EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS Contents LIONS CLUBS OVERVIEW .........................................................................2 CONVENTION OVERVIEW ........................................................................3 EXHIBITOR INFORMATION .....................................................................4-6 EXHIBITION VENUE ..............................................................................7-10 IMPORTANT CONTACTS...........................................................................11 ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES .............................................................12 EXHIBITOR/ADVERTISING APPLICATION...........................................13-17 TERMS AND CONDITIONS..................................................................18-26 EXHIBITOR HOTEL RESERVATION FORM ...............................................28 Lions Clubs 98th International Convention EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL Established in 1917 and headquartered in Oak Brook, IL, Lions Clubs International (LCI) is the world's largest service organization with over 1.35 million members in over 200 countries. Lions Clubs International is commonly recognized for its service to the blind and visually impaired, though our members volunteer their time to answer the many needs that challenge their communities and the world. For over 95 years, wherever there is a need — at home or around the world - Lions are there to help. To learn more about LCI, visit our website at: www.lionsclubs.org. 2 www.lionsclubs.org Lions Clubs Convention 2015 This is the association’s only event where all global members are invited to join together for five days of fellowship at the International Convention, which will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Honolulu is the state capital and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Hawaii. We expect a minimum of 18,000 Lions to attend this convention. Each year our registrants look forward to marching in the annual International Parade, participating in numerous educational seminars, voting on important association issues while enjoying the sights of an international city. All convention events including LCI’s plenary sessions, meetings, and seminars will conveniently take place at the Hawaii Convention Center (HCC). The Exhibitor area is open daily and the traffic flow is steady throughout the week. Slow periods will occur during our International Parade on Saturday, June 27 and Opening Plenary Session on Sunday, June 28. Immediately following these events, exhibitors can expect crowds to return to the exhibit area. Our event is not a tradeshow – it is focused exclusively on LCI. The focal point of our exhibit area is our large Headquarters section that features each division of LCI. Here, Lions members can meet and discuss issues directly with key personnel. Other popular exhibit area attractions include our complimentary Social Media Lounge/Internet Café; the International Food Court; the Environmental Photo Contest competition highlighting the best entrants from around the world, the Club Supplies Store, and of course, the always popular Exhibitors section. These are just a few of the exhibit area attractions available to our attendees. 3 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA Lions Clubs Convention 2015 I Exhibitor Information At the Hawaii Convention Center, the main level exhibit halls will be used for our plenary sessions, so instead of a traditional exhibit hall we will be using the meeting rooms located in the Ala Halawai “Central Concourse” on the HCC’s Level 3. Please refer to Page 8 for a general layout of this space. Due to the space limitations there will only be space for 15 exhibitors in 2015. We will accept completed exhibitor applications on a first-come, first-serve basis. Only standard size 10’ x 10’ (3m x 3m) booths are available. Exhibitors who are unable to reserve a booth are welcome to participate in our first “Virtual” Exhibit Hall. LCI has partnered with ViridiSTOR to deliver our convention content digitally on their Presenter USB. Exhibitors can now distribute a wide range of content, including high resolution images, movies, electronic brochures, and product catalogs and more in a cost effective manner. As all exhibitor contact information (address, phone, website, social media links, etc.) is included on the Presenter™, exhibitors have the opportunity to be contacted after the convention, even if the attendee never visited their booth or the exhibitor was unable to attend. We invite your company or organization to participate as an exhibitor MARK YOUR CALENDAR: or “virtual exhibitor” to market your products or share your programs and services with our global Lions members. Take advantage of the advertising options available to you. Place your company or organization’s message in the Convention program that is June 24-June 28, 2016 – Fukuoka, Japan June 30-July 4, 2017 – Chicago, Illinois, USA offered in multiplie languages to increase awareness of your brand. Best of all, you will have access to thousands of global Lions members in two market places! Don’t miss out on this opportunity - send in your application today! 