Local Latitude, Global Attitude Look Ma! No Hands! Driverless cars are much closer than you think Canada Summer Easy West Kootenay’s trail of Hot Springs Traditional Blessings in Haidi Gwaii La cuisine et la culture de Montreal April 2015 Modern DeMOCKracy How to reform and how not to 2 Local Latitude, Global Attitude North of 50º is an independant, free monthly publication, locally owned, produced and distributed throughout the Okanagan by North of 50º Publications Ltd. Disclaimer: The publisher will not be responsible for errors or ommissions. In the event of a typographical error, the portion of the advertisement that is incorrect will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be charged at the applicable rate. The opinions and views contained in submitted articles to North of 50˚ magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher retains the right to edit all submissions, including articles and letters to the editor, for brevity and clarity. Copyright is retained on all material, text and graphics in this publication. No reproduction is allowed of any material in any form, print or electronic, for any purpose except review, or with the express permission of North of 50˚ Publications. C ontents 12 Cover Story - The Car that Could The car that negotiates the traffic jam, the snow storm and parks itself is much closer than we realize. How it will change our lives is much more than just convenience. 5 Canada Summer - The Hot Spring Trail Sure, this is Canada and we know winter, but here are three, incredible, warm enticing glimpses of summer beginning with the hot springs of your dreams in the West Kootenays. 7 Canada Summer - Haida Gwaii Natural wonder and First Nations awesome – Haida Gwaii offers it up like no other place in British Columbia. 9 Canada Summer - Montreal Notre-Dame Basilica, the Latin Quarter, Schwarz’ deli, the biosphere, poutine, the Bonsecours Marché and more. 11 DeMOCKracy - Part II How one country changed its electoral system and another shows how not to. 15 A Growing Bunch We can’t get enough of community gardens. Departments 4 Editorial - Terms of Abuse 17 Ted Farr - A Guy Baby 21 Carla Hindman - Finances: When a Loved One Dies Publisher / Managing Editor Devon Brooks [email protected] Mailing Address #2, 2706 45th Avenue Vernon, BC V1T 3N4 Advertising Sales [email protected] Website: www.northof50.com Layout & Design Andrew Hutton [email protected] For article submissions or feedback please email: [email protected] 3 Terms of Abuse A s you have undoubtedly read or seen multiple times, in August last year the police shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, which led to riots and civil disorder throughout the city. Last month the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) released a 105-page report on the behaviour of the Ferguson police. A majority of media in the United States characterize the report as scathingly critical of the Ferguson police department. In February, Maclean’s magazine put out a lengthy article on racism in Canada, naming Winnipeg the most racist city in Canada. The different response to those reports has been tell- Social Factor ing. Many U.S. institutions condemned what happened in Ferguson, but too many dismissed it. The National Review, a respected conservative magazine wrote: “Far more alarming in Ferguson than whether vestigial racism animates a policeman here and there is the perversion of the law, and of the positions of those sworn to protect it, to buck up the treasury on the backs of the most vulnerable, whoever they may be”. In other words, the police might have the odd bad apple abusing Ferguson citizens (it is not systemic racism at all), but what is really bad is government. Not only Ferguson, but Ferguson’s municipal neighbours pooh-poohed the DoJ report. In contrast, after Maclean’s scathing report, Winnipeg’s new mayor, Brian Bowman, put together a conference with all city councillors, the grand chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the federal treaty commission- excerpted from Maclean’s Unemployment Rate Unemployment Rate vs National Average Median Income Median Income vs National Average Infant Mortality Rate vs. National Rate Dropout Rate (for 20 to 24 year olds) Dropout Rate vs National Average er, Winnipeg’s chief of police, the former national chief of the Assembly of First Nations and many others. Bowman said, “Winnipeg has a responsibility right now to turn this ship around and change the way we all relate.” Of course, only time, and concrete actions, will show whether Bowman will do more than talk. And, proud as I am of his response, I can’t turn a blind eye, as shown by the horrible numbers below, about how bad our own race problem is. The only thing I am certain of is that the first step in dealing with a problem is acknowledging you have a problem. Aboriginal Canadians African Americans 14% 2.1 times $22,344 60% 2.3 times 23% 2.7 times 11% 1.9 times $23,738 74% 2.0 times 8% 1.1 times Canadian Summer Travel tenay Lake and tucked against the Purcell Mountains, this spring was first commercially developed in the 1920s. A unique horseshoe shaped cave was added in the 1930s and offers a sense of mystery as you wade through the 42ºC water. Stalactites reach down to greet you as you’re enveloped in steamy sauna-like heat. The main pool is 35ºC and if you’re brave enough for a cold plunge pool, that’s there for you too. A hotel and restaurant are onsite and lots of RV parking is available. who would visit the springs at various times of the year as they travelled though the area. Today, many of the springs are commercialized By F.E. Arcand all the generous creature A trip to the West Kootenays, with comforts, but for those willin southeastern British Co- ing to walk off the beaten lumbia, wouldn’t be complete track, you can find wild, without a visit to at least one free and untouched of the many hot hot springs. The springs throughout the West Kootenays vary dramatically in size, accessibility, The b and even in from eautiful H the amount a one o f its p lcyon reso of heat rt by ools o Lake that’s rev e Phot r lookin night os cou r t esy of g Arr leased. The Desti ow natio n BC facilities developed unique hot around the springs ’s t r o s e R h BC also differ in price, Halcyon wort Inside Ains e Photos courtesy of Destination amenities, philoso- Hot Springs Village springs cav phies and audience. springs in Developed destinations offer and Spa: the area. The waters, heated comforts like towel rentals, located between Revelstoke hundreds of meters beneath group rates, restaurants