenandoah, Tex. Brooks earned the PAC Swimmer of the Year award for the third year in a row, which led the Titans to win their sixth PAC title. He also swam on the winning 400 free, 200 medley and 400 medley relays. Last year at nationals, Brooks nearly missed earning an AllAmerican Honorable Mention title after placing 17th in the 100 backstroke. He set a school-record time of 1:49.39 in the 200 backstroke with a twenty-first place finish and a forty-third finish in the 50 freestyle. “Qualifying last year, I was just excited to be there,” Brooks said. “This year, I had a goal of not only swimming well, but also making it to finals at night.” Going into nationals, Brooks was ranked seventh in the 100 backstroke with a time of 49.35 and fifteenth in the 200 back with a time of 1:48.59. He competed in his first event on Wednesday which was the 50 freestyle. This was his option event, but he placed fortyfirst with a time of 20.99. Brooks earned All-American Honorable Mention after placing eleventh overall in the 100 back. His time of 48.90 broke his previous school record which he set at the 2014-2015 PAC Championships. The next day, he earned his second All-American honor after placing tenth in the 200 backstroke. He once again broke another school record with a time of 1:47.78. “I give Coach Klamut and Coach Pat a lot of credit because of how much time they spend with me working on and perfecting the smallest parts of my races,” Brooks said. Zimmerman states that the prize of the tournament is simply “bragging rights among friends.” This type of tournament is common amongst college students. Personally, I believe that Duke will fall to Kentucky in the final. With this being said, it’s important to remember that I’ve been wrong more than I’ve been right when it comes to predicting the title game. To gain a wider perspective, I asked a few students what their predictions were. “I’m picking Duke," Junior Paden Jones said, "I don’t believe in perfection, and someone is going to upset Kentucky - so it might as well be the only team left that can do so.” Sophomore Doltyn Snedden went with a surprise pick “Notre Dame is going to win it all. They had a good season and they’re an underdog kind of team," Snedden said. "Everybody likes an upset.” First year Natalie Paoletta is sticking with the top dog. “My pick would be Kentucky," Paoletta said. "You never know though, because Kansas, a number two seed, just lost.” It seems that Kentucky is the overall favorite to win. Some other teams to keep an eye on are Wisconsin and Duke, as well as number one seeds Gonzaga and Arizona. It is clear that this years tournament has the entire campus buzzing. The televisions at WOW and the T.U.B. seldom show anything other than tournament games. Walking through the halls, it’s suddenly common to hear shouts and screams from the excitement of a late game three pointer or a bad call by a referee. March Madness is arguably the most exciting post-season event in major sports. Even non-basketball fans tune into the major networks to watch the games. As the excitement continues, trash cans across the country will fill with more shredded up brackets. The Reality of Fantasy Matt Nystrom Sports Writer Doctors do it. Lawyers do it. Teachers do it. College kids study it. Magazines, newspapers, TV shows and radio podcasts dissect it. What is the common link here? Fantasy sports. Nearly 40 million people in the United States participate in the growing behemoth each and every year. It went from fad to phenomenon in a short period of time, more similar to the way the internet took off as opposed to the Furby burning out. From football to golf, almost every sport is now used as an arena for fictitious general managers to battle for their league championships. Speaking of GMs, just a quick rundown of how a general fantasy sports league works: a dozen or so people join together and draft their respective teams of players in the sport in which they are drafting. Depending on the scoring system, players earn points or are measured by some type of metric and help the team along throughout the season. The best team at the end of the season is awarded the championship which can be achieved through a combination of both good gambling luck and knowledge, wherewithal and attentiveness to assemble a solid squad both on draft day and throughout the season. Although some might discount the fantasy industry as recreation, it has become one of the fastest growing entities in the market. According to a Forbes study in 2012, by 2017 the fantasy industry will almost eclipse $2 billion. Forbes contributor Tom Van Riper discovered that from 2007-2012 there had been a steady 12 percent growth in the fantasy industry. To help garner this steady increase in popularity, various media outlets have invested heavily in fantasy entities such as hiring sports writers to analyze fantasy and have them conduct TV shows that help equip fantasy players with helpful knowledge so they can dominate their leagues. ESPN, Yahoo and CBS Sports are all popular outlets to host your league and help make it easy to keep score and keep track of your team. These venues also have various talented writers and bloggers who not only assist in roster questions, but also bring a unique personality to fantasy. Matthew Berry has become synonymous with fantasy football, and he brings a witty yet sophisticated dynamic to fantasy sports that other people emulate. He is considered to be one of the godfathers of the industry and developed several web sites specifically tailored for fantasy advice and database. He sets the bar for the industry and, just as LeBron James promotes the NBA, he promotes fantasy sports. The most interesting aspect of fantasy nowadays is the arrival of daily fantasy sports (DFS). Two companies, FanDuel and Draft Kings, have developed a system for fantasy players to join big money tournaments with thousands of people each day where winners are paid daily. FanDuel advertises that it has paid out hundreds of millions of dollars each year over the past few years and has attracted mass appeal based on the minimal entry fees. This bypasses gambling laws because it is not considered a game of chance, but rather a recreational activity that takes a bit of skill. Nearly $70 million was invested into FanDuel from a company development standpoint which shows how popular DFS has become. Some members have actually quit their jobs and made a living off of DFS. One man said, “I can definitely do this full time, I’m only getting better every week.” This is a scary aspect of fantasy sports because people will become addicted to daily leagues just like gambling at casinos. Winning money from the daily leagues is impressive, and I have played in some different pools over the past few months in both football and basketball, but it does not satisfy me as much as regular weekly fantasy leagues that contain some close friends and last the whole season. Daily leagues have been a catalyst in the growth and even though it is immensely profitable, it does not offer the same amount of nostalgia and camaraderie that regular fantasy leagues offer. For me, I