131 Dartmouth Street Electronic Tenant® Portal Created on July 2, 2015 Building Amenities: Retail Services Listed below is a brief description and contact information for the retail services located at 131 Dartmouth Street. B.Good: B.Good burgers, salads, chicken sandwiches, and fries. The difference? B.good's food is better for you because only the healthiest ingredients and cooking methods are used. . And the food tastes better because they take the time to make it right - homemade & fresh each day. B.good is open seven days a week from 10:30 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. serving, lunch and dinner. For menu options and more information please call 617-424-5252 or visit their web site at www.bgood.com Douzo Japanese Restaurant Voted one of the best Sushi places in Boston as well as a fabulous selection of Japanese Fare, along with a full cash bar. Open for lunch and dinner and take out available Please call 617-859-8886 or their website at www.douzo.com Building Amenities: Parking There is ample parking at 131 Dartmouth Street. Parking can be accessed from either Columbus Avenue or Dartmouth Street. The Columbus Avenue entrance will operate as a one-way entrance for passenger vehicles during the morning peak period (7:00 AM – 9:00 AM) and a one-way exit during the evening peak period (4:00 PM – 6:00 PM). In off-peak hours, it will provide truck access to the loading area within the garage. In order to establish orderly procedures for the operation of the parking garages, and thus ensure that the tenants will be provided with the maximum use of the facility with the least possible inconvenience, the following measures are observed. Public Parking Public parking is available to visitors and guests of the building. Cash payments credit card payments by Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover are accepted by inserting the ticket at the exit gate then inserting a credit card at the appropriate reader. There is also a Pay Station Located in the lower lobby to the right of the Garage Elevators. Monthly Parking Monthly parking spaces are available. All spaces are available on a first come, first serve basis. Parking is allowed on all levels in any designated parking space. All monthly parkers have to use access cards to enter and exit the parking facility. Please note, the parking card is separate from the building ID card for access to the building. Permit Parking Self-parking is available to monthly permit holders only. Parking with regular monthly permits is available on a first-come, first-served basis for any open, unrestricted space. Spaces marked Handicapped are reserved for persons displaying handicapped license plates or tags. If any tenant employee becomes severely injured and needs the support of crutches, wheelchairs, etc., they should report this to the Garage Operator and Building Management with a request for temporary permission to park in one of these spaces. No parking is permitted in the loading dock. Daily and Visitor Parking Self-parking is not available for daily and visitor parking. Daily and visitor parking is available only through valet parking by an attendant of Altman Corporation. Building Amenities: Technology Television Service Television Service is offered by Direct TV. www.directv.com Contact the Management Office for further information about having these services installed in your space. Building Security: Building Access For Tenants Regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM, and Saturday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. An issued pass card is required at all times to obtain access to the building. During regular business hours, pass card holders may proceed directly to elevators on the mezzanine level and access the building by using one of the two card readers located near the elevator vestibule. The pass card holder uses the card reader prior to the elevator lobby, then inside the elevator to press the desired floor button. We recommend all tenants keep the building pass card in their possession at all times. For questions regarding Building Pass Cards, please contact the Management Office at 1-866-614-7767. Building Security: Building Access For Visitors All visitors must be pre-registered with security to enter the building. To register a visitor, please email: [email protected]. Please register the guest by providing the names of potential visitors and guests. When the individual arrives at the security desk, the officer on duty will access the visitor pre registration software. The individual will be required to present a photo ID to security, the ID will be scanned, returned, and a temporary visitor badge issued. If the guest is not reregistered the officer will call the receptionist to clear access. Please make every effort to reregister your guests and visitors to prevent wait time in the lobby. Building Security: Solicitors Solicitation is not permitted in the Building. The Security Guards will try to screen these individuals from the Building. However, if a solicitor visits your suite or you encounter someone distributing sales materials, please contact security immediately at 617-267-4537. Security will respond promptly and escort the individual from the Building. It is also recommended that you have the person wait in the lobby area so Security can escort them and investigate any issues. Building Security: Deliveries & Use of the Loading Dock All delivery and courier services, contractors and vendors must enter through the service entrance, check in at the loading dock and use the freight elevator. All individuals will be prescreened by security and must present a photo ID, preferably a driver’s license. The information from the photo ID will be scanned, the license returned and a temporary ID will be issued to the individual. The ID must be worn and visible at all times while in the building. The clearance for the Columbus Ave entrance is 11 Feet. Any other deliveries with a larger vehicle will need to use our larger loading dock adjacent to the BGood restaurant, this accommodates one truck at a time. All deliveries are restricted to the service elevator. Building regulations prohibit deliveries and inter-floor activities on passenger elevators that require hand trucks, carts as well as movement of bulky objects. Large deliveries are to be scheduled in advance with building management. To schedule a large delivery or the use of the freight elevator please use the On-Line Service Request Form or call the Property Management Office at 1-866-614-7767. Loading Dock Access Vehicle Access: The Columbus Avenue entrance will operate as a one-way entrance for passenger vehicles during the morning peak period (7:00 AM – 9:00 AM) and a one-way exit during the evening peak period (4:00 PM – 6:00 PM). In off-peak hours, it will provide truck access to the loading area within the garage. Delivery or construction vehicles and personnel shall not obstruct sidewalks, entrances, passages, courts, corridors, vestibules, halls, elevators and stairways in and about the building. Delivery of merchandise and equipment shall be performed in a prompt and efficient manner using elevators and passageways designated for such delivery. All hand trucks used for deliveries must be equipped with rubber tires and side guards. Freight, furniture, business equipment, merchandise and bulky matter of any description must be delivered and removed through the service entrances. Building Management reserves the right to inspect all freight to enter the building. Building Services: Maintenance The engineering facility of 131 Dartmouth Street is staffed to provide necessary preventive maintenance