ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED VIDYUTH SOUDHA, KHAIRATABAD, HYDERABAD-500082 TENDER SPECIFICATION NO.e-10/HPC&HP/APGENCO/2015 FOR THE WORK PROVIDING SECURITY SERVICES (48Nos SECURITY GUARDS) TO MACHKUND HYDRO ELECTRIC (JT) PROJECT, ONUKUDELLI, KORAPUT (DT), ODISHA STATE. TABLE OF CONTENTS A) TECHNICAL BID SECTION-I - SUMMARY SHEET SECTION-II - INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS SECTION-III - GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT SECTION-IV - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SECTION-V B) PRICE BID - ANNEXURE TO SPECIFICATION TECHNICAL BID SECTION - I SUMMARY SHEET SUMMARY SHEET 1. Department Name 2. Circle/Division Name 3. Tender Notice No. e- 10/HPC&HP/APGENCO/2015 4. Name of the Work 5. Period of services Providing of 48Nos Security guards at various vital locations of Machkund Hydro Electric (Jt) scheme situated at Onukudelli, Koraput (Dt), Odisha state for 12 months (one year) from the date of signing of agreement 12 months from the date of signing of agreement 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Estimated Contract Value Bid Security (EMD) Tender Fee Tender Fee payable to Process Fee Transaction Fee Payable to 'APTS' payable at Hyderabad Schedule available Date & Time Schedule Closing Date &Time Bid Submission closing Date & time Bid Submission Bid Validity Pre Bid Meeting PreQualification/Technical Bid Opening Date (Qualification and Eligibility Stage) Price Bid Opening Date (Financial Bid Stage) Place of Opening Officer Inviting Bids/Contact Person Contact Details/Telephone, Fax Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited Chief Engineer (HPC& Hydel Projects) /APGENCO Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad. Rs.70.00 Lakhs Rs.35000/- in the form of D.D. in favour of Pay Officer, APGENCO payable at Hyderabad from any Nationalized Bank. N/A N/A N/A The participating bidders have to pay a transaction fee of 0.03% on the Total Cost + Service Tax as applicable. 20.04.2015 15:00 Hrs 06 .05.2015 15:00 Hrs 06.05.2015 17:00 Hrs Online 180 days from the date of opening of the Bid Not applicable 08.05.2015 15:00 Hrs 14.05.2015 15:00Hrs O/o Superintending Engineer/Hydel-II, APGENCO, 3rd Floor, A-Block, Vidyut Soudha, Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500082 Superintending Engineer/Hydel-II 040-23499801/309 23. 24. Eligibility Criteria Procedure For Bid Submission 1).The company should have experience in security providing field for at least 5 years or more 2).The company should be providing 24X 7 services 3)Minimum annual turnover of the company should be Rs 50 lakhs and above 4).The company should have a valid PAN Card No. of Income Tax Department, Service Tax Registration and Contract Labour Licence from Labour Department, EPF registration. 5).The company as an employer should be complying with all the statutory requirements such as payment of ESI, EPF etc as applicable to them 6).The company preferably should have contract with reputed private/public Ltd companies and Government Institutions. Agreement copies of last 2 years may be enclosed. 7) Bids not satisfying the above pre-qualification requirements will be rejected. The bidder shall submit his response through Bid submission to the tender on e-Procurement platform at by following the procedure given below. The bidder would be required to register on the eprocurement market place i.e. or and submit their bids online. Offline bids shall not be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority for the tenders published in e-procurement platform. The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, Technical bid, Financial bid etc., in the online standard formats displayed in e-Procurement web site. The bidders shall upload the scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents etc., in support of their eligibility criteria/technical bids and other certificate/documents in the e-Procurement web site. The bidder shall sign on the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity. The bidder shall attach all the required documents for the specific tender after uploading the same during the bid submission as per the tender notice and bid document. 1. Registration with e-Procurement platform: For registration and online bid submission bidders may contact HELP DESK of M/s Vayam Technologies whose details are available at or 2. Digital Certificate authentication: The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his Digital Certificate for submitting the bid electronically on e-Procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-Procurement platform. For obtaining Digital Signature Certificate, you may please Contact: Andhra BRK Tankbund Phone: Fax: Pradesh Technology Bhavan, Road , Services Limited B-Block Hyderabad-500022 +91-40-23220305 +91-40-2322805 (OR) any other Registration Authority of TCS-CA in India. The citywise list of RAs is available by clicking the link "Apply for a Class-2 Certificate" under "Enroll" section in the website "" 3. Submission of Hard copies: i) All the bidders shall invariably upload in e-Procurement system the scanned copies of DD/BG towards EMD or reference approved letter of PEMD deposited with APGENCO as case may be, Certificates/documents, in