and and Nakusp, this resort is nesthe earth’s surface, are rich in lodging. Access is generally tled on the shores of Arrow minerals like magnesium, po- 365 days a year, with day passes Lake underneath the embrace tassium and iron and are often costing around $20. of the Monashee Mountains. thought to have healing quali- Ainsworth Hot Halcyon has been operating ties. These wonders of nature since the late 1800s with the have a long history going back Spring: current lodge, luxurious cabins to the First Nations peoples near Nelson, overlooking KooContinued on page 6 Tripping Through West Kootenay Hot Springs 5 Hot Springs Cont’d from page 5 and chalets, RV campground, restaurant, lounge and spa completed in 1998. Several pools offer varying temperatures and since you can even rent a bathing suit, there’s no excuse not to participate in a soothing hot soak by moonlight. personal”, the entrance is one kilometer north of Halcyon. This unique property offers an ‘off the grid’ experience with cabins that each have a private hot spring. Campsite and RV spots are available; children are Coyote Springs Healing Retreat Halcyon Hot Springs Halfway Hot Springs St. Leon Hot Springs Nakusp Hot Springs: a short drive outside of Nukusp, in the foothills of the Selkirk Mountains, is where you’ll find this community owned and operated facility. Nakusp Hot Springs boasts rustic cedar chalets, full service RV sites and a campground for the casual, laid back feel. This is a great home base for hiking (try the Kuskanax hiking trail right next door) and then returning for a great hot soak at the end of the day. Coyote Springs Healing Retreat: advertised as “sacred, private, peaceful, and 6 hike long distances through unknown, perhaps even difficult, terrain. Routes in and out, and even the springs, sometimes change over time. Do some homework. Make sure you have food and water; tell Nakusp Hot Springs seekers. It has three peanut shaped pools for bathing. Octopus Creek: These springs can be found by following bush trails along the creek from the nearby forestry campsite. Expect to devote a few hours to locate the tell tale signs —steamy, bubbling water—of wild hot springs. Halfway Hot Springs: Octopus Creek welcome, but no pets. There are also personalized treatments for the mind and body, available by appointment only. Bring your own food, drinking water, utensils, and towels. There’s no internet. This “is not a hotel or resort, but a place of retreat and tranquility.” Au Naturel Many want to search out wild, free treasures away from the crowds, but be prepared to Ainsworth Hot Springs someone where you’re going and your expected return. These beautiful gifts of nature all deserve your respect in keeping them clean and garbage free. St Leon Hot Springs: located about 25 north of Nukusp, it once had a hotel but that burnt down in 1968. It has been frequented throughout the years by hippies, hikers, and adventure north of Nukusp is the ‘Halfway’ forestry road. After a drive and short hike to the river you’ll see two outhouses (bring TP; it never hurts to leave a roll for the next guy) but you may have to dig your own little pool for soaking. There’s something very primal about soaking in mineral laden, steamy waters offered up by nature. So, regardless of your preference, the West Kootenay hot springs offer you the opportunity for a “drive by” relaxing dip, extended luxury, or a remote experience won through hard work. Alternatives for everyone. Canadian Summer Travel End of the World in Haida Gwaii Visiting Haida Gwaii, formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands, provides that peculiarly restful feeling of having gone to the farthest edge of the world where rigid schedules and harrying timetables don’t really exist. In our first 20 minutes of driving along the narrow-shouldered Highway 16 where great, mossy trees lean closely over the road, a bald eagle dove into the ditch. We couldn’t see what he was after, because everything, even the ditches, are writ large on Graham Island , which is the big north island where almost everyone lives. We congratulated ourselves on our lucky sighting so quickly after arriving, but it turns outthat’s just the norm. We lost track of the eagles we saw Bald eagles are everywhere on in one week, exploring long Haida Gwaii Photo by Devon Brooks beaches punctuated by the Haida culture. odd sea wreck, forests swad- The easy way to find out dled in thickest moss and small about the aboriginal culture is towns surviving on forestry through the gorgeous Haida and the tourist base coming Heritage Centre and Haida from exploration of the Continued on page 8 7 Haida Gwaii these first people. The Haida’s ancestors arGwaii Museum, both rived on the islands located at 2nd Beach, some 13,000 years Skidegate. That vague ago. By the time Eusounding address is r o p e a n s made cona reflection of tact in the late 1700s m o r e t h a n 7,000 people lived in more than a hundred v i l lages scatTluu e h t e id s in tered hite, Christian W use in Old Massett. longho t. Xaadanaay itional cedar strip ha ad Note the tr among the the size islands. and immediacy of the European diseases like Haida Gwaii experi- smallpox and tubercuence. You can wander losis destroyed 90% of the logging roads of the population. Under Graham Island (where colonial pressure, the you must give way to 700 or so survivors gargantuan logging fled their communitrucks that will truly ties to huddle togethscare the bad stuff out er at Old Massett and of you when you meet Skidegate. them coming around Along with these sad a sharp corner), but facts there is much most people will tra- beauty and fascinating verse the north island detail about their culalong Highway 16. ture in the museum. The museum, like The distinctive, upmost things, is un- side-down funnel avoidably visible from shaped Haida hat is the highway. made from woven Along with beautiful strips of cedar bark. carvings and historical The Heritage Centre artifacts of the Haida attached to the culture, the museum Museum provides depicts the history of other exciting ways to Cont’d from page 7 8 sample this culture. Three young men, carving a magnificent totem, bantered good naturally about whether the Eagle or Raven clan was “better.” Next, 16 of us rolled a traditional Haida canoe over the pebbly beach to the water. Paddling a boat that had the main hull carved from a single huge cedar around the bay was hard work. In traditional times, tribes paddled these huge boats 50 kilometres across Hecate Strait to e n g a g e in trade, hunting or occasionally, warfare. In