4 www.lionsclubs.org June 29-July 3, 2018 – Las Vegas, Nevada, USA July 5-July 9, 2019 – Milan, Italy Exhibitor Information The Lions International Convention Exhibitor’s area will be located on Level 3 in Room 312. Space is very limited so reserve your space soon before it sells out. A benefit of coming on board as one of our valued exhibitors before booths sell out or by March 6, 2015, will be your company or organization’s details listed in our convention program. The program is printed in several languages and is distributed to all attendees. We will include a brief description of your company/organization along with your website or e-mail address. Exhibitors purchasing a booth will be included on the ViridiSTOR Presenter USB. EXHIBITOR COSTS: The price for a 10’ x 10’ exhibit booth varies based upon the exhibitor classification. LCI offers discounts for our valued repeat exhibitors. Please refer to the chart below as a guide: BOOTH TYPE RETAIL EXHIBITORS TOTAL NOT-FOR-PROFIT/CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS TOTAL INLINE 10’ x 10’ BOOTH $1000.00 USD $750.00 USD CORNER* 10’ x 10’ BOOTH $1500.00 USD $1250.00 USD VIRTUAL EXHIBITOR** $400.00 USD $300.00 USD * NOTE: Corner Booth space is very limited, subject to availability and not guaranteed. ** NOTE: For exhibitors unable to purchase a booth at the 98th annual convention. All rates are shown in US Dollars. 5 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA I Lions Clubs Convention 2015 EXHIBITOR FEE INCLUDES: Four (4) Exhibit Hall Passes Each booth includes an 8’ high pipe and drape back wall and 3’ high pipe and drape side walls 1 – Table 2 – Chairs 1 – Wastebasket Booth ID Sign. Company or organization listing in the Official Convention Program that is distributed to all convention attendees and translated into numerous languages. Each listing will include a description of up to 25 words. Your application must be received by March 6, 2015 to be included in the program. Your listing will also be included on our ViridiSTOR Presenter USB. OFFICIAL GENERAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR: TBD EXHIBITOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Refer to page 18 – please review thoroughly. EXHIBITOR SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE: Exhibitor Move-in Period: Thursday June 25, 2015 09:00 – 16:00 Convention Dates and Times: Friday Saturday June 26, 2015 June 27, 2015 09:30 – 17:00 11:00 – 17:00 Sunday June 28, 2015 09:30 – 17:00 Monday June 29, 2015 09:30 – 17:00 Tuesday June 30, 2015 07:30 – 10:30 Tuesday June 30, 2015 10:31 – 17:00 Exhibitor Move-out Period: NOTE: All times are subject to change – LCI will notify exhibitors of any schedule changes. Refer to the Terms and Conditions on page 18 for further information. 6 www.lionsclubs.org EXHIBITION VENUE: Hawai’i Convention Centre (HCC) 1801 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96815 USA Website: www.hawaiiconvention.com & Exhibit Hall - (Exhibitor Hotel) 7 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA I Lions Clubs Convention 2015 HAWAI’I CONVENTION CENTER LEVEL 3 ROOM ASSIGNMENTS 303 - PARADE OFFICE 312 - EXHIBITOR AREA & PHOTO SALES 313A - PIN TRADING; LISC & POST OFFICE 313B&C - INTERNATIONAL FOOD COURT & VIDEO WALL 314 - INTERNET CAFÉ/SOCIAL MEDIA 315 - CLUB SUPPLIES STORE & HOST COMMITTEE SOUVENIR SALES 316 - HEADQUARTERS INCL ENVIRONMENTAL PHOTO CONTEST; FUKUOKA CVB; 2016 REGISTRATION 317 - REGISTRATION 318 - INFORMATION & LANGUAGE/HOST COMMITTEE WELCOME & CONVENTION OFFICE 8 www.lionsclubs.org LEVEL 1 KAMEHAMEHA – PLENARY SESSIONS & INTERNATIONAL SHOW MAIN LOBBY – ADVANCE REGISTRATION; TOUR DESK; SHUTTLE DESK 9 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA I Lions Clubs Convention 2015 LEVEL 4 KĀLAKAUA BALLROOM A – CREDENTIALS CERTIFICATION KĀLAKAUA BALLROOM B&C – DGE SEMINAR GENERAL SESSIONS, BANQUETS INCLUDING MJF LUNCHEON & VOTING 10 www.lionsclubs.org Important Contacts LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITOR COORDINATOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS SCOT JACOBSON KATHY GORGAN 1-630-468-6928 1-630-468-6763 [email protected] [email protected] GENERAL SERVICES CONTRACTOR TBD SHIPPING & FREIGHT HANDLING TBD 11 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA I Lions Clubs Convention 2015 Advertising Opportunities With a minimum attendance of 18,000 global Lions members, we invite you to participate as an Official Advertiser in our Official Convention Program. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to extend your marketing reach with our attendees. Advertisement in the Official Convention Program $500 - $1,300 USD Our Program, which is translated into several languages, is a must for all of our attendees and is often kept as a treasured keepsake and souvenir. Convention attendees can view our scheduled program of events, voting information, exhibitor descriptions and delegation activities to name just a few. Your advertisement will help guide attendees to your booth and increase your company/organization’s exposure to the thousands of worldwide Lions members onsite. Advertising prices vary based upon the size of the ad and if the ad will be in 4-color, 2-color or black and white. The number of color advertisements available is limited. Program cover advertisements are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. As a special thank you to our exhibitors, Lions Clubs International is offering discounts up to 25% off for participating convention exhibitors, including our virtual exhibitors, who wish to advertise in our program. 12 www.lionsclubs.org Exhibitor Application Page 1 Lions Clubs 98th International Convention ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Please print all information EXACTLY as it should appear on all promotional listings. Name You Wish to Exhibit Under: Company name for invoicing: Address: City: State: Zip/Postal Code: Country: Exhibit Contact: Phone: E-Mail: Web Address: LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL 13 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA Lions Clubs Convention 2015 I Exhibitor Application Page 2 YOUR EXHIBIT SPACE PURCHASE INCLUDES: • Four (4) exhibit hall passes • Each booth includes an 8’ high pipe and drape back wall and 3’ high pipe and drape side walls • 1 – Table • 2 – Chairs • 1 – Wastebasket • Booth ID Sign • Convention program listing if application is received by the printing deadline date of March 6, 2015. • Listing included in our ViridiSTOR Presenter USB. Please review the important exhibitor Terms and Conditions on page 18. Full payment is required with each application. Please note that booth fees are listed in US Dollars. Requests for exhibit space must be received by March 30, 2015. Applications received after March 6, 2015 will not be listed in our Official Convention Program due to printing deadlines. Our official general services contractor is to be determined. They will provide you with your electronic exhibitor kit that contains information on your booth decor, along with order forms for any additional electrical, telecom, audio-visual, decor and/or other services you may require. PRODUCT/SERVICE LISTING IN THE OFFICIAL CONVENTION PROGRAM Please provide in 25 words or less, a description of your organization and any products or services you will be highlighting in the exhibit hall. Forms submitted will be subject to editing at the discretion of LCI. Your application must be received by March 6, 2015 to be included in the program. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 www.lionsclubs.org Exhibitor Application Page 3 NOT-FOR-PROFIT/CHARITABLE BOOTH RATE US DOLLARS RETAIL EXHIBITORS Organizations and those that are showcasing Lions Humanitarian supported programs PLEASE MAKE A SELECTION PRICE PRICE INLINE 10’ x 10’ $1000.00 $750.00 CORNER 10’ x 10’ $1500.00 $1250.00 TOTAL REPEAT EXHIBITOR’S APPRECIATION CREDIT (Subject to verification by LCI) VIRTUAL EXHIBITOR $400.00 - 50.00 $300.00 SUB TOTAL CANCELLATION / BOOTH SIZE REDUCTION POLICY Liquidated damages will be charged per exhibit space to any exhibitor that cancels within the following time periods: TIME PERIOD Before May 30, 2015 After May 30, 2015 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Full Refund No Refund 15 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA I Lions Clubs Convention 2015 Exhibitor Advertising Application Page 4 PROGRAM ADVERTISING OPTIONS TYPE OF PROGRAM ADVERTISEMENT SIZE STANDARD RATE (US DOLLARS) 2015 CONVENTION EXHIBITOR RATE (US DOLLRS) 4 COLOR FULL PAGE 3” x 7 ¼” $1300.00 $1000.00 2 COLOR FULL PAGE 3” x 7 ¼” $1000.00 $775.00 BLACK & WHITE FULL PAGE 3” x 7 ¼” $900.00 $700.00 BLACK & WHITE HALF PAGE 3” x 3 ½” $500.00 $400.00 SUB TOTAL Please note that ads can be supplied as a PDF/X1a file. The PDF must contain all high-resolution cmyk images (300 dpi) and embedded fonts. Please ensure that the PDF ad is designed to fit the advertisement size indicated above. Questions? Contact Deade at 630-468-6757 or [email protected] Due to printing deadlines, ad requests must be received by March 6, 2015. 