Central California Fellowship of AA By The Way 9960 Business Park Dr. Ste. 110, Sacramento, CA 95827 www.aasacramento.org 916-454-1771 APRIL 2015 Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. Thought to Ponder . . . The Fourth Step attracted me almost as I arrived at the doors of Alcoholics Anonymous. I came to AA full of guilt and remorse for all the bad things I'd done--for example, being an unfaithful wife, not doing my job to the best of my ability and still expecting the highest rewards, and being unresponsive to other people's needs. I was totally self-centered, while at the same time I was thought of by others as being a good wife to a man who drank too much and ran around, being loyal to a job for twelve years, and being so sweet (I never expressed an opinion!). But the way I was viewed by others was not the way I felt inside. I heard AAs talking about getting rid of the guilt of the past by taking the Fourth and Fifth Steps. I wanted to get rid of my feelings of fear, frustration, and depression, and I became willing to go to any length to accomplish that. The first thing to do was to make a decision that since I couldn't handle my own life (look at the mess it was in), I could find my own higher power to which I could turn over my life and my will. After that, I'd be able to look at myself and take responsibility for my past actions. I certainly didn't know how to put names to my feelings because for years I'd practiced not giving information to others about how I felt and what I thought. If I had problems, I was to solve them myself; hadn't I been taught to be self-sufficient? As I went to meetings and heard others talk about their feelings, I came to recognize some of mine. I came to understand that my natural instincts "for the sex relation, for material and emotional security, and for companionship" need not run my life in a negative way. Continued on page 15 Naming the Negatives The day we begin working the Steps, the bottom becomes the foundation. What’s inside? Master Calendar Speaker Meetings Group News Special Events Birthdays Minutes Treasurer’s Report Group Contributions CCFAA 2-3 4 4-5 5 6-8 11-14 16 19 The Language of the Heart "Faith is never a necessity for AA membership ... sobriety can be achieved with an easily acceptable minimum of it ... our concepts of a higher power and God as we understand him afford everyone a nearly unlimited choice of spiritual belief and action." - A.A. Co-Founder, Bill W., 1961 You can reach us by email at [email protected] Page 1 By The Way April 2015 Deadline Dates for Submissions for the By The Way and Monthly flyers 2015 MONTH FLYERS DEADLINE BY THE WAY DEADLINE April Friday 10th Sunday, March 15th May Sunday 10th Wednesday, April 15th June Wednesday 10th Friday, May 15th July Friday 10th Monday, June 15th August Monday 10th Wednesday, July 15th September Thursday 10th Saturday, Aug. 15th October Saturday 10th Tuesday, Sept. 15th November Tuesday 10th Thursday, Oct. 15th December Thursday 10th Sunday, Nov. 15th January 2016 Sunday 10th Tuesday, Dec.15th 2015 All submissions need to be in by 5:00PM. Email ALL submissions to: [email protected] MONTH FLYERS BY THE WAY TELE-SERVICE DESK Volunteers answer the hotline from 9AM to 1PM or 1PM to 5PM Monday through Friday at Central Office. We are looking for volunteers who can substitute in the absence of the regular volunteers. This is a great way to be of service and to help the alcoholic who still suffers. *Volunteers need a minimum of six months of sobriety to answer the hotline. [email protected] H&I MONTHLY MEETING 3rd Thursday, at 6PM Coco’s Restaurant, 1830 Arden Way, Sacramento We have an ongoing need for volunteers. Contact the Area 42 Chairman, Mike H., email at [email protected] for more information. GROUP DELEGATES Please let us know who you are so we can send your group a FREE copy of the By The Way and the flyer mailing each month. We want to be sure we have up-to-date info about your meeting location, day, time, and format. CCFAA is here to be of service to you and your group. Please feel free to visit your Central Office located at: 9960 Business Park Dr., Suite 110 in Sacramento! PI/CPC COMMITTEE Meets on the 3rd Friday of the month at 6:00 PM Faith Presbyterian Church 625 Florin Road, Sacramento 95831 (Florin Rd. in the Greenhaven Neighborhood) OFFICE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Tuesday, April 14th at 6:00PM at Central Office 9960 Business Park Dr. Suite 110, Sac., CA 95827 April Monday 13th Friday, May 1st May Monday 11th Friday 29th June Thursday 11th Wednesday, July 1st July Monday 13th Friday 31st 35th Annual Woman to Woman Conference “Spirit of Recovery” April 17, 18th, 19th, 2015 Crowne Plaza Hotel 5321 Date Ave., Sacramento, CA 95821 Registration opens at 5:00pm on Friday. Conference closes at noon on Sunday 2014 Central Office Volunteer Days Central Office would like to have volunteers arrive at 9:30AM on the dates above. Free coffee and donuts are available in exchange for a couple of hours of your time to assist in the monthly mailings. Please call (916) 454-1771 if you plan to attend. CCFAA Contact Persons: Registration: Candy T. Chair: Jennifer L. Form @ www.aascramento.org Page 2 By The Way April 2015 A.A. Teleservice Needs YOU!! “I can’t explain why I didn’t hang up. I just sat there on the floor, with the receiver to my ear. The next thing I heard was “Good afternoon. Alcoholics Anonymous. May we help you?” Alcoholics Anonymous Teleservice, also known as the A.A. hotline, services alcoholics who are in need of help. We help them to locate meetings in their area or provide them with someone to talk to in times of crisis. “Came to Believe” PG 23 This is a great way to be of service to your fellow alcoholics. All you need is the use of a phone and a current meeting schedule. From the comfort of your own home on a landline telephone or even while you’re out and about with the use of a cell phone you can be of service. We would love to have you join our team. If you have at least six (6) months of sobriety and would like to be of service please contact Central Office at 916-454-1771 or email: [email protected] CCFAA Delegates’ Meeting Northern California Council of Alcoholics Anonymous Saturday, April 18, 2015 68th Annual Summer Conference Meeting begins at 3:00pm New Delegates arrive at 2:00pm June 5, 6 & 7 Traditional Group Meeting Hall 2625 Alta Arden Expressway, Sac., CA 95825 By The Way is published monthly by the Central California Fellowship (CCF), 9960 Business Park Dr., Suite 110, Sacramento, CA 95827. Current subscription rate is $12.00 per year. Opinions, letters, and stories printed in By The Way are not to be attributed to Alcoholics Anonymous, the Central California Fellowship or any group within Alcoholics Anonymous unless otherwise stated or attributed. All reprinted articles are included with the permission of their respective publisher. NCCAA Gold Country Fairgrounds, 1273 High Street, Auburn, CA. Fellowship - Workshops - Speakers - Free Drawing - Dance Pre-Registration $15 - At the Conference - $20 Online pre-registration: http://www.norcalaa.org or mail to NCCAA Treasurer, 2215 S. El Camino Real Suite 204 San Mateo, CA SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES @ CCFAA! We need volunteers to help with the assembly of the flyer mailing on Monday, April 13th at 9:30 a.m. and the By The Way mailing on Friday, May 1st at 9:30 a.m. Donuts - Coffee - Fellowship - and Fun! 68th Summer Conference Thought to Ponder . . . Planning Meetings Together we can do what we could never do alone. 2:00pm April 12th and May 10th North Auburn Group 4070 Grass Valley Hwy, Auburn, CA. Contact: Dan G. - Chair or Mike B. - Co-Chair CCFAA Teleservice Activity Report January 2015 Teleservice 12 Step January YTD Teledesk Activity Report February 2015 Teledesk February YTD 15 129 22 427 12 Step Meetings/Info 249 3,098 Meetings/Info 436 5,106 Total Calls 271 3,525 Total Calls 451 5,235 Page 3 By The Way WEEKLY SPEAKER MEETINGS CAMERON PARK GROUP ~ WHEN: Every Saturday, WHERE: Light of the Hills Church, 3100 Rodeo Dr. Cameron Park. Last Saturday is Birthday Night. Come, we need your support! FOLSOM WAY OF LIFE GROUP ~ WHEN: Every Thursday, 7:00PM. WHERE: Journey Church, 450 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom. FOURTH DIMENSION GROUP ~ WHEN: Every Thursday, 8:00pm. Speaker. WHERE: Church of Christ, 1799 Cirby Way, Roseville. More details @ fourthdimensiongroup.org. FOXHALL GROUP ~ WHEN: Tuesdays at 7:00pm. WHERE: Church of Christ, 1321 Peachtree Lane (Multipurpose Room), Yuba City 95991. ROSEVILLE TUESDAY NIGHT GROUP ~ WHEN: Saturday Night Speakers: 4/11 Rhonda B. of Fair Oaks. 4/18 Tamara B. of Roseville. Meeting, 8:00-9:30 pm. WHERE: 315 Lincoln St, 95678 SUNRISE SPEAKER MEETING ~ WHEN: Every Sunday from 11:00AM12:00PM. WHERE: Sunset No-Al Alano Club, 5809 Gibbons Drive, Carmichael. We have local speakers who inspire and inform. TRIPLE A SPEAKER/PARTICIPATION MEETING ~ WHEN: Friday night at 7:00pm. WHERE: 18014 Applegate Rd., Applegate. MONTHLY SPEAKER MEETINGS AUBURN FELLOWSHIP ~ WHEN: Every third Saturday at 7:30PM. WHERE: 244 Palm Ave., Auburn. DAVIS HOPE GROUP ~ WHEN: First Saturday of each month at 7:00PM. WHERE: St. Martin’s Church, 640 Hawthorne at Sycamore. ELK GROVE FELLOWSHIP ~ WHEN: 3rd Saturday of every month. Potluck at 7:00 PM and Speaker at 8:00 PM WHERE: Native Sons Hall 9151 Grove St., Elk Grove (corner of Kent and Grove Streets). EAST YOLO FELLOWSHIP ~ WHEN: Third Saturday of the month, at 7:00pm. WHERE: 1040 Soule Street, West Sacramento. GALT FELLOWSHIP ~ WHEN: 1st Saturday of every month. Dinner: 6:00pm, Speaker: 7:00pm. 4/4, Chicken Dinner. Speaker: Monica H. Fair Oaks. 5/2, Mexican Feast. Speaker: Don R. San Francisco. 