NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work 2D CABLELESS SEISMIC DATA ACQUSITION SERVICES AT BLOCK 14T OF KENYA EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION OF KENYA April 2015 1 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work TABLE OF CONTENTS A.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 7 A.2 Description of the Work ................................................................................................ 11 A.3 Survey Area ................................................................................................................... 12 A.4 Responsibilities of NATIONAL OIL ............................................................................ 14 A.4.1 Permits and Socialization ........................................................................................ 14 A.4.2 Damage Claims ....................................................................................................... 14 A.5 Responsibilities of CONTRACTOR ............................................................................. 15 A.5.1 Explosives and Related Items.................................................................................. 15 A.5.2 WORK Overview .................................................................................................... 20 A.5.3 Survey Specifics ...................................................................................................... 21 A.5.4 Survey Hazards ........................................................................................................ 21 A.5.5 Camps ...................................................................................................................... 22 A.5.6 Damage Claims Procedure ..................................................................................... 28 A.5.7 Security Clearance ................................................................................................... 28 A.5.8 CONTRACTOR's Sub-Contractors ........................................................................ 28 A.5.8.1 General.............................................................................................................. 28 A.5.8.2 Salaries, Wages and Benefits for Sub-Contractor’s Personnel ......................... 29 A.5.9 Progress Reports .................................................................................................... 30 A.5.9.1 Daily Operations Report ................................................................................. 30 A.5.9.2 Weekly Operations Report .............................................................................. 30 A.5.9.3 Monthly Operations Report ............................................................................ 30 A.5.9.4 Summary of Chargeable Items Report ............................................................ 30 A.5.9.5 Monthly Explosives Report .......................................................................... 30 A.5.9.6 Monthly Health and Safety Report ................................................................. 31 A.5.9.7 Monthly Environmental and Social Management Report .............................. 31 A.5.10 Operating Mode ..................................................................................................... 32 A.5.11 Operations Timetable ............................................................................................ 32 A.5.11.1 Notice of Mobilization Date ........................................................................... 32 A.5.11.2 Mobilization Completion Date ....................................................................... 32 A.5.11.3 Criteria to Commence Line Clearance/Survey for the Seismic Work ............ 32 A.5.11.4 Criteria to Commence Shothole Drilling for the Seismic Work ..................... 33 A.5.11.5 Criteria to Commence Seismic Recording for the Seismic Work .................. 33 A.5.11.6 Demobilization Commencement Date ............................................................ 34 A.5.11.7 Demobilization Completion Schedule ............................................................ 34 2 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.5.11.8 Completion Date ............................................................................................. 34 A.6 Personnel - Seismic WORK .......................................................................................... 35 A.6.1 General Requirements ............................................................................................. 35 A.6.2 Employment of Inhabitants of the Survey Area ...................................................... 35 A.6.3 CONTRACTOR's Field Personnel.......................................................................... 36 A.6.4 Translation Capability ............................................................................................. 36 A.7 WORK Specification and Procedures – Seismic WORK ............................................. 38 A.7.1 Modification of Specifications and Procedures ....................................................... 38 A.7.2 General Equipment Specifications .......................................................................... 38 A.7.3 Receivers ................................................................................................................. 42 A.7.3.1 General.............................................................................................................. 42 A.7.3.2 Survey Designe Support Documents ................................................................ 42 A.7.3.3 Standards and Specifications for Seismic Spread Management ....................... 42 A.7.3.4 Instrumentation Testing and Acceptance Gudelines ........................................ 47 A.7.3.5 Polarity, Amplitude and Phase Standards ......................................................... 52 A.7.3.6 Ownership of Test, Quality Control and Assurance Documentation and Files 52 A.7.3.7 Receiver Database ............................................................................................ 52 A.7.3.8 Routine Maintenance of Receivers ................................................................... 53 A.7.4 Recording Operation ............................................................................................... 54 A.7.4.1 In-Field Operation ............................................................................................ 54 A.7.4.2 Uphole Times ................................................................................................... 54 A.7.4.3 Observer Logs ................................................................................................... 54 A.7.4.4 Top of charge Depth ......................................................................................... 54 A.7.4.5 Unexploded Charges......................................................................................... 55 A.7.4.6 Receiver Planting .............................................................................................. 55 A.7.4.7 Receiver Spacing .............................................................................................. 55 A.7.4.8 Recording Media .............................................................................................. 55 A.7.4.9 Documenting Receiver Type ............................................................................ 57 A.7.4.10 Criteria To Start Recording .............................................................................. 56 A.7.4.11 Criteria To Discontinue Recording................................................................... 56 A.7.4.12 Bad or Defective Traces ................................................................................... 57 A.7.4.13 Misfire .............................................................................................................. 57 A.7.4.14 Shot Point Skips and Source Offsetting Procedure .......................................... 58 A.7.4.15 Receiver Offsetting Procedure .......................................................................... 58 A.7.4.16 Line Recording Plan ......................................................................................... 58 A.7.4.17 CMP Coverage Specifications .......................................................................... 59 A.7.4.18 Line Noise Control ........................................................................................... 59 3 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.4.19 Daily Recording Plan ........................................................................................ 59 A.7.4.20 Suspended Receiver Takeouts and Station Units ............................................. 59 A.7.5 Drilling and Loading Operations ............................................................................. 61 A.7.5.1 Drilling Logs and Shothole Summary ............................................................. 61 A.7.5.2 Drilling Prior to Surveying .............................................................................. 61 A.7.5.3 Drilling Technique -Normal Shotholes ........................................................... 61 A.7.5.4 Loading Explosives ......................................................................................... 62 A.7.5.5 Explosives Pre-Loading ................................................................................... 62 A.7.5.6 Minimum Safe Drilling Distances ................................................................... 63 A.7.6 Surveying Operations .............................................................................................. 65 A.7.6.1 Co-ordination and Supervision ......................................................................... 65 A.7.6.2 Positioning Equipment Testing ........................................................................ 65 A.7.6.3 Line and Shotpoint Numbering Convention ..................................................... 65 A.7.6.4 Primary Geodetic Control and Geodetic Parameters ........................................ 65 A.7.6.5 GPS Control Points........................................................................................... 65 A.7.6.6 Ties to Pre-Existing Survey Control ................................................................. 66 A.7.6.7 Line Positioning Procedure............................................................................... 66 A.7.6.8 Line Clearing and Bridging Procedure ............................................................. 66 A.7.6.9 Chaining Procedure .......................................................................................... 67 A.7.6.10 Topographic Surveying Tolerances .................................................................. 67 A.7.6.11 Survey Benchmarks and Monuments ............................................................... 68 A.7.7 Seismic Quality Control Procedures ....................................................................... 69 A.7.7.1 In-field Seismic QC and Processing ................................................................. 69 A.7.7.2 Field Data Quality Control ............................................................................... 69 A.7.7.3 Field Seismic Data Processing Sequence ......................................................... 69 A.7.7.4 SPS File Generation.......................................................................................... 70 A.7.7 Shipment of Seismic Field Tapes and Supporting Data .......................................... 71 A.7.8.1 Media .............................................................................................................. 71 A.7.8.2 Backup Tapes .................................................................................................. 71 A.7.8.3 Seismic Data Shipments ................................................................................. 71 A.7.8.4 Shipping Instructions ...................................................................................... 72 A.7.9 Interim Products .................................................................................................... 73 A.7.10 Final Deliverables .................................................................................................. 73 A.7.10.1 GPS Survey Final Report ................................................................................ 73 A.7.10.2 Topographic Survey Final Report ................................................................... 73 A.7.10.3 Seismic Survey Final Report .......................................................................... 74 A.7.10.4 Damage Claim Payment Final Report ............................................................ 74 A.7.10.5 Archive Data ................................................................................................... 75 4 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.10.6 Digital Archive Data ....................................................................................... 75 A.8 Equipment – Seismic WORK ........................................................................................ 76 A.8.1 General Specifications ............................................................................................. 76 A.8.2 Recording Equipment .............................................................................................. 76 A.8.2.1 Recording Instrument ....................................................................................... 76 A.8.2.2 Receivers .......................................................................................................... 76 A.8.2.3 Testing, Repair and Other Equipment .............................................................. 77 A.8.3 Field Seismic Processing and QC System ............................................................... 77 A.8.4 Drilling and Shothole Loading ................................................................................ 77 A.8.4.1 Water Relay Equipment ........................................................................... 78 A.8.4.2 Shot Hole Flushing and Washout Drilling Crew ..................................... 79 A.8.4.3 Rotary Drilling Equipment ....................................................................... 79 A.8.4.4 Compressor Drilling Equipment .............................................................. 79 A.8.4.5 Shothole Loading Equipment ................................................................... 80 A.8.4.6 Explosives Field Magazine. ...................................................................... 80 A.8.5 GPS Survey Equipment ........................................................................................... 80 A.8.6 Topographic Survey Equipment .............................................................................. 80 A.8.7 Field Communication Equipment ........................................................................... 81 A.8.8 Surface Transportation Equipment .......................................................................... 81 A.9 Compensation and Invocing .......................................................................................... 81 A.9.1 Definitions ............................................................................................................... 81 A.9.2 Operating Rate Options ........................................................................................... 87 A.9.2.1 Turnkey Rates ........................................................................................... 87 A.9.2.2 Term (Day or Hourly) Rate ....................................................................... 88 A.9.3 Other Rates, Fees and Discounts ............................................................................. 89 A.9.3.1 Testing or Experimental Rate ......................................................................... 89 A.9.3.2 Tail Spread ...................................................................................................... 89 A.9.3.2 A.9.3.3 A.9.3.4 A.9.3.5 Force Majeure Rate ......................................................................................... 89 Accomodation for NATIONAL OIL Representatives .................................... 89 Reimbursable Charges .................................................................................... 89 Fee Reductions and Discounts ........................................................................ 90 A.10 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT PROCEDURES ................................... 93 A.10.1 Health and Safety Standards .................................................................................... 92 A.10.2 Environmental Standards ........................................................................................ 92 A.10.3 Environmental and Social Mitigation and Monitoring Action Plan........................ 92 A.10.4 Emergency Response Coordinator .......................................................................... 92 A.10.5 HSE Plan ................................................................................................................. 93 5 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.10.6 Medical/Emergency Evacuation Plan ...................................................................... 94 A.10.7 Incident / Accident Reporting ................................................................................. 94 A.10.8 Man Hour Reporting ............................................................................................... 94 A.10.9 HSE Audits and Reports ....................................................................................... 95 A.10.10 Motor Vehicles ...................................................................................................... 95 A.10.11 River Transport ...................................................................................................... 95 A.10.12 Personnel ............................................................................................................... 95 A.10.13 Accommodation, Meals and Provisions for Labor ................................................ 96 A.10.14 Provisions for Field Labour ................................................................................... 96 A.10.15 Medical Treatment and Supplies for Field Labour ................................................ 96 A.10.16 Environment and Ecological Standards ................................................................. 96 A.10.16.1 CONTRACTOR Corporate Environmental Policy ........................................ 98 APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... 112 APPENDIX A.1 CONTRACTOR’s EXPERIENCES .......................................................... 113 APPENDIX A.2 CONTRACTOR's EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL ............................ 114 APPENDIX A.3 CHANGE ORDER FORM ........................................................................ 124 APPENDIX A.4 REPORT AND DELEVERABLES ........................................................... 127 APPENDIX A.5 CONFIDENTIAL AGREEMENT ............................................................. 133 APPENDIX A.6 CELLULAR PHONE USE ........................................................................ 134 APPENDIX A.7 WORKPLACE HARASSMENT............................................................... 135 APPENDIX A.8 BUSINESS STANDARDS ........................................................................ 138 APPENDIX A.9 HUMAN RIGHTS PROVISION ............................................................... 141 6 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work SCOPE OF WORK A.1 Overview National Oil Corporation of Kenya (hereinafter, NATIONAL OIL) requires the seismic data acquisition CONTRACTOR to provide equipment, personnel and services to acquire a 2D cableless seismic survey and field data processing in Block 14T (hereinafter, WORK) from estimated August 2015 until December 2015: see Table-1 and Figure 1. Table-1. Survey Area Co-ordinates Block 14T WGS84 UTM Zone 37S LATITUDE LONGITUDE 9752583 - 9752772 - 188268 9755728 - 4 180950 9759707 - 5 178117 9761480 - 6 176714 9762036 - 7 176004 9762441 - 8 168198 9766889 - # X Y 1 193895 2 193705 3 9 168141 9798646 - 10 177422 9798661 - 11 177368 9835549 - 12 168085 9835537 - 13 168054 9863091 - 14 231165 9863109 - 15 231177 9850363 - 16 236744 9850369 - 17 236801 9800592 - 18 231235 9800584 - 19 231266 9778460 - 20 220134 9778444 - 21 220158 9763693 - 22 207171 9763671 - 23 207191 9752607 - 24 193895 9752583 - The proposed survey program covers, approximately 6,000 km2, and is located in a hilly area generally at a height ranging from 600m – 1,800m above sea level. The project is located approximately 100 kilometers west of Nairobi (Figure 1), with Magadi Lake in the southern part of the survey area. Existing roads and access tracks are usually accessible by seismic vehicles; cross country terrain can usually be negotiated by four wheels drive vehicles, with restrictions during the rainy season. 7 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Limited operating windows in this area are controlled through permits (area specific), as well as environmental considerations (Environmental conservancy area, Farm land access, crops and rainy season – Some areas have relatively little water reserves and may require water trucks to drill during the dry season). Ideally, the operating window in this area would begin immediately after the heavy set of the rainy season (Figure 2). Figure 1. Block 14T - Area of NATIONAL OIL Seismic Survey 8 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Figure 2. Scope of Work Monthly Rainfall (mm) and Temperature (centi-degree) in Magadi Area The planed seismic lines are described in Figure 3. The total length of 2D Seismic Acquisition is approximately 300 surface line kilometers of seismic coverage at maximum with approximately 12,000 shot points. Two (2) charge size/depth penetration tests shall be conducted ahead of the survey, with intended maximum depth of 20 meters TOC (top of charge); pattern holes will be tested for basalt-covered areas, with an estimated 3 Holes in line, 5m apart centered on the peg, 10m depth, 1 Kg each. Two (2) stratigraphic wells will be drilled by NATIONAL OIL during this WORK in order to get lithological, geochemical and paleontological information. The deep uphole (DUH) survey (well shooting) in these wells will be planned with a maximum depth of 500 meters; depth may be reduced after initial identification of the soil formations. The estimated inner diameter at the well bottom is expected to be HQ (63.5mm). The data acquisition for DUH will be either hammer on the surface or vehicular weight drop, with a downhole sensor of 4 Geophone elements (3 series/parallel), or hydrophone. NATIONAL OIL will subcontract a different Contractor to drill the two stratigraphic wells and will require the Contractor tendering to acquire seismic data under the present tender to work cooperatively with the said subcontractor and share resources on site that form part of reimbursable costs described herein which shall include but not be limited to; camp facilities, logistical facilities, utilities for purposes of cost efficiency provided reasonable notification is given to the Contractor. The final line locations and line lengths may vary depending upon restrictions imposed by government authorities in sensitive/protected areas and NATIONAL OIL requirements. NATIONAL OIL reserves the right to add or delete lines and to extend or reduce the seismic program. The survey parameters given for this WORK are based on the datum WGS 84 and the system of coordinated UTM area 37 south and their values are as follows: 9 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work DATUM WGS 84 Ellipsoid: WGS 1984 Semi-Major Axis: 6378137 m Reciprocal Flattening: 298.257223563 UTM PROJECTION Zone: 37 South (36°E to -42°E) Central Meridian 39°E Origin of Latitude: 00°00’00” (Equator) Origin of longitude: 27°00’00” False Northing: 10,000,000.00 m False Easting: 500,000.00 m Scale Factor: 0.9996 Units: Meters Vertical Datum Sea-level Geoid Model: EGM96 10 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.2 Description of the Work The CONTRACTOR shall provide all equipment, personnel, consumables and complete project management for the acquisition and field data processing of the 2D seismic survey. The WORK shall include maintaining and operating one complete set of the seismic sources, land 2D seismic reflection crew capable of providing NATIONAL OIL with high-quality 2D seismic data using the recording parameters shown in Table-2 (in “A.5.3 Survey Specifics”). The specifications or work standards for execution of the WORK are described in this Exhibit. 11 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.3 Survey Area The Survey Area of the 2D Seismic Acquisition is centered at Olkermatiani village and extends to approximately 60 km in North-South direction and approximately 30 km in EastWest direction. 1. The region infrastructure such as roads, water & electricity is limited within the survey area and CONTRACTOR shall depend on own resources. 2. A lot of small villages (communes) exist in the survey area; however the local population are not familiar with seismic surveys using explosives and CONTRACTOR, together with NATIONAL OIL’s assistance, shall plan an extensive socialization program to educate the local indigenous about seismic operations, ahead of the survey taking place. 3. The survey area is rich with wild fauna, and CONTRACTOR shall take the necessary measures to conduct a zero tolerance in disturbing fauna, flora by implementing small impact seismic techniques. The Survey Area shown on Figure 3 is conceptual. The 2D prospect is approximately 300 line kilometers, and around 12,000 Shots (excluding test). This project is located near the Magadi Lake in Kenya 12 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 0 Scope of Work 4.6 9.2 18.4 km Figure 3. The planned 2D Seismic lines 13 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.4 Responsibilities of NATIONAL OIL A.4.1 Permits and Socialization NATIONAL OIL is responsible for obtaining permits from Government, County and Local Communities to enter into and conduct seismic operations in the Survey Area. NATIONAL OIL will provide liaison to communicate to the communities, the Government, County and Local Communities with the assistance of CONTRACTOR’s Public Relations & HSE Team. A.4.2 Damage Claims NATIONAL OIL shall pay all costs incurred from the damage claims due to the conduct of the field operations to CONTRACTOR, provided all such claims shall be documented and processed as per the Damage Claims Procedure approved by NATIONAL OIL provided that it is clear that NATIONAL OIL shall not be liable to pay for Claims arising from the CONTRACTOR’s negligence, error, or misconduct. 14 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.5 Responsibilities of CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for complete project management, supply and transport of all required personnel, equipment and consumables, camps and catering, field medical support and Medevac procedures, scheduling of supply and personnel movements, control and supervision of CONTRACTOR’s field crews engaged in scouting, permitting, line opening, surveying and recording of the 2D data and delivery of the acquired data to NATIONAL OIL. CONTRACTOR Shall Provide : CONTRACTOR shall provide all below items at CONTRACTOR’s cost 1) 2) *** 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) Service Provision of security forces for field explosives (transport & operations)*** Provision of security forces for field camps and operations*** Security forces shall comply with Appendix A.9 of this exhibit -- Human Rights Provision. Medical Support (Field Camp and Operations) Office and Administrative Support (Nairobi?) Lines scouting & Socialization with land owners Permits Acquisition Unit Field Quality Assurance & SPS Pre-planning Base Camp (& Fly Camps as required) Hazard and access function, Line clearance Survey and Line preparation Geographical Information System (GIS) Shothole Drilling Pre-loading functions 2D Seismic Acquisition Recording Deep Uphole Unit: Recording to 500 m depth / Non Explosive Weight Drop or Hammer and Plate LVL Units: The surface refraction seismic survey / Non Explosive Weight Drop or Hammer and Plate Field Data Processing up to QC Brute Stack Line Restoration unit A.5.1 Explosives and Related Items 1. NATIONAL OIL requires CONTRACTOR to provide explosives with ALL associated accessories to support 2D Land Seismic Survey activities planned to start in 2015 in above mentioned prospect. The service includes the provision of an Explosives Bunker, License to store explosives, provision of Seismic Explosives and Seismic 15 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Detonators to be stored in the said bunker; license to transport and use explosives, explosives transportation, handling costs, and insurance. 2. Item 1. The type of service required to support the seismic is as follows: DESCRIPTION QTY Provision of any registered Explosives bunker in the vicinity of the Rental project (less than 2 hour's drive to project center), capable of storing twenty-five (25) tons in a temporary storage configuration and 20,600 detonators. 2. In case CONTRACTOR cannot provide a bunker in the project vicinity Unit (and acceptable to NATIONAL OIL), CONTRACTOR must propose the Construction of a bunker to handle the amount of explosives that will be allowed by corresponding authorities. This amount is estimated to twenty-five (25) tons in a temporary storage configuration and 20,600 detonators. The bunker can be constructed as per CONTRACTOR's or NATIONAL OIL's specifications at NATIONAL OIL provided location (TBA). Including 2 X 20' containers outfitted for explosives storage; 1 X 20' container outfitted for detonators; 1 X 20' container for accessories; fence, lightning rods etc… as required to meet all local and national explosive regulations in the given perimeter. 3. Construction of guard house, sufficient for rotation of 6 guards daily. Unit Shed with cooking facilities, minimal ablutions, hygiene and rest. 4. Construction of double external fences, and double access gate, with Unit parking location and vehicles control facilities (with Shed) before access to the bunker. 5. Dogs Kennel (if applicable) Unit 6. Light illumination with flood lights and emergency generator sufficient Unit to power Guards house and flood lights 7. Permit (Explosives Storage permit from authorities of Kenya applicable 1 to above) 8. P1 Permit (transportation of explosives within the survey area during 1 the survey period. 9. P2 Permit (Police Permit for explosives purchase and usage). 1 10. P3 Permit for Bunker Usage 1 11. Seismic Explosives; Cartridge 55 mm; Weight per cartridge 500 gr; Estimated contains per case 40 cartridges 24,000 Kg 16 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 12. Electric Seismic detonators; Grade 8 or above, < 1ms accuracy; 30m Estimated lead (steel on spool); heavy-duty, ruggedized version for sleeping 3 24,600 weeks in watery condition. 13. 14. Scope of Work Units Accessories for Seismic explosives; one set consist: 1 ea Speedy Estimated Loader; 1 ea Loading Point; 2 ea strip Anchor, 1 ea "O"-ring. 12,000 Kits Handling, Transportation and Police Escort including insurance from Contractor's warehouse to Bunker site for initial shipment of 30 tons explosives + 30,000 detonators 15. Dismantling of bunker at the end of the contract and return of land to original state (optional; this may not be required in case Ledok accept to maintain the buildings) The examples of Seismic Explosives to support the WORK are listed below: (1) Detonator a. NITRO-BICKFORD (Daveydet® SR seismic electric detonators) Firing time : less than 1 ms for a 5 Amps firing current. Initiating powder : The 0.8 g secondary charge of penthrite is compatible with the new generation of explosives. Safety : Extremities of leadwires are shunted and can be easily stripped. High resistance to static electrical discharges, stray currents and electromagnetic Interferences in comparison with standard detonators. High resistance to shocks. Water resistance: Crimping ensuring an excellent water resistance and their use after 7 days of submersion at 7 bars. Colour coded and duplex leadwires offering good resistance to abrasion and traction and easy to handle. b. Electric SuperTM Seismic (SASOL®) (2) Wires Folded wires ∅ 0,51 mm (AWG 21) 0.17 Ω/ m. of duplex wire PVC insulation Leadwires length* (m) 30 On spool wires, ∅ 0,70 mm (AWG 24) 0,095 Ω/ m. of duplex wire, HDPE insulation Product manufactured by DAVEY BICKFORD certified ISO 9001 (3) Explosives: a. geoPENTOSEIS (PT. Pindad®) Technical Data 17 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Description Seismic explosive Nominal diameter (mm) 70 mm Nominal Length(mm) 176 mm Shell Colour Fluoro Yellow Nominal explosive Mass (g) 500 Grams Nominal density (g/cm³) 1.6 g/cm³ Typical Velocity of Detonation (km/s) 7.2 Shelve Life (Years) 5 b. Geoprime (SASOL®) Technical Data Description Seismic explosive Energy (cal/g) 1600 Velocity(m/sec) 7500 Water Resistance Execellent Nominal unit size (mm) 57 Density (g/cm³) 1.65 g/cm³ Unit package style plastic Firm First Order: “Minimum” based on Single hole per Shot Point (SP); (Assuming Seismic Lines : Total 300km) Explosives Seismic Requirement - Based on 2Kg charge size – 12,000 SP’s x 2Kg Test Program - 30Kg x 4 locations Uphole Program - Use Hammer and Plate or vehicular weight drop Total Order Required = 24,000Kg = 120Kg = 000Kg = 24,120Kg Detonator Seismic Requirement - Based on two detonator per SP – 1 x 12,000 Test Program - 12 SPs x 4 locations + Det. Tests Uphole Program - No explosives for UH Total usage Misfires - Contingency Total Order Required = 24,000Dets = 100Dets = 000Dets = 24,100Dets, = 500 Dets = 24,600Dets CONTRACTOR’s Second Order will be based on the results of parameter test program. 