required to keep the mechanical system of the building in top operational condition, as well as to answer individual problems as they occur. To ensure that the tenant receives fast and efficient service, when your request for service is received, a work order is prepared and a serviceman is dispatched to answer the call. All requests for mechanical repairs and services, such as light bulbs out, broken door locks, waste bins and key replacements should be directed to the Building Management Office. In addition, hot calls, cold calls and other building related issues, should also be directed to the Building Management Office. To request services, click here to complete an On-Line Service Request Form. Building Services: HVAC Systems 131 Dartmouth Street has a state-of-the-art heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. In the event you find your working environment uncomfortable for any reason, please notify the Management Office and you will receive prompt attention from our engineering staff. HVAC is provided from 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM Monday through Friday, and 8:00 AM through 1:00 PM on Saturday. To request after-hours HVAC, contact the Property Management Office as soon as possible, but before 2:00 PM the previous day . Please complete a Tenant HVAC Request Form, which details the dates and times for the additional service. The cost of the additional service will be billed to your company at the end of the month and is due upon receipt. The current charge for after hours HVAC is $40.00 per hour per floor. This charge reimburses the Building for the cost of operating the HVAC system and is subject to change. For your convenience this Electronic Tenant Handbook contains an On-line Service Request Form Section. To request a temperature adjustment or to schedule overtime HVAC services, please click here and complete an On-Line Service Request Form . Building Services: Custodial Services Janitorial service is provided nightly Monday through Friday in all tenant and public areas. The cleaning hours are normally from 6:00 PM through 10:00 PM Please be aware that the cleaners do not clean computers, keyboards, telephones and other office equipment. The cleaners also do not clean desktops unless all papers and other materials are removed from the desk. These policies are in place to prevent accidental losses or damages to tenant documents or information. Custodial Services are not provided on holidays. Should you require service on holidays please contact the management office. Monday through Friday during business hours, uniformed personnel will be present to maintain the public areas and restrooms, as well as respond to tenant requests. The porters can handle most cleaning requests that may arise during the day. If you need immediate assistance from the day porters, please call the Lobby Security Desk at 617-267-4537. Or, if your request is not urgent, you may fill out an On-Line Service Request Form. In addition, the Management Office can coordinate any special cleaning requests your company may have, such as carpet shampooing or bulk trash removal. Additional services may be subject to additional costs. Please do not hesitate to contact the Management Office with any comments regarding the janitorial service. Our staff will make every effort to respond to tenant concerns and to accommodate special requests. Building Services: Building Elevators The Garage Elevators #7 & #8 serve levels P4 to the mezzanine. The regular passenger elevators #1 - #5 serve the mezzanine to the 11th floor. The service elevator #6 serves the Loading Dock to the 11th floor. For a complete outline of the procedures in the event of an elevator malfunction, please see the emergency procedures section of this handbook. Building Services: Building Holidays The following are the Building holidays for 131 Dartmouth Street. HVAC and all other building services will not be available on these days except at tenants’ prior request and expense. New Year’s Day Martin Luther King’s Birthday Presidents Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day To request services during Holiday periods, please use the Online Service Request Form or call the Building Management Office at 1-866-614-7767. Building Services: Recycling The recycling program at 131 Dartmouth Street is dependent on the participation of the tenants in the building to be successful. Integrated Properties endeavors to promote waste reduction and the reuse of materials among employees and tenants. Integrated Properties LLC encourages the adoption of the following measures: Eliminate or reduce the use of disposable cups, plates, etc. Making double-sided copying a regular practice. Switching from paper message pads to voice or e-mail. Using routing slips instead of making multiple copies of documents for distribution. Reusing stationery products such as file folders and paper clips. Donating unwanted books, office equipment and furniture to charities. Buying products made from recycled materials. Recycling bins are available upon request. Click here to use the On-Line Service Request Form. Building Services: Lost and Found All items found are turned over to the Lobby Security desk for investigation and safe keeping until the owner claims them. Contact the security desk at 617-267-4537 to report a lost item. Building Services: Online Service Request Forms For your convenience, this handbook includes a number of On-Line Service Request Forms. Should you have any questions regarding the use of these forms, please contact the Property management Office at 1-866-614-7767. Listed below are links to individual forms for a variety of services. Click on the link below to go the the form you are searching for. Fill out each form completely and follow the submission instructions. If you have any questions regarding which form to use please see the descriptions on the following page or call the property Management Office at 1-866-614-7767. Building Service Request Form: The Building Service Request Form is for minor mechanical repairs and services such as light bulb replacement, fixing broken door locks, overtime HVAC, requesting waste bins, porter service and key replacements. General Information Form: This form must be completed by each tenant prior to occupancy at 131 Dartmouth Street. Emergency Contact Form: It is imperative that we have the ability to reach you, the tenant, in the event of any emergency that directly affects your suite or the building at large. For this reason, we require the emergency contact list be completed and returned to the Property Management Office prior to your occupancy. Equipment Removal Form: This form must be completed and submitted to building security personnel prior to removing any office equipment from 131 Dartmouth Street. Emergency Procedures: Emergency Contacts Listed below are some important phone numbers in case of an emergency. In any emergency situation please call the appropriate emergency number below first and contact the Lobby Service Desk at 617-267-4537 immediately after contacting the appropriate emergency service. Emergency Service Fire Police Medical Poison Control Integrated Properties, LLC Contact Number 911 911 911 800-222-1222 1-866-614-7767 In a medical emergency, dial 911, and then alert the Lobby Security Desk at 617-267-4537. They will assist in any way possible while facilitating the emergency service arrival. Emergency Procedures: Fire Provisions Fire Provisions Overview The purpose of this section is to provide tenants of 131 Dartmouth Street and their employees with reference information and a checklist of procedures on what to do, whom