6/6, Ham Dinner. Speaker: Limbo B. Roseville. 7/4, BBQ. Speaker: Tony T. Lodi. Group supplies main course, dinner served in the dining hall next to our room. Join us! Bring a side dish or just yourself and some friends. WHERE: 908 C St. Suite F, Galt, CA. Contact info: GROUP ONE ~ WHEN: Third Sunday of the month, the noon meeting is a speaker meeting. WHERE: 2804 T St., Sacramento. GROUP THREE ~ WHEN: 3rd Saturday of the month at 6:00pm. Speaker: WHERE: 9940 Business Park Dr., Ste. 110, Sac. HI-FLYERS ~ WHEN: Last Sunday of the month at 7:00pm. WHERE: 3077 Alhambra Drive, Suite E, Cameron Park HOPE & SERENITY SPEAKER MEETING ~ WHEN: First Saturday of the Month. At 7:00pm WHERE: Marriott Courtyard , 4422 Y St. Sacramento, 95817. (Free Parking top floor of Hospital) MIDTOWN SOLUTIONS ~ WHEN: Last Saturday of the month at 7:00pm to 8:15pm. WHERE: 2903 30th Street (near Franklin and 4th ). NEW HOPE GROUP ~ WHEN: Last Saturday of every month 7PM. WHERE: St. Francis Episcopal Church 11430 Fair Oaks Blvd. NORTH HALL GROUP ~ WHEN: Third Saturday of the month at 8:00 pm. 20 min Speaker: .40 min Speaker: WHERE: 3501 2nd Ave., Sac NORTH SACRAMENTO GROUP ~ WHEN: First Saturday of the month, 7:00 pm. WHERE: 2330 Fairfield St., Sacramento. RIO LINDA MONTHLY SPEAKER MEETING ~ WHEN: 2nd Friday. Doors open at 6:00pm. Speaker: Adam C. 7:00pm WHERE: Rio Linda fellowship, 515 L. St. (5th St. Calvary Lutheran Church.) CCFAA April 2015 SACRAMENTO MONTHLY SPEAKER MEETING ~ WHEN: Second Saturday of every month at 8:00 pm WHERE: Centennial Methodist Church, 5401 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento. Please join us for dinner with the speaker & committee at Marie Callender’s (at 6:00pm.) on Freeport. For dinner Reservations contact Ed L. Speakers: 4/11, Laura R. of Carmichael. 5/9, Kenny B. of Sacramento. 6/13, Katie H. of Orangevale. SACYPAA ~ WHEN: Fourth Saturday of the month, 8:00 pm. WHERE: St Marks United Methodist Church 2391 St. Marks Way, Sacramento. Please go to sacypaa.org for more info. TRADITIONAL GROUP SPEAKER MEETING ~ WHEN: Fourth Sunday of the month at 12:00 noon. WHERE: 2625 Alta Arden Way, Sac. Speaker: 20 min. Darren L. Main Speaker: Kendry M. from Phoenix Fellowship. WOODLAND TRADITIONAL GROUP ~ WHEN: Last Friday of the month at 7:30pm. WHERE: 418-B Main St. in Woodland (Alley entrance). QUARTERLY SPEAKER MEETING WEST SLOPE UNITY GROUP ~ Gift Basket Raffle & Dessert Potluck ~ WHEN: Saturday, April 25, 2015. Doors open at 6:00pm, Speaker starts at 7:00pm. WHERE: Diamond Springs Fireman’s Hall, 3734 China Garden Road, Diamond Springs, CA. Please bring a sweet treat to share at the Dessert Potluck which follows after the meeting. WSUG is requesting each group to donate a gift basket for the raffle. Contact Lizz for information: Speaker: Larry T. from Lakewood, CA. GROUP NEWS UPDATES & CHANGES GROUP ONE ~ Discontinued Meetings ~ WHEN: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 5:30pm. WHERE: 2804 T St., Sacramento, CA MATHER BROWN BAGGERS ~ Discontinued Meetings ~ WHEN: Monday Noon & Wednesday Noon meetings. WHERE: 4427 Mather Blvd. Rancho Cordova, CA, The Lord’s Church WOODLAND GROUP AA/ Birthday Meeting ~ WHEN: Last Saturday of the month, at 7:30pm. WHERE: 96 West Main St., Woodland, CA 95695. NEW GROUPS & MEETINGS 12 and 12 Book Study ~New location and time~ When: Tuesday 7:30pm. Where: Creekside Church,290 Technology Way, Suite 300, Rocklin, 95765 ALL TRIBES HAS A NEW MEETING AS WELL AS A NEW LOCATION ~ Our new location is 2627 J St. Downtown Sacramento Parking and entrance in the Alley. All Tribes is also adding a meeting called “We Agnostics”. This is an Open meeting on Mondays, from 7:00-8:15pm. BOTTLE TO THE BOOK AA ~ New Meeting ~ When: Mondays, 7:00 8:30pm. This is a Open, Book Study Meeting . Where: 720 7th St. 2nd floor Community Rm. Elevator- Wheelchair Access. CARRY THIS MESSAGE, BIG BOOK STUDY ~ New Meeting ~ WHEN: Tuesdays, 7:00 - 8:30pm. WHERE: Alano North, 940 Eleanor Ave. Sacramento, 95815 ELK GROVE FELLOWSHIP OF AA ~ New Meeting ~ WHEN: Sundays, 2:00- 3:00pm. WHERE: 9151 Grove St. Elk Grove, CA 95624 FRIDAY NIGHT COOL MEETING ~ New Meeting ~ This is an Open Meeting, When: Fridays 8:00 - 9:00pm. Where: 8938 Madison Ave. MAD 4 SOBRIETY “12 X 12” ~ New Meeting ~ When: Mondays 7:00 8:00pm. This is a Closed, book study meeting. Where: 8938 Madison Ave. Fair Oaks, MIDTOWN SOLUTIONS, YOUNG PEOPLES MEETING ~New Meeting~ When: Saturdays 5:30 - 6:30pm. Where: 2903 30th St. Sacramento Page 4 By The Way ONE STEP CLOSER ~ New Meeting ~ WHEN: Saturday, 7:00-8:00pm. This is an Open Meeting. WHERE: 1820 28th & S St. Sac, 95816 ORIGINAL REBELLION DOGS ~ New Meeting~ WHEN: Thursdays from 6:00 - 7:30pm This is an Open meeting. WHERE: 3271 Marysville Blvd. Haggin Wood Park, Sacramento. 95815 RIO LINDA FELLOWSHIP ~New Meeting~ WHEN: Saturdays 9:00-10:00am. This is an Open meeting. WHERE: Rio Linda Fellowship, 515 L. St. (5th St. Calvary Lutheran Church.) TRADITIONAL GROUP ~ New Meeting: When: Sundays at 9:30am. Prayer and Meditation meeting. This is an Open, 1.5 hr. Meeting. Where: 2625 Alta Arden Expressway. Sacramento. WOMEN IN RECOVERY ~ New Meeting ~ WHEN: Sundays 6:007:00pm. This is an Open Women’s meeting. WHERE: Hub Alano Club, 518 12th St. Marysville, CA GROUP ANNOUNCEMENTS 11TH STEP MEDITATION GROUP IN ORANGEVALE ~ Needs Support! Please come out and join us for a one hour prayer and meditation every Thursday night at 6:00pm located at 9346 Greenback Ln., Suite 8, American River Alano, Orangevale. CAMERON PARK GROUP ~ Needs Support! We meet every Saturday at 8:00pm for an open, non-smoking speaker meeting with handicap access. We are located at 3100 Rodeo Rd. in Cameron Park. Join us for fellowship and great speakers! FOLSOM BIG BOOK GROUP ~ We meet every Monday at 8:00pm for a one hour book study. We meet at the Trinity Episcopal Church in the Trinity Hall, located at 410 Wool St., Folsom, CA. The meeting is a closed meeting where we read the first 164 pages of the Big Book and Dr. Bob’s Nightmare every other time. Hope to see you there! GROUP ONE ~ Birthday night! Every third Friday at 7:00pm. We meet at 2804 T Street, Sacramento. 11th Step, Meditation Meeting on Monday 5:30pm, M-F 6:30am, Sat & Sun 7:00am. GROUP THREE ~ New Time ~ The Saturday Speaker meeting is now 6:00pm on the 3rd Sat. of the month. Also the Friday 10:00pm meeting start time is now 9:30pm. WHERE: 9940 Business Park Dr., Suite # 110. Sacramento/Rancho Cordova. HAPPY, JOYOUS AND FREE ~ WHEN: Wednesdays, 7pm. WHERE: 6201 Spruce Ave., Sacramento, CA 95841. St Andrews United Methodist Church. (Off Garfield Ave. between Madison Ave. and Greenback Ln, ‘behind’ Cinemark/Century Theater) ROUND TABLE AA GROUP ~ Support Us! WHEN: We meet every Monday night at 8:00pm for an open, one hour meeting. WHERE: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church at 7850 Watt Ave. in Antelope. CA. SIXTY MINUTE SOLUTION GROUP ~ Sundays at 7:00pm at the St. Francis Episcopal Church, 11430 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks. The first meeting of the month is the tradition for that month, and the topic for the last meeting of the month is the step for that month. Other topics from The Big Book, 12 & 12, & AA Comes of Age STEP SISTERS ~ Needs Support! We meet Thursdays at 5:00pm. This is an Open, One Hour, study meeting, for Women members of AA. We meet at St. Andrews Church, 7850 Watt Ave. Antelope, CA TAHOE PARK GROUP ~ Time Change ~ Monday & Thursday night meetings will now start at 6:30pm TRADITIONS & CONCEPTS STUDY GROUP ~ Day Change ~ Now only two meetings per month. The 1st and 2nd Tuesday’s only. WHERE: Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church, 11427 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 CCFAA April 2015 WOODLAND GROUP ~ 6:30 Potluck on the last Saturday of every month before the 7:30pm Birthday Meeting~ Also the Tuesday 7:30pm Meeting has closed. SPECIAL EVENTS APRIL Capitol City Men’s Group - 10th Anniversary Speaker Meeting & Celebration ~ WHEN: Saturday, April 11th, 7:00pm. WHERE: 1227 N. Market Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95834. Speaker: Howard P. from Arizona. Daily Attitude Adjustment Group - 29th Anniversary Potluck Speaker Meeting & Dance ~ WHEN: Saturday, April 11th, 5pm10:30pm. WHERE: Orangevale Grange, 5807 Walnut Ave., Orangevale, CA 95662. Highlights: 5:00pm Potluck, 6:15pm Birthday Countdown. Short Speaker: William O. from Citrus Heights. Main Speaker: Astrid H. from Ventura, CA. Live D.J. Music. Woodland Group - 70th Anniversary & Annual Potluck Dinner Speaker Meeting ~ WHEN: Saturday, April 11th, 5pm-10pm. WHERE: Eagles Hall, 37650 HWY 16 (Main St.). AA Speaker - Alanon Speaker. Bring a dish to share. (Main, Dessert or Side). Bring a Raffle Prize $10 Value (New or Like New). Food, Fun, Fellowship, Raffle,... 