18 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work CONTRACTOR shall supply at its sole cost all friction (‘Bulldog’) tape, PVC casing, cement and plastic string for shot charge preparation and loading. CONTRACTOR shall supply at its sole cost all equipment and personnel required for the safe storage and transport of explosives in the field. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the cost of transport of explosives and accessories between CONTRACTOR’s main explosive storage facility and the temporary field storage facilities, including the return of unused explosives to the main explosive storage. Responsibility includes all drilling, loading and recording activities during the Seismic WORK. CONTRACTOR shall provide at its sole cost all the administration, messing, camping equipment, PPE, transportation and logistics support for the police & other security guards engaged in the transportation, storage and security of explosives in the Survey Area. 19 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services A.5.2 Scope of Work WORK Overview WORK Name : West Magadi 2D Seismic The WORK Base Services will consist of the follwoings: CONTRACTOR is required to have at their disposal a 2D seismic land crew capable of: 1. Constructing a base camp following IAGC/ OGP guidelines and acceptable to Kenya and International standards. Fly-camps or staging camps (as applicable). 2. Field pre-planning (SPS files). The drillers will record drill locations using hand GPS; the shooters will be equipped with inbuilt GPS in the Encoder that will record the GPS position of the shot before firing. 3. Geographic information system (ARC GIS) for socialization, permitting and crops compensation. 4. RTKGPS system for Geodetic survey, complemented with Total stations in covered areas. 5. Drilling spaced 25 meters (single holes), estimated 20 meters TOC. A field test will be conducted ahead of the operations to define shot-hole depths & the number of shot-hole. 6. Recording 1,600 live data channels spaced 6.25m, state-of-the-art 24 bits cable-free seismic system. 7. Deep Up-hole crew capable of measuring P-wave velocity in the two stratigraphic wells with 500 meters depth in any formation 8. LVL (the refraction survey) for NMO correlation using Weight Drop or Hammer and Plate 9. Field data processing unit (up to migrated stack). The area contains areas of high population with strong cultural and historical background. Adequate behavior from the crew personnel shall be mandatory and monitored (domestic and international manpower). The area contains protected flora and fauna. Environmental concerns apply in all areas; no trees will be cut or damaged as a result of the seismic operations. Similarly, the access tracks shall not be damaged by excessive vehicle usage or heavy payloads. The source will be deep buried explosives, and this energy source will be utilized where allowed by safety and practical to do so. Due to the terrain and permit stipulations, areas that are not accessible or feasible by explosives will either be skipped, or fold compensated by increasing fold each side of the obstacle. The lines have been designed so that none of them crosses the Magadi Lake. It will be necessary for the Contractor to provide Laser Link or Small boat operations for lake/ river crossings. The lines are crossing several tracks/roads, some of which are main links between towns. A proper road crossing procedure will have to be in place and approved by NATIONAL OIL before startup. 20 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services A.5.3 Scope of Work Survey Specifics Mandatory D&A test and medical for key personnel (as defined in the Exhibits) The base camp will include medical support for field operations. A parameter test will be conducted in addition to the exploration program (refer to compensation) The base camp will be "dry". Zero tolerance and no exceptions (operating in oil field environment). The WORK shall be completed by the CONTRACTOR using the recording parameters specified in Table-2. NATIONAL OIL reserves the right to modify these line parameters prior to commencement of the services, within the general ranges as given in Table-2. Since the survey region, which is covered by thick volcanic rocks, is believed to be an area of poor data quality, the CONTRACOTR is encouraged to propose its own survey parameters. Table -2. Geometry Receiver Station Interval (m) Shot Point spacing (m) Number live channels per shot(receiver) Maximum offset (m) Sampling Interval Low Cut Filter High Cut Filter Record Length Polarity DVD Hard Drive Data Format Energy type Charge Size Hole Depth Type of Receiver Deep Uphole (Well Shooting) LVL 2D Seismic Recording Parameters Symmetrical spread 6.25 25.0 1,600 (maximum) 5,000 2 ms Out Fnyquist (FIR) 6 sec SEG Normal Two (2) copies Two (2) copies SEG-D Dynamite Dynamite One hole with 20 Meter Drilled Depth or Three holes with 8 Meter Drilled Depth (The final specification will be decided after the parameter testing.) Cable-free Seismic : Fairfield’s ZLand or Equivalent Two (2) holes with 500m depth 1 ms sampling rate / Weight Drop Source or Hammer *Every line intersection, 3Km from the end of each line. *Every 6 Km in area, with no intersection. * 1 ms sampling rate / Weight Drop Source or Hammer A.5.4 Survey Hazards Major hazards in the area consist of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Operations using explosives Steep Terrain and slopes Environmental Sensitivities Cultural Resources and Security Electrical Storms/ equipment exposure to field rodents 21 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.5.5 Camps (1)Base Camps CONTRACTOR shall provide, maintain and operate at its sole cost a Base Camp. The Base Camp shall include accommodation and messing, a medical center, offices, warehouse space, and all other fittings and fixtures required to support the WORK. The Base Camp shall include accommodation and office facilities for NATIONAL OIL Field Representatives and other Contractors assigned to the Work. On completion of the WORK, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for closing the Base Camp facilities and restoring the location as near as possible to its condition prior to the WORK. Table-3. Item# Camp Summary Field Office and Administration Tendered 1. Base Camp: configuration 2. Base camp: security Cleared area around fence for visibility; high Fence, Post Guard, flood lights, security guards 24 hour/day and regular patrols at night 3. Base Camp: journey management and TCards system Controlled By Vehicle Dispatcher; communication in every vehicle (radio + mobile phone if required); drive rights. Regular communication w/camp 4. Fuel storage facilities Constructed outside base camp (within enclosed parking area) with calibrated fuel distribution pump; dedicated security guards, locking nozzles, cemented floor for leaks containment during distribution 5. Fuel Distribution Facilities Metal Jerry-Can For Drilling Crew, Special Vehicle For Fuel Distribution with calibrated delivery pump and oil spill kit 6. Silent Power Generators (describe) 2 X Unit 135 KVA Silent Perkin Genset, fitted in enclosed containers, with independent fuel reservoirs for a week's autonomy; fitted with spurious current leakage detectors and automatic shutdown switch in case of mechanical failure 7. Camp power distribution and safety (describe) Main switchboard safety panel; Certified Panel Distribution For Each Block , MCCB And LCCB; buried distribution cables; balanced loads; fitted with spurious current leakage detectors 8. Field Clinic Base camp clinic Constructed in Cooperation W/ ISOS With 24 H licensed Medic on standby 9. Ambulance / Medical Supplies 1 Ambulance ISOS Standards. Medicines and Any Clinic Equipment Sufficient Controlled By Saripari and ISOS Doctors. 22 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work 10. Safety / Firefighting Equipment Firex, Fire System, Fire Break, Fire Alarms and sufficient fire extinguishers at strategic locations, Sand and buckets near fuel storage, Smoke Detectors in living rooms and kitchen/mess , Regular Fire Drills & dedicated trained fire team 11. Water purification system / kitchens / dining/ recreation Water Purifier Processing Piping To Kitchen, Hand Wash Basins In Canteen, Ablutions and For Tooth Brush and showers. In-line filters and chlorination. 12. Bottled water for drinking *Potable water from main distributor + water tanks available in the field; Every labor will be distributed with own water gourd container (aluminum). *Sufficient amount of plastic bottles (mineral water) distributed to the field 13. Recreation facilities TV Satellite Receivers X 2, DVD 14. Ablutions & Toilets (Hot water?) Yes W/ Water Heater And Shower 15. Sewage system Buried Piping System; pre-fabricated sewage pits in norm with international and Kenyan standards 16. Disposal of gray and black waters Sewage Water Pond And Water Treatment; use MCL sub-contractor for disposal and treatment. 17. Waste disposal (segregation, incinerator, others) Waste disposal will be done in accordance with contractual specifications; an incinerator will be provided in camp for normal wastes; dangerous wastes will be disposed of in Bandung licensed waste disposal contractor. No wastes will leave the camp, unless for Bandung or controlled/ licensed waste disposal contractor. 18. Vector control procedures in camp (drainage control, fogging/ spray) Adequate Drainage System For All Base camp / Field camps , Fogging Everyday 19. Cables repair and electronic workshop Complete Ws And Tools For Rec Ws And Testing Equipment 20. Mechanics Vehicles workshop Complete Ws And Tools For Vehicles W/S Including Tyre Service 21. Mechanics Drill maintenance workshop Complete Ws And Toolset For Drilling Preparation And Repair 22. Compressor mechanic workshop Complete Ws And Toolset For Drilling Preparation And Repair 23. Office Equipment (computers, printers) Sufficient Desk Top/Laptop Computer And Hp / Canon Printer/ Plotter 24. Office UPS (duration & power) Ica UPS 25. Office Facilities / desks / chairs / computers/ printers , vehicle each for 8 senior QC rep. Sufficient Office Facilities And Vehicles 23 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work 26. Office Facilities / desks / chairs / computers/ printers / food and lodging / vehicles /etc for 9 junior permit/ damage claim personnel and 9 junior drilling / survey/ recording QC’s Sufficient Office Facilities And Vehicles 27. CLIENT (NATIONAL OIL) office Sufficient Space W/ Office Equipment including Sufficient Desks & Chairs, Desk Top or Laptop Computer, Hp / Canon Printer/ Plotter and UPS. Internet shall be available. Air conditioner is equipped. Office can be locked. 28. Covered space for tool box meetings Three (3) dedicated Locations Metallic Construction covered with Tarpaulin 29. Vehicles with vehicle tracking monitors Double Cabin 4x4; each with Drive-right installed 30. Communication Facilities 60 M Antenna With Repeater Vhf and BPMigas Licensed radio Frequencies 31. Other Necessary Equipment As Needed 32. Fly Camps: configuration / living / recreation / power / water purifier / kitchens / dining / sewerage / security / clinic / etc Will Provide As MCL Standard based on Contract Annexes. One dedicated living for expatriates accommodation. 33. All other equipment required to meet specifications of this WORK The Base Camp shall provide a Drilling Workshop equipped with facilities for carrying out equipment servicing and overhaul. The workshop must be housed in a well-constructed building that meets the following specifications and contains at least the following equipment: It must be well ventilated and spacious with windows for natural lighting. A dedicated storeroom for spare parts and equipment. A well ventilated area exclusive for electric arc welding, with a cement floor and tin walls. A well ventilated area exclusive for oxygen/acetylene welding with cement floor and tin walls. A dedicated well ventilated area for battery charging. Workshop equipment and tools. Minimum required; bench grinder, electric bench press drill, metal lathe, sufficient open, ring, and socket spanners and other standard workshop tools including three bench vices. Test tank facilities capable of testing water pumps, pressure pumps and water swivels. All water pumps must be pressure tested before sending to the field. All CONTRACTORS mechanics must be fully competent in the use of the tools and equipment and all HSE procedures for the use of tools and correct workshop HSE must be adhered too. One high-pressure water cleaning unit for vehicles and equipment. The workshop must have at least 5 fire extinguishers, safety goggles, ear protectors, work gloves, first aid kits, each employee one pair of coveralls, all safety clothing for welding, and safety boots. 24 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work One area with cement floor and washing tanks, (situated well away from the welding booths) for cleaning parts. All waste cleaning fluids must be trapped and stored in a safe place well away from the workshop. Earthen walls with a height of 50cm must surround all fuel and oil storage areas. The inventory and description of equipment to be provided by CONTRACTOR is to be listed in this Exhibit. (2) Staging and Field Camps CONTRACTOR shall provide, maintain and operate at its sole cost any Staging or Field Camps required to minimize travel time for field personnel to the site of the WORK. When required these Staging and Field Camps shall include facilities for NATIONAL OIL personnel and other NATIONAL OIL’s Contractors. Any staging camps shall be equipped with the necessary living quarters, beds, ablution (hot & cold water) facilities, kitchens, refrigeration facilities, stores, mechanics’ workshops, recording workshop, office space, airconditioned offices and individual air-conditioned accommodation rooms for CONTRACTOR’S operational personnel and the NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative, NATIONAL OIL QC Support Staff and NATIONAL OIL Contractors assigned to the Work as described in this Exhibit sufficient for the operational purposes of the Staging Camps On completion of the WORK, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for closing the Staging and Field Camp facilities and restoring the locations as near as possible to their condition prior to the WORK. (3) Communications CONTRACTOR shall provide, maintain and operate at its sole cost communication equipment and other services as described in the Exhibits to: Provide continuously available voice, e-mail & data communications via a VSAT or equivalent system between CONTRACTOR’s Base Camp, CONTRACTOR’s office and NATIONAL OIL office. A minimum of 256 Kb bandwidth shall be dedicated to NATIONAL OIL’s Nairobi office. Provide H.F. V.H.F U.H.F. and radio repeater equipment to allow reliable continuously available voice communications between CONTRACTOR’s Base Camp and all Staging Camps, all Field Camps, all vehicles, CONTRACTOR’s Medical Centre and all explosives magazines including CONTRACTOR’s main explosive storage. CONTRACTOR shall ensure all radios and radio frequencies used are properly licensed and that the assigned call signs are used. Table-4. Base Camp Communication & Facilities Base Camp Communications & Facilities 1. Internet Server dedicated to 12 NATIONAL OIL’s representatives V-Sat Or Telkom Speedy Or Combination 25 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work 2. One NATIONAL OIL dedicated Telephone Lines By V-Sat Or Telkom 3. Two “Three-in-One” printer/ copy machine/ scanner 2 Units Canon Or Xerox or Equivalent 4. Two dedicated Laser Jet Networked printers (B&W) Hp 3015 or Equivalent 5. UPS for each machine Yes Ica 2kva 6. Hand-Held radios Motorola Gp 388 or Equivalent 7. All other equipment required to meet specification of this WORK Base Camp HSE Facilities 8. 9. 10. Dedicated office with representatives Office Space W/ Expat HSE Representatives HSE Incentive planning unit HSE Incentive Award scheme HSE Plan monitoring and development unit Safety Induction, Routine Inspection, Stop Card And Training 11. Statistic and reporting unit Daily, Weekly & Monthly 12. Incidents investigation unit Team Investigation Lead By HSE 13. Journey management dedicated unit Controlled By Radio And Journey Permit 14. Safety meetings and coordination unit Tool Box ,Field Visit, Committee Meeting (4) Facilities for NATIONAL OIL Assigned Personnel and Contractors CONTRACTOR shall provide in its Base Camp these facilities for use by NATIONAL OIL assigned personnel and contractors. ①Base Camp Accommodation and Messing CONTRACTOR shall provide accommodation and messing at the Base Camp on request for Government Officer, NATIONAL OIL personnel and other NATIONAL OIL Contractors assigned to the Work as specified in the Exhibit and to include: Single accommodation for maximum fourteen (14) NATIONAL OIL Senior Personnel and Government Officer. Senior mess access for maximum fourteen (14) NATIONAL OIL Senior Personnel and Government Officer. ② Base Camp Office Facilities CONTRACTOR shall provide Air-Conditioned Offices at its Base Camp for the Government Officer (1), NATIONAL OIL Seismic Personnel (13), assigned to the WORK. CONTRACTOR shall provide at least the following office equipment in its Base Camp for NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representatives: One (1) new photocopy machine, properly serviced to allow for clean copies. Note that paper-work (including invoices) which include poor quality or illegible photocopies will not be approved by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. 26 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work One (1) Flatbed Color Printer/Scanner. Three (3) personal computer, UPS and Software, The computer will be networked be able to and can send and receive email via the Satellite VSAT communications system and good quality color printer for the exclusive use of NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. One (1) telephone for exclusive use by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. One (1) telephone / facsimile machines for exclusive use by NATIONAL OIL’s HSE, Damage Claim & Administrative Staff. 256 Kb of VSAT bandwidth for the exclusive use of NATIONAL OIL’s communications and data links. One (1) Personal Computer with wide-body Printer for Damage claim & Public Relations departments. All necessary stationery, forms, computer consumables, office supplies, calculators, desks, filing cabinets, writing and drafting supplies, and associated office supplies for the above. The inventory and description of equipment to be provided by CONTRACTOR is listed in this Exhibit. ③ Vehicles CONTRACTOR shall provide Two (2) vehicles for use by NATIONAL OIL’s personnel and contractors assigned to the WORK. 27 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.5.6 Damage Claims Procedure Prior to the commencement of line clearance operations CONTRACTOR shall prepare and document for NATIONAL OIL review and approval Damage Claims Procedure. This shall include a procedure for CONTRACTOR’s personnel to compile an inventory of crop and livestock damage due to the conduct of field operations, a list of crop and livestock compensation prices approved by the local authorities and a procedure to settle valid claims directly with the land or crop owner, witnessed by the local authorities and documented in writing to prevent any future liability. CONTRACTOR shall appoint a Damage Claims Officers whose role shall be to process any types of damage claims in a timely fashion according to the Damage Claim Procedure and maintain auditable records of the disbursement of funds for settling damage claims in each of WORK sites. A.5.7 Security Clearance If required, CONTRACTOR shall obtain the necessary Security Clearance and put in place adequate security provision for the Field Operations at its sole cost. The security clearance shall, if required, indicate the area of field operations and any NATIONAL OIL personnel assigned to the WORK. It shall include all expected activities such as the 2D seismic acquisition, GPS surveying, and any specialized equipment assigned to the operations. A.5.8 CONTRACTOR’s Sub-Contractors CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its Sub-Contractor’s abide by the following. A.5.8.1 General CONTRACTOR shall coordinate, monitor and supervise the activities of all its Sub-Contractors to ensure that there is progressive feedback on each component of the field activity, and each subcontractor shall be required to have a representative who shall report to the Base Camp every morning for briefing and instructions. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the terms and conditions of its subcontracts are in accordance with and consistent with those (stated in the Agreement of the WORK) and that there is no conflicting terms and/or conditions. The CONTRACTOR shall be fully liable for the work of its subcontractors and subcontracting any component of the work shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from any of its obligations under the agreement with NATIONAL OIL. CONTRACTOR shall provide NATIONAL OIL with a copy of all contracts with its Sub-Contractors including the rates and method of compensation. NATIONAL OIL shall treat these documents as proprietary to the CONTRACTOR. 28 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all of its Sub-Contractor’s personnel are fully competent, suitably experienced and qualified for their designated positions and medically fit and able to perform the services required. The terms and conditions of the Agreement (CONTRACTOR’s Personnel) shall apply equally to the personnel of CONTRACTOR’s Sub-Contractors. NATIONAL OIL shall have discretion to decline the services of any subcontractor ONLY if the said services or works are performed dismally and compromise the quality of deliverables under the agreement with the CONTRACTOR in which case the CONTRACTOR shall immediately source a suitable subcontractor. Any delays, damages or loss occasioned by such replacement shall be fully borne by the CONTRACTOR. A.5.8.2 Salaries, Wages and Benefits for Sub-Contractor’s Personnel CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the wages/salaries and other benefits due to Sub-Contractor’s personnel are paid on a regular and continuous basis without such payments being dependent upon receipt of funds from NATIONAL OIL CONTRACTOR shall ensure that Sub-Contractor’s compensation of its personnel equals or exceeds the minimum daily wage and shall maintain necessary insurance cover for all labor engaged on site. The CONTRACTOR. . The CONTRACTOR shall also adhere to labor laws and regulations. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that those personnel paid by Sub-Contractors using a production rate system (turnkey) are guaranteed the minimum daily wage for the number of hours in the average workday plus an adequate food and utility allowance if food and utilities are not supplied by the SubContractor. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that compensation to all Sub-Contractor’s personnel is paid on time every month by the 7th day of each month. The CONTRACTOR shall be fully liable for any losses or damages occurring from a stoppage of ongoing work in protest of any delayed dues or benefits accruing to labor engaged on site. 29 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.5.9 Progress Reports CONTRACTOR shall submit the progress reports listed below and Appendix A.4. Prior to the start of the WORK, CONTRACTOR shall submit for NATIONAL OIL’s review and approval CONTRACTOR’s proposed format for each report. All reports shall be prepared in English, shall be acknowledged by the NATIONAL OIL Field Representative and shall be sent by email to NATIONAL OIL’s Nairobi office, Attn: Exploration Manager, before 10:00 hrs on the report’s submission date. These reports shall commence at the arrival of the advance party and continue until the WORK has been completed and the crew has been demobilized. A.5.9.1 Daily Operations Report CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed daily operations report and HSE report that covers all aspects of the Work during the previous day before 10.00 hrs, including the daily recording summary and Party Chief’s comments. A.5.9.2 Weekly Operations Report CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed Weekly Operations and HSE report on the Work including an estimate of weekly costs and Party Chief’s comments summarizing all phases of the operation for the preceding week. This weekly report will cover operations up until the end of the previous Saturday and shall be submitted each Monday morning before 10.00 hrs. A.5.9.3 Monthly Operations Report CONTRACTOR shall submit six (6) copies of a detailed Monthly Operations Report summarizing the results of the Work during the preceding month. This report shall cover operations up until the end of the last day of the previous month and shall be submitted prior to the fifth business day of the month. This report shall contain a detailed description of field operations completed, production statistics, damage claims reconciliation and a summary listing the personnel and equipment assigned to the crew and items chargeable for the month. The summary must be signed by CONTRACTOR’s Party Manager and countersigned and approved by the NATIONAL OIL Field Representative. A.5.9.4 Summary of Chargeable Items Report The summary listing the items chargeable for the month (the summary of chargeable items) must correspond to the detailed production statistics included in the report. The summary of chargeable items shall be the basis for CONTRACTOR’s invoice for Work completed during the subject month. A.5.9.5 Monthly Explosives CONTRACTOR shall submit six (6) copies of a Monthly Explosives Report, to be signed by CONTRACTOR’S Party Manager and counter-signed by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative recording the use of explosives on a daily basis, the balance at month's end and a list of seismic lines on which the explosives were consumed. The format of this report shall comply with Government requirements. This report shall cover operations up until the end 30 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work of the last day of the previous month and shall be submitted prior to the fifth business day of the month. A.5.9.6 Monthly Health and Safety Report CONTRACTOR shall submit six (6) copies of its Monthly Health and Safety Report containing: A compilation of all the minutes of safety meetings held during the month. All relevant statistical data such as man hours worked, the number of near miss incidents documented, Lost Time Incidents (LTI), Medivac cases, etc. These shall be reported in a format that complies with Government requirements. Results of field crew health and safety inspections performed by the CONTRACTOR’s Health and Safety Officer and Paramedic/Doctor during the previous calendar month. This shall include details of any health and safety related problems observed in the base camp, staging camps and field camps and remedial action taken to rectify those problems. Schedule for field crew health and safety inspections by the CONTRACTOR’s Health and Safety Officer and Paramedic/Doctor for the current calendar month. The Monthly Health and Safety Report shall cover operations up until the end of the last day of the previous month and shall be submitted prior to the fifth business day of the month. A.5.9.7 Monthly Environmental and Social Management Report CONTRACTOR shall submit six (6) copies of its Monthly Environmental and Social Report containing: A concise account of how the environmental and social actions, as presented in the environmental and social mitigation and monitoring plan (see section A.10.3), have been addressed. The report shall include results of any monitoring requirements as detailed in the plan. The Monthly Environmental and Social Report shall cover operations up until the end of the last day of the previous month and shall be submitted prior to the fifth business day of the month. The other reportings are listed in Appendics A.4. 31 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.5.10 Operating Mode The WORK shall be performed in accordance with Kenyan Labor Law and the condition shall be approved by NATIONAL OIL in advance. The WORK shall only be performed on during regular work hours unless otherwise approved by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative provided that work allocation promotes cost and work efficiency. A.5.11 Operations Timetable A.5.11.1 Notice of Mobilization Date NATIONAL OIL shall issue to CONTRACTOR a “Notice of Mobilization Date” for the Seismic WORK. The CONTRACTOR must have commenced mobilization for the Seismic WORK by this date. This Notice of Mobilization Date is the project initiation date for the measurement of the overall timing for the Seismic WORK. CONTRACTOR agrees to adhere to the date for start-up of the project. The CONTRACTOR must immediately inform NATIONAL OIL in writing if the commencement date cannot be met for whatever reason. CONTRACTOR must immediately install a remedial action plan acceptable to NATIONAL OIL to ensure completion of the WORK in an agreeable time. If the CONTRACTOR declines to commence work obligations without assigning justifiable reason for the delay, the CONTRACTOR shall be liable for any loss or damage arising as a result thereof from such work delay and NATIONAL OIL shall not be liable to pay stand by charges in such circumstances. Any delay caused by conditions outside of the responsibilities of the CONTRACTOR must be documented and approved by the NATIONAL OIL Field Representative when the delay occurs. A.5.11.2 Mobilization Completion Date The Mobilization Completion Date for the Seismic WORK is defined as the last day of completion of all WORK defined in this Exhibit required in order to commence production of line clearance and surveying for the WORK, which date will be confirmed in writing by the NATIONAL OIL Field Representative. A.5.11.3 Criteria to Commence Line Clearance/Survey for the Seismic WORK CONTRACTOR shall not commence the line clearance and surveying for the Seismic WORK until all of the following conditions have been met to NATIONAL OIL’s satisfaction and will be confirmed in writing by the NATIONAL OIL Field Representative: 32 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work - The Base Camp, associated facilities and stocks of consumables are sufficiently prepared to support commencement of line clearance and survey Work. - Equipment, transportation and personnel required for the line clearance and survey operations are of an acceptable standard and present in sufficient quantities. - Standard Operating Procedures have been established for each facet of the operation and all personnel have been issued with appropriate PPE and fully trained and inducted. - CONTRACTOR has tested and calibrated all compasses, survey instruments and electronic measuring devices as required in this WORK. - CONTRACTOR’s HSE Plan has been reviewed and approved by NATIONAL OIL. - CONTRACTOR has fulfilled its obligations under the HSE Plan deemed necessary for the safe and environmentally sound conduct of the line clearance and survey operations including supply of safety equipment and HSE training of all personnel and labor assigned to the Base Camp and the line clearance/survey operations. - CONTRACTOR’s Damage Claim Procedure has been reviewed and approved by NATIONAL OIL. A.5.11.4 Criteria to Commence Shothole Drilling for the Seismic WORK CONTRACTOR shall commence shothole drilling for the Seismic WORK after the following conditions have been met to NATIONAL OIL’s satisfaction and will be confirmed in writing by the NATIONAL OIL Field Representative: - The Base Camp, associated facilities and the stocks of consumables are sufficiently prepared to support the commencement of shothole drilling and preloading operations. - All equipment, transportation and personnel required for the shothole drilling and preloading operations are present on the crew and of an acceptable standard and present in sufficient quantities. - Standard Operating Procedures have been established for each facet of the operation and all personnel have been issued with appropriate PPE and fully trained and inducted. - The line clearance and survey operations are complete on at least 30% of the initial programmed line. - CONTRACTOR has fulfilled its obligations under the HSE Plan deemed necessary for the safe and environmentally sound conduct of the shothole drilling and preloading operations, supply of safety equipment and HSE training of all personnel and labor assigned to Camps and the drilling and preloading operations. - CONTRACTOR has established effective procedures for the safe transport and field storage of explosives. 