Newsletter 9 – 25th March 2015 Phone: 3511 3222 | Fax: 3511 3200 | Student Absence Line: 3511 3260 | Website: Email: [email protected] | Newsletter Articles to Julie Hicks: [email protected] ADMIN NEWS Thank You ‘Feel Good Team’ for reinforcing the ‘anti-violence, no-bullying message’ at last Friday’s assembly. Mr Dwyer, teachers, teacher aides and house leaders for their work in making last week’s cross country mornings so enjoyable and successful, despite the challenging weather. All children who tried their hardest in every race. Parents/Carers for supporting these events and the P&C’s ‘cross country café’. Libby Wark, Susanna Derwin and other parents for their efforts in setting up and/or supporting the Running Club. Student Behaviour Update Over the last 4 weeks Behaviour Category Positive behaviour Physical misconduct Not compliant with routine Incident Count 13 6 4 Behaviour Expectations – Being respectful Language – use polite language and a pleasant tone; raise your hand to speak; respect others’ right to learn. Property – respect others’ belongings; care for the environment; care for your own, class and school equipment. Others – play fairly; be a problem solver; take an active role in school/class activities; keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Parent –Teacher Interviews Thank you to Mrs Cooper for organising the on-line booking process. As of 3.00pm last Friday, there were 344 interviews scheduled for the last 2 weeks of the term. The exchange of information, views and ideas should help students refine their learning goals for Term 2. Safety Notice The lower section of the bank between the Junior Toilet Block and the Amphitheatre is slippery due to erosion. The area deemed unsafe has been barricaded with barrier mesh. Children have been asked to stay away from this area and to walk carefully down the bank when heading towards the Years 24 playground. Date Claimer School ANZAC Day Commemorative Service – Friday, 24 April at 9.10am. Parents and other family members associated with Australia’s Defence Forces are invited to join us at this special event, followed by morning tea in the Cybrary. A special plaque donated by the The Gap Sub-Branch RSL will be unveiled during our ceremony. Parenting Ideas Michael Gross says that “one of the keys to functioning socially and emotionally is the ability to deal with disappointment and rejection.” A bit of rejection and disappointment is good for kids, as long as they learn how to cope with it. I commend the enclosed INSIGHTS article ‘Helping kids deal with rejection’ to all parents. Best wishes, John Collins 1 WHAT’S DUE Classroom Resource Hire Scheme forms & money Midi Strings Camp forms & money due now Mathletics & Reading Eggs forms & money due now Prep Hear & Say Consent Forms Year 4 Camp forms & money ALL FORMS / CLASS NOTES ARE AVAILABLE ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE CALENDAR OF EVENTS th 27 March th 30 March st 31 March rd nd 23 – 2 April nd 2 April th 20 April Interschool Sports Swimming 1BG, 1P, 2/1DV, 2W, 2CQ, 3P, 3U & 4/3PS Midi Strings Camp Midi Strings Camp Parent Teacher Interviews in the Hall Last Day Term 1 Term 2 Commences CYBRARY NEWS (Sandra Winzar) Overdue Library Books Please check your child has returned any overdue library books ASAP. Teachers have been issued with overdue lists for their classes. Social Skill for March This month we have a focus on the Social Skill of dealing with your own and others' feelings. Students need to understand the importance of being sensitive to the feelings of others and knowing that we all experience a range of feelings which is normal. See the following parent website for further information. Year 6 Literature Circles Year 6 and 6/5M are reminded to continue building their reading stamina over the Easter holidays by reading each day/night. A goal of around 10 pages or 20-30 minutes of reading daily is recommended to prepare for the transition to high school. Encourage your child to read and read to them for enjoyment. Readers Cup 2015 - Year 6 This week the Readers Cup Team for 2015 will be announced. In Week 10 the set books to be read for the competition will be available from the Cybrary! The Readers Cup representatives need to read the 5 set books over the next 2 months. They need to develop questions from the 5 set books to quiz their team mates to practice for the competition. As soon as a team member has finished reading a book they need to return it so that other team members can also read it. A folder will be issued to each team member. We will meet every Monday at morning tea in the Cybrary from Week 1 in Term 2 onwards. I will be on Long Service Leave for the 3 weeks from Weeks 4-6 of Term 2. Please remember the rules of the competition, that Teacher Librarians and parents should not coach the team. I