Parrish Village News For copies of this newspaper, please visit In this issue of the Parrish Village News Volume 22, Issue 4 April 2015 FREE 2015 Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off draws crowd of over 6,000 Iris McClain tells us about PJ’s Sandwich Shop on page 3. Andrea gives us tips on managing our lives on page 9 Kathryn tells us about memories of her grandparents on page 21. Followup Meeting on Growth Planned for April 30 PARRISH PLANNING OUR GROWTH A very positive attitude came out of the recent Parrish Civic Association General Meeting on Thursday, March 26, 2015: many citizens of our community want to get involved in shaping what Parrish will look like and become in the coming years. A request was made for a followup meeting(s) to provide input from many of our residents. See Followup CONTINUED ON PAGE 45 and from jewelry to bird houses. Four bands offered some great music and inspired several dancers. The Railroad Museum offered train rides, and we had a new area called Parrish Pioneering that was set up by Pearl McCraw and her group of helpers. The area was intended to depict life in early Parrish and it featured homemade quilts, a working spinning wheel, vendors offering a variety of items including one that made and demonstrated the old “cracker” bullwhips, and musicians playing a variety of instruments and singing the great old songs. There were miniature donkeys and even some cracker cattle. There were some bales of hay for people to sit on while enjoying the music and I watched a small boy who was about four years old pulling a handful of hay from the bales and walking over to feed the cattle. They would just take it from his hand and after several trips, he looked up at me and said, “Mister, I don’t think they are feeding these cows enough.” On behalf of the Parrish Civic Association and The Parrish Foundation a sincere thank you to our wonderful and generous sponsors who help ensure the events financial success, Tami Vaughan and her hardworking planning committee, the Chili teams and their sponsors, and our great volunteers that make the event run smoothly. And a very BIG “thank you” to the attendees for coming out and enjoying a day with family and friends while supporting our GREAT Parrish community. We hope to see you all back next year. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL PERMIT # 943 Ralph tours the Italian Riviera on page 5. The annual Parrish Heritage Day Parade, Festival and Chili Cook Off attracted a crowd of over 6,000 people and was once again a financial success. Proceeds from the event go to The Parrish Foundation’s Grant Fund which provides grants to the smaller not for profit corporations serving our Parrish area. When this year’s grant cycle is completed later this year, over $110,000 in grants will have been awarded in just four years. The day started with the weatherman warning of a chance of showers and when the 23 teams started arriving at 6:00 a.m. to begin cooking their chili, it was actually cold. But as the day progressed, the sun came out and was indeed a beautiful day in Parrish. The parade started at 10:30 and by the time it reached the Florida Railroad Museum grounds, a large crowd had gathered at the gates to the Festival and Cook Off. Each of the teams was required to make a minimum of 10 gallons of chili – most cooked closer to 15 gallons – and samples were served to the crowd in two-ounce cups that were filled about half way. By 1:00 p.m. a few teams had already run out of chili and by 2:00 p.m. only a few had any chili left. In the end over 30,000 cups had been used and all the chili was gone. The festival featured a lot more than chili and many families with children were seen enjoying the bounce houses, rock climbing wall, pony rides, active areas set up by the Parrish Y and the Parrish firefighters, and much more. In addition more than 30 vendors offered a large variety of items that ranged from Bar-B-Q to hot dogs POSTAL CUSTOMER Why not some easy main dish recipes? See page 5. Parrish Village News page 2 Parrish Village News Official publication of the Parrish Civic Association, a non profit coporation. P. O. Box 257 Parrish, FL 34219 Cookie Jordan Publisher and Editor 941-776-9019 [email protected] Volunteer Staff Advertising Manager Gene Orlowski [email protected] Contributors Ralph Bellrose Travel Mimi Sheffer Feature Stories Patrick McGinnis Pets Plus in Parrish Stacy McKee Y News Ben Jordan [email protected] Cookie Jordan [email protected] Capt. Ric Liles [email protected] Iris McClain [email protected] Leslie Wells Real Estate Message from the Editor Many thanks to all of you who came out to support the 4th Annual Chili Cook Off. The entire day including the parade and the rest of the festivities was (in my opinion) a great day for our community. With over 6,000 in attendance as best we can count, it seemed like everyone was enjoying the day and all it had to offer: a parade not like any other, lots of wonderful chili to sample, lots of our local businesses willing to tell you about their services, vendors selling everything from birdhouses to beautiful art, a new area called Parrish Pioneering which depicted Parrish as it used to be in olden times as authentically represented as possible, food vendors, good music and lots of activities for the children. Personally, I loved the day! It meant a lot of planning, getting up very early that Saturday morning, working with a great group of ladies on our team and cooking some delicious tasting chili (which, by the way) won the Grand Champion Award and also the People’s Choice Award which has never been done before! Thank you for all your votes and for coming to the event. There are some great photographs in this newspaper on the front page, page 33 and page 35 which show you what a good time it was, who won the parade and chili awards and some people who had a good time. Start thinking now about next year’s event. The teams have a great time, show off their businesses meet a lot of people, get some good contacts for the future -- all while raising for a great cause: The Parrish Foundation Grant Fund which offers grants to small not for profit groups serving the residents of the Parrish community. It’s great to have fun and do some real GOOD for the community at the same time! Plan on participating and attending next year. You’ll have a really good time. PARRISH PLANNING OUR GROWTH Special PCA Meeting Thursday, April 30 Parrish Y 12214 US Hwy. 301 N Parrish Let’s talk about what we want Parrish to be in the future. Let’s get started on a plan which we can present to the Manatee County Commission for our community! Last Appeal to Find Brutus Brutus’ family is very grateful for all the calls they have received over the last few months. He was lost from a home on Larson Lane in Kingsfield in Parrish. They would like to hear from you should you think that the cat that shows up outside your home or on your lanai who might be looking for your cat or for human contact resembles Brutus. He is capable of surviving in the wild and hope to find him is not given up. He is a neutered gray tabby with greenish eyes and has a small rectangular indentation in his left ear. If you have information as to his whereabouts, please contact Carlo Calanni at 941-480-9476 or cell 941-234-9432. Brutus needs to be home and his owners dearly miss him. Did you know . . . The Parrish Village News prints 12,800 copies of the newspaper each month? All residences in the 34219 zip code, eastern Ellenton and eastern Palmetto receive copies? County officials read the newspaper monthly? Newspapers can be found at the Rocky Bluff Library, the Y, PJ’s Sandwich Shop, Ferraro’s, Leslie Wells Realty and 1st Manatee Bank? April Needs for Blood Joann B. Larson Extension Service Kathryn Newman Inspirational Stories Norma Kennedy [email protected] This newspaper is printed by Sun Coast Media Group Venice, FL Friday, April 3rd: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Lakewood Ranch Medical Center, 8330 Lakewood Ranch Blvd, Lakewood Ranch. Friday, April 10th: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Lecom School of Dental Medicine, 4800 Lakewood Ranch Blvd, Bradenton. Friday, April 10th: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Lecom School of Medicine & School of Pharmacy, 5000 Lakewood Ranch Blvd, Bradenton. Tuesday, April 21st: 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., MTI Palmetto, 801 9th St W, Pal metto. Saturday, April 25th: 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., Harrison Ranch Tennis Foundation Day, 5755 Harrison Ranch Blvd., Parrish. Saturday, April 25th: 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Buckaroo Roadhouse, 16300 State Rd 64 E, Bradenton. Thursday, April 30th: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Tidewell Lakewood Ranch, 6310 Capital Dr., Ste. 100, Lakewood Ranch. “This Old Building” 30 Year Anniversary for PJ’s Sandwich Shop 12342 US 301 N., Parrish Iris McClain Parrish Village Newspage 3 Now at Creative Edge Hair Studio Amanda Davis Amanda Davis has over 20 years’ experience and specializes in color and cutting. She has been through extensive training with Vidal Sasson and many others to advance her opportunities. To keep up with the latest trends and if you are searching for a new look, please give Amanda a call for a free consultation. 727-599-9828 Creative Edge Hair Studio w 8405 US 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 Genealogy group to meet in April The Manatee GenealogicalSocietymeetingwillbeheld onTuesday,April7,2015from 9:30a.m.tonoonatBethelBaptistChurchlocatedat180530th AvenueWestinBradenton. JodyRiddickwillspeakon “What’s New at FamilySearch. org”.TheComputerSpecialInterestGroupsessionwillfollow. For Society information, go to http://www.rootsweb.ancestry. com/~flmgs/. You can email questions to mgs.society@ “Real estate is not my Job... It’s my PASSION.” Thisoldbuildingwasbuiltin1946byCecilKeen,acitrusgrowerhereinParrish formanyyears;itwasalsoaParrishSub-StationfortheSheriff’sDepartmentatone time.InDecember1986,PatriciaO’ConnorandherdaughterTeresaGiles(present ownerofPJ’sSandwichShop)movedintothisbuildingfromabuildinglocatedon theothersideoftherailroadtracks.ShehadopenedthefirstPJ’sinDecember1984. WhenCecilKeenranhiscitrusbusinessoutofthisbuilding,hehadabiggaragedoor installedsothefruittruckscoulddrivethroughthebuildingtodeliverthefruit.The doorisstillinplace. Inlate1960andearly1970,GeorgeWallacecampaignmemberswerelocatedin thisoldbuildingwhentheAlabamaGovernorwasrunningforPresident.Thecampaignmaterialswerestillintheattic.Also,foundintheatticweresomeporcelain samplesofKeenCitrustoshowhiscustomerswhatthefruitbasketswouldlooklike. TeresadonatedthesetothePalmettoHistoricMuseum.Teresahasacollectionof artifactshangingonthewalls:astirrup,awoodshaver,ahayhookalicenseplate thatreads“PJ’sSubs,”allitemswerebroughtinbyhercustomers. If you have never eaten at PJ’s you are missing a real treat. Along with the great,madefromscratchfood,therearealwaysgreatconversationsgoingon,lotsof teasingwiththecustomers,thebestserviceeverandveryreasonableprices.PJ’sis knownfortheirsweetorunsweetenedtea.Youcanbuyitbytheglassorbythegallon,andit’sallverygood. Myfamilyhavebeengoodcustomersherefor30years.Whenwe’relookingfor agoodquicklunch,weknowwheretogo. Ifanyofyouknowofanoldbuilding,homeorahistoricalhappeningthatwould be of interest to the community, please give me a call 776-0542 or e-mail me [email protected]. P Integrity P Credibility P Experience P Reliability Rob Reinke REALTOR® CRS, CDPE BUYING or SELLING Call or Text: 941-720-2940 [email protected] DO IT TODAY! Top Producing, Experienced REALTOR® Who Gets Results! Wagner Realty, 5215 State Road 64 E., Bradenton, FL 34208 Parrish Village Newspage 4 Let the Good Times Roll! FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1984 Leslie Wells BOB DAHMS PAINTING, LLC It’sbeenawhirlwindmonthforme andtheentireLeslieWellsRealtyteam. Besides facilitating dozens of sales and abucketfulofnewlistings,we’vebeen busying ourselves with community service projects and neighborhood get-togethers.Idareanyonetosaywehavea sleepycommunity! We began the month participating, once again, in the Parrish Chili Cook Off. Kudos to The Parrish Foundation andtheParrishCivicAssociationforthe work they do all year long to bring us thisevent!Notonlydowegettotaste lotsofdifferentkindsofchiliandmeet Leslie Wells ourwonderfulneighbors,butwealsoget thesatisfactionofknowingtheFoundationhelpsourcommunityinsomanyways andmakesadifferenceinmanylives. ThefirsteverRanchJamheldonCR675,broughtworldfamousAlabamaand many other well-known bands to Manatee County. If you were there, you know beautifulweatherandgreatmusicmadefortheperfectday.Ourteamworkedhard attheVIPbeveragestationandevenmanagedtomakeafewtips.Whilebartending isn’treallyinourfuture,wewerehappytotakethattipmoneyandmakeadonation totheJustinRowlandFoundation(throughtheBoysandGirlsClub)whichwasestablishedtoeducatefamiliesondrugsanddruglossoflife. WeendedthemonthwiththeannualDesotoSeafoodFestivalatSuttonParkin Palmetto!Ourboothsharedinformationwithhundredsofvisitorsabouttheupcomingchangesproposedforourarea,includingthenewestsubdivisionsandtheFort HamerBridge.Proceedsfromourbeachcruiserbicycleraffleweredonatedtothe NorthRiverRelayforLife. Oftentimes,weoverlookgreatopportunitiesrightinourownbackyard.Don’t forgetover75,000,000peoplevisitFloridaeachyearandover350,000peoplemove toFloridaeachyear.They’recominghereforareason.Yes,wehavegreatbeaches and world-renowned amusement parks and attractions, but it’s more than that. It’saboutthepeoplewhoalreadycallFloridahome.Getoutthereandmakesome memories.Checkoutpostingsregardingconcerts,festivalsandneighborhoodblock parties.NoneedtogotoTampaorOrlando.Wehavesomanyoptionsrightherein ManateeCounty.Infact,wecouldattendoneeventoroutingeachdayoftheweek for an entire year and still not run out of choices. Sleepy community? No way! We’resoproudtocallthisplaceourhome.Seeyouatthenextevent! Mondays n e p O w o N M AM - 2 P 10 Bring this ad in for $10 OFF April Microdermabrasion ******Special Price****** $45 includes Minifacial with High Frequency Treatment 10% OFF Any Skin Care Product Color Services, Selected Perms (Monday & Tuesday only, 10 AM - 3 PM) Good through 6/30/2015 Meet our great staff: Jen, Dianne, Darlean and Luzma. Ask about our Global Keratin Treatments! Get a jump on the summer frizzies with a Brazilian Blowout! Now Open Mondays 10 AM - 2 PM 941-776-1455 8215 U.S. Hwy 301 w Ellenton Commons w Parrish, FL (next to Butterfield’s) BOB DAHMS, OWNER 941-321-1650 [email protected] Residential/Commercial/Condominium Interior - Exterior Personalized Service - Quality Products Insured - References Serving Manatee & Sarasota Counties First Choice & l” a in g ri O The “ ns in Nail Salo SPECIAL OFFER 10% OFF Any Service of $25 or more We now offer facials, peel & mask, eyebrow color & PERMANENT MAKEUP 8227 US Highway 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (Ellenton Commons between Butterfield’s and Pinch A Penny) WWW.ACCENTNAILSPA.COM 941-776-5744 Cooking with Cookie Easy Recipes for Dinner Idon’tknowaboutyoubutIam inahurrymostofthenightsIneedto preparedinner.So,Iresorttorecipes that I can make very quickly, yet are goodforusandtastedelicious.Here aresomethatIfix. Parrish Village News page 5 A Land Tour of Italy The Italian Riviera Ralph Bellrose Lemony Butter Chicken (pictured at right) 6boneless,skinlesschickenbreast halves 1/2cupall-purposeflour 1/2tsp.salt 2tsp.lemonpepperseasoning 1/3cupbutter 2lemons,sliced 2Tbsp.lemonjuice seamsidedown.Topwithremaining enchiladasauceandremainingcheese. Spray piece of foil large enough to Place each chicken breast half be- coverbakingdishwithcookingspray. tween two pieces of plastic wrap. Cover baking dish with foil, sprayed Pound lightly into a rectangle about sidedown.Bake40to45minutesor 1/4to1/8-inchthick.Removeplastic untilhotandbubbly. wrap.Inashallowbowl,combinethe flour and salt. Coast chicken breasts Yield:8servings. withflourmixture.Sprinklechicken breasts with lemon pepper. In a 12Shrimp and Roasted Red Peppers inchskilletcookthechickenbreastsin 11/2poundsfreshpeeledanddev- thehotbutter,halfatatime,overme- einedmediumshrimp dium-highheatforabout3minuteson 1/4cupbutter eachsideoruntilbrownandnolonger 2Tbsp.oliveoil pink. Remove chicken from skillet. 1/3cuponion,finelychopped Addlemonslicestoskillet;cookfor2 6clovesgarlic,minced to3minutesoruntillightlybrowned, 1/4tsp.crushedredpepper turningonce.Returnallofthechick- 112ouncejarroastedredsweetpepentotheskillet,overlappingchicken pers,drainedandchopped breasts slightly. Drizzle lemon juice 1/2cupdrywhitewine overthechickenbreasts.Cookfor2 1/2cupwhippingcream to3minutesmoreoruntilpanjuices 1/4cupsnippedfreshbasil are slightly reduced. Serve chicken, 1cupfinelyshreddedParmesancheese lemon slices and pan juices over hot 12ouncespastaofyourchoice cookedriceorpilaf. Rinseshrimp;patdrywithpapertowYield:6servings. els.SetAside.Inalargeskillet,heat butterandoilovermedium-highheat Beef Enchilada Casserole untilbutterismelted.Addonionand 1poundgroundbeef garlic. Cook and stir to 1 to 2 min1can(10ounces)OldElPasomild utesorjustuntilonionistender.Add enchiladasauce shrimp and rushed red pepper; cook 1jar(16ounces)blackbeanorcorn and stir for 2 minutes. Add roasted salsa peppers and wine. Bring to boiling; 8OldElPasoflourtortillasforbur- reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, ritos(8inch) about 2 minutes or until shrimp are 1cupsshreddedMexicanfour-cheese opaque, stirring occasionally. Stir in blend(8ounces) cream.Returntoboiling;reduceheat. Boilgently,uncovered,for1minute. Heatovento350degreesF.Spray13 Stirinbasil.Addshrimpmixtureand x 9-inch (3-quart) baking dish with cheesetohotcookedpasta;tossgencookingspray.Place8burritosopen tlytocombine. sideupinbakingdish.Ina10-inch, nonstick skillet, cook beef with salt Yield:6servings to taste over medium-high heat, stir- ring frequently, until brown; drain. I hope you enjoy these quick Transfer to large bowl. Add 1/4 cup and easy - but delicious - main dish of the enchilada sauce, the salsa and mealideas.IknowIwillbepreparhalf of the cheese. Stir to combine. ing them this month especially when Divide beef mixture among tortillas; Iam“pushed”fortimeHaveagood wrap tortillas around filling, placing month.Bonappetit! The harbor at Portofino, Italy. The Italian Riviera bears little resemblance to the French Riviera. Sandy beaches are hard to find, there are no casinos, and there are very few “beautiful people” basking in the sun. It is quiet and peaceful, a welcome break from the hectic, hyperactivity of Florence and Rome. Our hotel was in Rapallo, a city that dates back to the 8th century B.C. It was originally settled by the Etruscans, or possibly the Greeks, and became a winter retreat for wealthy Romans because of its mild climate and high hills, that effectively block cold winds from the North. Rapallo is not as well-known as Portofino and Santa Margherita, but it has been popular with luminaries such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Ezra Pound, and Domingo Ghirardelli, of chocolate fame, who died and was buried in Rapallo in 1896. The Ottomans and Barbary Pirates enjoyed sacking the city during the 16th century, prompting the locals to build a castle to help defend the town. The castle ruins remain a favorite spot for tourists. A passenger ferry connects Rapallo with Portofino and Santa Margarita; and, one morning we decided to take our own unguided tour. Our first stop was Santa Margherita. This town was a sleepy fishing village prior to WW II. After the war, it was transformed into an attractive coastal resort. It has since lost some of its popularity, but the hotels are colorful and well maintained and the restaurants are inviting. We wandered into an open-air farmer’s market offering fresh vegetables and fruits and chatted with some of the merchants. The Italian people are very friendly to Americans. It seems like everyone has a relative in the “states.” After a short stay, we headed for the dock and caught the next ferry to Portofino. If you wanted to paint the ideal Italian fishing village, the picture you would generate is Portofino, a small, quiet harbor full of painted dories, pastel colored buildings coming right down to the water line, and forested green hills rising in the Please see A Land Tour of Italy CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 The Italian Riviera. Parrish Village News page 6 Compassion l l l l l l Private Duty Services Companion Services Personal Care Homemaking Hourly Visits & Nursing Medication Management l l l l l Excellence l Reliability Medicare Certified Skilled Nursing Physical Therapy Occupational & Speech Therapy “Bayada caregivers enter my home with confidence, energy, and hope. They are wonderful people who show me respect, kindness, and consideration.” Patients ALWAYS have a choice for their Health Care Serving the Sun City Area since 2008 and new to the Parrish and Ellenton areas 813-633-6800 129 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Ste. #102 Sun City Center, FL 33573 Accredited by Community Health Accreditation Program, the leader in home care accreditation HHA 299991722 l HHA 20171095 Manatee River Garden Club to meet on April 15 Program to be on Propagation of Succulents The Manatee River Garden Club will meet on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at 3120 First Avenue West in Bradenton. The program topic will be “Many Ways to Propagate in Florida” and the presenter will be Joanne Ehrenreich. Joanne, President and Chief Gardener of the Sarasota Succulent Society, will be showing the group how to propagate succulents and other plants that grow in the Florida climate. She will be bringing a few plants to sell from the Sarasota Succulent Garden. There is no charge to attend. For more information, please contact Judy Boehm at 941-870-2259. Parrish Village News page 7 For questions about advertising in The Parrish Village News, call Gene Orlowski at 776-8524 or send him an email at [email protected] ARCHITECTURAL MARBLE IMPORTERS Will visit your home to care for your dog or cat 7 days a week, year round Stone Countertops & Flooring Supply w Fabricate w Install James Newby I am a former Humane Society and Southeast Guide Dog volunteer. Have been a local Florida resident for 33 years. Lifetime animal lover. Full time pet sitter. Visit includes: bringing in newspaper and mail and watering plants, if needed. I live in Parrish - within a few minutes of your home. I’m a responsible, dependable and caring person. Registered with the Ellenton Vet Clinic. Member of Pet Sitters International. [email protected] 2560 12th Street w Sarasota, FL 34237 (941) 365-3552 Fax (941) 955-6644 email: [email protected] Visit my website at Please call Donna at (813) 443-2448 or (941) 447-9722 Bonded/Insured BRUCE WHIDDEN CONSTRUCTION Jana Motwani “All Work Guaranteed & Built To Last” 12281 Britt Road 813-634-4459 Residential Contractor Room Addition Screen Room General Repairs Get personalized beauty tips & skip the store! Shop at your convenience. Personal delivery, free samples & facials so you can try before you buy. What better way yo get all your skincare & makeup! Call me today! 