Old Haida Gwaii looks like a giant triangle, but on closer inspection it is made up of hundreds of islands. The deep sounds and fjords provide glorious opportunities for kayaking. Boat tours with First Nation guides allow inspection of some of the ancient Haida sites, but for those looking for easier, more relaxed outdoor exploration, there are plentitudes of beautiful beaches. The eastern shores make for great walking, but are less spectacularly beautiful then the harder to reach west coast. One east Abun fores dant rain t wa f lk a all make s s oft g Pho to by reen every Mar runw tin M cGin ay Ma ss e t coast nis Christian White hightoured us through his light studio and the Tluu is the Pesuta, Xaadanaay longhouse. a 264-foot log barge If you want to take that ran aground in in natural wonders 1928. Today only the the islands are right- weathered bow is visifully known for their ble, jutting 15 feet out beauty. On a map, of the sand. Canadian Summer Travel you can sample tradi- restaurants and gift shops. tional poutine at its best, Onward is the Latin Quarter or perhaps fitting to the with its vibrant, city, ‘Montreal smoked artsy meat poutine.’ Chic, modern Montreal em- The Place d’Armes, the epibraces French and English in centre of historic Montremuch the same joyous manner al, is surrounded by some that it shares Canadian cul- of the city’s oldest buildture while simultaneously ings. The exquisite Nocelebrating deep European tre-Dame Basilica, built roots. Old Montreal is the in 1829, holds one of the perfect place to get lost while largest pipe organs in you meander along winding the world. In the evecobbled streets exploring his- ning, the basilica along toric haunts and enjoying an with the entire square, Sometim e ambiance unique in North is illuminated. things s Montreal i America. To elicit the Schw like the fam s about the l ous sa artz’ P Rue St essence of ndwich ittle hoto by Pierrees at Luc Du romanc e, four/T ourism e Mont take a horse-drawn real carriage ride along feel – the narrow streets the perfect place to of Montreal’s his- people watch while sipping a toric centre with cappuccino. the one you love. Alternatively, use the subway Across the Place to explore Montreal’s underd’Armes from ground city, including the biothe basilica is sphere museum, constructed Canada’s first inside a huge geodesic dome. bank –the Bank The unique museum focust s e d n a r of Montreal– es on understanding environg Canada’s f o r io a r e ic t il built in a his- mental issues. as The in tre-Dame B o N e h t torical stately If you want more than poutine l, a n cathedr phan Pouli té S y b o ot neo -classical from your culinary experience Ph style with grand col- try Atwater market’s gourmet P a u l , umns. Put up in 1847 it is still delights or take a food tour of which snakes its way through a working bank today. In ad- Little Italy and the Marché old Montréal, houses many dition however, it houses a Jean-Talon, a wonderful outcafes with terraces and galler- museum, which provides a door farmers market that ies and the beautiful, recently glimpse of Canada’s 19th cen- opened in the 1930s. restored, Bonsecours Market, tury banking environment. Schwartz’ renowned deli has which is filled with designer Walking is an easy and great deep roots in Montreal hisboutiques. way to see the city. Make your tory and is famous for smoked Of course, a visit to ‘Montre- way through bustling Chi- meat sandwiches, coleslaw and Continued on page 10 al Poutine’ is a must, where natown lined with markets, For the love of Montreal 9 Crossword fun ACROSS 1. Indian title 4. Necklace piece 8.Wingspread 12.Fourth letter 15.Barnyard female 16.View flirtatiously 17.Single 18.Gabor sister 19.Brewery beverage 20.Road tax 21.Duel weapon 22.Gielgud’s title 23.Baby bug 25.Burst forth 27.Copper coin 28.Increase 30.Greek vowel 31.Dehydrate 32.Mascara locale 35.Flourless cake 36.Harsh cry 39.Flaccid 40.Sniffer 41.Cable channel 42.Rope-making material 43.Powerful 47.Repeat, as a TV show 49.Robber’s crime 51.Staggering 52.Future frog 54.Stairway support 56.Eastern title 57.Mortgage 58.Gutter problem 59.“The ____ Duke” 60.Full of substance 62.Tooth doctor 64.Astute 65.Daylight source 66.Celestial being 70.Bone-dry 71.Obnoxious 73.Clear, as a videotape 74.Gear 75.Extol 76.Soup vegetable 79.Harbor helper 80.Male cat 81.“Casino” bet 82.Disorder 83.Anger 84.Actress Balin 85.Equal 86.Make an aquatint 87.Select DOWN 1. Laminated rock 2.Slacken 3.Lifeless 4. Science of plants 5. Bruised ____ 6.Entire 7. Remove from text 8.Detective 9. Momma’s partner 10.Dill, formerly 11.Society-page word 12.Dry wilderness 13.Make clear 14.Terra firma 24.Gore, for one 26.Brilliant 27.Occupation 29.Reuben’s home? 31.____ service 33.Pay attention 34.Asian nanny 35.Weight measurement 36.Mongolian dwelling 37.Lost 38.Voter’s district 40.Foolish person 42.Snobbish 44.At close quarters 45.Lily variety 46.Vivacity 48.Higher ground 50.Boston, for one 53.Install carpet 55.Homeric 59.Cato’s route 60.Leave stranded 61.Mystery 62.Housecoat 63.Blade holder 64.Spiny plants 65.Cook in oil 67.Proportion 68.Seize 69.Father 71.Zip 72.Time past 75.Type of dance 77.Set of equipment 78.Fabulous bird Montreal Cont’d from page 9 big old dill pickles accompanied by a cherry coke! Established in 1928 this eatery is a must see, but be prepared to stand in line –it is that popular. Great poutine eateries in Montreal 10 Montreal Poutine - regular or with chicken or onions and mushrooms and we could go on and on - 161 St. Paul Est Patati Patata - poutine sauce made with wine and chicken stock - 4177 St. Laurent La Banquise - 22 different kinds of poutine - 994 Rachel Est Poutine Lafluer - an original, basic, but excellent poutinery - 3665 Rue Wellington June Halliburton at Mission Park Travel loves walking, bicycling, poutine and the extraordinary jazz festival that Montreal serves up each summer. For great tips on your travel needs contact her at Mission Park Travel 250-762-4400 or [email protected] 2015 Putting it all in Proportion By Chelsey Baron and Devon Brooks “For nearly 150 years, Canada’s democracy has laboured under a first-past-the-post electoral system in which a riding represents a party’s win, even when a hot-button issues in this upcoming election –like if we’re finally going to get the Turks and Caicos Caribbean islands as a new province and the Mike Duffy scandal– should be wheth- “Most people don’t get excited about elections in Canada.” majority of people did not vote for that party. North of 50º will dedicate space in each issue leading up to this year’s federal