support of eligibility criteria as mentioned in NIT/Tender documents and this will be the primary requirement to consider the bid responsive. ii) The department shall carry out the technical evaluation solely based on the uploaded certificates/documents, DD/BG towards EMD in the e-Procurement system and open the price bids of the responsive bidders. iii) The department will notify the successful bidder for submission of original hardcopies of all the uploaded documents DD/BG towards EMD prior to tenders being processed for release of order/LOI allowing successful bidders 5/10 days time considering actual time requirement from date of opening of bids to submit original hardcopies of all the uploaded documents. iv) The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates/Documents of the uploaded scan copies to the Tender Inviting Authority before entering into agreement, either personally or through courier or post and the receipt of the same within the stipulated date shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The department will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt/non-receipt of original DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates/Documents from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On receipt of documents, the department shall ensure the genuinity of the DD/BG towards EMD and all other certificates/documents uploaded by the bidder in e-Procurement system. In support of the qualification criteria before concluding the agreement. 4. The GO. Ms. No. 174 -I&CAD dated: 1-9-2008 Deactivation of Bidders If any successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of uploaded certificates/documents, DD/BG towards EMD within stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the hardcopies submitted by the bidder, as the successful bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-Procurement platform for a period of 3 years. The e-Procurement system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting bidder based on the trigger/recommendation by the Tender Inviting Authority in the system. Besides this, the department shall invoke all processes of law including criminal prosecution of such defaulting bidder as an act of extreme deterrence to avoid delays in the tender process for execution of the development schemes taken up by the government. Other conditions as per tender document are applicable. 5. Payment Of Transaction Fee: It is mandatory for all the participant bidders from 1st January 2006 to electronically pay a Non-refundable Transaction fee to M/s. APTS, the service provider through "Payment Gateway Service on E-Procurement platform". The Electronic Payment Gateway accepts all Master and Visa Credit Cards issued by any bank and Direct Debit facility/Net Banking of ICICI Bank, HDFC, Axis Bank to facilitate the transaction. This is in compliance as per G.O.Ms. 13 dated 07.05.2006. A service tax of 10.30% + Bank Charges for Credit Card Transaction of 2.09%(inclusive of service tax) on the transaction amount payable to APTS. shall be applicable. 6. Corpus Fund: As per GO MS No.4 User departments shall collect 0.04% of ECV (estimated contract value) with a cap of Rs.10,000 (Rupees ten thousand only) for all works with ECV up to Rs.50 crores, and Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) for works with ECV above Rs.50 crores, from successful bidders on eProcurement platform before entering into agreement / issue of purchase orders, towards e-procurement fund in favour of Managing Director, APTS. There shall not be any charge towards e-Procurement fund incase of works, goods and services with ECV less than and upto Rs. 10 lakhs 7. Tender Document: The bidder is requested to download the tender document and read all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender Document and seek clarification if any from the Tender Inviting Authority. Any offline bid submission clause in the tender document could be neglected. The bidder has to keep track of any changes by viewing the Amendment/Addendum/Corrigendum issued by the Tender Inviting Authority on time-to- time basis in the E-Procurement platform. The Department calling for tenders shall not be responsible for any claims/problems arising out of this. 25. Statutory Requirements 26. Other relevant information 8. Bid Submission Acknowledgement: The bidder shall complete all the processes and steps required for Bid submission. The system will generate an acknowledgement with a unique bid submission number after completing all the prescribed steps and processes by the bidder. Users may also note that the bids for which an acknowledgement is not generated by the eprocurement system are treated as invalid or not saved in the system. Such invalid bids are not made available to the Tender Inviting Authority for processing the bids. The Government of AP and M/s Vayam technologies Ltd is not responsible for incomplete bid submission by users. The Tenderer shall fulfill the following statutory requirements. Income tax Clearance Certificate: Furnishing of income tax certificate is dispensed with; however the contractor shall furnish their copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) card and copy of latest income tax returns submitted along with the proof of receipt. 