16 www.lionsclubs.org TOTAL Exhibitor/Advertising Application Page 5 PAYMENT INFORMATION: Payment is due with application • Check Payment in US Dollars is payable to LCI PAYMENT IS DUE WITH APPLICATION I MasterCard I Visa I Discover I Check Payable to LCI Account Number: ______________________________ Expiration Date: ________________________ Name on Card: ________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________ State: ________________________ Zip/Postal Code: ____________________________________ Country: ________________________ Authorized Signature: __________________________________________________________________ Authorized Amount: ____________________________________________________________________ AGREEMENT I agree to abide by the provisions of the Terms and Conditions governing the 98th Lions Clubs International Convention as well as the conditions to exhibit at the Hawai’i Convention Center (HCC). Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________________ BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, YOU AGREE TO ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAN BE FOUND STARTING ON PAGE 18 OF THIS DOCUMENT. PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THIS APPLICATION FOR YOUR FILES. PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND SIGNED AGREEMENT TO: SCOT JACOBSON Convention Coordinator Lions Clubs International 300 W. 22nd Street Oak Brook, IL 60523 USA Direct Line: 1-630-468-6928 • Fax: 1-630-706-9285 • [email protected] 17 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA Lions Clubs Convention 2015 I Terms And Conditions All interested exhibitors are required to complete and submit the enclosed exhibitor application to LCI. The application must include a description of the purpose of the exhibit and indicate specifically what products, services and promotions you plan to display at your booth. Items bearing the official Lions emblem/logo may not be sold unless your organization is an approved licensee of Lions Clubs International. If a non-licensee exhibitor is found selling items with the Lions emblem/logo, the booth will be shut down, the booth fee will be forfeited and any expenses incurred in the removal/storage of the booth and its contents will be at the sole expense of the Exhibitor. All assigned exhibition space must be staffed at all times during the exhibition schedule. Booths may not be dismantled until after 10:30 On Tuesday, June 30. All Exhibitors entering the exhibition halls are required to wear their Exhibitor’s Badge at all times, including during the set-up and tear down of the booth. At least one person representing the exhibiting company must speak English. By signing and submitting the exhibitor application, the Exhibitor agrees to observe and comply with all Host Country laws, statutes, ordinances, and all Terms and Conditions as stated herein. Failure to comply with applicable laws, terms and conditions may result in LCI or the HCC removing the exhibitor and/or denying the exhibitor the opportunity to participate in future LCI-sponsored events. You may be required to provide background information to substantiate claims for any product or service. All exhibitors are required to pay for additional items for their booth beyond the amenities included in the standard booth package. LCI has negotiated for special discounted pricing with our official suppliers. Additional available items to order will be included in your exhibitor kit that you will receive from our General Services Contractor. 