941-776-2859 Roofing Contractor Shingle-Tile Metal General Repairs CCC1328858 CRC049124 Independent Beauty Consultant Parrish, FL 34219 Pool & Spa Contractor New-Used Resurfacing General Repairs CPC1457847 [email protected] w 941-531-3450 [email protected] e!!! ff Sal 1/2 O details. or Call f John P. Stinson, Inc. LAWN PROGRAMS Fertilization / Weed Control Insect / Disease PEST PROGRAMS Safe Exterior Power Spray General Pest Control ORNAMENTAL PROGRAMS Palm, Trees and Shrub Treatments Professional Horticultural Services 1-855-LAWN-911 Backhoe, Grade Tractor, Dirt, Shell, Culvert Pipe Installation Land Clearing l Demolition Licenses To Install & Repair Septic System COMPLETE SITE WORK 941-776-3234 941-812-5962 PJ’s SANDWICH SHOP Mon. - Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sat. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 12342 U.S. Hwy. 301 Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2307 JUDY AARNES Real Estate Specialist (941) 907-1033 EXT. 132 BUSINESS (941) 776-3170 FAX (941) 776-0020 RESIDENCE (941) 704-9744 CELLULAR [email protected] Owned And Operated By NRT Incorporated RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE, INC. 8334 Market Street Bradenton, FL 34202 * BANKRUPTCY CALL NOW! (941) 840-0820 Creditors? Bills High? IRAs and 401Ks to Protect? Free Consultation / Payment Plans Available The Law Office of Walter Sowa, III 435 12th Street West, Suite 206 | Bradenton, FL 34205 [email protected] | Airport Shuttle Service Friendly, Reliable Transportation To All Airports # Mike: 721-8540 or cell 704-0441 Parrish Village Newspage 8 Three Parrish Boys Achieve Eagle Rank in Boy Scouts EagleScoutcandidatesarerequiredtocreateaprojectthatbenefitsanon-profitorganizationandprovidetheleadershipnecessaryto bringtheprojecttocompletion. JacobKrakowski,CodySchmidtandJonathanNadeaurecently completedtheirprojectsatHarvestFieldCommunityChurchwiththe approvaloftheSouthwestFloridaBoyScoutCouncilandthechurch’s Pastor,TerryCary.JonathanNadeaucreatedamemorialgarden;Jacob Krakowski extended a handicap ramp; and Cody Schmidt revampedandrevitalizedaplanterthatservesastheentrysignagetothe churchfortheirEagleprojects. EachscoutfacedanEagleScoutBoardofReviewandwasapprovedtoattainrankofEagleScout,thehighestrankpossibleinBoy Scouts. These three scouts now join rank with two otherTroop 41 Eagles,LukeLesterandIanHarkins. Troop41hasbeenservingtheyouthofParrishandtheParrish communityformorethanadecade.ThetroopmeetseveryMonday eveningduringtheschoolyearatWilliamsElementarySchoolfrom 7:00p.m.to8:00p.m.Allyoungmen,ages11through17,areinvited tojoin. If you are interested in helping shape our community, plan to attend the Followup Meeting on growth. Thursday, April 30 - 7:00 PM Parrish Y - 12214 US Hwy 301 N Parrish Hope to see you there! $10.00 Off 2014 Income Tax Preparation HEADQUARTERS (new clients BARBERSHOP only) Now at Creative Edge Hair Studio Sylvia Sylvia is NY educated, bilingual, a master colorist and instructor for one of the major industry product lines. With over 20 years’ experience in the Beauty Industry, she looks forward to helping you reach your Beauty goals. Visit her website at 813-601-5026 Creative Edge Hair Studio w 8405 US 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 Montgomery’s Affordable Accounting & Tax, L.L.C. Parrish, Florida 941-776-5557 With this coupon. Not valid with others or prior services. Offer expires 4-15-15. “Where attention to detail matters!” Professional Tax Preparation Mon - Tues 9 - 5 Wed - Fri 9 - 7 Sat 9 - 3 8003 US HWY 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-9927 Tax problems (past or present)? Haven’t filed in a while? WE CAN HELP YOU! FREE consultation FREE electronic filing FAST accurate service FAST refunds Walk-ins welcome Appointments available All state tax returns prepared here Corporate, partnership & Affordable Accounting indi vidual tax returns & Tax, L.L.C. 8003 US Highway 301 N, Suite 101, Parrish (Next to Marathon Station) 941-776-5557 Fax 941-776-0390 Parrish Village Newspage 9 Quick and Dirty Tips for Positive Change Don’thavetimetoreadabig,fat,self-helpbookonhowtogetyourlifefixedup andgoingintherightdirection?Then,thislittledittyisforyou!That’sthe“quick” part. Likeyou,I’vehadtonsofstruggleswithtimeissues,stayingpositivethrough challenges,raisingafamily,workingandmulti-taskingjusttokeepup.Idon’thavea lotof“me”timeandIsometimescompromisesleeporeatingwell.Ifthisisalsoyou, don’tworry!Ifyoucancarveafewmomentsoutofyourday,hereandthere,youcan makesmallpositiveandlastingchangesthatwillimproveyourlifeinabigway,but you’llhavetodigindeep,justalittle,inordertogetstarted.That’sthe“dirty”part. Takingbabystepsinsomething,anything,canleadtobigaccomplishments.That’s the“positive”part! Let’sstartwithhowsmallchangereallyaddsup.HowIlearnedamartialartis aprimeexample.AllofmyfearsinthebeginningofmytrainingwereeasedwhenI realizedthatIwasnotexpectedtoperformeverynewly-taughtskillwithagilityand perfectionrightfromtheget-go.OnceIrecognizedthattherewasplentyoftimeto makemistakes,correctthem,andlearnfromthem,Iwasabletoworkonjustone simpleskillatatime.Eachskillwasaddedtoabiggersetofskillsandeachbigger setofskillspromisedanewbeltlevelandmorechallengingactions. Learningthebasicsofakick,ortacklingbalanceissuesinkatas,wasjustthebeginning. These were the stepping stones on which I built my entire personal karate repertoire,andhowIearnednotjustablackbelt,butaseconddegree,inthemidst ofbuildingafamily,acareer,andanactiveroleasavolunteer.Itwasastep-by-step approachrequiringpatienceandeffort,withgreatrewardsattheend. Haveyoueverthrownsparechangeintoajareverytimeyouhadsome,andjust letitsitovergoodbitoftime?Allofthatloosechangestartstoaddup.Youmight saveupenoughtoactuallybuysomething,orspendonarainyday.Smallchangein lifebuildsupthesameway.Ifyoucombineallthesmall,positivechangesthatyou areabouttomake,likethrowingchangeinajar,youcanstarttoaccumulateenough tofillupyourlife“jar”justalittlebitmorewithawesomeaccomplishments. So,whatarethesesmallpositivechangesthatIamtalkingabout?Thereare many,andIbetifyoutookthetime,youcouldidentifyafewofyourown.But,here areafewmuststogetyougoing: Irrational Insecurities - One of the biggestthingsthatholdsyoubackisinsecurity. There is always something of whichyouareuncertain.Yourinsecuritiesshowupintheformofquestionsthat youaskyourself.DoIlookokay?Did Ispellthatright?WhatifIdon’tunderstand?HowwillIfigurethisout?There isonlyonewaytocombatinsecurityand thatistoputittorestonceandforall. Itdoesnotmatterifyoumakemistakes, haveabadhairday,ordon’tunderstand everyconceptpresentedtoyou.Youwill never do everything right, nor will you doeverythingwrong. Toeliminateinsecurities,youwillhave Andrea F. Harkins Karate Teacher at Parrish YMCA, tolearntoplayanewgame.It’scalled motivational blogger the mind game. Every time insecurity revealsitself,youmusttalkbacktoit, inyourmind.Workthroughyourinsecuritiesbyremindingyourselfofyourgoodness,wheneverthequestionofdoubtpresentsitself.Ilookgoodtoday!Ifinallyunderstandthis!Imadeadifferencetoday!Onceyouplaythemindgameafewtimes, itbecomesmorenaturaltoappreciate,ratherthancondemnyourself. Jaded Jealousy -Evenwhenyoufeelgood,someonecomesalongandshakesup allyourgoodvibesinabadway.Theysuddenlyhavetheveryitemyou’vealways wantedorhavesomethingsomuchnicerthanyouthatitmakeswhatyouhaveseem worth much less. Your neighbor bought a new car; your cousin got accepted to theIvyLeagueschoolonwhichyouhadyourheartset;yourbestfriendsavedup enoughmoneytobuyahouserightonthebeach.Suddenly,your2005compactcar looksdated;youareslightlyhopefultomakeitintoacommunitycollege;andyour PleaseseeQuick and Dirty Tips for Positive Change CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 Just SOLD Another 6 Homes This Week! D! SOL reek st C Fore ! SOLD ch on Ran Harris ! SOLD ch on Ran Harris ards $5000 tow st Closing Co Wow! Pool home in Twin Rivers for under $400K. Beautiful 3/4 bedroom, 3 bath home with upgrades galore. Nice private lake and preserve view for only $384,900 Reduced Pristine Creekside Preserve 2 story home. 4 bedrooms and large bonus. Spice Maple Cabinets, Granite and Stainless Steel appliances. Great for a growing family A must see at $244,900 SO Copp LD ! er St o ne SOLD ! Creekside Preserve d Just Liste Just listed! Large Pool Home on privatecul-de-sac with preserve view! 3/2/3 with large spacious kitchen and heated pool and spa! Only 2.5% Listing Commission WE SAVE OUR SELLERS MONEY!! SOL Harris D ! on Ran ch We market everywhere GLOBAL EXPOSURE d Just Liste Just Listed! Immaculate 3/2 Maintenance Free Home in the Hammocks of River Wilderness. Nice open spaces over looking tranquil pond and preserve. Nicole Gabbard 941-685-0451 Jason Gabbard 941-718-1111 We Sell THEM SO FAST!!! WE NEED MORE LISTINGS!! Parrish Village Newspage 10 Spring Book Sale extremely successful - thanks to everyone! TheSpringBookSaleatRockyBluffLibrarywas extremelysuccessful.Thissaleisoneoftwoeachyear toraisefundsfortheFriends’group.TheFriendsuse these funds to enhance Rocky Bluff Library. Recent projectsincludetherenovationofthefrontlobby,the landscapingprojectandpondcleanupoutside,buying suppliesforthelibrarybeyondthecountybudgetlimitations,fundingthesummerprogramsforchildrenand otherprojectsthathelpthelibraryanditspatrons. Boxing the remaining books after the sale and cleaning the conference room concluded the Spring BookSale.TheFriendsareagainfortunatetohavea well-working process that is only possible because of thewonderfulteampullingthepiecestogether.Commentsfrombuyersattendingthesaleweremostencouraging.Theyrepeatedlytoldusthatofthebooksales theyattend,oursalesarebetterorganized,wehavethe bestbooksandourvolunteersarethefriendliest.The dealerscomenotonlyonthefirstdayofsalebutreturn becausetheyknoweventhosebooksremainingonthe finaldaysofthesalearestillofgreatquality. Thosewonderfulcommentsarebecauseofthevolunteers’donationsoftimeandtalent.And,becauseof them,thisspringtheFriendshadaverysuccessfulsale. Rocky Bluff Library and the North River community arethewinnersandtheFriends’groupthanksyouall so very much. Also, a special thanks to our Library SupervisorKateLippincott.Thiswasherfirstexperiencewiththebooksaleandshewassohelpfulandsupportive.Asalways,thanksgototheRockyBluffstaff foralsobeingsohelpfulandpatientwiththisactivity. Wethankallthewonderfulvolunteersforthesale: Charlotte Barwegan, Roger Barwegan, Fred Brisky, NancyBrisky,DeborahBrown,StephanieCargill,Syble DiGirolamo, Susan Freeland, Connie Goodman, SharonGraziano,CarolGuese,SandyHammer,ClaudiaHartung,JoanJensen,CookieJordan,JeanKatchnar,PegKmak,EvelynKeller,BillKobernusz,Penny Cafeandenjoythemusic. Book Discussion Group Scheduled for April 8 The Book Discussion Group will be held on Wednesday,April8at6:00p.m.April’sbookis“The Goldfinch”byDonnaTartt.InthisbookTheoDecker, a 13-year-old New Yorker, miraculously survives an accident that kills his mother. Abandoned by his father,Theoistakeninbythefamilyofawealthyfriend. BewilderedbyhisstrangenewhomeonParkAvenue, disturbedbyschoolmateswhodon’tknowhowtotalk tohim,andtormentedaboveallbyhislongingforhis mother,heclingstotheonethingthatremindshimof her:asmall,mysteriouslycaptivatingpaintingthatultimatelydrawsTheointotheunderworldofart. Asanadult,Theomovessilkilybetweenthedrawingroomsoftherichandthedustylabyrinthofanantiques store where he works. He is alienated and in Kobernusz, Mercedes Kratz, Judy Kreiling, Susan Le- love--andatthecenterofanarrowing,evermoredanscenski, Emily Luch, Brandon Michell, Kara Michell, gerouscircle. “The Goldfinch” is a mesmerizing, stay-up-allPatriciaMiddleton,PatMorris,BillMork,MartyMork, DorothyNeely,EdPigo,VirgilPope,JaneReed,Carol night and tell-all-your-friends triumph, an old-fashioned story of loss and obsession, survival and selfRowher,YvonneSultonandSondraThorson. TheFriends’groupalsoappreciatesthetirelessef- invention,andtheruthlessmachinationsoffate. fortsofitspresident,DorisPope,whohashelpedoneveryphaseoftheFriendsprojects. AARP Tax Preparation Help TheAARPtaxpreparationhelpcontinuesatRocky BluffforthreemoredaysinApril-the2nd,the9thand the14th.Ifyouneedhelpwithyourtaxes,youcanget freeassistanceatthelibrary. Lunch, Listen and Learn Concerts Continue April’s Lunch, Listen and Learn Concert features Blues Guitarist Bodie Valdez. The concert begins at 1:00p.m.Youcangetyour lunch at the Story Book Join the Friends of Rocky Bluff Library Name: Address: City: State: Telephone: Email: Types of memberships Zip: Date: Individual Member - $5.00 Family Member - $10.00 Sustaining Member - $25.00 Lifetime Friend - $100.00 Are you a new member or a renewal? q New q Renewal Please make check payable to Friends of Rocky Bluff Library. Drop your completed form with your check into the Friends’ box at the library. Dues and contributions may be tax-deductible. Drop in the box at the library or mail to: Friends of Rocky Bluff Library, P. O. Box 133, Ellenton, FL 34222. Parrish Village Newspage 11 Short Film by Myakka City Family in Upcoming Sarasota Film Festival “Deaf Notice” spoofs the popular TV show “Burn Notice” telling the story of a charming young deaf and hard of hearing boy named Alex. Nine year old Kagen Ellinwood who plays Alex went to Duette Elementary School. Deaf NoticeisashortfilmcreatedbytheEllinwoodsofMyakkaCityandisan officialselectionoftheupcoming2015SarasotaFilmFestival.Itwillscreenatthe festivalonApril18,at10:15a.m.aspartoftheSFFyouthFESTprogramming.Itis acomedyaboutbeingdeafandhardofhearing. Deaf NoticelightlyspoofsthepopularTVshowBurn Notice. Itturnstheformulaic‘Whenyou’reaspy...’into‘Whenyou’redeaf...’Fullofheart,ittellsthestoryof acharmingyoungdeafandhardofhearingboynamedAlex.EnjoytherideasAlex takesyoualonghisjourneyinaseriesoffunvignettesteachingyouhowtonavigate aworldoffumblinghearingaids,miscommunication,andhisgreatestenemy-water. Nine year old Kagen Ellinwood, a proud former Duette Elementary student, playsthemaincharacterthatisbasedonKagen’sownexperienceswithbeingdeaf andhardofhearing.Hismother,KimmyEllinwood,isthewriteranddirector.His father,AaronEllinwood,istheDirectorofPhotographyandEditing.Deaf Noticeis theirfirstfilmprojectanditwasfilmedentirelyattheirMyakkaCityhome.Theyare gratefulfortheopportunityandhopeyou’llcomeouttosupportthem. AsAlexwouldsay,“YouDEAFinitelydonotwanttomissthis!” • • • • • • TRADE SHOW DISPLAYS CUT VINYL GRAPHICS VEHICLE MAGNETS SIGNS BANNERS VEHICLE WRAPS 941.462.4440 6935 15TH ST.E. SUITE 109 SARASOTA, FL See At Yo u o t n i g Sprin MOB! A OB AM ! April 7th It’s National Beer Day… Come grab a cold one! We need your help to finish the fight. Join the American Cancer Society Relay For Life movement, the world’s largest event to end cancer. Because when we walk and fundraise together, we’re bigger than cancer. 1OFF 54 Margs Ages 21+ only. Happy Hour Every Day! 11am-5pm & 8pm-close FREE Margarita On Us! P Limit one per person, per visit. Expires Apr. 30, 2015 With this coupon and purchase of entrée. Good at all 3 locations. Ages 21+ only. Join us. Parrish United Methodist Church April 10, 2015 @ 6:30pm May 3rd Celebrate John’s 54th Birthday! Give a Little… Get a Lunch! All donors receive a T-shirt, a wellness checkup John $ and coupon good for a FREE lunch or domestic drafts* Early Bird Special!* ¢ – all day, all Up to $10 value! three locations! at all three locations! *Limit one per person. Donors must be at least 16 *April 7th only. Good at all three years old. Donors under 18 must have parental May 3rd Only! locations. Ages 21+ only. permission. Photo ID required. The funds raised allow us to help people in every community and find cures to save more lives. Relay For Life of North River April 15th Annual Tax Day Blood Drive Landside Cortez eLLenton 941.758.7880 941.792.0077 941.721.7773 (1.5 miles north of SRQ Airport) (5 min from Anna Maria Island) (Take I-75 Exit 224 west) 6906 14th St. W. on US 41 6696 Cortez Rd. 1525 51st Ave. E. Happy Birthday to Nonno Frank!! Parrish Village Newspage 12 2014 Herald Tribune Readers’ Choice FIRST PLACE BEST LOCAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT $ 5 off any purchase of $25 or more Ferraro’s Italian Grille With this coupon. Not valid with offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 4/30/2015 Wild Monday 2 for $22 Choose from Baked Ziti, Pasta & Meatballs, Manicotti, Cheese Ravioli, Stuffed Shells or Lasagna with 2 House Salads, Garlic Bread, 2 Small Cannoli Ferraro’s Italian Grille With this coupon. Not valid with offers or prior purchases. Offer expires 4/302015 8348 US 301 N. Corner of 301 and Old Tampa/Erie Roads PARRISH/ELLENTON 941-723-1111 VOTED BEST! 817B 14th Street West 3 Blocks South of Manatee Avenue BRADENTON 941-747-9900 WE DELIVER! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Hours : Mon-Thurs 11 am - 9 pm Fri & Sat 11 am - 10 pm Sun 12 pm - 9 pm ToNonnoFrank, WewanttowishyoutheHappiestofBirthdays.Todayisaperfectdaytotellyou thatyou’rethemostconsiderate,lovingandpatientpersonweknow.