will always love meeting up with ten of my close friends every August, October and March to draft our respective football, basketball and baseball fantasy teams as we embark on a competitive season. Fantasy is a way for work colleagues to connect and unwind from the stresses of the day in order to foster a more productive and positive work environment, for old college buddies to stay connected for years to come and for new friendships to be made over your beverage and appetizer of choice while you draft at your local Buffalo Wild Wings. The incentives to get together with close friends helps to give it such a positive connotation, so gather your boys (or lady friends) and set up a league today! Happy drafting! rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% S P O R 120912jz YELLOW 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% MAGENTA CYAN BLACK A6 TS FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 S T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA LIVING the DREAM? Mike Annarella Sports Editor $107,000 might sound like a lot of money to the average American. Let’s face it: to a college student, it sounds like hitting the lotto. But is $107,000 a fair salary to pay the best female professional basketball player in the world? I’d say no, and Diana Taurasi apparently feels the same. For anyone who follows the game of basketball, Taurasi is as talented as she is tough. The California-native has been a winner her entire career. At the University of Connecticut, Taurasi was a three-time NCAA champion, a two-time NCAA tournament MVP and was twice named the NCAA Player of the Year. With Team USA, she’s won three Olympic gold medals and two World Cups. In the WNBA, Taurasi has been a three-time champion, a seven-time All-Star, the 2009 regular-season MVP and a two-time WNBA Finals MVP. So isn’t it ironic that one of the most accomplished Americans in WNBA history would choose to forego the 2015 season and live in Russia? Maybe, but once you hear Taurasi’s side of the story, it’s understandable. Taurasi typically spends her WNBA offseason playing basketball in Russia’s Premier League. Her salary overseas is $1.5 million - approximately 15 times her WNBA salary. This season, Taurasi’s Russian team offered to pay her more money than her WNBA salary to not play for the Phoenix Mercury. Taurasi spoke to a "New York Times" reporter last week and explained her de- Springing into action Amanda Sloan Sports Writer With warm weather making its way back, flowers won’t be the only thing making an appearance on the field. The baseball and softball teams took to the diamond two weeks ago to start their seasons. Softball enters this season with seven returners and one senior, Ashley Smith. Coach Jan Reddinger and the Lady Titans welcomed 10 first-years to their roster. The Lady Titans made their way to the Sunshine State over spring break to start their season and returned home with an overall record of 6-4. They are 8-4 after a two-game sweep over the Hiram Terriers. Coach Tim Mulligan and the baseball team enter The Holcad's TOP TITAN cision to sit out the 2015 WNBA season. “It was a very personal choice. My agent said it would be financially irresponsible not to do it,” Taurasi said. “And you know, that’s very taboo for athletes. It’s like, you’re an athlete—you shouldn’t think about that. Oh really? I shouldn’t think about when I’m 40 and can’t walk ‘cause my knees are busted? Who’s going to want to hire me in the business world? I have no work experience. And this is my profession. Why shouldn’t I try to make the most money I can?” I guess the bigger question, though, is why can’t a woman like Taurasi live the “American Dream” in America? While Taurasi and other superstar female athletes struggle to secure their financial futures, male athletes continue to break the bank. For example, the highest paid NBA player, Kobe Bryant, makes $23.5 million per season. According to Forbes magazine, the alarming trend of women being paid less than men is especially drastic in professional sports. Soccer player Cristiano their season with 21 returners and four first-years. The seven seniors, Jake Haubrich, Jason Avery, John Jones, James Shelby, Duncan Watt, Chase Whelan and Jared Heck round out the roster. Sophomore catcher Kellen Gursky is expecting big things out of his team this year. “The expectations of this team are first to have a winning season but we want to go beyond that," Gursky said. "We want to make conference tournament; once you’re there anything can happen.” The Titans got to get out of the snow and into the sunshine for spring break as they traveled to Florida, where they came home with an overall record of 4-6. The Titans began their PAC play this week against Saint Vincent, where they came out triumphant, winning two out of three, giving them an overall record of 8-7 and 2-1 in the PAC. The men’s tennis team is back on the court this year with a new coach; Chivas Whipple took on that role. Six players made their way back this year with Mark Andino and Mike Matisi rounding it out as the seniors. The Titans welcomed three new first-years to the team. Whipple and his team got out of the snow and onto the beach as they headed to Hilton Head, South Carolina for spring break. The outcome is not one James Hill / New York Times Ronaldo, for example, makes 83 times more money than Alex Morgan, the best U.S. female soccer player, each year. While I realize female sporting events may not draw the fans (and therefore, the revenue) of male sporting events—there is still a level of inequality I can’t grasp. Why can an oppressed country like Russia appreciate the talent of Taurasi and her peers, when America cannot? Why does a country that pledges “liberty and justice for all” continue to undervalue women? These are questions I may never be able to answer. Nonetheless, I respect Taurasi’s decision and hope she will one day receive the respect (and pay) she deserves in this country. Mike is a senior public relations major with a minor in media art and design. He's a Pittsburgh Penguins media relations staff member. they had hoped for, coming back with an overall record of 0-3. They hope to turn that around with their first match this Friday against Saint Vincent. After not finishing the indoor season how he planned, coach Tim McNeil hopes to get back on track for the outdoor season. The men’s and women’s Track and Field teams enter this season with eight seniors, Leah Domhoff, Alaura Hanssen, Jenny Jones, Brittany Majors, Megan Romocean, Christian Friday, Justin Smith and Anthony Thomas. The Titans fell just short last season at PAC’S, but junior Taran SifontesLavine believes this season will be different. “The end of indoor was a bit disappointing for both the men and women," Sifontes-Lavine said. "It kind gave us a chip on our shoulder which makes us go even harder at practice to get back to the top of the PAC.” For spring break, the teams jumped on over to South Carolina to compete in the Coastal Carolina Invitational. The men’s team finished there with an overall record of 0-4 while the women went 0-5. McNeil and the rest of the Titans will