election to discuss how this system could be improved or replaced.” It’s that time again. That time when, over a cup of coffee, your buddy casually asks your opinion about the next federal election. You shrug. It’s just politics. Most people don’t get excited about elections in Canada. There are too many other things that demand our time: getting the kids to soccer practice, doing taxes, watching the next episode of Amazing Race. Among the many er our votes actually matter. That last bit concerns the potential for switching to proportional representation from our current system. Proportional representation simply means that voters are proportionately represented in government. If a party receives 29% of the votes, they should get 29% of the seats. The electoral system we do have is called “First-Past-the-Post” (FPTP). Seats are given to the candidate or party, which has the highest number of votes in each riding, even if, in total, more people voted for other parties. The winners in FPTP usually end up with a dispropor- tionately larger numbers of seats, leaving other parties with a disproportionately smaller number. Four ridings represent the geographic area of the North of 50º readership. Three of those ridings went to the Conservative party while one went to the NDP. For those people who voted Liberal (19,002 voters) and those who voted Green (19,481 voters), there is no representation in parliament at all. In the riding won by the NDP, 19,273 people voted for the Conservative party, while in the three Conservative ridings, 41,130 people voted NDP. They too are not fairly represented. Nationally the worst case was the Vancouver Centre riding where the Liberals took the riding with only 31.03% of the Continued on page 18 11 Really putting the 'Auto' into the Automobile Why driverless cars are in the immediate future and how they are going to change your life By Devon Brooks In July 1957 Popular Mechanics’ cover story covered the advent of the flying automobile, which they confidently predicted would be in the hands of the consumer by 1967. We are still waiting, yet it is impossible not to see that the next auto revolution will unfold within the next decade. That will be the driverless, or as the industry prefers to term it, the autonomous automobile. Prognosticators are more confident 12 about the 2025 date because the development of this technology is already well underway. A self-driving Audi went from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, and there are 25 vehicles on the roads in California right now. In 2013 Volvo announced that by 2017 there would be 100 driverless vehicles on the road in Gothenburg for testing and evaluation. That twoyear-old announcement is already well out of date. Instead Volvo announced recent ly it would p u t 1,000 such vehicles on the road for testing. In Germany Mer- cedes Benz staged a bit of a show by having its autonomous vehicle repeat the same 106 km journey pioneered by the feisty Bertha Benz in 1888. Bertha made the trip in defiance of her more timid husband, Karl Benz, who developed the famous brand, but did not believe the vehicle capable of making the extended trip. The fact is the forerunners of this technology are already in your car. The humble cruise control, the butt of a thousand urban legends where people switch it on and expect the car to drive itself, was the first step. Cadillac announced the installation of “Super Cruise” on certain of its 2017 models. That will allow the vehicle to take control of steering, braking and acceleration in city traffic or on the highway. BMW, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz and Ford already offer ‘Traffic Jam Assist,’ which can effectively run your car for you in traffic jams up to 60 kph. It isn’t just the big auto manufacturers that are into this. Google, Apple, Tesla and Uber, the company making taxi firms everywhere look nervously at their bottom line, are getting behind it. Uber already has a public worth of approximately US $40 billion. They estimate that replacing every taxi in the United States with driverless cars would cost from $4 to $5 billion dollars based on cars worth $25,000. Uber reports that 75% of all its costs are the taxi driver’s share. In January this year, engineering.com estimated the initial cost of the new technologies would range from $2,000 to $10,000 per vehicle. Each year for the following decade those costs should decrease by 4 to 10%, compounded annually, because of technical improvements and economy of scale. There are many technical issues remaining to be dealt with such as how will the detection devices like sonar and radar, cameras with recognition abilities and super-precise GPS units, deal with snow storms or ice on the road and there is concern over someone hyberjacking a vehicle’s software. Yet it is only a matter of time before the technical challenges will be sorted out. Mark Francis is ICBC’s manager of vehicle registration and licensing. He is on several working groups with insurers from Canada and the United States considering what the autonomous car will mean to our future. Let’s start with some of the positives: people with sight impairment or mobility issues will have new freedom. Elderly people no longer capable of driving safely will retain more independence. Being able to down a few drinks and not have to worry about the drive home will be front of your vehicle today. After your mind registers the event you might attempt to brake, but if that isn’t going to work you must decide in a split second what to do. This is where your reflexes and judgment come in to play. Can a draw for more than a few. Francis predicts enormous savings for governments because of the nature of these vehicles, which will have near instantaneous communication. Consider a scenario where a pedestrian steps off a curb in the car beside you move out of the way if you swerve? Is it better to side swipe the car beside you, possibly causing a multi-vehicle pile up, or is the lesser of two evils to hit the person that stepped off the curb? The autonomous car has no hesitation or LEGEND 5 1 5 Ultrasonic 6 2 8 6 4 7 2 3 4 8 9 1.Parking Assistance / Vision 2.Self-Parking 3.Parking Assistance 4.Lane-Departure Warning Radar Application 5.Lane Change Assistance 6.Blind-Spot Detection 7.Side Impact 8.Cross-Traffic Alert 9.Brake Assistance / Collision Avoidance Adapttive Cruise Control fear to paralyze it. It can be limited by bad equipment or faulty readings, but its microprocessors will react at nearly the speed of light and, it can send out a signal to vehicles around it