(Maybeit’sbecausewearenotyourChildrenbutyourGrandchildren.)Weloveyouforbeingyou. You’reourhero.Happybirthdaytotheworld’sbestGrandpa! Love, Orlando,Giuliana,Francesco,Antonino&Salvatore ToDad, Wewanttocelebratethisdaybylettingyouknowwhatyoumeantous.Weknow youasdadbutlookatyouasourfoundation.Youworksohardforyourfamily:never takingabreak,puttingothersbeforeyourselfincludingthelocalcommunity.Yougo aboveandbeyondtomakesureyoucanmakeeveryonehappy.Youhavehelpedmake usallwhowearetoday.Youtaughtusthemeaningofhardwork,themeaningoffamilyandmostallthemeaningofLove. ThankyouforbeingyouandHappyBirthday! Love, Anthony,Nicole,Sal,Stefanie,Mariangela&Orlando FOR SALE Call Acqua Pro Experts Free Estimates 941-735-4405 PROFESSIONAL PRESSURE WASHING AND SOFT WASH FULLY INSURED 30+ acres in N.W. Tennessee, located on Highway 140 in Henry County, 2 acres cleared for home. Nice creek, water running year round. Beautiful woods and great hunting. $52,500 Increase Property Value FULL SERVICE RESIDENTIAL Please call Larry McClain at 941-776-0542. Improve Safety COMMERCIAL EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: ACQUAPROEXPERTS.COM Remove dangerous mold, mildew, moss, fungus, algae, grime, dirt and black stains from some of the following exterior surfaces: • Driveway/Walkway/Patios to restore to a natural and cleaner appearance! • Housing Exterior/Gutters/Leaders to bring life back to the original color with a fresh look of cleanliness! • Fences to look clean and almost like new! • Roof to improve the look of it’s life time appearance! Valentine’s Trivia Parrish Village Newspage 13 Jim Casey, Now Accepting Wellcare and Tricare Prime Health Plans Host of Game Show Trivolution seen at seen at SR 64 Applebee’s Thursdays at 9:45 We are already 1/4 through 2015. I’m mixing up the questions this month. First, it’s tax time again. You have until Wednesday, April 15th to file your 2014 taxes, but all month to answer the first five questions on taxes. Then, we’re taking a field trip (like students used to) for the second five questions. As a twist, these are NOT all multiple choice. 1. Federalincometaxeswerefirst introducedwiththeRevenueActof 1861tofundthis? 2. Taxesandtaxationareoften receivedwithmixedemotions. Frenchtaxcollectorsweresentto theguillotinein1789.Butthis ancientcivilizationreveredthetax professionalasthemostnobleman insociety. a.Greeceb.Rome c.Egyptd.Incas 3. This“Survivor”won$1,000,000 butdidn’tbothertopayanytaxes onitandwenttojail. a.BostonRobMariano b.JonnyFairplayDalton c.RichardHatch d.RupertBoneham 4. TheFBIcouldn’tdoit,buttheIRS tookthismobsterdownfortax evasion. 5. 078-05-1120isthemostoverused SocialSecurityNumberever thankstothiscompany’suseofa secretary’sSocialSecurityCardas asampleofhowonewouldfitinto awallet.Whatwasthecompany responsible? a.Searsb.Woolworth c.StateofFloridad.Macy’s 6. Manateeshaveafavoritespotto hangoutinthewintertimethanks tothewaterwarmedby: a.TECOElectricb.TampaBay Raysc.St.PetePier d.BuschGardens 7. Amuseum,aplanetarium,an aquarium-TheSouthFloridaMuseumhasitall.Whereisit? 8. Likesports?VisittheFloridaHall ofFamein: a.Jupiterb.Daytona c.Auburndaled.FortMyers 9. HowaboutaMurderMysteryDinnerTrain?Yes.itdoesexistfrom acompanycalledtheSeminole GulfRailwayinSouthwestFlorida. Whereisthislocated? a.FortMyersb.Ft.Lauderdale c.Jupiterd.WinterHaven 10. There’sarailroadmuseumcloser tohomeinwhattown? Answers on page 41. CALL TODAY for your FREE Skin Cancer Screening Exam Call 941-776-1577 to reserve your spot The Skin Cancer Centers / Dermatology Associates Howard A. Oriba, M.D. Michael G. Caruso, M.D. Leslee Baute, P.A.C. 8959 US Highway 301 N l Parrish/Ellenton (Parkwood Square Shopping Center) WWW.THESKINCANCERCENTERS.COM Parrish Village News page 14 Manatee County Extension Service Classes for February The Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service is offering a variety of free educational classes during April 2015. The Extension Service is an educational program within county government which brings the resources of the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) to Manatee County to solve local problems, provide educational opportunities, promote economic enhancement and development, and improve the quality of life for all of our citizens. Registration Instructions Unless otherwise noted, all classes are free and are held at the Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service, 1303 17th Street West, Palmetto, Florida 34221. Minimum workshop size is required; workshop size is limited. Please register in advance online via our website at (click on Calendar of Events and then event date) or call 941-722-4524 for all workshops. Rain barrel. NEED-A-RIDE? Roy McChesney Call: (941) 746-4891 Cell: (941-228-3134 through the Robinson Preserve’s salt marshes to learn more about Florida’s native plants and inhabitants of a coastal habitat. Suitable for all ages. Tour begins in parking area by main entrance at 1704 99th Street Northwest, Bradenton. Call the Extension Master Gardeners to register. April 21, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Taking The Mystery Out of Micro-Irrigation: Come meet our newest Mobile Irrigation Technician, Tom Funari, while he introduces you to micro-irrigation. Learn how to select, install and operate your own water-saving irrigation system and the pros and cons, parts and pieces, and how to put it all together. He will discuss why it is important to water shrubs and other landscape plants separately from your lawn. This class satisfies the irrigation and lanscape educational class requirement for the Manatee County Outdoor Water Conservation Rebate Program. Register online or call Joann. Take the mystery out of irrigation. April 22, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Ground Covers – Plants That Work: Landscaping with low-growing ground cover plants has become a popular trend in landscape practices because once they are established, these plants need little or no water. Learn noteworthy plants, site considerations, and management of these plants. April 30, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m., Green Cleaning: Get in the mood for Spring cleaning the green way! Many commercial cleaners are not only hard on your wallet, they also contain harsh chemicals that can harm the environment. Learn how to make inexpensive, effective, and environmentally-friendly cleaners for your glass, floors, and more from a few simple products you may already have on hand. Register online or call Erin. Learn how to prepare Guilt Free Desserts. References Cadillac Door-to-Door Parrish to (or from) Sarasota/Bradenton Airport: $50 Parrish to (or from) St. Pete/Clearwater Airport: $65 Parrish to (or from) Tampa International Airport: $70 Parrish to (or from) Orlando International Airport: $150 Appointments, Etc.: $20 hr. Clip and Save # April 11, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Extension Master Gardener Plant Id Tour – Desoto/Riverview Pointe Preserve: Stroll through De Soto National Memorial and Riverview Pointe Preserve to learn more about Florida’s native plants and inhabitants of a coastal habitat. Suitable for all ages. The hike begins in the parking area of the De Soto National Memorial Park and enters into the Riverview Preserve at 8250 De Soto Memorial Highway, Bradenton. Call the Extension Master Gardeners to register. April 11, 10:00 a.m. - Noon, Compost Happens – Home Composting Workshop: Learn to turn your kitchen scraps and yard waste into useful soil amendments, along with details on how to set up a home compost bin. Fee for compost bin. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. April 11, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., Digital Diagnostic Services: Do you like quick and free diagnostics for identification of something unknown in your garden or landscape? Can you take a photograph of a plant or animal or insect in your landscape and send it? If you answered “yes” to these questions, this workshop is for YOU! Lisa Hickey, Extension Agent, will provide instructions how to use the University of Florida’s DDIS (Distant Diagnostic Information System). This is not a fancy application; it is an online service that the University offers for free to identify plants, insects, animals, and possibly diseases in your landscape. Bring a Wi-Fi device (laptop or iPhone) with a photo on it so you can practice sending! Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. April 15, 10:00 a.m. - Noon, Hydroponics for Homeowners: Do you have poor soils or limited space? Hydroponics may be the answer for you! Learn about different types of systems, substrates, and processes to grow herbs and vegetables without using soil. We will also show you how to scout your plants and manage environmental, insect, and disease problems. Register online or call the Extension Master Gardeners. April 16, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m., Guilt Free Desserts: Do you love sweets but feel guilty after indulging in them? You’ll definitely want to save room for these delicious desserts! Learn how to make delectable treats without the added calories and guilt. We will modify dessert recipes to healthier versions and taste test guilt free! Register online or call Erin. April 18, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Extension Master Gardener Plant ID Tour – Emerson Point Preserve: Stroll through Emerson Point Preserve to learn more about Florida’s native plants and inhabitants of a coastal habitat. Suitable for all ages. Tour begins in tower parking area at 5801 17th Street West, Palmetto. Call the Extension Master Gardeners to register. April 19, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Extension Master Gardener Plant ID Tour – Robinson Preserve: Stroll Please see Extension CONTINUED ON PAGE 26 A Land Tour of Italy CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 background, all under a sunny, clear blue sky. (Postcard perfect!) It was close to noon when the ferry arrived. We found a small shop in a narrow alley and bought some wine, bread and cheese. We then followed a cobblestone path up to a hill-side church and had lunch on a bench overlooking this beautiful town. Portofino was settled by the Romans and named “Portus Delphini” (Port of the Dolphin). The British and other aristocratic tourists from northern Europe “discovered” the city in the late 19th century, built expensive vacation villas and made the area “fashionable.” By 1950, tourism had become the town’s main industry. For those who love trivia: in 1954, a statue of Christ, sculpted by Guido Galletti, was submerged in the harbor at a depth of 56 feet as a symbol of peace, and a prayer for protection of fishermen and divers; also, there are full scale replicas of Portofino at Universal Orlando Resort in Florida and Tokyo Disney Sea in Japan. After eating, my friend Fred decided that a walk was in order, so he and I made a round-trip trek of about forty minutes to a Coast Guard Station. The path was paved but very overgrown with trees and bushes and it was hard to see much of the coastline. The ladies had wisely declined Fred’s invitation and instead did some shopping. We eventually rejoined them for a drink at a local café, caught the ferry back to Rapallo, and had an excellent seafood dinner in one of the water-side restaurants. Some of you might remember an Italian restaurant named Portofino’s on Cortez Avenue in Bradenton, run by the Gio brothers. It was one of my favorite haunts and I became very friendly with the owners. When we returned from Italy, I presented them with an enlarged, framed snapshot of Portofino. It still hangs in their Ellenton restaurant, Gio’s. Next time, Fred talks me into hiking the Cinque Terre, a truly “unexpected journey”! Parrish Village News page 15 At left is picturesque Rapallo. Below is Castello Brown, a castle sitting on a hill above Portofino. At left is beautiful Santa Magherita. Parrish Village Newspage 16 Activities from the Ellenton - Parrish Lions Club Club celebrates 10th Anniversary Lions Welcome “Twin” Club Representative Pictured Lion Helen Arnold with guide Troy, Lion Dufour and Ellenton-Parrish President Lion Barbara Hempel. Pictured left to right are PCC Gary Nieskes, PDG Norma Jean Andrews, 1st Vice-President Bradenton Lions Chip Kunka, 2nd Vice District Governor John Geary, District Governor Judy Galm and 1st Vice District Governor David Skillin. Ellenton-ParrishLionswelcomedLionRichardDufourofQuebecL’AncienneLoretteLionsClub,DistrictU-2Quebec,CanadaattheMarchmeeting.LionDu Ellenton-Parrish Lions Club celebrated the 10thAnniversary of their Charter four,1stVicepresidentoftheclub,MembershipChairandInternationalRelations DateatRiverWildernessCountryClub.Morethan60Lionsgatheredfordinner, Officer,deliveredachecktoEllenton-ParrishLionstobedonatedtoSoutheastern dancing and silent auction to benefit the Club’s charity fund. The original Char- GuideDogsinappreciationfortheguidedogandservicesreceivedbyafamilymemterMemberswererecognized,andMasterofCeremoniesGaryNieskesintroduced beroftheLionsClubinQuebec.Thesetwoclubsarealso“TwinClubs”through guestspeakerswhosharedmemoriesandpraiseforthisoutstandingLionsClub. LionsInternational. Meet Monique Geathers and MLG Event Draping and Design Parrish Village Newspage 17 Carol Ciarniello, Parrish Professionals Thoughhervoiceisassoftasawhisper,hercreationsareanexplosionthatwillcauseyourjawtodrop asyouexclaim,“WOW!!”Moniqueisaneventdesigner.Shewilltakeablankspaceandtransformit.Using yourconceptforanytypeofgathering,suchasabirthday party, baby shower, bridal shower, wedding, seasonal party, anniversary, retirement party, reunion, or corporateevent,Moniquewillenhanceyourvisionand createanunforgettablememory.Thetoolsofhertrade are draping, chair covers, balloons, table covers, silk flowers,andavarietyofunique,hand-crafted,personalizedaccentstailoredtoyourevent.Thisisnocookiecutteroperation;everyaffairgetsMonique’spersonal touch.Andsheworkswithinyourbudget.Andshe’ll evenarrangeapaymentplansoyourmonthlybudget isnotstretchedbeyonditslimits.Andshe’saone-stop shop,soyoucanrelaxandenjoytheparty/event!And you don’t have to take my word for it, Monique will gladlyprovidereferences. AndMonique,herhusbandandsonliverighthere inParrish;theychoseParrishsixyearsagoforitsquiet, homeyatmosphere.Youmayseeherwhileoutshopping,orattendingTurner’sChapelAMEChurchorat theRelaxintheCityfundraiseronApril25th. Speakingoffundraisers,Moniqueisverydedicated tohercommunityandwilldowhateverittakestohelp someone. As she says, when there’s a roadblock her faithinGodwillcarryherthrough.ShewillaskHim for direction, to help her find a way---and she won’t quit!OneofhergreatestinfluencesisherGrandmother who has passed on. She gave Monique her first car, instructed her to manage her money and always have goodcredit,andshewashermodelfortouchinglives throughlovingandgiving.Moniquegainedherconfidence from her mother who supports and encourages her.Herhusbandisthe“windbeneathherwings”as her motivator, cheerleader, and helping hand in MLG EventDrapingandDesigns. Allinall,Moniqueisonetalented,veryfriendly, likeablelady.Giveheracallforyournextevent;you will be “wowed”! MLG Event Draping and Designs canbereachedat941-251-0441,www.mlgeventdrapinganddesigns.comoronFacebookatMLGEventDrapingandDesigns,LLC. MoniqueisamemberofParrishProfessionalsNetworkingGroup.ParrishProfessionalsmeetsonthe3rd Thursdayofeachmonth,andwewelcomeyourparticipation.Formoreinformationvisitourwebsite:www. or call Jackie Felix 941-5042376. Parrish Professionals: “Connecting lives one referral at a time” We Find you the Best Coverage for the Best Price... DAN RODGERS CUSTOM INTERIORS “Experience Equals Quality” w Complete Renovations w Kitchens w Baths w Design Software w w w w All Phase in - Drywall Painting Tile Counter Tops Locally Owned Business Over 30 Years Experience Fully Insured All Permitting Needs 941-782-7229 l Office/Fax: 941-531-4093 [email protected] Parrish Village Newspage 18 The Art of Guitar Getting Out of the Musical ‘Rut’ John Phillips IwasrecentlyreadingquotesbythelateauthorTerryPratchettwhenIcameacross thisgem:“Ifyou’regoingtowrite,say,fantasy-stopreadingfantasy.You’vealready read too much. Read other things; read westerns, read history, read anything that seemsinteresting,becauseifyouonlyreadfantasyandthenyoustarttowritefantasy, allyou’regoingtodoisrecyclethesameoldstuffandmoveitaroundabit.” Thetruthofthatline,asitappliestomusic,reallystruckme.Asaguitarteacher, Ioftenhearstudentssay‘Iwanttoplayrock’or‘Iwanttoplaycountry’orsomeother stylethattheycurrentlyenjoy.Consequently,theyonlywanttostudy,learnaboutand listentothatparticularstyleofmusic. Inmyexperience,takingsuchanarrowviewofmusicrarelyyieldsthedesired results.Thisoftenleadstomusiciansfindingthemselves‘inarut.’Atbest,youwill endup,asMr.Pratchettsaid,recyclingthesameoldstuffandjustmovingsomethings around. Thesolutionissimple.Startlisteningtoandstudyingdifferentstylesofmusic. ListentosomeBach.TrysomeBlues,Reggae,Jazz,BluegrassorFlamenco.Learn thetheorybehindthesestyles.Whatmakesthemsoundthewaytheydo?Learnnew songs.Trywritingsongsofyourowninthesestyles. Asyouexpandyourmusicalhorizons,youwillsoonfindyourselfbreakingoutof thatrutandcreatingmusicwhichmightnothaveoccurredtoyoubefore.Youwillalso developanewappreciationand,hopefully,enjoymentofpreviouslyneglectedmusical styles.Thesewillbegintoinfluenceandinspireyourmusic.Nowyouwillbeoutof thatrut. Everyonehashisfavoritetypeofmusicandthereareprobablygoingtobesome typesofmusicthatjustdonotappealtoyou.WhatIamsuggestingisthatyouregularlytrynewthingsmusically.Itwilldefinitelyhelptounleashyourmusicalpotential. Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingmusicortopicswhichyouwouldliketosee infuturecolumns, inquireaboutguitarlessons,call941-915-4694. Quality repairs Instrument rentals month to month Private lessons Special sale prices Keyboards & More More than just keyboards 8734 State Rd 70E I-75 exit 217 941-753-6633 Open 11-7 Mon-Fri 11-4 Sat BUYING? SELLING? Make sure you partner with the right agent. Parrish- 10 Acre County Estate. $579,900 Forest Creek- 3/2 designer features. $224,900 Chelsea Oaks- 3/2 move-in condition. $214,000 Chelsea Oaks- 3/2.5 with a 3 car garage. $229,900 Creekside Preserve- Built in 2013! Large bonus room! $275,000 ShadowBrook- Pondview! 