- amta nevada chapter

Newsletter of the
amta-nevada chapter , American Massage Therapy Association
Silver State Massage Express
Find us online at: www.amta-nv.org
Spring 2015
Volume 12, Issue 1
Email: [email protected]
Annual Convention is COMING!
Hello, Members & Students, and
Licensed Massage Therapists!
Convention Time is upon the AMTA
-NV Chapter again!
May 26 & 27, 2015
The Education Committee has come
up with some amazing opportunities
for chapter members and massage
therapy professionals to:
 Earn Continuing Education Credits for your State License and
NCBTMB Board Certification
 Participate in your profession
through knowledge and forming
of chapter initiative over the
next year
 Hear Jane Cox, Spa Director of
Mandalay Bay & Delano Spas,
speak about “Change—How We
Accomplish Movement”
 Meet a new or meet up with an
old colleague
 Have some lunch
...and more!
This Convention’s classes include:
Manual Ligament Therapy (4 hrs)
Chinese-Thai Massage (4 hrs)
Active Isolated Stretching (8 hrs)
Inside This Issue
2015 AMTA-NV Annual
Page 2 · Editor’s Note, D
Otto; Links to More;
Volunteer with your Chapter!
Page 3 · Upcoming Events
Join us for an exciting Las Vegas
Massage Convention, hosted by the
AMTA-Nevada Chapter!
Class Space is limited &
◊◊ More Info—Registration ◊◊
We’re also looking for members
who can spend the day helping out
with operational tasks that make
the Convention pleasant for everyone! Hone your ambassador skills
and/or find out what makes an association tick! Please contact Anneli
Adolfsson if you are interested in
this opportunity :)
Page 4 · Serving on the
Nevada State Board of
Massage Therapists;
Welcome New Nevada
Chapter Members!
Page 5 · Hospice Massage vs
Spa Massage, R Amaro, LMT
Page 6 · Nevada Chapter
Volunteer Roster; Massage
Therapy Foundation Chapter
Page 7 · AMTA Madness!
Crossword Puzzle
Page 8 · Legislative Changes
in Nevada for Massage
Therapists, D Otto
Come Play at the Bay!
Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas is the
site for the two-day extravaganza,
to include:
 Photo opps with our Mascot
Ambassador: Maximus!
 Prize drawings for top-quality
massage supplies and services
 Elections for your chapter leadership
And more!
Keepin’ it Green! Update your email address at http://amtamassage.org to receive this by email or subscribe to the RSS feed.
The Mission of the American Massage Therapy Association and the AMTA-NV Chapter is to
amta-nevada chapter serve any AMTA members while advancing the art, science and practice of massage therapy.
Got Talent? We NEED
Apply for a Board,
Committee, or Volunteer
Position with the amta-nv
chapter—network with and
assist supporting your
fellow professionals and
Apply Now
Available Positions:
Newsletter Editor
Vice President
to name a few!
Don’t delay: Elections
will be held May 26, 2015
—nominate yourself or
another professional
By May 20, 2015
Apply Now
Links to MORE:
Editor’s Note
Thanks for reading the Silver State Massage Express, newsletter of the
AMTA Nevada Chapter!
Inside This
We’ve had a changing of the guards here in the newsletter office, and I Page 1 · SAVE THE DATE—
have stepped in to make sure you’re getting timely news and relevant 2015 AMTA-NV Annual
massage information for use in your practice. But I can’t do it alone… Convention—Registration
Page 2 · Editor’s Note, D
It takes a team to make your chapter membership valuable—making
Buitre; Links to More
the information available that you get 3 times a year is done by many
Page 3 · Upcoming Events
volunteers and members...and that includes someone to put it all
together in an easily-accessible format: writing, editing, piecing it all
Page 4 · Serving on the
together in a comprehensive and comprehensible format it just some
Nevada State Board of
Massage Therapists;
of what an Editor does.
Welcome New Nevada
An Editor also works with Advertisers, accepts, vets and edits
Chapter Members!
professional articles submitted by members, massage professionals,
Page 5 · Hospice Massage
and relevant contributors throughout the year...and stays in
vs Spa Massage, R Amaro,
communication with the Nevada Chapter Board of Directors for
Page 6 · Nevada Chapter
 Interested in serving on
the Nevada State
Board of Massage
Therapists? Read
Volunteer Roster; Massage
The newsletter also has some costs associated with it (as does any
Therapy Foundation
production) which are funded by members, managed by the
Chapter Challenge
Communications Chair, & approved annually by the Board of Directors.