18 www.lionsclubs.org Terms And Conditions BALLOONS Are not permitted. BOOTH ASSIGNMENT Booth assignments are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis upon receipt of full payment. LCI reserves the right to relocate space. Relocations will be made only if deemed necessary and upon notification to the exhibitor by LCI. No exhibitor shall assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of their space without the knowledge and consent of Scot Jacobson, Convention Coordinator, Lions Clubs International. All exhibitors must wear their LCI issued exhibitor badge registered under the name of the exhibiting company. Exhibitors can pick up their badges at the HCC’s Room 318 during move-in on June 25. LCI will have a check-in area set up for exhibitors. Exhibitors will have access to the Exhibitors area in Room 312 for set-up of their booths on June 25 between 09:00-16:00. Access to Room 312 will be granted only to those persons who have been registered and are wearing the approved identification badge. All exhibits and displays must be set up and ready for inspection before opening time at 10:00 on June 26, 2015. Any exhibit or display that is not set up prior to the event start date and time may be removed and stored by Show Management at the sole expense of the Exhibitor. Any materials left in Room 312 following the official move out time will be discarded. BOOTH CLEANING LCI is responsible for cleaning the common areas. The order form to clean your booth will be included in your exhibitor kit and will be at your expense. 19 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA I Lions Clubs Convention 2015 Terms And Conditions CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellation of exhibit space must be made in writing to Lions Clubs International. Exhibit booth fees will be refunded according to the following schedule: Cancellations received in writing on or prior to May 30, 2015 Cancellations received in writing after May 30, 2015 Full refund of amount paid No refunds DANGEROUS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES No propane, acetylene or other flammable or explosive materials are allowed. DECORATIONS Signs, banners and decorations may not be affixed to the facility or suspended from any surfaces in the HCC without prior review and approval. All items should be freestanding and may not obstruct exit doors, exit lights, fire alarm pull boxes, fire hose cabinets, fire extinguishers or facility signage. Suspension points do not include light fixtures, sprinkler heads, conduit, HVAC ducts, etc. No pins, tacks or adhesives of any sort are permitted on any wall or door. No signs or banners may be placed on the exterior of the facility. DELIVERIES HCC cannot accept any freight deliveries or shipments for clients. We recommend shipping your goods through the contracted shipping/freight handling company for maximum efficiency. Shipping and freight handling information will be included in the exhibitor kit. DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD SAMPLES Distribution of and sales of food and / or beverage items is prohibited without prior approval from HCC. Please contact Scot Jacobson at 1-630-468-6928 or e-mail [email protected] if you wish to offer food samples. Approved dispensed items are limited to products manufactured, processed or distributed by exhibiting firms. DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE/PRODUCT Exhibitors are allowed to attract people to the booth. Exhibitors are not permitted to distribute information outside of the contracted booth area or in any other areas of the exhibit hall or conference areas without prior approval from LCI. Giveaways are appreciated and encouraged. 20 www.lionsclubs.org Terms And Conditions DOMESTIC ANIMALS Animals or pets, with the exception of working dogs, are not permitted in the Center except as an approved exhibit, activity or performance requiring the use of animals. An animal authorization request form must be completed prior to the event. ENDORSEMENT Unless otherwise authorized, LCI does not endorse or recommend the use of any specific commercial products or services. Therefore, the exhibitor may not state or imply, verbally or in printed literature, that its products are endorsed or recommended by Lions Clubs International except when applicable to state that it has received authorization to use a specific LCI trademark on certain products. EXHIBITOR HOUSING LCI has a limited number of rooms available at the Ala Moana Hotel to all approved exhibitors at a discounted group rate. The deadline to secure hotel reservations at the discounted group rate is by May 1, 2015. Hotel reservations must be made by LCI. Please refer to page 28 for the Exhibitor Hotel Registration form. FIRE SAFETY All fire, safety and HCC regulations must be strictly followed. Failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations will result in the booth being shut down, the booth fee will be forfeited and any expenses incurred in the removal/storage of the booth and its contents will be at the sole expense of the Exhibitor. FREIGHT HANDLING Exhibitor move-in and move-out is not permitted through the main lobby with the exception of small hand carried freight only. Passenger elevators and escalators