to contact, and what to expect in the event of an emergency. All procedures are developed with our tenant’s safety being the top priority. Listed below are a number of quick links to specific information regarding the buildings fire procedures and emergency preparations. This is valuable information that will help save lives in the event of an emergency. Please read this information carefully. Exits Tenant Responsibilities Building Alarm Procedures Evacuation Procedures Emergency Contacts Exits 131 Dartmouth Street occupants using Stairwell #4 will exit the lower lobby leading to street level. Tenants using Stairwell #3 will exit on the street level adjacent to the BGood Restaurant.To the right is a summary of the egress stairwells. Stairway doors that are usually locked for security purposes will be automatically unlocked by the Life Safety System upon activation by water flow, smoke or heat detection and loss of power. Tenant Emergency Procedure Guidelines The purpose of this section is to provide tenants of 131 Dartmouth Street and their employees with reference information and a checklist of procedures on what to do, whom to contact, and what to expect in the event of an emergency. All procedures were developed with the tenant’s safety being the top priority. Tenant Responsibilities Each tenant must select individuals who will be responsible for all training, updating and notifying co-workers of issues pertaining to the operation of the building's life safety systems and evacuation procedures. Each tenant should designate personnel to perform the following duties: Fire Marshall(s) The responsibilities of the Fire Marshall(s) is as follows: 1. Attend training sessions with building management and receive updates on life safety information. 2. Select Floor Warden(s) and Stairway Monitors. 3. Make note of all disabled persons in office area (including those temporarily disabled, as with a bone fracture, etc.) Assign people who are capable of evacuating to assist disabled employees out of the building. Keep the Management Office up-to-date on any, disabled personnel and pregnant women who may not be able to evacuate the building via the emergency stairwells. 4. Be sure that all employees are aware of the following: Evacuation and Building Alarm Procedures Location of emergency stairwells Location of fire extinguishers Never use elevators during an alarm Please contact the Property Management Office should anyone like a tour of the stairwells and egress areas and also to discuss our procedures. Tenant Emergency Procedure Guidelines (Continued) Fire Marshall(s) The responsibilities of the Fire Marshall(s) is as follows 5. Select a location outside the building to use as a meeting place in case of an evacuation. Inform employees of this meeting place. 6. In the event of an emergency, oversee the evacuation of the floors required to exit the building, provide primary communication with building management staff, and communicate with Floor Warden(s) and Stairwell Monitors, report all employees unaccounted for to the proper authorities. 7. The Fire Marshall(s) and Floor Warden(s) should exit the building after they have made sure that their space has been completely evacuated and all office doors have been closed. Notify the building personnel and/or emergency personnel of your company name, floor number and that all of your employees have evacuated. 8. Survey tenant space on a regular basis for life safety hazards and inform building management. Floor Warden(s) The responsibilities of the Floor Wardens(s) are as follows: Search all rooms and remote areas including restrooms and conference room’s to ensure full evacuation. Assist Fire Marshall(s). In the absence of the Fire Marshall(s), assume full responsibilities of the Fire Marshall position. Building Alarm Procedures The following is what takes place when the building goes into Alarm: The entire building is notified that the alarm has been activated. This is done by a pre-signal of four beeping tones, which can be heard over the red speakers, which are located throughout the tenant's space and common areas. After the four beeps have sounded the following taped message will be heard twice throughout the building: "Attention please. Attention Please. The signal tone you have just heard indicates a report of an emergency in this building. If your floor evacuation signal sounds after this message, walk to the nearest stairway and exit the floor. All handicapped occupants shall follow the building evacuation plan. While the report is being verified, occupants on other floors should await further instruction. " After the message is completed, the floor on which the alarm originated, as well as the floor above and the floor below, will see lights flashing and hear a loud evacuation signal (slow, whoop) over the red speakers. The floors that do not have flashing lights or an evacuation signal will continue to wait for further instructions as previously heard in the taped message. Occupants who see the flashing lights and hear the evacuation signal should exit their office space in an orderly fashion via the stairway and evacuate the building as per the EVACUATION PLAN. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS. Should the alarm be verified as false, the Fire Department will give the "all clear" and a live public address announcement will be broadcast throughout the building. During all stages of an alarm condition, the building public address system may be used by the fire department to keep tenants aware of circumstances surrounding the alarm condition. Evacuation Procedures In the event of a Building evacuation, take the following action: Remain Calm Follow the instructions of the Emergency Personnel, Fire Marshall(s) and Emergency Personnel. Listen for instructions over the public address system and follow them. Close all doors as you leave. Do not return for personal items. Make note of the location of all disabled employees. The method of evacuating disabled employees will be determined by the individual Fire Marshall(s) and Fire Department Personnel. Be prepared to merge with other floors evacuating the building. Use the stairwells for evacuation. Stay to the right so that incoming emergency personnel can utilize the stairwell. Use the handrails. Do not go to the elevators, they will not respond. Keep talking to a minimum. Once out of the building, assemble at the pre-designated meeting place. Do not return to the office until the “ALL CLEAR” announcement is given. Emergency Procedures: Chemical/Biological Event In case of a chemical or biological weapon attack, authorities will instruct you on the best course of action. This may be to evacuate the area immediately, to seek shelter at a designated location or to take immediate shelter where you are and seal the premises. The best way to protect yourself is to take emergency preparedness measures ahead of time and to get medical attention as soon as possible, if needed. The following pages provide important life safety information in the event of a chemical, biological or nuclear attack. Click on the links below to access specific information: Chemical Event Biological Event How to be Prepared What to Do After an Attack Chemical Event Chemical warfare agents are poisonous vapors, aerosols, liquids or solids that have toxic effects on people, animals or plants. They can be released by bombs, sprayed from aircraft, boats or vehicles or used as a liquid to create a hazard to people and the environment. Some chemical agents may be odorless and tasteless. They can have an immediate effect (a few seconds to a few minutes) or a delayed effect (several hours to several