1) APGENCO reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons there of. 2) APGENCO reserves the right to amend or modify the tender and its conditions before last date/time for submission of bids. 3) Any other condition regarding receipt of tenders in conventional method appearing in the tender documents may please be treated as not applicable. TECHNICALBID SECTION - II INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1) The bidders need to register on the electronic procurement market place of Government of A.P., that is, On registration on the eprocurement market place they will be provided with a user ID and password by the system using which they can submit their bids on line. 2) The tenderer should read and understand clearly the general instructions and terms and conditions of the tender document before uploading of documents and submission of the tender 3) The bidders need to scan and upload the required documents as per the tender requirements duly signed on each page with seal. 4) The Bids will be opened at the time and date specified in the tender notice by Superintending Engineer or his authorized assistant in the presence of such of the tenderers or their authorized representatives with valid authorization, who may desire to be present. 5) Those tenders which contain the full information and which comply with the requirements regarding technical and financial qualifications, experience. The price-bids of such tenderers who are determined to have complied with the eligibility criteria will only be opened. 6) 7) The e-procurement market place provides an online self service registration facility to such of the contractors who are already registered with respective participating departments for supply of specified goods and services. Intending bidders can contact office of the O/o Superintending Engineer/Hydel-II, APGENCO, 3rd Floor, A-Block, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad - 500082 for any clarification/information on any working day during working hours. 8) The successful tenderer shall hand over the hard copies of tender documents along with original EMD to the Superintending Engineer/Hydel-II or any authorized representative directly or through his agent or by registered post or by courier service before stipulated time given to him before entering contract. The date of submission of hard copies will be intimated after finalizing of the successful tenderer through e-mail to the e-mail ID which was submitted during registration of e-procurement. The receipt of the same within the stipulated date shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. A copy of valid Contractors Registration proceedings shall be enclosed along with the hard copies of Tender documents. 9) If due date for opening of the tenders happens to be a Public holiday, the opening of tenders will be done on the next working day at the same time specified originally for opening. The contractors have to upload the information preferably in Zip format. 10) Any other condition regarding receipt of tenders in conventional method appearing in the tender documents may please be treated as not applicable. OTHER INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.0 NAME OF THE WORK:-Providing of 48Nos Security guards at various vital locations of Machkund Hydro Electric (Jt) scheme situated at Onukudelli, Koraput (Dt), Odisha state for 12 months from the date of signing of agreement Sealed tenders separately for technical /pre qualification bid and price bid on eprocurement platform for providing Security Services to Machkund Hydro Electric Project, Onukudelli, Odisha state should be submitted within the due date and time. The interested agency shall have valid license issued under Private Security Agencies Rules The technical bid tender should be accompanied with the following documents without which the tender will be out-rightly rejected. a) Valid Firm Registration No. along with Service tax registration. b) Valid license issued under Private Security Agencies Rules c) Valid Contract Labour License as per Contract Labour Act d) Valid EPF Regd. Certificate allotted (under EPF & MP Act’ 1952 by the competent authority). e) 5 years of experience in providing security services in a reputed organization . f) EMD of requisite amount. g) Certificate of turn over The Superintending Engineer/Hydel-II, APGENCO, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad500082, Andhra Pradesh invites bids for the above services during the period, for which dates and time are specified in the summary sheet and will be opened by (him) or his nominee at his office on the date and time mentioned in the summary sheet. The intending Bidders would be required to enroll themselves on the ‘e’-procurement market place at 1.1 The Bids should be in the prescribed form invited on e-procurement by the Superintending Engineer-Hydel-II, APGENCO, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad-500082, Andhra Pradesh (As specified in NIT) that can be downloaded free of cost from the website 1.2 The dates stipulated in the Bid notice are firm and under any circumstances they will not be relaxed unless officially extended. 