Page 7 · AMTA Madness!
It’s all quite the experience in time and content management!
Crossword Puzzle
If you are interested in being either a Communications Chair,
Newsletter Editor or both: please let us know!
 Continuing Education:
Submit your Nevada CE
 Submit a professional
article for the AMTA-NV
 Official AMTA-Nevada
Chapter Website
 Facebook Group for
timely Chapter News
Page 8 · Legislative
Changes in Nevada for
Massage Therapists, D
You can contact me via email at [email protected] (which could
be your new Chapter Volunteer email address!) and find out just what
kind of impact you can have, visually and professionally, on our over
500 members.
Looking for the
Results of the
January Medical
Marijuana &
Massage article &
Survey? Click here
Hope to hear from you and help you build your newsletter-producing
and leadership skills through service to the AMTA Nevada Chapter!
We’ll keep the great content coming to you; if you have any
suggestions or comments, please drop us a line — thank you for your
interest and support!
David Otto
Silver State Massage Express Editor, Pro-Tem
Structure for Wounded Warriors—
Complimentary Recovery Through Therapeutic Massage and Counseling for Soldiers and Veterans
Our mission is to serve our Military and Veteran communities by offering
complimentary specialized Therapeutic Massage and Counseling for injury
and emotional recovery, restoring health and balance to our Wounded Warriors.
Please help in supporting our Troops by donating at www.SFWW.us Or
Contact 719-358-8653
Keep our forests green! Update your email address at http://amtamassage.org to receive this by email or subscribe to the RSS feed. 2
Upcoming Events
amta-nv chapter Calendar
Save The Dates—AMTA’s 2015 National Convention
The Mission of the American Massage Therapy Association and the AMTA-NV Chapter is to
amta-nevada chapter serve any AMTA members while advancing the art, science and practice of massage therapy.
Serving on the NV State Board of Massage Therapists (NSBMT)
Having an impact on your profession and, at the same time, protecting the Public (your clients) can come at any time, in
many forms. Serving the profession on a state board can be rewarding and opportunities arise from time to time.
Two positions for eligible LMTs in Clark County are coming open in June 2015—in 2016, two more open for Clark County LMTs to serve and one in Washoe County for a qualified LMT.
If you’ve considered moving massage therapy forward in Nevada on a state scale, consider applying now—visit the
chapter webpage for Contact and application information
Welcome our Newest
Chapter Members!
October 2014
Lisa Benza
Nicole Davis
Marcus Dolphin
Shelby Dawn Freitas
RamonBenito Garcia
Jacob Gentry
Rachel Ruby Gonzales
Jose F Gonzalez
Molly Hansen
Lisa Little
Christine Mader
Tamara Mize
Korinna Ramirez
Stacy Romero
Jessica Salinas
Ashley Schultz
Cristin A Seppa
Claire Shelton
Alyssa Shrout
Darla Stiffler
Deshaun Tellez
Rachael Tice
Rodolfo Torres
Jane Wayland
Shane White
Mafalda Zilleruela
November 2014
Veronica Cerda
Alrina Geness
Vanessa Pavey
Erin Roy
December 2014
Tyson Bierwolf
Summer Ferguson
Taya Lanford
Danielle Pappas
Karen Lynn Strange Rider
January 2015
Anneliese Adam
Shmuel Aharoni
Rosa Andrade
Keith Anton
Elauza Aumonte
Rendell Baker-Jordan
Tobey Buckler
Jennifer Cadorna
Edna Castillo
Diana Corporan
Ryan Russell Durrant
Michelle Easley
Graciela Gallegos
Elecia Garcia
Patricia Griffin
Eric Hall
Marmelena Hansen
Lucy Johnston
Merly Justice
Heather Keane
Thomas Kendrick
Sabra Karbouch
Susan Kimberling
Sherree Kingery
Katrina Lawler
Sara Maynard
Kachiri Miller
Shawna Lee Naylor
James Nga
Ana Ochoa
Alfred Oliva
William Prescott
Courtney Richmond
Jennifer Rolland
Stacy Salguero-Ramirez
Brooke Rodrigues
Sara Shor
Cheryl Skinner
Imelda Smith
Amanda Smith
Jaime Solis
Jonathan Stewart
Brian Story
Dustin Strafton
Tyler Strong
Kenneth Tarver
Brandie Tomas
Crisy Trowbridge
Michael Valentin
Kiwana Warren
Eric Yates
February 2015
Colleen Bailey
Taylor Barber
Christina Carr
Eileen Charles
Donna Cutler
Emily Davenport
Yildysh Darreto Berreto
Kathleen Egenes
Alicia McNair
Gia Planer
Stanley Posey
Miranda Ziemkowski
March 2015
Darcy Blaine
Shannon Churchwell
Rachel Cook
Karen Daskas
Arlene Fandino
Federico Flores
Clarence Garcia
Wendy Gilchrist
James Gregrow
Ellizabeth Hilliard
Leigh Anne Jelinski
Joanna Jia
Jessie Jia
Joseph Lopez
Teresa Mock
David Navarro
Michelle Quinteros
Brenda Riggs
Leah Silverman
Kathryn Watt
Stephen Williams
Diane Willson
Keep our forests green! Update your email address at http://amtamassage.org to receive this by email or subscribe to the RSS feed. 4
Hospice Massage vs Spa Massage
by Robert Amaro, LMT
Those in the hospice and palliative care business tend to overlook the value and positive effects massage has on our
patients. Perhaps it is due to a misunderstanding of what we do in hospice compared to what we might do in a traditional
spa setting. The difference between spa services and the type of massage we do with hospice and palliative care
patients is a little like comparing apples and oranges; they are night and day.