days). While potentially lethal, chemical agents are difficult to deliver in lethal concentrations. Outdoors, the agents often dissipate rapidly. Chemical agents are also difficult to produce. Six Types Of Agents: Lung-damaging (pulmonary) agents such as phosgene Cyanide Vesicants or blister agents such as mustard Nerve agents such as GA (tabun), GB (sarin), GO (soman), GF, and VX Incapacitating agents such as BZ Riot-control agents (similar to MACE) Biological Event Biological agents are organisms or toxins that can kill or incapacitate people, livestock and crops. The three basic groups of biological agents, which would likely be used as weapons are: Bacteria, Viruses and toxins. Bacteria Bacteria are small free-living organisms that reproduce by simple division and are easy to grow. The diseases they produce often respond to treatment with antibiotics. Viruses Viruses are organisms, which require living cells in which to reproduce and are intimately dependent upon the body they infect. Viruses produce diseases, which generally do not respond to antibiotics. However, antiviral drugs are sometimes effective. Toxins Toxins are poisonous substances found in, and extracted from, living plants, animals or microorganisms; some toxins can be produced or altered by chemical means. Some toxins can be treated with specific antitoxins and selected drugs. Biological Event (Continued) Most biological agents are difficult to grow and maintain. Many break down quickly when exposed to sunlight and other environmental factors, while others such as anthrax spores are very long lived. They can be dispersed by spraying them in the air, or infecting animals that carry the disease to humans as well through food and water contamination. Aerosols - Biological agents are dispersed into the air, forming a fine mist that may drift for miles. Inhaling the agent may cause disease in people or animals. Animals - Some diseases are spread by insects and animals, such as fleas, mice, flies and mosquitoes. Deliberately spreading diseases through livestock is also referred to as agro-terrorism. Food and water contamination - Some pathogenic organisms and toxins may persist in food and water supplies. Most microbes can be killed, and toxins are deactivated by cooking food and boiling water. Person-to-person spread of a few infectious agents is also possible. Humans have been the source of infection for smallpox, plague and the Lassa viruses. How to prepare for a Chemical or Biological Attack Assemble a disaster supply kit and be sure to include: Battery-powered commercial radio with extra batteries. Non-perishable food and drinking water. Roll of duct tape and scissors. Plastic for doors, windows and vents for the room in which you will shelter in place - this should be an internal room where you can block out air that may contain hazardous chemical or biological agents. (To save critical time during an emergency, sheeting should be pre-measured and cut for each opening.) First aid kit with sanitation supplies including soap, water and bleach. What To Do During A Chemical Or Biological Attack: Listen to your radio for instructions from authorities such as whether to remain inside or to evacuate. If You Are Instructed To Remain In The Building Where You Are Or Other Shelter During A Chemical Or Biological Attack: Turn off all ventilation including furnaces, air conditioners, vents and fans. Seek shelter in an internal room, preferably one without windows. Seal the room with duct tape and plastic sheeting. Ten square feet of floor space per person will provide sufficient air to prevent carbon dioxide build-up for up to five hours. Remain in protected areas where toxic vapors are reduced or eliminated, and be sure to take your battery-operated radio with you. If You Are Caught In An Unprotected Area, You Should: Attempt to get up-wind of the contaminated area. Attempt to find shelter as quickly as possible. Listen to your radio for official instructions. What To Do After A Chemical Attack Immediate symptoms of exposure to chemical agents may include blurred vision, eye irritation, difficulty breathing and nausea. A person affected by a chemical or biological agent requires immediate attention by professional medical personnel. If medical help is not immediately available, decontaminate yourself and assist in decontaminating others. Decontamination is needed within minutes of exposure to minimize health consequences. (However, you should not leave the safety of a shelter to go outdoors, to help others until authorities announce it is safe to do so.) Use extreme caution when helping others who have been exposed to chemical agents: Remove all clothing and other items in contact with the body. Contaminated clothing normally removed over the head should be cut off to avoid contact with the eyes, nose, and mouth. Put into a plastic bag if possible. Decontaminate hands using soap and water. Remove eyeglasses or contact lenses. Put glasses in a pan of household bleach to decontaminate. Important reminders for actions after a chemical attack: Remove all items in contact with the body. Flush eyes with lots of water. Gently wash face and hair with soap and water; then thoroughly rinse with water. Decontaminate other body areas likely to have been contaminated. Blot (do not swab or scrape) with a cloth soaked in soapy water and rinse with clear water. Change into uncontaminated clothes. Clothing stored in drawers or closets is likely to be uncontaminated. If possible, proceed to a medical facility for screening. What To Do After A Biological Attack In many biological attacks, people will not know they have been exposed to an agent. In such situations, the In many biological attacks, people will not know they have been exposed to an agent. In such situations, the first evidence of an attack may be when you notice symptoms of the disease caused by an agent exposure, and you should seek immediate medical attention for treatment. In some situations, like the anthrax letters sent in 2001, people may be alerted to a potential exposure. If this is the case, pay close attention to all official warnings and instructions on how to proceed. The delivery of medical services for a biological event may be handled differently to respond to increased demand. Again, it will be important for you to pay attention to official instructions via radio, television and emergency alert systems If your skin or clothing comes in contact with a visible, potentially infectious substance. You should remove and bag your clothes and personal items and wash yourself with warm soapy water immediately. Put on clean clothes and seek medical assistance. Emergency Procedures: Power Failure/Elevator Malfunction Power Failure If the Building power supply is interrupted, the emergency electric generator will activate within a matter of seconds. The generator will generate sufficient electricity for limited elevator operation and emergency lighting. The Management Office will keep you apprised of any information from National Grid regarding the status of the power failure. Elevator Entrapment If a person becomes trapped in an elevator, they can request help by pressing the emergency intercom button in the car, which will ring at the security desk. 1. The Secuirty Officer will contact the 24-hour elevator service number. 2. Determine which elevator is stuck and what floor the elevator is stuck on. 3. Find out how many people are in the car and get a description of the problem. 