Panama TR4 Update: Situation Update / Information For Our Customers / Next Steps Page 1 of 2 BANANA E-BULLETIN 17 March 2015 PANAMA TR4 UPDATE Situation Update for Wholesalers Biosecurity Queensland has confirmed that the banana plant disease, Panama Tropical Race 4 (Panama TR4), has been found on one banana farm at Tully in Far North Queensland. Panama TR4 is a soil-borne fungal disease. So far a positive diagnosis of the disease is confined to the one farm. The farm has been quarantined and is not supplying product. There are about 280 other banana farms in North Queensland all producing bananas as per usual. Information for customers Panama TR4 poses no risk to human health. There’s no effect on the banana fruit. Bananas look and taste the same as usual. The supply of bananas has not been affected. Australian Bananas continues to run its marketing activities. Grower Snapshot "The whole banana industry is focused on beating Panama TR4. The industry is pulling together to make sure we get through this.” - Tully banana grower and Australian Banana Growers’ Council Deputy Chairman, Adrian Crema. The Australian (Saturday, 14 March, 2015) • Growers are adopting “come clean, leave clean” biosecurity practices (such as removing all plant material and soil from any machinery, equipment, vehicles and footwear as they come onto and leave farms and not sharing equipment or planting material). • Growers and banana farm workers are keeping a watch for any plants exhibiting potential symptoms, such as yellowing and wilted leaves. Affected plants can take months to show symptoms. Looking ahead • Additional tests on plant samples collected from the quarantined family farm are underway. Results are expected within two weeks. Inquiries from media • Please direct media calls to Rhyll Cronin, Communications Manager, Australian Banana Growers’ Council (0428 038 330, [email protected]). See our latest media release 15 March (TR4 today confirmed on Tully farm) Dates, milestones • Wednesday, 18 March: Tully & District Chamber of Commerce hosts a public forum at Tully Country Club, from 7.00pm. • Friday, 20 March: Australian Banana Growers’ Council will publish another e-update for our partners in the supply chain. In the meantime, for more details on PanamaTR4 see our web site and/or our Facebook page. SUBSCRIBE TO E-BULLETIN Our e-bulletin is distributed to all our subscribers. To update your email details, or if our e-bulletin has been 4/2/2015 Panama TR4 Update: Situation Update / Information For Our Customers / Next Steps Page 2 of 2 forwarded to you and you would like to join our subscription list, please email [email protected] with your contact details. You can also Forward to a Friend. Unit 3, South Gate East Commercial Centre 250 Sherwood Road ROCKLEA QLD 4106 PO Box 309 BRISBANE MARKET QLD 4106 Tel: 07 3278 4786 Fax: 07 3278 4938 Web: 4/2/2015
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