A few of the services offered in a traditional spa setting would never work for our patients. Massage services such as
deep tissue, Swedish massage and hot stone would never go over well for the patients we deal with on a day-to-day
basis. Another service you might see offered at a spa is the body wrap, and some wellness centers even have pre-natal
massage. The list is endless of the types of specialty massage services offered at upscale spas and salons. Of course
none of these massage services will work for our hospice and palliative care patients.
There are several massage modalities that can be incorporated specifically into the needs of the hospice/palliative care
patient. First and foremost is a technique called CranioSacral Therapy (CST). CST is a light touch approach that can
create dramatic improvements to one’s body because it directly affects the cranium, the spinal cord and the sacrum. Its
goal is to release tension deep within the body, thereby relieving pain. The modality has a direct effect on the central
nervous system. In fact, there are some interesting studies on the profound effects CST has on a variety of end of life
pathologies such as Parkinson’s disease, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Cerebrovascular
Accident (CVA) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is another technique used frequently in the hospice and palliative care field. Many
cancer patients develop edema in their upper and lower extremities. MLD simply moves the fluid out. The results can be
instantaneous when this technique is used correctly. Many patients with edema fear they can’t be touched and nothing
can be done to help them but this technique has had some astounding results. [continue…]
The Mission of the American Massage Therapy Association and the AMTA-NV Chapter is to
amta-nevada chapter serve any AMTA members while advancing the art, science and practice of massage therapy.
Nevada Chapter Volunteers
Another technique used to help
patients relax when they are
agitated or restless is Reiki.
This is an energy technique that
Board of Directors
David Otto
President, Communications Committee
Chair/Newsletter Editor Pro-Tem,
Government Relations Committee Chair,
[email protected]
Brent Bornemeier
Secretary, 2015 Delegate, Commission on
Candidacy Chair
[email protected]
Anneli Adolfsson
Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair,
Education Committee Chair
[email protected]
Cozy Meyer
National Massage Therapy Awareness
Week (NMTAW) Committee—Chair
[email protected]
Nevada Chapter
Brent Bornemeier
2014/2015 Delegate
[email protected]
2015/2016 Delegate
Nominate Yourself!
Got Talent or An Interest In Learning?
We NEED You!
Apply for a Board, Committee, or
Volunteer Position with the amta-nv
chapter—network with and assist
supporting your fellow professionals and
Apply Now
lightly palpates the body or, in
some cases, uses the patient’s
aura to communicate with the
body without the need for touch.
The patient’s body simply
responds to its own energy
fields with a massage therapist’s assistance. Yes, even patients who are
obtunded and unresponsive still have energy in their bodies and that energy
can be affected in a positive manner.
The massage therapists at Nathan Adelson Hospice are highly skilled at what
they do. One of the best compliments I ever received was from a nurse who
said, “When you get done doing your work, my patients are less agitated and
they need less medication.” Less medication at this point and time is one of the
great benefits of massage therapy. This is a strong testament to the type of
work we do and the results we can achieve.
All of NAH patients can benefit from massage therapy. Whether the patient is
alert, lethargic, obtunded or unresponsive, massage therapy can have a
profoundly positive effect.