travel to the College of Wooster this Saturday to compete. John Jones #BurghBite Your Weekly Pittsburgh Sports News Bite Baseball The senior hit a walk-off single on Sunday to lift the Titans past Penn State Beaver, 4-3, in 10 innings of play. The top athletic performance of the week as selected by The Holcad Sports Editor, Mike Annarella. On Sunday, The Steelers signed linebacker James Harrison to a two-year contract. Westminster College rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% YELLOW 120912jz MAGENTA CYAN BLACK FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 VOLUME CXXXI B1 AE & Fey's Still Funny Jordan Locke A&E Writer I miss “30 Rock.” I miss “30 Rock” real bad. I miss how expertly the show’s writers, episode after episode, were able to walk such a fine line on countless polarizing issues like racism, feminism, and politics with a deftness that was unlike anything else out there. I miss the jokes that were often so fast you needed to watch the show with closed captioning. I miss all the show’s unabashed silliness, its love of strange names, (I’m looking at you Dr. Spaceman) and all those weirdly specific cultural references. But I think most of all, I missed the show’s creators Tiny Fay and Robert Carlock. So when Netflix announced that they picked up the distribution rights for “The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" from NBC, I was more than excited. Not only was there the promise that I’d get to see something that maybe possibly resembled the genius of 30 Rock, but I would get to watch all 12 episodes in one shameless binging session. The premise for the show sounded solid enough: four women are trapped underground somewhere in the midwest as part of a doomsday cult for 15 years before being rescued and brought to the nation’s attention who, through every possible media outlet, want to follow their perilous journey back to assimilation into 2015 society. Even the show’s star, “The Office’s” Ellie Kemper, sounded promising. But for some reason I didn’t take to it as fast as I thought I would. As interesting as the show’s premise sounded at first, as I got a few episodes I felt like it was one 90’s teen reference away from becoming a front runner for driest sitcom of the year. Kimmy would marvel at how strange people dressed, that “Friend’s” wasn’t on TV anymore, and then there’s my cringing at all that outdated teenage slang. But the premise is even darker if you remember that case in Ohio a few years ago, the so called “Ariel Castro kidnappings,” in which a man kidnapped three young girls and held them prisoner in his home in Cleveland. It’s true, Kimmy is often obnoxious and unbearable at times but she’s also lovable and when you consider what her character is based on, there’s something very real in her story. Of course her story isn’t exactly pulled from the headlines; it’s the way Fey and her team were able to take Kimmy and her fellow abuductee’s trauma and poke fun at it – like the mystery crank that they feel strangely compelled to turn or the imaginary toys they’re forced to play with – playing them up in such a way that they feel completely ridiculous but also grounded in reality. Though the show’s writers have done a good job making Kimmy’s story strangely believable, there’s also the show’s strange and sometimes misguided dealings with race, especially in the now infamous subplot in which Jacqueline, Kimmy’s out-of-touch billionaire boss, is revealed to be a Native American who chose to give up her family and heritage completely to live as a white women in New York City. Or when the character Dong, who is a Vietnamese immigrant, unexpectedly becomes Kimmy’s love interest. Both storylines are thin at best and at worse tiptoe on the brink of utterly offensive. Unlike Kimmy’s roommate Titus, himself a gay black man who, on paper, could be the most offensive stereotypical gay black man possible, Jacqueline and Dong become instantly dry, cliched stereotypes. Neither attack these stereotypes head on and play with them and mock them, instead they go a them with boring predictability. Those two missteps aside however, “Kimmy Schmidt” is actually a very redeeming show and gets a number of things right, including a lot of fast-paced dialogue and a lot of witty humor a la 30 Rock. There’s definitely some obvious parallels to the show that preceded “Kimmy.” Of course, there’s the out-of-touch Jack Donaghy-esq character in Jacqueline, whose relationship builds much in the same way as Liz did with Jack. At first the two seem soulless, unredeemable human beings at first only to find that they can learn a thing or two about relationships and life from their new “proteges.” Titus is obviously the new Jenna, while Lillian, the pair’s landlord, fills (admirably) Tracy Jordan’s shoes as an eccentric New Yorker who lived through the 60’s and 70’s as the city tore itself apart, always getting the most insane lines. But maybe comparing the two shows isn’t necessarily important. “Kimmy Schmidt” will never be “30 Rock” and maybe that’s a good thing. I’ll admit I didn’t want to like it at first for the show’s few stumbles, I kept going guiltily going back for more and more and I believe this show has the makings to be an exciting new series. For Love of the Game Haley Barger A&E Editor Baseball has always been a part of my life, though in the past few years, my interest has been put on the back burner for the simple reason that I simply haven’t had anyone to throw around with. Before I came to college, I played in several recreational leagues, as I had for the vast majority of my childhood. Every day, even when I wasn’t required to go to practice, I would walk across the street from my house, bat and glove in hand, to practice hitting on my own. I loved – and still do, the sound and feel of the cowhide and cork thudding against wood. A few weeks ago, two things called all of my baseball memories back to me: my grandfather, who once played in the majors, died, and I saw for the first time a remarkable 1989 movie called "Field of Dreams.” When I got the call from my cousin saying that our grandfather had finally passed, I was on a bus heading back from New York City, and consequently, could do little to nothing about the situation until I reached New Wilmington. Not wanting to think about the fact that I hadn’t gotten to see him before he passed, I decided to sit back in my seat and do some homework. I am quite fortunate to be enrolled in an independent study of screenwriting, and so part of my homework was to watch Phil Alden Robinson’s baseball-centric dramatic comedy “Field of Dreams.” Based on a novel of the same name by author Ray Kinsella, Robinson’s film stars Kevin Costner as Ray, an Iowa farmer and life-long baseball fanatic whose father had a stint in the minor leagues and taught his son all that he knew about the game. Shortly after the film’s exposition, Ray hears a voice coming out from his cornfield telling him, “If you build it, he will come.” Following a brief period of uncertainty, it is revealed that what the voice expects Ray to build is a professional-grade baseball diamond, and, not wanting to turn into