33 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.5.11.5 Criteria to Commence Seismic Recording for the Seismic WORK CONTRACTOR shall not commence seismic recording for the Seismic WORK until all of the following conditions have been met to NATIONAL OIL’s satisfaction, and will be confirmed in writing by the NATIONAL OIL Field Representative: - The Base Camp, associated facilities and stocks of consumables are sufficiently prepared to support the seismic recording Work. - Equipment, transportation and personnel required for the seismic recording operations and seismic data quality control are of an acceptable standard and present in sufficient quantities. - Standard Operating Procedures have been established for each facet of the operation and all personnel have been issued with appropriate PPE and fully trained and inducted. - CONTRACTOR has fulfilled its obligations under the HSE Plan deemed necessary for the safe and environmentally sound conduct of the seismic recording operations including supply of safety equipment and HSE training of all personnel and labor assigned to the Base Camp and the seismic recording operations. - CONTRACTOR has successfully completed all required pre-production recording instrument, cable and Receiver tests required in this Exhibit. A.5.11.6 Demobilization Commencement Date The Demobilization Commencement Date is defined as the first day after completion of production seismic recording for the Seismic WORK, which date will be confirmed in writing by the NATIONAL OIL Field Representative. A.5.11.7 Demobilization Completion Schedule CONTRACTOR’s Demobilization shall be deemed to be complete when all of the following conditions have been met to NATIONAL OIL’s satisfaction and will be confirmed in writing by the NATIONAL OIL Field Representative: - The entire Seismic WORK have been acquired and approved in writing by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. - All reimbursable items for NATIONAL OIL’s account have been approved by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. - CONTRACTOR has returned all items hired in the Survey Area to their owners. - CONTRACTOR has settled all debts and accounts with the inhabitants, companies or cooperatives of the Survey Area. - Land and dwellings leased by CONTRACTOR have been returned to their owners in good condition and letters of release obtained. - CONTACTOR has met its obligations under the HSE Plan for restoration and reclamation of campsites and other areas affected by the WORK. - All damage claims have been paid and settled. 34 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work - All CONTRACTOR's Personnel and Sub-Contractor personnel and equipment involved with the WORK have been paid and left the Operating Area. - NATIONAL OIL or its appointed data processing center has received and verified and accepted all acquired data. - If the above is not complied with, no operating charges apply. A.5.11.8 Completion Date All WORK specified in this Exhibit must be completed within the dry season anticipated to be estimated June 2015 until end of March 2016. 35 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.6 Personnel - Seismic WORK CONTRACTOR shall supply all the personnel required to complete the field operations described in this Exhibit and Appendix A2-2 to a standard equivalent to or exceeding those specified in the Exhibit. During the conduct of field operations CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the number of crews and personnel present in the Survey Area is never less than indicated. CONTRACTOR shall provide at its sole cost extra crews and personnel should the listed minimum quantities prove to be insufficient to conduct the WORK in a timely and accurate manner as specified in this Exhibit. A.6.1 General Requirements The required qualified and competent Senior Personnel to be provided by CONTRACTOR to perform the WORK are described herein. It should be noted that these requirements represent the absolute minimum acceptable specifications. Should additional Senior Personnel be required to ensure the safe and efficient acquisition of high quality data according to the requirements of this Exhibit, they shall be provided at CONTRACTOR’s sole cost. The CONTRACTOR’s experiences will be considered in the bid technical evaluation. CONTRACTOR’s Senior and Junior Field Personnel shall be permanent employees or direct hire to the CONTRACTOR. They shall include competent and qualified, portable crew experienced Quality Control/Assurance personnel. These Field Personnel will directly supervise and instruct both CONTRACTOR’s crew personnel and all CONTRACTOR’s Sub-Contractor’s and other CONTRACTOR’s Personnel involved in the Work with respect to HSE, Supervision, Planning, Work standards and execution of the Work, including all Public Relations and Damage Claim activities. CONTRACTOR’s senior positions must at all times be filled by suitably qualified personnel. CONTRACTOR shall submit details of all appointments to and transfers to and from senior positions at least seven (7) days prior to such appointment for transfer for NATIONAL OIL approval. No Senior Personnel shall be replaced by Junior Personnel. The leave schedule worked by CONTRACTOR’s Senior Personnel shall be provided for NATIONAL OIL approval. Non-compliance with these requirements shall result in a cessation of field operations at CONTRACTOR’s sole cost until such time as the problem is rectified. A.6.2 Employment of Inhabitants of the Survey Area CONTRACTOR shall preferentially employ local inhabitants of the Survey Area and restrict the employment of non-local people to key or skilled positions for which the local people have insufficient experience or qualifications. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate its recruitment activities through the local Employment Committees or Cooperatives that have been established in the Survey Area. 36 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.6.3 CONTRACTOR’s Field Personnel CONTRACTOR shall provide field personnel in accordance with the following crew classification in the table below. All key personnel must be fully qualified in their designated position. Adequate experience and professional skills will be the most important factor for selectivity. English language is requirement. CONTRACTOR will establish a regular rotational schedule for all acquisition and field processing personnel. CONTRACTOR shall identify both primary and relief personnel for the positions identified below. Table-5. CONTRACTOR’s Field personnel Management & Base Camp Support 1. CONTRACTOR Party Chief 2. CONTRACTOR Project Manager 3. Relief Project Manager/ Administrator 4. Lead Field Geophysicist 5. Lead QC & Data Processing Geophysicist 6. Team Leader (Geodetic Survey) 7. Team Leader (Drills) 8. Team Leader (Recording) 9. Permit /socialization teams. 10. Field Permitting 11. HSE Team Leader 12. HSE advisers 13. Radio Operator Assistants (24-hr coverage) 14. Camp Doctor 15. Field Medics 16. Ambulance driver 17. Parts / Warehouse manager 18. Chief Mechanic 19. Junior Mechanics / helpers 20. Drivers - Heavy Trucks 21. Drivers - Light Vehicles 22. Drivers - Client Vehicles 23. Geophone / Cable Repair Personnel 24. Other Necessary Staff / labor cooks / cleaners 25. Security coordinator A.6.4 Translation Capability CONTRACTOR shall maintain in its Base Camp the capability to perform written translations from the Local language to English and English to the Local language. This service shall be sufficient to support the normal range of written communications received and issued by a field operation similar to that proposed for the WORK. 37 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7 WORK Specifications and Procedures – Seismic WORK CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the seismic reflection survey is performed using the procedures and specifications contained within this Exhibit. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that copies of this Exhibit, suitably translated if necessary, are issued to its key personnel prior to the start of field operations. A.7.1 Modification of Specifications and Procedures In the event that a particular procedure is not described herein, or the CONTRACTOR believes a modification to a procedure would improve the efficiency, safety and quality of the WORK, the CONTRACTOR shall propose an implementation or revision of the procedure to NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative for approval. NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative shall have ultimate right to accept, alter or reject CONTRACTOR’s proposal. No new procedure or any revised procedure shall be implemented without the prior written approval or instruction of the NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. A.7.2 General Equipment Specifications Seismic Data Acquisition equipment and all the other equipment, including but not limited to cables, radio transmission systems, Receivers and other receiver types, shooting systems, surveying and positioning equipment, must meet manufacturer's specifications except where modifications, as required by NATIONAL OIL, impose different specifications. CONTRACTOR shall provide at its own expense, unless otherwise noted, all equipment to comply with the contract services. Minimum equipment requirement is specified in Table-6. CONTRACTOR’s Technical Operating Standards manual and service manuals for all equipment shall be available in Base Camp at all times. Table-6. 2D Seismic Equipment Recording Unit – 2D 1. Recording System details / Manufacturer, etc 24 Bit Recording Z-land Manufactured By Fairfield or Equivalent (at least 1,600*4=6,400) 2. Tape format (e.g. SEG-D 8048): SEG-D Disk 3. Recording filter: Lo-cut options Yes 4. Recording filter: Hi-cut options Yes 5. Recording media: Dvd W/ External Hdd Backup 6. Dual recording or tape copies provided: 2 Copies 3590 Tape 7. Tape deck type / Number: 1 Unit Ibm 3590 8. Communications – Radios, repeaters GM 388 Motorola W/ Motorola 500 System Repeater 9. Other Units / battery packs / etc Sufficient Batt 38 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work 10. Hand held GPS to verify shot location Garmin CSX 60 11. Vehicles, instrument trucks, geophone trucks. Mitshubishi/Ford/Toyota 12. Personnel transport Roll Bar Truck Or Bus W/ Safety Belt For All Pax 13. Boats for river crossings Will Be Provided If Needed 14. Laser Link or equivalent (optional) N/A 15. Appropriate PPE Complete W/ Seismic WORK Standard 16. All other equipment required to meet specifications Drilling Unit - 2D Rotary Rig 17. 18. Drill type All-hydraulic top head rotary Drill Rig Number of Units (teams) proposed equipment to man 30 crews if required (Suggest 32 crews 8 units) 8 Units @ 4 Crews 19. Capacity (Depth) 100m 20. Drilling Methods DHT hammer, Air scratcher, Water, Auguer 21. Drilling Diameter 75/90 mm 22. Adequate PPE for all personnel that includes steel caped boots. Yes For All Drilling Personnel; minimum 3 pairs of coveralls for each person + safety Helmet + gloves + hearing protection 23. Hand-Held GPS for hole location verification 5 Garmin Csx 60 24. All other equipment required to meet the specification of this WORK & any additional drilling equipment necessary to maintain the production targets.. Enough Metal Fuel Container, Drill Steems, Drill Bits & Adaptors,Pipe 24 ”Wrench etc Suggest you put 5000liter water tankers 6 tankers & more if necessary. Pre-loading Unit 25. Vehicles dedicated to personnel 2 Roll Bar Truck Or Bus W/ Safety Belt Fr All Seats 26. Vehicles dedicated to explosives 4 Units 4 X 4 (2 Dets + 2 Expl) 27. Guards/ escort dedicated to the transport of explosives Yes Always Guards By Police 28. Guards/ security dedicated to the security of field equipment Yes Coordination With Local Police Station ( Polres ) 29. Cap testers 10 Pcs Quadrant 25 39 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work 30. Hand-Held GPS’s for hole location verification Using Together W/ Drilling Unit 31. Day-storage of explosives in the field (boxes) No 32. Explosives transport, with purpose built explosive containers Yes With Safely Boxes Anti Lightning Installed These vehicles must be 4x4 33. Personnel transport Roll Bar Truck Or Bus W/ Safety Belt For All Seats 34. Other Equipment, personnel PPE Yes For All Worker Each drill unit will need two hand held radio for safety medic & Forman 35. All other equipment required to meet the specification of this WORK. Aluminum loading poles with brass sister connectors. Loading poles, back pack explosive carrier boxes, safely cutters 3mm rope to support the charge when loading the charge down the hole. Must for compressor drilled holes. Electrical tape or duct tape to tape over the joins & detonators. Dummy load to check holes before loading. Uphole Unit (used for two stratigraphic well (500m depth)) Rig Unit capable to lower the cable down to 500m 37. 6Recording system, OYO or equivalent 7 38. 6Impulse system (non explosive source) 8 Down hole tool. Alternatively, down hole 39. 6 cable, phones at 1.0 m spacing to 10 m, 9 then 2.5 meter spacing 40. 7Hand held GPS to verify location 0 41. Water Truck 42. 7Vehicles with vehicle tracking monitors 1 All other equipment required to meet the 43. specification of this WORK 36. Field QC Data Processing Equipment 44. 7System name and Type 2 428 Power Lite or Equivalent Metal Plate W/ Hammer Gs-32 Pc901case ,Spec As Required Garmin CSX 60 or Equivalent 1 Unit Double Cabin 4x4 Blaster, Consumables PROMAX or Equivalent 40 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work System Hardware 45. 7 3 DELL QUAD CORE or Equivalent, enough hard disk space (500G) and USB output port, USB driver to transfer data, (at least 250 G). 46. 7Power Surge protection device / UPS. 4 47. 7System software 5 48. 7Applications software 6 49. 7Plotters: type and size 7 All other equipment required to meet 50. specifications 3 KVA ICA Linux or Windows Field Qc Data Hp-500 42 “ Plotter or Equivalent All Consumables Needed 41 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.3 Receivers A.7.3.1 General CONTRACTOR shall prove that all its recording equipment is in good condition and functioning in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications during the conduct of the WORK by running the equipment tests described below. The time taken to perform the tests shall be included in CONTRACTOR’s Remuneration Rates. All tests shall be performed in the presence of and shall be verified by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. NATIONAL OIL shall have the right to request any tests at any time when there is reasonable doubt on the correct functioning of any equipment. A.7.3.2 Survey Design Support Documents NATIONAL OIL shall provide CONTRACTOR with the following jobspecific information Preplot: Mapped and listed positions for the sources and receivers; Offset rules, to show the preferred manner in which Contractor is permitted to offset sources and receivers from the preplot positions. Line bend tolerances and mitigation procedures for 2D acquisition; Acquisition parameters: specified in the Order; Tolerance of shifting receivers & shooting holes from the original (planed) survey line position is within 20m. The following documents will be kept up-to-date and available at NATIONAL OIL and CONTRACTOR’s field office and recorder: Map of project work site, provided in useful scales; Map of planned source and receiver points, with useful annotation detail; Instrument documentation for operational decisions and performance verification; Listing of lines and acquisition template; Guidelines for data acquisition Quality Assurance standards; Description of acquisition parameters. A.7.3.3 Standards and Specifications for Seismic Spread Management (1) Offsets of Source and Receiver The purpose of this section is to specify criteria for placing source and receiver offline from the surveyed positions of source and receiver centers. The survey offset specification is also given in “Recording Operations” of A.7.4 below. 42 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work The goal is to maintain as consistent a fold distribution throughout the survey line or area as possible. Definitions: (a) "Preplot" location indicates the ideal grid of sources and receivers prior to any shifts. (b) "Preplanned" location indicates source and positions that have been adjusted for offsets, hazards, obstacles, etc., but have not yet been line cut or surveyed. (c) "Surveyed" location indicates a source or receiver position that has been occupied and marked in some manner by a surveyor. (d) "Final" location indicates where the center of the receiver array, the center of the source array, or the final location of a drilled shot point was actually located during acquisition of seismic data. During equipment deployment, the receiver shall not be offset more than 1/8th station interval from the surveyed position without approval from the NATIONAL OIL field’s Representative. Source points may be moved in any direction from the surveyed position up to one quarter (1/4) of the receiver station interval, so long as it does not lie within one half (1/2) of the receiver station interval of another source position. In addition, for 2D acquisition, source points may be offset in the cross-line direction up to a maximum of half (1/2) of the receiver station interval. Larger offsets are acceptable if a NATIONAL OIL representative grants permission. Any actual source or receiver position that is offset more than 1/4 of the surveyed source or receiver position shall be noted in the Observer's Report and fixed by survey. Distance, direction and elevation change of the actual offset position in relation to the planned source/receiver position will be noted in the Observer's Report. For any offset source position where sourcepositioning data is recorded, the offset position will not need to be surveyed. (2) Receiver (Geophone) Standard Specifications The specifications for individual receiver are defined by “Recording Operations” of A.7.4 below (A.7.4.6, A.7.4.7 and A.7.4.9) For geophones, each geophone shall be planted vertically and covered to minimize sensitivity to ambient noise. If the soil conditions or geophone design are not suitable for geophone burial, then each geophone shall be firmly planted vertically with the top at or below ground leve. In the event that steep terrain causes an elevation variation of greater than 3 meters between geophones, the geophone may be laid out at an angle to the receiver line or spread along the elevation contours in order to keep the desired inline spacing between geophones whilst keeping the 43 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work elevation variation less than 3meters. If a change in angle is impractical or does not keep the elevation variation below 3 meters, the geophone interval may be shortened symmetrically about the planned geophone position to keep the elevation variation below 3 meters. This 3-meter specification may be changed in the Order. All non-standard receiver arrays and abnormal offsets must be noted in the Observer's Report. The note must include the receiver station number and a description of how the actual array layout differs from the standard array layout. (3) Recording Spread Standard Specifications Unless otherwise specified in the Order the following recording spread specifications shall apply: The recording spread will have a source–centered symmetrical geometry. Roll On and Roll Off procedures: recording will begin with one-half the active-spread in front of the source when rolling-on and end with one-half the active-spread behind the source when rolling-off. The source will always remain in the center of the symmetrical spread (including dead channels) from roll-on through roll-off. Observer's Reports will always indicate the same number of channels in the spread although some will be inactive when rolling on or off. In case the recording system does not allow padding zero traces on records or pads them as high trace numbers only, the location of padded traces must be determined and noted in the Observer's Report to assist in the efficient processing of data. The trace numbering convention is for trace #1 to be to the rear of the spread with the trace numbers increasing in the direction the line is being shot. (4) Defective Receiver A receiver shall be considered defective if any one or a combination of the following criteria are satisfied: It fails the daily test; It shows excessive leakage. Excessive means less than 500kΩ of resistance to ground or common-mode-rejection less than 70dB. This is usually apparent as cross-feed of first-breaks or 50 Hz or 60Hz electrical noise pick-up. Note that this specification refers to the strings after they are deployed. For a dip test, the specification is more stringent and is described in the section on Instrument Testing; 44 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work It exhibits a partially reversed polarity character with respect to adjacent receiver, or fails the polarity acceptance criteria. Completely reversed receiver can be left unchanged with a note to that effect in the Observer's Report but the reversal should be corrected before that receiver is used in another position; It exhibits an anomalous noise level (not of cultural origin) when compared with neighboring receiver. Anomalous noise is defined as more than 6dB or 50% decrease in apparent signal to noise with a consistent pre-amp fixed gain applied; It exhibits a transient or spiking noise character when compared with neighboring receiver; It exhibits noise that exceeds the noise specifications and the noise source is within the control of CONTRACTOR. This does not include receivers near to the source location that are noisy due to the normal operation of the source (e.g. shotpoint, vibrators); It is dead or weak (more than a 6dB amplitude reduction when compared to adjacent receivers. This does not include receivers that are dead due to circumstances beyond the control of CONTRACTOR; It or any of its individual receivers is not planted correctly; Its array layout does not conform to specifications; It was not recorded on a seismic record on which it should have been recorded. A receiver dead or noisy due to factors beyond CONTRACTOR’s control will not be considered defective. CONTRACTOR shall produce a list in a text format (.txt) or other suitable digital format of all receiver exhibiting excessive noise level. A copy of this document will be included with the Observer’s Reports. Upon determining that a receiver is defective, CONTRACTOR must make an immediate effort to attend and repair the receiver in a timely manner, even if recording is permitted to continue. (5) Reversed Receiver A receiver will be considered reversed if it is not a defective receiver and the signal polarity is completely reversed. CONTRACTOR shall carefully note all reversed receiver in the Observer’s Report so that the reversed polarity can be corrected during data processing. The reversed receiver should not be corrected while it is still being used in the active spread, however the polarity reversal should be corrected before the receiver group is laid at a new position. (6) Defective Seismic Record 45 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A seismic record shall be considered defective if any one or a combination of the following criteria are satisfied: Any seismic data or other data that should have been recorded are not recorded, or the data that are recorded are unusable for subsequent data processing; The recording media are defective; The field time-break or any other essential auxiliary channel is not digitally recorded, or is otherwise unusable; The source fails to has exceeded the specifications of the quality assurance monitoring software; For radio-telemetry systems or mixed acquisition systems composed of cable and radio-telemetry networks, any of the following: 2 or more multi-channel adjacent Radio Telemetry Units (RTUs) are not responding to Quality Assurance and Control integrity checks via radio links; 2 or more multi-channel RTUs are not responding or have failed in the same relative position on parallel adjoining receiver lines; greater than 2% of the deployed RTUs within the active spread fail to respond to Quality Assurance or Control integrity checks; greater than 2% of the deployed RTU channel index numbers for shot records are reversed or out of order from the proposed number sequence pattern for the template; The spread of receivers recorded differs from the intended spread by more than five percent; The number of receivers recorded is fewer than the correct number by more than five percent; The number of defective receiver groups exceeds any of the following: 3% of total spread for an active spread; 3% on any one active-spread section of receiver line; 3 consecutive on any one active-spread section of receiver line; For down-hole explosive source: the uphole time is not recorded; Subject to the foregoing, all defective seismic records must be reacquired as soon as reasonably possible after the recording defect or source defect is noticed, unless NATIONAL OIL Representative agrees that some defective records cannot or need not be reacquired. Any remedial action must accepted by NATIONAL OIL Representative. 46 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work (7) Defective Line (2D) A line (for 2D acquisition) shall be considered defective if any one or a combination of the following criteria are satisfied: More than 4% of the planned seismic records on the line are defective or skipped; More than 3 spatially sequential seismic records are defective; NATIONAL OIL shall accept any loss of coverage and the line affected shall not be considered defective if loss of coverage occurs for any of the following reasons: Loss of coverage due to inaccessibility over which CONTRACTOR has no reasonable control Loss of coverage due to re-positioning of source and/or receiver locations caused by environmental conditions over which CONTRACTOR has no reasonable control Loss of coverage due to re-positioning of shot-points and/or receivers per instructions from the NATIONAL OIL or its representative Resolution of a defective line will require reoccupation of the line in order to acquire additional seismic data, unless otherwise approved by NATIONAL OIL Representative. In general this may simply be a replacement of defective seismic records with good records. In some circumstances additional source or receiver may be required to satisfy NATIONAL OIL's fold, offset, and azimuth requirements. NATIONAL OIL Representative will review all defective lines/swaths and determine or approve any remedial action. A.7.3.4 Instrumentation Testing and Acceptance Guidelines (1) General Instrument Test Guidelines All instrumentation present at field site and used must be approved by NATIONAL OIL. All instrumentation must meet or exceed published instrument Manufacturer’s design specifications and tolerances. A copy of the instrument specifications must be available in reproducible form or visual digital media to NATIONAL OIL Representative at site and at the NATIONAL OIL offices if requested. NATIONAL OIL equipment tests and audits are categorized as Acceptance Tests, Periodic Tests, and Daily Tests. 47 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Acceptance Tests are required to demonstrate that the data acquisition systems, including vibrator measured motion-recording systems (if used), will meet NATIONAL OIL's and/or Manufacturer’s specifications, and acceptance must be acknowledged by NATIONAL OIL prior to commencement of seismic data acquisition. The test series is an extensive review witnessed by NATIONAL OIL Representative(s) and/or instrument engineers(s) in conjunction with CONTRACTOR’s technical representative and staff members. All acceptance instrument tests will be done at CONTRACTOR’s expense and will become the property of NATIONAL OIL. Deficiencies in equipment, instrumentation, and inventory on work site will be remedied in a timely manner with a written action plan and schedule for achieving acceptance. No research, software or hardware modification is permitted after the acceptance phase of instrument testing without the explicit written approval of the NATIONAL OIL. Periodic Test series and audits are intended to demonstrate continuing performance to specifications, and may be required weekly, monthly, or at a time-specified cycle by agreement between NATIONAL OIL and CONTRACTOR at the beginning of the project. Daily Tests are intended to demonstrate instrument integrity on a 24-hour cycle, and must be performed either daily before routine seismic data acquisition begins or at a convenient time during 24-hour operations within 30 hours of the last set of daily tests. These also include the routine tests run in the course of normal daily acquisition activity to support data quality assessment in the field. (2) Acceptance Test Guidelines This section outlines the Acceptance Tests for major instrumentation components of the seismic acquisition operations. The major instrument components, as well as quality assurance and control system sub-components are: Recording Instrumentation (ex. UNITTM Sercel); Geophone or Receiver Instrumentation (ex. UNITTM Sercel, ZlandTM Fairfield); Energy Source Instrumentation; Auxiliary Instrumentation. Some Contractor(s) use a "factory certification" system of maintenance in which telemetry modules are returned to the factory or central repair facility for service and testing. Operators of this type of equipment should be advised that this is not an acceptable initial test, and that they will be expected to perform all required tests, and have the appropriate test and validation equipment at site prior to commencing initial tests activity. Acceptance Tests for instruments where applicable will include but not be limited to: 48 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Equivalent Input Noise Test A/D Linearity Test DC Offset Check Dynamic Range Determination Impulse Response Cross-feed Isolation Harmonic Distortion Timing Accuracy Header Check CONTRACTOR will furnish recording instrument system impulse responses or filter response curves when requested by NATIONAL OIL, on acceptable digital media with format description attached. Seismic data recording instrument test capabilities vary between manufacturers; the exact recording instrument tests required will be mutually determined by NATIONAL OIL and CONTRACTOR at the pre-survey operations meeting. The requirement is that all recording instruments shall meet or exceed the Manufacturer’s test specifications and tolerances, unless the CONTRACTOR has presented suitable alternative test procedures and specifications to the NATIONAL OIL and received written approval. The recording system graphic hard copy visual display (camera, plotter, etc.) will have sufficient capacity to record the required seismic and auxiliary channels on a permanent paper record or other display as approved by NATIONAL OIL. Channel assignment will be discussed and agreed upon at the pre-survey meeting. Channel assignment information will be documented on all NATIONAL OIL, CONTRACTOR and land observer's reports. If a permanent paper record cannot be generated in the field, as in the case of some distributed recording systems, a transcriber must be available locally to do so upon completion of each day's recording. All paper monitor records made by CONTRACTOR for NATIONAL OIL must be made with fixed or time-variant gain, not AGC (automatic gain control), unless otherwise instructed by NATIONAL OIL Representative. Records from a CONTRACTOR-supplied scribe tape will be reproduced by the recording system for verification of correct system playback polarity and channel sequence. Alternatively, an autocorrelation of the true reference can be written on tape, followed by an ASCII dump of this trace to hard copy by the field data processing system. The central lobe of the autocorrelation wavelet should show a positive number on hard copy. CONTRACTOR must prove that tape speed and skew values meet or exceed manufacturer's specifications. This requires that CONTRACTOR play tape back on a separate tape drive. The Acceptance Tests will also include a procedural audit for equipment and personnel. The audit of methods and procedures is intended to assess tasks