Robert Amaro, LMT, is a massage therapist in the Las Vegas,
NV, area and has been practicing Hospice and Palliative Care
massage for the last four years. His current employer, Nathan
Adelson Hospice, has offered him immense opportunities and
challenges. To help people find comfort at the end stages of life
is one of the most rewarding positions he has ever had - it is
Robert's pleasure to share some of his experiences.
originally published at http://www.nah.org/blog/entry/hospice-massage-vs-spa-massage
reprinted with permission
Massage Therapy Foundation’s Chapter Challenge
This year, the Massage Therapy Foundation is challenging members and chapters to raise
awareness and funds to elevate the practice of massage therapy through grant funding for
research and community service.
The Nevada Chapter is participating in a 51-Chapter competition to ‘raise the most funds’ in
order to be awarded a couple of opportunities for our states’ collective donations! If you’re planning on donating this year to the Massage
Therapy Foundation like the Nevada Chapter is, please be sure to indicate the “Chapter” that you are affiliated with:
Read more about the awards for the states’ participants who donate (total and ‘per capita’) up to $6,000
Donate here: https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/1428681
Keep our forests green! Update your email address at http://amtamassage.org to receive this by email or subscribe to the RSS feed. 6
AMTA Madness!
Remember to Register for the 2015 Annual AMTA
-NV Chapter Convention & Member Meeting!
3. 2015 Convention Opening Session Keynote Speaker's LAST Name, Olympic Gold Medalist
7. baseball team the Pirates will play against on Aug 19, 2015
11. akin to percussion
12. 2014's only successfully-passed Position Statement "Massage can improve Health and __________"
13. a type of care, similar to Hospice
14. mag Massage Therapy ______________
1. city in which 2015 Convention is being held
2. name (acronym) for the Federation of State Boards of Massage Therapy's licensing exam
4. LAST Name of the MTF's AMTA Representative in #RunningForResearch at the Boston Marathon
5. SOAP's "O"
6. the "A" in AB126
8. learn and build connections with experienced AMTA members in the __________ Program
9. new name (acronym) for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine organization
10. save up to 15% as a member at www.massage___________.com
The Mission of the American Massage Therapy Association and the AMTA-NV Chapter is to
amta-nevada chapter serve any AMTA members while advancing the art, science and practice of massage therapy.
This newsletter is published quarterly by
the Nevada Chapter of the AMTA, a non
-profit professional organization of
licensed massage therapists and
students preparing for licensure.
Are there any particular issues or
subjects that you’d like us to explore in
the future? Do you have questions you’d
like to ask, or that you’d like us to ask?
We want your voices to be heard!
Writers! If you have any professional
articles that you’d like to see published
in the Silver State Massage Express,
contact us! Information for publication
must be submitted electronically.
Copyright material must be
accompanied with a release from its
Submission Deadlines
Jan 15 · Apr 15 · Jul 15 · Oct 15
Publication Dates
Feb 1 · May 1 · Aug 1 · Nov 1
2015 Legislative Changes in Nevada for
Massage Therapists
By David Otto, Government Relations Committee
March 29, 2015—read online
The Nevada Legislature usually meets every 2 years - 2015 marks the 78th Session of the
Legislature to do the business of legislation: regulation of all the state functions and scopes in a
Session that concludes around the end of May.
The AMTA-NV Chapter’s Mission is to serve any AMTA members while advancing the art,
science and practice of massage therapy - a part of that ‘practice’ Mission is to assure that, as
an organization, our members are treated fairly and have an opinion, if not a say, about how
we’re regulated.
The first step is knowledge - knowledge of the laws that affect us: that we know them is our
bound, ethical duty. That we follow the ones that are ‘in effect’ for each of us, professional- and
business-related (separately), is our legal duty. Duty of Diligence lays groundwork for having an
opinion and effect on those laws that may change the way we practice.
The Chapter strives to be aware of and respond to or act upon legislation that is of Profession in
The Nevada Chapter reserves the right
to edit materials for clarification and
where appropriate for space, accept or
reject materials and assumes no
responsibility for errors, omissions,
corrections or modifications in
publications. The opinions contained in
this publication do not necessarily
reflect those of the staff or of this
publication, AMTA or the Nevada
For more information on how to
contribute and publishing, please visit
our Newsletter page on the chapter
Looking for:
Dr. Elroy Francis, DC,
contacted the chapter
seeking a Licensed
Massage Therapist to share
his office space in Las
Vegas in the Quail Park
area. Please contact him for
details and with interest:
(702) 431-3800 or
[email protected]
nature - so, following: we’ve broken up the 3 Bills that we - through our Government Relations
Consultant, National Government Relations Department, and local, chapter Government
Relations Committee - have been tracking that may affect all Licensed Massage Therapists in
the future into two, distinct categories: ones that affect professionals and ones that
affect business owners.
