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ANNEXURE I MODUS OPERANDI Name of the Programme: RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA PROJECT: Integrated Farming System @ 50% subsidy to the individual farmers/ CIG’s to the maximum of Rs.5.00 lakhs per individual/group. (i) PROJECT RATIONALE Integrated Farm Development is an innovative concept in farming wherein integration of various resources (farm waste) is utilised in order to reap maximum benefits out of them. The transition strategy or technique from inorganic to organic agriculture is being adopted in this approach. Other benefits are: a. Reduction in use of external inputs. b. Increase in cropping intensity. c. Soil and Water Conservation. d. Employment for Farmers/Farm labourers throughout the year. e. Sustainable farm income throughout the year. f. Increase in the socio economic status. g. Augmentation of soil health. h. Assured income over existing Mono cropping system. (ii) COMPONENTS PROPOSED IN IFS FOR AN AREA OF 2.5 ACRES. The various components envisaged under this project are: 1. Vermi compost / Coir pith compost (Min 1.5 to 2 tons per harvesting cycle) 2. Green fodder (Min 25 cents) 3. Vegetable garden (Min 50 cent) 4. Mushroom cultivation( Minimum shed size 150 sq. ft) 5. Dairy farming(Min 2+1) 6. Goat farming(Min 10 +1 goat) 7. Fish/Prawn farming (inland) / Ornamental fish farming (Min 25 cents of pond size) 8. Poultry (Min 100 Broilers or layers) 9. Bio gas 10. Nursery ( Min 10 cents) 11. Metal Fencing (Min 200 M and Max 800 M) –Will not be considered as one of a component 12. Farm Pond (Min 30 % of Land Area)-Compulsory for Karaikal Region, since the Cauvery water availability is seasonal and the underground water supply is limited. 13. The Farmers’ who availed the subsidy earlier for the construction of Farm pond from the Department of Agriculture will be proportionately deducted. (iii) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Individual farmer or Commodity interest Group who undertakes at least five of the above components is eligible for the 50% subsidy admissible under this project subject to a maximum of ` 5 lakhs per individual / group (iv) MODE OF OPERATION: A) ENROLMENT OF BENEFICIARIES Wide publicity will be made by the Department of Agriculture through leading newspaper, message, through AIR & through all the UU’s notice boards. Prescribed application form will be issued by the Agricultural engineering wing of O/o ADA, Karaikal to the farmers through Uzhavar Udhaviyagam. The farmers who seek subsidy assistance under the scheme will have to apply to the Addl. Director of Agriculture, Karaikal in the prescribed application form through the Uzhavar Udhaviyagam concerned. The Agricultural Officer (U.U) with the recommendation of the Dy. Director of Agriculture concerned will forward the application to the Addl. Director of Agriculture, Karaikal through proper channel for consideration. After the receipt of the filled in application with the relevant documents, the same will be placed before the committee for preliminary approval of the project proposed by the farmer. B) COMMITTEE FOR SELECTION OF FARMERS The farmers will be selected and approved by the committee constituted under the Chairmanship of The Additional Director of Agriculture, Karaikal with the following members: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Joint Director of Agriculture(T&V), Karaikal The Joint Director (Animal Husbandry), Karaikal The Programme Co-Ordinator, KVK, Karaikal. The Deputy Director of Agriculture (Inputs/T&V), Karaikal The Deputy Director of Agriculture (AE), Karaikal The Deputy Director of Fisheries, Karaikal The Deputy General Manager, PASIC, Karaikal. Representative from Department of Agronomy, PAJANCOA&RI, Karaikal. C) ROLE OF COMMITTEE 1. They will look into the implementation of this component “Integrated Farming System @ 50% subsidy to the individual farmers / CIG’s to the maximum of ` 5.00 lakhs per individual / group”. 2. After the issue of preliminary approval by the committee, the farmer/CIG is allowed to undertake the project subject to the supervision of committee members in each phase of operations. 3. After the work is completed, necessary bills and vouchers in the name of the applicant will be submitted by the individual farmers/ CIG to the committee through Agricultural officer concerned after verification and countersigned by the Deputy Director (Agricultural Engineering) and Deputy Director of Agriculture (T&V/Inputs). After the final appraisal of the cost of the project, the committee will recommend the release of 50% of the subsidy amount to the beneficiary farmers after obtaining necessary approval from the competent authority. PROJECT: Promotion of mechanization in Agriculture through Commodity Interest Group, Farmers organization, Agri- clinic and Individual Farmers. I SELECTION OF CIG’S A. CALLING OF APPLICATION: 1. Prescribed application form will be issued to the CIG’s through Farm Information and Advisory Center (FIAC)/ Uzhavar Udhaviyagam. 