35TH ANNUAL WOMAN TO WOMAN CONFERENCE ~ WHEN: April 17th-19th. WHERE: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 5321 Date Ave., Sacramento, CA 95821. For info Contact Jennifer or Laura. SACYPAA - Lip Sync for Your Life ~ WHEN: Saturday, April 25th, 8:00pm. (after regular meeting). WHERE: St. Mark’s Church (main room), 2391 Saint Marks Way, Sacramento, CA 95864. Speaker: Matt T. from Roseville. Join us for an epic lip sync battle for bragging rights and prizes! Suggested donation: $5 Roseville 5th St. Fellowship of A.A. - 24th Anniversary Celebration ~ WHEN: Saturday, April 25th, Noon. BBQ pot luck lunch. Speaker meeting starts at 2:00pm. WHERE: Kaseberg Park, 1151 Rand Way, Roseville. 10 Min. Speaker: Teri S. from Roseville 5th Street; Main Speaker: Cavi C. from What a Way to Start a Weekend Group. Contact Dan O’G or Cathy N. Service Beyond the Meeting - An Introduction to Service Opportunities within the District ~ WHEN: Saturday, April 25th, 3:00pm-5:00pm. WHERE: East Yolo Fellowship, 1040 Soule Street, West Sacramento. This is the first in the series - Hosted by District 17. Speakers: CNIA - Michael K. - Chair - CNIA, Area 07. CCFAA - Tamera K. - Chair - CCFAA . Each speaker will give a 30 minute overview of their service area - what it does and ways that you can help. Salad, Pizza, Cookies, Water, Soda and Coffee will be served. For contact info: Pam M. 20th Annual Sutter Buttes Roundup ~ “The Sunlight of the Spirit” ~ WHEN: May 1, 2, 3 WHERE: Yuba/Sutter Fairgrounds - Franklin Hall. 442 Franklin Ave. Yuba City, CA. Friday: 8pm AA Speaker Meeting Nancy N. Saturday: 8pm AA Speaker Meeting - Charlie C. Sunday: 10am AA Speaker Meeting - Roger Y. Pre-Reg: $10 $12 at the door. For info contact: Vikki R. or Annette H. Traditional Group - 40th Anniversary Speaker Meeting/Dessert Potluck/Raffle ~ WHEN: Saturday, May 16th, Doors open at 6:30pm. Speaker meeting starts at 8:00pm. WHERE: North Highlands Community Center - 6040 Watt Ave., North Highlands, CA. Speaker: Penny P. from Livermore, CA. Page 5 By The Way April 2015 Happy Birthday! AA UNITY FAIR OAKS BEGINNERS MEETING Hall 16 yrs Sam 12 yrs Ron P. 32 yrs Barney P 27 yrs Roger M. 9 yrs Kristin 8 yrs Patti B. 25 yrs Mary T. 6 yrs Steve 6 yrs Christine S. 3 yrs ALL TRIBES Joe H 28 yrs GALT AA Bob C 2 yrs CITRUS HEIGHTS Gordon L. 44 yrs Cliff L 18 yrs Phil O. 2 yrs January Patty W. 30 yrs Peggy H. 24 yrs Tom L. 28 yrs Richard K. 8 yrs Anthony S. 8 yrs Chris Z. 8 yrs Melissa 5 yrs Stephanie 2 yrs GREENHAVEN CORDOVA SERENITY SEEKERS March John M. 19 yrs Sharon W. 27 yrs CORVODA GOOD MORNING Dave G. 7 yrs Liz L. 3 yrs May Ron P. 3 yrs CORDOVA KISS Ruben 13 yrs Kimberly F. 14 yrs COURAGE TO CHANGE Valorie B. 25 yrs Lorie 3 yrs Linda Z. 2 yrs Sydney L. 2 yrs DAILY AA Steve M. 27 yrs Susie W. 7 yrs Jonathan J. 5 yrs Tim H. 4 yrs Jim F. 1 yr Will D. 1 yr DAVIS FRIDAY NOON Sunny 40 yrs Terri D. 28 yrs Ruth A. 21 yrs Bob T. 15 yrs Carl F. 14 yrs Gay W. 12 yrs Steve 10 yrs Verena 12 yrs Nicole R. 8 yrs Lisa J. 9 yrs Mary C. 5 yrs Julie 6 yrs Tom G. 4 yrs Richard A. 5 yrs Casey S. 3 yrs Angela F. 3 yrs Bill S. 2 yrs Melissa Y. 2 yrs GROUP THREE Larry J. 38 yrs Mike R. 38 yrs Zoe K. 36 yrs Donna M. 35 yrs EAST YOLO FELLOWSHIP Marion D. 33 yrs John S. 33 yrs Norm B. 48 yrs Connie N 39 yrs Captian Bob 33 yrs Kelly H. 11 yrs Cindy P. 31 yrs Cindy F. 29 yrs Trent W. 37 yrs Vicki R. 32 yrs Debbie C. 11 yrs Roger M. 9 yrs Kate H. 31 yrs Toby T. 25 yrs Valerie 29 yrs Journey B. 25 yrs Barbara B. 8 yrs Charlie S. 8 yrs Candi E. 27 yrs Shawn D. 24 yrs Debbie G. 16 yrs Sheila H. 14 yrs Wendy H. 6 yrs Dee B. 5 yrs Cathi A. 24 yrs Cheryl H. 23 yrs Will R. 9 yrs Tonya T. 7 yrs Phillippe W. 5 yrs Nicky P. 4 yrs Vicki T. 24 yrs Glenn S. 21 yrs Bindi 3 yrs Debra G. 4 yrs Matin C. 3 yrs Mike M. 22 yrs Mary F. 18 yrs DAVIS HOPE Brandy L. 3 yrs Mike M. 2 yrs Susanne B. 19 yrs Tanya P. 17 yrs Joey S. 1 yr Diane H. 18 yrs Mark P. 14 yrs Connie N. 39 yrs Trent W. 37 yrs Joey S. 1 yr Tony A. 31 yrs Steve B. 30 yrs ELK GROVE FELLOWSHIP Victoria S. 14 yrs Callein V. 13 yrs Janet A. 29 yrs Kirsten P. 24 yrs Mel P. 33 yrs Buddy F. 31 yrs Mike M. 12 yrs John C. 11 yrs Steve Z. 18 yrs Reggie L. 16 yrs Marty F. 26 yrs Lyn F. 18 yrs Robby K. 11 yrs Jenna P. 10 yrs Judy P. 16 yrs Debbie 16 yrs Eric P. 15 yrs Betty G. 13 yrs Hank R. 9 yrs Claudia V. 9 yrs Bupe M. 14 yrs Karla G. 13 yrs Jeff S. 9 yrs Andy E. 9 yrs Barbara B. 8 yrs Colby R. 8 yrs Penny 13 yrs Melanie C. 8 yrs Lisa W. 7 yrs Roger M 9 yrs Joan T. 8 yrs Art H. 7 yrs Julie B. 7 yrs Lars C. 7 yrs Dennis C. 3 yrs Jeff M. 3 yrs Carolyn W. 8 yrs Christina R. 7 yrs Barb B. 6 yrs David B. 6 yrs Jean D. 1 yr Danny B. 2 yrs Nikki S. 7 yrs Martin C. 6 yrs Anthony A. 6 yrs Maureen T. 3 yrs Jack R. 1 yr Wayne D. 1 yr Dwane B. 6 yrs Theresa H. 6 yrs Kent C. 1yr Ken J. 1 yr David H. 6 yrs Vera F. 6 yrs John C. 1 yr CCFAA Page 6 Happy Birthday! By The Way GROUP 3 (continued) April 2015 RIO LINDA OAK TREE FELLOWSHIP Chuck H. 6 yrs Dorothy J. 6 yrs Sunny M. 40 yrs Evelyn 38 yrs Kelly P. 19 yrs David P. 19 yrs Ginger K. 6 yrs Nicholas L. 6 yrs Tom L. 31 yrs Kurt VG 27 yrs Millie F. 18 yrs Mark F. 18 yrs Amie M. 6 yrs Cori R. 6 yrs Susannah L. 26 yrs Dave S. 24 yrs Pat M. 17 yrs Jake 7 yrs John S. 6 yrs Carolyn T. 22 yrs Sabrina Z. 9 yrs Linda B. 7 yrs Patrick W. 2 yrs Laura S. 6 yrs Debbie 8 yrs Michelle K. 7 yrs Chris S. 2 yrs Candice B. 1 yr Mark T. 6 yrs Michael R. 5 yrs Virginia M. 5 yrs Christina E. 1 yr Andrea A. 5 yrs Jaime S. 4 yrs Jesus 4 yrs ROSEVILLE EASTSIDE Sue G. 5 yrs Matt C. 3 yrs Angela F. 3 yrs Allen M. 5 yrs Dione A. 3 yrs Christina 2 yrs Randy 2 yrs Catherine M. 1 yr Derek 1 yr Deidre H. 1 yr Sarah M. 1 yr Katherine F. 1 yr John R. 6 yrs Jim S. 6 yrs Zack Y. 6 yrs Don W. 6 yrs Erin D. 5 yrs Frank L. 5 yrs Margaret M. 5 yrs David P. 5 yrs Kurt O. 5 yrs Lavon S. 5 yrs Phillip T. 5 yrs Aaron W. 5 yrs John W. 5 yrs Ronald B. 4 yrs Mike C. 4 yrs Tom G. 4 yrs NORTH HALL Bud 41 yrs Phyllis 27 yrs Party 21 yrs Teri 11 yrs Scott 7 yrs Amy 3 yrs Rinda 1 yr ROSEVILLE TUESDAY NIGHT GROUP Yvonne W. 41 yrs Bud B. 41 yrs Don S. 31 yrs Jenn G. 27 yrs Barney P. 27 yrs Brent M. 26 yrs Linda Q. 25 yrs Diane R. 24 yrs Sherman S. 23 yrs Robin H. 18 yrs Kathryn M. 17 yrs Ron O. 12 yrs Joe P. 12 yrs Teri S. 11 yrs Harold P. 11 yrs Kimberly Q. 11 yrs Graham L. 21 yrs Jody H. 10 yrs Melissa B. 9 yrs Harvey F. 34 yrs Patti S. 30 yrs Kevin C. 30 yrs Jerri H. 29 yrs Elizabeth E. 28 yrs Pat D. 27 yrs Linda G. 27 yrs Allen M. 27 yrs Jerry 26 yrs Tim B. 26 yrs Ken W. 26 yrs Suey C. 25 yrs Dave S. 24 yrs John S. 23 yrs Spooge 23 yrs Mike P. 22 yrs Gaspar L. 22 yrs Chuck H. 4 yrs Mary H. 4 yrs Terry M. 4 yrs Pam 4 yrs Trevor S. 4 yrs Jeff T. 4 yrs Jason V. 4 yrs Ashley L 4 yrs Greg H. 3 yrs Emily B. 3 yrs James K. 3 yrs Dori J. 3 yrs Gene S. 3 yrs Heather R. 3 yrs Emma B. 2 yrs Kevin S. 3 yrs Cheryl B 21 yrs Herb G. 20 yrs Abel R. 8 yrs Malissa 7 yrs John M. 2 yrs Nina F. 2 yrs Sterling F. 21 yrs Stephani B. 16 yrs Chris W. 7 yrs Colleen V. 7 yrs Jill P. 2 yrs Cathi M. 2 yrs Bill R. 20 yrs Le James 15 yrs Christine S. 7 yrs Jonathan J. 5 yrs Kyla R. 1 yr Kurtin P. 1 yr Lisa V. 15 yrs Patrick F. 13 yrs Kathy S. 5 yrs Stacee D. 4 yrs Kirsh S. 1 yr Gerald R. 1 yr Nick R. 13 yrs Mike K. 12 yrs Denise G. 4 yrs Ryan VB 4 yrs Sabrina V. 1 yr Scott 1 yr Andrea L. 13 yrs Lona O. 10 yrs Chuck K. 3 yrs Shelly A. 3 yrs Joe T. 11 yrs Cathy L. 10 yrs Brenda R. 3 yrs Tommy H, 2 yrs Arman C. 28 yrs Jeff M. 10 yrs Esther H. 9 yrs Alicia 2 yrs Tim S. 2 yrs Dolly L. 8 yrs Christine H. 9 yrs Jonnie P. 8 yrs Mica S. 2 yrs Drew 2 yrs Trudy S. 8 yrs Jill B. 7 yrs Stella 8 yrs Cheri T. 7 yrs Shelly M. 1 yr Eddie B. 1 yr Tom H. 6 yrs John R. 2 yrs Kari B. 7 yrs Jerry B. 6 yrs Terry B. 1 yr Irene B. 1 yr Cherie C. 2 yrs Dennis B. 1 yr Manne C. 6 yrs James T. 4 yrs Ashley C. 1 yr Dave W. 1 yr H.O.W. Barney P. 27 yrs Jamie W. 5 yrs Glenn R. 5 yrs ROUND TABLE OAK TREE Marianne W. 4 yrs Angie B. 4 yrs Robin H. 18 yrs Terry F. 32 yrs Susan R. 11 yrs David M. 3 yrs Kurt F. 3 yrs David R. 3 yrs Lisa A. 7 yrs Joel S. 6 yrs Donna V. 3 yrs Sabrina K. 3 yrs Joan G. 5 yrs Rick U. 4 yrs David B. 2 yrs Dustin A. 2 yrs Sara H. 2 yrs Jacob V. 1 yr GIBBONS NOON Bob K. 32 yrs Valerie B. 25 yrs ORANGEVALE OPEN Jackie D. 5 yrs CCFAA Mike P. 5 yrs John A. 3 yrs Page 7 By The Way ROSEVILLE FIFTH ST April 2015 WOODLAND TRADITIONAL The Fourth Step Gordon L. 44 yrs Jimmy L. 39 yrs Norm B. 48 yrs Bill P. 40 yrs Pete F. 30 yrs Greg M. 9 yrs Trent W. 37 yrs Jesse M. 37 yrs Abel R. 8 yrs Kimberly L. 7 yrs Jim R. 30 yrs Dave S. 27 yrs “Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves” Teri P. 7 yrs Heather S. 4 yrs Journey B. 25 yrs Sis S. 22 yrs “We went back through our lives. Nothing counted but Cass 19 yrs Frannie B. 15 yrs Tim T. 15 yrs Lisa V. 15 yrs Tony D. 12 yrs Chris H. 11 yrs Mike G. 9 yrs Yvette T. 7 yrs thoroughness and honesty. When