Proposal That Affects Massage Therapy (professionals):
This year, 2015, there is one specifically-massage-therapy Bill - AB 126 - that will affect how
the NSBMT regulates its Applicants. Below is a summary of those proposed changes
to NRS.640C:
AB 126 - http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/78th2015/Bills/AB/AB126.pdf
Sponsor: Assemblywoman Margaret Carlton
Summary: Proposed changes to NRS.640C:
adds exemption of nail techs from massage licensure;
strikes the language "by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies, or its successor
organization" which leaves the sentence stating "successfully pass a nationally recognized
competency examination in massage that meets acceptable psychometric principles, is
statistically validated through a job-task analysis under current standards for educational and
professionally testing massage therapists and has been approved by the Board; or other
examinations approved by the board;"
clarifies by changing the limit of time allowed to reinstate an inactive license to 2 years;
strikes the 10 year limitation on criminal background offenses;
eliminates ‘moral turpitude’ as being a reason to not give a license;
adds "has knowingly failed to report to the board that the holder of a license or other person
has engaged in unethical or unprofessional conduct as it relates to the practice of massage
therapy within 30 days after becoming aware of that conduct"
The path of this Bill started in the Nevada Assembly (AB = “Assembly Bill”) and will move on to
the Senate, if passed by the Assembly. The Senate will need to pass this Bill for it to get to the
Keep our forests green! Update your email address at http://amtamassage.org to receive this by email or subscribe to the RSS feed. 8
Governor’s desk, which is the last approval the Bill needs to become law.
The Chapter has drafted and remitted a letter of support to the Sponsor
and the NSBMT for the above changes to NRS.640C. [view letter]
Other Proposals That Affect Massage Therapy
(business owners):
AB 336 - http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/78th2015/Bills/AB/
Sponsor: Assemblymen Benitez-Thompson and Hambrick
Summary: Proposed change to NRS.597:
* adds requirement, under threat of penalty ($500/day, after the first 24hour Warning), [Section 1.1.d] "A massage parlor or public spa;" to post a state-produced sign regarding the National Human
Trafficking Resource Center Hotline "in a conspicuous location near the public entrance of the business or establishment or in
another conspicuous location in clear view of the public and employees where similar signs are customarily posted"
This is likely a trend around the country and does not affect NRS.640C - it does affect how the classified/defined businesses listed
need to operate according to NRS.597...
Currently, the NSBMT is requesting "parlor" be changed to "establishment", so this will affect all "massage establishments"
The Chapter has drafted and remitted to the Sponsor a letter of support with the NSBMT’s requested change of “parlor” to
“establishment” [view letter]
SB 252 - http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/78th2015/Bills/SB/SB252.pdf
Sponsor: Committee on Revenue and Economic Development (on behalf of the Department of Administration)
Summary: Proposed change to NRS.76:
Current law requires Independent Massage Therapists and Massage Establishments to maintain a State Business License annually,
fee = $200 (unless Exempt).
Proposed law requires Independent Massage Therapists and Massage Establishments to maintain a State Business License
quarterly, fee = minimum $100 (based on reported gross income for each quarter)(pg 15, table, at the link above)(unless Exempt)
Basically, it's a fee structure change for all Nevada business licensees. This will affect how IMTs and some Establishments will do
Please leave Comments you might have and get further status updates online, here - stimulate a conversation/debate/opinion with
your educated, well-thought-out questions or comments. Everyone has an opinion about the profession they love...so share yours!
If you have specific questions about how these changes might affect you, please contact the AMTA-NV Chapter Government
Relations Committee or the Board of Directors - we would be happy to help you understand what these changes involve.
We are also looking for a Nevada chapter member to be active in the Government Relations Committee: attending NSBMT
meetings, reporting to the AMTA-NV Chapter Board of Directors, and bringing legislative issues to the members’
attention (no matter the origin; within and regarding any Nevada [jurisdiction’s] statutes, codes, and/or regulations). Join
us in keeping AMTA-NV members IN THE KNOW and empowering our practices in massage therapy!
remember to Register for the 2015 Annual Convention!
AMTA National Website: www.amtamassage.org
Nevada Chapter Website: www.amta-nv.org
Nevada Chapter Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/139623566059029/
Nevada Chapter Newsletter Email: [email protected]
Nevada Chapter Phone Number: (775) 556-0300