where procedures may influence data acquisition quality or quality assurance. The Acceptance Test Procedural Audit must verify that sufficient equipment and personnel are available to efficiently manage the following: 49 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Advance and lateral roll of the active spread; Maintain active spread template and “clear” defective spread situations; Access source locations efficiently and safely; Maintain source point quality assurance and “clear” defective source situations; Deploy, recover, rotate receivers and advance active receiver spread; Maintain receiver quality assurance and “clear” defective receiver situations; Maintain swath quality assurance and design integrity; Resolve defective swath situations before site abandonment. The Acceptance Test criteria for seismic receivers are outlined below: Receivers supplied will be identical, including element type, resistance, cases, spikes, etc. The receivers must perform to Manufacturer’s specifications, unless a specific modification is required to perform to the design criteria of this survey. In the absence of Manufacturer's tolerances, a 5% tolerance to Manufacturer’s design specification will be used to evaluate receiver performance. NATIONAL OIL will state whether a closer (less than 5%) tolerance is required for acquisition of high-resolution data or whenever amplitude and phase response fidelity is critical. Unless specified differently in the Order, close tolerance geophones should have the following characteristics with tolerances of +/- 5% or better for all geophones in use: - Cable-free type of Geophone (ZlandTM Fairfield or Equivalent) - Natural Frequency: 10 Hz (or as specified in the Order) - Typical Spurious Signal: Greater than 150 Hz - Anti-Alias Filter 206.5Hz @2ms - Damping: 60 - 70% - Sensitivity: greater than 25 volts/m/sec/ Unless specified differently in the Order, geophones are to be filled with RTV silicon material or fitted with some mechanical seal so as to be manufactured as watertight. Geophone strings (bridles) will be fitted with O rings and stored on metal hasps. Sufficient numbers of cable protectors will be provided for road crossings and other cable hazard areas. Receivers deployed in marsh, transition, lake or bay areas will have marsh cases and be designed for such environments. The receiver will have unique ID or serial number tags suitable to enable tracking in quality assurance procedures. CONTRACTOR shall have in place at the work site a periodic/routine maintenance system and personnel to ensure that all cables, receivers, and connecting wire and plugs are electrically and water-bath tested every 30-45 days unless otherwise agreed upon. Receiver will be audited and statistical notes supporting condition and required repairs will be maintained: 50 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Visually inspected: items such as cracked geophone cases, badly worn connectors, bent spikes, damaged wire insulation, etc., will be replaced or repaired; A random sample of 5% of the total receiver strings will be electronically tested on an approved test system (e.g. geophone tester) for correct polarity and electrical response. The strings that pass the electronic test will be dip tested for leakage. Resistance to ground during the dip test must be at least 1.0 MΩ. The results of such tests shall be provided to the NATIONAL OIL Representative prior to commencement of acquisition operations in the survey. A dip tank should be at the project site and filled with a conductive water solution. The solution should not have a resistance greater than one-tenth NATIONAL OIL’s leakage specification when test probes are placed at the extremes of the tank. (That is, not more than 100kΩ resistance for a 1MΩ specification.) CONTRACTOR should be prepared for a test of up to 100% of the recording equipment in the event that an excessive number (more than 5% overall) of the randomly selected recording equipment failed to meet the electrical and leakage specifications. Note for example that an 4% electrical failure rate and a 3% leakage failure rate is an overall failure rate of 7%. If NATIONAL OIL reasonably concludes that the results of the tests indicate the cables, receivers will not meet the requirements set forth herein, CONTRACTOR shall replace or repair such equipment at CONTRACTOR's expense. If the receivers are pre-tested at another location, the field crew should be prepared to fully explain the testing procedures and results before placing their strings in service. NATIONAL OIL Representative may opt to test a random subset of the pre-tested strings to evaluate whether further testing is necessary. All receivers are subject to testing by the NATIONAL OIL Representative at any time throughout the duration of the contract. CONTRACTOR must be prepared to provide test logs and/or demonstrate testing on a randomly selected number of receiver strings. The Acceptance criteria for data transmission cables, telemetry network cables, and associated equipment will be as follows: A satisfactory quantity will be available. For 2D acquisition this is defined as more than 1.7 times the active spread size described in the contract design criteria. Equipment, station units, cables, etc. in transfer to off-site centers for repair, maintenance or upgrade, and/or unapproved acceptance testing will not be included in the operations inventory audit. Network station units intended to be used for the operation, will be demonstrated to perform to Manufacturer’s design specifications. Cables will be free of temporary repairs, poor splices, and all repairs will include properly soldered connections, strain resistance, and good 51 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work insulation to prevent channel or transmission crossfeed in the field environment. Cable connectors and takeout points will be properly reinforced to avoid tension or strain to telemetry cables or receiver string connections. The seismic operation will be supported with an adequate number of cable testers or telemetry network testers for routine examination of the project inventory in a 30-45 day rotation cycle. Randomly select a minimum of 5% of each type of cable for electronic and leakage testing. If an excessive number fail (more than 5%), CONTRACTOR should be prepared to test up to 100% of the type of cable that failed. The Acceptance criteria for data transmission power-units (PUs) for telemetry cables or network layout will be as follows: An adequate and safe recharge and repair facility will be available on site. This site will include at a minimum the following: The facility will meet minimum standards for Safety, Health, and Environment. The facility will have the capacity to fully recharge Power Units at a rate at least 1.2 times the daily actual or planned operational needs. There will be a sufficient number of Power Units to be deployed on and ahead of the active spread, to be ready for picking-up, to be available for troubleshooting demands, and to be undergoing recharge at the recharge facility. Power Unit handling and maintenance practices for routine operations will be a part of the acceptance procedure audit. The Power Units will be inspected for the following acceptance standards: Delivery of proper voltage and current required for the seismic acquisition equipment and other applications for at least 24 hours of continuous operational load and/or a 2-day typical work-cycle load; Visually inspected for damaged cases, leaking chemicals, or corrosive build-up or damage to power connectors and terminals; Power Units will have a design including a power-fuse or interrupter circuits; Power Units will have connectors resistant to electrical shock or arc hazards; Power Units will have a unique ID tag or serial number to aid in tracking life expectancy, troubleshooting replacement in the spread, and numbers of repairs for the operation task. Power Units and connectors or takeout points will be properly reinforced to avoid tension or strain to telemetry cables or sensorstring connections that prevent proper electronic connection; Carrying handles or straps will be appropriately attached and securely fastened on Power Units for handling and load-slings, 52 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work etc. There should be no need to lift a Power Unit by power delivery cable and connector. Power Units must perform within a 10% tolerance limit of the Manufacturer’s design specification. A.7.3.5 Polarity, Amplitude and Phase Standards Signal polarity from source to receiver, and phase response of instruments will be verified by testing before seismic data acquisition commences. All electronic and mechanical systems provided by CONTRACTOR (recording equipment and instrumentation) shall comply with SEG polarity standards prior to commencement of seismic data acquisition. All sub-systems or major acquisition electronic components delivering a trace output to recording media, or an output channel that ultimately will be a trace or auxiliary channel output must be tested for polarity standards. The common polarity standard tests include the following observations: Upward motion of the earth at a geophone input sensor will produce a negative number on tape and a “down-going kick” or negative deflection on the paper monitor. Events such as compressional first-breaks, system time-breaks and uphole arrivals shall break downwards on the paper monitor or a visual monitor media. A tap on the top of a planted geophone (downward case movement) will produce a positive-kick or positive deflection on a paper monitor and a positive number on tape. In order to comply with SEG standards, each geophone must output a negative voltage in response to an upward movement of the geophone case, and a positive voltage in response to a downward movement of the geophone case. A tap on top of accelerometer case will result in positive numbers being written to tape, and corresponding positive deflection, or “up-going kick” on paper records or visualization monitor. A.7.3.6 Ownership of Test, Quality Control and Assurance Documentation and Files All acceptance, periodic, and daily test results and supporting documents become the property of the NATIONAL OIL. Unless otherwise specified the documents, tapes, and digital media associated with test procedures and tasks must be sent to the Field Supervisor at the address specified in the Order. A.7.3.7 Receiver Database All receivers must be numbered for inventory control before the commencement of recording. CONTRACTOR shall use this number as an index key for a computerized database that records the complete maintenance and test result history of each receiver. CONTRACTOR shall ensure the database is kept up to date for Receiver. 53 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work CONTRACTOR shall at all times provide NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative with access to the database and copies of any printed reports or ASCII text file reports required. A.7.3.8 Routine Maintenance of Receivers Throughout the field recording operations, CONTRACTOR shall provide a regular and thorough receiver checking and repair program in order to minimize receiver defects. A logbook of receiver rotations through base camp shall be maintained in the recording workshop. 54 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.4 Recording Operations A.7.4.1 In-Field Operation All data from the receivers beyond the maximum offset (defined on Table-3) should be collected immediately for evaluating the data quality. The duration records shall be equal to the full duration of the record length for every production record, unless shorter monitors are approved in writing by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. On-site records shall be displayed in wiggle mode for all shots or as directed by NATIONAL OIL Field Representative. All dead, noisy, weak or wild receivers shall be noted directly in the observer's report. A.7.4.2 Uphole Times Every uphole time shall be recorded digitally on tape. CONTRACTOR’s Field Observer shall be responsible for the recording of up-hole times on all recorded shots. Failure or inability to pick an accurate up-hole time due to equipment failure or poor receiver planting will necessitate the cessation of operations until up-hole times can be accurately recorded on tape and documented. A.7.4.3 Observer Logs The format of CONTRACTOR’s Observer Log shall be approved by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative before the start of production recording. The Observer Log shall thoroughly document the recording operations and shall include but shall not be limited to: All instrument settings Local time. Detailed daily chronology of each day’s activities and events. Comments for each shot, including any tests. Any spread or other discrepancies, instrument problems, etc. All known reasons for noise (such as a village, vehicles and machinery, farming or logging activities). Bad traces, missed time breaks, missed up-hole times, and parity counts are to be logged clearly. All Observer Logs shall be signed or approved by CONTRACTOR’s Party Chief and Senior Observer at the end of each day of recording. Copies of the observer logs shall be submitted together with the (real time) monitor records to NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative at the completion of each day of recording for signature and approval. The Observer Logs shall be accompanied by a Daily Recording Summary showing the chargeable shots for the day and details of all extra shots, skipped shots, make up and compensation shots. The Daily Recording Summary shall be signed by CONTRACTOR’s Party Chief, Senior Observer and NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. 55 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.4.4 Top of Charge Depth The depth to the top of charge shall be recorded for each shot at the time of loading and recorded in the Observer Log. The recorded up-hole time will be the criterion for verifying hole depths. CONTRACTOR’s Senior Seismologist shall be responsible for correlating the recorded top of charge depth with that shown on the drill logs and shall immediately report any discrepancy to NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. A.7.4.5 Unexploded Charges CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring that all dynamite is properly detonated and that no live charges remain in the ground after recording. Any remaining charges that despite all efforts cannot be detonated shall be “salted” according to the prescribed procedures for Explosive Handling. CONTRACTOR shall have a clean-up crew behind the shooter to perform this and to collect all cap wire, hole plugs and any other debris. The CONTRACTOR shall be wholly liable for any claims arising from negligence, mishandling and/or ommissions in the procedure for cleaning up the site. A.7.4.6 Receiver Planting Receivers are to be planted in such a manner that the body of the receiver is planted firmly and the top of the receiver case is below ground level regardless of the ground conditions and CONTRACTOR shall provide a dedicated receiver planting crew for this purpose. CONTRACTOR is required to use specially manufactured receiver “superplanters” to allow planting of receivers in hard surface conditions. Conventional receiver planters shall then be used to insert the receiver into the imprinted receiver hole, in particular hard rock outcrops hand held electric drills should be used. In hard surface conditions or in gravel-covered areas, every effort must be made to establish good coupling of the receiver. NATIONAL OIL Field Representative shall be notified before spread deployment of any surface conditions that may prevent good receiver coupling and shall approve in writing any alternate receiver planting method that may be required. A.7.4.7 Receiver Spacing 1. All receivers shall be planted such that they are in line and centered on the group stake 6.25 meters. 2. For other situations involving physical obstacles such as houses, roads, cliffs, etc., the method of receiver layout will be determined by instructions from NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. 56 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.4.8 Recording Media CONTRACTOR shall use only brand new recording tapes, DVD and Hard Drives. The brand of recording apes, DVD and Hard Drives used must be approved by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative prior to the start of recording operations. A.7.4.9 Documenting Receiver Type The type & I.D number of Receivers planted at each station shall be recorded by both the planting crew and digitally on the recording system. A.7.4.10 Criteria To Start Recording Production recording shall not commence on any day if: The Daily Recording Plan has not been approved by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. The Field Observer does not have the Source-point Summary and Line Sketches for the receiver and Source-point stations on the line. The daily instrument tests are not complete or are not within specification. All recording channels including time break channels are known to not be in good working order. Receiver or cable leakage on more than ten percent (10%) of cables or receivers tested during one day is less than five mega ohm (5 M). The recording monitor camera is inoperative or producing defective results. There is no field time break time being recorded on tape. Two adjacent traces are dead or bad. There is an unacceptable noise level on the spread. Base Camp personnel and equipment conditions do not meet the specifications set forth in this Exhibit. Health Safety and Environment conditions on any facet of the operation do not meet the specifications (laid out in the Agreement of the WORK). The full complement of security personnel assigned to recording are not present on the line to assist with noise control. The Senior Observer is not present at the recording instruments. More than four (4) traces on the active spread have receivers that have been improperly planted. There is insufficient line noise control personnel deployed as described herein. In the event that one or more of these criteria are not met, CONTRACTOR shall rectify the situation before commencing recording operations. A.7.4.11 Criteria To Discontinue Recording The recording Work shall not continue if: Recording instrument settings are incorrect. Two consecutive traces on the active spread are bad for more than two consecutive shots. Receiver or cable leakage on more than ten percent (10%) of cables or receivers tested during one day is less than five mega ohm (5 M). The last record had no time break. 57 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work More than 5% of active traces Exhibit controllable noise that is greater than signal at the deepest geological objective. More than 5% of active traces Exhibit uncontrollable ambient noise that is greater than signal at the deepest geological objective. Two (2) consecutive charges misfire. Five (5) charges misfire within one spread length. Five (5) profiles within one spread length show hole depths to be out of tolerance. The last record had an erratic or obviously incorrect uphole time. More than three (3) shot records Exhibit “Slashes” or anomalous signals in any one-day or 150 production shots. More than three (3) shot records Exhibit Transmission Errors in any one-day or 150 production shots. More than five (5) traces per active spread have receivers that have been improperly planted such that they are still visible. There is insufficient line noise control personnel deployed as described herein. In such cases, the relevant problem shall be corrected before recording may proceed. A.7.4.12 Bad or Defective Traces For the purposes of this Exhibit, a bad or defective trace is defined to be: The recording instrument channel does not meet the manufacturer’s specifications. It is weak such that it is more than 6 dB down compared to adjacent stations (half amplitude or less). It is hot i.e. more than 6dB up compared to other stations. It is dead such that there is no response. It Exhibits controllable noise that is greater than signal at the deepest geological objective. It is intermittent weak, intermittent dead or has intermittent leakage spikes. It is wild such that the trace does not show any coherent signal. Its polarity is reversed or cannot be determined. It is out of phase, this includes reversed polarity groups and “half groups”. It Exhibits leakage less than 5 mega-ohms to ground or between pairs. It involves an incorrect sensor station set-up such as poor sensor planting, incorrect sensor pattern, group centre miss positioning, or sensor group elevation variation exceeding tolerance unless these have been specifically approved in writing by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. A.7.4.13 Misfire For the purposes of this WORK, a misfire is defined as being a source that is considered out of specification such that one or more of the following criteria is met: No data is recorded and/or magnetic recording of the data is defective. The record cannot successfully be played back due to parity errors or any other reason. 58 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work No time break is recorded on tape from the master blaster. No confirmation time break is received from the field blaster unit. One or more station units have suffered a transmission error or line break. More that 5% of the traces have a non-source signal on them, such as from parity errors, leakage spikes or static slashes that are greater than 24 dB down on signal at the deepest geological objective. All shots that are considered defective for the above reasons or other instrument, blaster or equipment derived failure shall be re-shot at no cost to NATIONAL OIL. Re-shots will be planned as full charge, full depth recovery shots. Re-shots must use a new shothole. NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative must approve all re-shots. A.7.4.14 Shot Point Skips and Source Offsetting Procedure During commencement of each line field plan, layout and survey, the field surveyor shall scout the general line location and shall note hazards or conditions that may necessitate shot-point skips and shot-point offsets. Upon receipt of the Chaining Report, the CONTRACTOR’s Surveyor and Seismologist shall prepare a plan for skips or offset shots that ensure the distribution of offset shots provides the best possible fold coverage. Offset shots shall be positioned at the minimum possible distance from their pre-plot location according to the following rules: 1. The offset shot must be operationally safe and geophysically sound (within the first Fresnel zone for a dominant frequency and exploration target depth). 2. No two (2) shots can occupy the same shotpoint station. 3. The shot may be offset from its pre-plot location by up to a radial distance of one half a group interval, provided the actual shot location is surveyed. In all cases the spread template for the offset shot shall be the same as for the original shot point location of the unmoved shot. All offset shots and source point skips require the prior written approval of NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. A.7.4.15 Receiver Offsetting Procedure Where required offset receiver shall be positioned at the minimum possible distance from their pre-plot location according to the following rules: No two receivers original or moved, can occupy the same station. The receiver may be offset from its pre-plot location by up to a radial distance of one half the receiver interval provided the actual receiver location is surveyed. All offset receiver positions require the prior written approval of NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. 59 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.4.16 Line Recording Plan At least five (5) days before recording operations may begin on any line, CONTRACTOR shall submit the Line Recording Plan for the line to NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative for approval. The Recording Plan shall describe a recording operation for complete, continuous coverage of the line. The Line Recording Plan must include: The actual CMP fold for the line. The line sketches for the receiver and shotpoint locations. The Shothole Summary for shotpoints on the line No recording shall take place on any line without a Line Recording Plan that has been approved in writing by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. A.7.4.17 CMP Coverage Specifications At the conclusion of each day of production recording, CONTRACTOR’s seismologist shall compute the actual CMP fold after removal of all: Misfires Defective traces. Mislocated sensors/source (co-ordinates are incorrect or unknown). The CMP fold shall be reported on the Daily Recording Summary as an absolute value and as a percentage of the CMP fold in the NATIONAL OIL approved Recording Plan. NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative shall be notified immediately if the actual CMP fold is expected to vary by more than 10% from the Recording Plan. Data acquired with an actual CMP fold less than 90% of the NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative approved Recording Plan is out of specification. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the cost of acquiring and recording additional shots to meet the specification. A.7.4.18 Line Noise Control CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary steps, including but not limited to the provision of radios, mini-talks and whistles for all recording Foreman, to eliminate line noise generated by the recording crew personnel or local people. Communications Foreman equipped with both radio (and line telephone) and a whistle shall be stationed on the line at regular intervals to control the movement of personnel and equipment. Failure to deploy adequate personnel to control line noise will result in the temporary suspension of recording operations until such time as sufficient line noise control personnel are in place. 60 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.4.19 Daily Recording Plan The Daily Recording Plan shall include a plan for recording operations on the next following day. This plan shall include: Shots/Line to be shot. Estimated source point number range. Location of recording instruments. Location of cable and receiver checking point. Location of any non-pre-loaded source points to be loaded. A.7.4.20 Suspended Receiver Takeouts and Station Units CONTRACTOR shall suspend all receiver take-outs and station units above the ground regardless of ground conditions. Take-outs and station units shall be suspended from the bridging where available or from specially provided cable stakes. In areas of exposed rock the entire main cable shall also be suspended to avoid unnecessary damage by personnel traffic. In other areas, the cables and receivers should be laid alongside and away from the usual track where personnel walk. 61 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.5 Drilling and Loading Operations CONTRACTOR shall prepare Drill Log Summary and Shothole Summary Reports listing key shothole data for each section of source line prior to recording A.7.5.1 Drill Logs and Shothole Summary Drill Log Summary Reports shall be made for each hole drilled and must include: Line and shotpoint number. Time drilling started. Time drilling was completed Type of drilling method used. Total drilled depth. Depth to top-of-charge. Loaded charge size. Depth of tamping. Offset from shotpoint station. Drilled lithology. Driller's name and crew number. Any other significant comments, including drilling problems, drilling equipment downtime, causes of downtime, etc. The Shothole Summary Reports shall include: Line and shotpoint station number. Total drilled depth. Depth to top-of-charge. Loaded charge size. Depth of tamping. Offset from shotpoint station. A.7.5.2 Drilling Prior to Surveying Under no circumstances shall any line be drilled before the approval from NATIONAL OIL in the conservative area, field surveyed and preliminary closed co-ordinates computed. NATIONAL OIL reserves the right to reject any hole drilled prior to the shotpoint station being surveyed and computed. Redrilling of holes drilled prior to surveying or any production time lost to accomplish this drilling shall be at CONTRACTOR’s sole cost. A.7.5.3 Drilling Technique – Normal Shotholes Shotholes in hard formations such as outcropping basalt will require the use of either top-drive power rigs and the TRIEFUS PCD bit or portable air compressors and foam injection pumps utilizing a portable drilling machine and down-hole hammer bit to achieve the programmed drilling depths. Shotholes in formations such as hard volcanic rock will require the use of conventional top-drive power rigs using water circulation and TRIEFUS PCD bits to achieve the programmed drilling depths. 62 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work CONTRACTOR shall drill all shot holes to the programmed depth of 20 meters. The top-of-charge (TOC) depth for a 3Kg charge size is anticipated to be 18 meters. In the event of the shot being accepted by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative the appropriate depth dependent, shot compensation will be applicable. CONTRACTOR and NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative shall monitor the drilling of all shotholes to ensure hole depths are as deep as reasonably possible. A.7.5.4 Loading Explosives Normal shotholes drilled shall be loaded using the following procedure: The shothole shall be flushed to the programmed depth and the hole checked with a “dummy” charge. All explosive cartridge joints shall be taped and plastic string line shall be attached and used for lowering into the hole. No strain shall be applied to the detonator wire during the loading process. Prior to loading the continuity of the detonator shall be tested and any problem corrected before proceeding. The charge shall be lowered into the hole using the attached plastic string line. No charge is to be suspended using the cap wire. Prior to tamping the continuity of detonator shall be tested and any problem corrected before proceeding. The charge should be fully tamped to hole depth using either sand (preferred), drill clearances, alternative fill or cement if instructed by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. Any hole prepared such as slush pits & water relay pits must be back-filled. The continuity of detonator shall be tested after tamping. If the charge is found to be faulty the shotpoint shall be immediately re-drilled at CONTRACTOR’s sole cost. The hole shall be plugged using a NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative approved hole plug and camouflaged with vegetation prior to moving to the next location. A.7.5.5 Explosives Pre-Loading CONTRACTOR shall pre-load all shotholes immediately after drilling unless otherwise instructed in writing by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. The pre-loading lead over recording shall not exceed three (3) weeks of recording. Should the pre-loading lead exceed this limit the drilling and preloading operations shall be suspended at CONTRACTOR’s sole cost until the pre-loading limits are met. Where NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative has approved delayed loading of shotholes, CONTRACTOR is to prepare shots using loading crews ahead of recording on a daily basis and shall include details in the Daily Recording Plan. 63 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the security of all loaded shotpoints. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative is at all times advised of the status and location of all pre-loaded shotpoints. A.7.5.6 Minimum Safe Drilling Distances CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the locations of all shotholes comply with the minimum safe distances from cultural features required by Government / Industry IAGC regulations. 