3C community church

3C community church
Children & Youth @ 3C Community Church
Epic Sundays
Every Sunday during the morning service
at church
(0-11yr olds) Lots of fun Contact: Jan Herbert
Epic Supertroopers Friday 6pm-7.30pm at the 3C building
(ages 5-9, Reception to Yr 5)
Contact: Christine Sawyer
Epic Supertroopers normally meet
during term-time only.
For further details please contact the leaders.
Newsletter - July 2015
Welcome, we’re glad to see you.
Get in touch
If you’re part of 3C, there’s copy of the new church contact
book in your pigeonhole. Please note that these details are
confidential and should not be shared with anyone outside
the church. Thanks!
Welcome to 3C Community Church. We hope you enjoy being with us today
and want to come again.
Hot drinks are served both before and after the meeting.
Prayer & fasting day
3C’s prayer & fasting day for July takes place on Wednesday
15th, culminating in an evening gathering at the church
building at 7.45pm.
Hospitality crew: Coffee duty
Serving us this month on coffee duty on the following Sunday
morning services are:
Bryce & Judy’s Group
Steve & Karen’s Group
Saul & Ester’s Group
Paul & Jan’s Group
Bryce & Judy’s group
Joe & Kyle’s Group
Feeling lost? Look out for somebody wearing a Welcome Team badge
- they’ll be happy to help.
Star performers:
If you're in any of the above groups, please speak to
your community group leaders in advance about how you can help.
Visitors are of course welcome to stay with their children for a while to help
them settle. Epic Sundays take place in the hall adjoining the chapel.
Parents can meet up with their children again at the end of the adults' meeting
(except on Sundays when there is Holy Communion towards the end of the
adults' meeting; on those days, we make an announcement asking parents to
go and fetch their children and bring them back into the chapel).
There is also a varied programme of activities throughout the week
for adults, young people and children.
Sunday 5th July
Sunday 12th July
Sunday 19th July
Sunday 2nd August
Sunday 9th August
Sunday 16th August
3C Community Church
Church Road
Upper Cam, Dursley
Tel: 01453 546 775 (office)
find us on Facebook:
Epic Sundays, our special meeting for children aged 0-11, usually takes
place during all our Sunday morning 3C adults' meetings. The children meet
with the adults initially in the chapel and then leave with their Epic Sundays
children's workers part-way through the service.
announcing 3C’s very special
summer children’s programme!
This month, 3C Community Church is teaming up
with Christian organisation iSingPOP to run an exciting
programme of workshops in schools, a community-based
holiday club and even a special grand finale
performance at 3C.
Scan with your
smart phone
iSingPOP’s young, enthusiastic and talented team will teach pop songs and
dance moves to children. And with the songs based on Christian values, children
will be introduced to the good news of the gospel, too.
3C Grand Day Out 2015: Saturday 18th July
Dates for your Diary - Special Events
Sunday service at 10.30am each week unless otherwise stated
A 3C day of Prayer & Fasting
3C Women skittles night
venue t.b.c
Family Fun Day (see details opposite)
iSingPop—Kids Summer Club
Community Group Sunday
all day
3C building
Forest of Dean
(no main service at 3C today)
Summer BBQ & music at 3C
Guest speaker—Peter Foulds
Church Clean Up morning (details to follow)
Summer break
3C building
3C building
3C building
(no main service at 3C today)
Summer break
(no main service at 3C today)
children’s summer holiday club
Cont.. from front page
The programme starts with iSingPOP running workshops in Woodfield
infant and junior schools as the summer term draws to a close. Then
during the holidays (Monday 20th – Friday 24th July), the holiday club takes
place in nearby Woodfield youth and community centre.
Whilst learning the songs, the children will also be entertained with crafts
and games – and there’s a professional mobile recording studio arriving on
the Thursday of the holiday club week to record the children so they can
make their very own CDs.
“This wonderful week will come to a close with a concert at the 3C building,
where parents will be treated to a performance and refreshments,” says 3C’s
co-ordinator Kyle Aldridge. Anyone who wishes to be involved should contact
Kyle, who will be only too pleased to speak to you about it!
3C’s 2015 Grand Day Out takes place at
Beechenhurst Lodge, the large Forestry
Commission visitor site in the heart of the Forest
of Dean, on Saturday 18th July. With barbecue
space booked, space to relax and lots of free
fun on offer, it promises to be a great day. Our Grand Day Out is for anyone at
3C – and friends and family are of course very welcome, too.
See www.forestry.gov.uk/beechenhurst for full details of what’s there.
What time and where? We’ll be meeting up at Beechenhurst Lodge
from 11am. It’s near Cinderford at GL16 7EL.
How much? The car park costs £3.50. All trails and the large play area,
featuring a zip wire, are free. There is a café on the site. You can also pay
to use the climbing tower or enjoy an archery session, but you may need
to book in advance: www.forestofdeanadventure.co.uk
What shall I bring? Bring your own food, including things to cook on the
barbecue. There’s no need to take barbecue equipment because the
church has booked its own barbecue area and will provide all the
cooking equipment. If you want to go walking, bring suitable shoes or
boots…and if you fancy heading off on two wheels on the family cycle
trail, bring your own bike!
August @ 3C
After a busy June and July, 3C will be in mellow mood this
August! On Sunday 9th August, there is a family barbecue –
with one or two surprises – instead of our normal Sunday
service: more details to follow. And then on the last two
Sundays of the month, it’s the 3C Summer Break – with no Sunday services
planned, why not discuss with your community group leader how you can meet
with your 3C friends during that period. Note that on Sunday 2 nd and 9th August,
we’ll be holding our Sunday service as normal.
3C Women’s July meeting will be a skittles night on Thursday 16 th July. Venue tbc. There will be no 3C Women’s meeting in August.
Community Group Sunday
If you are a visitor here today, please make sure you pick up
a Welcome Pack from a member of the Welcome Team
‘Come with us and we will do you good!’ - Num 10 : 29
There’s no formal service at 3C on Sunday 26th July
because it is our Community Group Sunday when the
church meets instead at various locations in
community groups.