are not to be used for transporting freight or equipment from level to level. This includes hand dollies/handcarts and hand carrying boxes, chairs, tables, etc. Exhibitors driving passenger vehicles may load and unload in Row F of the parking garage. Height maximum in the parking garage is 8’11”. Commercial vehicles requiring access to the loading dock for movein are asked to make a reservation with the HCC’s Dock Master by calling 1-808-943-3018. The freight dock entrance is located on Kahakai Street and exits onto Kalakaua Avenue. Any assistance from the facility and/or General Services Contractor to deliver and/or set-up any items will be subject to Material Handling Charges that are the responsibility of the Exhibitor. Detailed rate information will be included in the exhibitor kit. 21 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA I Lions Clubs Convention 2015 Terms And Conditions INSURANCE The exhibitor shall, at its own expense, obtain and keep in full force and effect during the entire duration of the convention, appropriate insurance coverage as is customary to maintain for its property, employees, agents, and exhibit programs, including sufficient general liability coverage for any bodily injury or property damage. The exhibitor acknowledges that LCI and HCC do not maintain insurance covering the exhibitor’s property, employees, agents or exhibit programs and that it is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain appropriate insurance, including but not limited to, sufficient general liability, bodily injury, property damage, business interruption, fire and theft, and workers’ compensation insurance covering any such losses caused by or related to the exhibitor. The exhibitor assumes all risk of loss or damage of any kind, including but not limited to, any such loss or damage in excess of insurance coverage limits. LCI requires that an exhibitor furnish a certificate of insurance evidencing sufficient coverage. EXHIBITOR INSURANCE REQUIREMENT: As an exhibitor, or “tenant” of exhibit space in the 98th Annual Lions Clubs International Convention, you are to submit an original Certificate of General Business Liability Insurance for your company, as evidence of such coverage being currently in effect. Deadline for Receipt of Certificate: May 30, 2015 Your insurance agent is the only one authorized to produce this certificate. Because the requirements for this certificate are unique to this event, a standard certificate is not acceptable. Please forward these instructions to your agent as soon as possible. Make sure they are aware of the deadline and the special requirements with regard to the event. The instructions below will give your agent all the information they will need to produce the certificate for you. Important Notice: Failure on the part of the exhibitor to have a proper Certificate of Liability Insurance submitted by the above deadline will result in suspension of the exhibitor’s right to occupy space in the exhibit hall. Your company will be placed on a “Stop List” and you will not be allowed to move any exhibit materials into the exhibit hall. Suspension will be removed, and rights will be reinstated upon receipt of the proper certificate. There will be no exceptions made to this requirement. 22 www.lionsclubs.org Terms And Conditions Agent’s Information and Guidelines Specific requirements include: • Insured’s coverage must be in effect during the scheduled dates of the show. • Specifically: June 26–30, 2015 Liability Insurance must be in effect for not less than $1,000,000 per Occurrence / $2,000,000 Aggregate The following additional insured are to be named: • Lions Clubs International (Producers of Show) • Hawai’i Convention Center (Exhibition Facility) Necessary elements of the required certificate: 1. Agent’s name, address and telephone 2. Name of the insured, D.B.A. if applicable, address and telephone 3. Name of the insurance carrier 4. Complete policy information — liability limits and policy effective dates 5. Additional insured named with respect to the policy holder’s participation in the 98th Annual Lions Clubs International Convention 6. Certificate Holder: Lions Clubs International 300 W. 22nd St. Oak Brook, IL. 60523 7. Thirty (30) day notice of policy cancellation required Send the original certificate to: Lions Clubs International via FAX, EMAIL, or POST: ATTN: SCOT JACOBSON Convention Coordinator Lions Clubs International 300 W. 22nd Street Oak Brook, IL 60523 USA EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 1-630-706-9285 23 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA I Lions Clubs Convention 