we were finished we considered it carefully. The first thing apparent was that this world and its people were often quite wrong. To conclude that others were wrong was as far as most of us ever got. The usual outcome was that people continued to wrong us and we stayed sore. Sometimes it was remorse and then we were sore at ourselves. But the more we fought and tried to have our own way, the worse the matter got. Chanel S. 3 yrs Dawn H. 3 yrs Monique H. 3 yrs Holly S. 3 yrs Ken S. 3 yrs James K. 2 yrs Adam L. 2 yrs Blake H. 1 yr Bill E. 6 yrs Janaya K. 4 yrs Mari G. 1 yr Nickole B. 4 yrs Michael C. 4 yrs SERENITY STUDY GROUP Bobby G. 3 yrs Jim K. 3 yrs Kathy A. 24 yrs Katrina M. 3 yrs Mike M. 3 yrs Bonnie R. 1 yr Robert D. 3 yrs Justin G. 3 yrs SHARING & CARING Zoe W. 3 yrs Nick Z. 2 yrs Ralphie X. 6 yrs John M. 2 yrs Jody W. 2 yrs Stephanie W. 2 yrs Tiffany A. 2 yrs Clenzo J. 1 yr Dennis B. 1 yr SOUTHPORT SERENITY GROUP Sara C. 3 yrs TRADITIONAL Mike C. 30 yrs Daniel R. 29 yrs Mark B. 24 yrs Troy M. 22 yrs Bruce B. 20 yrs Gerald B. 19 yrs Michael O. 13 yrs Mayola W. 10 yrs Dawn S. 9 yrs Bill L. 8 yrs Stacy T. 7 yrs Ted L. 5 yrs Laurie M. 4 yrs Elena S. 3 yrs Judy D. 1 yr Norma A. 1 yr Jesse T. 1 yr Scott W. 1 yr WINTERS KITCHEN Ben L. 31 yrs Mary Kay B. 28 yrs Keri M. 26 yrs Bonita M. 5 yrs WOODLAND GROUP Ginger R. 40 yrs Journey B. 25 yrs David C. 10 yrs Will R. 9 yrs Janaya K. 4 yrs Zoe W. 3 yrs Chery H. 1 yr Jesse F. 1 yr Kathy C. 26 yrs ROSEVILLE EASTSIDE Peter 28 yrs Joyce 9 yrs Michelle 4 yrs Lucy 3 yrs Chris 2 yrs INTO ACTION Cynthia 17 yrs Nancy H. 11 yrs Candy M. 11 yrs Terri G. 10 yrs “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A. A. as a whole.” “ With respect to its own affairs, each A. A. group should be responsible to no other authority than its own conscience. But when its plans concern the welfare of the neighboring groups also, those groups ought to be consulted. And no group, regional committee, or individual should ever take any action that might greatly affect A. A. as a whole without conferring with the trustees of the General Service Board. On such issues our common welcome is paramount. Big Book pg 562-563 Lindsey H. 2 yrs The Fourth Concept A PRIL ’ S TOTAL Y EARS OF S OBRIETY 5508 YRS Thank you to all the groups who have submitted their birthdays to CO! LOOKING FOR YOUR GROUP? Have a group representative request information from C.O.: [email protected] Deadline to submit birthdays: CCFAA Alcoholics Anonymous, pgs .65-66. The Fourth Tradition LATE SUBMISSIONS (MARCH BDAYS) ELK GROVE SERENITY SISTERS Hilary J. 1 yr Mike G. 9 yrs Chris A. 2 yrs As in war, the victor only seemed to win. Our moments of triumph were short-lived. ‘At all responsible levels, we ought to maintain a traditional “Right of Participation,” allowing a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each must discharge. “There is a spiritual reason for the “Right of Participation.” All of us desire to belong. In A.A., no members are “second class.” The “Right of Participation” therefore reinforces Tradition Two, that no member is placed in “ultimate authority” over another. We perform our service tasks better “when we are sure we belong—when our ’participation” assures us we are truly the ’trusted servants’ described in Tradition Two.” Page 8 By The Way April 2015 In Memoriam Birthday Club Prayer for Resentments Anita Fay L. 38 yrs 'If you have a resentment you want to be free of, if you will pray for the person or the thing that you resent, you will be free. If you will ask in prayer for everything you want for yourself to be given to them, you will be free...Even when you don't really want it for them, and your prayers are only words and you don't mean it, go ahead and do it anyway. Do it every day for two weeks and you will find you have come to mean it and to want it for them, and you will realize that where you used to feel bitterness and resentment and hatred, you now feel compassionate understanding and love.' -Big Book, p552 IF YOU HAVE A SPECIAL AA MEMBER WHO HAS PASSED & YOU WANT TO REMEMBER THEM ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR SOBRIETY DATE, YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR THE “IN MEMORIAM BIRTHDAY CLUB” IT WORKS THE SAME AS THE “BIRTHDAY CLUB” JUST MAKE A NOTE ON THE BIRTHDAY CLUB FORM THAT YOU WANT THIS TO APPEAR IN THE “IN MEMORIAM BIRTHDAY CLUB” AREA OF THE “BY THE WAY” AND WE WILL DO THE REST. Email: [email protected] Want to join the Faithful Fivers? Bill W. wrote this of AA Intergroup Offices, “...these agencies are absolutely essential to our continued expansion - to our survival as a Fellowship. Their costs are a collective obligation that rests squarely upon all of us. Our support of services actually amounts to a recognition on our part that A.A. must everywhere function in full strength - and that, under our Tradition of self-support, we are all going to foot the bill.” You can donate in any of the following ways: a) Mail a check every month to: CCFAA Faithful Fivers, 9960 Business Park Dr., Ste. 110, Sacramento, CA 95827 OR b) Bring a check or cash into the office every month, OR NEWS FROM VOLUNTEER CENTRAL c) Try the Preferred Method! Use your online banking bill WHERE GRATITUDE IS AN ACTION WORD! pay to set up a recurring payment: Payee: CCFAA Faithful Fivers Central Office address, as above Account number: Your Name Register to pledge your support! Please complete and return with your first contribution to: CCFAA Central Office, Faithful Fivers 9960 Business Park Dr., Suite 110, Sacramento, CA 95827 OR email to: [email protected] Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ May we acknowledge you as a new member of the Faithful Fivers in our next issue of By The Way? Mark the box for yes - We at Central Office are very grateful for those who show up on a regular basis and those who just drop by and ask if there is any way that they can be of service. We could not provide the services to the groups in such an efficient manner without the help of our reliable and willing volunteers. In service TeleDesk Volunteers & Subs: Cathy N. - Cindy F. - Cindy Jo M. - Donna B. - Joyce H. - Dennis O. - Dlorah B. - Lynn S. Karen Y. - Jerry H. - Vera F. - Donna B. Sales Desk: Ron H. - Karen Y. - Cindy F. - Cathy N. - Melissa Z. Daniel Z. - Jerry H. BTW & Flyer Mailing: Bill E. - Carol & Craig L. - Carlos A. Elaine A. - Pete G. - Marie K. - Mike K. - Nick R. - Sherri KW. - Michael P. - Diana Z. - Ken J. - Ramona B. - Daniel Z. Bulk Mailing: Marvin S. BTW : Layout & Design - Karina K., Robin T. Celebrating April Birthdays: Cindy F. 29 yrs we use first names and last initials only. CCFAA Page 9 By The Way P S L April 2015 G O M V R B C G F M K A Step & / Tradition Concept Four A E G Y N F A O E N A O N U K R V M E V I H T I H R R T S E T L A T J Z H T T A T O E E X INVENTORY I E V T B F C C L E N O D U C MORAL C S N N K E R V R O R T J A E I R S W F B Z T M A A S W F P P U L F Y Y R O T N E V N I T GROUP A O A G S E U P H Z P S X Y E MATTERS T O K W Z S F E A R L E S S L OURSELVES I T E Y Z L K N T M K C V S O SEARCHING O U P U O R G H G Y B R S F H N K G M U E G T A L W C V P W MADE M A D E Y I P L S T T N Z T Q OTHER G W E G R Y M R G Z R I V Y U RIGHT AFFECTING EXCEPT PARTICIPATION WHOLE CARE AUTONOMOUS FEARLESS WORDSMITHY The Language of the Heart "I can remember ... how the agonies of alcoholism, the pain of rebellion and thwarted pride, have often led me to God's grace, and so to a new freedom." - Bill W. 1962 - INVENTORY Survey / accounting / measure / a detailed list, report, record, evaluation, or survey of things, personal conduct, or qualities. (taken from The Little 12 N 12 Dictionary) AA-related 'Alconym' . . . ANGER= Any New Grudge Endangers Recovery. Thought to ponder . . . . Seeing Is Believing The Wright brothers' almost childish faith that they could build a machine which would fly was the mainspring of their accomplishment. Without that, nothing could have happened. . . When others showed us that God-sufficiency worked with them, we began to feel like those who had insisted the Wrights would never fly. We were seeing another kind of flight, a spiritual liberation from this world, people who rose above their problems. - As Bill Sees it, p. 47 CCFAA Page 10 By The Way CCFAA Delegate’s Meeting - March 21, 2015 April 2015 I. Opening A. Call to order at 3:00 PM D. CCFAA Preamble read by Mike G. Birthdays –212 years B. Open with Serenity Prayer E. 7th Tradition - C. 12 Traditions read by Roger M F. Delegate Check-in/Group Announcements II. Preliminary Business: A. Delegate Check-in: 57 Total Delegates - Quorum met: Yes Group Name 4th Dimension Book Study 2nd Chance Group 329 Yuba City Group 12 and 12 Book Study Group A Way Out AA Unity Group All Tribes Auburn Fellowship Bottle to Book By The Grace Capital City Men’s Group Carry This Message Big Book Study Citrus Heights Group Cordova Friday Night Group Cordova Good Morning Group Cordova Lunch Bunch Cordova Serenity Seekers Daily Attitude Adjustment – Fair Oaks Davis Attitude Adjustment Group Davis Hope Group Davis Young People’s Destiny Group Downtown Young People’s East Yolo Fellowship