that it has to swerve into the lane. Cars behind or beside will react just as quickly – braking or moving out of the way and communicating back to your vehicle on their action. Francis believes beyond this crisis scenario, autonomous cars will work in other ways. They can report on icy patches where traction is poor. With all cars sending out messages they will be able to drive faster and closer together. Cars won’t decide to run an orange (or red) light or cut other vehicles off to save a few seconds. Cost savings to governments will be enormous. Fewer lanes of traffic will be required, fewer bridges. Traffic jams will ease or become non-existent. Says Francis, “Onepoint-two million people are killed worldwide each year [in traffic accidents] and 90 to 95% are caused by human error. Many more are injured.” Continued on page 14 13 Auto into the Automobile Cont’d from page 13 He believes the savings in medical costs alone will persuade governments to back the autonomous auto. Most of these savings can’t occur until the driverless car is so widespread that there are more of them than vehicles driven by distractible humans. For individuals, insurance costs will likely be the deciding factor. Agree to autonomous driving for insurance worth and pay $1,000 per year or insist on being able to drive yourself at $4,000. Scott Stuart is a Volvo 14 specialist at AutoSport in Kelowna. Stuart is unenthusiastic about the coming driverless car. He admits, “The whole push of this is the convenience and the safety of it.” But he openly laments where it will take driving. “You get in a car and you love the way it sounds and the way it feels. It makes you feel alive, but getting in an electronic autonomous car – it’s a little bit dead.” Stuart is not alone. Anyone who loves to drive will comment on how their vehicle feels on the corners of a winding road and the feel of power when you tap on the pedal, but if the car does those things for you, the driving experience fades. Zack Kanter, a futurist in the U.S. notes that the average car owner in that country operates their vehicle, their second biggest expense, just 4% of the time, but annually pays US $9,000 for that privilege. He says ride sharing services will become ever more popular because the driverless car will make those services so cheap that in comparison, owning a car will seem like a losing proposition. The impacts of such a switch from owning to ride sharing would be enormous. Kanter estimates 10 million jobs are associated with driving, manufacturing or repairing motor vehicles in the U.S., most of which would evaporate. He quotes a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers that suggests a reduction of vehicles on the road of 99%. Even if that figure was only 50%, imagine how much real estate will be freed up in every town in Canada by roads that don’t need to be as wide and whole lanes that can be reclaimed for other purposes. Auto dealers will largely disappear because, instead of being business-to -consumer based, they will become business-to-business enterprises as most people prefer to call up a ride share for transportation. Kanter says eliminating the privately owned vehicle will free up $1 trillion consumer dollars annually for other pursuits; although his rosy scenario ignores the impact of job losses on the economy. Kanter also believes most car manufacturers won’t be able to manage the transition the same way that Kodak, despite innovating the digital camera in its own labs, never successfully switched from a film-based business to the digital world. Initially it was believed that the electronic revolution, which fired up in the 1980s would affect information, but not the “real,” physical world. Don’t bet on it. The autonomous car is only the latest extension of those electronics. Driving won’t be the last upheaval, but it will probably be the next obvious one in our day-to-day lives. A Growing Bunch The Sutton Glen community garden on a sunny summer day in north Kelowna is a typical assortment of small plots growing an amazing amount of food in a very small area - Photo by Ashlee Robinson Who are we in the Okanagan? In previous decades the majority of people here had large families who lived distinctly rural lives, mostly tucked away on country acreages farming for fruit, livestock and a few veggies. Now we are older and more urbanized, ensconced in townhouses and condos, but it turns out many of us still want an earthy connection. That is why every town in the region sports community gardens, where people grow produce on plots of around 20 x 20 feet. Some of them, like Armstrong and Summerland, are organized by churches or other non-profit groups, but with an ever increasing population, demand has outstripped supply. Local government has stepped in. In Penticton a community garden was put in place on Vancouver Hill in 1998. While no other gardens have been put in place in Penticton the Hill has doubled in size from 26 plots to 51. The Regional District of North Okanagan is helping out with two allotment gardens in Vernon. Karen Truesdale says about 80 people make use of the gardens. A third garden on the Okanagan College grounds is known as Patchwork Farms. That plot is even more “community minded” than the other gardens, if that’s possible. Truesdale is Patchwork’s project coordinator, which not only provides a parcel of land for a communal growing effort, but placed three people with developmental challenges to work on maintenance. Truesdale says much of the harvest is donated to various needy groups like the local Food Bank, Upper Room Mission and Women’s Transition House, but participants are free to take their share home to enjoy if they want. Other plots in Vernon have a waiting list, but currently there are no definite plans to expand the available land. Changing that, she says, will Continued on page 16 15 Growing bunch Cont’d from page 15 require the regional district and municipalities to commit more land. The plots themselves are rented by the growers for $15 to $40 per year depending on the plot size, which does not come close to covering all the costs. The Regional District funds a coordinator, puts in a water supply, port-a-potties during the growing months, storage space for tools and infrastructure for the water supply. Costs for seeds and plants for the plots are purchased by the grower. The modest amount of money raised from the rental fees goes toward tools for the growers to use. Among the growers she says 70% are retired, but almost 100% of the people no longer have access to land to grow food. There are a few