4. Provide reassurance to the person(s) that the appropriate parties are being contacted and that help is on the way. 5. During normal business hours, security will contact Building Management, who will contact the elevator service company and request an emergency service call for a trapped person. After normal business hours, security will contact the elevator service company directly and request an emergency service call for a trapped person. In both cases, security will get an estimate of the time it will take for the service person to respond. 6. Security staff will continue to remain in regular contact with the person(s) stuck in the elevator, informing them of the progress of the efforts to get them out. Security will provide an optimistic and reassuring presence, assisting the trapped person(s) in any way possible; for example, by calling family members or business associates for them. 7. If the person in the elevator panics or suffers a medical emergency before the elevator service company arrives, security will contact the Boston Fire Department and request an emergency extraction. Emergency Procedures: Medical Emergency IN THE EVENT OF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY: 1. Do not move the person. If necessary, administer first aid. 2. Call Paramedics. Dial 911. Tell them your floor and suite number and a concise, accurate description of the emergency. 3. Call Building Security at 617-267-4537 We will hold an elevator ready for the paramedic team. 4. If a private physician has been called, let us know, and we will escort the doctor to your office. 5. Ask the individual if they have any existing medical conditions or are on medication. 6. Post one person at the elevator to lead the medical team to the person in distress. Emergency Procedures: Bomb Threat Bomb threats are relatively rare and, fortunately, are almost always false alarms. Nonetheless, the potential risk is serious and must be treated as such. You may become aware of a bomb threat in two ways. You receive the call 1. Attempt to keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Get as much information as possible. Ask the caller to repeat the message. Write down every word spoken by the person. Ask when the device will detonate. Ask the location of the device. Pay particular attention to background noises that might give a clue as to where the call is being made. Pay close attention to the speech and voice patterns of the caller. Remain calm. 2. Call 911 3. As soon as the caller hangs up, complete a Bomb Threat Questionnaire. Click here to Download a Bomb Threat Questionnaire 4. Immediately notify Building Management and Security and follow their instructions. 5. Once the bomb squad has cleared the threat, resume normal procedures. You are notified of a Bomb Threat by another building tenant. 1. Take the person to a private location in the building and have them complete the Bomb Threat Questionnaire. Click here to download a Bomb Threat Questionnaire. 2. Immediately notify Building Management and Security and follow their instructions. 3. If questioned by other persons in the building, advise them that the building has received a bomb threat and the police and bomb squad have been notified. Further, advise them that all persons entering or remaining in the building do so at their own risk. Once the bomb squad has cleared the threat, resume normal procedures. Emergency Procedures: Earthquake When an earthquake happens – keep calm, DO NOT run or panic, REMAIN WHERE YOU ARE and take shelter. If you are indoors, stay there, take immediate shelter under your desk, a table, in public lobbies or exit stairwells. Stay away from windows, outside doors, large bookshelves or fixtures, etc. If you are outdoors, remain there, but keep away from buildings, as glass or other objects could loosen and fall. Do not attempt to enter any building until advised it is safe to do so. Be prepared for AFTER SHOCKS. AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE Use extreme caution in entering buildings or work areas; DON’T use lighted matches, lanterns, or torches until you are advised there are no gas leaks, etc. Stay away from damaged areas. Inspect your offices for damage and provide an itemized report to the Management Office. Advise local utilities of power outages or potential gas leaks. Emergency Procedures: Flood In the event of a flood that may cause damage to tenant property or affect the normal operation of the building, designated tenant managers will be contacted by Building Management personnel, including after business hours. The first priority is to ensure that no personal injury occurs as the result of a flood. The second priority is to discover the cause and prevent or minimize additional flooding. Once the flooding has been contained, clean-up operations will be commenced. Tenants will need to contact their insurance carrier for any damage to their property. Emergency Procedures: Severe Weather When severe weather conditions become apparent, the U.S. Weather Bureau describes conditions by two (2) classifications, a Watch or a Warning. This applies to the reporting of severe thunderstorms, the approach of weather conditions favoring the formation of tornadoes, a hurricane condition, a winter storm condition, etc. A Watch becomes effective when atmospheric conditions are right to produce the particular weather phenomenon. A Warning means that the weather condition has been spotted and prompt action must be taken for safety. Except in very rare circumstances, the decision to evacuate the building based on the above weather reports will not be made by Building Management, but rather by each Tenant Company. However, in the event these conditions do exist, the following guidelines should be kept in mind: Move away from outside windows. If the windows in your offices are supplied with blinds, close the blinds (this will provide protection from broken glass). Do not panic. If evacuated, lock all desk drawers and take all items of value with you. If evacuated, use a route that is in the building interior and stay away from large expanses of glass and windows. Use the stairwells rather than the elevators. If evacuated, do not return to your office until advised to do so by the management office. Emergency Procedures: Civil Unrest Should a riot or civil disturbance start outside the Building, the security guards will immediately lock all entrances to the Building. The police will be notified. We will keep you informed. If a disturbance should occur in the main lobby, all elevators will be turned off at the first floor and the police will be summoned. Introduction: Welcome The tenant information provided in this handbook is meant to provide you with a better understanding of 131 Dartmouth Street and facilitate your company’s operations. There is a great deal of information contained in this handbook. Take time to familiarize yourself with this handbook, and it will become a valuable resource. Please note that the Management Office is available to help in any way possible. Your first call for any problem or question can always be directed to the Management Office, and we will assist you from there. The contact information for the Management Office is: Bob Prendergast [email protected] Chris Paris [email protected] Physical Address: 131 Dartmouth Street Boston, MA 02116 Billing Address: 131 Dartmouth Street, Llc Integrated Properties INC, 131 Dartmouth Street, Mezzaine Level Boston, MA 02116 Every attempt has been made to provide current and accurate information in this handbook, but it is possible that some items will change over time. The Management Office will promptly notify you of any such changes. Please feel free to contact the Management Office with any questions you may have. We are here to serve you. Welcome to 131 Dartmouth Street. Introduction: Operating