64 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services A.7.6 Scope of Work Surveying Operations A.7.6.1 Co-ordination and Supervision CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all line preparation surveying activities. A.7.6.2 Positioning Equipment Testing All of CONTRACTOR’s survey and positioning equipment shall be in good repair and adjustment. For all survey and positioning equipment more than two (2) years, CONTRACTOR must possess an invoice or statement from its manufacturer’s authorized service centre stating that the instrument has been fully serviced and calibrated within the last 12 months. Proof of this service and calibration must be produced upon NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative request. All theodolites shall be tested for collimation error and verticality. LED displays and all optics shall be free of fungus and be clear and legible. All tripods shall be made of aluminum. Only prismatic compasses shall be used, non-prismatic compasses (such as the "Sunto" type) are unacceptable. All compasses shall be checked for magnetic variation in all four quadrants prior to use. The results of compass and theodolite tests shall be submitted to NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative for approval prior to the equipment being placed into service. A.7.6.3 Line and shotpoint Numbering Convention Each shot and receiver location shall be identified with a unique eight (10) digit number, NK1414TXXX, where the first 2 digits represent Company name, the next two reprent the year while the next three digits represent the block .XXX is the line number. All of CONTRACTOR’s records, logs, disk files, correspondence and documentation shall use this line and station numbering system. A.7.6.4 Primary Geodetic Control and Geodetic Parameters NATIONAL OIL shall advise the CONTRACTOR in writing prior to the start of field operations of the primary geodetic control and geodetic parameters to be used. A.7.6.5 GPS Control Points CONTRACTOR shall establish new GPS Control Points from the NATIONAL OIL supplied Primary Geodetic Control using static carrier phase differential GPS surveying techniques. These GPS Control Points shall be used as the vertical and horizontal control for the survey of shot and receiver locations. 65 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work GPS Control Points shall be established at the ends of all lines, at intersections, and along lines at approximately one (1) GPS Control Point per five (5) kilometers. A permanent monument shall be built at each GPS Control Point and shall be clearly marked with the identification of the control point. All GPS Control Points shall be adequately documented to permit recovery. The GPS Control Point Document shall include the station identification, a location map, a description, coordinates and color photographs showing the monument and location of the coordinate reference point. If possible the GPS instrument antenna shall be positioned exactly over the monument reference point. Any offset between the reference point and the antenna shall be recorded and adjusted for during computation of the monument coordinates. GPS Control Points shall be surveyed as a network. Results shall be post processed using recognized software to give a least squares adjusted solution. Three-dimensional positional solutions shall be computed from pairs of matched data sets containing at least 500 "good" fixes taken at 15-second epochs. Any data pairs with individual GDOP's of greater than 3 or where two satellites occupy the same quadrant in the sky, or where satellite elevations are less than 15 degrees shall be rejected before data reduction. The adjusted solution shall have a standard deviation of less than 0.10 meter horizontally and 0.15 meter vertically. Geoid elevations shall be computed relative to the Primary Geodetic Control and not with the use of mathematical models. A.7.6.6 Ties to Pre-Existing Survey Control Survey ties shall be made to all old benchmarks, government triangulation points and wells in or near the survey area. NATIONAL OIL shall provide the co-ordinates and elevations of all old monuments. CONTRACTOR shall include an analytic evaluation of the ties to this pre-existing control in its Topographic Survey Final Report. A.7.6.7 Line Positioning Procedure Any deviation of a line from its programmed position shall require the prior written approval of NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. Line start points shall be located relative to the GPS Control Points or Primary Geodetic Control. Line start points and starting azimuths shall be witnessed by the CONTRACTOR’s Chief Surveyor. A.7.6.8 Line Clearing and Bridging Procedure CONTRACTOR shall use suitable crossings for the safe movement of goods and personnel across rivers. Unacceptable bridging shall be re-built at CONTRACTOR’s expense. Forested, productive or plantation trees may not be cut during line clearing and bridging. All other trees that are not cultivated must be less than 20 centimeters diameter in order to be cut or used for bridging. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the cost of damage claims for clearance of forested, productive or plantation trees where the WORK could have proceeded without such clearance. 66 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.6.9 Chaining Procedure All lines shall be properly marked and chained horizontally by Total Station EDM. Due to A.7.4. - Receiver Spacing requirement, a surveyed point is required every 6.25 meters along the seismic line to be able to calculate the elevation difference over the 6.25 meters. Each source and receiver station shall be clearly marked with a wooden peg and a wooden stake. The wooden stakes shall be numbered consecutively using blue paint to denote the receiver station numbers and red paint to denote source locations. The location of every tenth station shall be marked in a more permanent manner such as on a tree or rock. Drilling supervisors are to ensure that the source station markers are replaced in their original position after drilling. All access lines, tracks, footpaths and roads in the survey area shall be properly marked, flagged and has painted signposts at all line intersections. Chaining error shall not exceed 1% (one percent) of the nominal station interval when measured over the entire length of the line and shall not exceed 2.5% between any two stations. The chaining crew shall generate a detailed chaining report for each line showing all topographical and cultural details including but not limited to: Topographic features. General terrain and vegetation type. Cultivation or crops of any nature. Cultural features Hazards and obstacles. Offset distances. Locations of facilities. Positions of any rivers, roads or footpaths crossing the line. Benchmark, GPS station and triangulation point locations on or near the line. A detailed line sketch shall be made from this and a copy given to the shooting and recording crews and to NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. A.7.6.10 Topographic Surveying Tolerances Land Surveying accuracy tolerances shall conform to the seismic industry standard specifications for survey accuracy. All misclosures specified apply to ties to both the GPS Control Points and within internal survey loops. The horizontal misclosure shall not be greater than: One (1) part per 2,500 of the distance traversed for traverse distances of less than three (3) kilometers (equivalent to a maximum of 40 cm error per kilometer). 67 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work One (1) part per 5,000 of the distance traversed for traverse distances of more than three (3) kilometers and less than seven (7) kilometers (equivalent to a maximum of 20 cm error per kilometer) An absolute error of 0.1 x K1/2 m (where K = distance in kilometers for traverse distances greater than seven (7) kilometers. The vertical misclosure shall not be greater than 0.07 x K1/2 m where K is the traverse distance in kilometers. The horizontal angle misclosure shall not exceed the lesser of 20 x N or 60 x N1/2 arc seconds where N is the number of instrument set-ups. The above tolerances must be met before provisional coordinates may be computed. Should these specifications not be met, CONTRACTOR shall resurvey the affected part of the survey at its own expense. CONTRACTOR shall inform NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative immediately if any part of the survey does not conform to these specifications. Failure to immediately report such errors shall result in the removal and replacement of the Survey Supervisor and/or Party Chief responsible. A.7.6.11 Survey Benchmarks and Monuments Bench marks shall consist of galvanized iron pipe, 10 centimeters in diameter, with the number clearly welded at the top in characters 7.5 centimeters high, buried in consolidated formation to a depth of one meter and set in concrete mixed with a minimum of one half sack of cement per bench mark. The pipe should be of sufficient length in order that it remains one meter (1 m.) above the water or ground level. The benchmark shall be painted red with its welded number outlined in white paint. The benchmark shall have 30 centimeter cross bars at the bottom to avoid being pulled out. The coordinate reference point shall be the top of a steel bolt securely fixed into the top of the cement base. CONTRACTOR is responsible for the manufacture and construction of these benchmarks and for ensuring that duplicate and missing benchmark numbers do not occur. Benchmarks shall be placed at all line intersections, river crossings and points of access where no GPS monument has been established. For each benchmark CONTRACTOR shall prepare a Benchmark Diagram, indexed by line number and containing the final U.T.M. co-ordinates, elevation, nearest stations including distances to them, topographic features, map, photograph and other information that can be used to recover the location in the future. 68 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services A.7.7 Scope of Work Seismic Quality Control Procedures A.7.7.1 In-field Seismic QC and Processing CONTRACTOR shall provide in its Base Camp surveying, recording and seismic data processing QC personnel with associated equipment as specified in this Exhibit. The personnel in this facility shall be responsible for: Planning of the surveying, line opening / clearance operations, drilling operations and recording operations (including optimization of the acquisition parameters and instrument testing). Verifying the integrity and completeness of the acquired data. Processing the 2D data to output processed sections through migration. . CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the data processing facility is adequately staffed and equipped to keep pace with the seismic data acquisition. A.7.7.2 Field Data Quality Control The CONTRACTOR’s Seismologist shall submit to NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative data information described below to demonstrate that the data collected is according to NATIONAL OIL’s specification. The following Quality Control displays are required as a minimum: Field static computation Stacks with and without field statics. Refraction static stacks Fold plots that exclude rejected shots and defective traces. Auxiliary channel data in an agreed format. Trace RMS levels in multiple time windows Elevations, shot depths, uphole times, static plots and shot hole velocity profiles. Other information NATIONAL OIL request. The following ancillary information is also required: Any re-positioning information. List of defective traces. This information shall be presented to NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative each day. A.7.7.3 Field Seismic Data Processing Sequence CONTRACTOR shall process all acquired data to produce an accumulating volume according to the following sequence: Trace editing (Editing of bad & noisy traces). Building of geometry Display field records First break picking. Field static computation and refraction statics estimation and application. Datum will be specified by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. 69 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Amplitude recovery. Deconvolution. Trace equalization. CDP gathering Velocity estimation NMO Correction. Muting. Stack. Migration. Filter and scaling as required. Stacks will be plotted at scales approved by NATIONAL OIL. Raw and processed data will be written to DVD or other media approved by NATIONAL OIL in SEG-Y format and included, with the stack sections in the regular data shipments or as otherwise specified by NATIONAL OIL. A.7.7.4 SPS File Generation SPS files shall accompany all data tape shipments and shall conform to the definitions laid out by the SEG Technical Standards Committee in 1993. All traces on tape will be referenced in the SPS files including instrument tests and void files. In the event that errors are detected in SPS data after the SPS files have left the crew, a complete set of replacement files (source, receiver and relational) will be sent to NATIONAL OIL and NATIONAL OIL’s processing centre immediately the errors become known and are rectified. All replacement DVD will be marked as a replacement and accompanied by an explanatory note that details the corrections, both in hardcopy and on the DVD itself. 70 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.8 Shipment of Seismic Field Tapes and Supporting Data A.7.8.1 Media All DVD and tapes or other media supplied by CONTRACTOR must be new and previously unused. Backup field tapes must be new, of the same type as the original field tape but preferably from a different manufacturing run. A.7.8.2 Backup Tapes CONTRACTOR shall create a verified DVD copy of each original field tape immediately after recording. The DVD shall be clearly labeled with the same information shown on the original field tape. CONTRACTOR shall store and maintain the DVD in secure, air-conditioned storage at its Base Camp until such time that NATIONAL OIL confirms receipt and successful reading of the original field tape. In no instance should the original and DVD be forwarded in the same shipment. In the event of NATIONAL OIL’s non-receipt or unsuccessful reading of the original field tape, CONTRACTOR shall apply this procedure treating the DVD tape as the original field tape. Following NATIONAL OIL’s confirmation of receipt and successful reading of the original field tape, CONTRACTOR shall forward the DVD to NATIONAL OIL. A.7.8.3 Seismic Data Shipments CONTRACTOR shall prepare data shipments on a weekly basis so that the oldest data remaining on crew after shipment is no older than one (1) week since it was acquired. The data shipment will include the following items properly annotated and labeled and securely packaged: A shipment contents summary consisting of: Brief general summary of recording conditions that are relevant to the processing of the data List of items in the shipment List of tape numbers Range of file numbers on each tape All recording parameters Line sketches. The original copy of all seismic field data tapes. One copy of the Observer Logs containing all trace editing instructions completed by the Seismologist. SPS files including SPS QC output All field processing QC data First break pick files on approved media All processed data for the week on approved media The complete set of monitor records Survey co-ordinate and elevation data in UKOOA ASCII formats on approved media. 71 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work The shipment summary shall be signed by CONTRACTOR’s Seismologist and counter-signed as being complete by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. A.7.8.4 Shipping Instructions Seismic field tapes and supporting data shall be shipped to NATIONAL OIL’s Nairobi office: Exploration Manager NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION OF KENYA AON Minet House Mamlaka Rd, Off Nyerere Rd 7th Floor P.P. Box 58567 – 00200, Nairobi Kenya. or any other destination, upon written instruction from NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative 72 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.9 Interim Products CONTRACTOR shall prepare and maintain the following maps and documents: Station, GPS Control Point and benchmark location maps. Loop closure maps. Progress maps. Line sketch diagrams. Provisional coordinate listings and computations. Equipment calibration and test results. Statistical progress reports. These maps and documents and a set of all field notes and logs shall be available for inspection by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative at all times. A.7.10 Final Deliverables CONTRACTOR shall prepare the final reports and other deliverables in the quantities listed below. CONTRACTOR shall only issue the final copies of reports and maps after having provided a draft document to NATIONAL OIL for review and being advised in writing by NATIONAL OIL that the final document can be issued. Unless specified to the contrary, CONTRACTOR shall deliver the final documents within 10 calendar days after receiving NATIONAL OIL’s written approval of the draft report. A.7.10.1 GPS Survey Final Report CONTRACTOR shall provide NATIONAL OIL with a first draft of the GPS Survey Final Report no later than two (2) weeks after the completion of seismic recording. CONTRACTOR shall provide four (4) copies of the NATIONAL OIL approved GPS Survey Final Report no later than thirty (30) days after the completion of seismic recording. The report shall include the following: Description of the survey including method, equipment, chronological record of events, existing master station(s) used in the survey, survey history of the master station, etc. Detailed account of the final processing reduced to the monument reference point in both geographic and UTM grid co-ordinates on the local datum, software package used, etc. A summary of all geodetic parameters used during processing including a detailed account of how the transformation to local datum was made. An estimate of accuracy in all three dimensions including the method of determining accuracy. A table of the GPS Control Point names and coordinates A complete set of the GPS Control Point Documents. A GPS Control Point location map at 1:25,000 scale showing all points established during the survey and all control point and base stations used. A.7.10.2 Topographic Survey Final Report CONTRACTOR shall provide NATIONAL OIL with a first draft of the Topographic Survey Final Report no later than two (2) weeks after the completion of seismic recording. CONTRACTOR shall provide four (4) copies 73 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work of the NATIONAL OIL approved Topography Survey Final Report no later than thirty (30) days after the completion of seismic recording. The report shall include the following: Description of the survey including method, equipment, chronological record of events, control points, etc. Detailed account of the final processing including loop closures, survey network adjustments, software package used, etc. An estimate of accuracy in all three dimensions including the method of determining accuracy. A table listing the identification and coordinates of each survey benchmark established. Benchmark Diagrams for each survey benchmark established. A Benchmark location map at 1:25,000 scale showing all benchmarks established during the survey and all control point and base stations used. A.7.10.3 Seismic Survey Final Report CONTRACTOR shall provide NATIONAL OIL with a first draft of the Seismic Survey Final Report no later than two (2) weeks after the completion of seismic recording. CONTRACTOR shall provide eight (8) copies of the NATIONAL OIL approved report within thirty (30) days after the completion of seismic recording. The report shall include descriptions of the following: Program planning; Recording parameters; Equipment; Production statistics; Personnel assigned; Line Preparation; Line Clearance & Bridging; Surveying; Shot-hole Drilling and Pre-loading Details; Recording summary report; Field Processing summary report; Communications report; Logistics summary; Explosives summary; Health, Safety and Environment report; Damage Claim summary; Sub-CONTRACTORS involved in the project. A final post-plot shot-point location map at 1:12,500 scale showing all source and receiver locations plotted and annotated at every 10th as well as the first and last station. A.7.10.4 Damage Claim Payment Final Report CONTRACTOR shall provide NATIONAL OIL with a full and detailed copy of all damage claim payments made during of the survey. The report shall include permitting details, land owner names, crops damaged, details of compensation paid and recommendations for future work. 74 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.7.10.5 Archive Data CONTRACTOR shall provide the following archive data at the time of delivery of the Seismic Survey Final Report. Original Topographic Survey Logs. Original Drilling Logs. Original Line Recording Plans. Original Daily Recording Summaries. Final topographic survey computation sheets. A bound printout listing all station locations. Original film version of all report enclosures larger than A3 size. A.7.10.6 Digital Archive Data CONTRACTOR shall provide two (2) copies of a DVD of the following archive data at the time of delivery of the Seismic Survey Final Report. Final coordinate data for all stations, control points and benchmarks (SEGP1 or UKOOA ASCII format). Final raw and computed topographic survey data files. Final SPS file and SPS QC output. Amplitude and frequency attribute QC output (ASCII text format) for shots and receivers. Final first break pick file (ASCII text format). Field statics and refraction static values for shots and receivers (ASCII text format). Final defective trace list file (ASCII text format). Final trace editing log file (ASCII text format). Each final report, inclusive of text, tables, figures and enclosures in WORD & Adobe Formats. 75 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services A.8 Scope of Work Equipment – Seismic WORK CONTRACTOR shall supply all the equipment and facilities required to complete the field operations to a standard equivalent to or exceeding those specified in this Exhibit. CONTRACTOR shall ensure all equipment is fully operational before commencement and during the conduct of the Work. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all equipment is operating within manufacturer’s specifications and is present in the Survey Area in quantities no less than indicated herein. CONTRACTOR shall provide at its sole cost extra equipment and facilities should the equipment or facilities listed prove to be insufficient to conduct the work in a timely and accurate manner as specified in this Exhibit. A.8.1 General Specifications Cables and Receivers shall be no more than one (2) years old & in as new condition. All other equipment vehicles, shall be in good condition, no more than two (2) years old and thoroughly tested before arriving in the Survey Area. CONTRACTOR shall provide documentary proof of the date of purchase of any piece of equipment. CONTRACTOR agrees to immediately remove and replace any piece of equipment found to exceed these specifications. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the technical manuals of all proposed equipment are available to NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative both prior to mobilization and throughout the conduct of the Work. A.8.2 Recording Equipment A.8.2.1 Recording Instrument CONTRACTOR shall provide Cable Free Seismic Data Acquisition system (Sercel UNITE or Fairfield ZLAND or equivalent) capable of recording the seismic survey specified in this Exhibit to the specifications set forth in this Exhibit. Regardless of the type of recording instrument proposed, it must have the ability to test and measure leakage and cross-feed at each trace in the active template and shall have all the manufacturer's latest hardware and software installed. The inventory and description of equipment to be provided by CONTRACTOR is listed in Appendices to this Exhibit. Uphole Surveys – Should a separate recording instrument be provided to record the contractual uphole surveys, CONTRACTOR shall list in Appendices to this Exhibit. A.8.2.2 Receivers 76 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient number of receivers, power supplies, cables and other relevant instruments in order to maintain continuous recording operations and the operational turnaround. The following requirements must be met: Cableless receivers shall be employed. Receivers shall be digital grade with 10 Hz natural frequency. Receivers must be high grade, close tolerance type such as Fairfield Zland or equivalent. Receiver and cables shall have no splices or repairs at the start of the project under any circumstances. All cables and receivers shall be in an asnew condition and less than two (2) years old and constructed to manufacturer's specifications using only silicon-based lubricants and sealants. All cables and receivers and any hydrophones must be individually numbered for inventory control before the commencement of recording. The inventory and description of equipment to be provided by CONTRACTOR is listed in this Exhibit. A.8.2.3 Testing, Repair and Other Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide all testing, analysis and repair equipment including but not limited to the following and/or equivalent. One (1) BTS or RTS repair station. More than Four (4) receiver testing unit. One (1) Prosol (or equivalent) cable testing unit. One (1) Morgan (or equivalent) hot cable molding machine One Macha (or equivalent) hydrophone frequency response tester Shaker table, test oscillators, CRT oscilloscope. One digital cap tester per shooter and for each explosive loading crew. More than One (1) manufacturer's original spare parts kit and other tools necessary for troubleshooting and repairs in the field. Sufficient receiver planting poles and "super-planters". Sufficient “maintenance free” batteries and battery chargers for uninterrupted recording operations. All required recording consumables including camera paper, recording tapes, etc. A minimum 30 hand-held VHF walkie-talkies At least one (1) 60-watt master VHF transceiver for line layout and noise control. Six (6) hand-held VHF walkie-talkies for use by NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representatives. The inventory and description of equipment CONTRACTOR is listed in this Exhibit. to be provided by 77 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.8.3 Field Seismic Processing and QC System CONTRACTOR shall provide a 2D seismic data processing system in its Base Camp for tape reproduction, data quality control and processing the 2D data as specified in this Exhibit. The system shall minimum consist of the following and/or equivalent. One (1) workstation sufficient to process all shots in the survey as the data is recorded. The system will be networked to sufficient PC to conduct QC management functions. All required peripherals such as tape drives, large format plotter, printers etc. One (1) 2D seismic processing software package to process the 2D data to brute stack. One (1) survey design software package for planning and recording QC. One (1) 2D seismic management software package. The seismic management software shall have the ability to perform a variety of functions including but not limited to: Import SPS, UKOOA, SEG P-1 files. Maintain a database of receiver and shot status. Maintain line survey details for the survey. Produce production graphs and reports. Maintain a database of drilling and loading details. The 2D seismic processing system must be operational from one (1) week before the start of seismic recording operations. The inventory and description of equipment to be provided by CONTRACTOR is listed in this Exhibit. A.8.4 Drilling and Shothole Loading It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to ensure sufficient quantities of shot hole drilling and loading equipment are mobilized and operating to maintain an adequate lead ahead of the seismic recording crew. For all drilling and pre-loading operations CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing all required spare parts, accessories and consumables including but limited to: Fuel and oil containers. Fuel and oil. PVC hole casing PVC detonator wire protector. All tools. All drilling bits. All drill pipe. All hoses, adapters, clamps and couplings. Drilling fluid and additives. All transport and logistic requirements. All safety equipment for crew personnel. 78 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work The inventory and description of equipment to be provided by CONTRACTOR is listed in this Exhibit. A.8.4.1 Water Relay Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide and equip sufficient Water Relay Crews to support drilling operations throughout the survey area taking into account the variations of ground elevation and seasonal availability and location of water sources. Each Water Relay Crew shall have at least the following: Davey or equivalent high pressure water pumps driven by 5.5 HP Honda engine or equivalent. Suction hoses Fire hoses A.8.4.2 Shot Hole Flushing and Washout Drilling Crew CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient equipment for minimum of two (2) Shot Hole Flushing / Washout Drilling Crews ahead of recording. Each Shot Hole Flushing/Washout Drilling crew shall have at least the following equipment: Kato/TC or equivalent high-pressure water pump driven by 7 HP Honda engine or equivalent. Suction hoses Fire hoses A.8.4.3 Rotary Drilling Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide and equip a sufficient number of Rotary Drilling, minimum twenty (20) plus spares to support drilling operations throughout the survey area. The principal method of drilling shall be Power Rig (or equivalent) portable top-drive rotary drilling rigs using a combination of 37/8” blade drag drill bits and 3” PCD Triefus drill bits. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that each Rotary Drilling Crew always has at least one (1) drag bit and one (1) PCD Triefus bit in good condition during the conduct of drilling operations. Each Rotary Drilling crew shall have at least the following equipment: One (1) Portable Top Drive or equivalent Power Rig, Complete with Kelly, bits and subs One (1) Mud Pump One (1) 37/8” Blade Drag Bit One (1) 3” PCD Triefus Clore Bit and Sub 30 meters of drill pipe One (1) King Swivel Three (3) pipe wrenches A.8.4.4 Compressor Drilling Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient Compressor Drilling Equipment, for the recording crew to operate continuously without delay. This equipment is to assist the Rotary Drilling Crews in areas with very hard or intensely fractured formations. Each set of Compressor Drilling Equipment shall include at least the following equipment: 79 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Man portable screw air compressor. Downhole hammer bit. 30m drill pipe with OD to match hammer bit. Foam injection pump. Sufficient high pressure delivery hose A.8.4.5 Shothole Loading Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide and equip a sufficient number of Shothole Loading Crews to support drilling operations throughout the survey area. Each Shot Hole Loading crew shall have at least the following equipment: 10 Loading poles. 2 Approved Explosive containers. 1 Digital cap tester. 