flowers, but most of the produce is vegetables and a little fruit. With pesticides banned, the flowers often encourage beneficial insects or discourage the nasty ones. For a few on minimal budgets it is about putting a little extra food on the table, but for many others the joys are in getting healthy, fresh produce, which they have raised with their own hands, getting exercise in the great outdoors and sharing a moment with others of like mind. It is a similar story for Nathalie Begin, the volunteer coordinator at the Shannon Woods garden in West Kelowna. Shannon Woods is one of 15 community gardens in the Central Okanagan Community Gardens network. The space for the gardens comes from the individual municipalities of West Kelowna, Kelowna and Lake Country, and like the northern counterparts, annual fees are small ($15-20/ year). Says Begin, “Most people have gardened before, but don’t have space or can’t do it in their yard. A few are new; I can usually tell because they’re usually a little shy.” Community gardens are pretty easy going, but there are a few rules. Begin notes, “We do have guidelines. It must be organic –my job is to create healthy soil.” Most people grow vegetables, but there are a few forbidden plants. Mostly they are plants so aggressive that given a chance, they will take over the plots of neighbours in addition to the space provided for them. On the bad-boy list is lemon balm, oregano and for flowers, morning glory. Due to its placement among single detached homes, Begin says the demand in Shannon Woods is less than most others. She has only four people on her wait list, well behind the two hundred waiting for a plot to open up at Kelowna’s other gardens. Perhaps this is who we really are here: a growing bunch of aging urban dwellers who want to sink their hands back into the dirt where all things are renewed. Okanagan Rail Trail Update Last month our cover story was on the development of the Okanagan Rail Trail, which depends upon the governments in the Okanagan coming up with $22 million to purchase the land from CN. As we went to print, Lake Country appeared on track to borrow $2.6 million because it looked like the naysayers were not going to obtain the 10% of necessary signatures from residents to stop the Alternative [borrowing] Approval Process. It turns out that prediction was 16 incorrect because they topped the 10% mark with 931 votes by February 23. That process only allowed those who were against it to make their wishes known, but not citizens in favour. In order to secure the extra funding Lake Country must now seek approval from its citizenry by means of a referendum, which will cost in the neighbourhood of $10,000. The referendum is scheduled for April. Advance voting will occur on April 15-17 and again on April 20-21. The actual referendum vote will be held on Saturday, April 25. The question to be put to Lake Country residents is: “Are you in favour of the District of Lake Country adopting Loan Authorization Bylaw (Okanagan Rail Corridor) 906, 2014 to authorize the borrowing of up to Two Million Six Hundred and Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($2,615,000) to fund the purchase of a 50% share of 16 kilometres of the Okanagan Rail Corridor within District boundaries?” My name is his wife to notify the family whenever he gets a bad cold. I’m the one who hates needles, going to the dentist or the doctor. I didn’t have a yearly physical until my late 50s because I had this ted fear of hearing farr the snap of the rubber glove. Ted and I am a Guy Baby The exception is sports Yes, I’m a certified, card carrying, life-long Guy Baby. Just ask my wife. I’m the first one to pop a pill at the slightest ache. I’m the Guy Baby who wants If injured during a game of any kind, the injury is like a badge. Whatever happens in the hospital, the doctor’s office or at the dentist becomes a part of the tale. Since none of this was ever re- ported officially and witnesses have long since forgotten my piddly-assed booboos, embellishment of the details is, of course, allowed. Here’s what I firmly believe Limping is good for generating sympathy, at work, in your neighbourhood and among friends. It is especially good if the ankle sprain happened while jumping for a loose ball in a pickup basketball game against a guy at least twice your size who used to play college ball for UBC. It doesn’t matter how much it hurts, you wear a tensor bandage and use ice bags to take down the swelling. A sling also invites all the right questions. So, a sack of fluid on your elbow is actually a good thing because you can tell the story of charging into a corner during an old-timers hockey game only to have the skates pulled out from under you. The resulting fall to the ice caused a brutally banged elbow. Best of all: you have a story to tell. Crutches are a wonderful conversation starter. It doesn’t matter that your leg Continued on page 20 17 DeMOCKracy Cont’d from page 11 to their lowest tally at 34 seats. Smaller parties like the Blocs and Greens are barely represented. If those latter two parties received a number vote. Out of 308 ridings across the country only 144 sent a member to parliament with an Do enough people really actual majority Many polls from 2001 to vote. Our system fur- 2010 showed a strong ther distorts majority of Canadians fair represen- (around 70%) believed that tation because the portion of seats a party it encourages wins in the House of Commons tactical voting. should reflect the portion of Usually voters the votes they receive. who detest one party more than of seats consistent others will hold their with the popular vote nose and vote for the the BQ would have 19 party with the best seats (it has four) and chance of beating the Greens nine (it their most disliked has one). Aside from candidate rather than the well known big for the individual or five, 13 other parties party they believe will tried for seats in the represent them best. 2011 election. None In the last federal elec- of them are close to tion, which gave the having even one seat. majority to the Con- Historically, FPTP servatives, the party was born out of the earned 167 ridings United Kingdom out of 308 with only during the Medie39.62% of the vote. val Ages. FPTP was The NDP became the a rough, first attempt official opposition at an electoral system with 102 ridings while after the signing of the Liberals dropped the Magna Carta. De- 18 signed to limit the powers of the king, it was admittedly broken from the start, but it was a great step forward for its time. The Magna Carta proportional voting