Meaningful Recovery: TheProcessofLong‐TermHealingand RecoveryfromAddictiveIllness 41st Annual School on Addictions and Behavioral Health Anchorage, AK May 4, 2015 Bruce Carruth, Ph.D. San Miguel de Allende, GTO, Mexico WELLNESS A relatively new concept in addictions treatment, where we usually talk about recovery BruceCarruth,Ph.D. But before we talk about wellness, we have to talk about how one gets there… BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Butfirst,abriefhistoryoftheaddictions movementinthiscountry Drug control (throughout history and continues today) Spiritual conversion (early 20th century) (which builds …) Abstinence (1920’s) (which is enhanced by …) Treatment (1950’s and on) (and what’s more than treatment of the illness?) Recovery (1970’s and on) (and what’s coming?) Wellness BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Fivephasesinthedevelopmentalprocessofrecovery • Surrender • Abstaining • Recovering • Wellness • Self‐Actualizing BruceCarruth,Ph.D. inanutshell: Surrender → Making the decision to change → Taking steps to initiate change → Getting beyond the resistance to change → Sustaining the decision to change BruceCarruth,Ph.D. inanutshell: Abstaining • Putting together day after day of abstinence • Maintaining the commitment to change • Building hope of how life can be w/o drugs • Clearing up mentally and physically BruceCarruth,Ph.D. inanutshell: Recovering Building new skills and resources interpersonally, psychologically, emotionally Working through the trauma of the illness Beginning to change old beliefs about self Early steps in building a life of wellness BruceCarruth,Ph.D. inanutshell: Wellness Building a healthy sense of self – moving beyond recovering from an illness Reconciling history with present – who I was and who I am – Building integrity Integrating new ways of being with others Developing & evolving a spiritual path BruceCarruth,Ph.D. inanutshell: Transcending– Self‐Actualizing Being able to be grounded in inner peace and serenity Heightened sense of belonging Recognizing sense of presence and potency Using personal potency to effect the common good BruceCarruth,Ph.D. So,whyisn’trecoveryenough? Recovery is fantastic, but there is more to life than being: —A recovering addict —A cancer survivor —A survivor of child abuse —Someone who did time What or who we have been doesn’t have to define who we are today BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Andwhatiswellness? • We think of wellness as a physical state • Hard to conceptualize a state that we can’t see and have never had …. • What’s it like to not feel anxious? To feel comfortable talking intimately with someone?To hold on to a thought of having done a good job? To laugh ‘till your belly hurts? BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Andwhatiswellness? Wellness…………. Is taking charge of your own well‐being. Is a physical, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual state of being strong, resilient, responsive and grounded Is more than not being sick BruceCarruth,Ph.D. PhysicalWellness Nicotine use and addiction Weight regulation‐ being a healthy weight Diet Sleep regulation Exercise and conditioning Managing chronic medical issues BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Emotionalhealingandwellness •Reconciling with emotions that have been repressed or displaced – regulating emotions •Exploring past beliefs, schema, truths and examining their validity and utility today •Building positive character traits •Finally coming to grips with the emotional wounds of the past •Drawing a line in the sand between the past and present BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Interpersonalwellness Changing basic patterns of interacting – entitlement or self‐depreciating – people pleasing – getting anxious and talking too much or fearing speaking up Building and maintaining friendships Intimacy and intimate connection Managing rejection and feelings of abandonment Changing co‐dependent and counterdependent behaviors Having fun with others BruceCarruth,Ph.D. SpiritualWellness Resolving religious trauma from the past Finding (maybe, refinding) a path and then evolving the path Building soul, coming to a state of belonging Finding my place in the universe BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Accessingwellnessresources Published literature Support groups Psychotherapy and personal growth opportunities Spiritual resources Friendships and intimate relationships BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Andhowdoyoudoit? Make a plan Make a commitment Explore the resistance – Useful intent of staying the same – build overcoming resistance into the plan – Benefits of NOT changing – How changing will change me – Fears of failing, fears of the process JUST DO IT! In small doses, over and over BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Thanks, Gracias, And have a great conference BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Thanks, Gracias, Andhaveagreatconference BruceCarruth,Ph.D. Formoreinformationorfollow‐up Bruce Carruth, Ph.D. [email protected] US telephone: 713‐589‐3250 MX telephone: (52) 415‐121‐1169 BruceCarruth,Ph.D. BruceCarruth,Ph.D. BruceCarruth,Ph.D. BruceCarruth,Ph.D. BruceCarruth,Ph.D. BruceCarruth,Ph.D.
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