a stale old man, he obliges, only to find the ghost of Shoeless Joe Jackson emerging from the corn, asking if he is allowed to play on the field. Ray affords him the opportunity to return to the field each day, and soon enough, Shoeless Joe brings along a number of other famous players, all of whom foster a love of the game within the Kinsella household. Things do not stay peaceful for long though, and soon enough Ray’s brotherin-law, a banker, informs Ray that he will need to either get rid of the field and replant his crops or be forced to sell the farm. Ray refuses to sell, and begins hearing the voice again, this time with a new message, saying that Ray is to “Ease his pain.” While Ray has no idea whose pain he ought to be easing, he continues on with his life of family, baseball, and small-town living. After attending a PTA meeting led by a woman who wishes to ban the books of Ray’s wife’s favorite writer, Terence Mann, Ray begins doing research on the author. In his search, he uncovers Mann’s childhood love of baseball and journeys many miles to meet him in person. When Ray meets the highly embittered aging author, he and Mann journey back to the field and find that the bank is threatening to foreclose on the farm. The bankers cannot see the baseball players as Ray, his family and Mann do, and therefore see no reason to allow Ray to keep the farm. Just as the bankers are about to formally foreclose on the Kinsella farm, Ray’s daughter Karin, (played by Gaby Hoffman), says that if the field remains intact, tourists will come from all over the country and pay to watch baseball be played there. Following a momentous series of events, the ghost of Ray’s father appears from the corn, and the two share a game of catch as Karin’s prediction comes true and the farm is saved. While I sat in my bus seat watching the film, I had to try very hard to keep myself from crying, for I saw myself in Ray, and his family reminded me quite strongly of my own. My father and grandfather both loved the game; one of the first things that I remember ever learning how to do was throw a baseball, and my father taught it to me. He and my grandfather would tell me stories about his time in the major leagues, playing for the Philadelphia Athletics, and when I began playing myself at the age of four, I felt both the weight and majesty of joining a legacy (I have always been over-thinker). My family was a baseball family, and if you watch this film, yours may become one too. rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% R TA MAGENTA CYAN ARTS & E N BLACK B2 INMEN T FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 T E YELLOW 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% 120912jz A T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA Picture This Jessie Klousnitzer A&E Writer With my broken aux cord and hatred of commercial radio, I had to rely on my old collection of CDs to get me back to school after spring break. None of them were more than seven years old, but each one I tried had at least one track skipping. This made me think back to my recent purchase of a record player. I bought some new records, and I inherited my parents’ collection. A 40-year-old Steve Miller Band vinyl was the same quality as my brand new Lana Del Rey. Things were made better “back then.” It is an arbitrary statement, but it is so ac- curate. I don’t want to continue to beat the point that vinyl is amazing. It is, but I am sure that the motley crew of Arts and Entertainment has done its job in convincing you of its superiority to digital. There is another case where digital is under attack by its antiquated predecessors: photography. There is a small and growing number of professional photographers experimenting with old fashioned film photography. It is not just single lens reflex (SLR) cameras, or if you don’t know much about photography, the ones with large lenses and a lot of settings. A lot of the innovative and creative works are coming from simple disposable cameras. SLR cameras are great. I was given my mother’s 30-year-old Nikon and had the pleasure of hand-developing the film from it in a dark room. The amount of control you have over an image is amazing, but I love the element of surprise that comes with using film. The excitement that comes with getting photos developed is one of the reasons why people are still using film. The other reason is that many times it has superior quality and a crispness that can’t be captured with digital photography. Lomography is a type of art photography that seeks mistakes, which some think ruins photos. The best way to describe it is the filters are built into the pictures. “Lomo” cameras are usually cheaper plastic film cameras. The lenses are usually made of plastic, and often cause the vignettes and altered hues seen in Lomography pictures. I own a Lomography fisheye camera, and I love the “mistakes” it makes. I don’t use my Lomo camera to actively take pictures because a lot of times it will ruin it. Instead, I use it to spontaneously capture the world around, and the pictures that get developed literally show my surroundings in a different light. If you enjoy photography, you should experiment with film. You don’t need any fancy or expensive cameras; a disposable camera will do just fine. There are a lot of tutorials online about ways to experiment with film cameras that are easy and fun. The Flair of Mary Blair Meredith Douthett A&E Writer Walt Disney World, colloquially referred to as “The happiest place on Earth!” evokes pleasant images of Cinderella’s castle, Epcot’s massive Spaceship Earth, balloons, parades, turkey legs as big as a man’s forearm and giddy children and parents alike donning big round mouse ears belonging to none other than Mickey Mouse himself. But suddenly you feel it. A strange buzzing rousing quietly in the back of your cerebellum, vibrating along your brain and through your nerves like a magnitude 5 shockwave, gaining momentum that causes the hair on the back of your neck to stand on end, even shooting sparks from your follicles into the atmosphere. It flourishes, making itself known, louder and louder as if the heavens themselves have split apart to herald the cacophonous arrival of that so wretchedly known melody, chiming through the galaxy until it becomes visible redshift light. The gravity of the chorus nearly pulverizing the very quantum particles holding your bones intact as you bellow out, to the nearest person, “It’s a small world, after all!” To which that person might say, “Stop that, you’ll get that stuck in my head.” Despite the garish soundtrack, the Small World ride is a marvelous sight to behold. Crisp, geometric, patterns in lavish and rich colors beckon guests of Fantasyland into a true land of fantasy. The interior features glittering cutouts and splendid fabrications of all types of climates and cultures. The animatronic dolls, all identical in facial expression, size, and shape, portray gleeful children speaking their native languages. Jungle animals of every color traipse across the land as a smiling sun warms the soul. As the guests visit each room, the breathtaking amount