School of impartation COURSE HANDBOOK 2015 “It’s Natural to be Supernatural “ WELCOME ADDRESS Principal, Dr Reg Morais A very warm welcome to Anoint the World College of Ministries. We hope you will choose to come on board with us. Men and women desperately need to hear from Heaven and as spiritfilled believers, we have the means and tools available to allow our coming generation to know the will and mind of God right now. We must not hold back on this. The church has to take its rightful place, operating deeply into this ministry of the Holy Spirit. After I came to know the Lord, I was deeply impacted by the ministries of Dr Yonggi Cho, Reinharde Bonnke, Jack Hayford, Kathryn Khulman and Dr D G S. Dhinakaharan. These men and woman demonstrated great faith in serving God to bring healing to many people in challenging circumstances. The healings that ensued from their simple prayers of faith opened doors in heaven. All of them had one ingredient which made their ministry successful. That is, the intimacy they had with the Holy Spirit that drove them to greater heights and further exploits with God. So as you can appreciate, drawing years of experiences from these ministries has shaped me into the person I am today. Now the time has arrived for me to impart to you what God has taught me as a young lad in my early years. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1.Introduction to the College........4 1.1 Anoint the World Ministries........4 1.2 About Reg Morais........5 1.3 About Anoint the World College of Ministries........6 1.4 Contact Information........7 SECTION 2.Course Program........8 2.1 Course Syllabus........8 2.2 College Location........9 2.3 College Meeting Schedule........10 2.4 College Calendar 2015 (follows the WA school terms)........10 2.5 Guest Speakers........11 2.6 Course Requirements........11 SECTION 3.Applications & Fees........12 3.1 Application Process........12 3.2 Distance Education........13 SECTION 4.Frequently Asked Questions........14 4.1Accreditation........14 4.2 Accommodation/Living Expenses........14 3 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE COLLEGE “But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” Daniel 11: 32 KJV W e really appreciate your expression of interest in Anoint the World College of Ministries (ATWCM) and look forward to receiving your application. Please feel free to contact the College Administrator during normal office hours on 9446 1019 or email: [email protected] 1.1ANOINT THE WORLD MINISTRIES A noint the World Ministries (ATWM) was founded by Evangelist and Pastor Reginald Morais 18 years ago. It has birthed a number of Living Faith churches in Australia and overseas as well as mid week healing services. Further information on these churches and services can be found at au. Anoint the World College of Ministries commenced for the first time in 2010. Further information can be found at 4 1.2ABOUT REG MORAIS A s a young child growing up Reg realized that he was different. He experienced a lack of confidence, an inability to follow basic instruction, was socially fearful and unable to really comprehend what was expected of him. In his ears he had constant ringing which overshadowed what anybody tried to say to him. Reg recalls “It was like being under water and hearing the perpetual sound of an outboard motor of a boat above you.” By the time he got into Primary One he was failing all his subjects miserably. This was when he tried on 2 or 3 occasions to take his life. He was heavily bullied because of his seeming lack of intelligence - life was a constant misery. Later it was found out that Reg had Autism and to add to it he also had obsessive-compulsive tendencies due to his constant anxiety. Somehow or other in hindsight the hand of God was hovering over his life. In 1982 when he was 13 years of age Reg met a man called Yonggi Cho from South Korea who came down to Singapore to run an evangelistic crusade for 7 days. In the last day of this crusade Reg gave his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. It was here that he challenged Jesus 5 and said “if you are real then heal me of all my mental difficulties”. Sure enough one year later God delivered him completely from Autism. Following this miraculous healing, Reg made an oath before God that as long as He kept him alive he would never stop speaking about His healing power. Reg is an ordained Assemblies of God Minister and Senior Pastor of Living Faith Community Church. He currently resides in Perth and is married to Caryn a Clinical Psychologist and they have two sons. He has obtained his Bachelors in Ministry; Masters in Christian Education and Doctorate and PhD of Theology. 1.3ABOUT ANOINT THE WORLD COLLEGE OF MINISTRIES T his college differs from the mainstream traditional bible colleges. Its functions and practicality is what make this college quite unique. It will focus on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, looking at the nine gifts and their specific features. Being imparted in this anointing gives a believer an empowerment from above to overcome any obstacles which have been put on him/her, either by Satan or the world. It allows you to grow in depth, touching the might of heaven. Every day has to become a day of the miraculous in the people that spirit filled believers touch. Scripture tells us Jesus heals all disease. 6 The Word is an unlimited word and we serve an unlimited God. This is what it is all about - the unlimited capacity of the Holy Spirit. Powering through the supernatural should be a natural, cultural lifestyle of your daily living. Reg has over 27 years experience in the move of the Spirit and recognizes how important it is having this extra benefit to effectively touch peoples lives. 