Instructions Navigation You move through The Electronic Tenant™ Handbook just as you would a traditional internet site. After clicking anywhere on the main page, there is a Table of Contents that provides links to various Chapters. Upon entering a Chapter, links to specific information are provided in Sub-Sections. You may return to the Table of Contents or Chapter Overview by clicking the appropriate link on every page. Special Features This Electronic Tenant™ Handbook has special features, such as an On-line Service Request Form section containing containing various downloadable and printable administrative forms. In order to be able use these features, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher installed on your computer. This software is free and easy to use. To obtain the software for free, click here. Updates The Electronic Tenant™ Handbook is updated on a regular basis. Please be sure to continuously check back for updates and new information. In order to keep you informed about 131 Dartmouth's operations, we have included a monthly Building Calendar and Announcement Board. Here, you will find information regarding scheduled maintenance and events taking place at 131 Dartmouth Street. If you have trouble accessing the Electronic Tenant™ Handbook or need assistance, please e-mail us at [email protected]. Please reference the handbook you are having trouble with. Introduction: Mobile Property Go Mobile...With Mobile Property! Your Electronic Tenant Portal is now in the palm of your hand! By downloading / bookmarking 131 Dartmouth Street's Mobile Property app to your Smartphone, you can add an icon to the 'home screen' of your mobile device and have all the information and features of your Electronic Tenant Portal wherever you go. Simply follow these 2 steps to add Mobile Property to your Smartphone's home screen: Step 1: Access the Mobile Site: Type, or copy and paste, the Portal URL into your Smartphone's Web browser: http://131dartmouthstreet.info/ The Portal will automatically redirect to the mobile site. Step 2: Add the App to your Mobile Device's home screen: iPhone / iPad: 1. When you have the mobile property app displayed in your web browser, click on the share icon (bottom/center - box with arrow icon) and choose "Add to Home Screen." 2. Choose a name for the new application, or leave as is, and click "Add." BlackBerry: 1. When you have the mobile property app displayed in your web browser, use the menu button and choose "Add to Home Screen." 2. Choose the name and location for your application, or leave the default settings, and press "Add." Android: 1. When you have mobile property app displayed in your web browser, use the menu button and choose "Add Bookmark." 2. Go to your desktop / home screen and hold down a finger on any blank area until prompt comes up. At this prompt - select shortcuts - Bookmarks - Mobile Site. Personnel: Property Operations The Management Office at 131 Dartmouth Street is located on the Mezzanine Level adjacent to Rodman Financial. This office is available to service all your tenant needs and offers a wide range of services. Questions and comments regarding any of the building services should be directed to the Management Office. The Management Office is available twenty-four hours-a-day. The Management Office phone number is 1-866-614-7767. The following personnel are available to address tenant needs: Name Phone E-Mail Bob [email protected] Prendergast Chris Paris 617-267-4537 [email protected] Personnel: Engineering For all engineering and maintenance requests, please call the Lobby Security Desk at 617-267-4537 or use the On-Line Service Request Forms in the Building Services chapter. Once a request is received, the Management Office will process the request and dispatch the appropriate personnel. Title Name Phone E-Mail Lead Dave 617-267-6523 [email protected] Engineer Leggett EngineerDennis 617-267-6523 [email protected] Moury Personnel: Security Security services are provided by a contract security vendor under the supervision of Chris Paris, Security Manager. For all concerns and questions, contact the Building Management Office at 866-614-7767. Please see the Building Security Section of this handbook for a complete outline of the security procedures for 131 Dartmouth Street The security desk is located in the main building lobby. The security desk phone number is 617- 267- 4537. The Security Manager can also be reached via e-mail at [email protected]. Personnel: Leasing For leasing information at 131 Dartmouth Street please contact: Title Name Phone E-Mail Leasing Peter [email protected] Manager Conlin For more information about this and other Integrated Properties, please visit http://www.itgprop.com. For detailed floor plans please contact Bob Prendergast. Personnel: Parking Parking facilities at 131 Dartmouth Street are operated by Impark. For a detailed descriptions of the polices and procedures for using the parking facilities at 131 Dartmouth Street please see Parking under the Building Amenities section of this Electronic Tenant™ Handbook. For questions regarding parking at 131 Dartmouth Street please contact: Title Name Phone E-Mail Parking Gary 617-267-6039 [email protected] Manager Fazio Personnel: Emergency Contacts Listed below are some important phone numbers in case of an emergency. In any emergency situation please call the appropriate emergency number below first and contact the Lobby Service Desk at 617-267-4537 immediately after contacting the appropriate emergency service. Emergency Contact Service Number Fire 911 Police 911 911 or Medical 617-267-4537 Poison 800-222-1222 Control 131 Lobby 617-267-4537 Security In a medical emergency, dial 911, and then alert the Lobby Security Desk at 617-267-4537. They will assist in any way possible while facilitating the emergency service arrival. Policies and Procedures: General Rules & Regulations The following Rules and Regulations have been developed for 131 Dartmouth Street and are attached to each lease for the building: RULES AND REGULATIONS. Tenant agrees to observe the rights reserved to Landlord in the Lease and agrees, for itself, its employees, agents, clients, customers, invitees and guests, to comply with the following rules and regulations and with such reasonable modifications thereof and additions thereto as Landlord may make, from time to time, for the Building. (a) Any sign, lettering, picture, notice, or advertisement installed within Tenant's Premises (including but not limited to Tenant identification signs on doors to the Premises) which is visible outside of the Premises shall be installed at Tenant's cost and in such manner, character and style as Landlord may approve in writing. No sign, lettering, picture, notice or advertisement shall be placed on any outside window or in any position so as to be visible from outside the Building or from lobbies of the Building. (b) Tenant shall not use the name of the Building or use pictures or illustrations of the Building in advertising or other publicity, without the prior written consent of Landlord. (c) Tenant, its customers, invitees, licensees, and guests shall not obstruct sidewalks, entrances, passages, courts, corridors, vestibules, halls, elevators and stairways in and about the Building. Tenant shall not place objects against glass partitions or doors or windows or adjacent to any open common space which would be unsightly from the Building corridors or from the exterior of the Building, and will promptly remove the same upon notice from Landlord. (d) Vehicle Access. The Columbus Avenue garage entrance will operate as a one-way entrance for passenger vehicles during the morning