of visual detail can be just as overwhelm- ing as the thematic jingle drowning out any thoughts they may be having. Who is responsible for the maddening warehouse of whimsy that is such a Disney World staple? Her name is Mary Blair, and she is a genius. Born Mary Robinson, Blair's distinctive watercolor works showcase her master grasp on color, creating depth in her graphically-styled paintings. Each piece of Blair’s work expertly tells a story through heavy shapes representing multifaceted characters with a life of their own. “Beneath her deceptively simple style, lies enormous visual sophistication and craftsmanship in everything from color choices to composition," John Canemaker said in a short biography of Blair. "It would be difficult for anyone not to enjoy the witty, utterly charming art of Mary Blair, a dazzling and prolific sorceress of color and form. She saw the world in a fresh, new way and brought a special childlike beauty and gaiety to the works of print, theme parks and movies.” Mary’s passion for her life and her work resonate through a letter she wrote to her husband, fellow painter Lee Blair, in 1933. “We are artists, dear, in love with art and each other. We must make these loves coincide and melt into a beautiful, happy and rich life --- that is our future…. we’ll live to be happy and paint to express our happiness,” Blari wrote. Every vibrant ounce of Blair’s talent and charm comes to life in Small World, saturating the viewer with an indescribable sense of unity and vigor. There are so many carefully considered and lovingly constructed elements to Small World that with every visit through each unique room a new treasure is uncovered in the trove of magnificently detailed magic. In this world of laughter, this world of tears, this world of hopes and this world of fears, there’s really so much we share. Blair made it apparent in her life and her work so that we’re all aware: It’s a small world, after all. A Beach and a Book Recommendation Kat St. Pierre A&E Writer For those of you who read my articles earlier in the fall, you will know already know about my last summer. For those of you who do not read my article every week, shame. I cannot help but thinking about the beach this week. I had my sixth amazing summer at the beach. I have decided to spend this upcoming summer in Pennsylvania because of several state exams and an impending tonsillectomy, for which I am extremely sad. The first night I spent in North Carolina, I found a book under a cabinet. It was slightly dusty and thin, but I picked up the compilation of short stories titled “This Was Supposed To Be Simple…” by Buchanan Moncure, an author from Charlotte, NC. I spent the entire twilight at the beach sobbing over how honest, genuine and relatable these stories are. He examines relationships between families, couples, dates and our own minds. Each story fills the page with a complete feeling of emptiness that somehow left me feeling whole. I sat on the beach reading page after page, wondering if the author was behind me because of how well the short stories captured my life. As my summer went on and I became consumed in the ocean’s happiness, these stories continued to fill the pages with emptiness; but on the other hand, they left me feeling empty because I could no longer relate to them. I took a break from this book until last night. I felt the need to be inspired and instantly thought of these short stories. I sit here still mourning last summer. I clearly remember and feel how cold the sand was in mid-May while reading these for the first time. I strongly recommend this book to anyone that has suffered from any sort of sadness or loss. Actually, I recommend this to anyone who has known anyone who has been sad or lost to understand how raw emotion is. Moncure perfectly changes feelings into words, which is a difficult task. He is not afraid to display raw emotions and uncomfortable situations, and for that I am incredibly grateful. rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% YELLOW 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% 120912jz MAGENTA CYAN BLACK B3 PER SP E C T FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 HOROSCOPES ARIES There will be instances this week that feel like remembering a place you've never been. The dynamic is eerie, but don't worry too much about it. No matter how long you ponder the nature of existence, you won't (March 21-April 19). come up with definitive answers. You have better things to do with your time -- like enjoy it! will get a more solid sense of your true potential when you stop judging yourself based on what you TAURUS You are good at or not so good at. Being good at something is beside the point. Instead, focus on progress. Are (April 20-May 20). you getting better? How well are you doing compared to yesterday? Last week? Last year? GEMINI Many people work very hard to become financially successful, but it takes more than hard work to manifest abundance. Congruence is the key. When all parts of your life are aligned in the same direction, that's when (May 21-June 21). the real momentum will start to build. This week, pinpoint incongruence and root it out. CANCER You are developing quite a list of things you want to try. Just be aware that the experts often make things look easy that have, in fact, taken long hours of hard work to perfect. Stop expecting yourself to get it right (June 22-July 22). the first time. When you recognize bad choices in time to make better ones, give yourself credit for it. LEO You don't like to give your moods too much sway over your schedule because you prefer to make decisions based on your overall vision of your life, not on the moment-to-moment minutiae of emotions. However, it's (July 23-Aug. 22). wonderful when a string of good moods lifts you through the work of the latter week. It's like your heart has wings. VIRGO You have limitations that you feel duty-bound to outgrow, and then there are limitations you are better off respecting. Knowing the difference takes wisdom. You don't shy away from goals just because they will (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). push you and you'll feel uncomfortable in the process. Deep down, you know what's worth doing. LIBRA In order to be creative, it helps to have a high tolerance for boredom. Many of the tasks necessary to become great in the arts and sciences are repetitive and require deep wells of patience. Also, boredom allows (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). room for reflection. This week you'll discover and develop yourself by moving toward the stillness. SCORPIO Try not to make assumptions about people. Just because a person has something doesn't mean he or she feels good about it, appreciates it or is even remotely confident in it. When you go forward with compas(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). sion, realizing that you have no idea how others feel, you will make connections and create understanding. UPCOMING EVENTS Friday, 27 March 11:40 AM - 12:10 PM Open Door Reflection (Chapel) - Sarah Ferguson (East Liverpool, OH) Environmental Science 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM MEN'S TENNIS v. SAINT VINCENT* 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM BSU 90's Party 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Movie in Mueller The Hobbit 10:00 PM - 11:30 PM Movie in Mueller Son of a Gun Saturday, 28 March Men's & Women's Track & Field @ The College of Wooster 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM Habitat for Humanity Work Day You have a starring role in someone's thoughts this week, and this person's casting of you may be a bit unrealistic. Still, you can have fun stretching yourself into the part as long as it's not too far from who you (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). want to be. The story gets more interesting when you make plans or take on a project with this person. 