2/2 no age restricted community. $60,000 JORDAN D. CHANCEY REALTOR® FL Broker-Associate, CDPE®, CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager Certified Distressed Property Expert Direct/Cell (941) 545-8816 Leslie Wells Realty Inc. Lic. FL RE Broker 8268 US HWY 301 North, Parrish, FL 34219 "Like" me on Facebook! [] MEMBER: National Association of REALTORS NAR® • National Association of Residential Property Managers NARPM® • Florida Notary Public Quick and Dirty Tircks for Positive Change CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 Itisfunnyhowjustafewminutesbeforetheunintendedcomparisonstarted,you lovedyourgreat,efficientcar;youwerethankfulcostsatthecommunitycollege weresoreasonable;andyoufinallyfinisheddecoratingyourlittleplacejusttheway youwantedit.Stopworryingaboutwhatyoudon’thave,andgoastepfurtherand lovewhoyouareandwhatyoudohave. Baggage Be Gone-Ifyouhavesomebaggagefromthepast,welcometotheclub.I don’tthinkanyoneofushaslivedthisfarwithouthavingaghostortwostilllurking inthecloset.Abadpastislikeregrets,butregretsareoftenthingsyouwishyouhad donedifferently.Abadpastmayhavebeenoutofyourcontrol.Youmaybefroma poorfamily.Youmayhaveneverlearnedtoreaduntilyouwereanadult.Youmay havebeenabused.Yourparentmayhavebeenanalcoholic.Someofthesethings willtakemanyyearswithwhichtocometoterms.Somemayrequireprofessional help.Youneedtocometogripsonedaywithacoupleofimportantvariables: Get that Easter bunny to buy something beautiful from . . . Martin Jewelers Come by and select from our Easter collections. Give your own favorite person a great gift! We have a great selection of gift items come check them out! Jewelry Repair - Sizing, Soldering, Stone Setting, Stone Replacement, Engraving, Adjustable Shanks, Custom Designing, Pearl Restringing and More! Watch Repair - Batteries, Bands, Crystals, Overhauls, Movements, Stems, Crowns, Cleaning and More! Also Available - Estate Jewelry, Sea Jewelry, Sterling Silver Jewelry, Medical Alert, Money Clips, Zippo Lighters, Gift Items, Key Chains, Flasks, Watches, Watch Bands, ID Bracelets, Business Card Holders and More! Ellenton Commons 8235 US Hwy 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (Next to Allstate) 941-479-4951 [email protected] Parrish Village Newspage 19 1. Itwasnotyourfault 2. Youmuststopitfromimpingingonyourlife Somebaggageisdifficulttogetridof,ever.Whateveryourbaggageis,askyourself ifyoucanletitgo;or,doyoufeeldestinedtocarryitwithyouforever?Canyou packitup,likedirtylaundryinasuitcase,andgivethatsuitcaseaquick,swiftkick intonever-neverlandwhereitwillneverbeopenedagain? Karateistheperfectwaytogetridofbaggage.Itnotonlyoffersaninstantrelease, butalsoalongtermsolutionforanger,tension,andfrustration.Karateforcesthe mind to move beyond pain, hate, and hurtful damage that has built up for years. Imaginethereliefofpunchingandkickingwithallyourmightagainstasparringbag. Update Your Perspective-Artistsoftendrawstillobjectslikeavaseofflowersona table.Iftheartistisachild,though,wouldn’tthedrawinglookalotdifferentthanif itwasdrawnbyanelderlyperson?Thechildwillprobablyfocusonthecolorsand thebig,chunkyoverallpicture.Theeldermightseethedetailsastheyrelatetohis life,thetinyvein-likewrinklesineachpetalthatmakesuptheflower.Whatwould yousee? Everysinglething,everyactionandreaction,everyproblemandsolution,isseen differentlydependingontheeyesthroughwhichitisseen.Inthesamewaythata vaseofflowersisinterpreteddifferentlyintheeyesofeachartist,lifeisseendifferently,too.Thegreatthingaboutperspectiveisthatyoucanchangeitonawhim.Just usingthequickscenarioabove,youcanseehowifyouthinkthewaysomeoneofa differentagethinks,youeitherseeabigclunkycolorfulvaseorthetinydetailthat givesaflowerlife.Whenwetakejustamomenttoindulgeinotherperspectivesour wholeworldchanges.Whatwasoncecomplicatedisnowsimple;oncenegativeis nowpositive;onceinconvenientisnowtimely. Thenexttimeyoulookoutoverthebreadthofyourlife,lookasifthroughsomeone else’seyes.Updateyourperspectiveandyouwillbeamazedatwhatyousee.When youlookoutinfrontofyoutothestillobjects,ifyoutiltyourheadalittleoneway ortheother,youmaynoticesomethingthathadnomeaningtoyouuntilyouchanged yourperspective. Quick, Dirty and Positive Almosteverythinghereyoucanapplytoyourselfandtoyourlifeinminutesflat. Baggageistheonlyexception,basedonhowdeeplyaffectedyouarefromit.Ifit’s acarry-onbag,thentossitoverboard!Asforinsecurity,jealousy,andperspective, thesearethecoinsthatyoucanstarttocollectinyourjar.Eachtimeyoubanish insecurity,detectanddeteryourjealousy,orlookatsomethingfromadifferentperspective,youareaddingmorecoinstoyourcollection.Afterawhile,whenitistime toemptythejar,achievementsandpersonalsuccesswillwadupandbeworthmore thanabigbundleofcash. IknowforafactthatmylifechangedwhenIlearnedthemartialarts.What canyoudotoupdateyourmindsetandyourperspective?Whatsteppingstonescan youputinplacerightnowthatwillleadyoutopersonalsuccessorbringyouexactly whereyouwanttobeinlife? Skiponyourpersonalsteppingstones.Stepupyourlifeladder.Collectabunch ofpocketchangeinyourlifejar.Thesechangescanbequick,buttheyrequiresome effort.Intheendyourpositivechangewilladduptoabundantrichnessinyourlife. Make your changes and Win at Life. BestFullFriends Pet Salon Service Dog and Cat Grooming Do you need ... w w w w w Pet Grooming? over 50+ years combined exp. Member NDGA Pet Sitting? over 25+ years exp. Bonded, insured, Member PSI A certified Pet Massage Practitioner? COUPON A certified Reiki Practitioner? REQUIRED A Pet Photographer? Graduate of NYIP w w w w A mobile groomer? A Professional dog trainer? A Veterinarian? A pet to adopt? Are you looking for ,,, $5 OFF Any Grooming Service 1st time clients only 1 per customer Exp. 4/30/15 your local salon and resource guide for all things pet related 3805 US Hwy 301, Ellenton 941-479-4974 Toss that excess baggage overboard, add more coins to your collection and get rid of that jealousy (insecurity) Parrish Village Newspage 20 ELLENTON FOOT CLINIC 729-5588 LWR High School Art on View 7210 U.S. Hwy. 301 N Ellenton ArtworkfromstudentsatLakewoodRanchHighSchoolwillbeonexhibitApril 3rdthroughthe27thattheManateeCountyCulturalAllianceSoloGallery.Painting, drawingandsculpturewillbedisplayed.Areceptionforthestudentswillmarkthe openingoftheshowfrom6:00to9:00p.m.onFriday,April3. TheSoloGalleryalongwiththeGiftGalleryislocatedat92612thStreetWest intheVillageoftheArtsinBradenton.Hoursofoperationare10:00a.m.to4:00 p.m.,MondaythroughSaturday.Forfurtherinformation,callCarlKeeler,Gallery Directorat746-2223. You’re Invited… To a Special Evening of Wine, Cheese & Painting! Friday, May 1 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM Harrison Ranch - Amenity Center 5755 Harrison Ranch Blvd, Parrish th James B. DiVincenzo DPM Ramdin V. Sammy DPM Board Certified Podiatrists Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery l l l l DIABETIC SHOES l WARTS l HAMMERTOES l INGROWN TOENAILS HEEL PAIN l BUNIONS l FUNGAL NAILS l CORNS SPRAINS & FRACTURES l NEUROMA l BONE SPURS l HEEL SPURS l ULCER WOUND CARE MANAGEMENT CUSTOM ORTHOTICS & CORRECTIVE ARCH SUPPORTS Medicare Assignment Accepted New Patients Welcome North River Hair & Nails “Hello Beautiful” Here’s the deal… YOU bring the Wine – Cheese is Supplied – ART will be Created! Watch 5 Artists Paint. All 5 Artists will swap paintings. Paintings created as collaborative works. Silent Auction until 9:00 PM, Live Auction at 9:15 PM Each piece of art will be Auctioned to $upport a Local group or charity! Auction winners pay with checks directly to charity. Attendees will get the chance to take part in a group painting, if they choose. ARTISTS & GROUPS: Liz Estes To Paint For - Sarasota-Manatee Association for Riding Therapy Mavis Jan-Lai To Paint For - Rocky Bluff Library Jerri Phillips To Paint For - Parrish Arts Council Sally Wooldridge To Paint For - Harrison Ranch Arts Guild Joanna Coke To Paint For - Save Place & Rape Crisis Center of Sarasota Full Service Hair Salon for the entire family Extended Hours by Appt. to fit your schedule. (Call for details.) Friendly atmosphere and great prices. Visit our website @ for a full list of prices and online appointments. Or just give us a call! Hosted by Co-Sponsored by 860-983-3767 EVENTIS21+-THEREWILLBEASEPARATEKIDZONE-LIMITEDSPACE&AGES EVENT IS 21+ - THERE WILL BE A SEPERATE KID ZONE – LIMITED SPACE & AGES CALL860-983-3767FORRESERVATIONOFKIDZONEBYAPRIL15 CALL 860-983-3767 FOR RESERVATION OF KID ZONE BY APRIL 15 Followup Meeting on growth in the Parrish community Thursday, April 30 7:00 PM Parrish Y 12214 US Hwy. 301 N Parrish Come if you want to provide your input. 941-776-1199 (12244 US Hwy 301 North, Parrish, FL) See you soon! Memories of Our Grandparents Parrish Village News page 21 Kathryn Newman Remember your grandparents? For me, there was the ‘traditional’ family amount of four of them: my dad’s parents and my mom’s parents. Both sets of grandparents always lived fairly close to us while we were kids, never more than an hour’s drive or so. We made regular visits to our grandparents, more than they visited us, probably because of their ages maybe, I don’t know. We also spent holidays with both sets of grandparents alternating specific days and times in order to be fair to them all. I remember thinking they were all pretty old. My dad’s parents, Maw Maw and Paw Paw as we called them, were the laid back, less stressed and more ‘fun’ ones. You know, more grand-parently in the traditional sense of the word. They lived in an old farm house in rural King and Queen County, Virginia, built back in the Civil War days as a boarding house. This old house had four different porches: one on the front, one on the back and one on each two sides of the house. There was also farming land full of corn stalks in which we used to hide, and a coop full of chickens and one for geese. Since Maw Maw and Paw Paw had six children, there were plenty of cousins to play with when visiting. We spent hours outside running in and out of the bamboo patch or making forts on one of the many porches, the older cousins typically dictating if the younger cousins could join in. One year, Paw Paw bought an old motorcycle and allowed the older cousins to ride us younger cousins around the acreage. I don’t ever remember anyone wearing a helmet. Maw Maw spent her whole career working at Western Union. I’m not sure what she did there, but I remember she always seemed tired and slept in a separate bedroom than my Paw Paw due to her work schedule. She was a tall, sturdy woman with black hair, bright red lipstick and matching bright red fingernails. She often left a trail of red lipstick stained cigarette butts laying around in various ashtrays and spoke loudly with a raspy voice, coughing and hacking through her sentences. folded in our laps. At the time, our only cousins on this side of the family lived in another state, so it was just we three girls. We weren’t allowed to run outside on the perfectly scissor cut yard nor allowed to bring our bikes or roller skates to ride on the never scarred concrete driveway. We couldn’t really watch TV, since it interfered with the adults talking (and nothing but football or golf to watch on a Sunday anyway), so we typically sat on the floor (to avoid the plastic furniture covers digging in our skin) and played with our dolls or read books. Grand-daddy was a hard man who had obviously come back from WWII a different, darker man than when he left. He liked everything in its place and believed in the old adage, “children are better seen than heard.” He had been a tyrannical father and husband as we later learned and his demeanor was harsh, annoyed and irritated. He bossed grandmother around and pointed things out to us that we were not to touch. He never connected with his own four children or anyone else on any kind of sincere level thus making it torture for my sisters and me to want to visit him. I know he tried to be a good grandparent, though, once even having a huge in-ground pool installed so that the grandkids could enjoy swimming on hot summer days. We at first thought the pool was such a great treat for us, but after learning that we were not allowed to splash any water onto the surrounding concrete (which is impossible by the way), we never went swimming again. (As a sidebar here: Many people come back from war with trauma that most of us can never imagine. Thank God, there is more awareness and education on the effects of war on military personnel now than in wars past. Today there are more resources and policies in place to help those affected by the realities of war. I’m sorry that my grandfather never received the right Please see Memories CONTINUED ON PAGE 39 S - SOLAR Innovative Solar, Inc. “Selling Environmentally-Friendly Products Since 1993” Sales-Service-Installation Jerry Taracek (President) 073373_SO • Pool Heating • Hot Water Systems • Attic Fans Phone/Fax 813-922-4324 • Cell Phone 813-857-7595 License# CVC56776 Paw Paw was a soft-spoken man who always seemed to be smiling. He had a patience for all the grandchildren that Maw Maw didn’t. His demeanor was gentle, caring and engaging which made all of the cousins more eager to spend time with him as opposed to Maw Maw who seemed more on edge around us. Regardless of their different personalities, we always felt comfortable being with them and never doubted their fond affection for us. My mother’s parents, Grandma and Grand-daddy as we called them, were uptight, nervous and the not-so-fun grandparents. You know, less grand-parently. They lived in a newer suburban community of brick ranches that had attached garages and manicured lawns. Their house had a chain link fence around the entire perimeter to ensure no neighboring children or pets would encroach upon the lush, fairway-like grass. Their furniture was covered in heavy plastic to shield it from any accidental messes. I still remember the crackle noises it made as we sat on it gingerly, hands Creative Edge Hair Studio is expanding! We need 1 stylist. If you would like to work in a great environment, a beautiful, modern sophistocated studio and a full service salon and spa for men and women, give us a call. 941-704-8365 Creative Edge Hair Studio w 8405 US 301 N w Parrish, FL 34219 A Look Back in History of Parrish! Parrish Village Newspage 22 Parrish Quarter Horse Shows Provided Beauty, Thrills Norma LaGrange Kennedy OutintheManateeCountysunshineonSaturdayandSundaywerefoundmany local horse lovers who gathered to see the magnificent quarter horses which had beenbroughtherefromallpartsoftheSouthtotakepartinthegalaQuarterHorse ShowheldinParrish.Thebeautifulanimals,somevaluedatover$30,000,wereput throughtheirpacesshowingtheremarkabledegreeoftheirintelligenceandskill. Withlittleornodirectionbytheirriders,theseswift,invaluablecowboyhelpers andcompanionsperformedallsortsofdemonstrationsandexhibitionswhichindicatedthattheyunderstoodexactlythethingstheywereexpectedtodoinaidingthe cowboysinthehandlingofcattleandotherwork. Thedemonstrationswerearefreshing,interestingtreat,especiallytothosewho knewlittleornothingabouthorsesandhorsemanshippriortocomingtotheshow. Contestsinbarrelracing;cattlecutting;westernriding;andwalk,trotandcanter exhibitionsprovidedthrillsandexcitement. Pictured (left photograph) are Mrs. Bonnie Daniel, Fort Lauderdale; Wayne Ratcliff,FortLauderdale;Mrs.JoyceLangford,Booker,Florida;andJamesParrish ofParrish,Floridajustbeforetheytookpartintheshow. (Rightphotograph)Mrs.ElaineCrews,Palmetto,presentsthefirstplacetrophy WAGNER toMrs.J.Duncan,winnerofthewalk,trotandcantercontest,whileThurmanSmith of Palmetto, the show’s director looks on. He was also president of the Manatee CountyHorseman’sAssociationwhichsponsoredtheshow. Alsopictured isMrs.FayBlackstone, a former resident of Parrish and a nationallyknownhorsewoman of note, standingandchattingwithMaxcine Adams just before entering the arena to perform. Kim Vole Ins Agcy Inc Mrs. Blackstone With competitive rates and Kim Vole', Agent was the wife of personal service, it’s no 8169 US Highway 301 Parrish, FL 34219 Vic Blackstone, wonder more drivers trust Bus: 941-776-5900 State Farm®. former President Like a good neighbor, of the Manatee State Farm is there.® County CattleCALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7. man’s association andwhoservedas the announcer for thetwo-dayshow. Ride with the #1 car insurer in Florida. REALTY 1001142.1 Bringing People Home since 1939 5215 State Road 64 East, Bradenton, FL 34208 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm Indemnity Company Bloomington, IL THE MASTER CABINET MAKER, INC. 941-741-2500 All Custom Cabinetry MADE IN PALMETTO, FL USA PRISTINE HOME - LAKESIDE PRESERVE Stonework & front porch entry welcomes you into this 3BR 2BA home w/den, open great room, kitchen with island counter and lavish master suite. Community amenities include playground, lakeside gazebo park, BB court. Enjoy the Parrish life! A4115753 $215,000 Lynda Melnick 941-730-5180 AWESOME VIEWS! Home on lake in Whitney Meadows. 3BR 2BA 2 car garage. Built in 2005 - move in condition. Convenient to I-75 & 275, 1/2 hour to Gulf and beaches. A4113311 $210,000 Gerry Feudo 941-224-6684 LOOKING FOR A FABULOUS HOME… for your boat? This home is less than 2 years old, beautiful open floor plan in Tidewater Preserve. 3 BR 3.5BA/w 3 car garage awaits you. A4111391 $584,000 Carl Pallas 941-720-0723 Have Like us on Facebook Facebook A Great WHAT A GEM! 2BR, 2BA, 2CG, 1400+sf with a water view & incredible sunsets! Updates galore. Steps from clubhouse & golf course in 55+ River Isles golf community. A must see! A4114054 $179,813 Larry Oczkowski 713-5017 or Louise Miller 920-2993 GORGEOUS LANDSCAPED POOL HOME! 3BR 2BA one story home on lake in Parkwood Lakes. Open floor plan with breathtaking views throughout home. Newer A/C M5904069 $274,000 Gerry Feudo 941-224-6684 LOCATION! LOCATION! Lakefront 2BR 2BA on an oversized lot on lake. Open floor plan, kitchen with breakfast bar, double shed with garage door, laundry, screened Florida room. Pool, shuffleboard, tennis horseshoes, bocce ball…. A4117470 $124,900 Gail Adams 941-725-1945 SWEET & CHARMING! 2BR 2BA with upgrades in style and function. The work is already done, you get to enjoy! Affordable 55+ River Isles Golf Community. You must see to appreciate me! Larry Oczkowski 713-5017 or Louise Miller 941-920-2993 WATERFRONT – OLD FLORIDA STYLE Elevated 3/4BR 4BA home with new kitchen and baths, large family and living area, 35’x13’ screened porch, and downstairs game/hobby room. Private dock with direct access to the Manatee River. Easy access to I-75, airports, attractions, etc. A4115851 $513,000 Lynda Melnick 941-730-5180 GOLF LAKES ESTATES - 55+ COMMUNITY 1BR 1BA, LR, DR, and den. 9 hole golf course, heated community pool, sauna, fitness center, tennis courts, lighted shuffleboard courts and 4 fishing lakes. Suitable for seasonal or yearly. A4117507 $85,000 Doris Howard 941-730-0944 Easter! 941-723-0278 Fine Custom Cabinetry Manufactured in Palmetto, FL. Custom Designs and Remodeling, Kitchen, Bath, Entertainment Center, Countertops & More Locally owned and operated by 3rd generation cabinetmaker Experienced, insured, referrals Winners Named at 4-H Open Horse Show Parrish Village News page 23 Pictured left to right are Ray and Beth Ciemniecki are all smiles after Beth completes her last class. Great show everyone! The Mosiac Arena on the Manatee County Fairgrounds came alive as top riders were named at the recent Manatee County 4-H Open Horse Show. Riders participated in Hunt Seat, Western, Walk Trot and Speed classes. Daily high point winners were: 4-H Junior Hunt Seat – Isabel Collazo on Phabian; 4-H Senior and Open Hunt Seat and Western – Shannon Smith on Shiloh’s Blue Fire; 4-H Junior Western – Abby Wilcox on Cardinal Rule; Walk Trot Western and English – Ava Biasini on Mr. Right; 4-H Junior Speed – Melissa Katzenberger on Sandy; 4-H Senior Speed – Jordan Olson on Dun in Lace; and Open Speed – Jessica Katzenberger on Miss Gypsy Sun Kiss. Circuit awards were given to the top horse-rider combinations at both the fall and spring shows. Circuit award winners were: 4-H Junior Hunt Seat – Chaise Arpke on Sahara; 4-H Senior Hunt Seat – Beth Ciemniecki on Kerry Rose; Open Hunt Seat - Faith Houseworth on I’m Dun Cheering; 4-H Senior Western – Shannon Smith on Shiloh’s Blue Fire; Walk Trot English – Olivia Ennis on Do To It Kid; 4-H Junior Speed – Lexi Parks on Chance; and 4-H Senior Speed – Jordan Olson on Dun in Lace. The purpose of the 4-H horse program is to provide young people an opportunity to participate in a series of activities designed to improve citizenship, sportsmanship, horsemanship, character, competitive spirit, discipline, and responsibility while creating an atmosphere for learning and awareness of life. For more information on the 4-H horse program, contact the Manatee County 4-H Office at 941-722-4524. • • • Certified U HAUL Dealer Complete beginning Dolphin day Same Medical Group through F FAMILY PRACTICE • Complete medical care for the entire family beginning at the age of 2 Medicare • Same day appointments available Monday through Friday • Medicare and most insurance plans accepted “We’re in your neighborhood.” Climate Control Units Non-Climate Drive Up Units Flexible Terms & Accomodations Moving Supplies 24 Hour Access Locally owned and managed. Variety of sizes to fit all needs and budgets. Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday: 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm Located behind C & K Smokehouse Ask for Lisa. 12123 US Hwy 301 North Parrish, FL 34219 941-479-7877 [email protected] Dr. Aaron Guthrie PARRISH 11235 US Hwy 301 N, Suite 101 (941) 776-1400 Dr. Aa New Exhibit Opens at Ag Museum Parrish Village Newspage 24 Senior Enrichment Center Calendar of Events for April Renaissanceon9thisthearea’spremiermeetingandbanquetfacility,offering elegantandfull-servicerentalspaceforweddings,events,andmeetings,aswellas professional,on-siteandoff-sitecateringservices. Renaissanceon9thiscentrallylocatedjustsouthofdowntownBradenton,and houses the 9th Street Bistro offering affordable lunch with delicious daily soup, quicheandsandwichspecials,MondaythroughFriday,11:00a.m.to2:00p.m.You canstopbyGenerationsGiftShoporthenew2ndGenerationThriftShopandbrowse thelatestinfashion,jewelry,bags,gifts,andhomeaccessories.Thegiftshopand thriftshopsareopentothepublicMondaythroughFriday,8:00a.m.to5:00p.m. TheSeniorEnrichmentCenteratRenaissanceon9thhasamotto-“Livenow– agelater!Forthefun&over50.”Itislocatedat18169thStreetWest,Bradenton, Florida34205.Thephonenumberis941-749-0100andthewebsiteiswww.renaissanceon9th.orgwhereyoucanobtainmoreinformation. Please note: Renaissance on 9th will be closed on Friday, April 3 and on Friday, April 10. ManyactivitiesareofferedatRenaissanceon9th.Herearethehighlightsfor April: Movie and a Meal, Tuesday, April 28, 1:00 p.m. Movie Title, “And So it Goes.” Alongwiththemovie,guestsmayenjoyoneofthreemealoptions:BistroSaladwith GrilledChicken,QuichewithFreshFruitorCupofSoupandHalfSandwich.Costis just$6formembersand$8fornon-members.RSVPbyApril27to941-749-0100. Nooutsidefoodordrinksallowed. Pancake Breakfast, Friday, April 24, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. – Thismonthlypancake feastincludespancakes,sausage,orangejuiceandcoffee.InadditiontoourTraditionalButtermilkPancakes,thismonth’sspecialflavoris“CinnamonRoll.”Costis $4formembersand$5fornon-members. Trip, “Manatee Village Historical Park,” Wednesday, April 15. Visitmanyoriginal building of Manatee County during a waling tour. A personal tour guide will explainthepurposeofeachbuildingandwhichoftheearlypioneersitoriginated with.Tour(includingbus):$6.Withlightlunch:$12LIMITEDSEATING.RSVP byApril13.Formoreinfoorreservationscall941-749-0100. Silver Sneakers Welcome! PleaseseeRenaissance CONTINUED ON PAGE 31 60% of local children qualify for free or discounted school meals. Emmett McCray and Dallas Woodson in a tomato field. A new exhibit featuring Lincoln Memorial High School’s former agricultural teacher,Mr.EmmettMcCray,aswellastheMana-HillPackingHousehasopened attheManateeCountyAgriculturalMuseum.YoucanvisittheMuseumandlearn aboutMr.McCray’sinfluenceonthelocalAfrican-Americancommunityandhow manyliveshetouchedthroughhisactivities. The exhibit, “A Man, A Plan, A Packinghouse” will remain at the Museum throughAugust28th.TheAgMuseumislocatedat10156thStreetWest,Palmetto andthehoursareTuesdaythroughFridayandthe1stand3rdSaturdayofthemonth from10:00a.m.to12:00noonand1:00p.m.to4:00p.m. FormoreinformationabouttheMuseum,call721-2034. L A Nails Professional Nail Care for Ladies & Gentlemen Special Pedicure Offer Every Day Special Regular Pedicure with Hot Stones $20.00 Walk Ins Welcome Monday - Saturday Special Help us 10% OFF Any Service $25 and Up Limit 1 coupon per customer Not valid with any other offer Must present this coupon to receive offer Expires 4/30/2015 With a donation to Now through May 31 811 23rd Avenue East • Bradenton, FL 34208 941-747-4655 • 941-776-3432 11255 US Highway 301 N Parrish, FL 34219 (in the Silverleaf Shopping Plaza next to Michelangelo’s off Chin Road) Parrish Village News Newspage page 25 Service, Repair and Replacement Coming soon 3 bedroom 2 bath 1/2 acre lot Updated $154,900 Reasonable Rates for all your Cooling Needs 725-2636 Clint Mosley, Owner Meeting Your Air Conditioning Needs Since 1988 Owner Performs All Work! ws Who kno od? hborho your neig ! I do ay! Email tod 2@yaho ctm490 Over 1 acre wooded lot NON deed restricted $74,900 Attention Parrish Residents! Do you need to have your A/C Checked? Not sure who to trust? Mosley A/C is owned & operated right here in Parrish 941-504-2331 BRAND NEW 3 bedroom 2 bath $169,900 Immaculate 3 bedroom 2 bath POOL home 1/2 acre lot $239,900 Gardens’ Residents Participate in the 2015 Southeastern Guide Dog Walkathon OnceagaintheSoutheasternGuideDogWalkathonheldFebruary21st2015atBradentonRossi Parkwasagreatsuccess!ResidentsofTheGardensparticipatedinthisannualevent. ThisyeartheresidentsoftheGardensandtheirfriendsraisedover$7,200withtheirgenerous contributionsfortheSoutheasternGuideDogSchool.Weareproudtobepartofaprogramthatgives someonewithavisualimpairmentthefreedomoftravelingalonewithsafetyanddignity.Itisathrill andaprivilegetobeabletonameapuppyagain.ThenameselectedwasJayDeeinhonorofJimand DelCarmodywhowereresidentsforseventeenyearsattheGardens.Theygavemanyvolunteerhours preparingdeliciousmealsforspecialevents. AlloftheSoutheasternGuidedogservicesareprovidedatnocosttothestudentsreceivingthe guidedog.Mostofthestudentsreceivingaguidedogattenda26-dayresidentialtrainingprogramin Palmetto,Florida.TheyalsoofferhomeplacementservicesthroughOutreachPrograms.Students learncommands,howandwhyguidedogsreacttodifferentsituationsandhowtoworkwithandcare fortheirdogs.Thedog,equipmentandinstructionareprovidedatnochargetothestudent.SoutheasternGuideDogsissupportedentirelybycontributionsfromindividuals,foundationsandservice groups. Trainingaguidedogtakesabouttwoyears.Careful,selectivebreedingisthefirststep;volunteer puppyraiserfamiliesprovideloveandsocializationforayearorsoandwhenthedogsreachabout18 monthsofage,theyreturntoSoutheasternforsixmonthsofintensiveharnesstraining.Guidedogs learnmorethan40commandsduringtheirharnesstraining. TheGardenswalkerswereMaryDeerwester,JohnandNancyButterwickandtheirdogButtons, MargeFraser,PeterandFranHarris,RogerandVernaLalk,FredandBettyMattingly,TomandGladys McLenahan,DonandPamReed,EdandKarenRobb,SusanWanamaker,EloiseandChuckWeaver andtheirdogMolly,andPatWitt. Verna Lalk Parrish Village News page 26 Extension CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Beginning May 7, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Small Steps to Health and Wealth ($10 for all four sessions): Want to get healthier and more financially secure in the years ahead? Perhaps lose some weight and save more for retirement? Small Steps to Health and WealthTM is a program designed to motivate participants to improve both their health and their finances. The program encourages participants to set a health and/or a wealth goal and take action to achieve their goals by indentying small progress steps. Class will be held May 7, 14, 21, and 28. Fee: $10 for all four sessions. Must register by April 24. Call Erin to register. MANATEE COUNTY MASTER GARDENERS EDUCATIONAL GARDENS Located on the Extension Service grounds, the educational gardens are designed to showcase the different ways Manatee County residents can be more successful gardeners and make their yards more Florida-Friendly. As you stroll through the gardens you will notice creative ways to use wheel barrels, a fountain, and a salad table for your gardening needs along with using rain barrels for plant watering. The Master Gardeners invite you to come for a tour! To ensure that a Master Gardener can walk you through the gardens, please make an appointment by calling the Master Gardeners’ Plant Diagnostic Clinic (941) 722-4524. Staff may not be available for impromptu visits. Master Gardeners are staffed Monday through Friday, (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) and closed Wednesday. Additional Information 1. The Manatee County Master Gardener monthly E-newsletter, The Master Gardening Bench, is available to download at -- look for The Master Gardening Bench on the right of the page and click on “Monthly E-newsletter.” 2. Can’t make it to the Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service office to get advice or to solve your gardening problems? E-mail us at [email protected]. Be sure to include as much information as you can in your e-mail and include your telephone number in case additional information is needed. Attach photos if possible. Remember, a photo can be worth a thousand words! 3. Get FYI from FFL (Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program). Visit the Manatee County Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM Program page on Facebook and “like” us to stay current on workshops and classes, events, publications, tips for your landscape, plant information, and more. 4. Interested in having a beautiful landscape while saving water? The Manatee County Agriculture and Extension Service offers a Mobile Irrigation Lab with a FREE evaluation of your landscape and irrigation system. Call Bob or Martha at 941-722-4524 today to schedule your free evaluation. 5. Ask an Extension Master Gardener! 2nd Saturday (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.). visit the Master Gardener information table and get answers to your gardening questions. Location: South MAnatee Library, 6081 26th Street West, Bradenton. 6. Ask an Extension Master Gardener! – Every 2nd and 4th Saturday (10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.), Visit the Extension Master Gardener information table and get answers to your gardening questions. Location: Rocky Bluff Library, 6750 U.S. Highway 301N, Ellenton. SMART Will Host 2nd Annual Mint Juleps & Roses Derby Day Celebrate the fun and tradition of the Kentucky Derby and support a local good cause at the same time! The 2nd Annual Mint Juleps & Roses Derby Day promises to be an elegant evening of dinner and dancing on Saturday, May 2, 2015, with all proceeds to benefit the Sarasota Manatee Association for Riding Therapy (SMART). The event will be held at SMART’s beautiful equestrian facility located at 4640 CR 675 in Bradenton. Beginning at 5:00 p.m., guests will be treated to some of the most endearing traditions of the Derby (which was established in 1875), including complimentary mint juleps, a ladies “Best Hat” contest, and the excitement of cheering for the “Run for the Roses” race, which will be broadcast on large-screen televisions. Other highlights of the evening will include live and silent auctions, live music from the Florida Mountain Boys, guided tours of the stables and grounds, and a “Parade of Champions” featuring SMART riders and their amazing horses. Tickets are $75 per person and may be purchased online at, at or by calling SMART at 941-322-2000. PHYSICAL THERAPY & REHABILITATION MONTHLY QUARTERLY SEASONALLY ACCEPTED INSURANCE: • Aetna Medicare • Medicare Advantage • Geico/USAA Automobile Insurance* • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida • Medicare Complete • Humana Medicare • Cigna • Medicare Railroad • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) • Tricare/Humana Military Healthcare Many other insurances accepted • Freedom Optimum Health Care • United Healthcare MEDICARE PART B: Ellenton Commons: Office Hours: 8263 US Highway 301 N We do F.F.S. and provide you with insurance billing Mon-Fri: 7:30AM - 4:30PM Parrish, FL 34219 Saturday: 10AM - 1PM at 20% DISCOUNT Phone: 941-776-5585 Sunday: Closed “When your insurance runs out ... We have you covered NO DOUBT!” Fax: 941-776-5655 Parrish Village Newspage 27 Palmetto High School FFA Members Read to Palm View Elementary Students OnMarch3,2015,15PalmettoHighFFAmemberswenttoPalmViewElementarytoreadtotheelementarystudentsinhonorof“AgLiteracyDay.”Theyreadall kindsofbookstokidsfromtheagesfourtoeight.Afterreadingtomanyclasses,the kidsreceivedfarmanimaltattoosandstickers. “Toseethekid’ssmilesontheirfacesreallymademefeelgoodinside,”said AubreyRife,PalmettoHighSchoolFFAPresident.“Itwasrealexcitingtoseethe elementarystudentswanttoreadtous,”statedMikeHenry.Thisisthefirsttime PalmettoHighFFAhasevervisitedPalmViewElementaryanditwasaphenomenal experience.Thekidsweregreat,andtheFFAcan’twaittogobacknextyear! !!!! ! ! y u B u o efore Y b e r a p m o C We do m etal carp o 18 x 21 c arport on rts, buildings, etc . ly $1095 - installed !!!!!! Only 3 EZGO Carts Left - 2014 Close Outs at Our Cost Save Up to $2000.00! Bring This Ad in for $400.00 Off All of Our 2011 Totally Refurbished Carts! Customize A Cart: Pick Your Colors and Accessories Free Set of New Cables and Battery Box Cleaning and Painting with Any Full Battery Job We have covered storage for your cart with Free Cart Inspection! 941-722-1957 4709 US Hwy 301 N, Ellenton, FL 34222 Hours: M-F: 9am-5pm Sat: 10 am - 2:30pm A powerful setup produces a powerful drive! Parrish Village Newspage 28 The Professional Golf Staff at River Wilderness Golf & Country Club The River Wilderness Card Play In Style May 1st - September 30th, 2015 Summer Play / Range Golf Cards Promotions ThereistheoldstoryofthemanwhoprayedtoGodeverydaytowinthelottery. Afteryearsandyears,hestillhadn’twon.Finally,onedayashewaspraying,he heardavoice,“Givemeachance…buyaticket.”Likethemanhopingtowinthe lotterywithoutbuyingaticketifyouaretryingtohitapowerfuldrivebutnotsetup inapowerfulposition,youdon’thaveachance. Whensettingupinapowerfulpositionyouneedtodoseveralthings: River Wilderness Golf & Country Club offers Two Plans: Individual Plan: $900 plus tax l Card Holder Receives a Play Card with 30 Pre-Paid Rounds of Golf: May 1 through September 30, 2015 l Unlimited use of Driving Range, Putting Green and Chipping Green over Same Period l Ability to make Tee Times up to 5-Days in Advance Couples Plan: $1,000 plus tax l l l Each Card Holder Receives a Play Card with 20 PrePaid Rounds of Golf: May 1 through September 30, 2015 Receive Unlimited Use of Driving Range, Putting Green and Chipping Green over Same Period Ability to make Tee Times up to 5-Days in Advance • • • • • Widenstanceslightly Makesureballispositionedjustofftheinstepofthefrontfoot Tiltyourspinesothebackshoulderismuchlowerthanthefrontshoulder Makesurethebackoftheleadhandislinedupwiththebackoftheball Headshouldbewellbehindtheballandweightoverbackleg Ifyouputyourbodyinthepowerpositionyou’llbeabletofullycoilbehindtheball andmaximizethepoweryouhavecomingbacktotheball.Thenexttimeyouwatch theprofessionalsplay,payspecialattentiontotheirsetupwiththedriver.Thispositionallowsthemtoswingupattheballandlaunchitattheproperanglewiththeleast amountofspin.Settingupwiththeshoulderslevelandtheballbackmakesyouhit downontheballproducingtoomuchspinandverypoorlaunchangles.Basically wearesettingupasifplayingfromanuphilllie.Thisallowsustoswingcorrectly ataballthatis4to5inchesofftheground.Remember:ingolfthereareground swingsforwhentheballisonthegroundandairswingsforwhentheballishighon atee.Adjustingshouldertiltisthebestwaytoproducetheproperpowerposition andangleofattack. Trythissimplesetupadjustmentthenexttimeyouplayandyou’llhittheballfarther andstraighter. Formoreinformationonthissuggestionfeelfreetocalloneofthegolfprofessionals atRiverWildernessGolfandCountryClubat941-776-2602. DowntheMiddle! PatrickWalsh,PGAGolfProfessional GeneralManager,RiverWildernessGolfandCountryClub The next time you watch the professionals play, pay special attention to their setup with the driver. Name: Phone Number: E-Mail: Plan: Individual Couples Submit payment to: River Wilderness Golf & Country Club If you have questions, please email [email protected] or call 941-776-2691 2250 Wilderness Blvd. W., Parrish, FL 34219 l APRIL RATES INCLUDING CART! AM $48 PM $42 Twilight $30 Plus Florida Sales Tax Don’t Buy a Bunny for Easter! Easter is almost here, and that means lots of kids (and some adults) start to get excited about the Easter bunny. Bunnies, and other small pets can be lots of fun, and great additions to your family. However, before you make the decision to buy one, you need to know how to properly take care of it. You also need to know if they will be a good fit. During Easter, bunny sales tend to go up all across the country. But many people are unprepared for long-term care once the Easter buzz wears off, resulting in lots of bunnies and small animals being returned or put up for adoption. At Pets Plus, we love small pets, especially bunnies, and encourage you to love them, too. We just want to make sure you make the right choice before you buy. Here are some helpful tips you should know before making your decision: How to take care of a bunny rabbit, the right way Whether you decide to let your rabbit roam free in your entire home or just a limited area, it is important that you make everything rabbit-safe. One little bunny can easily find a whole lot of trouble in an average home. Because rabbits like to chew, make sure that all electrical cords are out of reach and outlets are covered. Chewing through a plugged-in cord can result in severe injury or even death. Their chewing can also result in poisoning if the wrong objects are left in the open or in unlocked low cabinets. So make sure to be careful, and have your house prepared. If kept in a cage, rabbits need a lot of room to easily move around. A rabbit’s cage should be a minimum of five times the size of the rabbit. Your rabbit should be able to completely stretch out in his cage and stand up on his hind legs without bumping his head on the top of the cage. Additionally, cages with wire flooring are hard on rabbits’ feet, which do not have protective pads like those of dogs and cats. If you place your rabbit in a wire cage, be sure to layer the floor with cardboard or other material. Place a cardboard box or “rabbit condo” in the cage so the bunny has a comfortable place to hide and feel secure, and respect your animal’s need for quiet time (rabbits usually sleep during the day and night, becoming playful at dawn and dusk). Taking care of other small indoor pets Small animals make super pets because they are so much fun, generally very playful and can be so lovable! All small animals are not the same, however. Some are calmer and easier for a small child to hold, while others are frisky and take more Parrish Village News page 29 attention. The housing and feeding requirements are unique to each animal, just as each animal is unique. A cage, hutch or habitat needs to suit the pet your putting in it. That means the right size and the right accessories. A full- size bunny needs a much bigger home than a dwarf bunny. A mouse can live in a much smaller cage than a guinea pig. A wire cage needs to have small spacing so that your pet animal cannot get its head through it. If the cage has a wire bottom, the spacing needs to be small enough so that the animals feet cannot slip through it, too. The cage needs to have a spot for your pet to sleep, a place for his food, water and treat dishes, and some space to play and run around. If your pet is out of its cage during the day to play and exercise, the cage can be smaller to accommodate just a sleeping place, food and water. If you are seriously considering such a purchase, there is a ton of information as close as your computer (or phone) with an internet connection. Of course, your local pet professionals are always ready to assist as well. If you have needs or questions on this or any other pet related matter, feel free to stop by and ask an associate at Pets Plus. Mon - Sat: 9 - 8 Sun: 11 - 5 8943 US HWY 301 N - Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-0770 Saturday, April 4th and 18th - 1 - 3 PM Low Cost Pet Vaccination Clinics Heartworm Tests Low Cost Pet Medications Parrish Village News page 30 5 Steps to Children’s Good Dental Care Step 3: Sealants Dr. Patty Schnur, Parrish Children’s Dentistry Hello Parrish parents! It was great to meet so many of you at Parrish Heritage Day. In April’s Dental Health column I am discussing the third of five steps that can help your child stay in the 50 percent of school children who have never had dental decay. The list consists of: 1. Good home dental care 2. Fluorides 3. Sealants 4. Limited snacking 5. Regular visits to a dentist This list seems simple, but with the hectic lives of today’s families, following these guidelines takes some persistence! My name is Dr. Patty Schnur. I’m a general dentist, practicing in northern Manatee County. My practice, Parrish Children’s Dentistry, is limited to children under 18 years old, and I hope to help parents in this area understand how they can influence the dental health of their children in a positive way. This month’s topic is dental sealants. Sealants are a preventive treatment that most dentists recommend for their young patients as their adult molars erupt. Eruption usually occurs at around 6 and 12 years old. To place a sealant, a thin layer of tooth colored filling material is “painted” onto the chewing surfaces of the molars. The resin fills the deep pits and grooves of the molars, and keeps food particles from packing into spaces that are difficult to clean. These hard to clean areas are where most early cavities begin, so sealants prevent a lot of childhood decay. When I treat a child, I usually give him or her a simple explanation of what I am going to do during the appointment. In this case, I compare getting sealants to watching mom paint her fingernails. The liquid “paint” is spread thinly over the teeth and our special blue light makes the “paint” hard. It is an easy analogy that almost every child can relate to. The ideal time to place sealants is at the first dental visit after the 6 or 12 year molars have erupted fully. Since sealants don’t bond to teeth well in the presence of moisture, partially erupted teeth are not good candidates for sealants. The sooner a sealant can be placed, the more likely decay will not appear, so keeping regular dental hygiene visits is important. Many parents know the value of sealants for preventing decay. In fact, many of today’s parents had sealants themselves as children. Placing a simple sealant can have several benefits. It can prevent cavities, avoid the need for a child to have fillings (and a dreaded shot), and save parents a lot of money. It is hard to argue with such an inexpensive but effective treatment. If you have questions about sealants, or any of the information in this article, please feel free to contact my office, Parrish Children’s Dentistry at 776-5135. It will be my pleasure to talk to you. Renaissance CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 Parrish Village Newspage 31 iMembersoftheSilverSneakersprogramarenowwelcometousethefitnesscenter atRenaissanceon9thandparticipateinexerciseclassesatnoadditionalcost.For moreinformation,call941-749-0100. NORTH RIVER CHURCH OF CHRIST The Second Time without Sin unto Salvation If interested in joining a class, call 941-749-0100 or sign up at the front desk. The Bible in Hebrews 9:28 affirms that Jesus Christ is coming “the second time without sin unto salvation.” The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is a frequent theme in the Word of God. It will be a time of great jubilation for some and sadness for others (Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Thessalonians 1:4-12). The Bible teaches that on that day everyone will appear before the Judgment seat of Christ to receive according o what he or she has done, whether good or evil (2 Corinthians 5:10-11). Great Classes! Yoga For Cancer Patients and Survivors, Tuesdays, 2 to 3:30 p.m.