will facilitate meetings for the students, supervise them in quizzing each other in team meetings but I cannot prepare questions for our team. th Our next meeting is on Monday 20 April at morning tea in Term 2. th The Readers Cup 2015 for the Brisbane Central Region will be hosted by Hilder Road State School on Wednesday 10 June from 9:00am to 12 noon approximately in our hall. Parents and relatives are welcome to attend. For further information see the website Long Service Leave I will be on LSL for one week from this Friday 27th March. There will be no Cybrary classes or Year 3 Leveled Literacy Intervention in Week 10. Please encourage your child to borrow before school at 8:30am or at lunch times from Monday to Wednesday in the last week of term. Read with your child/children every night! BOOKCLUB NEWS (Teacher Aides) Issue 2 SURPRISE orders from issue 2 are available for collection from the office at your earliest convenience. 2 DEBATING CLUB (Sam Cowley) The Debating Club for Term 2 will commence on Monday 20 April 2015 (the first Monday back from the holidays). Term 2 consists of 9 Debating classes. Kindly forward completed enrolment forms (i.e. for new students starting in Term 2) together with payment of $90 to the School Office prior to the first class commencing. The enrolment form can be found at the end of the newsletter. SPORT NEWS (Ben Dwyer) Congratulations to Nebo for winning the 2015 Hilder Road Cross Country Carnival. Coo-tha finished in second place by 1 point and Taylor finished third. The placegetters for each age group are listed below. CROSS COUNTRY PLACE GETTERS Age Group 1st Place 12 years boys born 2003 Jack Taylor 12 years girls born 2003 Hannah Bothma 2 Place Noah Denham Kasey Drakos 11 years boys born 2004 11 years girls born 2004 10 years boys born 2005 10 years girls born 2005 9 years boys born 2004 9 years girls born 2004 Year 3 Boys Year 3 Girls Year 2 Boys Year 2 Girls Year 1 Boys Year 1 Girls Prep Boys Prep Girls Connor McLennan Bianca Wark Yasmin Lott Cai Woodward Samuel Gray Morgan Knight Cooper Macmillan Lily Derwin Ralph Penman Eva Faulds Szabolcs Pungur Daisy Foreman Henry Gumley Chantelle Griffin nd Owen Knight Giselle Vellnagel Holly Taylor Henry Schifilliti Ashton Wark Ryelin Grundel Freddy Babbage Lilly Sherwood Sam Narbey Sienna Grundel Sid Roberts Milly Hughes Alexander Damevski Olivia Broadhurst rd 3 Place James Nettle Emily De Santis & Grace Biddle Cooper McFadden Ruby McCahon Kaiya Drakos Brodie Dimock Joel Neill Carmen O‘ Connell Conor Johnston Jaimee Urika Jasper Dimock Isabella Fleet Callum Gower Ava Lloyd William Earley Gemma Croot Smash Football Term 2 Year 1 - 3 Competition Smash Football is a fast paced indoor soccer competition played after school on Monday afternoons in the Hilder Road State School Hall. We are now taking registrations for the Term 2 competition. This 8 week competition is for students in Years 1, 2 or 3 and the first game commences on the 9th February. To claim a spot email Ben at [email protected] For more info go to STRINGS NEWS (Nadine Dinnis) There will no Beginner String Rehearsal on Thursday 26th March but there will lessons. Congratulations to all Beginners who attended their first rehearsal last week. Chamber Strings members are asked to buy a black round mute. This mute is available from most music stores. th It is very important that students are busily practising for the upcoming performance at Anzac Day (Friday 24 April). Dress for this performance is school uniform, which includes black shoes and navy socks. th st Midi String Camp on Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 March (Year 4 Strings). An information letter has been given out and all medical forms should have been returned to the office. A reminder that Midi String Camp is being held at The Gap State School and commences at 8.00am. Parents need to collect students by 2.45pm. Please ensure that all articles are clearly labelled and parents have read the information letter. st The Midi String Camp will conclude with a short concert on Tuesday 31 March at 2.20pm. String Achievements for Term 1- Congratulations to the following students for completing Strings Level 1 – Maddy D, Lily B, Catherine V, Nellie N, Isaac T, Ruby Mc, Renee T, Sophia G, Sarah X, Thomas S, Bella S, Ryelin G and Amelia H. DATE CLAIMERS – th Thurs 26 March – No Beginner String Rehearsal. th st Mon 30 & Tues 31 March – Midi String Camp (Year 4 Strings). st Tues 31 March – No lessons or ensembles due to the Midi String Camp. st Tues 21 April – Senior and Junior Ensemble Rehearsals. rd Thurs 23 April – Beginner String Rehearsal. th Fri 24 April – Chamber Strings perform at Anzac Day. nd Mon 22 and Tues 23th June – Maestro String Camp (Year 5 Strings) 3 CHOIR NEWS CLASSROOM MUSIC Vote of thanks My sincere gratitude to all who have offered