Elk Grove Fellowship Elk Grove Friday Night Group Entirely Ready Group Fellowship of the Spirit BB Study Folsom Big Book Folsom Friday Night Folsom Saturday Morning Group Folsom Way of Life Folsom Wednesday Night Group Freedom Group Friday Night Cool Meeting Galt Fellowship Gibbons Noon Greenhaven Group Group One Group Three Happy Hour AA Into Action – Citrus Heights M.L.K.A.A. Group Mad 4 Sobriety “12X12” Mather Thursday Night Group Midtown Solutions Delegate Adam C Absent Absent Absent Absent Steve Mc Bobby R Kim J Absent Amy T Rick S Absent Phil L John R Mary B Absent Bob H Mike K Absent Absent Absent Matt C Carlos A Absent Amanda W Mike H Roger M Absent Absent Absent Rachel S Absent Amy T Jacob O Absent Kimberly F Chuck Mc Pamela L Karen G Gene B Joe S Absent Johnny S Absent Ken D Stephens N B. Attending Elected Positions CCFAA Chair Tamera K Assistant Chair Leon N Treasurer Tom W Recording Secretary Karen Y TeleService Chair Frank D By Laws & Procedures Chair Stan J PI/CPC Chair Pamela L H&I Liaison Terri N Special Events Chair Terri N Present Absent Present Present Absent Present Present Absent Absent CCFAA Last Attended 3/21/2015 1/17/2015 1/17/2015 7/19/2014 11/15/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 9/20/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 10/18/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 10/18/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 11/15/2014 8/16/2014 1/17/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 1/17/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 8/16/2014 1/17/2015 1/17/2015 3/21/2015 2/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 10/18/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 2/21/2015 3/21/2015 10/18/2014 3/21/2015 2/21/2015 Group Name MnnYPAA Monday Night Big Book Study Monday PM Women Natomas Group New Hope Group North Auburn Group North Hall Group North Highlands Fireside Group North Sacramento Group Number One Offenders Oak Park Fellowship Oak Tree Fellowship One Day at a Time Original Rebellion Dogs Orangevale Open Group Precisely How We Have Recovered Rio Linda Fellowship Rocklin Fellowship Rocklin Racetrack Group Roseville 5th Street Fellowship Roseville Tuesday Night Group Sacramento Spring Fling Committee SACYPAA Saturday Morning Reflections Serenity Book and Study Group Sharing and Caring Sixty Minute Solution SOS Students of Sobriety Southport Serenity Sunrise Sunset Gibbons Sunset Saturday Group Tahoe Park Group Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Thursday Night Men’s Group Too Young Group Traditional Group Traditions and Concepts Study Group Triangle Group ? Friday Night ? Tuesday Cordova KISS Group Tuesday Night Beginners We Care Group We Surrender Men’s Group Welcome Group What a Way to Start a Weekend Women’s Grp White Flag Men’s Group Willing Women Woodland Group Special Needs Chair NCCAA Liaison Birthdays/Faithful Fivers Chair OOC Chair OOC Member OOC Member OOC Member Picnic Chair Matt C Rick S Amy T Sam H Roger M Dlorah B Mike K Kimberly F Delegate Absent Absent Absent Mick L Dustin T Absent Tom J Linck M Absent Absent Dorian G Tom S Sharon W Absent Absent Absent Absent Nancy V Ivan Y Cathy N Richard W Phil L Absent Emily Z Dlorah B Shirleen P Alice P Absent Absent Chuck Mc Sherrie B Tim P Absent David B Absent July R Absent Absent Sheila S Ron S Absent Sam H Dreigh P Tricia W Greg B Sharon Z Linda M Last Attended 11/15/2014 5/17/2014 12/20/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 5/17/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 2/21/2015 9/20/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 2/21/2015 2/21/2015 1/17/2015 1/17/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 1/17/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 2/21/2015 2/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 2/21/2015 3/21/2015 10/20/2014 3/21/2015 10/18/2014 12/20/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 5/17/2014 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 3/21/2015 Present Absent Present Present Absent Present Present Present Page 11 By The Way C. New Delegates – Jennifer Q Cordova Serenity Seekers Dorian G -Alt Oak Park Fellowship CCFAA Delegate’s Meeting - March 21, 2015 Bob B B Ronald S April 2015 Oak Park Fellowship Tuesday Night Beginners D. Visitors III. Approval of Minutes Motion to approve February 2015 Minutes was made. Motion was passed. IV. Trusted Servant Reports A. Chairperson’s Report – Tamera K. Welfare of Central California Fellowship – We are a 3rd through the year and all seems to be going well. We are getting the word out to groups throughout the area. We are having some unexpected delays with our Website but that is continuing to be worked on. The Special Events committee is highly motivated and coming up with some great ideas and had a good turnout at their meeting. The ticket sales for the Traditions Play are going well, maybe sold out by months end. I have been asked to speak at a District 17 Workshop “Service Beyond the Meeting” on Saturday 25, 2015 at East Yolo Fellowship, 1040 Soule Street, West Sacramento from 3:00 – 5:00 PM. Salad, pizza, cookies, water, soda and coffee will be served. Thank you for allowing me to be of service. Tamera Keller, CCF Chairperson Phone- 916-247-1597 E-mail- [email protected] B. Assistant Chair/CNIA Liaison – Tamera K; New Groups: No new groups; CNIA Report: No report C. Office Operations Committee – Sam H OFFICE OPERATIONS COMMITTEE, Chairperson’s Report Meeting of Tuesday, March 17, 2015, 6:00 p.m., Central office 1. Manager’s Report, items requiring comment: #1. 27 insured groups is a real achievement on the Manager’s part. These are all small groups that would not have been able to afford insurance on their own. #3. The website issue is going slowly, as indicated. Work is progressing on preparing it for meeting searches, possibly by zip codes. #5. Traditions play is selling out fast. Get your tickets from Central Office! #8. Thanks to Carol A., a volunteer. She is an organizational asset to Office operations. All in all the Central Office is in excellent shape and all are pleased with this year’s budgetary good fortune. 2. Elections in November: One Committee member suggested the CCF would do well to “feel out” good potential candidates for elected positions well in advance of the November elections date. One-on-one contacts would be helpful; maybe the CCF Chair could appoint a committee? Just a thought. 3. Procedural Audit: A Procedural Audit was conducted by three Committee members (Sam H., Dlorah B. and Mike K.) with the office Manager on March 13. Such an audit is to determine to what extent the procedures governing operations are being observed. The Committee found that the office Manager and her staff, both paid and volunteer, and doing an exceptional job of compliance. Storage, filing and security systems were explained in detail. The Committee detected only a few items of minor concern, most of which deal with language in the By-Laws and Procedures. These were assigned to that committee for study and possible amendment. 4. The Office Inventory for the quarter ending in March will be conducted by the OOC Committee on Sunday, March 29 at 9:00. 5. Final vote on the budgetary matter pending before the Delegates for the past months will be taken later today (see agenda). Questions? Respectfully Submitted, Sam H., OOC Chair D. Office Manager’s Report – Rae W March 17, 2015 1. Group Insurance Program has proved to be an overwhelming amount of work and can no longer be sustained by the office. We will not be able to process any more requests for this policy period. The next round will be February 2016 when the policy renews. To date we have covered 27 groups/meetings under the program. 2. The Temporary Office Assistant is working out great and we are moving through to keep tasks on schedule. Thank you Daniel Z. 3. The webmaster has encountered some life issues that have delayed progress on the site. We have been able to add pdf’s of speaker meeting information and some of the flyers are also posted to the site. 4. Sales tax increases to 8.5% on April 1st 5. By the end of day on Tuesday, we have sold 87 tickets for the Traditions Play. I expect they may sellout by week’s end. 6. Sacramento County Business Property Tax return is due on Apri1 1st. 7. Financial Reports for 2014 will be given to our accountant for annual nonprofit filings (990 & CT-199) due May 15th. 8. Carol A. responded to our request for clerical volunteers. She is a gem and an organizing whiz. Thank you, Carol. 