- Facilitated bytheCenterforBuildingHopeandhostedbyRenaissanceon9th,thisyogaclass isdesignedforcancerpatientsandsurvivorstohelpcultivatehealingandawareness andtohelpreducestress.Thisclassisopenonlytocancerpatientsandsurvivorsand isfreetoattend.Participantsmayjustshow,noRSVPnecessary.Formoreinformation,call941-749-0100. Tai Chi for Balance– Mondays at noon (Beginner), 1:00 p.m. (Intermediate), During these introductory classes in Tai Chi and Qigong, participants may build strength,increasebalanceandflexibility,andimprovehealthandwell-being.Costis freeformembersand$5fornon-members(perclass).Fordetailsandreservations, call941-749-0100. Silver Sneakers Yoga – Mondays at 11:00 a.m. Improvebalance,postureandflexibility.SilverSneakerscovered.CostwithoutSilverSneakersis$5forMembersand $7forNon-Members. Silver Sneakers Classic – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Suitable for varyinglevelsofmobility.SilverSneakerscovered.CostwithoutSilverSneakersis $5forMembersand$7forNon-Members. If interested in joining a class, call 941-749-0100 or sign up at the front desk. April 6, 13, 20 and 27 – You’re invited! TheSeniorLunchClubnowmeetson Mondaysat11:30a.m.foragreatmealandtohearaboutavarietyoftopicsfrom guestspeakers.$8.CallSheilaat941-747-4655formoreinformation. April 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 “Coffee Talk” -EveryWednesday9:00to10:00a.m., joinusforacasualsocial,chattingwithothersovercoffee.FreeforSECMembers, $5fornon-members.CoffeeandDanishesprovided.Firstcomefirstserved,‘tillthe coffeerunsdry!Bringfriends…Morepeople,morefun! As to the day o hour in which it will occur, the Bile also teaches that only the Father in heaven knows (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32). Setting dates and trying to predict the date of the Lord’s return then are foolish endeavors. Yet, through the years some have sought to do these very things. As far back as the time of Paul some claimed the resurrection of the dead had already occurred (2 Timothy 2:17-18). Some also taught that the coming of Christ was then at hand or about to occur in their day (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12). In the year 1000 A.D. fear gripped many souls, while others waited anxiously or else in some measure of solace, expecting the return of Jesus in that year. Numerous other dates have been set for His coming (e.g. 1841, 1842, 1884, 1948, 1975, 1988, 2012, et al.). The apostle Paul states that the righteous really have no need for knowing the day or hour or receiving signs pointing to the same, because they are to be ready at all times to meet the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:1-8). The North River Church of Christ, meeting at 13885 U.S. Highway North in Parrish, FL, believes in the Second Coming of Christ and proclaims what the Bible teaches on the subject on a regular basis. Come and be with us in our worship services and Bible classes as we discuss these things and study about them from God’s inspired Word. We seek to do all things in keeping with the Bible and encourage all to do the same. The times of our services are as follows: 10:00 A.M. for Bible Study; 11:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M. for Worship, each Sunday; and 7:00 P.M. each Wednesday for Bible Study. We have Bible correspondence courses with free postage available upon request. We also conduct at home Bible studies upon request. We may be contacted at the following number: (941) 776-1134, or visit us on the web at May God bless you as you seek His will in life! North River Church of Christ Renaissance on 9th Volunteer Program Renaissanceon9thhasvolunteeropportunitiesthatcomeinmanydifferentshapes andforms–rangingfromfacilitytours,toclassinstruction,tofilingandofficework. Wewillworkwithyoutofindavolunteerjobthatbestutilizesyourstrengthsand skills.Formoreinformationonhowyoucangetinvolved,contactSueat941-7490100. Call us for a tour of our center and learn about membership perks! Call 941-749-0100 today. When you enjoy events at Renaissance on 9th, you support the programs of Meals on Wheels PLUS. WithCoupon Expires4/30/2015 Followup to PCA General Meeting to be held on Thursday, April 30 at the Parrish Y - 7:00 PM Parrish Village Newspage 32 Williams Will Host Walk-A-Thon on Friday, May 15th Williams Elementary will host their Annual Walk-A-Thon on Friday, May 15th. This year’s theme is “Survivor” and funds that are raised will be used to purchase additional technology, support instruction in the classrooms and provide incentives for students and staff. If you would like more details, are interested in donating or being a business partner and having your company logo on the back of our Walk-A-Thon t-shirts, please call Alison Cooper in the front office at (941) 776-4040 ext. 2003. WEST COAST OB/GYN WELCOMES Dr. John David Hansill, MD Parrish’s Premier Grooming Salon $5.00 OFF Full Groom *First Visit *Expiration Date 4/30/15 • SPECIAL INTERESTS Urogynecologic procedures • Advanced bladder repair Prolapse repair • Female incontinence • MINIMALLY INVASIVE PROCEDURES Laparoscopic hysterectomy • Robotic-assisted surgery • OFFICE PROCEDURES Hysteroscopy • Endometrial ablation Essure sterilization • COMPLETE PRENATAL CARE • GENERAL GYNECOLOGY $5.00 OFF Furminator Treatment The Lucky Puppy 941-479-7945 8003 US Highway 301 N, Suite 105 Parrish, Florida 34219 SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS NOW DR JOHN HANSILL IS A NATIVE OF POLK COUNTY, FLORIDA. He has four year residency training at Bayfront Medical Center, Florida. HE IS FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH. WEST COAST OB/GYN 513 Manatee Ave E, Bradenton, FL 34208 941-745-1616 090304 *First Visit *Expiration Date 4/30/15 Parrish Village Newspage 33 A Look at the Fun at the 2015 Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off Special thanks to Bob Rodd and Ken Furth for their great photography of the event! Parrish Village News page 34 For subscription information to the Parrish Village News, see page 41. It’s a great time of year for anglers! Capt. Ric Liles, Reel Simple Fishing Adventures It makes a nice gift, too! Sign up for either Drywood or Subterranean Termite Guarantee and receive an instant up to $600.00 discount!!!! Island Pest and Termite Control, Inc. State Certified, Licensed & Insured Please ask for a free termite inspection and if you sign up for a Drywood and/or Subterranean Guarantee receive a discount up to $600.00 and/or $1,200.00 (if signed up for both) Please call immediately - only the first 500 customers are eligible!!! 3651 Cortez Road West, Suite 400, Bradenton, FL 34210 Toll FREE Number: 855-778-1337 Visit our website at or email us at [email protected] “The bugs stop here.” Will Francis with a upper slot redfish he caught recently with Capt. Ric in Tampa Bay while on spring break. We have finally gotten to the time of year that we get excited as anglers. The warmer temperatures are here and have ushered in some pretty good fishing. The fishing that we have here this time of year is hard to beat. I have not fished in a lot of places around the country, but the few places I have fished were second fiddle to spring time in Tampa Bay. This is the time of the year that the bait will start moving around and slipping up on the shallow water grass flats. It’s also the time that a lot of fish start migrating out of the creeks, rivers, and canals and head to the grass flats. We will also see some of our fish move from the deeper water onto the grass flats. When the bait and the fish meet it’s a collision that an angler loves to witness. Hopefully that collision is taking place at the end of your line and around your hook. The next couple months should be good for snook, redfish, trout, and Spanish mackerel if you are fishing in the bay. If you are venturing out a little and fishing around the coastline or offshore you should have a good tarpon and kingfish experience. There are plenty of other species out there to target, these mentioned were just a few of the areas sought after fish. If you are going to target a fish it’s a great idea to know the legal aspects of your catch. The best thing to do if you are a novice and are trying your hand at fishing is to get a tide chart from a bait shop that has all the legal information that you will need on the back. Most bait shops have these and are more than willing to give you one at no charge. You will wish you had taken the time to stop and get one if you get caught with an illegal fish that you were not sure of. Question of the month. I received this question via email almost a month ago and thought it might be a good one to pass along. The question read, “Which fish in the bay area can you thumb like a freshwater bass?” If you are not familiar with this term “thumb,” it means to stick your thumb in a fishes mouth to hold it. I will not go through the whole list of fish in the bay area, but I will say that I usually only thumb snook. There are some that you can, but most of our fish have teeth and should be handled another way. I use a dehooker 99% of the time on any fish. If you can keep from touching a fish you are doing them a great service. Obviously, I am not referring to fish you intend to keep for a meal. Until next time, good luck and be safe on the water. Remember: don’t let your kid be the one that got away; take them fishing. For charter information you can call 813-601-2900, email [email protected], or visit For charter information, you can call 813-601-2900, email [email protected], or visit Parrish Village News page 35 Thank You to Our Chili Teams, Our Sponsors, Our Volunteers and Supporters who All Made the 2015 Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off So Successful! The Teams Parrish Village News Chili Chicks Grand Champion Gator Plumbing First Runner Up 1st Manatee Bank Parrish 7 Eleven Air Products Aldrich Flooring Bright House Duette Fire Department Duette School Esther’s School Eye Center Anthony Fowler Foundation FPL Florida Railroad Museum Gator Plumbing Imagine Schools - North Manatee Leslie Wells Realty Manatee County Youth Rowing Mosaic Parrish Fire Department Parrish Village News Stan D. Perkins - Keller Williams Southeast High School Culinary Arts Williams PTO Parrish YMCA Parrish 7 Eleven Fund Raising Award Manatee County Youth Rowing Spirit Award The Sponsors Medallion Home Parrish Village News Bright House Neal Communities Manatee County YMCA Falkner Farms Mosaic FPL Benderson Development 1st Manatee Bank METV Ice Pro lce Sculptures Budweiser Manatee Memorial Hospital Bradenton Herald Williams PTO Second Runner Up Duette School 3rd Runner Up Parrish Village News Chili Chicks People’s Choice Award Duette School First Place in the Parade Other Special Thank Yous Tidy Coast - Restrooms Ellenton - Parrish Lions Club - Parking Suncoast Credit Union - ATM Florida Railroad Museum - Location Sandrey Electric - Electrical Assistance Waste Pro - Garbage Boxes and Bags MoJo Productions - Sound Speed King Media - Printing Pepsi - Sodas Bin There Dump That - Dumpsters Maverick Johnson - CTQ - Broadcasting Don Ide Trophy Case - Trophies Parrish Children’s Dentistry - Dr. Patty Schnur (Sponsorship of Williams PTO) Edward Jones - Jim Morrison (Sponsorship of Southeast High School) Yankee Southern Graphics - Printing Great Blue Images - Signs, Posters, Postcards Parrish Design - Website Explorer Scouts - Parking U.S. Tent - Tents, Tables, Chairs Dunkin’ Donuts - Coffee, Donuts, Chicken Biscuits Golf Car Outlet - Golf Carts Charms Earthbox Wagon Wheel Nurseries ALL THE GREAT VOLUNTEERS!!!!! Virgil Mills Elementary Second Place in the Parade Parrish Playworks Third Place in the Parade Parrish Village News page 36 Look No Further... WOODY’S DESIGNS Is Here! Custom Cabinetry & Granite Counter Tops Flooring All Hard Surfaces Tile-Backsplash-Shower Tile Finish Trim Work Painting Custom Pavers Decking Pressure Washing Specializing in Kitchens and Bathrooms Established since 1986 Stephen Woodland 941-776-8068 941-445-1251 [email protected] Call to Artists Parrish En Plein Air Let’s paint Parrish! Saturday, April 25th, 2015 starting 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at the Parrish YMCA front lawn, 12214 US Highway 301 N, Parrish. Get there early to choose your scene. A $5 donation to Parrish Arts Council for participation is appreciated, but not mandatory. You will need to bring your own painting and clean-up supplies, drop cloth, non-alcoholic drinks, picnic, if desired, and chair. Acrylic, oil, watercolor, pastel or sketch your scene! In case you haven’t heard, the people of Parrish are setting out to develop an identity of arts culture in their back yards. We are surrounded by the arts on all sides and have many artists living in the area. Now is the time to help future generations remember the small town of Parrish through the arts. The Parrish Arts Council is comprised of artists and art aficionados who would like to create a visual representation of current and past scenes through painting en plein air, or, in open air. Whether you are an experienced painter or just motivated to get experience, please consider joining your Parrish artist neighbors in painting scenes of our area to be displayed at future events, on your walls or sold at your festival booths! For information on painting en plein air with the PAC, please contact Jerri Phillips, Fine Arts Committee, Parrish Arts Council at 941-809-5059 or (In case of rain on the painting day, please contact us for alternate plans.) Williams Students and Staff Participate in Run The6thAnnualTakeStock10K/5K/FunRuntookplaceonSunday,March1st. SeveralstaffandstudentsmetearlySundaymorningtoparticipateintherunthat benefitsTakeStockinChildrenofManateeCountyCollegeScholarshipandMentor Program.Williamsisproudofyourrepresentationattherun! 4thgradestudentRyanSwensonwonthegoldmedalforhisagegroup. Parrish Village Newspage 37 PARRISH RESIDENTS ONLY 2.75% Real Estate Commission “COMPARE COMMISSIONS” $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ GulfCoast $250,000 x 2.75% $6,875.00 Franchise Company <<<<<<< Sale Price >>>>>>> $250,000 <<<<< Commission >>>>> x 7% <<<< Cost to Seller >>>> $17,500.00 Savings To Seller = $10,625.00 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ u Comprehensive Advertising - We will advertise your home in the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) Multiple Photos, Virtual Open Houses. We have a contract with several Real Estate publications for optimal exposure to our local and national market. u Internet Advertising - Your home will be placed on the MLS,,, and many others, for Maximum World-Wide Exposure. u Unconditional Release Policy - Most competition only offers a long term listing contract that, unfortunately for clients, is legal and binding. GulfCoast Preferred Properties understands that unforeseen circumstances arise and with this in mind you may cancel the listing contract at any time for any reason, with written notice. Don’t spend your money on expensive franchise fees!!! Call us for a free Home Value Assessment, before you trust your home to anyone else!!! GULFCOAST PREFERRED PROPERTIES, INC. Ronald H. Alicea BROKER/OWNER 941.776.1010 “Real Estate Done Right” Parrish Village News page 38 Adoptions and news from the Humane Society of Manatee County Why Adopt? Every time you adopt an animal from the Humane Society of Manatee County, you enable them to save the life of another animal in need of a loving home. Each adoption also brings the Humane Society one step closer to becoming a humane community – a community where all adoptable animals find permanent loving homes and euthanasia is no longer accepted as a means of population control. The Humane Societty is proud of its efforts, and the Board, staff, and volunteers of HSMC are committed to placing 100 percent of the animals brought to HSMC for adoption into permanent, loving homes. FAQ About Adoptions What does the adoption fee include? Not only do you take home your new best friend, but all of the animals are spayed or neutered, microchipped and up to date on all their vaccinations. Pet insurance for 30 days is also included. Adoption fees are $75 for all the dogs and kittens, $50 for adult cats 6 months or older. What is the Selection Criteria? Pets placed up for adoption need to be of sound temperament and good health. Pets with a history of severe aggression or untreatable conditions are not suitable for the adoption program. Many animals undergo substantial medical and/or behavioral rehabilitation prior to placement for adoption. For example, the dog enrichment and obedience program, staffed by a group of dedicated volunteers, works with all the dogs to help them develop good manners as well as special needs dogs in order to resolve behavior problems that otherwise would be a deterrent to adoption. Do you ever get purebred dogs or cats? It is estimated that about 25 percent of the animals brought to the shelter are purebreds. If you are interested in a specific breed, check the pet lists to see if one is available. The Humane Society of Manatee County also works with purebred dog rescue organizations. Many times, these dogs are transferred from the Humane Society to rescue groups who specialize in adoption of a particular breed. That way HSMC has more room for mix breeds. Can I return a pet I’ve adopted? Yes, the Humane Society of Manatee County wants you and your pet to be a good fit for each other and recognizes that despite everyone’s best efforts, sometimes this doesn’t happen. Terms of return are: The Humane Society of Manatee County will accept your pet back within 10 days of adoption. After 10 days each animal will be evaluated according to the HSMC selection criteria. The adoption fee is non-refundable. Please call 747-8808 to discuss your circumstances with a counselor and schedule a date and time for return. “Like” the Humane Society of Manatee County on Facebook Take a look at the HSMC Facebook page. You’ll find pets available for adoption, recent adoptions, special events that are coming up soon and many other news about Society programs. You can also catch up on all the news about the Humane Society’s programs. There is even a map showing the location. Be sure to “like” them on Facebook while you are on the site! Happy Easter to you and your family from the Parrish Village News! Memories CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 kind of help he needed, nor did he reach out for help. Despite the difficult things my mother experienced growing up