system all votes are considered in the distribution of seats across legislative districts. Winning parties should have the most votes, not think there’s a problem? just the highest number A February 2010 Environics within a limitResearch poll showed that this ed geographis still true. It found that 68 ic area, which percent of Canadians support means the ma“moving towards a system of jority makes proportional representation the decision of (PR) in Canadian elections” who rules, as prescribed by democratic phibequeathed power losophy. More imporon rich, land-own- tantly, whoever votes ing nobles by allow- will almost certainly ing them to vote on be represented, except key legislation, and for the tiniest of fringe the council of barons, parties. which eventually One prediction is that evolved into parlia- if people believe they ment, was born. will be better repreThe British parlia- sented they will turn mentary system’s ad- out in greater numvantage is simplicity. bers, reversing the With its single-mem- trend in this counber legislative dis- try for fewer and tricts, voters know fewer people to exerexactly who to turn cise their democratic to (or blame) within rights. a particular riding for Other countries have their concerns. tried to reform their Under a proportion- electoral system: some al representation or successfully, some not. In 2005, no United than true proportionKingdom MP was al voting. Candidates voted in with a ma- are ranked in order of jority vote during the preference by voters. national election. It If more than half of highlighted the im- voters picked a candiportance that Brit- date that person gets ish politicians put in. If not, the person on “marginal seats,” with the least votes is those seats dominat- eliminated. Anyone ed by minorities of active voters in particularly important swing ridings, which have the best chance of switching, thereby changing or maintaining a • 35,152 votes to elect one Conservative MP government. Alternatively, the • 43,810 votes to elect majority of “safe one NDP MP seats” are often overlooked be- • 81,855 votes to elect one Liberal MP cause they provide little opportuni- • 222,857 votes to elect one Bloc MP ty for making a significant differ- • 572,095 votes to elect ence. In the Canaone Green MP dian context, most Okanagan ridings are considered “safe who voted for that seats” because they re- person has their vote liably vote in the same re-assigned to their party (Conservative) second choice. After election after election. that re-assignment, if In the U.K., after the one person has more ’05 election, the Con- than 50% of the votes servative-Liberal Co- they take the seat, othalition Agreement erwise the candidate put forth a propos- with the least votes is al to replace FPTP again taken out and with the “Alternative their votes re-assigned Vote” method. The until someone gets the Alternative Vote, also crucial 50%. known as instant-run- It was ultimately reoff voting or pref- jected by the electorerential voting, is a ate, with 13 million pseudo-proportional voting “no” and 6 milsystem closer to FPTP lion voting “yes.” in the 2011 election it took... New Zealand’s referendum in 1993 was more successful and honest. First, in 1992 the New Zealanders had a referendum asking if they wanted to reform the system, with a simple choice: “I vote to retain the present First Past The Post system.” The alternative was “I vote for a change to the electoral system.” Just over 15% voted to keep the old system while 84.7% voted for change. With that clear, voters were asked to pick one of four different systems. MMP (or PR) proved to be the most popular system. The following year, opposition hardened and became more organized for the final binding referendum. In the end 54% voted in the change and 46% went against it in a referendum in which 83% of the electorate participated. In 2011 New Zealanders had another referendum to keep proportional voting or change to another system. A slightly larger majority, 58% voted to keep it in place. In British Columbia a similar referendum in 2005 set the bar at 60% of the votes for reform. Voters here were 57% in favour of reform. It is somewhat ironic that parties can lead the country with minorities, but reform requires much more than a true majority. In the next edition of the DeMOCKracy series, North of 50º will explore why some politicians and some people are reluctant to implement reform. Business Directory 19 is a push for Canada to adopt a national bird. Canada’s There The industrious beaver is our official symbolic animal, and the maple tree is, naturally, our tree, it turns out we have no official bird. Official but Canadian Geographic has taken on the project of getting nominations and votes for a national avian with the hope of having Bird? it endorsed by parliament in time for Canada’s sesquicentennial celebration in 2017, when the country turns 150. There are 40 different bird nominations ranging from pretty songbirds to the largest raptors like the golden eagle and the most common such as the raven or Canada goose. Some 450 bird species call Canada home and you can view all forty contenders online at national bird.cangeo.ca. That is also where you can vote for your favourite. Guy Baby Cont’d from page 17 is black, blue, yellow and green from your toes to your knee and you have to take a week off work because you can’t walk. You took a slapshot during a game that was supposed to be played by old-timers rules. You know the ones….no hitting and no slap shots. The guy who took the shot was actually a pro with years in the NHL and his slapshot took you out of action for two months. But, how many recreational hockey players do you know who endured a painful injury because of a frickin’ ex-NHL player? The two discoloured teeth at the front of your smile came as a result of being hit in the mouth by a tennis 20 racquet during a particularly intense doubles match. You don’t explain the whack in the chicklets was self-inflicted because you stumbled while chasing a baseline shot. But you could, because it’s a good story and the root canal didn’t bother you that much. Life stuff is different When something happens to you during a game, it’s immediate. You don’t have the time to think and anticipate. Even when you hurt the experience is mitigated by the heroic story. Regular stuff has no sacrifice or valiant moves associated with it. Then too, there’s the dread of waiting. Our medical system operates in slow mode. Your brain invents the very worst when you find a lump in your neck. Months later, the diagnosis was finally