peak period (7:00AM to 9:00AM) and a one-way exit during the evening peak period (4:00 PM to 6:00 PM). In off-peak hours, it will provide truck access to a loading area within the garage. (e) Truck Deliveries. With the exception of courier and parcel delivery, truck deliveries will be scheduled during the hours of 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM to midnight on Dartmouth Street and 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM to midnight on Columbus Avenue. No deliveries by trucks of greater than 40 feet in length will be allowed at locations other than the off-street loading facilities without a Street Occupancy Permit issued by the City. Truck deliveries between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. weekdays shall be allowed if permitted by and done in accordance with all laws, codes and ordinances and as directed by Landlord. (f) Delivery of merchandise and equipment shall be performed in a prompt and efficient manner using elevators and passageways designated for such delivery by Landlord. All hand trucks used by tenants for deliveries in the Building shall be equipped with rubber tires and side-guards and the tenants shall be solely responsible for any damages caused by them or their agents during any deliveries to the Premises. (g) Freight, furniture, business equipment, merchandise and bulky matter of any description shall be delivered to and removed from the Premises only on the freight elevators and through the service entrances and corridors, and only during hours and in a manner approved by Landlord. Landlord reserves the right to inspect all freight to be brought into the Building and to exclude from the Building all freight which violates any of these rules and regulations or the Lease of which these rules and regulations are a part. (h) Tenant shall not make noises, cause disturbances, create vibrations, odors or noxious fumes or use or operate any electrical or electronic devices or other devices that emit sound, waves or are dangerous to other tenants and occupants of the Building or that would interfere with the operation of any device or equipment or radio or television broadcasting or reception from or within the Building or elsewhere, or with the operation of roads or highways in the vicinity of the Building and shall not place or install any projections, antennae, aerials or similar devices inside or outside of the Premises. (i) Tenant shall not make any room-to-room canvass to solicit business from other tenants in the Building, and shall not exhibit, sell or offer to sell, use, rent or exchange any item or services in or from the Premises unless expressly consented to within Tenant’s use of the Premises as specified in its lease. (j) Tenant shall not waste electricity or water and agrees to cooperate fully with Landlord to assure the most effective operation of the Building's heating and air conditioning and shall refrain from attempting to adjust any controls outside of the Premises. Tenant shall keep public corridor doors closed. (k) Door keys for doors in the Premises or as otherwise provided in the lease will be furnished at the commencement of the Lease by Landlord. Tenant shall not affix additional locks on doors and shall purchase duplicate keys only from Landlord. When the Lease is terminated, Tenant shall return all keys to Landlord and will provide to Landlord the means of opening any safes, cabinets or vaults left in the Premises. (l) Tenant assumes full responsibility for protecting its space from theft, robbery and pilferage, which includes keeping doors locked and other means of entry to the Premises closed and secured. (m) Peddlers, solicitors and beggars shall be reported to the office of the Building or as Landlord otherwise requests. (n) Tenant shall not install nor operate machinery or any mechanical devices of a nature not directly related to Tenant's ordinary use of the Premises without the written permission of Landlord. (o) No person or contractor not employed by Landlord shall be used to perform window washing or cleaning. Any other work shall be governed by Article 10 – Additions and Alterations – in the attached Lease. (p) Tenant shall not, and Tenant shall not permit or suffer anyone to: 1. Place vending or dispensing machines of any kind in or about the Premises other than that for the exclusive use of its employees; (q) Tenant shall not: 1. Use the Premises for lodging, manufacturing or for any immoral or illegal purposes. 2. Use the Premises to engage in the manufacture or sale of, or permit the use of, any spirituous, fermented, intoxicating or alcoholic beverages on the Premises; provided, however, the serving of such beverages to employees without charge shall be permitted if Tenant provides Landlord with evidence of appropriate alcoholic beverage insurance covering liability of the Tenant and of the Landlord with respect to such risks as Landlord determines should be insured under such coverage in an amount which, and with such deductibles, as Landlord specifically and in writing acknowledges as sufficient to Tenant. 3. Use the Premises to engage in the manufacture or sale of, or permit the use of, any illegal drugs on the Premises. (r) In no event shall any person bring into the Building inflammables such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha and benzene, or explosives or firearms or any other article of intrinsically dangerous nature. If by reason of the failure of Tenant to comply with the provisions of this paragraph, any insurance premium payable by Landlord for all or any part of the Building shall at any time be increased above normal insurance premiums for insurance not covering the items aforesaid. Landlord shall have the option to either terminate the Lease or to require Tenant to make immediate payment for the whole of the increased insurance premium. (s) Tenant shall comply with all applicable federal, state and municipal laws, ordinances and regulations and building rules, and shall not directly or indirectly make any use of the Premises which may be prohibited thereby or which shall be dangerous to person or property or shall increase the cost of insurance or require additional insurance coverage. (t) If Tenant desires signal, communication, alarm or other utility or service connection installed or changed, the same shall he made at the expense of Tenant, with approval and under direction of Landlord. (u) Bicycles shall not be permitted in the Building in other than the Landlord designated locations. (v) Tenant shall cooperate and participate in all security and life safety programs affecting the Building. (w) In the event Landlord allows one or more tenants in the Building to do any act prohibited herein, Landlord shall not be precluded from denying any other tenant the right to do any such act. (x) Tenant, or the employees, agents, servants, visitors or licensees of Tenant shall not at any time place, leave or discard any rubbish, paper, articles, or objects of any kind whatsoever outside the doors of the Premises or in the corridors or passageways of the Building. No animals or birds shall be brought or kept in or about the Building. (y) Landlord shall have the right to prohibit any advertising by Tenant which, in Landlord's opinion, tends to impair the reputation of the Building or its desirability for offices, and, upon written notice from Landlord, Tenant will refrain from or discontinue such advertising. (z) Tenant shall not mark, paint, drill into, or in any way deface any part of the Building or the Premises. No boring, driving of nails or screws, cutting or stringing of wires shall be permitted, except with the prior written