Issue #66 @ ARAFMI 23rd – 27th March 2015 Message from the CEO Hi carers, staff, volunteers and students, Since the last @Arafmi we have completed the painful process of packing our offices up and moving down the hallway while renovations commence. Inside: CEO Message & Staff Notices 1 Uniting Care Courses 2 Community peer support worker positions available 2 In The News 3 Substance Use and Mental Illness Participate in the Sydney LGBTIQ+ Mental Health Professionals Network. Community Education Workshop 3 4 5 During the next month or so we will be conducting most of our business as usual from Suite 504 on the same floor as our current building, but much more snugly as we co-habit much smaller premises with our partners, the Mental Health Association and Being. Last week we held the first joint Committee meeting with representatives of the Board from all of the different organisations. The meeting went very well with a sound basis for the future collaboration being discussed. Arafmi’s Board representative was Tess Dellagiacoma and her wealth of experience in the mental health and community managed sectors was definitely an asset in the discussions that took place. Some of the implications of the shared services and Hub arrangements were discussed in the Planning Day held with the Staff Notices: Arafmi Board to help refine strategic direction in a challenging mental health and community sector environment. The Board is particularly grateful for Anne Rouse’s facilitation of the planning process. After refining our ‘Mission’ to ‘Empowering Carers for Mental Health,’ at the last meetings, this time we refined our ‘Vision’ to a (proposed) 4 words, ‘Inclusive communities; connected carers’. Further refinements and clarifications will follow! Further to this, I have met with the Nous Group of consultants and today representatives of Arafmi’s Peak Advisory Committee are also meeting with them to discuss the role of the Commission and how it should go about this into the future. Normal PAC meetings will resume soon. ON a sad note, Amelia Martinez will attend her last CAMHS meeting today and she will be missed, but we wish her good luck for the future! Many thanks to all our staff, volunteers and members and have a great weekend! Keep on looking after yourselves, and the ones you care for! Jonathan Harms, CEO, MHC Arafmi NSW Inc. The Office will shut in mid-March (date to be confirmed) and will remain shut for 6 weeks while the refurbishment talks place. Arrangements for extra people to work from home and in the space being set up on site have been agreed and advised. New Resources: G:\Research Reports Resources and Studies\AAA New Resources (if you would like any emailed to you please advise). This week we received: 2015 NSW Election Agenda from Being Destigmatizing day-to-day practices: what developed countries can learn from developing countries, by Alan Rosen A Framework for Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (Tier 2) from the National Disability Insurance Scheme Lorem Ipsum Dolor @ARAFMI Newsletter Uniting Care January – June Free Courses Uniting Care is running free carers courses in the North shore/Northern Beaches area. If you’re interested in attending one of the free courses you can look at the different topics listed below and register with Family Carers NSCC. [Issue] :: [Date] Issue 66 :: 23rd - 27th March Community Peer Support Worker positions at Maroubra now being advertised We are currently recruiting to consumer peer support workers – community mental health and have 2 x 19 hour per week (12 month contracts) positions to be based at the Maroubra Centre. Please distribute to your networks. The Peer Support Worker will draw upon their lived experience of mental health challenges and their personal recovery journey, to develop empathic relationships and support personal recovery for mental health consumers of the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD). Based in community mental health centres, the Peer Support Worker role will span across the full range of community mental health settings. We invite applications for exciting opportunity which arisen to join a dynamic innovative team at Maroubra Centre. an has and The We are recruiting for 2 x 0.5 (19 hours per week) Consumer Peer Support Workers for 12 months contracts - 1 specifically female position and 1 specifically male position, to be based with Eastern Suburbs Community Health. For full information and to apply, click here. 2 rd Issue 66 :: 23Dolor - 27th March Lorem Ipsum IssueNewsletter [#] :: [Date] @ARAFMI IN THE NEWS: Monash university finds rural Australians under serviced for mental health issues Last week's Monash University findings from the largest ever study into Australian mental health se rvices paint a bleak picture for individuals living in rural and remote areas. This examination of 25 million mental health items , taken between 2007 and 2011 from Medicare data, highlights that those living in metropolitan areas have about three times better access to psychological services than those living in rural and remote locations. Unfortunate as this is, these findings should not at all be surprising given the high levels of mental illness in rural and remote areas. However, what is alarming is the significant number of young people experiencing mental illness within this demographic. Given that 75 per cent of mental illness occurs before a person turns the age 26, it places an already vulnerable population group at an increased risk. To read full article, click here Substance Use And Mental Illness Do you care for someone with a mental illness? This course provides information and resources to families and carers of people with a mental illness and substance use issues by providing information about the issues involved in caring for someone with drug and alcohol and mental health issues. The focus is on the caring role. Topics include: Relationship between mental health and drug and alcohol use Impact on families and carers Harm minimisation Stages of Change model Recovery Coping strategies for families and carers Services and Resources Location: Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, New St, Lawson Date: 27 March 2015 Time: 10.30 am to 4.00pm (registration from 10.15am) Register by: 20th March All courses are FREE to families and carers of those with a mental illness who live in Penrith and the Nepean Blue Mountains For further information and to register your interest please contact UnitingCare Mental Health Family and Carers Program 02 8599 4880 or [email protected]. 3 Lorem Ipsum Dolor @ARAFMI Newsletter [Issue] :: [Date] Issue 66 :: 23rd - 27th March Participate in the Sydney LGBTIQ+ Mental Health Professionals Network! The Sydney LGBTIQ+ Mental Health Professionals Network will aim to work with other LGBTIQ dedicated or friendly private practitioners and or organisations based near Sydney CBD and statewide to increase the positive development of our NSW based LGBTIQ MHPN. This locally driven network will aim to promote collaborative practice amongst professionals and service providers who support the mental health needs of LGBTIQ+ people, their families and the broader community. What the network will do Bring together practitioners and service providers who have a shared interest in LGBTIQ+ mental health Provide a forum for professional development, peer support and gaining an understanding of available local services, service gaps and how services and individuals can work together. Create new opportunities for professional development, and how services and individual professionals can work together to support the mental health of the LGBTIQ+ community Strengthen professional relationships and enhance referral pathways between local practitioners and services Meet monthly, with the location to be confirmed depending on numbers of participants (& their work place locations) Who can benefit from joining? Any practitioner with an interest in LGBTIQ+ mental health, including Psychologists, Psychiatrists, General Practitioners, Mental Health Nurses, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Counsellors, Youth & Community Workers, Student Counsellors, Welfare Workers, Family Support Workers, Homeless Sector, Peer Support Workers and People Informally Supporting the LBGTIQ+ Community. What you need to do 1. Click here to provide your details and register your interest. If the link doesn't open, copy the following address into your browser: Need more information? On filling out the survey, you will be added to the contact list for this network and will receive a notification once the first meeting has been arranged. In the meantime, if you would like more information or have a question, please contact Emma Galligan at [email protected] 4 rd Lorem Ipsum Issue 66 :: 23Dolor - 27th March Issue Newsletter [#] :: [Date] @ARAFMI 5
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