1 Dummy load. Sufficient 1/2” PVC water pipe for gravel shot holes Cement for tamping of gravel holes A.8.4.6 Explosives Field Magazine. CONTRACTOR shall provide all equipment required for the safe storage and transport of explosives in the field as follows: Approved Field storage and field transport boxes for charges and detonators complete with chains and strong padlocks. Lightning arrestors Fire extinguishers. Tent and camping equipment for the Police/Army security. As a minimum the quantity and specifications of this equipment must meet the applicable IAGC standards. A.8.5 GPS Survey Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide the following DGPS surveying equipment: Three (3) dual frequency receivers plus one (1) spare, complete with all accessories including but not limited to antennae, tripods, tape measure, RS232 interface and sufficient batteries for uninterrupted observations. Computers for downloading data in the field. Computer for post processing software. All necessary transport equipment for the DGPS survey. All necessary consumables such as permanent markers, cement, etc. The inventory and description of equipment to be provided by CONTRACTOR is listed in this Exhibit. A.8.6 Topographic Survey Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide Topographic Survey Equipment to field sufficient (a minimum of four (4)) topographic survey crews. Each topographic survey crew shall have at least the following equipment: 80 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Four (4) plus spares of Total Station (electronic theodolite with in-built EDM), tripod, batteries, cables, PC Roleoff’s prism and accessories Two (2) sets tripods, tribrach, and reflector prisms. One (1) ranging pole with reflector prism. Sufficient digital data recorders for uninterrupted operation. Two (2) hand held walkie-talkies with spare batteries. And/or Real Time Kinematics DGPS surveying equipment (including spares), each consisting of: One (1) remote RTK GPS receiver complete with data link, antenna, batteries, cables, PC interfaces, and other accessories. One (1) ranging pole with antenna. Sufficient digital data recorders for uninterrupted operation. CONTRACTOR’s Topographic Survey group shall also have the following equipment: Sufficient hand held walkie-talkies with spare batteries. One (1) 50 meter precision tape measure. Two (2) hand help GPS receiver such as Garmin or equivalent. Personal Computers and laser printers loaded with seismic surveying software. One (1) Hewlett Packard HP750C Plotter (with plotter driver and plotting software). All necessary surveying and computing consumables, drafting equipment, field books, power supplies, tools, accessories, etc. One (1) digital photographic camera for bench mark photos. The inventory and description of equipment to be provided by CONTRACTOR is listed in this Exhibit. A.8.7 Field Communication Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide communications equipment of a type and in sufficient quantity to allow reliable direct two-way communications under all conditions between CONTRACTOR’s Basecamp and each and every field crew, each and every staging camp and each and every transport unit deployed for the WORK. The inventory and description of equipment to be provided by CONTRACTOR is listed in this Exhibit. A.8.8 Surface Transportation Equipment CONTRACTOR shall provide all surface transportation equipment required to support all of the field operations inclusive of driver, fuel, lubricants, maintenance, spare parts etc. All vehicles shall be no more than two (2) years old with new “extra grip” off-road tires (including spare) and fitted with automatic recoil seat belts for the driver and all passengers, logbook, first aid kit, towrope, tool kit, jack and all- purpose fire extinguisher. In addition, without exception all trucks shall be fitted with roll cages. The equipment supplied shall include two (2) four wheel drive vehicles for the sole use of the NATIONAL OIL’s Field Representative. Vehicles are to be provided at the commencement of mobilization & be inclusive of driver, fuel, lubricants, maintenance, spare parts etc. 81 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.9 Compensation and Invoicing A.9.1 Definitions (1) Start Date Means the date the CONTRACTOR's equipment shall be mobilized at the WORK Site and CONTRACTOR is fully capable of commencing the WORK in accordance with the specifications and other terms and conditions (of the Agreement of this WORK). (2) Mobilization CONTRACTOR shall mobilize equipment and personnel specified in this Exhibit. Mobilization shall include, but not be limited to, the following activities: Deployment of preliminary team from temporary accommodation (line clearance & permitting) Base Camp construction Mobilization of all equipment and personnel from CONTRACTOR selected base to the field camp. This includes all fees involved, inclusive of medical facilities, power and power distribution networks, catering and lodging, ablutions with licensed water (Grey & Black) disposal CONTRACTOR, personnel salaries and benefits, fuel and lubes, insurance, security in transit, custom duties etc. Preliminary training of all field personnel. Installation and testing of all new and existing equipment (including positioning equipment, reference stations, etc.) as detailed in this Exhibit. Receipt of permits necessary for the CONTRACTOR to initiate conduct of the seismic work Deployment of all equipment in the field necessary to take the first shot on the first line or spread unless otherwise agreed. Verification that CONTRACTOR has met all of NATIONAL OIL’s Safety Health Environmental and Drug/Alcohol testing requirements Completion of all instrument tests Verification of source performance Passing all acceptance testing as specified in this Exhibit Items of additional survey equipment identified in this Exhibit as chargeable on a daily or hourly rate (e.g. field tests, Up-Hole unit, PPV, trainer’s personnel or other selected reimbursables) will become chargeable at the time the equipment is accepted and put into service on the first line or spread designated or approved by NATIONAL OIL. This Exhibit specifies that some elements of the seismic crew (e.g. camp construction, permit unit, survey unit, and drill crew) will have a mobilization charge that is separate from the Recording Crew. In this case, such unit will be considered mobilized when it meets NATIONAL OIL's Safety, Health, Environmental and Drug/Alcohol requirements, meets regulatory, permit, and NATIONAL OIL's technical requirements and is put into service acceptable to NATIONAL OIL. 82 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work (3) Demobilization Demobilization shall apply for all activities after the last production shot point, including but not limited to: Recovery of equipment unless otherwise agreed Cleanup of Work area and all camp sites (if applicable). Post-survey check of instruments and recording equipment. Departure of NATIONAL OIL's representatives, data and equipment. Demobilization of all equipment and personnel from the field camp to CONTRACTOR selected base. This includes all fees involved, inclusive of personnel salaries and benefits, fuel and lubes, insurance, security in transit, custom export duties etc. Charging for Items of additional survey equipment identified in this Exhibit as chargeable on a daily or hourly rate (e.g. Up-Hole, PPV, Trainers personnel) will cease to be chargeable when the equipment acquires the last data and is taken out of service. (4) Mobilization / Demobilization Fee: The Mobilization / Demobilization Fee is a lump-sum fee that shall include all costs for Mobilization and Demobilization as defined above. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the Mobilization / Demobilization Fee shall be payable upon completion of Mobilization. Twenty percent (20%) of the Mobilization / Demobilization Fee shall be payable upon completion of Demobilization. The remaining five percent (5%) of the Mobilization / Demobilization Fee shall be payable upon receipt by NATIONAL OIL of all deliverable products listed in this Exhibit. (5) Operating Rates NATIONAL OIL shall compensate the CONTRACTOR according to one of the Operating Rate Options defined below at the rates specified. The NATIONAL OIL shall select the Operating Rate Option, and the NATIONAL OIL shall notify CONTRACTOR of the selected Option before the commencement of the WORK. The rate based on the rate option chosen will be called the Basic Crew Rate. All rates will be fixed and firm until the completion of the WORK and all technical specifications shall be adhered to regardless of the pricing structure selected. In some situations, for example due to changes in security conditions, operating environment, or other special circumstances, a change in the Operating Rate option may be agreed (e.g. change from Turnkey Rate to a Term Rate) through a Change Order (Appendix A.3). All rates are to be inclusive of, but not limited to, all costs associated with seismic acquisition, to keep the operational and efficient including the following: All seismic and survey equipment, hardware, software and labor costs as requested, with specifications abiding by the applicable sections of the Exhibit. Pre-planning and SPS files generation. Field data quality assurance (post-plots) Field data processing up to Raw Brute stack. Personnel salaries and benefits during the mandatory company BBS (BehaviorBased Safety) training sessions (2 days upon start and 1 day each following month) 83 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Conformance to safety, health, environmental, security and drug / alcohol requirements and standards. This is to include personnel protection and other safety equipment, supplies, provisions, and any other services or items specific to the Work Site operating environment. Military and/or police protection/escort for explosives from general bunker to field & return, (accommodation and all provisions inclusive of vehicles provided by CONTRACTOR). Security forces for camp (standing and mobile) Equipment guards (in addition to civilian Base and Fly Camp watchmen provided by CONTRACTOR as outlined above). For camp based crews, provisions, such as food, water, accommodation, and laundry facilities for all personnel. Medical facilities and ambulance for the base camp. Medical personnel supporting the operations. For camp based crews, all accommodation and transport costs within and around the WORK Site for the number of NATIONAL OIL representatives. All procurement, purchase, transportation, storage and distribution of fuel, lubricants, hydraulic fluids needed by all field units. All Field survey consumables (stakes, ribbons, permanent markers etc.) All drilling consumables (bits, stems, hose etc.) All consumables except those items specified as reimbursable in this Exhibit. Routine communications (including transmission of daily reports) Provision of dedicated Internet server for 12 NATIONAL OIL users in base camp. Contractor Crew rotations including transportation and accommodation charges as necessary Routine instrument, source, line or spread testing, Tape copy (two field tapes required, i.e. one original + one copy -- usually acquired in parallel) All deliverables, as specified in this Exhibit. Crew administration costs, CONTRACTOR's overhead associated with seismic crews operations, and accounting for labor, client and government as may be required. Additional costs specified in this Exhibit for inclusion in the Basic Crew Rate. (6) Optional Unit Rates CONTRACTOR shall show the Compensation Tables including a matrix of prices versus different source or receiver effort parameters in the bidding. Such tables are known as Unit Rate Tables. The turnkey rates quoted in the Unit Rate Tables assume that normal impulsive source operations are possible in the WORK Site areas. On lines where extensive or abnormal working conditions (e.g. extensive river crossings or swamps) or negligence access significantly hamper production, CONTRACTOR and NATIONAL OIL may mutually decide to change to a Term Rate via Change Order. Should Term Rate recording be adopted, all other relevant rates would also apply for the period (Uphole, base camp, etc.). 84 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work (7) Workday The length of the Workday will be defined in this Exhibit as the number of hours per day that the crew or field unit is expected to work. All Day Rates and other timed rates that may utilize the full number of hours in a Workday (e.g. Standby Rate, Move Rate, etc.) will be based on the Workday. The Workday is defined to be ten (10) hours. The Workday will normally start when the main crew elements (i.e. observer for the recording crew) leave an established crew assembly base point, such as a Fly Camp, Base Camp, or meeting point. The Workday will end when the crew (observer) completes work for the day and returns to its base point. Crews are expected to work 7 Workdays per week. Exception may be granted for Religious and National Holidays, at CONTRACTOR's request. (8) Standby Time and Rate Standby Time is defined as time when CONTRACTOR is unable to acquire seismic data for the reasons outlined in this section (Inclusive and Exclusive). Under the Inclusive operating rate, the Standby Rate shall be payable for time lost whilst operations are suspended for circumstances within the control of the NATIONAL OIL. These circumstances comprise: Waiting on permits that are the mutually agreed responsibility of NATIONAL OIL to obtain for or on behalf of CONTRACTOR. Waiting on required actions or instructions to be provided by NATIONAL OIL. Acquisition time lost due to change in acquisition parameters at the request of NATIONAL OIL. Under the Exclusive operating rate, the Standby Rate is payable only when operations are suspended due to circumstances outside CONTRACTOR's control and when CONTRACTOR has, in NATIONAL OIL's reasonable opinion, used his best endeavors to minimize any resulting time chargeable to NATIONAL OIL. These circumstances comprise those listed above for the Inclusive operating rate and the following: Acquisition time lost due to weather that causes unacceptable loss of data quality or unacceptable risk to personnel, equipment, and the environment after Initial Weather Downtime period as defined below. Interference from group(s) not subject to CONTRACTOR’s control and influence, but excluding CONTRACTOR’s or Subcontractor’s personnel or representatives thereof or governmental or governmental controlled entities, unless interference is the result of inflammatory actions on the part of CONTRACTOR’s or Subcontractor’s personnel. Time lost due to interference from drilling activity or other oil or gas field operations, provided such activities are not under the operational control of CONTRACTOR. Time lost due to external seismic interference, excluding interference caused by another of CONTRACTOR's seismic crews acquiring nonexclusive surveys. Time lost due to damage or loss of equipment from circumstances not reasonably anticipated by CONTRACTOR and beyond CONTRACTOR’s reasonable control (CONTRACTOR is responsible to provide field security and is expected to prevent such happenings, including but not limited to such things as damage 85 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work caused by vandalism, sabotage, and damage caused by wild or domesticated animals) Time lost due to permit or governmental restrictions complied with by CONTRACTOR or due to court order or judicial process that are not the result of CONTRACTOR actions or omissions. (Unless specified otherwise in the Agreement of the WORK,) no Standby Time will be chargeable prior to the completion of the first acceptable field shot or after the commencement of Demobilization, except when acquisition cannot begin due to NATIONAL OIL's failure to obtain permits. The Standby Rate (if applicable to the pricing option selected) is only payable if, in NATIONAL OIL's reasonable opinion, the crew was capable of acquiring data, under the terms of the contract, immediately prior to suspension of operations, and immediately after operations resume. NATIONAL OIL shall not pay for Standby time due to failure of equipment or shortage of necessary personnel. NATIONAL OIL shall not pay for Standby time in excess of the Workday hours per day. (9) Long Term Time Standby Rates Unless otherwise specified by Change Order, the Standby Rates for periods greater than 15 consecutive days shall reflect the reduction of expatriate personnel to levels necessary to maintain general administration, equipment, security, and safety standards. CONTRACTOR will be notified in advance if NATIONAL OIL elects to standby more than 15 days. If stand by time exceeds a period of 30 days, NATIONAL OIL shall make a decision on whether to continue to remit stand by charges or to elect to terminate the agreement. (10) Weather Downtime For each month, an initial number of hours of accumulated downtime lost ("Initial Weather Downtime") during a normal working day/ month due to adverse weather conditions shall be inclusive of the turnkey rates. Adverse weather will include wind or electrical, rain storms that lead to downtime. The number of hours in the Initial Weather Downtime is 10 hours every month. Initial Weather Downtime hours that are not used during a month cannot be carried over to succeeding months. No stand by charges shall apply in the initial weather downtime. Lost time due to weather in excess of the Initial Weather Downtime shall be paid on an hourly basis each month at the appropriate Standby Rate (as shown in the Agreement of the WORK). This shall be designated as "Weather". Standby Rates If CONTRACTOR travels to the recording operations location but is unable to commence operations due to adverse weather conditions over and above the initial weather downtime, then the travel time to and from the Base Camp or Crew Base shall be included in the Weather Standby calculations. However, if CONTRACTOR commences operations, the travel time shall not be included. 86 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work (11) Technical Downtime Any time during which seismic data acquisition is prevented or slowed due to reasons other than those outlined above shall be classed as Technical Downtime. This shall include, but not be limited to: Field Units are not in compliance with safety, environment and technical specifications contained herein. (Reasonable arbitration between CONTRACTOR and NATIONAL OIL; a unit may be stopped individually, not necessarily requiring the whole crew to stop). Time required for Serious Incidents, accidents investigation. Failed or out of specification equipment. Personnel errors, negligence, misconduct or omissions occasioned by carelessness. Misfires requiring a re-drill (unless it can be demonstrated that the misfire is not under CONTRACTOR's control, such as defective explosives or vandalism). Detonator wires broken during the loading shall be CONTRACTOR's technical downtime to re-drill compensation hole. Peripheral activities conducted at the request of CONTRACTOR. Time spent in excess of normal time to change between lines to carry out or follow corrective action to address technical problems or errors. The number and / or ability of CONTRACTOR Personnel has been reduced without NATIONAL OIL's consent to an extent that adversely affects the efficiency or safety of the Contract Services. No payments including stand by charges shall be due during periods of technical downtime. 87 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services A.9.2 Scope of Work Operating Rate Options For the Operating Options selected below, NATIONAL OIL and CONTRACTOR shall jointly develop a PC-based system to properly account for and archive all completed line kilometers, accepted source points, and all time utilization for statistical and billing purposes. NATIONAL OIL's representative will audit completed survey statistics and verify compliance with NATIONAL OIL specifications prior to authorizing payment of CONTRACTOR's invoices. For reporting purposes, a seismic line is considered complete after both recording and final geodetic survey computations are completed and all documentation, including final geodetic survey data (SPS files) are prepared for shipment and the shipment duly received by the corresponding processing center. NATIONAL OIL may also include other system deliverables such as uphole unit deliverables, in defining lines as being complete. Such additional inclusions, if needed, will be stated during the field operations. NATIONAL OIL reserves the right to vary the size of the proposed Survey program by an amount up to an equivalent of twenty-five percent (25%) of the stated program (in the Agreement of the WORK) under the same rates, terms and conditions without a Change Order provided conditions and equipment requirements are similar. NATIONAL OIL and CONTRACTOR shall mutually agree to revise the rates should the survey size be increased or decreased above twenty-five percent, or should the parameter requested differ from the original tender. A.9.2.1 Turnkey Rates (1) Definition Turnkey Rates relate charges to actual production completed, i.e. shots acquired within the specifications, processed and QC’s in the field data processing and data sent to the final processing center (2) Kilometer Rate USD / kilometer where a kilometer includes forty (40) shot points, acquired from first to last SP inclusive, and contributing to the full fold, on a roll-on, rolloff procedure where the first shot is adjacent (12.5m ahead) to the first geophone and the last shot adjacent (12.5m after) the last geophone. This rate will be referred to as the Kilometer Rate. In case of a Km rate, skipped shots that are beyond the control of the CONTRACTOR shall be compensated for by adding an equivalent number of shots each side of the obstruction (drilling every station instead of every two stations). In case skips cannot be recovered due to circumstances outside CONTRACTOR's control and when CONTRACTOR has, in NATIONAL OIL's reasonable opinion, used his best endeavors to minimize any resulting skips, the corresponding skips shall be chargeable to NATIONAL OIL. (3) SP Rate US$ per Acquired SP, where the acquired SP meets minimum spread parameters and specifications (defined in the Agreement of the WORK). 88 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Turnkey rates may also be used for other seismic crew units such as: USD / meter , P-wave velocity measurement for the UH The Turnkey Rates shall be defined as an Exclusive Turnkey Rate. The Exclusive Turnkey Rate includes a standby rate for the circumstances defined in Section above regarding the Exclusive operating rate. A.9.2.2 Term (Day or Hourly) Rate (1) Definitions The Term Rate is the cost for field unit production per measure of time usually on a per-hour or per-day basis. The Term Rate will not be charged when any other time measured rate such as Standby Rate or Move Rate is applicable. A Term Rate using a per-day basis will be referred to as a Day Rate. All Day Rates are based on the number hours defined in the Work Day of 10 Hours. Charges will be prorated for the number of actual hours worked for partial Workdays or for days having technical downtime. (2) The Term Rate for a particular Field Unit will change when 1) NATIONAL OIL, at its option, elects to add or remove individual personnel and/or equipment to/from a Field Unit or 2) The extent of personnel and/or equipment actually deployed on a Field Unit is deficient when compared to the levels as outlined in this Exhibit. 3). The Term Rate for the particular Field Unit as altered under these circumstances shall correspondingly increase or decrease in accordance with the individual component rate (outlined in the Agreement of this contract). A Change Order will document such changes as described in Appendix A.3 of this Exhibit. (3) Lump sum A single lump sum shall apply for the conduct of the work detailed in this Exhibit. The lump sum shall include Mobilization and Demobilization, all Operational Time, Standby Time and Technical Downtime no matter how caused, and the acquisition of all seismic and survey data. No additional (other than reimbursable charges) shall apply. 89 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services A.9.3 Scope of Work Other Rates, Fee, and Discounts A.9.3.1 Testing or Experimental Rate CONTRACTOR shall be compensated for each hour spent at the request of NATIONAL OIL conducting experimental work that interferes with normal production. This rate shall include any additional time required by the CONTRACTOR for set-up or reconfiguration for the test. The Testing or Experimental Rate does not include periodic tests or tests that are related to verification of CONTRACTOR's equipment. The Standby Rate, Move Rate, or Zero Rate (for Technical Downtime) will still apply during conditions defined in the appropriate Compensation Table (of the Agreement of the WORK) while testing is underway. A.9.3.2 Tail Spread CONTRACTOR shall discount by 70% Kilometer Rate defined A.9.2.1 for the Tail Spread configuration (only receiver deployment without any shot points within that section of the seismic lines). A.9.3.3 Force Majeure Rate Parties shall share the force majeure rate for the first 10 days. The force majeure rate applicable shall be the standby rate (as specified in the Agreement of the WORK). Thereafter, the standby rate shall only be paid by NATIONAL OIL for conditions of force majeure (the definition will be discussed between NATIONAL OIL and CONTRACTOR) and subsequent to CONTRACTOR mobilization as defined in this Exhibit. If mobilization has not been completed, no standby rate shall be paid unless agreed to by NATIONAL OIL. A.9.3.4 Accommodation for NATIONAL OIL Representatives For camp-based crews, CONTRACTOR shall provide at no additional cost to NATIONAL OIL, accommodation and office space for up to fourteen (14) NATIONAL OIL designated representatives. Accommodation for NATIONAL OIL representatives in excess of this amount shall be compensated on a Term Rate per representative basis. NATIONAL OIL representatives may include NATIONAL OIL’s employees, national QC's, representatives subcontracted by the NATIONAL OIL, or government or coventurer representatives being sponsored by NATIONAL OIL. A.9.3.5 Reimbursable Charges In addition to the Basic Crew Rate and other field unit rates, the NATIONAL OIL shall reimburse the CONTRACTOR at cost plus 3% for the reasonable and necessary direct net additional costs incurred by CONTRACTOR for the following items, if approved in advance by the NATIONAL OIL. Such items shall include but not be limited to: 90 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work 1. Land access and crops compensation resulting from the Seismic Survey, unless CONTRACTOR assumes liability for such damage from negligence or cause. 2. Medical assistance to NATIONAL OIL field representatives, using field medical support. 3. Cost of two (2) permanent trainers for BBS safety induction. The trainers will be selected by NATIONAL OIL. They will be allowed to use the Camp dedicated training facilities. 4. Cost of PPV operations, as required by NATIONAL OIL. 5. Accommodation and provisions for government trainees, when applicable. 6. Rental of additional support transportation with or without drivers (above 6 units). 7. Any other equipment, consumables, personnel or services requested and approved in writing by NATIONAL OIL and CONTRACTOR management representatives under a Change Order. It is further understood that the "net cost" as used herein means only the cost incurred and paid directly by CONTRACTOR and shall exclude any profit to or overhead of Contractor other than the three percent (3%) referenced above. NATIONAL OIL requires all reimbursable items to be competitively sourced at competitive market rates. Reimbursable items over the value of USD 5000 shall be competitively sourced and include representation from NATIONAL OIL to verify and evaluate any bids, and the related award shall be subject to approval by NATIONAL OIL prior to making the award. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to give preference to locally supplied goods and services when sourcing for suppliers .Any sole source awards have to be justified by CONTRACTOR. The NATIONAL OIL will not pay the CONTRACTOR for any reimbursable items that have not been pre-approved in writing by the NATIONAL OIL. Nonreimbursable items include but are not limited to the costs of survey stakes and survey consumables, drill consumables, fuel & lubes, water, magnetic tapes and recording consumables, equipment insurance, and equipment damage or loss. A.9.3.6 Fee Reductions and Discounts (1) Mobilization/ Demobilization Fee Reduction For remote areas, the lump sum fee for mobilization/ demobilization will be reduced if CONTRACTOR is able to secure work utilizing the seismic crew with another NATIONAL OIL within the Fee Reduction Area immediately after the Survey is completed (within 10 days or as otherwise defined in the Agreement of the WORK). The reduced fee shall also apply in the event said third party work is scheduled for completion within ten (10) days (or as otherwise defined in the Agreement of the WORK) of the commencement of Contract Services provided under the WORK. Under such circumstances, the 91 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work discounts for the crews given in the Compensation Table (of the Agreement of the WORK) shall be applied to the acquisition mobilization/ demobilization fees. (2) Volume Discount Rate CONTRACTOR will apply a discount in percent of the applicable operating Turnkey Rate or Term Rate (given in the Agreement of the WORK) for each applicable unit of measure (e.g. kilometers, days, SP's) over the volume discount number (in the Agreement of the WORK). (3) Processing by CONTRACTOR In the event CONTRACTOR or an affiliate of CONTRACTOR is awarded the Data Processing contract for this survey, the Operating Rates will be reduced by the percent (specified in the Agreement of the WORK). (4) Client Vehicles or other Support Vehicles If requested by NATIONAL OIL, CONTRACTOR shall supply, maintain and provide fuel for up to the number of additional vehicles specified in this Exhibit. These vehicles will be air conditioned, radio equipped (SSB and VHF), four-wheel drive SUV type vehicle (such as Land Cruisers or equivalent approved by NATIONAL OIL) be appropriate to the terrain on the project site, shall be appropriately equipped, and approved by NATIONAL OIL. Vehicles shall be provided with drivers. (5) Additional Products or Services Optional or additional products or services described in this Exhibit or a Change Order shall be provided by CONTRACTOR for an additional "per product" charge or at an additional “service rate” as appropriate. (6) Contract Exceptions No exceptions with financial impact shall be accepted (under the terms of the Agreement of the WORK). 92 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services A.10 Scope of Work Health, Saefty and Environmental Procedures The Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) policy and procedures described in this Exhibit or that may be introduced by NATIONAL OIL during the term of this Exhibit shall apply equally to CONTRACTOR and its Sub-Contractors. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for implementation of and compliance with the HSE procedures and policies by all personnel and equipment including those employed by its Sub-Contractors assigned to the services. A.10.1 Health and Safety Standards CONTRACTOR shall ensure the Work is conducted in a manner that: Complies with the relevant Kenyan health and safety regulations. Complies with OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)’s regulations. Complies with the relevant sections of the eighth edition of the IAGC Land Geophysical Operations Safety Manual. Incorporates the relevant sections of the E&P Forum document Health Management Guidelines for Remote Land Based Geophysical Operations (1993, Report No.6.30/190). Where standards between the above guidelines differ the higher standard shall apply. A.10.2 Environmental Standards CONTRACTOR shall ensure the Work is conducted in a manner that: Complies with the relevant Kenyan environmental regulations. Complies with the relevant sections of the latest edition of the IAGC Environmental Guidelines for Worldwide Geophysical Operations. The operation is conducted so as to cause the absolute minimal impact on the environment. A.10.3 Environmental and Social Mitigation and Monitoring Action Plan The CONTRACTOR shall ensure the Work is conducted in a manner that complies with the project specific Environmental and Social Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (ESMMP). The ESMMP is a fundamental requirement of the Environmental Impact Assessment conducted for this project and details the project specific actions that the contractor must meet in order to fulfill the environmental and social obligations of the project in accordance with the conditions to operate. The requirements as stipulated in the ESMMP shall be drawn from international best practice for working in sensitive environments. NATIONAL OIL shall provide the CONTRACTOR with the ESMMP prior to project mobilization. The CONTRACTOR will be required to prepare an ESMMP action plan of how the CONTRACTOR shall address the ESMMP actions. The action plan may make cross reference to the CONTRACTORS Environmental Polices however in all instances the ESMMP requirements shall take precedence. 93 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.10.4 Emergency Response Coordinator Prior to the start of field operations, CONTRACTOR shall designate one or more of its Kenyan (or Africa) Based Senior Personnel as an Emergency Response Coordinator. The Emergency Response Coordinator must be on call on a 24-hour per day basis to support CONTRACTOR’s Field Personnel during emergency situations. CONTRACTOR shall ensure NATIONAL OIL receives written notice of the contact details for CONTRACTOR’s Emergency Response Coordinator and delegation or reassignment of the position required by absences from duty. A.10.5 HSE Plan Prior to the start of field operations, CONTRACTOR shall forward to NATIONAL OIL for review and approval the Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Plan to be applied during the Work. This plan shall include at least the following items: Incorporate the minimum standards specified within this Exhibit. Identify HSE hazards. Describe CONTRACTOR’s HSE education program. Include a Crew Organization Chart that identifies the HSE responsibilities of all CONTRACTOR’s supervisory personnel. Describe CONTRACTOR’s HSE incident reporting and response system. Describe CONTRACTOR’s preventative health care program including vaccinations and malaria prophylactic measures appropriate for the Survey Area. Include the provision and maintenance of a basic first aid kit and the presence of an individual with basic first aid qualifications at each field camp. Include regular visits to each field crew by the CONTRACTOR’s Health and Safety Officer and Senior Paramedic to audit the use of safe work practices, general health condition, nutrition, quality of drinking water, sanitation, availability and use of safety equipment and status of the crew’s first aid kit. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that immediate remedial action is taken for problems identified by the audit. The results of each inspection, remedial action and identification of outstanding issues from previous inspections shall be documented in a written report. Include CONTRACTOR’s procedures for: Emergency, e.g. Medivac, Man Lost, Fire. Management of Hazardous Materials and gases. Land Transport Operations. Specialist Tasks, e.g. welding, working at height, electrical. Water and River Operations. Explosives Transport, Use and Handling. Fuel Use and Handling. Land Clearing and Line Clearance. Landing Zone Construction. Fly Camp Design and Construction Food Handling and Preparation. Working on Public Roads. Bushfire prevention and containment. Shothole Drilling. Recording Operations. 94 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Waste Management. A.10.6 Medical/Emergency Evacuation Plan CONTRACTOR is to have a full plan in place for emergency evacuation of all bases of operation such as the Base Camp in the event this becomes necessary. This emergency evacuation plan should include an ambulance with full procedures in case this type of facility is utilized and shall be subject to approval by NATIONAL OIL prior to commencement of Work. A.10.7 Incident / Accident Reporting The CONTRACTOR and all Subcontractors shall have an accident and incident reporting system that shall be compatible with accepted Industry standards. Any hazardous incident/ near miss involving NATIONAL OIL, CONTRACTOR’s or any third parties Personnel, plant or Equipment, shall immediately be reported regardless of whether or not injury, damage or lost time to Personnel, plant or equipment. CONTRACTOR shall maintain and forward to NATIONAL OIL, a monthly summary of its safety performance report which shall include preventive and remedial measures put in place to address incidents. The CONTRACTOR shall also forward to NATIONAL OIL a monthly incident report showing incidents reported and remedial action taken. CONTRACTOR shall prepare and forward to NATIONAL OIL, a weekly report stating all incident/ non-incidents/occurrences that occurred during that week. CONTRACTOR is to provide the following safety statistics. The statistics required are for your corporate entity and the local operations branch of CONTRACTOR for the last 3 three year period. - Lost time injury per million hours worked - Total recordable cases per million hours worked With the exception of first aid cases, all accidents will be investigated, including those that do not result in a lost time injury. Accident reports shall be forwarded to NATIONAL OIL Field QC Representatives within 48 hours. A.10.8 Man Hour Reporting CONTRACTOR shall report daily, as part of the daily report, the total number of personnel on the crews, according to category. This shall include all staff, Agreement/Subcontractor work force, visitors and NATIONAL OIL personnel CONTRACTOR shall calculate the daily man hour’s exposure for the project, based on a standard working day. This time window shall be agreed between CONTRACTOR and NATIONAL OIL. This shall be reported on the daily reports as a daily and cumulative total. Man hours monitoring shall be maintained and cumulative totals kept throughout the duration of the Agreement covering all seismic work. 95 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.10.9 HSE Audits and Reports NATIONAL OIL reserves the right to periodically audit CONTRACTOR’s adherence to the approved HSE Plan and ESMMP. CONTRACTOR shall allow NATIONAL OIL’s HSE auditor access to CONTRACTOR’s administrative office, field offices and camps, equipment, personnel and records to audit or inspect the HSE and work environment aspects of CONTRACTOR’s conduct of the Work. CONTRACTOR shall have the right to assign a representative to be present during the HSE audit. Results of the HSE audits and conformance of the CONTRACTOR work practices to its HSE Plan and ESMMP are used to develop a schedule of improvement action plans. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that immediate remedial action is taken for items identified by the audit and included in the improvement action plan. The results of each inspection, remedial action and identification of outstanding issues from previous inspections shall be documented in monthly HSE written reports. CONTRACTOR shall submit detailed monthly reports in a format acceptable to NATIONAL OIL. These reports document all HSE activities including training courses conducted, safety meetings held, audit results, man hours worked, accident or incident details and medical treatment cases. A.10.10 Motor Vehicles CONTRACTOR shall ensure all motor vehicles are equipped with a first aid kit, spare tyre, radio transceiver, roll bar, automatic retractable safety belts, towrope, shovel and fire extinguishers. A.10.11 River Transport If applicable, CONTRACTOR shall ensure all river transport, including that used for river crossing, are equipped with a first aid kit, radio transceiver, emergency flares, anchor and rope, fire extinguishers and life jackets for each passenger and crew. A.10.12 Personnel CONTRACTOR shall ensure all personnel are provided with the safety equipment required for a safe working environment and are fully trained and competent for the task they are assigned. CONTRACTOR shall ensure all field personnel have at least the following safety equipment: Safety helmet. Good quality footwear, rubber shoes are not acceptable. CONTRACTOR shall ensure all personnel working in hazardous environments have at least the following safety equipment: H2S awareness induction program Safety hand gloves Safety helmets with visors 96 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work Safety glasses Ear protectors Face masks (dust) First aid kits Fire extinguishers A.10.13 Accommodation, Meals and Provisions for Labor CONTRACTOR shall ensure an adequate supply of foodstuffs is available for all field labor regardless of location. The provisions supplied to the field labor shall be uncontaminated and of good quality. The distribution of the foodstuffs shall be managed so as not to interrupt the seismic field operations. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that field laborers are not charged for medical supplies, accommodation, meals and provisions or the cost of transport and distribution of provisions. A.10.14 Provisions for Field Labour CONTRACTOR shall ensure each field laborer is always provided with sufficient pure fresh water for drinking. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that each field laborer is provided at least the provisions described in this exhibit. Any additional items requested by the field labor shall be supplied at current local market prices without mark-up. A.10.15 Medical Treatment and Supplies for Field Labour CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the general health and well being of all personnel. CONTRACTOR shall maintain an adequate stock of medical supplies. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that a qualified Doctor is located at its base camp and, in addition, a qualified Paramedic or Nurse is located at all field camp and work locations. CONTRACTOR’s Paramedic or Nurse shall dispense medicines to the field labor as required. The medical supplies provided at each field camp shall include at least those described in this Exhibit. A.10.16 Environment and Ecological Standards CONTRACTOR will be required to adhere at all times to the environmental procedures of official and local authorities and to the IAGC’s Environmental Guidelines for Worldwide Geophysical Operations, IAGC. In addition, CONTRACTOR is expected to observe any published Kenyan Law and Regulations which pertains to seismic operations. The CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to comply with environmental and ecological regulations and procedures extends to subcontracted and local labor of the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR must designate an Emergency Response Coordinator and supply an up-todate curriculum vitae (C.V.) for this individual. CONTRACTOR must have in place for 2D seismic operations an ESMMP Action plan, an Environmental and /Ecological Plan and Emergency Response Plan. 97 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work A.10.16.1 CONTRACTOR Corporate Environmental Policy The CONTRACTOR must put into place and maintain a Corporate Environmental Policy which takes into account the following items. - Environmental Management - Ecological Management - Seismic Line Responsibilities - Field Monitoring - Safety and Environmental Audits - Training - Operational guidelines - Seismic source impact monitoring - Base camp - Secondary and flying camps - Sewage and waste disposal - Hazardous materials - Fuel storage, oils, and chemicals - Fuel withdrawal from storage system - Fuel replenishment - Explosive handling and storage - Environmental Emergency - Response Plan-Reporting All bidders are required to complete the attached HSE questionnaire and provide all the documents as required with the reference to each document stated in the tables below. This will be used as the basis of the HS+E audit performed by NATIONAL OIL for Qualification. Failure to complete this questionnaire and provide the documentation in full may be cause for disqualification. 98 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 1.0 Scope of Work Policy NO. QUESTION GUIDANCE 1.0.1 Does your Company have a Safety Policy? Attach copy of most recent YES NO COMMENTS REFERENCE YES NO COMMENTS REFERENCE version of Policy 1.0.2 Does your Company have an Environment Attach copy of most recent Policy? 1.0.3 version of Policy Has Company advised all employees about Describe how this has been its Safety and Environment Policies? 2.0 Organization NO. 2.0.1 done QUESTION GUIDANCE Does your Company have a safety and Attach copy of Company environment organization organization chart showing safety and environment group’s reporting lines and interfaces 2.0.2 Does your implement Company the support principle of and Describe how this is line achieved. responsibility for safety and environment? 99 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 2.0.3 Scope of Work Are health, safety and environmental Provide sample job responsibilities of each employee clearly description for typical Line 2.0.4 defined? Manager and Supervisor Does your Company have: State the standard on which each system is based. i. ii. iii. Safety Management System Environment Management System Quality Management System Enclose: i. Copy of SMS Manual ii. Summary of EMS Manual iii. Summary of QMS Manual 2.0.5 Does your Company have a Safety Provide copy Manual or an Operations Manual that Manual or addresses safety and of Safety Operations environment Manual matters? 2.0.6 Does your Company have appropriate Provide outline summary of Emergency Response Procedures 2.0.7 Are annual safety and Emergency Response Plan environment Attach copy of current year objectives established and implemented objectives at each level within your Company? – a. Company level and b. At At operating department level 100 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 2.0.8 Scope of Work Does your Company periodically assess Indicate frequency and to each employee performance? what level in organization assessments are performed. Include copy of form used for assessment of employee. 2.0.9 Does your Company have a requirement State requirements for periodic physical examination of personnel? 2.0.10 Does your Company have an Employee Outline content of Health Protection/Education Programme Programme for employees? 101 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 2.1 Communication NO. 2.1.1 GUIDANCE QUESTION YES NO COMMENTS REFERENCE Does your Company have a structured Describe the structure and system of meetings for cascading quality, provide copies safety, health and environment information minutes from down through your organization? 2.1.2 Scope of Work Does your Company’s of the the most recently held meetings. Management Provide details of participate in any of the meetings referred Management involvement to in 2.1.1 2.1.3 Does your Company make use of any or all Specify and provide recent of the following to provide information on example. safety and environment issues to its employees: safety posters, newsletter, and safety notices/alerts? 102 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 2.2 Competence and Training NO. 2.2.1 Scope of Work QUESTION GUIDANCE YES NO COMMENTS REFERENCE Does your Company have a competence State what, if any, National assurance policy? Lead Body designated or other competence standard is used. 2.2.2 Do you have a competence assessment Provide copy of Programme Programme for employees with key quality, safety, health and environmental responsibilities? 2.2.3 If answers to 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 is NO, describe how competence of personnel is established 2.2.4 Have Managers and Supervisors who will State examples of typical plan, monitor and oversee and carry out training. Work received formal quality, safety, health and environment training in their respective responsibilities? 2.2.5 How are training needs identified within State your Company? frequency of review/analysis 103 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 2.2.6 Does your Company provide Scope of Work general Provide details of subjects quality, safety and environment training to covered, when training is employees? provided, follow-up arrangements 2.2.7 Does your Company provide specialized Provide safety and environment training? details specialized programs covered, of training – subjects category personnel of attending, frequency 2.2.8 Has a training plan been formulated and Provide extract documented? 2.2.9 Does training plan provide for updating and refresher training? 104 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 3.0 Relevant Experience NO. 3.0.1 Scope of Work GUIDANCE QUESTION YES NO COMMENTS REFERENCE YES NO COMMENTS REFERENCE Does your Company have relevant oil Provide summary of your relevant industry experience in Kenya or Africa. experience for each of the last 5 years. May we contact the client representative(s) (Use attached pro-forma) indicated on the pro-forma to verify or clarify information provided? 3.1 Risk Assessment GUIDANCE NO. QUESTION 3.1.1 Has your Company assessed the risks to health, safety and environment of employees and others that may be affected by its undertakings? 3.1.2 Did the risk assessment process make use State techniques used of any or all of the following techniques? i. ii. iii. HAZID v. QRA HAZOP v. Other Job Safety Analysis 105 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 3.1.3 Scope of Work Does risk assessment process include manual handling and Material Safety Data Sheets/Hazardous Materials? 3.1.4 Does risk assessment process provide for State frequency of review periodic review of assessments? 3.1.5 Does your arrangements assessment Company for and have in documenting providing place Provide 3 examples of risk risk assessments: relevant information to personnel who may be i. ii. affected? iii. Manual Handling Hazardous Goods Other State how information is provided to personnel 106 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 3.2 Safe Systems of Work NO. 3.2.1 Scope of Work QUESTION GUIDANCE YES NO COMMENTS REFERENCE Does your Company have a system for pre- Provide example of minutes job meetings to discuss quality, safety, from a recent meeting health and environmental matters including any specific hazards and restrictions? 3.2.2 Has your systems of Company Work established appropriate safe Provide relevant details to its activities? e.g. Permit to Work System, Radiography Procedures, Inspection Procedures 3.2.3 Does your Company have arrangements in Provide summary of key place for ensuring that plant and equipment points of these used by your employees or supplied to arrangements. clients is correctly registered, controlled and maintained in a safe Working condition? 3.2.4 Does your Company provide Personal List PPE provided Protective Equipment (PPE) to employees 107 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 3.2.5 Does your Company specify Scope of Work PPE Provide copy of Standards and does it have an appropriate Standards. 3.2.6 PPE Describe system in place to manage the issue of maintenance and record PPE? keeping arrangements Does your Company have a system in Describe how the potential place to control modifications/changes to impact on safety, health design, equipment, materials, processes, and organization (personnel)? the environment addressed modification during or is the change process. 108 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 4.0 Performance Measurement NO. 4.0.1 Scope of Work QUESTION GUIDANCE YES NO COMMENTS REFERENCE Does your Company have an incident Provide copy of procedure investigation and reporting system that and a copy of report form. includes the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. 4.0.2 Is Injuries Diseases Dangerous occurrences Environmental pollution Near misses there a system for initiating and Provide outline of system subsequently tracking corrective actions identified by incident investigations? 4.0.3 Does your Company communicate findings State how this is done of incident investigations to employees? 109 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 4.0.4 Scope of Work Does your Company maintain records of all Provide details of all injuries, diseases, dangerous occurrences notifiable incidents during and environmental pollution? the last 5 years (The total number of manhours exposure should be given for each year. LTI frequency rates should be given on the 100,000 basis of man-hours exposure) State number of non-lost time injuries for each year. State number of near misses for each year. 4.0.5 Does your Company perform an analysis of incident statistics and provide the results to Management and employees? 110 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 5.0 Monitoring, Audit and Review NO. 5.0.1 Scope of Work QUESTION GUIDANCE Does your Company have a system for Outline procedure, routine regular inspections and monitoring responsible of safety and environment at the Work site? YES NO COMMENTS REFERENCE state person, indicates management involvement. Provide copy of schedules for both inspection and monitoring Programme. 5.0.2 Does your Company review the State who is responsible for effectiveness and continues suitability of its audit/Programme safety and environment means of independent audit? programs by provide current a copy year’s and of the audit schedule. 111 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services 5.0.3 Are records of safety, health Scope of Work and Provide copies of examples environmental inspections, monitoring and of: audit maintained? i. Site safety inspection ii. Monitoring activity iii. Safety, health & environmental audit report 5.0.4 Is there a system for communicating the Outline how this is done. findings of inspections, monitoring and audit to both Management and Workforce? Summary of Relevant Experience and Safety Records YEAR CLIENT CLIENT CONTRACTOR CONTRAC NATURE OF MANHOURS LOST REPRESENTATIVE VALUE US$ T PERIOD WORK WORKED TIME INJUR IES 112 NATIONAL OIL 2D Cableless Seismic Data Acquisition Services Scope of Work APPENDIX A.1 CONTRACTOR’s EXPERIENCES CONTRACTOR shall provide list of the experiences over the past three (3) years of onshore 2D seismic acquisition including the name of company/client, responsible/contact person, email address, telephone and fax numbers of references. No COMPANY/CLIENT FIELD AREA PROJECT NAME/DESCRIPTION PROJECT VOLUME/SIZE YEAR DURATION (MONTHS) % COMPLETED CONTRACT VALUE (US$) CONTACT PERSON Table 1. Contractor’s Experiences 113 APPENDIX A.2 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION CONTRACTOR shall provide at its own expense, unless otherwise noted, all equipment and personnel to comply with the contract services as specified within this Agreement. Minimum equipment and personnel requirement are specified in the tables in this Exhibit. CONTRACTOR shall add to the table any items it will provide in excess of the equipment listed below. Items or tables may be added digitally. 114 A.2-1 Equipment Summary Item# Field Office and Administration Tendered 34. Base Camp: configuration 35. Base camp: security Cleared area around fence for visibility; high Fence, Post Guard, flood lights, security guards 24 hour/day and regular patrols at night 36. Base Camp: journey management and TCards system Yes-Controlled By Vehicle Dispatcher; communication in every vehicle (radio + mobile phone if required); drive rights. Regular communication w/camp 37. Fuel storage facilities Constructed outside base camp (within enclosed parking area) with calibrated fuel distribution pump; dedicated security guards, locking nozzles, cemented floor for leaks containment during distribution 38. Fuel Distribution Facilities Metal Jerry-Can For Drilling Crew, Special Vehicle For Fuel Distribution with calibrated delivery pump and oil spill kit 39. Silent Power Generators (describe) 2 X Unit 135 KVA Silent Perkin Genset, fitted in enclosed containers, with independent fuel reservoirs for a week's autonomy; fitted with spurious current leakage detectors and automatic shutdown switch in case of mechanical failure 40. Camp power distribution and safety (describe) Main switchboard safety panel; Certified Panel Distribution For Each Block , MCCB And LCCB; buried distribution cables; balanced loads; fitted with spurious current leakage detectors 41. Mushola 42. Field Clinic Base camp clinic Constructed in Cooperation W/ ISOS With 24 H licensed Medic on standby 43. Ambulance / Medical Supplies 1 Ambulance ISOS Standards. Medicines and Any Clinic Equipment Sufficient Controlled By Saripari and ISOS Doctors. 44. Safety / Firefighting Equipment Firex, Fire System, Fire Break, Fire Alarms and sufficient fire extinguishers at strategic locations, Sand and buckets near fuel storage, Smoke Detectors in living rooms and kitchen/mess , Regular Fire Drills & dedicated trained fire team 45. Water purification system / kitchens / dining/ recreation Water Purifier Processing Piping To Kitchen, Hand Wash Basins In Canteen, Ablutions and For Tooth Brush and showers. In-line filters and chlorination. Mushola 10m X 10m 115 46. Bottled water for drinking Yes Unlimited. Potable water from main distributor + water tanks available in the field; Every labor will be distributed with own water gourd container (aluminum). Restricted amount of plastic bottles distributed to the field 47. Recreation facilities TV Satellite Receivers X 2, DVD 48. Ablutions & Toilets (Hot water?) Yes W/ Water Heater And Shower 49. Sewage system Buried Piping System; pre-fabricated sewage pits in norm with international and Kenyan standards 50. Disposal of gray and black waters Sewage Water Pond And Water Treatment; use MCL sub-contractor for disposal and treatment. 51. Waste disposal (segregation, incinerator, others) Waste disposal will be done in accordance with contractual specifications; an incinerator will be provided in camp for normal wastes; dangerous wastes will be disposed of in Bandung licensed waste disposal contractor. No wastes will leave the camp, unless for Bandung or controlled/ licensed waste disposal contractor. 52. Vector control procedures in camp (drainage control, fogging/ spray) Adequate Drainage System For All Base camp / Field camps , Fogging Everyday 53. Cables repair and electronic workshop Complete Ws And Tools For Rec Ws And Testing Equipment 54. Mechanics Vehicles workshop Complete Ws And Tools For Vehicles W/S Including Tyre Service 55. Mechanics Drill maintenance workshop Complete Ws And Toolset For Drilling Preparation And Repair 56. Compressor mechanic workshop Complete Ws And Toolset For Drilling Preparation And Repair 57. Office Equipment (computers, printers) Sufficient Desk Top/Laptop Computer And Hp / Canon Printer/ Plotter 58. Office UPS (duration & power) Ica UPS 59. Office Facilities / desks / chairs / computers/ printers , vehicle each for 8 senior QC rep. Sufficient Office Facilities And Vehicles 60. Office Facilities / desks / chairs / computers/ printers / food and lodging / vehicles /etc for 9 junior permit/ damage claim personnel and 9 junior drilling / survey/ recording QC’s Sufficient Office Facilities And Vehicles 116 61. CLIENT (NATIONAL OIL) office Sufficient Space W/ Office Equipment including Sufficient Desks & Chairs, Desk Top or Laptop Computer, Hp / Canon Printer/ Plotter and UPS. Internet shall be available. Air conditioner is equipped. Office can be locked. 62. Covered space for tool box meetings Three (3) dedicated Locations Metallic Construction covered with Tarpaulin 63. Vehicles with vehicle tracking monitors Double Cabin 4x4; each with Drive-right installed 64. Communication Facilities 60 M Antenna With Repeater Vhf and BPMigas Licensed radio Frequencies 65. Other Necessary Equipment As Needed 66. Fly Camps: configuration / living / recreation / power / water purifier / kitchens / dining / sewerage / security / clinic / etc Will Provide As MCL Standard based on Contract Annexes. One dedicated living for expatriates accommodation. 67. All other equipment required to meet specifications of this WORK Base Camp Communications & Facilities Internet Server dedicated to 12 NATIONAL OIL’s representatives V-Sat Or Telkom Speedy Or Combination One NATIONAL OIL dedicated Telephone Lines By V-Sat Or Telkom Two “Three-in-One” printer/ copy machine/ scanner 2 Units Canon Or Xerox or Equivalent Two dedicated Laser Jet Networked printers (B&W) Hp 3015 or Equivalent UPS for each machine Yes Ica 2kva Hand-Held radios Motorola Gp 388 or Equivalent All other equipment required to meet specification of this WORK Base Camp HSE Facilities Dedicated office with representatives Office Space W/ Expat HSE Representatives HSE Incentive planning unit HSE Incentive Award scheme HSE Plan monitoring and development unit Safety Induction, Routine Inspection, Stop Card And Training Statistic and reporting unit Daily, Weekly & Monthly Incidents investigation unit Team Investigation Lead By HSE Journey management dedicated unit Controlled By Radio And Journey Permit Safety meetings and coordination unit Tool Box ,Field Visit, Committee Meeting Survey and Line preparation 68. GPS Receivers / backpacks 3 Units Trimble R7 Rtk Rover 117 69. Base Station units Trimble R7 70. Repeaters. Pdl 450 Repeater Uhf 71. Geodimeters / Total Station Units Sokkia 030r 72. Communications – Radios Motorola Gp 388 Ht 73. Hand held GPS Garmin Csx 60 Or Similar 74. Vehicles with vehicle tracking monitors Double Cabin 4x4 75. GIS mapping Software Arc Info Latest Version 76. Office Equipment, computers, software, etc Sufficient 77. All other equipment required to meet specifications of this WORK 6 Units Recording Unit – 2D 78. Recording System details / Manufacturer, etc 24 Bit Recording Z-land manufactured by Fairfield or equivalent 79. Tape format (e.g. SEG-D 8048): SEG-D Disk 80. Maximum no. of data channels : 1600 Channels 81. No. of auxiliary channels : 4 Channels 82. Recording filter: Hi-cut options Yes 83. Recording media: Dvd W/ External Hdd Backup 84. Dual recording or tape copies provided: 2 Copies 3590 Tape 85. Tape deck type / Number: 1 Unit 86. Computers Dell / And Ibm 87. Communications – Radios, repeaters GM 388 Motorola W/ Motorola 500 System Repeater 88. Other Units / battery packs / etc Sufficient Batt 89. Hand held GPS to verify shot location Garmin CSX 60 90. Vehicles, cable trucks, geophone trucks. Mitshubishi/Ford/Toyota 91. Personnel transport Roll Bar Truck Or Bus W/ Safety Belt For All Pax 92. Boats for river crossings Will Be Provided If Needed 93. Laser Link or equivalent (optional) N/A 94. Appropriate PPE Complete W/ Seismic Work Standard 95. All other equipment required to meet specifications of this WORK Ibm 3590 Zeon Or Sunblade Rotary Rig 118 96. Drill type All-hydraulic top head rotary Drill Rig 97. Number of Units (teams) proposed equipment to man 30 crews if required (Suggest 32 crews 8 units) 8 Units @ 4 Crews 98. Capacity (Depth) 100m 99. Drilling Methods DHT hammer, Air scratcher, Water, Auguer 100. Drilling Diameter 75/90 mm 101. Adequate PPE for all personnel that includes steel caped boots. Yes For All Drilling Personnel; minimum 3 pairs of coveralls for each person + safety Helmet + gloves + hearing protection 102. Hand-Held GPS for hole location verification 5 Garmin Csx 60 103. All other equipment required to meet the specification of this WORK & any additional drilling equipment necessary to maintain the production targets.. Enough Metal Fuel Container, Drill Steems, Drill Bits & Adaptors,Pipe 24 ”Wrench etc Suggest you put 5000liter water tankers 6 tankers & more if necessary. Pre-loading Unit 104. Vehicles dedicated to personnel 2 Roll Bar Truck Or Bus W/ Safety Belt Fr All Seats 105. Vehicles dedicated to explosives 4 Units 4 X 4 (2 Dets + 2 Expl) 106. Guards/ escort dedicated to the transport of explosives Yes Always Guards By Police 107. Guards/ security dedicated to the security of field equipment Yes Coordination With Local Police Station ( Polres ) 108. Cap testers 10 Pcs Quadrant 25 109. Hand-Held GPS’s for hole location verification Using Together W/ Drilling Unit 110. Day-storage of explosives in the field (boxes) No 111. Explosives transport, with purpose built explosive containers Yes With Safely Boxes Anti Lightning Installed These vehicles must be 4x4 112. Personnel transport Roll Bar Truck Or Bus W/ Safety Belt For All Seats 113. Other Equipment, personnel PPE Yes For All Worker Each drill unit will need two hand held radio for safety medic & Forman 119 114. All other equipment required to meet the specification of this WORK. Aluminum loading poles with brass Loading poles, back pack explosive carrier boxes, safely cutters sister connectors. 3mm rope to support the charge when loading the charge down the hole. Must for compressor drilled holes. Electrical tape or duct tape to tape over the joins & detonators. Dummy load to check holes before loading. Uphole Unit 115. Rig Unit 6 capable to lower the cable down to 6 500m 116. Recording 6 system, OYO or equivalent 7 117. Impulse 6 system (non explosive source) 8 Down hole tool. Alternatively, down hole 118. 6 cable, phones at 1.0 m spacing to 10 m, 9 then 2.5 meter spacing 119. Hand held 7 GPS to verify location 0 120. Water Truck 121. Vehicles 7 with vehicle tracking monitors 1 All other equipment required to meet the 122. specification of this WORK Field QC Data Processing Equipment 123. System 7 name and Type 2 System Hardware 124. 7 3 125. Power7Surge protection device / UPS. 4 126. System 7 software 5 127. Applications 7 software 6 128. Plotters: 7 type and size 7 428 Power Lite Metal Plate W/ Hammer Gs-32 Pc901case ,Spec As Required Garmin CSX 60 1 Unit Double Cabin 4x4 Blaster, Consumables PROMAX DELL QUAD CORE, enough hard disk space (500G) and USB output port, USB driver to transfer data, (at least 250 G). 3 KVA ICA Linux Redhat Field Qc Data Hp-500 42 “ Plotter 120 129. All other equipment required to meet specifications of this WORK All Consumables Needed Base Camp Communications & Facilities 130. Internet Server (Indo-Net) dedicated to 12 Company representatives 131. Two Company dedicated telephone Lines V-Sat Or Telkom Speedy Or Combination By V-Sat Or Telkom 132. Three “Three-in-One” printer/ copy machine/ scanner 3 Units Canon Or Xerox As Specified 133. Two dedicated Laser Jet Networked printers (B&W) Hp 3015 134. UPS for each machine Yes Ica 2kva 135. Hand-Held radios Motorola Gp 388 All other equipment required to meet 136. specification of this WORK Base Camp HSE Facilities 137. Dedicated office with representatives 138. HSE Incentive planning unit 139. HSE Plan monitoring and development unit Office Space W/ Expat HSE Representatives HSE Incentive Award scheme Safety Induction, Routine Inspection, Stop Card And Training 140. Statistic and reporting unit Daily, Weekly & Monthly 141. Incidents investigation unit Team Investigation Lead By HSE 142. Journey management dedicated unit Controlled By Radio And Journey Permit 143. Safety meetings and coordination unit Tool Box ,Field Visit, Committee Meeting A.2-2 CONTRACTOR's Field Personnel CONTRACTOR shall provide field personnel in accordance with the following crew classification and minimum numbers in the table below. All key personnel must be fully qualified in their designated position. Adequate experience and professional skills will be the most important factor for selectivity. English language is fundamental requirement. CONTRACTOR will establish a regular rotational schedule for all acquisition and field processing personnel. CONTRACTOR shall identify both primary and relief personnel for the positions identified below. 121 Management & Base Camp Support 1. CONTRACTOR Party Chief 2. CONTRACTOR Project Manager 3. Relief Project Manager/ Administrator 4. Lead Field Geophysicist 5. Lead QC & Data Processing Geophysicist 6. Team Leader (Geodetic Survey) 7. Team Leader (Drills) 8. Team Leader (Recording) 9. Permit /socialization teams. 10. Field Permitting 11. SHE Team Leader 12. SHE advisers 13. Radio Operator Assistants (24-hr coverage) 14. Camp Doctor 15. Field Medics 16. Ambulance driver 17. Parts / Warehouse manager 18. Chief Mechanic 19. Junior Mechanics / helpers 20. Drivers - Heavy Trucks 21. Drivers - Light Vehicles 22. Drivers - Client Vehicles 23. Geophone / Cable Repair Personnel 24. Other Necessary Staff / labor cooks / cleaners 25. Security coordinator 26. 