consent of Landlord, and as Landlord may direct. Tenant shall not install any resilient tile or similar floor consent of Landlord, and as Landlord may direct. Tenant shall not install any resilient tile or similar floor covering in the Premises except with the prior approval of' Landlord. The use of cement or other similar adhesive material is expressly prohibited. (aa) No curtains, blinds, shades, or screens shall be attached to or hung in, or used in connection with, any window or door of the Premises without the prior consent of Landlord. Such window treatments shall be of a quality, type, design and color, and attached in a manner approved by Landlord. (bb) Landlord shall have the right to limit or control the number and format of listings on the main Building directory. (cc) Landlord reserves the right to exclude from the Building between the hours of 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. and all hours on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays all persons who do not present a pass to the Building signed by Landlord. Landlord will furnish passes to persons for whom any tenant requires same in writing. Each tenant shall be responsible for all persons for whom he requests such pass and shall be liable to Landlord for all acts of such persons. Policies and Procedures: Building Signage The Management Office must approve any signage that you wish to place in the Building before being installed. We will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have. Policies and Procedures: Building Insurance Requirements All vendors and contractors working at 131 Dartmouth Street must provide a certificate of insurance with the following minimums: Commercial General Liability Insurance Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Personal Injury Liability $ 2,000,000 each occurrence $ 2,000,000 annual aggregate $ 2,000,000 annual aggregate (ii) Comprehensive Automobile Insurance covering all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles of contractor including the loading and unloading of any automobile with limits of liability not less than: Bodily Injury and Property $ 2,000,000 each occurrence $ Damage 2,000,000 Liability annual aggregate (iii) Workers Compensation - Statutory Limits Evidence of insurance naming 131 Dartmouth Street LLC, NET 131 LLC, Integrated Properties, LLC Integrated Properties Inc; as additionally insured must be provided to the management office prior to work or deliveries to the premises. Tenants should add their names as additionally insured. Policies and Procedures: Deliveries & Use of the Loading Dock All delivery and courier services, contractors and vendors must enter through the service entrance, check in at the loading dock and use the freight elevator. All individuals will be prescreened by security and must present a photo ID, preferably a driver’s license. The information from the photo ID will be scanned, the license returned and a temporary ID will be issued to the individual. The ID must be worn and visible at all times while in the building. All deliveries are restricted to the service elevator. Building regulations prohibit deliveries and inter-floor activities on passenger elevators requiring hand trucks, carts as well as movement of bulky objects. Large deliveries are scheduled in advance with building management. To schedule use of the freight elevator, click here and complete a Service Request Form. Loading Dock Access Vehicle Access: The Columbus Avenue entrance will operate as a one-way entrance for passenger vehicles during the morning peak period (7:00 AM – 9:00 AM) and a one-way exit during the evening peak period (4:00 PM – 6:00 PM). In off-peak hours, it will provide truck access to the loading area within the garage. Delivery or construction vehicles and personnel shall not obstruct sidewalks, entrances, passages, courts, corridors, vestibules, halls, elevators and stairways in and about the building. Delivery of merchandise and equipment shall be performed in a prompt and efficient manner using elevators and passageways designated for such delivery. All hand trucks used for deliveries must be equipped with rubber tires and side guards. Freight, furniture, business equipment, merchandise, and bulky matter of any description must be delivered and removed through the service entrances. Building Management reserves the right to inspect all freight to enter the building. Policies and Procedures: Office Space Alterations Upon a request for space alterations, the building manager will contact you to review your alteration request. We will explain the necessary drawings, permits and approvals required in order to facilitate the project. Remodeling projects require approval from the landlord. Please contact the Management Office to discuss in further detail. For minor services such as hanging pictures, blackboards, making keys and changing locks, requests may be made by telephone to the Management Office at 1-866-614-7767 or by using the On-line Service Request Form of this handbook. The tenant will be invoiced for these services with a minimum charge from the maintenance facility. All work will be done according to applicable codes and laws. All contractors and sub-contractors must adhere to all policies outlined by the building management office. The Neighborhood: Retail Tenants Listed below is a brief description and contact information for the retail services located at 131 Dartmouth Street. B.Good: B.Good burgers, salads, chicken sandwiches, and fries. The difference? B.good's food is better for you because only the healthiest ingredients and cooking methods are used. . And the food tastes better because they take the time to make it right - homemade & fresh each day. B.good is open seven days a week from 10:30 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. serving, lunch and dinner. For menu options and more information please call 617-424-5252 or visit their web site at www.bgood.com Douzo Japanese Restaurant Voted one of the best Sushi places in Boston as well as a fabulous selection of Japanese Fare, along with a full cash bar. Open for lunch and dinner and take out available Please call 617-859-8886 or their website at www.douzo.com The Neighborhood: Public Transportation View Neighborhood Maps | View Downtown Maps | View Transportation Maps 131 Dartmouth Street is conveniently located in the heart of Boston's transportation grid and is easily accessible by a number of different public transportation options. T-Service The Back Bay Station is located just North of 131 Dartmouth Street and is served by the Orange Line. For detailed schedule and service information please visit the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority web site at http://www.mbta.com Commuter Rail Service Back Bay Station is also served by the Framingham /Worcester Commuter rail line. For a map of the Commuter Rail System click on the Map icon below. For schedule and service information visit http://www.mbta.com Bus Service 131 Dartmouth Street neighborhood is served primarily by the 10, 39 and 9 bus lines. For complete schedule, stop and service information please visit http://www.mbta.com. The Neighborhood: Maps View Neighborhood Maps | View Downtown Maps | View Transportation Maps For your convenience, we have included a number of maps of the city of Boston, the surrounding areas and the immediate neighborhood of 131 Dartmouth Street. Please click on the links above to view specific maps. PDF maps require Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher. This software is free and can be obtained by clicking here.
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