2015 Terms And Conditions MUSIC/VIDEOTAPE SOUND TRANSMISSION Exhibitor shall notify LCI in writing of its intentions to broadcast music/audio-visual sound transmission in its assigned booth space. Any music or other sound projection must be modified to avoid unnecessary distraction to other exhibitors. NON-SMOKING POLICY HCC is a non-smoking facility. PROTECTION OF HALL Exhibitors agree to comply with all fire safety requirements and HCC’s General Terms and conditions of Exhibition. Exhibitors may not tape, paste, thumbtack, or otherwise affix signs or posters to the walls and columns, or hang items from sprinkler pipes. Repair or removal of any marks will be done by HCC staff with full liability and cost to the Exhibitor. All personnel must be dressed appropriately at all times and confine their activities to their assigned booth space. Booth set-up is subject to the approval of LCI, who reserves the right to order withdrawn from a display, any item(s) that, in its sole opinion; do not comply with these terms and conditions. LCI further reserves the right to reject at any time any exhibit, which, in its sole opinion, is reasonably objectionable to members, exhibitors, and others. No liability or damages of any nature against LCI, its officers, directors, employees, or agents shall be incurred because of such rejection. SALE OF PRODUCTS/SERVICES All items for sale must be approved by LCI. Items bearing the official Lions emblem/logo and convention logo cannot be sold unless your organization is an approved licensee of Lions Clubs International. If a non-licensee exhibitor is found selling items with the Lions emblem/logo, the booth will be shut down, the booth fee will be forfeited and any expenses incurred in the removal/storage of the booth and its contents will be at the sole expense of the Exhibitor. It is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to ensure the products and materials they will be exhibiting are lawfully brought into the United States and are used and displayed only in accordance with the terms and conditions governing the entry of the products and materials into the United States and the use of such materials in the United States. Booths must be open to all club members. Exhibitors may not limit admission to any special group. 24 www.lionsclubs.org Terms And Conditions SECURITY LCI will provide security guards in the exhibit area during show hours, and will take reasonable precautions to safeguard exhibitors’ property. This does not guarantee or insure the exhibitor against loss. After show hours, exhibitors are encouraged to remove any valuable items from the exhibit area. LCI is not liable for any exhibitor’s property in its booth. Exhibitors desiring to carry insurance on their exhibits will place it at their own expense. Property destroyed or damaged by an exhibitor must be replaced in the original condition by the exhibitor or at the exhibitor’s expense. TAX INFORMATION All exhibitors must comply with all tax, permit and/or license requirements. LCI will not be held liable for failure to conform. NOTE: The following information is for general purposes only and is not a substitute for any government ordinance, ruling or regulation Any individuals or companies selling merchandise must have a State of Hawai‘i general excise tax (GET) license. It is the seller’s responsibility to obtain a license and pay the required tax to the State. Merchandise offered for sale will be subject to Hawai‘i’s general excise tax. Hawai‘i does not have a sales tax. For more information about Hawai‘i’s tax laws, please refer to the Department of Taxation website at www.state.hi.us/tax. To contact the Tax Office, call 1-808-587-4242 (Toll-Free: 1-800-222-3229) or email [email protected]. Sellers may apply for the GET license online at the Hawai‘i Business Express website at https://hbe.ehawaii.gov/BizEx/home.eb or in person at the Business Action Center located at 1130 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite A-220, Honolulu, HI 96817. To contact the Business Action Center, please call 1-808-586-2545 or contact them by email at [email protected]. TELECOM Phone, data lines and Internet connections must be ordered thru the HCC. The order form will be included in the exhibitor kit. 25 HONOLULU, HAWAII, USA Lions Clubs Convention 2015 I Terms And Conditions LIABILITY, INDEMNIFICATION & WARRANTIES By submitting and signing an application for exhibit space, the exhibitor expressly agrees that LCI and HCC and their respective officers, directors, members, employees or agents, shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to goods or property