27. All other personnel required to meet specifications of this WORK to conduct safe and professional operations Survey and Line preparation 28. Surveying Supervisor 29. Senior Satellite Technologist 30. Satellite Receiver Operators 31. Chief Surveyor 32. Other Expatriate Surveyors 33. Survey Staff / labor helpers 34. Support Vehicle Drivers 35. Any rintis or bridging personnel 122 36. Other Necessary Staff / Labor Personnel 37. Field security personnel 38. Field Medical personnel 39. All other personnel required to meet specification listed on Annexes of this Exhibit to conduct safe and professional operations Recording Unit – 2D 40. Recording Crew Manager 41. Assistant Recording Crew Manager 42. Instrument Supervisor 43. Chief Observer(s) 44. Observer(s) 45. Junior Observer(s) 46. Coordinators 47. Recording SHE Advisor 48. Shooters 49. Personnel/ Cable / Layout Vehicle Drivers 50. Line Foremen 51. Layout / Pickup Personnel 52. Troubleshooters / line checkers 53. All other personnel required to meet specification listed on Annexes of this Exhibit to conduct safe and professional operations Drilling Unit – 2D 54. Drill Supervisors 55. Drillers / Drill helpers 56. Explosive Preloaders / helpers 57. Drivers / police guards 58. Other necessary labor 59. All other personnel required to meet specification listed on Annexes of this Exhibit to conduct safe and professional operations Uphole Unit 60. Weathering 61. Assistant Seismologist Seismologists 123 62. Operators 63. Drillers / Drill Helpers 64. Drivers 65. All other personnel required to meet the specification listed on the Annexes of this Exhibit to conduct safe and professional operations Field Processing Unit – 2D 66. Data Processing Supervisor 67. Processing Seismologists 68. Staff 69. All other personnel required to meet specification listed on Annexes of this Exhibit to conduct safe and professional operations Processing Personnel 124 APPENDIX A.3 CHANGE ORDER FORM This section provides details regarding the procedural requirements for processing requests for changes in accordance with the Seismic WORK. Company may desire changes or additions that may affect the scope of work. Such changes would normally involve modifications and/or deviations to this WORK; however the changes may also include administrative and/or procedural changes which are presented in other Annexes or Exhibits. If Company desires such changes or additions, it may ask Contractor to prepare a change order proposal to provide the Company with more definitive information on which to make a decision whether to proceed with the proposed change. Any changes in scope should first be reviewed by the parties and then a Change Order issued by the Company, before Contractor implements the change. CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 1. Company or Contractor may initiate consideration of a possible change in the scope of services. 2. If requested by the Company, the Contractor shall promptly prepare and issue to Company its change proposal. 3. Change proposals shall contain the information shown in the sample change proposal attached. 4. Within a reasonable time after receipt of the change proposal, Company shall respond to the Contractor. Company shall not be obliged to accept any change proposal, but may do so or negotiate further with Contractor on the change in question. If Company decides to proceed with a change, it may direct Contractor to make the change by issuing a Change Order. Change Orders shall be numbered consecutively and will generally contain: description of the change; adjustments to the compensation rates and impact on the scheduled completion date. 5. The Contractor shall maintain separate Change Order logs of approved and pending changes that shall include: Change Order number Brief description of the change Date that the change inquiry was received by the Contractor Date that the change proposal was submitted to the Company 125 Action taken by Company (i.e. approval or rejection) and the date of such action Effect on control budget and control schedule Any remarks 126 Change Order Form Project Company Contractor Date Contract No. Change Order No. DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION OF CHANGES: DATE OF COMMENCEMENT: DATE OF COMPLETION: DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE (Describe Order Provisions affected and any affects on scope, rates and any cost changes over duration etc.): Contractor and Company hereby agree to amend the Order referenced above per the changes in this Change Order. All other terms and conditions remain the same. (Company) (Contractor) By: By: Name: Name: (Typed or Printed) Title: Note: (Typed or Printed) Title: Change Order must be signed by an authorized representative of Company Date: Date: 127 APPENDIX A.4 REPORTS AND DELIVERABLES CONTRACTOR shall submit the following deliverables to NATIONAL OIL in accordance with the timing requirements in the table or an alternate time agreed to by both CONTRACTOR and NATIONAL OIL to meet NATIONAL OIL needs. This description and list may not include all items necessary to fulfill the Agreement. All Surveying, Drilling, and Seismic Acquisition information pertinent to operational tasks and decisions for the project will be delivered. Data types will include (but not be limited to) the following general items; daily notes, raw and field processed seismic data files, raw and final survey data files, documents, audits, and reports as outlined below. These deliverables will be supplied in Company useful database architecture such as GIS, industry standard formats, etc. Surveying, Drilling, and Seismic Acquisition deliverables are based on the standards and guidelines outlined in various sections of this Exhibit. Pre-Survey Deliverables Pre-Survey Products Project HSE Plan Subcontractor Interface/Bridging Documents Contractors Drug & Alcohol Policy and Testing Guidelines, Personnel roster with last Drug and Alcohol test dates of employees and subcontractors. Plan for conducting random Drug & Alcohol testing of “designated” positions. Name and Location of Laboratory that was used or will be used to perform drug analysis during the project Specifics regarding on site capabilities for post incident and “forcause” testing of Drugs & Alcohol Comprehensive list of medical equipment and medicines. CVs for medical personnel assigned to the project List of recommended and required training for all employees and subcontractors. Comprehensive Training Matrix for all personnel on project CVs of Key Personnel 128 Pre-Survey Products Contractor’s Risk Matrix and Hazard Analysis along with planned mitigation measures. This information will be used during the Joint Risk Assessment Crew Incident reports for last 5 years Hazardous material lists and waste disposal plan including details of the certified disposal company Location, custodian and media details regarding relevant MSDS sheets Comprehensive set of Emergency Response and Contingency Plans. Organization Chart and Contact Information for Key Contractor and Subcontractor Personnel Any internal or third party audits conducted on crew in the past 18 months List of Short Service Employees (SSE) proposed for work and Contractor’s policies and management plans for SSE’s Mobilization schedule and Detailed Acquisition Plan Map of Pre-planned source and receiver locations Deliverables at Start-Up Start-Up Products GPS instrumentation 24-hour accuracy test results Instrument System and Component Audit, Analysis Acceptance Tests including acceptance test of receivers and recording systems Explosives Instrumentation Acceptance Deliverables during Survey Ongoing Survey Products Daily Reports Daily Journal Notes - Scanned to CD-ROM Weekly Crew Operation and HSE Reports 129 Ongoing Survey Products Multi-path audits of reference and monitor stations Monthly Explosive Reports Monthly Environmental and Social Management Reports Summary of Chargeable Items Reports Survey Line Data File Survey Reports including Diskette of SEGP1 files Monthly Crew Operation and HSE & ESMMP Reports Incident / Accident Reports Monthly Surveying Reports RTK Surveyed source and receiver positions in SEG-P1 format Datum resolution and adjustment calculations Accuracy, tolerance standards and observations, and closure summary reports GPS Network tie-in Summary Report Satellite station occupation report Periodic Tests and Analysis (Monthly, Biweekly and Weekly Tests) Daily Instrument Tests and Analysis Validation Tests and Analysis including geophone response and spread ambient noise tests Transmittal Notes Support Databases, Documents, Statistics, and Maps Deliverables: Observer-Reports on paper and digital; Post-Acquisition spread script file; Spread Error Resolution Journal; Defective Source, Geophone Sensor or Trace, Spread and Swath Journals; 130 Ongoing Survey Products Field data processing seismic data quality control and assurance deliverables: Field acquisition parameterization test data files and reports, as required for acquisition activity; Final assured spread template geometry scripts in SPS format; Error and Resolution Journal Coordination Document (including): Quality Control and Assurance log for edit resolution and documentation-comprised of at least: repositioned shots, dropped files, reverse traces, incorrectly positioned receivers (do not change field layout, just note in log), Raw seismic acquisition data files tapes and original OB-report, raw shot positioning files; Final data merge of geometry, peripheral data sets to seismic data files tape copies; Field data assessment for spread geometry based Linear Move Out deliverables; Selected LMO displays or images for Quality Control and Assurance; Collated database(s), tape copy, and transcription notes delivered in Company acceptable format Data validation and transcription notes or journal Field data processing deliverables for “follow-on” processing support: First-break analysis and picking for refraction statics and/or alternate data processing statics model support (if applicable); Preliminary processing analysis data sorts for parameter selection; delivered as SEG-Y tape subset (if applicable); Velocity data sorts and analysis, delivered as SEG-Y tape subset; Brute stacks as requested GIS Status and Presentation Maps GIS Geographic Databases with raw and corrected GPS data files. Post-Survey Deliverables Post-Survey Products Seismic Permit Plats Faxed copy of all shipment transmittals Final acquisition project report Field final SPS data set files (source, receiver relation) Final Surveying report 131 Post-Survey Products OB logs (disk copy and paper copy) SEG-D field tapes (original) RTK-survey stake positions, SEG-P1 (source and receivers) in WGS 84 and local datum GIS Data CD containing geographic databases, all Feature data sets, and raw and corrected GPS data files GIS Hardcopy maps as follows: 1:25,000 project wide map(s) showing primary and secondary GPS control points, Tract Boundaries, Current No Permit areas, swath and line numbers, survey, drill, recording and hole plugging status', Holes with dynamite in the ground that will not be shot, i.e., re-drills, cap wires pulled. 1:12.500 maps showing all survey status as well as all hazard and access related layers, excluding buffers CONTRACTOR’s Support Staff Position Name(s) Address Phone / Fax / e-Mail 132 Subcontractors CONTRACTOR will be providing the following services using the subcontractors below: Subcontractor Function Contact Name Address Service Provided Camp Construction Labor Geodetic Survey Drilling (Land and limestone) General Labor Special Services (Drivers) Please insert List 133 APPENDIX A.5 CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT NATIONAL OIL has entered into an Agreement No. C-___________, dated _____________, 2015 (“Agreement”) with ___________ (“CONTRACTOR”) whereby the undersigned employee of CONTRACTOR named ________________ (“Specialist/Worker”) will perform the Services as Specialist/Worker subject to the provisions stated in the Agreement. The Specialist/Worker understands that he is not an employee of NATIONAL OIL, but is an employee of CONTRACTOR and as such, will perform Services pursuant to the Agreement, and hereby expressly agrees as follows: “Upon termination of my assignment, I agree to deliver to NATIONAL OIL all rights, possession and title (including copyrights) in and to all information, programs, creations, cards, tapes, papers, documents, drawings, procedures, inventions, trade secrets, patents, copyrights and summaries, developed or acquired by me by reason of assignment to perform Services for NATIONAL OIL, or which relate to NATIONAL OIL information. The term “information” as used in this Confidentiality Agreement means (a) any information defined by NATIONAL OIL as confidential, and (b) any other technical, business or financial information pertaining to NATIONAL OIL and/or its affiliated companies, its licensor or actual or prospective CONTRACTORs, or members of the project for which Services are performed. During and after my assignment to provide Services to NATIONAL OIL, I will hold confidential and will not, directly or indirectly, use or disclose confidential information that I acquire, develop, or be accorded access to during such assignment. I will not use or copy any confidential information for myself or for any party, except for performing Services for NATIONAL OIL. Disclosure of confidential information to anyone outside NATIONAL OIL (including disclosure to CONTRACTOR) must be authorized by NATIONAL OIL in writing. Information that becomes generally available to the public other than due to my acts or omissions, shall not be subject to the restrictions in this Confidentiality Agreement.” Any disclosure of Confidential Information required in fulfilment of a lawful order under the Laws of Kenya shall be reported to National Oil prior to making such disclosure. Terms used in this Confidentiality Agreement shall have the meanings as defined in the Agreement. EXECUTED this ____ day of ___________, 2015. One copy each shall be distributed to NATIONAL OIL, CONTRACTOR, and Specialist/Worker. 134 APPENDIX A.6 CELLULAR PHONE USE The parties hereto have agreed that Supplier or CONTRACTOR, referred to in the Agreement, as the case may be, to which this Exhibit is attached, shall be referred to as "Supplier" in this Exhibit. As used herein, "NATIONAL OIL" refers to National Oil Corporation of Kenya and/or its affiliated companies. Supplier shall notify its employees, agents, and subcontractors of the requirements of this Exhibit. Supplier, its employees, agents, and subcontractors shall comply with the requirements as set forth in this Exhibit. Cell-phones, whether hands-free or hand-held, may not be used during the time Supplier is driving while performing services exclusively for NATIONAL OIL,. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, cell phones may not be used while operating machinery or driving during: (i) Travel between sites or locations where Supplier performs services for NATIONAL OIL ("NATIONAL OIL Sites"), regardless of the ownership or operatorship of sites by NATIONAL OIL, (ii) (iii) Transportation of NATIONAL OIL personnel, regardless of whether nonNATIONAL OIL personnel are concurrently transported, or Travel to a point of departure, such as an airport, train station, or port, for a trip involving business related to NATIONAL OIL; The foregoing prohibition against cell phone use does not apply to: (i) The daily commuter from the driver's residence to the NATIONAL OIL Site, or vice versa; (ii) Commuter from a NATIONAL OIL Site to non-NATIONAL OIL businesses for which Supplier, its employees, agents, or subcontractors may perform work, or vice versa; (iii) (iv) Common carriers, Private carriers, manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers that transport both NATIONAL OIL and non-NATIONAL OIL items or products in their vehicles; Citizen band and/or two-way radios, (v) (vi) (vii) Use while the vehicle is properly parked in a rest area, designated parking area, or other safe location, and Use of cell phones by passengers if the use is not a distraction to the driver of a passenger vehicle. Compliance with the requirements hereunder shall be without prejudice to the terms and conditions provided under the Agreement. 135 APPENDIX A.7 WORKPLACE HARASSMENT CONTRACTOR, its employees, agents and subcontractor's engaged by the CONTRACTOR shall be subject to the standards of conduct set forth in NATIONAL OIL's "Harassment In The Workplace" policy while performing services for or communicating with NATIONAL OIL employees, agents, customers and other CONTRACTORs. A summary of NATIONAL OIL's policy is included in a memorandum addressed to CONTRACTOR personnel performing services for NATIONAL OIL (Attachment I). CONTRACTOR will inform each of its employees, agents, and subcontractors who perform, or will perform services for NATIONAL OIL of these expectations and provide each with a copy of that memorandum. CONTRACTOR will promptly notify the NATIONAL OIL contact for the applicable services of any report or complaint of harassment or of any violation of the standards of conduct. The offender shall be liable to both civil and criminal action where such complaint or violation offends provisions of Law. CONTRACTOR will cooperate with NATIONAL OIL in any investigation NATIONAL OIL may make, including making CONTRACTOR employees, agents and subcontractors available for questioning by NATIONAL OIL's designated investigators. CONTRACTOR agrees not to retaliate against anyone who reports an incident of harassment or who cooperates in any investigation of such incidents. 136 Attachement-1 MEMORANDUM TO: CONTRACTOR Personnel Performing Services for NATIONAL OIL FROM: NATIONAL OIL SUBJECT: NATIONAL OIL’s Harassment Policy and Complaint Resolution Process As a CONTRACTOR for NATIONAL OIL, you need to understand NATIONAL OIL's expectations regarding the subject matter: CONTRACTOR's employees, agents, and Subcontractors are prohibited from engaging in any act of harassment toward NATIONAL OIL's employees, suppliers, customers, or other CONTRACTOR employees or third parties. NATIONAL OIL's employees, agents, and CONTRACTORs are prohibited from engaging in any act of harassment toward other NATIONAL OIL employees, suppliers, customers, or CONTRACTOR employees or third parties. NATIONAL OIL's Harassment in the Workplace Policy prohibits all forms of unlawful harassment based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, disability or veteran status. In addition, NATIONAL OIL's policy prohibits all forms of harassment, which, while not unlawful, are considered inappropriate in a business setting. NATIONAL OIL will not tolerate harassment in the workplace, whether committed by or directed at employees, CONTRACTORs, suppliers, or customers. CONTRACTORs who violate the policy are subject to removal from NATIONAL OIL's work assignments. Examples of behaviors prohibited by NATIONAL OIL's policy include: Racial or ethnic jokes, slurs, epithets, cartoons or graffiti Sexually graphic comments, epithets, pictures, cartoons, gestures or graffiti Taunting on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation Repeated use of demeaning or degrading comments based on individual characteristics 137 Repeated use of offensive profanity or intimidating behaviors like yelling or throwing objects Threats of harm, violence, or assault Unwanted sexual flirtations or unwelcome, unnecessary touching Requesting sexual favors in return for a tangible employment action If you are the victim of harassment in the workplace or if you witness any incident of harassment, you should immediately report the incident to a supervisor or management representative of your employer and to the NATIONAL OIL's representative for whom you are performing Services as appropriate. NATIONAL OIL will collaborate with a management representative of your employer to investigate the reported policy violation and initiate action needed to appropriately address the complaint. Neither NATIONAL OIL nor your employer will retaliate against anyone who reports an incident of harassment or who cooperates in any investigation of such incidents. A copy of this letter has been provided to a management representative of your employer so that he/she is knowledgeable of the standard of conduct expected on NATIONAL OIL's premises or while performing work for NATIONAL OIL. You are encouraged to become familiar with the provisions of this letter and the complaint reporting procedures of both your employer and NATIONAL OIL. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact your employer, the NATIONAL OIL representative for whom you perform work or a representative of the NATIONAL OIL's Human Resources Department. 138 APPENDIX A.8 BUSINESS STANDARDS BUSINESS STANDARDS I,_________, the undersigned, an employee of CONTRACTOR (“Specialist/Worker”), under Agreement No. ________ dated _________, 2015 ("Agreement") acknowledge and agree that in performing Services for NATIONAL OIL, am bound to follow all of its rules and regulations, including without limitation the following: 1. Conflict of Interest In Specialist's/Worker’s relation with NATIONAL OIL and in the performance of Services, Specialist/Worker shall avoid any actions from being taken or conditions from arising which could conflict with NATIONAL OIL’s best interest. This obligation shall apply to the activities of Specialist/Worker and his/her relationship with NATIONAL OIL, NATIONAL OIL’s employees, agents and their respective families, or with vendors, government or elected officials, and third parties arising from Agreement, which in any way raise the appearance of impropriety. The Specialist/worker shall be required to disclose any cases that may surmount to conflict of interest to NATIONAL OIL. Actions or conditions which may conflict with NATIONAL OIL's best interest as mentioned above shall include, but not be limited to, making, receiving, providing or offering gifts, entertainment, payment, loans or other consideration contrary to NATIONAL OIL’s Conflict of Interest Policies, or for the purpose of influencing individuals to act contrary to the laws of the Republic of Kenya. 2. Business Ethics a. Specialist/Worker acknowledges that NATIONAL OIL’s policy and practice with respect to itself and its CONTRACTORs and agents, is to rigorously comply with all applicable laws and the highest ethical standards, in the conduct of NATIONAL OIL’s operations, and agrees to comply fully with NATIONAL OIL’s aforementioned policy and practice in the performance and provision of Services. Specialist/Worker also represents and warrants that there is no restriction or prohibition that he/she is currently subject to contractual, legal or otherwise, in 139 regards to his/her current position and responsibilities, that would prevent him/her from performing Services. b. Specialist/Worker shall take no action in the performance or the rendering of Services, or the conduct of operations hereunder, that would subject NATIONAL OIL or Specialist/Worker to liability or penalty under any laws, rules, regulations or decrees of any governmental authority, within Kenya or any International laws to which Kenya is party to. c. Specialist/Worker represents that Specialist/Worker is not a government official, is not employed by the Government of the Kenya or any parastatals relating thereto during the term of the Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “Government Official” shall include any appointed, elected, or honorary official or any employee of the government of the Kenya or of any agency, department, embassy or other governmental entity of the within Kenya and local county governments, or any other entity owned or controlled by the government and any officer or employee of a public international organization, any political party or official thereof or any candidate for political office. Specialist/Worker acknowledges and agrees that a person does not cease to be a Government Official by purporting to act in a private capacity or by the fact that the person serves without compensation. d. Specialist/Worker represents that no Government Official has any financial interest in the contractual relationship established by the Agreement. e. Specialist/Worker will not, directly or indirectly, in connection with the Services, and the business resulting therefrom, offer, pay, promise to pay, or authorize the giving of money or anything of value to a Government Official for the purpose of: (a) influencing any act or decision of such official, officer, employee, political party, party official, or candidate in his or its official capacity, including a decision to fail to perform his or its official functions; or (b) inducing such official, officer, employee, political party, or candidate to use his or its influence with the government or instrumentality thereof or organization to affect or influence any act or decision of such government or instrumentality or organization, or to obtain an improper advantage in order to assist CONTRACTOR or NATIONAL OIL in obtaining or retaining business for or 140 with, or directing business to CONTRACTOR, NATIONAL OIL, or any other person in relation to this Agreement. f. Specialist/Worker shall not offer, pay, promise to pay, or authorize the giving of money or anything of value to a third party knowing, or having reason to suspect, that the third party will give the payment or value, or a portion of it, to a Government Official. Specialist/Worker acknowledges that it is NATIONAL OIL’s strongly held policy and practice in its operations to fully comply with all aspects of the Anti Corruption and Economic Crimes Act and Anti Counterfeit Act or other laws and regulations in tandem with these statutes, and Specialist/Worker agrees to avoid any conduct that would violate the same. g. All invoices, financial settlements, reports submitted by Specialist/Worker to NATIONAL OIL shall properly reflect the facts regarding all activities and transactions handled on NATIONAL OIL’s behalf, and shall be subject to audit by NATIONAL OIL. h. Specialist/Worker agrees to notify NATIONAL OIL promptly upon discovery of any instance where Specialist/Worker has not complied with the above requirements. EXECUTED in _____________, __________________, 2015. One copy each shall be distributed to NATIONAL OIL, CONTRACTOR and Specialist/Worker. This pages document is prepared as part of Agreement dated ___, 2015 covering the West Magadi 2D Land Seismic Data Acquisition Survey Services, entered into by and between NATIONAL OIL and CONTRACTOR. 141 APPENDIX A.9 HUMAN RIGHTS PROVISION HUMAN RIGHTS PROVISIONS FOR PRIVATE SECURITY CONTRACTORS 1 CONTRACTOR shall act in accordance with NATIONAL OIL’s Statement of Principles on Security and Human Rights (refer to below Attachment 1) and applicable provisions of the Kenyan Constitution and Human Rights laws and regulations and all International Laws and Treaties to which Kenya is party to as regarding enforcement of Human Rights.. 2 CONTRACTOR shall maintain policies regarding appropriate standards of conduct, including respect for human rights, for its employees and contract workers (“Personnel”) assigned to provide services for NATIONAL OIL. 3 CONTRACTOR shall provide training to its Personnel assigned to provide services for NATIONAL OIL. Training shall cover applicable local laws touching on employees, constitutional rights, NATIONAL OIL's Statement of Principles on Security and Human Rights, CONTRACTOR's policies regarding appropriate standards of conduct, and applicable provisions of International Law that Kenya is party to. 4 CONTRACTOR shall only provide defensive security services to protect NATIONAL OIL personnel, facilities and/or operations provided the same is within the Law and the CONTRACTOR shall involve local law enforcement authorities where necessary. CONTRACTOR shall not engage in activities related to general maintenance of law and order which is the exclusive responsibility of the host government. 5 CONTRACTOR shall monitor the conduct of its Personnel assigned to provide services to NATIONAL OIL and provide NATIONAL OIL with notice of any allegations of human rights abuses committed by CONTRACTOR's Personnel at NATIONAL OIL’s facilities or directly related to CONTRACTOR's protection of NATIONAL OIL personnel, facilities and/or operations. CONTRACTOR shall also provide NATIONAL OIL with notice of any use of force, even if such use of force is 142 appropriate, committed by CONTRACTOR's Personnel at NATIONAL OIL facilities and/or directly related to the CONTRACTOR's protection of NATIONAL OIL personnel, facilities and/or operations. The CONTRACTOR shall be under obligation to respect the rights of the local communities and other third parties and to involve NATIONAL OIL as liaison for any communication or to resolve any issues arising without the use of force. 6 CONTRACTOR shall investigate any credible allegation of human rights abuse committed by CONTRACTOR's Personnel at NATIONAL OIL facilities or directly related to CONTRACTOR's protection of NATIONAL OIL personnel, facilities and/or operations and shall report the results of the investigation to NATIONAL OIL. 7 CONTRACTOR shall not assign any individual credibly alleged to have committed a human rights abuse to provide services for NATIONAL OIL. CONTRACTOR shall immediately remove any of its Personnel credibly alleged to have committed a human rights abuse from providing services to NATIONAL OIL. 8 NATIONAL OIL shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if CONTRACTOR or any Personnel of CONTRACTOR is credibly alleged to have violated applicable laws or to have committed a human rights abuse. Such right of termination is in addition to any other termination rights under this Agreement. 9 This Agreement is between the parties thereto and shall confer no rights on nor inure to the benefit of any third party. However, if the Agreement contains language affording third party beneficiary rights to NATIONAL OIL’s Affiliate or joint venture operated by NATIONAL OIL’s Affiliate, such language will prevail over the previous sentence. 143 SUB-ATTACHMENT 1 HUMAN RIGHTS PROVISION FOR PRIVATE SECURITY CONTRACTORS NATIONAL OIL STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES ON SECURITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS NATIONAL OIL is committed to conducting business in a way that protects the security of its personnel, facilities and operations and respects human rights. The NATIONAL OIL's practices and operations reflect the spirit and intent of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as it applies to private companies and the spirit and intent of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the 1998 ILO Declaration. While recognizing that host governments have the responsibility of maintaining law and order, security and respect for human rights, NATIONAL OIL believes that: It has an important role to play in promoting respect for human rights; Its business presence can and should have a positive influence on the treatment of people in the communities in which it operates; Security and respect for human rights can and should be compatible; and Requesting sexual favors in return for a tangible employment action APPENDIX A-10. STANDARD CONTRACT (TO BE ATTACHED) NATIONAL OIL shall avail to the CONTRACTOR during the time of tender a copy of the standard contract with general terms and conditions to be incorporated to the main agreement as a guideline for NATIONAL OIL’s contracting procedure. It is understood that the agreement between NATIONAL OIL and the CONTRACTOR shall be governed and interpreted as per the Laws of Kenya. It is understood that the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ensuring that all risks associated to the work to be executed under the Agreement including but not limited to bodily injury, harm and / or death, damage to property occasioned both to labor engaged by the CONTRACTOR or to third parties are covered by an insurance policy and proof of paid premiums shall be required at the time of commencement of work. 144 It is understood that the CONTRACTOR shall not be permitted to limit liabilities arising as a result of the CONTRACTOR’s own negligence and/or misconduct. In this regard, the definition of CONTRACTOR shall include all acts carried out by employees, agents, authorized representatives and/or subcontracted personnel. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to give priority to locally available goods,skills and services in its procurement procedures and shall be required to demonstrate effort to source the same locally with the exception to goods, skills and services which cannot be sourced locally owing to unavailability or time constraints. The CONTRACTOR shall take note that NATIONAL OIL is a public body subject to the provisions of the Public Procurement & Disposal Act. 145
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