complete. After 60 years of the usual human ailments I’m the one who got cancer at the age of 62. I know I am not the only one. Three in five Canadians will experience cancer during their lives. The good news is that after 35 radiation treatments and three of the most toxic chemotherapy cocktails the oncologists had at their disposal, I was cancer free. While I share the lessons learned as a mentor for the Canadian Cancer Society, I don’t wish the treatments on anyone. They are brutal! I am a cancer graduate so I finally feel I’ve Photo by F.E, Arcand earned my Guy Baby credentials. But my Guy Baby credentials don’t seem as great as they used to be. If I moan or wince because of some malady or minor surgery, I don’t want sympathy. In fact, I’d rather you not know what I’m going through. I recently had a hernia repaired. The pain killers helped me tolerate the discomfort, but now I don’t want prescription drugs clouding my faculties. Just ask my wife who made me take a few more. Besides, life stuff is not sexy like the slapshot in the foot from an NHL player. Ted Farr: Husband, father, grandfather, writer, Content Marketing and Public Relations specialist, cancer graduate and mentor. What to Do When a Loved One Dies By Carla Hindman W hether it’s expected or accidental, the death of a loved one can shake you to the core. The last thing you want is to have to interrupt grieving to deal with mundane tasks, but unfortunately there are many actions that must be done. Some must be taken immediately, while with others you can take your time and reflect on the best path to follow. Here’s a checklist. If the death occurs under hospital or hospice watch, they will notify the proper authorities and help you make arrangements with the coroner’s office for transport of the remains. If it happens at home, call local police or 911 for assistance. If he or she was an organ donor, you’ll need to act quickly. Reach out for help in making arrangements and locating key documents. Split up such tasks as contacting others who will want to know, taking care of pets, collecting mail and safeguarding the deceased’s home if it’s now vacant. Look for a will or other document that spells out the deceased’s burial or cremation wishes – many people make funeral arrangements in advance, even paying ahead of time. The funeral home can guide you through the paperwork process, such as placing an obituary and ordering death certificates. Hopefully, the deceased prepared a will that names an executor/estate trustee to oversee the disposition of his or her estate; otherwise, the court may have to appoint one. In sorting through their files, also look for: a trust document; insurance policies; bank, credit card, mortgage and loan accounts; safety deposit box key; contact information for lawyer, accountant or other professional advisors; and passwords to computer and other accounts. Within the first few days, start notifying organizations with which the deceased had business or financial arrangements. In most cases you’ll be required to submit a certified copy of the death certificate, so be sure to order ample copies. Things to consider: •Contact current or former employers for information about possible final wages, accrued vacation, retirement, life insurance or other death benefits. •Cancel any benefits the deceased was receiving including Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance and tax-related payments. •Forward the deceased’s mail to a secure address so you don’t miss important corre- spondence. •Cancel their driver’s license, passport and Social Insurance Number to avoid identity fraud. •Contact banks, credit unions, credit card issuers and other lenders to close accounts – or if you are a surviving spouse, to convert accounts to your name only. •If they had a safety deposit box and you don’t have the key, ask what documentation you Continued on page 22 21 Best & Worst Toothpastes The best and worst depends, of course, upon what you are measuring. In this case it is the RDA or “Relative Dentin Abrasively index, which means how badly it abrades your tooth surface. Abrading your tooth surface is the secret, unfortunately, of the whiter teeth promised by many toothpaste brands. Essentially they work by grinding off a wee little bit of your tooth surface to show the whiter dentin underneath. A bit like sand papering off the top layer of old paint. The scale begins at zero (no abrasion) and goes up from there, but any number over 100 is considered highly abrasive and 150 and above is considered harmfully abrasive. Higher level figures can also damage your gums as well. The very lowest on the abrasiveness scale is a soft bristle toothbrush with water (04) or a toothbrush with straight baking soda (07). The list below starts with the lowest abrasive commercial tooth paste brands. We have omitted brands not readily available in Canada. Best Toothpaste Brands NameRDA 1.Arm & Hammer Tooth Powder (08) 2.Arm & Hammer Dental Care (35) 3.Sensodyne ProNamel (37) 4.Arm & Hammer Metadent Advanced Whitening (42) 5.Oxyfresh (45) 6.Arm & Hammer Dental Care Sensitive (48) 7.Arm & Hammer Peroxicare Tartar Control (49) 8.Tom’s of Maine Sensitive (49) 9.Arm & Hammer Peroxicare Regular (52) 10.Arm & Hammer Sensitive Whitening (54) Worst Toothpaste Brands NameRDA 1.Crest MultiCare Whitening (144) 2.Ultra Brite Advanced Whitening Formula (145) 3.Colgate Baking Soda & Peroxide Whitening (145) 4.Pepsodent(150) 5.Colgate Tartar Control (165) 6.Arm & Hammer Dental Care PM Fresh Mint (168) 7.Nature’s Gate Paste (176) 8.Colgate 2-in-1 Tartar Control/Whitening OR Colgate Icy Blast/Whitening (200) 9.Crest White Vivid (200) 10.Ultrabrite Advanced Whitening (260) What to do Cont’d from page 21 22 need to gain access. •Cancel auto and homeowner’s policies; however, consider keeping them activated until assets are sold, in case of theft or damage. •Close email accounts. •Cancel utilities and magazine subscriptions. •Contact Service Canada for information on death benefits for surviving family members. Finally, the executor/estate trustee will have to deal with such issues as locating beneficiaries, distributing inherited property, filing final tax returns, and settling outstanding debts. You’d be wise to work with an attorney who specializes in probate issues. Carla Hindman directs the Practical Money Skills program for Visa Canada. More budgeting and personal finance tips can be found at www.practicalmoneyskills.ca. As always, consult a financial professional regarding your particular situation. 23
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