support and prayers during my absence Thank you to friends and colleagues for standing in and covering my classes and duties All is well back in Tonga and they send their regards to our school community DRAMA NEWS Lessons are gaining strength as students learn specific role play settings The elements of drama are certainly explored and taught well during the period Students are also enjoying the development of their confidence and skills CHOIR NEWS Amalgamation Plan We are considering the prospect of combining our Junior and Senior Choirs This is due to a decline in the number of students pursuing choral activities This strong combined Choir will still be conducted by Judy Collins No Change to Young Singing Groups Our 3 young vocal ensembles are; Nightingales, Bluebirds, and Rockin’ Robins Mr V will continue as musical director, accompanied by Kerry Beaumont We are currently preparing repertoire for our Hilder Twilight concert next term CAMP AUSTRALIA OSHC TIMES (Stuart Holm) Hilder Road State School OSHC Phone: 0452 247 970 | Coordinator: Stuart Holm Before School Care: Monday to Friday 6:30am-9:00am | After School Care: Monday to Friday 3:00pm-6:00pm Holiday Club: Monday to Friday 6:30am-6:00pm We are now just 2 weeks away from the School holidays. Holiday Club bookings are now open. The program can be found on this link. All of this holiday club’s themes are based on various heroes, some of which include “Heroes Through the Ages”, “Family Heroes”, “Super Sidekick” and “Sports Heroes” If you have any questions, please give us a call or come and see us in the OSHC room. What to do if your child is not attending the service? If your child is not well or won’t be attending OSHC please ensure you contact us. This is important! Our contact details are: Call 0452 247 970 during opening times or leave us a voicemail message or email [email protected] Customer Service Team - 8am to 5pm AEST Monday to Friday on 1300 105 343 or email [email protected] Permanent Bookings If you need to add or change your child’s permanent bookings, this can either be done through the online parent portal, or by contacting the Customer Service Team. UNIFORM SHOP (Jo Laugher) OPEN TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 8.15AM – 9.30AM Online Ordering - Please have a look at the website for ordering your uniforms - Easy to register (School ID 25154963) Order your uniforms Pay on line via PayPal OR credit card Orders received before 7.30am on Tuesday will be delivered on Tuesday / orders received before 7.30am on Thursday will be delivered on Thursday Orders are delivered to your child's class - Too Easy!! As I will be leaving the Uniform Shop at the end of this term, your new Convenor will be Elizabeth Stanley, a Hilder Road mum with children in Years 1 & 3. There will be a new telephone contact for the Uniform Shop as of Term 2. Please watch newsletter for details. Year 6 Shirts - I have been informed by the supplier that shirts will be available Week 1 of Term 2. Remember to hold onto your unwanted uniforms until Term 2. Thank you. Navy Red Robin Ankle socks & tights all sizes fully stocked. UNIFORM ROSTER TUESDAY (8:15-9:45) THURSDAY (8:15-9:45) 26 March Alison Merrick 31 March Belinda Taylor 2 April Helen De Santis Jo Laugher, Uniform Shop Convenor 0403 974 749 or [email protected] 4 CHAPLAINCY NEWS (Michelle Ting) 7 day Acts of Kindness Challenge! 113 students were given their packs last Friday, and are ready to do their 7 day Acts of Kindness Challenge Some have already started getting sponsors and also doing their Acts of Kindness! Please return the sponsorship form, envelope with donations and cheque book to the office by Thursday, 2 April. Please make sure that these items are named. Thank you! Seasons for Growth Program (Grief/Loss) Grief and loss education program for young people developed by Good Grief ( Focuses on understanding the effects of change/loss/grief, and develops skills in communication, decision-making and problem solving. 8 week program (one 45min session a week) in small group setting This program follows Worden’s Four Tasks of Grief, using seasons as a metaphor: o Autumn – accept and acknowledge the reality of change/loss in one’s life o Winter – work through the pain of grief, learn about possible reactions to change/loss and how you’ve experienced these o Spring – adjust to an environment in which the significant person/object is no longer present; develop skills to assist in managing one’s own grief reactions o Summer – emotionally relocate the person and move on with life; explore way of letting go and moving forward If you are interested in this program for your child/ren or if you’d like to find out more, please contact me on [email protected]. The Chappy Games! Chappy Games will be for Preps this Thursday. I will come around to the classes