1.4CONTACT INFORMATION Anoint the World College of Ministries PO Box 954, Hillarys, WA 6923 Phone: (08) 9446 1019 Email: [email protected] Website: 7 SECTION 2 COURSE PROGRAM 2.1 course syllabus TERM 1 TERM 2 The Gift of Faith • Divine provision • Divine protection • Divine health supernatural transportation • The gift of faith and deliverance • Divine Discipline The Gift of Healings... The purpose of the gift of healing • Methods of administering divine healing • Healing through personal prayer • Healing through the laying on of hands • Healing through the command of faith • Healing through the spoken word • Healing through an anointed cloth • Healing through performing an act of faith • Creative miracles • Raising the dead 8 TERM 3 TERM 4 The Gift of the Working of Miracles... Miracles out of the natural realm • The plague miracles • The manna miracles • Miracles for sick people • Miracles for material needs for living • Miracles for the broken hearted and broken homes • Miracles for the gospel ministry • Miracles for the gospel ministry • Miracles that draw people to God • Miracles as proof of the truth that Jesus lives The Design Gifts A closer look into the 3 design gifts Gift 1 = Prophet Gift 2 = Servant Gift 3 = Teacher Knowing your design gift - who am I? What is a design gift? Gift 4 = Exhorter Gift 5 = Giver Gift 6 = Ruler Gift 7 = Mercy 2.2COLLEGE LOCATION A ll lectures will be held at: Living Faith Community Church, 2 Grant Street, Innaloo 9 2.3COLLEGE MEETING SCHEDULE Meet Thursday evenings from 7pm to 9.15pm Evening Program Outline: 7.00pm – 8.15pm Session 1 8.15pm – 8.30pm Break 8.30pm – 9.15pm Session 2 9.15pm - Finish 2.4COLLEGE CALENDAR 2015 (Follows the wa school terms) Term 1: First Evening class of Term 1 Last Evening class of Term 1 Thursday 5th February 2015 Thursday 2nd April 2015 Term 2: First Evening class of Term 2 Last Evening Class of Term 2 Thursday 23rd April 2015 Thursday 23rd July 2015 Term 3: First Evening class of Term 3 Last Evening Class of Term 3 Thursday 23rd July 2015 Thursday 24th September 2015 Thursday 15th October 2015 Thursday 17th December 2015 Term 4: First Evening class of Term 4 Last Evening class of Term 4 10 2.5GUEST SPEAKERS O ccasionally, our lectures are presented by a variety of nationally and internationally anointed men and women of God. Due to class size restrictions, we are unable to accommodate friends or family to attend these sessions. All lectures, including ones by guest speakers are exclusively for CURRENT registered students and alumni of the college. 2.6COURSE REQUIREMENTS are no academic pre-requisites for attending this course. T However, the following requirements need to be met in order to receive a certificate of graduation: here 1. Regular attendance at a church. This is a must so that you can keep on being filled by the anointing of God in a corporate setting and see your life being developed by the Holy Spirit. 2. In-house students need to attend at least 90% of the lectures and not have more than 10% absences per term. If a student is absent then they will need to arrange to watch the missed lecture online. 3. Conference Attendance. Three times a year, Anoint the World hosts a two day conference called Seers. At this conference, prophetic men and women from both within Australia and overseas will come to teach and impart. Attendance at this conference is mandatory and forms part of the bible college curriculum. It is offered at a reduced rate for attendees of ATWCM only. This year’s conferences are: 27th and 28th March; 31st July and 1st August; 30th and 31st October, 2015. 11 SECTION 3 APPLICATIONS & FEES 3.1APPLICATION PROCESS W e welcome applications throughout the year, but applications MUST be received on or before Friday 30th January 2015 if students wish to enroll for the first term of 2015. Payment will need to be included with your application form by cheque or money order. If you wish to make a transfer by direct deposit, please ensure you put your initial and surname on the reference line along with the code “ATWCM”, Eg. J Smith ATWCM. Failure to do so may delay in us processing your application and receipting payment. An application form can be found at the end of this prospectus. Please mail this form to: Anoint the World College of Ministries PO Box 954 Hillarys WA 6923 12 3.2DISTANCE EDUCATION P eople who are unable to attend the lectures will be able to register as a distance learner. All lectures will be available online for download and will be emailed to you one week after they are recorded. We are able to cater for both national and international students with this service. Please contact the College Administrator for any queries in this matter on 61 8 9446 1019 or email [email protected]. Distance Students are able to attend up to two onsite classes per term. 13 SECTION 4 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 4.1ACCREDITATION Q: Will I be accredited through ATWCM within Australia when I complete the year? A: Anoint the World College of Ministries is not an accredited school within the State of Western Australia; therefore students are not eligible for government financial aid, student loans or grants. 4.2ACCOMMODATION/LIVING EXPENSES Q: Is ATWCM able to organise accommodation for me? A: Students’ living expenses (including room and board, transport, food and so on) are not included in the tuition fee. Students are responsible for their own accommodation. However websites such as Gumtree can be a good place to start searching. 14 Application Form Application Information Full Name: Address: Last Street Address City Phone: ( First M.I. Apartment/Unit# State Postcode ) Email: Church Information Church you attend regularly: Pastor’s Name: Please mail this form along with your cheque or receipt to: Anoint the World College of Ministries PO Box 954 Hillarys WA 6923 Fees (please tick which is applicable) Non-Refundable Application Fee: $100.00 (NB: For first time students only and can be used towards your tuition fee) Per Term Tuition Fee: $300.00 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 OR Annual Tuition Fee (4 Terms): $1100.00 (Discount of $100 applies for annual payment) TOTAL $ Payment Details: Cheque Attached Money Order Attached Direct Deposit* CREDIT CARD NUMBER Exp____/____ *Direct Deposit Instructions: 1. Account: Anoint the World Ministries, BSB:306041: Acc No: 0632473 2. Please ensure you put your initial and surname on the reference line along with the code “ATWCM”. Eg. J Smith ATWCM 3. Please attach a print out of the bank transfer receipt and attach to this form. Your Signature Date
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