9. NCCAA Auburn Conference has requested that CO have a literature table at the conference in June. 10. The Northern CA Central Office Managers’ Workshop was held on Friday, March 6th at the San Mateo Central Office. We discussed special events, personnel policies & handbooks, 2014 financials, vacation & sick leave policies, meeting codes and what CO does to foster unity and improve communications. CCFAA Page 12 By The Way CCFAA Delegate’s Meeting - March 21, 2015 April 2015 E. Treasurer’s Report – Tom W; CCFAA; Treasurer Notes; February 2015 Income / Expense: Revenues: AAWS Literature Sales continues at a strong pace, with $7,711 for February and $15,977 Year-to-Date, it is $2,143 ahead of the prorated budget. Group contributions is off-budget for the month at $5,203; the YTD figure of $17,076 benefits from the January “bump” we get from groups that wait to the end of the year to make their contributions, and YTD is well ahead of the pro-rated budget by $2,576. All other major revenue categories are performing well. One item of note – Office Service Revenue includes roughly $1,200 from those groups who were able to take advantage of Central Office’s handling of requests for certificates of insurance, and offsets the cost of insurance. Note that this early in the year, the “Prorate Amount” for Picnic Revenue and Special Events Revenue is $-0- as those events have not yet taken place. Total Income of $47,353 Year-to-Date is $7,000 ahead of the prorate budget. Cost of Goods Sold: Cost of AAWS Literature Sold and In-House Publications were higher than the pro-rated budget, which goes along with higher revenues for the related items. Literature Costs / Adjustment (line 18 on the report) reflects a couple of unusual items havi ng to do with (1) donated inventory (which increased inventory, with no offsetting purchase), and (2) the timing of when some purchased material was added to the inventory records, relative to when the items were placed into inventory and when the count sheets were printed for the January inventory count; the latter will get “trued up” for the next reporting cycle. YTD Gross Income (after cost of goods) of $31,158 is a remarkable $5,339 ahead of the pro-rated budget. Overall expenses are well within budget. Most expense categories are “collapsed” for this report to show just the total. The major component of Office Expense is rent, which comprises $1,823 of the February Total Office Expense of $2,470; other components in Office Exp ense include postage, licenses, office supplies, and the janitorial service. Total Expense for February of $13,439 brings the YTD Total Expense to $26,038 which is $999 below the pro-rated budget. Bottom line, Net Income of $(1,235) for February, and $5,121 YTD is $6,338 favorable to the pro-rated budget. Bank Balances: In response to some questions that came up at the January meeting regarding “cash on hand” at the end of 2014: at the end of December 2013, CCF had $7,670 in the General Fund; the comparable balance as of this report (March 21, 2015) is $18,228. This is an increase of close to $11,000 in a little over a year. Of that, $6,000 has been set aside in a Savings account as an addition to the prudent reserve. F. Special Needs Chairperson’s Report – Matt C Two calls this month: took one meeting to a hospital but the person checked out hours before; one call for a member that was housebound after surgery but was able to get out and declined a meeting. G. TeleService Chairperson’s Report – Frank D TELESERVICE REPORT FOR FEBRUARY, 2015 Calls for this month: Information/meeting calls 115 12 step calls 9 Currently there are 32 shift volunteers and 72 substitute shift volunteers. Immediate Openings are: Tuesday 5-9 pm Wednesday 6-9 am Thursday 9-midnight Shift Coordinator Openings: Monday and Thursday My sincere apologies for my absence from this month’s CCFAA meeting due to a pressing family matter. I will admit that this information is not completely accurate. In my defense I’m totally unfamiliar with what I call “office work”. It takes me a lot of time and effort to try to keep track of all the moving parts that make Teleservice work. Hopefully I will become more adept with time and practice. Just seems a heck of a lot harder than staying sober. LOL! Anyways thanks to all for the patience and support. Also please note that many shift volunteers have gone beyond their original 6 month commitment. People are in the pipeline to fill some of the present and future vacancies. We’ll see what happens. Thank you again for letting me be of service. Sincerely, Frank D. H. By Laws & Procedures Chairperson’s Report – Stan J It was suggested that the Buck of the Month Club be removed from the Operating Procedures as a standing committee since it was replaced by the Birthday Club/FaithFivers committee some time ago. The committee continues to review the Personnel Handbook. We could use another person on the committee. I. PI/CPC – Pamela L; PI/CPC Committee Minutes : March 20, 2015 I. Serenity Prayer II. Call to Order a. Pam Ld. Liz O Chairperson e. Mike K b. Joan T – f. Jim F Recording g. Ron secretary h. Carlos S c. Jon C Financial Report - Purchased PI/CPC kits x2 each =$36.00 New Balance $418.67 CCFAA Page 13 By The Way CCFAA Delegate’s Meeting - March 21, 2015 April 2015 Minutes from Last Meeting I. PI/CPC sign up forms turned into Pam II. Pam placed AA literature with Plastic Surgery Center Dr. Debra Johnson. Health III. Care for Women hard to reach. IV. Russian Community Visit 2/25/15 Terry, Joan and Carol will attend. V. Report on Woodcreek High School Event 3/16/Jon, Carol, and Jim attended VI. Practice Presentation New Business Joan is going to follow up with Russian speaking community and help in any way possible per their needs. Mike K is going to follow up with phone calls to Health Care for Women Dr. John Champlin. Jim is going to follow up with interested he met at Woodcreek event. Pam gave ideas on how to approach his interested vendors. Jon gave idea on e-mail site and two types of business cards: one card for the Professionals and one for the person with a drinking problem. Title will read Central California Fellowship Public Information and Cooperating with the Professional Community. Jon will design cards and order keeping with the guidelines of PI/CPC out of pocket and will be reimbursed. PI/CPC Committee will see about a booth at the annual CCF picnic August 16th to try and attract people to join PI/CPC Committee. Liz has prepared a 15 second announcement for two radio stations serving the greater Sacramento area one station is KVMR Radio Nevada City and the other is Capital Public Radio. Addition Business Terry H. is out of service due to surgery and we all are sending her our thoughts and prayers, and hope she will be back with us soon. Committee decided to give love offering to the church in appreciation of use for our space we use each month. Liz and Jim will give Presentation April 17th 2015 our next Committee meeting. Meeting Adjourned J. Birthday Club/Faithful Fivers – Amy T The Birthday Club is donating a dollar or more for each year you are sober to the Central Office in the month of your anniversary (make the donation by 15th of the previous month to get your name in the BTW in your birthday month), there is also In Memoriam, donating for loved ones who have passed. Faithful Fivers is another great way to support AA throughout the year. V. Reports – Special Committees, Delegates, Liaisons & Invited Guests A. Picnic Committee – Kimberly F The CCFAA Annual Picnic will be Sunday August 16th at the Elk Grove Regional Park. The Speakers will be Gilbert G of Group One and Don T of Fair Oaks. We need lots of volunteers and there are many open positions. Take it back to your groups and decide where you can help. You can always start up a softball team; set aside your white elephant items (no clothes, please) and used books; now it the time to start cuttings for the plant sale; and collect flower pots and rocks for painting. We will have face painting and temporary tattoos, T-shirts, Bingo, Pull-tabs, Raffle, Cake Walk, Polish Sausage, and Hot Dogs and Hamburgers. The next Picnic Committee Meeting will be at the Central Office on April 17 at 6:15 PM, 9960 Business Park Drive, Suite #110, Sacramento. We need a treasurer, too. Contact me at 209/747-3286, or [email protected]. B. NCCAA Liaison – Rick S The next NCCAA Conference will be in Auburn at the Gold Country Fairgrounds, 1273 High Street, Auburn, June 5, 6 & 7, 2015. Pre-registration is available online at norcalaa.org. CCF has been asked to supply literature. C. Hospitals & Institutions – Terri N The H & I monthly meeting is held at Coco’s Restaurant the 3 rd Thursday at 6:00 PM, 1830 Arden Way, Sacramento. If you need Pink Cans, check with Central Office, or H&I Area 42 Chair, Mike H. Questions regarding the finances of H&I should be directed to the Area 42 Chair Mike H. his contact information is in the BTW. D. Special Events Chair – Terri N Special Events Committee Report March 21, 2015 Tickets for the play "Our Experience Has Taught Us" for Saturday June 20 as of Thursday sold 90 tickets. Karen Y. has brought tickets to the meeting for anyone who wants to purchase them otherwise they will have to be purchased through Central office. They are $15.00 to admit one and there are only 200 tickets available. Limited Concessions will be available at the venue to purchase. The committee met on March 11 to discuss a few items. We are currently working on finding locations for the end of July/August 1 for a speaker meeting; a location in October for another event and also an event in December. That is all that we have right now with regards to future events and will meet again April 8 to discuss further