to see who’s interested. HRSS P&C NEWS NEXT P&C MEETING – DATE CHANGE st th To avoid a meeting on the 1 day of term, the April P&C meeting has been moved to 27 April 2015. We look forward to seeing you there to kick off another fantastic year of P&C fun. TUCKSHOP NEWS Chef's Special for this Week (27 March) This week's meal is Chicken and Bacon Carbonara, including mini Garlic Roll, costing just $4.00. This meal is comprised of freshly cooked chicken breast with lightly fried onion and bacon in a traditional white sauce with pepper and fresh parsley on a bed of fettuccine. Mmmmmmm.... Tuckshop Volunteers for this Week (27 March) Thank you to all who have offered help for this week Jennifer Aleo, Belinda Taylor, Geoff Hargreaves, Sonia Kioupelis and Dianne Crouch. Term 2 Tuckshop Helpers Required! If you are looking for a fun and fulfilling way to help the school, please consider giving some time on Friday mornings to help with the tuckshop. Please contact the tuckshop on [email protected] to register your name and availability. ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS The new 2015 | 2016 Entertainment Books are coming soon! Order your new Entertainment ™ Membership now and receive up to $195 Value in Early Bird Offers! Choose from the traditional Entertainment™ Book or the NEW Entertainment™ Digital Membership, which puts the value of the Book into your iPhone or Android smartphone! Each membership has hundreds of 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotels, shopping, groceries and travel and contain over 2,000 offers that st you can use whenever you like until 1 June 2016. PLUS Hilder Road State School retains 20% of the price of every Membership sold which goes towards our fundraising! Order now: P&C SOCIAL EVENTS AND FUNDRAISING 1. NEW!! FRIDAY COFFEE CLUB will be starting next term each Friday morning from 8.30-9.30. There will be fresh ORGANIC MERLO coffee $4 & tea $3 for parents and HOT CHOCOLATES $2 for students needing a warm fix before class. Thank you to Donna Merry who will be our Friday Coffee Club organiser. Donna can be contacted on 0413415729 if you would like to help in any way with serving or some light baking. 2. CARNIVAL notices will be going out this week to give you a rundown of what we have planned. We have attached the letter to the newsletter as well. 3. TRIVIA NIGHT - Get your tables organised! Jen Roberts will be asking for money and names very soon. Jen can be contacted on 0413289499. P&C TRIVIA NIGHT (Jennifer Roberts) Q. Which sport is Michael Jordan best associated with? th Saturday 20 June Tickets are $20 per person Tables of 10 so grab some friends! The event is BYO food and drink - organise with your table what to have for dinner, (some possible ideas) pizzas delivered, Thai takeaway, nibbles, sushi platters or just bags of chips, beer, wine, spirits…whatever you decide. Lucky door prizes Jen Roberts, M: 0413289499, E: [email protected] Answer from last week: Q: What is the world’s longest river? A: The Amazon 5 6 COMMUNITY NEWS Hilder Road State School Tennis Court Bookings Court Hire Fees $7 per hour (before 5pm) $12 per hour (after 5pm) Phone: 0477 311039 7 Hilder Road State Primary School Debating Club ENROLMENT FORM 2015 STUDENT DETAILS First Name: _______________________________ Surname: ____________________________ Class: ____________________________________ D.O.B:___________________________________ Medical History:____________________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT DETAILS First Name: ________________________________ Surname: ____________________________ Postal Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Relationship: _______________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ Work Phone: _______________________________ Mobile: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Relationship: ______________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ Work Phone: ______________________________ Work Phone: ________________________ Debating requires a high level of commitment from students and a willingness on the part of parents to be actively involved in preparing students for debates, attending debates with their child and ensuring that students attend all team meetings and training sessions. I consent to __________________________________________ enrolling and participating in the Hilder Road State Primary School Debating Club and agree to pay the required enrolment fee. I agree/do not agree to my contact details being distributed to fellow Debating Club families in order to allow debating team members to contact each other outside of school hours. Sign:______________________________________________________ Name:_____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________________ 8 9
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