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Baseball @ Thomas More (KY)* CAPRICORN 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Kappa Delta Shamrock 5K AQUARIUS 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM SOFTBALL v. WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON* DH SAGITTARIUS Whatever it is you feel you lack, chances are you don't need it. Feeling successful isn't a result of having it all. Confidence means getting comfortable with the potential for feeling hurt, embarrassed, rejected and at (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). a loss. Growth happens when you accept that potential and go for the win anyway. Handling criticism well requires maturity and perspective. If you're reading this, chances are you're a human being and thus, by nature, a fallible creature. When others point out what they think you did wrong and (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). offer suggestions for improvement this week, it's a stellar opportunity to learn and grow. PISCES When you make productivity your goal, you may be cutting yourself off from the real pleasure inside this week. The goal of being present (instead of productive) in the moment will result in shining, tender and (Feb. 19-March 20). playful times. Concentrate on being instead of doing. ES IV P T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Movie in Mueller The Hobbitt 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Roman Catholic Mass THIS WEEK'S BIRTHDAYS: Oddly, happiness doesn't always make you feel like smiling. It comes in different forms this year. It has a hoot-and-holler form, a tearful appreciation form, an overwhelming-waves-of-joy form and more. The best part is that you recognize the wisdom in staying flexible and accepting happiness however it shows up. Something you romanticized last year will come to fruition in May. Travel as much as possible this year, because the wisdom and opportunities you gain on the road will be invaluable. 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Movie in Mueller Son of a Gun 10:00 PM - 11:30 PM Movie in Mueller The Hobbitt Sunday, 29 March 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Baseball @ Thomas More (KY)* 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Westminster College Studio Oboe Recital 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Movie in Mueller Son of a Gun 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Westmisnter College Percussion Ensemble Recital 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Open Door Worship Palm Sunday 9:00 PM - 10:30 PM Movie in Mueller The Hobbit Monday, 30 March Meredith Douthett/The Holcad CROSSWORD SUDOKU Answers for the crossword and sudoku puzzles can be found on page B4 ACROSS DOWN 1 Mil. address 4 Curl 9 Dance step 1 Foot part 2 Water sport 3 Gem 4 Boasted 5 Town in New Mexico 6 With it 7 Reward: arch. 8 Is determined 9 Mere 10 Opposite: prefix 11 Just average 13 Cheer up 15 ___ Loa 20 River in Belgium 21 Haul 24 Accumulate 25 Churchman 26 Another 27 Across 27 Is indisposed 28 Goddess of peace 29 Belgian marble 30 Little endings 32 Political division 33 Hustle 36 Has at 37 Portraysl 39 Askew: Scot. 40 Town on the Wabash 42 Cut up 43 With impudence 45 Put off 46 Discard 47 Hillside cave 48 Dramatist Coward 49 North: Fr. 50 Sporting mules 51 ___ the line 52 All: prefix 53 Network 12 Ring element 14 Rajah's wife 15 Single: prefix 16 Social group 17 Water mammal 18 Aardvark food 19 Movie house? 22 Town in Korea 23 Particle 24 Thrown 27 Another 57 Across 31 Senior 32 Kind of tie 34 Hair pad 35 Gulf of ___ 36 Appendages 37 Depression 38 Bro or sis 39 Buenos ___ 40 British money 41 Dipped in flour 43 Homes on the range 44 Plural suffix 45 Indira Gandhi's garment 46 Terpsichorean teacher 54 Reed 55 Bareheaded 56 "Drink ___ . . ." 57 MacMurray or Waring 58 Fish 59 Forwarded 60 Thread: Fr. 61 ___ enough 62 Cube 11:40 AM - 12:10 PM Open Door Reflection (Chapel) - Bryan Greig (Teal Rocks, Newtonards, Northern Ireland) Business Adminstration 11:40 AM - 2:00 PM Single and Triple Room Draw 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Gospel Choir 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Westminster College Faculty Jazz Quartet Tuesday, 31 March 12:40 PM - 1:40 PM Faculty Meeting 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM SOFTBALL v. CHATHAM* DH 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Sweet Things Swipe+ Gourmet Desserts 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Chapel Staff Meeting 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Second Chance Praise Team Rehearsal 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM Film Club Meeting 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Westminster College Horn Ensemble Concert Wednesday, 1 April Residence Halls Close 10 p.m. 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Drinko Center Poster Preparation Assistance 11:40 AM - 12:10 PM Stations of the Cross 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Softball @ Case Western Reserve (OH) DH 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Men's Tennis @ Penn State-Behrend rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% C MAGENTA PE RS CYAN BLACK B4 VES TI FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 P E YELLOW 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% 120912jz P T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA All photos contributed by Sarah Clark Christian Na, representing Sigma Kappa, applies eyeliner to create the dramatic effect that helped him own the stage. Na, fitted in four-inch heels, danced his way to the title of Miss Titan 2015. Stephen Bendig, representing Phi Kappa Tau, became a diva with nothing but sass for his competition. John Marshall, representing Alpha Sigma Phi, glitters beneath a fresh "snowfall" that was part of his act. NEWS BITES KAPPA DELTA SHAMROCK 5K Join Kappa Delta on Saturday, March 28th, 2015 at 1PM at Westminster College for our 2nd Shamrock 5K Run benefitting Prevent Child Abuse America and The Crisis Shelter of Lawrence County. FINE ART // MEDIA ART + DESIGN SENIOR SHOWCASE The art work of seniors Gabe Ferraro, Sarah O'Malley, Katie Pallone and Rebecca Treimer will be featured in Foster Art Galler from April 6 - May 9, with an opening reception on Tuesday, April 