with her father and the abusive behavior he bestowed upon his family, I’m astounded that my mother continued to be a loyal, forgiving daughter until the day he died…she at his side.) Grandmother was a hard-working lady with a hearty laugh. She was proud of her assistant to the manager’s position at Rose’s Department Store. She always made sure we three girls had birthday and Christmas presents and that some of our favorite treats were stashed in her kitchen for when we came to visit. For me, she would always have a lemon cake with lemon frosting on hand. I don’t remember if she had anything for my sisters nor did I care. Grandmother tried to make up for grand-daddy’s abrasiveness by doing her best to interact with us. Interaction wasn’t something that came naturally to her, but she made an effort. Knowing what I know now about their marriage, I can certainly understand why interaction was difficult for her and I feel badly for not being able to tell her how sorry I am that she endured such cruelty at the hands of her husband. I’d tell her that she didn’t deserve the mistreatment and that I wish her life could have been better. Despite the dissimilarities between my paternal and maternal grandparents, along with their attributes and flaws, I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to know them. I’m blessed that I have memories of them, though some better than others. I’m blessed that in spite of their individual lives and stories, they actually made an effort to be a part of our lives. Cammy Seguin, University of Illinois Extension family life educator, says grandparents are in a unique position to provide grandchildren with four important things: • Unconditional love. Accepting children as they are helps them believe in themselves. • A good example. When grandparents model an upbeat attitude, they can provide a positive view of life and aging for grandchildren to imitate. • Experience and wisdom. Grandparents often have practical skills and wisdom to share. They can show children that change is com mon and that there are ways to resolve difficult situations. • Happy memories. Kind words, loving ges tures, silly songs and sayings, and special times together can create memories for chil dren that will always remain with them. (Huff ington Post article) Today’s grandparents are changing the stereotype we all grew up knowing. Representing one third of the population (that’s 70 million grandparents in our nation!), according to, 72% think being a grandparent is the single most important and satisfying thing in their life. They are younger than they used to be with 43% becoming grandparents in their fifties, 37% in their forties, with the average age of grandparents in this country at 48. There goes the myth about grandparents being old! Today’s grandparent is more physically active than the grandparent of the last millennium with 43% of them involved in regular exercise or organized sports. They are also more intellectually curious with 71% saying that reading is one of their favorite activities and 86% saying that they read a newspaper in print or online. Think Ma and Pa Kettle are web virgins? Not at all! Today’s Ma and Pa Kettle, 75%, are online doing things like shopping (63%), sharing photos (56%) and social networking with their peeps (45%). They keep current online in order to communicate and relate with their grandkids. 55% of them play online video games with their grandkids (see, all that Pac Man and Donkey Kong paid off!) Think today’s grandparents are sitting around in rocking chairs or knitting scarves? Hell no! Today’s Parrish Village News page 39 grandparents like to have fun. Grandparents today spend a whopping $100 billion on entertainment and $77 billion on travel. What??? If you think about it, it’s not surprising that psychedelic flower children from the 60s, rock-funk-discoers of the 70s and big hair-punkmetalers of the 80s are people that know how to have fun. I sure would like to know on what kind of entertainment they’re spending that amount of cash (or maybe I don’t) and I think at least half of that $77 billion on travel is being spent here in our area…you know, by looking at all our crazy traffic. Today’s grandparent isn’t stingy with the green, either. As a result of the past several years of economic recession, 62% of grandparents have provided financial support to their adult children and grandchildren in the last 12 months with 72% taking care of their grandchildren on a regular basis and 6.2 million living under the same roof with their grandkids. This increase from 5 million in 2000 to 6.2 million today living in multigenerational homes proves that grandparents have stepped in to help keep the family intact. Grandparents will always be the back-bone of our society. Throughout the annals of time, grandparents have molded and shaped the generations that follow, some good, some bad. Some of us have been fortunate enough to at least have known our grandparents and Please see Memories CONTINUED ON PAGE 46 Mike Armstrong Landscaping, Inc. “Serving Manatee County Since 1978” For All Your Landscaping Needs Come see our varieties of plants for your landscaping needs! “Give the gift that keeps on Growing” 776-0410 776-1076 8475 69th Street E, Palmetto, FL 34221 Monday through Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Call ahead. Parrish Village Newspage 40 Electrical Contractor Charles Gullett - Owner 941.723.4341 [email protected] Residential • Commercial • Industrial EC 13004847 • Licensed & Insured SAVE THE DATE Healthy Kids Day Saturday, April 18, 2015 at Riverwalk Bradenton Loads of fun for the whole family including children games, climbing wall, inflatables and vendors galore. FREE Community event. Sign up for Fish Fun at the Y and receive a Fishing Rod on day of event (ages 5-12yrs.) JOIN THE Y AT HEALTHY KIDS DAY AND SAVE UP TO $50! Parrish Y Camp Rivers Edge Please join us for an awesome outdoor summer camp experience at Day Springs, Episcopal Center COUTTS PROFESSIONAL CENTER Office Suites from 100 sq. ft. Utilities included 8005 25th St E, Parrish. Camp includes weekly field trips, weekly themes, canoeing, sports, swim lessons at our camp pool and more! Summer Camp Sign up has begun! FULL DAY CAMP * MINI SPORTS CAMPS Not yet a member? Join the Y when signing up for camp and we will waive your joining fee (up to $50 savings). That’s not all! Receive weekly camp fee discounts. ELLENTON 7210 U.S. 301N 941-729-5599 Contact Sheila-mgr. Boat, RV, Trailer storage avail. in back 2nd Annual Parrish Y Golf Tournament Friday, May 1, 2015 at River Wilderness Golf & Country Club Clean-Out Maintenance Quality Work Dave Psimer Design Installation Free Estimates (941) 720-0239 Our sponsors include Brighthouse, Michelob Ultra, Valpak, and River Wilderness. Hole in One Sponsor is Gettel Hyundai of Bradenton. $110 per player or SAVE and register a foursome for $400. Get your Registration Form at or stop by the Y! Interesting in being a sponsor? Contact Stacey McKee at the Y, 798-9622 ext. 203 MANATEE YMCA Parrish Branch 12214 US 301 N. Parrish, Florida 34219 941-798-YMCA (9622) Parrish Village News page 41 Welcome to 2015 Trivia Answers 1. Civil War 2. a. Greece 3. Richard Hatch 4. Al Capone 5. b. Woolworth 6. a. TECO Electric 7. Bradenton Subscribe to the Parrish Village News Some people who used to live in Parrish have asked how they can receive the Parrish Village News. The answer is to subscribe and it will be mailed to you monthly. The paper comes out at the first of every month and will be mailed to your residence - no matter where you live. You can keep up with what’s going on in Parrish as well as see the growth and important news affecting this area. There are people who are enjoying “This Old House” and have requested copies as well as those outside the mailing area in Bradenton, Sun City, Wimauma and other places near to Parrish. Keep up with eveything through this local newspaper. The paper is 48 pages long. It has been in business for over 20 years and keeps on growing! Local businesses find it a great place to advertise their services and products. Readers give it high marks. Send in your subscription today. 8. c. Auburndale 9. a. Fort Myers 10. Parrish About the Author: Jim Casey is a Parrish-based Game Show Host and has entertained thousands in the Bradenton and Sarasota area since 2010. You can play the Game Show and try to win $500 Wednesday nights at 9:45 p.m. at the State Road 64 Applebee’s. Full schedule at Subscribe to the Parrish Village News! Use the handy form at the left! Parrish Village News page 42 Worship Services FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH 12125 71st Street East Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-1533 Rev. Joe Skidmore, Pastor Sunday Services Bible Classes, all ages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:45 AM Morning Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 AM Evening Worship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 PM Wednesday Services Youth Group Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 PM Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. . . . . . . . .7:00 PM Parrish Baptist Learning Center Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM casualatmosphere,engagingmusic relevantteaching,funkidsprograms @ Williams Elementary School 3404 Ft Hamer Road 941-803-4722 Check our website for Sunday Service Times Faith Lutheran Church 9608 Highway 301 North Parrish, Florida 34219 941-776-1395 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARRISH 8305Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 ChurchOffice-722-0218 “Making Heaven a reality here on earth” 10 AM Sunday 6:30 PM Wednesday A FRIENDLY, SPIRIT-FILLED GATHERING Nursery & Childrens Ministry 5425 39th Street E, Bradenton, FL 941-806-7550 NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 9422 Old Tampa Road Parrish, Florida 34219 Church Office - 776-8687 Kevin Thompson Senior Pastor Sunday Services SundaySchool(forallages)..9:15AM AllAges Worship..................10:30AM Children’sChurch..........10:30AM EveningWorship............6:00PM Nurseryavailableforallservices Wednesday AdultBibleStudy&Prayer.....7:00PM AwanaClub(ages3-6thGrade).7:00PM WordofLife(Teens)..........7:00PM Everyone Welcome New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Rick Chaffin, Pastor Sunday Services 9:00AM.......................Worship 9:00AM.......SundaySchool/BibleStudy 10:30AM......................Worship 10:30AM............Children’sChurch Wednesday Services 5:30PM..............HandbellChoir 5:45PM....................Worship 6:00PM..Children’sandYouthActivities 6:30PM......................Choir EVERYONE WELCOME! (NurseryProvided) MY FATHER’S HOUSE 7215 US Highway 301 N Ellenton, FL 34219 Rev. James W. Berrien, Pastor Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Church Come Check Us Out WE SAY YES TO CHRIST!!!!!! Non-Denominational Spirit-Filled Contemporary Worship St. Mary’s Baptist Church Erie Road Parrish, Florida 34219 Reverend Fletcher Lawson, Jr., Pastor 941-776-3723 Fellowship Alliance Church 5735 69th Street East Palmetto, Florida 34221 Phone: 941-723-9593 Pastor Bruce Quackenbush Sunday Services 6:00PMPrayerMeeting(inhomes) Third Friday each month 1WayCafe-Doorsopenat7:00PM The cafe offers: praise music, a featuredartist,openmicandfreerefreshments. Small Groups - call Church Office for times Email: [email protected] Crossroads Christian Church 1400 10th Street W, Palmetto, FL 941-729-2327 Pastor Jeff Mohler Bible Study - Sunday 9:00 a.m. Church Services - Sunday 10:00 a.m. Bible Study - Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 8:15 AM Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM Blended Worship 11:11 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM 12180 Highway 301 North and CR 675 @ flashing yellow light Back to the Word Church Pastor : Dr. Jim Parker 7710 121st Ave. E, Parrish, FL 34219 155 W. Center Ave., Sebring, FL 33870 941-773-7081 Pastors; Revs. Robert & Anne Barber (941) 776-9016 SabbathServices: Saturday at 10:30 AM - Parrish, FL Saturday at 5:30 PM - Sebring, FL 9:15AMSundaySchool-Allages 10:30AMPraise,Worship&Word 6:00PMBilingualService(English/Spanish) (Coffee&Cookiesatallservices!) NEWCHRISTIAN NON-DENOMINATIONALCHURCH YOUAREINVITED! Sundays Wednesdays 7:00PMWorship&BibleStudy (Adults&Youth) Bible-Based - Casual Dress Nursery Available ALL WELCOME Atthechurchatthe“Y” ComeworshipwithuseverySunday 6PM StartingFebruary14th There’s a place for you in My Father’s House! ManateeFamilyYMCA, 12214US301NinParrish PASTORDANNAWARA phone:365-5433/920-5511 www.THELIVINGSANTUARY.COM 12001 69th Street East Parrish, Florida 34219 941-776-9097 Pastor “Jay” J. Jancarz Saturday Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 noon (12:00 noon Mass from Christmas to Easter) Confessions - Saturday 3:00 PM Connecting people with the life-changing power of Jesus Christ (IntersectionofUSHwy301N and72ndSt.E/AmsterdamAve.) 11915 82nd St E Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-2568 Interim Pastor - Kenneth L. Hinrichs Saturday Service - 4:30 PM Sunday Services - 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Sunday School / Bible Study - 9:15 AM Parrish United Methodist Church Dress Down & Be Yourself Service Times: Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am WestCoast 11750 U.S, Highway 301 Parrish, FL 34219 (941) 776-2422 Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. 825 9th Street W, Bradenton, FL 34205 941-776-0026 - email: [email protected] Don Sturiano - Pastor Nursery and children’s church provided North River Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ 3914US301N APOSTOLIC in doctrine PENTECOSTAL in experience 941-723-9693 North River Church of Christ 13885U.S.Highway301North Parrish,Florida34219 (941)776-1134 [email protected] Sundays BibleClasses(allages).....10:00AM MorningWorship...........11:00AM EveningWorship...........6:00PM Wednesdays BibleClasses.............7:00PM Personal home Bible studies or correspondence courses upon request ST. MARY’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1010 24th Avenue West Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 722-5292 Weekly Schedule Sunday: 7:40 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Rite I 9:00 a.m. Adult & Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist / Rite II Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist & Healing Service Thursday: Smart Guys Tutoring 4:30 p.m. The Rev. Glen Graczyk First Baptist Church of Gillette 3301 Moccasin Wallow Road Palmetto, Florida 34221 (941) 722-1937 [email protected] Sunday Service Sunday School - 9:30 AM Children’s Worship - 10:30 AM Worship Service - 10:30 AM Everyone Welcome! (Nursery Provided) Harvest Field Community Church Where you can count on Christ! Non-denominational Bible based - Christ centered Worship Services 10:00 AM Sundays Nursery available 7710 121st Avenue East, Parrish, FL Casual dress, warm fellowship Music is a combination of contemporary and hymns Bible Study 7:00 PM each Wednesday Pastor: Rev. Terry L. Cary - 941-725-4150 “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest fields.” Mat. 9:38 NIV BETHISRAEL The Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center 1115DelWebbBlvd.E. SunCityCenter(813)634-2590 SHABBATSERVICESFRIDAYEVENINGAT7:45PM TORAHSTUDYSATURDAYAT12NOON Rabbi: Philip Aronson Cantor: Dr. Sam Isaac Parrish Village News page 43 News from Williams Elementary School Students LOVE to Be Teacher Williams Welcomes New Teacher Aide Students in Ms. Bice’s Kindergarten class LOVE to be the teacher! For only 10 wolf howls, students may “cash in” to be the morning teacher! Seen in this photo is Parker DeWoody reviewing the Days of the Week with his classmates. Williams Elementary welcomes new teacher aide, Amanda Rawley. Williams celebrates Dr. Suess’ Birthday with breakfast of Green Eggs/Ham! Food/fun make learning exciting in Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Fetzner’s first grade classes Above - Model of Moon Phases. Drew Sheffer Kian Tabag and Ava Workman, Alexa Wesley Anderson Hoagland, Katie Sheffer Culminating a study of the moon and its phases, these students enjoyed constructing a model out of oreo cookies using the cookie as the base of the moonandthewhitecreamasthedifferentshapesofeachphase.Thebestpart, ofcourse,wasgettingtoeatthecookies! Mrs. Carter’s Class hosted Donuts for Dads in Honor of Fathers Mrs. Carter’s PreKindergarten class hosted Donuts for Dads in honor of their fathers.Studentstooktheirdad’sorderand served them breakfast on tablecloths and placementsdecoratedbythestudents. Each dad was presented with a handmade book, tie and bookmark from their child.Laughter,hugsanddeliciousdonuts wereenjoyedbyeveryone. Pasta for Pennies Raises Money for Leukemia Secondgradeteacherandcoordinator,Mrs.Humanwouldliketothankevery studentandstaffmemberfordonatingtoourannualPastaforPennieswhichhelps raiseawarenessandfundsfortheLeukemiaSociety.“Wedidanamazingjoband raisedagrandtotalof$5,148.13whichhelpedusreachedourgoal,”announcedMrs. Human.Theclassroomthatcamein1stplaceandwinneroftheOliveGardenPasta Partywith$278.77wasMs.Wisnieski’sKindergartenclass!Weareveryproudof thisaccomplishmentasaschoolinthefightagainstcancer!Everypennycounted! Grade level classroom winners will celebrate with a popsicle party.They are Mrs.Carter(PK),Mrs.Josey(K),Mrs.Daniel(1st),Mrs.McKinley(2nd),Mrs.John (3rd),Mrs.Bustle(4th),Mr.VanDuzer(5th)andMrs.Pope(VE). Twenty-threeclassesraisedover$100andwillbereceivingabronzepennantto displayintheirclassroom.TheyareMrs.McCabe(K),Mrs.Senkow(K),Mrs.Stewart (K), Mrs. Johnson (1st), Mrs. Burkhardt (1st), Mrs. Linton (1st), Mrs. Fetzner (1st),Mr.Kelly(1st),Mrs.Schubring(1st),Mrs.Roberts(2nd),Mrs.Human(2nd), Mrs.Nemzek(2nd),Mrs.Parker(2nd),Mrs.Hebert(2nd),Mrs.Lee(2nd),Mrs.John (3rd), Mrs. D’Urso (3rd), Mrs. Rogers (3rd), Mrs. Kincannon (4th), Mrs. Bustle (4th),Mrs.Hoyer(4th),Mrs.Sinphay(4th),andMr.VanDuzer(5th). Also,fiveclassesraisedover$200andwillbereceivingasilverpennanttodisplayintheirclassroom.TheyareMrs.Josey(K),Mrs.Wisniewski(K),Mrs.Daniel (1st),Mrs.McKinley(2nd),andMrs.Valley(2nd). Parrish Village News page 44 Parrish Arts Council Sponsors Jim Pierce at PUMC on April 18 The Parrish Civic Association welcomes our new and returning members! Thank you for your support! The Parrish Arts Council is proud to sponsor Jim Pierce and Southern Integrity on Saturday, April 18 at the Parrish United Methodist Church. The concert filled with gospel music and old favorites will begin at 7:00 p.m. A donation of $5.00 is requested. All proceeds go the PAC to help support future arts projects in the community. Twin Rivers Community Garage Sale Saturday, April 11 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Basic Gertrude Joyce Jay & Audrey King Community Booster David & Cindy Berube Jack & Alice Bruns Pearl McCraw Parkwood Lakes Homeowners Assn. Lee & Marie Sattler John Thacker Parrish Sponsor Leonard Harman Linda & Craig Hoffman Norma Kennedy Community Patron Bob & Eileen Brossia Larry & Edie Bustle Tom & Jane Marinelli Join the Parrish Civic Association for 2015 The Parrish Civic Association has been going strong for over 30 years. In the beginning, it accomplished a really significant thing for Parrish - helping to establish the Parrish Fire Department. This has had so much importance to Parrish. After all these years, the Parrish Civic Association is still working hard for the common good of the community: organizing the Parrish Heritage Day Festival including the parade and Chili Cook Off, helping with the Parrish Children’s Christmas Party for needy children and families, helping to get the Y established in Parrish, developing Overlays to the Manatee County Comprehensive Plan and the Village, and currently working with the Parrish Arts Council on cleaning up the corridor along 301 from CR 675 to Moccasin Wallow Road. We still have work to do. Help us out in this effort by joining the Parrish Civic Association in 2015. A form is on page 47. Clip it out, complete it, enclose a check and mail it in today! Help your community continue the efforts! A LPHA O K UTDOOR ITCHENS l l l 2907 COUNTRY RIVER DRIVE PARRISH, FLORIDA 34219 941-725-0156 EXPERT DESIGN & CRAFTMANSHIP ALL TYPES OF OUTDOOR CABINETRY WE BUILD ALL OUR CABINETS ALPHAOUTDOORKITCHENS.COM Followup CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE Parrish Village News page 45 The PCA General Membership Meeting featured County Administrator Ed Hunzeker as guest speaker and more than 70 people listened to his discussion of a variety of topics that ranged from the County’s budget to the Comprehensive Plan that governs future land development. One of the things he pointed out is that Florida law supports a property owner’s rights and that as long a landowner is meeting the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, he has the right to develop his property. The Comprehensive Plan is a document that each County is required by Florida law to have in place and it is written with input from residents and approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Manatee County’s Comprehensive Plan was approved in 1985 and there is currently a project to write and approve a new plan. During the Q&A portion of the program questions like “Is Parrish incorporated?” (no it is not); “Who governs Parrish?” (the Manatee County Board of Commissioners); “Is there a plan for the future development of the Village area?” (pieces are done but there is not a full written plan); “Who is responsible for developing a full plan for the Village?” (Mr. Hunzeker’s response -- “You are”) came up. It was pointed out that the Parrish Civic Association has served as the de facto “leader” in developing a plan for the Village area and that over the years positive things like the Overlay District for North County and the Village area have been accomplished. An Overlay District is an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan that establishes special requirements or restrictions for land being developed in a certain geographic area. For instance, in the geographic area defined in the Parrish Village Overlay “pole signs” are not allowed. That is why the Dollar General store in Parrish has a monument sign versus the pole sign in place at the store in Ellenton. Because of the interest expressed at the General Membership Meeting in a variety of topics including how we can influence (and maybe expedite) future commercial development (i.e. RESTAURANTS) and how we can develop a plan for the Village area, the Parrish Civic Association is sponsoring a follow up meeting for people interested in these and other topics raised with Mr. Hunzeker. The meeting is will be held on Thursday, April 30 at 7:00 p.m. at the Parrish Y. In addition to these topics, we will also have maps and drawings of the new Fort Hamer Bridge and the planned upgrades to Fort Hamer Road. To receive more information on this meeting “like” the Parrish Civic Associations face book page or for email updates send your email address to [email protected]. We hope that those of you interested in seeing our community grow in planned manner will attend this meeting and get involved in shaping future growth and development in Parrish. Looking east from the present Fort Hamer dock, you can see how the new Fort Hamer Bridge might look. The map at the left shows where the Fort Hamer Bridge will be constructed from a relocated Fort Hamer Road to Upper Manatee River Road south of the Manatee River. “Our Name Says It All” “WELCOME TO PARADISE” SALES AND VACATION RENTALS FOUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS ELLENTON OFFICE: 941-729-2381 PARRISH OFFICE: 941-776-1411 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CALL 941-729-2381 OR 941-776-1411 New Listing $124,500 2/2 condo, well maintained, quiet West side neighborhood, close to beaches, restaurants and shopping Kathy Woodruff 941-524-4190 Perhaps we would like a nice, walkable area in Parrish with flower vendors, fresh vegetable stands, a coffee shop or a cafe where people could meet friends and socialize. New Listing Reduced $75,000 2/1 single family home, move in ready, bonus room, new roof, fenced yard, great West side location Barbara Bushard 941-405-8360 $239,000 3/2 condo, water views, gated community with pool and tennis, carport, minutes to the beach Quentin Talbert 941-704-9680 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE CALL 941-722-5108 New Listing $17,900 Great Location Colony Cove 2/2, turnkey furnished, private setting, 55+ community with clubhouses and pool Terry Nipper 941-725-0433 or Bonnie anny 941-807-5192 $48,900 Ridgewood Estates 2/2, plenty of storage, inside laundry, patio, pond view, furnished, 55+ community Dawn Trook 941-962-0297 or 941-7230182 Make Offer! $19,900 2/2, great investment, furnished, washer & dryer, utility shed, 55+ community, bring offers! Dawn Trook 941-962-0297 or 941-7230182 MOBILE HOMES WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT RENTAL RENTAL Ridgewood Estates 2/2 annual in a popular gated, 55+ community with pool and clubhouses. Turnkey furnished, small pet okay. $1250 monthly. Terry Nipper 941-725-0433 or Bonnie Manny 941-807-5192 PARRISH 12244 US HWY 301 N. l NORTH RIVER 2500 Blk of US HWY 301 N. Ridgewood Estates 2/2 annual, furnished, storage shed with washer and dryer. 55+ community with pool and clubhouses. $1150 monthly. Terry Nipper 941-725-0433 or Bonnie Manny 941-807-5192 l HOLMES BEACH 5201 Gulf Drive l BRADENTON BEACH 102 Bridge Street Parrish Village Newspage 46 Let’s Talk About Flood Jackie Felix, Felix Financial Group Youprobablydon’tthinkitwouldeverhappentoyou.AfterallweliveinParrish,wearenotclosetotheshoreandit’seasytoletourguarddown.Buttherainy seasonwillbeheresoonandthesearesomethingstoconsider. Floodingisacoast-to-coastthreattotheUnitedStatesanditsterritoriesinall monthsoftheyear.Floodingtypicallyoccurswhenprolongedrainfallsoverseveral days,whenintenserainfallsoverashortperiodoftime,orwhenaniceordebris jamcausesariverorstreamtooverflowontothesurroundingarea.Floodingcan alsoresultfromthefailureofawatercontrolstructure,suchasaleveeordam.The mostcommoncauseoffloodingiswaterduetorainthataccumulatesfasterthansoils canabsorbitorriverscancarryitaway.Approximatelyseventy-fivepercentofall Presidentialdisasterdeclarationsareassociatedwithflooding. WhatisthedifferencebetweenaFloodWatchandaFloodWarningissuedbythe NationalWeatherService? Flash Flood Warning: TakeAction!AFlashFloodWarningisissued whenaflashfloodisimminentoroccurring.Ifyouareinafloodprone areamoveimmediatelytohighground.Aflashfloodisasuddenviolent floodthatcantakefromminutestohourstodevelop.Itisevenpossibleto experienceaflashfloodinareasnotimmediatelyreceivingrain. Flood Warning: TakeAction! AFloodWarningisissuedwhenthehazard ousweathereventisimminentoralreadyhappening.AFloodWarningis issuedwhenfloodingisimminentoroccurring. Flood Watch:BePrepared:AFloodWatchisissuedwhenconditionsare favorableforaspecifichazardousweathereventtooccur.AFloodWatch isissuedwhenconditionsarefavorableforflooding.Itdoesnotmean floodingwilloccur,butitispossible. Flood Advisory: BeAware:AnFloodAdvisoryisissuedwhenaspecific weathereventthatisforecasttooccurmaybecomeanuisance.AFloodAdvisoryisissuedwhenfloodingisnotexpectedtobebadenoughtoissue awarning.However,itmaycausesignificantinconvenience,andifcaution isnotexercised,itcouldleadtosituationsthatmaythreatenlifeand/or property. Flash Flooding Flashfloodsareexactlywhatthenamesuggests:floodsthathappeninaflash! Flashfloodsgenerallydevelopwithin6hoursoftheimmediatecause.Causesof flashfloodingincludeheavyrain,iceordebrisjams,andleveeordamfailure.These floodsexhibitarapidriseofwateroverlow-lyingareas.Insomecases,floodingmay evenoccurwellawayfromwhereheavyraininitiallyfell.Therearemanyreasons thatflashfloodsoccur,butoneofthemostcommonistheresultofcopiousamounts ofrainfallfromthunderstormsthatcauseflashflooding.Thiscanalsooccurwhen slow-movingormultiplethunderstormsmoveoverthesamearea. Storm Surge and Coastal Inundation from Tropical and Non-Tropical Systems When people think of tropical storms and hurricanes they typically think of strong winds, yet the highest percentage of all tropical cyclone deaths are due to flooding.Coastalfloodinggenerallyoccurswithaland-fallingornear-landsystem suchasaTropicalStormorHurricane.Stormsurgeandlargewavesproducedby hurricanesposethegreatestthreattolifeandpropertyalongthecoast.Thedestructivepowerofstormsurgeandlargebatteringwavescanresultinlossoflife;destructionofbuildings;erosionofbeachesanddunes;anddamagetoroadsandbridges alongthecoast.Stormsurgesunderminebuildingfoundationsbyconstantagitation ofthewaterpiledhighbythetropicalcyclone.Theendresultcanbeacomplete demolitionofhomesandbusinesses. Tropicalcyclonescanbringcopiousamountsofprecipitationonshore.Themajorityoftheheaviestrainoccurstotherightofthecenterofthestorm;however,it shouldbenotedthatrainbandsonbothsidesofthesystemcanproduceheavyrain. RiverFlooding River flooding occurs when river levels rise and overflow their banks or the edgesoftheirmainchannelandinundateareasthatarenormallydry.TheNational WeatherServiceissuesFloodWarningsfordesignatedRiverForecastPointswherea floodstagehasbeenestablished.RiverfloodingisclassifiedasMinor,Moderate,or Majorbasedonwaterheightandimpactsalongtheriverthathavebeencoordinated withtheNWSandlocalofficials.Minorriverfloodingmeansthatlow-lyingareas adjacenttothestreamorriver,mainlyruralareasandfarmlandandsecondaryroadwaysneartheriverflood.Moderatefloodingmeanswaterlevelsrisehighenough toimpacthomesandbusinessesneartheriverandsomeevacuationsmaybeneeded. Largerroadsandhighwaysmayalsobeimpacted.Majorfloodingmeansthatextensive ruraland/orurbanfloodingisexpected.Townsmaybecomeisolatedandmajortrafficroutesmaybeflooded.Evacuationofnumeroushomes/businessmayberequired. • • • • Everything You’ve Always Wanted in a Bank and More! At 1st Manatee Bank, we realize your needs are as individual as you are. When you bank with us, you are assured personalized service and uncompromised customer care. The difference is in the details • Locally Owned • Community Involvement • Commercial & Personal Banking • Senior Checking • Online Banking 900 53rd Ave. E., Bradenton • 941.776.5040 12215 US 301 N., Parrish • 941.776.5040 5100 Cortez Rd. W., Bradenton • 941.795.5040 Member FDIC • Bauer 5-Star Rated Bank AnotherwaytotakeactionnowistoprotectyourassetswithFloodInsurance. Didyouknowthatthereisawaitingperiodof30daysbeforeyourpolicygoesinto effectunlessyou’reanewhomebuyer. Don’tprocrastinate!Takeactionnow!FormoreinformationonFloodInsurance,pleasecallJackieFelix941-504-2376. MemoriesCONTINUED FROM PAGE 39 maybehaveabetterunderstandingofwhotheywereandwhy.Othershavegrandparentsthey’venevermetorwillnevermeetforwhateverreasons.Iguessthebig questionfortherestofusishowdowewanttoberememberedasgrandparents. Mychildrenareyoung20s,sodon’thaveanykidsyet...thankGod!Sincewe area‘modern’familyblendedwithtwogirls,twoboys,Idohavestep-grandchildren throughmystepdaughter.Tohertwoyoungboys,I’mjustOma.Althoughtheylive inColoradoandwedon’tseethemmuch,Ihopetheyrememberusasgrandparents thatlovedthemandenjoyedbeingwiththem.Ihopetheyrememberthatweloved eachother,showingaffectiontoandrespectforoneanother.Ihopethey’llremember usasgenerousandgivingbothtothemandtostrangers.Ihopetheyseeuspersevere indifficultcircumstancesandcometousforwisdom.Idon’tknowifwe’regroovy, farout,radorbitchin’grandparents,butIdoknowthatthey’llrememberthatwe valuedandcherishedthemandprayedearnestlyforthemdaily. Parrish Village Newspage 47 Parrish Civic Association Corner Dear Friends: April 2015 Parrish Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off If you missed the Parrish Heritage Day Parade, Festival and Chili Cook Off, you really missed a great event on a beautiful day. A record crowd with lots of families with young children enjoyed a fun parade, a wide variety of entertaining things to do, and some great music and chili. Several people mentioned how well organized the whole thing was and had positive comments on the new layout for the chili teams tents. All credit for this goes to the Planning Committee and its chair Tami Vaughan. Their planning meetings started last October and their hard work really paid off. They were aided on the day of the event by the 70+ volunteers who did everything from ticket collection to clean up to manning booths to ferrying people around in the golf carts. Thanks to all of them for the time and effort they put in so we all could enjoy a wonderful day. Special Kudos to Pearl McCraw I also want to recognize Pearl McCraw for coming up with the concept and organizing the Parrish Pioneering area. I hope you had a chance to visit and just walk around the area. The new property the Railroad Museum recently acquired made a beautiful and restful setting for the many displays, vendors and entertainers Pearl recruited. Wonderful idea – and I have a feeling it will be even bigger next year. Special Thank You to Businesses Who Partnered with Us Several companies loan us their products and we appreciate what they do to make the event more enjoyable and to run smoother. Two new ones this year were Golf Car Outlet which loaned us three golf carts and Sun Coast Credit Union which supplied their secure van with an ATM along with volunteers to help us keep track of the money. A special welcome and thanks to both of them --- and to local favorite Ice Pro which again this year supplied the ice sculpture with our Chili Cook Off logo. Thanks to these three and to every other company that donated their time and effort. Also, a special shout out to the Florida Railroad Museum for allowing us to again use their property for the event. Next Steps on Planning for Parrish At last week’s Parrish Civic Association meeting with County Administrator Ed Hunzeker there were several people asking questions about the future commercial development of Parrish in general and the Village area in particular. In order to bring everyone up to speed on what has happened so far and begin to discuss what happens next the PCA will host a meeting at the Parrish Y at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday April 30th. Also at this meeting we will have pictures and maps of the Fort Hamer Bridge and the planned upgrades to Fort Hamer Road. My Apologies My apologies to Grand Marshal Pat O’Connor for getting her name wrong in last month’s newspaper. We were so pleased that she could be our Grand Marshal and definitely deserved that honor. Thanks also to her partner Al Griffin. Message from the Membership Chairman Dear Friends: The Annual Membership Drive for the Parrish Civic Association began in January for 2015. You will be receiving a letter telling you it’s time to mail in your annual dues. Please complete it and mail it along with your check. If you provide your email, we will send you notices of important meetings about development in the area, meetings scheduled and events you might like to attend. We appreciate your generosity and your joining the PCA. The only source of revenue for the Parrish Civic Association is dues. Your dues go to help our organization in many ways: supporting the Parrish Children’s Christmas Party, funding for the annual Heritage Day Parade and this year’s fourth Chili Cook Off (signs, posters, publicity), helping to pay for the Ys Fall Festival held in October, helping pay for bringing the Board of County Commissioners to our PCA meetings, bringing other guest speakers to meetings like Manatee County Administrator Ed Hunzeker on February 12 and many other activities performed by the Parrish Civic Association. We now have over 400 members of the Parrish Civic Association. That’s a very good number of people in the community who are interested in the Parrish community and making it the best place to live in Manatee County. If you are interested in helping out on any of our activities and want to be on a committee, please contact Ben Jordan, our President, at [email protected]. We would be pleased if you would like to help. We have already met with several people new to the area who are getting involved in our community’s activities. It is a lot of fun and a great group of people who work to make a lot of activities occur. And, volunteering is also fun. Every year, we need people for the Heritage Day Festival and Chili Cook Off and Parrish Arts Council as well as other activities during the year. We hope to see you soon in and around our Parrish community! Cookie Jordan Membership Chairman [email protected] 941-776-9019 Join the Parrish Civic Association. Just clip out the form below and mail it in with a check for your dues. I wish to join the Parrish Civic Association. Here are my dues. Mail to Parrish Civic Association, P. O. Box 257, Parrish. FL 34219. (Please print.) Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone No.: Email Address: (Above information is for PCA use only. We do not give out or sell to outside parties.) Please check one: Please feel free to contact me with any ideas or concerns about Parrish. Ben Jordan President, Parrish Civic Association [email protected] or (941) 776-9019 Amount Enclosed $ New Member $15.00 Basic Member (Member and Spouse) $25.00 (Community Booster) $50.00 (Parrish Sponsor) $100 or more (Community Patron) $500.00 or more (Community Sponsor) Renewal 941-776-5571 Parrish Village Newspage 48 8268 US Hwy 301N, Parrish Our Agents Are Annual Rentals in Manatee County True Stars! #1 in North of River Most Transactions 2014* PARR ISH FOXB ROO K RYE WILD ERNE SS Southern Living style home on 10 full acres. Situated on slightly over 2 acres for maximum Custom built, one owner home in desirable Rye Beautiful level improved pasture on one of the privacy, 3 car attached side load garage PLUS a Wilderness Estates. From the moment you pull into the driveway you will appreciate the ownbest addresses in Parrish. A4112703 $629,900 detached 2.5 car garage. A4117794 $569,900 er’s attention to detail. A4114862 $599,900 FOXB ROO K Custom granite counter tops, solid wood cabinets, stainless Sub Zero, Wolfe 48” gas stove with two ovens, and Fisher and Paykel 2 drawer dishwasher. M5844997 $432,900 SNEA D ISL AND LEXI NGTO N This Banyan II floor plan in the popular Lexington subdivision has over 2450 square feet on an oversized 1/3 acre lot, tucked away in the back of the community. A4118262 $279,900 COVE RED BRID GE Nestled alongside a pristine nature preserve, Turn key property with 4 Bedroom 2 Bath, pool and situated directly on the picturesque northern has all upgrades! Features stainless steel applibanks of the Manatee River. A4111047 $785,000 ances, double tray ceilings, ceramic tile and laminate wood flooring. A4116308 $269,900 OAK HURS T PAR K Dramatic curb appeal with stacked stone accents and paver driveway. Open and inviting great room plan, formal dining room, flex room/ den and foyer. M5904242 $259,900 IV PLAR NTAETR ION Extensive upgrades found in this 3BR/2BA home! Eat-in kitchen w/breakfast nook features cherry cabinets, stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops and travertine. A4117129 $224,900 RIVE R WO ODS Enter this home from a paved driveway into a large living room and dining room with engineered hardwood floors. Spacious kitchen with a breakfast bar and nook. A4116583 $279,900 OA HAMKLEAF MOC K From the moment you pull into the driveway you will appreciate the owner’s attention to detail; paverdriveway and walkway, enhanced landscaping and lighting will greet you. A4114862 $599,900 LEXI NGTO This lakefront executive home offers a abundance of quality features. The enclosed lakeside lanai offers relaxing sunsets as you watch the water birds or catch bass in the lake. A4115554 $279,900 LAK PRESESIDE ERVE FAIR WAY S Enjoy it all in style with this spacious 4 bedroom/3 bath lakeside home located on a quiet cul-de-sac near the Golf Course in Fairways at Imperial Lakewoods. A4115586 $269,000 CO MEAUNTRY DOW S N This home exudes warmth, the minute you walk through the door. Loaded with upgrades and engineered by the proud owners, continually improving their home. A4114832 $268,000 Check out our listings on Find ultimate luxury in this 3-BR/3-BA custom pool home with den. This beautiful home is located on a .50 acre lake and preserve front lot offering complete privacy. A4111115 $437,500 Visit for variety of Annual Rentals in Manatee County *per MLS statistics 8268 US Hwy 301N, Parrish, FL 34219 • 941-776-5571 •
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