plans as well as what needs to be done for the play. We are going to do another raffle similar to the one we did for the International Conference. This one is for a trip for two to the 54th Annual Hawaii Convention to be held Thursday, October 29 through Sunday, November 1. This will be good for airfare, hotel as well as registration to the event. Tickets are ordered and should arrive in the next week or two. Please help with selling tickets. Terri N. will work with everyone on tracking and selling of the tickets. Selling will start shortly after tickets arrive and Terri N. will email the delegates she has email addresses for. We are always looking for more people to participate on the Special Event Planning Committee. We are currently meeting the second Wednesday of each month at Coco's at 6 p.m. Feel free to come and attend, as well as get the word out! To contact Terri N. feel free to email at [email protected] or call 916-514-0861. Thank you for allowing me to be of service. Terri N. CCFAA Page 14 By The Way “Naming the Negatives” Continued from Page 1 Early on, one of my ways of staying sober had been to write down my feelings and questions and new things I learned. At the beginning of my sobriety I would ride home from a meeting on a bus. My small notebook in my purse was there to write down any thoughts I'd had during the meeting I'd just left. After about fifteen months (and a couple of journals), I went to someone with a good solid sobriety and asked for help in turning my notes into a Fourth Step. He suggested that we meet and I arrived, notebooks in hand. He started me talking, leading me in a discussion of my problems in the areas of sex, society, and security (as suggested by the Big Book). He suggested that I look at pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth. We talked for about three hours and covered every area of my life I had problems in. I found I could put names to my negative feelings and see their source. What a relief to tell someone about myself without any threat of retaliation or condemnation. I realized I wasn't the worst, most immoral woman alive. I was no different from others who shared at meetings, neither worse nor better, and I wasn't strange or different. When I looked at my assets, I realized that I hadn't set out to harm others or intentionally behaved in an unacceptable manner. I wasn't a bad person; I was a sick person trying to get better. I was a worthwhile human being. People talk about having a spiritual experience after taking the Fourth Step. What happened to me was that I learned about the person I had been. I looked at my "emotional deformities" so I could "move toward their correction." I now had a better sense of direction concerning what areas I needed to work on. As Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions explains, ". . . .a brand-new kind of confidence is born, and the sense of relief at finally facing ourselves is indescribable." Since that first inventory, I've taken many Fourth Steps. When my marriage was in trouble, I looked at my part in the problem, at where I'd been wrong. I had no fear in looking at my behavior because I'd been trying in sobriety to be a good wife and companion. I found that my dependence on someone I considered stronger was misdirected. I was frightened of life and hadn't grown up; I felt dominated but in some areas I myself was the one who dominated. I put demands on another person which couldn't possibly be met. I tried to manipulate my husband to meet what I April 2015 A few years later, when my marriage had broken up and I'd met someone in whom I was interested, I took an inventory of my relationships with the other men who'd been in my life (father, brothers, friends, lovers), whether causing trouble or not. I didn't want to get into a relationship where I made the same mistakes over again. In this inventory, I found the same dependencies growing out of fear, self-pity, worry, greed, possessiveness, anger, and a lack of confidence in myself. Today, when a particular problem can't be covered by a daily Tenth Step, I find it natural to use the Fourth Step. I start with the First Step and see where I'm powerless, I recognize that a Higher Power can help me, and I use the Third Step prayer as a preliminary move toward the Fourth Step. After taking a Fifth Step, I use the subsequent Steps to help me handle the problem. The Fourth Step lets me look at myself, look into my fear of not getting something I want or of losing something I have, get a perspective on my character defects, and move forward to try to establish true partnerships with other human beings: all in order to be "one in a family, to be a friend among friends, to be a worker among workers, to be a useful member of society." - Sherry G., Riverdale, Michigan Tolerance I try to practice tolerance in small ways, putting aside the little resentments, making light of that stealthy foe, self-pity, which will keep creeping in. I know if I succeed, then I'm more likely to beat that great big resentment which nothing has been able to pry from its roots deep in my soul. - Thank You For Sharing, pp. 42-43 LOVE AND TOLERANCE OF OTHERS IS OUR CODE. — ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 84 thought were my needs, when I really didn't know my needs. (Next column) CCFAA Page 15 By The Way INCOME & EXPENSE April 2015 Feb-15 Income 4020 · AAWS Literature Sales 4025 · In-House Publication Sales 4035 - Medallion Sales 4100 · Group Contributions 4110 · Anonymous Contributions 4120 · Birthday Contributions 4125 · Office Services Revenue 4130 - Faithful Fivers 4440 - Interest Income 4460 - Picnic Revenue 4480 - Special Event Revenue Total Income Cost of Goods Sold 5000 - Literature Costs 5010 · Cost of AAWS Literature Sold Literature Costs/Adjustment Total 5010 - AAWS Literature Net Income AAWS Literature 5015 · Other Literature 5025 · In-House Publication 5030 · Paper Stock & Staples 5035 · Printing Equipment 5040 - Copy costs Total 5025 · In-House Publication Net Income In-House Publication Cost of Medallions Net Income Medallion Sales Total Cost Of Goods Sold Gross Income (after cost of goods) Expense Equipment Expense Total Equipment Expense Insurance Total Insurance Meetings/Conference Expense Total Meetings/Conference Expense Office Expense Total Office Expense Utilities - 5770 Total 5770 Utilities Other Committees - 6200 5900 · Special Events 5990 - Picnic Committee 6210 - PI/CPC Expense 6220 - Special Needs Committee 6230 - Teleservice Committee Total Other Committees Professional Fees Total Professional Fees Payroll Expenses Salaries and wages Taxes and Benefits Total 5400 · Payroll Expenses Bad Debt Expense - 5686 Credit Card Fees - 5895 Bank Charges - 5690 Total Expense Net Other Income / (Expense) Net Income CCFAA Prorate Budget YTD 7,711 1,241 3,352 5,203 0 159 1,636 878 0 40 0 20,219 15,977 3,116 6,762 17,076 6 383 1,988 1,966 1 78 0 47,353 Budget 13,833 2,933 6,000 14,500 250 417 917 1,500 3 0 0 40,353 83,000 17,600 36,000 87,000 1,500 2,500 5,500 9,000 16 9,500 6,500 258,116 5,660 (754) 4,906 2,805 139 11,567 (1,353) 10,214 5,762 270 9,500 50 9,550 4,283 200 57,000 300 57,300 25,700 1,200 371 999 243 1,614 (373) 1,356 1,996 8,015 12,204 785 1,998 550 3,333 (217) 2,377 4,384 16,195 31,158 583 2,000 367 2,950 (17) 1,833 4,167 14,533 25,819 3,500 12,000 2,200 17,700 (100) 11,000 25,000 87,200 170,916 424 742 683 4,100 576 576 571 3,425 0 502 425 2,550 2,470 4,544 4,994 29,966 877 1,512 1,258 7,550 90 0 97 0 67 254 90 0 97 0 67 254 0 0 92 25 25 142 500 6,500 550 150 150 7,850 236 272 1,083 6,500 6,888 1,580 8,468 0 134 0 13,439 0 (1,235) 14,173 3,237 17,410 0 224 0 26,038 0 5,121 14,489 3,083 17,572 17 283 8 27,037 0 (1,218) 86,932 18,500 105,432 100 1,700 50 169,223 0 1,693 Page 16 By The Way April 2015 CCFAA Page 17 By The Way April 2015 On the 4th Tradition "With respect to its own affairs, each A.A. group should be responsible to no other authority than its own conscience. But when its plans concern the welfare of neighboring groups also, those groups ought to be consulted. And no group, regional committee, or individual should ever take any action that might greatly affect A.A. as a whole without conferring with the trustees of The Alcoholic Foundation. On such issues our common welfare is paramount." This Tradition, Number 4, is a specific application of general principles already outlined in Traditions 1 and 2. Tradition 1 states, "Each member of Alcoholics Anonymous is but a small part of a great whole. A.A. must continue to live or most of us will surely die. Hence our common welfare comes first. But individual welfare follows close afterward." Tradition 2 states, "For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority--a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience." With these concepts in mind, let us look more closely at Tradition 4. The first sentence of Tradition 4 guarantees each A.A. group local autonomy. With respect to its own affairs, the group may make any decisions, adopt any attitudes that it likes. No over-all or intergroup authority should challenge this primary privilege. We feel this ought to be