of exhibitor or its employees or agents, and the exhibitor hereby releases the above-referenced parties from any and all claims. The exhibitor also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless each of the above-referenced parties against all claims, losses, damages, injuries, liabilities, suits, judgments, settlements, expenses, attorneys’ fees and costs that are incurred by, related to, caused by or otherwise arise out of the exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of exhibition premises or on account of any actions, negligent or otherwise, of the exhibitor, or its employees or agents. The exhibitor further releases the above-referenced parties from liability for any expense or any other damage incurred by the exhibitor if the convention is cancelled because of a strike, riot, act of God, terrorism, threats of terrorism, a local, state or federal government state of emergency, or any other cause beyond LCI’s or HCC’s control. The exhibitor warrants that it is fully authorized and licensed to use (a) the name and/or the portraits or pictures of persons, living or dead, or things; (b) any trademark, or copyrighted or otherwise private material; (c) any testimonials contained in any exhibit prepared by or on behalf of the exhibitor, and the exhibitor further warrants that such exhibit is not libelous, an invasion of privacy, violation of any right or publicity, or otherwise unlawful as to any third party. The exhibitor agrees to address all complaints, claims and causes of action, of any type of nature, with respect to any product or service offered by the exhibitor at the convention, and that LCI, including its affiliated and related entities, has no duty, obligation or responsibility to address in any manner any complaint, claim, or action that is in any way related to any product or service offered by the exhibitor at the convention. The abbreviation "LCI" used in the terms and conditions shall mean The International Association of Lions Clubs® and its officers, directors, employees, and agents duly acting for the association in the management of the convention. 26 www.lionsclubs.org 98th Annual Lions Clubs International Convention June 26 – June 30, 2015 • Honolulu, Hawaii Exhibitor Hotel Reservation Form Deadlines • May 1, 2015: Deadline to reserve a room. • May 15, 2015: Deadline to receive a refund for a hotel reservation cancellation. A. General Information. Please type or print. First Name ______________________________ Last Name ________________________________________ Exhibiting Company _________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ City ___________________________ State/Province________________________ Postal Code _______________________ Country ____________ Daytime Phone ____________________ E-mail __________________________________________________ I am a Lion and would like to register for the convention. Please send me a registration form. B. Hotel Room Request - U.S. $225.00 deposit required - Only 1 room request per form / Only 1 deposit per form - Hotel deposit is NOT daily rate but guarantees your room - Deposit will be credited to hotel bill Prefer a reservation in the Ala Moana Hotel (Official Exhibitor Hotel) Prefer hotel based on: room rate of ____________________ specific hotel _________________________________________ Hotel Arrival Date _____________________________ Number of Guests in Room: __________ Hotel Departure Date ________________________ Number of Beds Needed 1 2 Special Requirements: Non-smoking Wheelchair Accessible Other ____________________________ C. Payment • Full payment is required with this form (U.S. $225 deposit) • U.S. currency only Check (made payable to Lions Clubs International) Visa MasterCard Discover Your name as it appears on the card ____________________________________________________________ Card’s billing address (if different from above) _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number ____-____-____-____-____-____-____-____-____-____-____-____-____-____-____-____ Exp. Date ____-____ Security code (3 digits) ___________ Signature __________________________________________________________________________________ Mail form and payment to: Lions Clubs International • Attn: Registration and Housing Department 300 West 22nd Street • Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842 USA Fax: (1-630) 571-1689 Email: [email protected] (To avoid a duplicate charge, please do not mail original if faxed or emailed) EHF2015.EN 9-14 Lions Clubs International 300 W 22nd St Oak Brook IL 60523-8842 USA www.lionsclubs.org
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