2. The CIG’s which seek subsidy assistance under scheme will have to apply to the Project Director, ATMA, Karaikal in the prescribed application. 3. The Block Technology Team Convenor/ Agricultural Officer and Block Officer in Charge/ Deputy Director of Agriculture will forward the application with recommendation to the Project Director, ATMA, Karaikal through proper channel for consideration. B. ELIGIBILITY The CIG’s will be selected by considering the following Criteria. 1. The CIG’s which has been formulated under CSS “Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms” alone are eligible under this project. 2. The CIG’s should be active and conduct regular monthly meeting and maintain an account in bank. 3. The CIG’s has to arrange 50% of the cost of machineries / equipment’s either through bank or from their own resource. C. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORM: The application form in the prescribed format should be filled in properly giving all the required details and submitted along with following documents. 1. Copy of the CIG’s bank pass book. 2. Copy of the last month of CIG’s preceding Register and Minutes register. 3. Source for non-subsidy portion / pre loan sanction letter from Bank. 4. Invoice from the Authorised Dealer / Distributor of Farm Machineries / Equipment. 5. An Affidavit executed in the stamp paper to the value of Rs.20/- to the effect that the Farm Machineries / Equipment’s to be purchased under the scheme will not be sold or disposed off in any manner for a period of 3 years from the date of purchase D. COMMITTEE FOR SELECTION OF CIG’S The CIG’s will be selected and approved by the committee comprising of following members: 1. The Additional Director of Agriculture-cumProject Director, ATMA, Karaikal. …... Chairman 2. The Joint Director of Agriculture (T&V) Karaikal …… Member 3. The Dy. Director of Agriculture (Input)/ (T&V) Karaikal …… Member 4. The Dy. Director of Agriculture (A.E.), Karaikal. …… Member 5. The Deputy Project Director, ATMA, Karaikal .…..Member Secretary The CIG’s will be selected by considering the following criteria 1. Conduct of regular monthly group meeting 2. Maintenance of proper accounts and registers. 3. The group which has sufficient monthly contribution and savings. E. SELECTION OF FARM MACHINERIES/EQUIPMENTS The make and model of the Farm Machineries/ equipment’s to be purchased and source (only Authorized dealer/ Distributors) from which they are proposed to be purchased are left to the choice of the group. F. List of Farm machinery/Equipments can be purchased: 1. Paddy harvester(Chain type) 2. Paddy harvester(Tyre type) 3. Paddy transplanter 4. Power tiller, 5. Rotavator, 6. Mechanized conoweeder, 7. Power weeder, 8. Mechanized sprayer, 9. Battery operated hand sprayer 10. Mechanized fodder / grass cutter. 11. Nursery trays 12. Baler (Paddy) 13. Groundnut harvester 14. Seed sowing machine 15. Laser Land Leveler 16. Bund Former 17. Any other equipments/machineries approved by Govt. of Tamilnadu. G. PURCHASE OF FARM MACHINERIES / EQUIPMENT 1. After selection, the eligible CIG’s will be advised to approach the bank in which they operate their CIG account or develop their own resource to mobilize non subsidy portion. 2. The beneficiary CIG will be advised to make part payment (non subsidy portion) by availing loan/own source to the authorized dealer/ distributor through the bank in which CIG maintaining their account and to take delivery of farm machineries/ equipments from the dealer/ distributor. 3. After taking custody of machineries/ equipments, the CIG will inform to Agricultural Officer/ BTT Convenor and Deputy Director of Agriculture for necessary inspection of the farm machineries/ equipments and forward inspection report including the particulars of the farm machineries/ equipments purchased by the CIG. 4. Based on the inspection report, Project Director (ATMA) Karaikal will request the Directorate of Accounts & Treasuries, Karaikal to release 50% subsidy portion to concerned CIG’s bank account. In turn, the bank will release the subsidy portion to the dealer/ distributor based on consent letter issued by Project Director (ATMA). H. MONITORING AND EVALUATION: Monitoring of Farm Machineries/ Equipment Demonstration will be done as and when required by the Department officials. Evaluation will be undertaken to ascertain as to whether the objective of the scheme has been achieved and also to furnish a detailed report. -Sd/(K. MATHIALAGAN) Additional Director of Agriculture –cumMember, Convener, RKVY Karaikal
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