so, even though the group might sometimes act with complete indifference to our tradition. For example, an A.A. group could, if it wished, hire a paid preacher and support him out of the proceeds of a group night club. Therefore, we A.A.s have universally adopted the principle of consultation. This means that if a single A.A. group wishes to take any action which might affect surrounding groups, it consults them. Or, if there be one, it confers with the intergroup committee for the area. Likewise, if a group or regional committee wishes to take any action that might affect A.A. as a whole, it consults the trustees of The Alcoholic Foundation, who are, in effect, our over-all General Service Committee. For instance, no group or intergroup could feel free to initiate, without consultation, any publicity that might affect A.A. as a whole. Nor could it assume to represent the whole of Alcoholics Anonymous by printing and distributing anything purporting to be A.A. standard literature. This same principle would naturally apply to all similar situations. Though there is no formal compulsion to do so, all undertakings of this general character are customarily checked with our A.A. General Headquarters. This idea is clearly summarized in the last sentence of Tradition 4, which observes, "On such issues our common welfare is paramount." -Bill W. Though such an absurd procedure would be miles outside our tradition, the group's "right to be wrong" would be held inviolate. We are sure that each group can be granted, and safely granted, these most extreme privileges. We know that our familiar process of trial and error would summarily eliminate both the preacher and the night club. Those severe growing pains which invariably follow any radical departure from A.A. tradition can be absolutely relied upon to bring an erring group back into line. An A.A. group need not be coerced by any human government over and above its own members. Their own experience, plus A.A. opinion in surrounding groups, plus God's prompting in their group conscience would be sufficient. Much travail has already taught us this. Hence we may confidently say to each group, "You should be responsible to no other authority than your own conscience." Yet please note one important qualification. It will be seen that such extreme liberty of thought and action applies only to the group's own affairs. Rightly enough, this Tradition goes on to say, "But when its plans concern the welfare of neighboring groups also, these groups ought to be consulted." Obviously, if any individual, group or regional committee could take an action which might seriously affect the welfare of Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole, or seriously disturb surrounding groups, that would not be liberty at all. It would be sheer license; it would be anarchy, not democracy. The essence of all growth is a willingness to change for the better and then an unremitting willingness to shoulder whatever responsibility this entails. — AS BILL SEES IT, p. 115 (Next column) CCFAA Page 18 By The Way GROUP NAME GROUP CONTRIBUTIONS as of March 27th Mar '15 2015 11TH STEP MEDITATION MEETING 0.00 50.00 12 AND 12 TOUCHSTONE GROUP 0.00 103.98 2ND CHANCE GROUP 0.00 390.20 5TH TRADITION BIG BOOK STUDY 0.00 30.00 605 CHRISTIAN VALLEY GROUP 0.00 100.00 AA NOONER 0.00 77.00 ARDEN MORSE GROUP 0.00 100.00 ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT GROUP OF DAVIS 0.00 44.00 50.00 250.00 BABES IN RECOVERY 0.00 12.28 BROWNSVILLE SERENITY GROUP 0.00 42.00 CATHEDRAL GROUP 0.00 739.00 CENTRAL FOOTHILL WOMEN'S CONF. 121.47 121.47 CITRUS HEIGHTS GROUP 133.85 133.85 COME AS YOU ARE GROUP 177.28 177.28 AUBURN FELLOWSHIP CORDOVA GOOD MORNING GROUP 0.00 100.00 223.00 223.00 CORDOVA SERENITY SEEKERS GROUP 0.00 105.50 COTTAGE 12X12 STEP STUDY 0.00 25.00 COURAGE TO CHANGE GROUP 0.00 DAILY ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT GROUP CORDOVA LUNCH BUNCH LIVING SOBER WOMEN'S FRIDAY GROUP LOOMIS BYO 12&12 BOOK STUDY April 2015 0.00 103.98 60.00 60.00 MARYSVILLE UNITY GROUP 0.00 100.00 MATHER THURSDAY NIGHT GROUP 0.00 31.00 MNNYPAA 0.00 100.00 MONDAY NIGHT BIG BOOK STUDY GROUP 0.00 41.33 MONDAY NIGHT CLUB 0.00 30.00 MONDAY PM WOMEN GROUP 0.00 15.00 MONDAY WOMEN'S STEP STUDY 0.00 350.00 MORE WILL BE REVEALED 0.00 120.00 MYSTIC CHIX GROUP 0.00 51.00 NATOMAS GROUP 0.00 181.05 NEWCASTLE BIG BOOK GP 0.00 54.00 NORTH AUBURN GROUP OF AA 0.00 30.00 47.84 553.59 NORTH HALL GROUP NORTH HIGHLANDS FIRESIDE GROUP 0.00 10.00 OAK TREE GROUP 0.00 503.65 ONE DAY AT A TIME GROUP 0.00 60.00 ORANGEVALE 11TH STEP MEDITATION GROUP 0.00 160.00 ORANGEVALE SIXTY MINUTE 423.00 423.00 OVER 50 GROUP 0.00 154.00 212.00 PHOENIX FELLOWSHIP 0.00 600.00 162.00 486.00 PLACERVILLE SUNRISE ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT 0.00 45.00 DAILY DIRECTION AA 125.00 125.00 PROMISES GROUP - DIXON DAVIS FRIDAY NOON GROUP 108.78 108.78 RIO LINDA FELLOWSHIP DAVIS YOUNG PEOPLE GROUP 0.00 58.88 RIVER PARK RECOVERY DESTINY GROUP 0.00 60.00 ROCKLIN FELLOWSHIP DIXON NO NAMES GROUP 0.00 100.00 DRY DIGGINS GROUP 0.00 0.00 EAST YOLO FELLOWSHIP 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 90.00 300.00 1,300.00 ROCKLIN YOUNG PEOPLE 0.00 181.81 ROSEVILLE EASTSIDE GROUP 0.00 60.00 32.00 ROSEVILLE FIFTH STREET FELLOWSHIP 0.00 15.00 33.61 33.61 ROUND TABLE GROUP 0.00 100.00 ELK GROVE FELLOWSHIP 165.37 1,314.42 339.45 339.45 ELK GROVE GROUP 150.00 150.00 SACRAMENTO MONTHLY SPEAKER MEETING ELK GROVE SOBRIETY SISTERS 0.00 106.00 SACYPAA FAIR OAKS BEGINNERS GROUP 0.00 178.00 FELLOWSHIP OF THE SPIRIT BIG BOOK STUDY 0.00 20.00 71.44 71.44 SIERRA STEP SISTERS GROUP 0.00 12.35 0.00 120.00 300.00 300.00 EDEN VALLEY AT APPLEGATE GROUP FIRST THINGS FIRST GROUP SACRAMENTO DOWNTOWN MEN'S GROUP 12.88 12.88 0.00 250.00 SERENITY BOOK & STEP STUDY GP 96.85 321.62 SHARING AND CARING FELLOWSHIP 50.00 50.00 FOLSOM BIG BOOK GROUP 0.00 606.93 SIERRA WEDNESDAY AM GROUP FOLSOM SATURDAY MORNING 0.00 550.00 SIMPLY AA FOLSOM TUESDAY NIGHT MEN'S AA 0.00 150.00 SISTERS IN SOBRIETY FOLSOM WAY OF LIFE GROUP 0.00 880.77 FOLSOM WEDNESDAY NIGHT AA GROUP 0.00 150.00 FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH GROUP 0.00 125.00 FOXHALL GROUP 0.00 20.00 FREE OUR MINDS 0.00 230.00 FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP OF DOUBLE A 0.00 108.15 165.15 165.15 0.00 200.00 79.00 79.00 109.95 109.95 FRIDAY WAY OUT GROUP GALT FELLOWSHIP GNO GIRLS NIGHT OUT GOOD ORDERLY DIRECTION GREENHAVEN GROUP SIXTY MINUTE SOLUTION GROUP 0.00 48.10 21.38 100.38 SMOKIN SOBRIETY 0.00 41.68 SOBRIETY SPEAKS GROUP 0.00 100.00 STATE OF MIND SOBRIETY 30.00 30.00 0.00 27.27 71.50 71.50 TAHOE PARK GROUP 0.00 10.23 THANK GOD IT'S SIMPLE 0.00 75.00 74.00 74.00 STEP SISTERS SUNRISE SPEAKER MEETING TIME TO START LIVING GROUP TOO YOUNG GROUP 0.00 52.49 TRADITIONAL GROUP 0.00 590.37 TRADITIONS AND CONCEPTS STUDY GRP 8.75 44.50 TRIANGLE GROUP 0.00 249.82 50.00 0.00 52.50 30.00 30.00 HAPPY HOUR RANCHO GROUP 0.00 253.66 TURNING POINT GROUP 0.00 HAPPY HOUR WOMEN 0.00 493.25 WE SURRENDER MEN'S GROUP 0.00 18.35 HELPING HANDS GROUP 0.00 364.22 WEST SLOPE FELL0WSHIP 105.00 105.00 WHAT A WAY WEEKEND WOMENS GROUP GROUP ONE HIGH FLYERS GROUP HOPE & SERENITY SPEAKER MTG. INTO ACTION GROUP IONE-CAMANCHE GROUP JUST AA KEEP IT SIMPLE LINCOLN THURSDAY NIGHT GROUP 0.00 120.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 40.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 55.00 70.14 156.00 0.00 258.10 209.48 209.48 WILD BUNCH 0.00 23.03 WILD WOMEN 0.00 68.47 WILLING WOMEN GROUP, THE 0.00 351.00 WINTERS KITCHEN TABLE GROUP 0.00 121.80 WOMEN OF EXTRAVAGANT PROMISES 0.00 232.38 4,582.24 21,658.27 WHITE FLAG MEN'S GROUP TOTAL CCFAA Page 19 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 449 SACRAMENTO CA CENTRAL CALIFORNIA FELLOWSHIP 9960 BUSINESS PARK DR., SUITE 110 SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95827 *CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED 2015 April BTW Want to join the Birthday Club? Send a dollar ( +/- ) per year of sobriety to: Central California Fellowship 9960 Business Park Dr., Ste. 110, Sacramento, CA 95827. Name: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________ Birthday/Years: _____________________________ By The Way Subscription To have the By The Way delivered to your home or if your group needs additional copies, just fill out this form and mail it to Central California Fellowship, 9960 Business Park Dr., Suite 110, Sacramento, CA 95827. Please check one: Gift Subscription Phone Number: _____________________________ Have you moved? Be sure to tell us so you don’t miss your next issue of By The Way! New Subscription Additional Group Subscription Renewal Subscription Name: _____________________________ Old Address: _____________________________ Subscription price (1 year) Number of subscriptions Total Please send By The Way to: New Address: _____________________________ Name: _____________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________ Central California Fellowship $ 12.00 x _______ $ _______ City/State/Zip: _____________________________ Page 20
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