7 at 6 pm. The show will remain open until commencement. A-PHI-O TO HOST BLOOD DRIVE Alpha Phi Omega will bring another blood drive to campus, arranging with Central Blood Bank to set up the drive on Apr. 9 from 12:30-5:30pm in the Berlin Lounge. Members of the service organization will be TUB sitting before Easter break as well as the week of the drive. People can also sign up online by going to and searching for the drive. Answering a series of questions allowed Phi Mu representative Brett McElroy to display his personality. PUZZLE ANSWERS FROM B3 rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% YELLOW 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% 120912jz MAGENTA CYAN BLACK B5 FE AT ES F T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA U R FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 Outdoor Club takes advantage of spring weather Hannah Branscome Staff Writer The Outdoor Recreation Club is an on-campus organization that promotes outside activities and physical games. A lot of students on campus remember the Titan Traverse Club, but rather than having an organization that people thought focused on rock climbing, it is open to every outdoor activity one could imagine. While many people on campus love activities such as rock climbing, white water rafting, hiking and camping, they do not know about the club offered on campus that provides all of these opportunities. First-year club member and public relations manager, Alina Clough, explains more on this subject. “Students haven’t been particularly active in joining the club," Clough said. "People think they have to stop doing the activities they love when they come here, because they think they aren’t accessible here. People don’t know the climbing wall is open. We have camping gear here at the school, and nobody knows it is available.” For the students involved, the club benefits personal motives. Senior member David Starr expresses the importance for the individual. “Outdoors is a great place to clear your mind and to be active. It is important to appreciate nature and see a side of yourself that you usually don’t when you are constantly inside,” Starr said. Nobody needs training in any of the activities with the club. If a student finds a spark of interest, they can join and learn how to do each of the activities. “Things are entry-level. You don’t have to have a background in anything we are doing," Clough said. "We have taught people to do things they have never done before. You have an opportunity to learn about things and immerse yourself in experiences that are outside your comfort zone.” Most members of the club participate in indoor competitive climbing, which anyone can actively compete in as well. When asked where they would like to see the Outdoor Recreation Club head, PROcrastination Two members enjoy a warm day on Lake Britain. the answer was the same for all members; they want people’s interest in the club to grow. “I would like to see the club gain more popularity through campus. We have around 10 to 20 people, and to have more students join us would be great,” Tiffany Jackson/The Holcad Starr said. Members of the Outdoor Recreation Club want people to know that the resources many students love are available on campus. The climbing wall has open hours weekly and emails are sent on behalf of the club, informing all students of Campus Ministry enhances student spirituality Troy Abbott Features Editor Something college students are no stranger to is the phenomenon that can only be referred to as procrastination. Waiting until the last minute and working hard to barely meet a deadline might not be the best recipe for quality work, but that doesn’t deter students from doing it. Procrastination is a plague that is incredibly hard to avoid. When mixing extra-curricular activities with athletics on top of all your academic work, time becomes an issue. I’m sure I’m not alone in wishing there were a few more hours in the day. I am a procrastinator with a capital "pro." The art of procrastination (yes, it most certainly is an art) is not simply learned, and to be able to produce quality work in a short amount of time right before a deadline is surely something you’re born with. Not to brag, but I’m really good at working under pressure, maybe even better than when I have a lot of time. This is because of two things. One, I’m forced to finish quickly so I focus better, and two, I have to make the deadline so I’m obligated to get started without distraction. Technology has contributed to a lot of the procrastination in college. In a world where social media reigns supreme and you can access thousands of websites through a little device in the palm of your hand, distractions are everywhere. I get distracted by a bird flying out my window, so getting work done in a timely fashion is always a struggle. Other times, though, it is simply not possible to put off work. Capstone is the pinnacle example of a time when you shouldn’t procrastinate. Speaking from the experience of an English major, it is near impossible to get all your work done the night before it’s due. Capstone requires tons of research alongside good, analytical writing, and when I say good, I mean it should be really good. Your graduation weighs on the balance of how well you do on the big senior project, after all. The point of this column, and it’s something I definitely need to realize and put into practice as well (no matter how good I am at procrastinating), is that it never hurts to take more time and work a little longer on assignments. Don’t turn in your first draft like I do most of the time; spend some time and refine your writing or check over those homework problems. If you already do this and are able to work days before the assignment is due, kudos to you. I’m jealous. If you’re not that type of god-like person, try setting aside some time to do just a little extra on your assignments. Make sure you have the correct decimal place or the correct comma placement. Your professors will love you for it. Troy Abbott is a junior English major with a minor in writing. He should probably get working on his capstone if he wants to graduate any time soon. Students join in fellowship in various groups on campus. Thomas Kanyarusoke Staff Writer This college boasts more than a few groups, clubs, organizations, societies and teams, so it would be easy for any of them to get overshadowed by another. A group that should not be overshadowed is Campus Ministry. Campus Ministry is unique because it is an umbrella term that includes several campus groups with different audiences but an overlapping mission of growing or building a relationship with God. “If my back hurts, I go see the chiropractor. He adjusts me and gets everything in alignment, and when things are in alignment I feel pretty good. Faith opportunities on campus (worship, fellowship groups or service) are all about getting your life in alignment," Reverend James Mohr said. "It’s about trying to figure out the body, the mind and the soul.” The college’s Campus Ministry communes with students and creates opportunities for worship. These groups include Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Seekers, Newman Club, Gospel Choir, the annual chapel drama, Praise & Worship team as well as Bible studies and small groups. Newman Club, which meets on Wednesdays from 8-9 p.m. in the Maple Room of McKelvey, is an organization for Catholic students to help them grow their faith in an environment that supports a Catholic identity on campus. The group engages in social gatherings, retreats, prayer and fun. Seekers is a group more akin to a youth group type setting. The group meets on Wednesdays from 9:15-10:15 p.m. in the Berlin Lounge. These meetings include praise Lindsay Schich/The Holcad singing, small group discussions, testimonies, Bible study and even guest speakers. “In Seekers, we play more games than the other groups, and there is always some sort of lesson that we try and incorporate into the games,” junior Becky Weaver said. FCA meets on Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. in the Maple Room of McKelvey. FCA engages in weekly meetings and features talks by professional athletes, student athletes, coaches and fans. The group also engages in open gym nights and bonfires. FCA is open to athletes and fans, so all are welcome. “I love meeting new people, especially those who are strong in their faith. I also love mentoring people because I know how tough it can be. I’m still going through the journey as well so it’s cool to meet people who are on the journey with you,” sophomore Britt Mavrich said. For students looking to serve others in their journey with God, Campus Ministry features a Habitat for Humanity chapter. Habitat meets biweekly on Thursdays from 6-7 p.m. in Mueller Theater. Students will get an opportunity to partake in local workdays on Saturdays 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., projects over Spring Break and more. Habitat for Humanity is the only campus ministry group that costs anything, but the $25 fee for the whole year pays for transportation to and from worksites, lunches and a t-shirt. Students who want to join during the spring semester pay $10-15 and can still get a t-shirt if there are some leftover. There is no shortage of faith opportunities on campus. For more information on the various groups and organizations, visit the Office of Faith and Spirituality on the second floor of the TUB. rebuilt from Herald 0% 5% U YELLOW 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% 100% MAGENTA CYAN FE BLACK B6 S RE FRIDAY, MAR. 27, 2015 A T 120912jz F T H E H O LC A D - W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E , N E W W I L M I N G TO N , PA Westminster Through Time Book Showcases History of College Annaliese Speck Staff Writer Director of the Graduate School, Dr. Robert Zorn, recently published a book, "Westminster College through Time." The book explores the history of Mother Fair through the comparison of photos taken over 50 years ago with modern photos. Zorn is a Westminster graduate and has been working in the graduate program for several years. Familiar with publishing, Zorn has written 14 books that have focused on the history of a particular place. However, the idea for this book happened when a company approached Zorn directly about writing another local history book on the history of Poland, OH. Zorn refused, due to the fact that he had already published several on the same subject. Instead, he convinced the company to let him write about Mother Fair and to give all of the proceeds to the Alumni Association. “The purpose is to tell a story of the college through time, through 150 years, so let’s try and walk them through and show them that it’s a story of the college of the WEEK and how it has evolved,” Zorn said. In 2013, Zorn received the go-ahead confirmation he needed to start. In 2014, he began researching and compiling the book together. On Mar. 9, 2015, “Westminster College through Time” appeared in full print. While relating a little of his experience while doing the research, Zorn agreed that the time spent on the topic was extensive. He spent hours upon hours in the library searching through old photos, deciding which ones would be used. His main focus was on picking events, places and traditions that have stuck with the college throughout the ages. His granddaughter came along and found the places where the pictures were taken. She would then find the places the pictures were taken and recreate them. Afterwards, Zorn put the pictures together, added captions and put his final touches on everything. Unlike the past four books that have been published about Mother Fair, this is the first one to take a “then and now” pictorial approach. Thus he is showing the college in a whole new light. Zorn also agreed that he found lots of tradition rooted in the college. “When you dig through a topic you SONG Dr. Robert Zorn is a Westminster graduate and author of "Westmintser College through Time." get a sense, a flavor, and Westminster has a lot of tradition, a lot of history and a lot of feeling by alumni and students of caring for their Mother Fair,” Zorn said. “There is some of that strong feeling when you go through and that’s what I was try- Sarah Clark/The Holcad ing to convey.” One can find and purchase this book at Barnes and Noble, online on Amazon or at the campus bookstore. BCS More C or Be ontr rlin V overs i illag e Se al: lecti e is t on? a l g S ew lookin n e Th good so S T N A R ffee A co looks canrible to ter itors vis How to Fly Sticky Fingers Sticky Fingers (or STIFI for short) features a melting pot of reggae, indie, psych, pop and bourbon. Their music speaks to the soul as if a slight summer breeze. Their website says it best: "Hypnotising you into a swaying trance, then punching you in the face for dancing like a hippy, their borderline contradictory fusion of flavours speaks to every walk of life, and it’s this multiplicity which makes the world their oyster." Go check them out. Right now. FILM & red the #bo RAVES G coluive you m r raisneists a Bret Zim need s to take bette r care of his pos sessions WOW n o t ey pu . h t t l ood.. sa f t r a i e h h e all t t of t k s a e t r d e l shou on th s y a e e h s T and chips We intend to print anonymous comments from people of the Westminster College community so that they have a voice in the paper, but we have defined criteria for which submissions will be printed. So what are we looking for? We want: • compliments & complaints • appropriate humor • feedback on the college • thoughtful commentary relating to events inside and outside "the bubble." The Sixth Sense M. Night Shyamalan Shyamalan's big time movie showcases the creepiness of innocence. Cole (played by Haley Joel Osment) has the innate ability to see the dead. Although, the ghosts he sees don't actually know they're dead, and Cole helps put them to rest. Starring big names such as Bruce Willis and Toni Collette, this classic film is worth the revisit. Have any suggestions for Of The Week? Know a song, book or film that deserves the spotlight? Send your suggestions to Troy Abbott at [email protected]. All photos are contributed.
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