1.3 The Bidder should upload scanned copies of all enclosures required for the schedules & Annexures and bidders should produce the originals of all documents for verification if asked for by the Competent Authority within 3 (Three) days. 1.4 Transaction fee: as per summary sheet 1.5 The successful Bidder is expected to complete the services within the time period specified in the summary sheet. 2.0 3.0 4.0 PROJECT INFORMATION: PROJECT SYNOPSIS PROJECT Machkund Hydro Electric (Jt.) Scheme (3X17MW + 3X 23MW) was conceived during early 1950’s as a Joint Hydel Project between erstwhile composite State of Madras and State of Orissa on the river Machkund, which forms to a considerable length boundary between the two states. Consequent to the formation of the state of Andhra (1.10.1953) and then the State of Andhra Pradesh(1.11.1956)., the project has become a joint project between the states of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa LOCATION Machkund Hydro Electric (Jt.) Scheme is located along the Machkund river in the Koraput District of Orissa. It is situated at a distance of about 900 KM from Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana. Nearest Railway Station: Visakhapatnam railway station is about 200Kms from the site. Nearest Road Access: Paderu – Onukudelli road is about 10Kms from Power House. HOTEL AND GUEST HOUSE FACILITIES The Project Guest House is available. Good Private Guest Houses available at Araku which is 100Kms from project site. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE BIDDERS: The Bidder shall furnish the following particulars in the formats provided online and supported documentary evidence shall be uploaded. Attested copies of documents relating to the Registration of the firm, EPF registration, ESI registration, Registration from labour department etc shall be submitted. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: TECHNICAL AND PRE-QUALIFICATION BID a) The company should have experience in security providing field for at least 5 years or more b) The company should be providing 24X 7 services c) Minimum annual turnover of the company should be Rs 50 lakhs and above d) The company should have a valid PAN Card No. of Income Tax Department, Service Tax Registration and Contract Labour Licence from Labour Department. The Company shall have License under private Security Rules. e) The company as an employer should be complying with all the statutory requirements such as payment of ESI, EPF etc as applicable to them f) The company preferably should have contract with reputed private/public Ltd companies and Government Institutions. Agreement copies of last 2 years shall be enclosed. g) Bids not satisfying the above pre-qualification requirements will be rejected. 5.0 COST OF BIDDING : The Bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and APGENCO will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the contract or outcome of the bidding process. 6.0 6.1 AMENDMENT OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS: At any time prior to the due date & time for submission of bids, the corporation may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the Bidding Documents by amendment through e – platform. 6.2 7.0 8.0 In order to allow prospective Bidders reasonable time to make the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the corporation may, at his discretion, extend the due date & time for the submission of bids. LANGUAGE OF BIDS: The Bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser, shall be written in English language only. DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE ON LINE BID: The on line bid shall comprise of the following documents. TECHNICAL BID 1) Declaration Form (Annexure-A of Price bid). 2) Past Experience / List of order executed (Annexure-II). 3) Information regarding Tender (Annexure-III). 4) Copy of Firm registration, EPF & ESI registration, Service tax registration certificate. 5) Copy of license issued under Private Security Agencies Rules-. 6) Copy of PAN Card & Labour license. 7) Balance sheet and profit & loss account for last year. 8) Deviation from Specification (Annexure-IV). 9) Scanned copy of EMD PRICE BID Price Bid (Annexure) 9.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS: Procedure for Submission of Bids:- a) The Bids should be in the prescribed form, which can be obtained from eprocurement platform from the date of electronic publication up to the time and date indicated in the Bid notice. The intending bidders would be required to enroll themselves on the e-procurement market-place Those contractors who register themselves in the e-procurement market place can download the Bid schedules free of cost. The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his digital certificate for submitting the bid electronically on e-procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-procurement platform following the G.O.Ms.No.6, I.T&C Department, dated. 28-2-2005. b) Intending bidders can contact office of the Superintending Engineer/Hydel-II, APGENCO, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad-500082, Andhra Pradesh for any clarification / information on any working day during working hours. c) The bidders who are desirous of participating in e-procurement shall submit their bids in the standard formats prescribed in the Bid documents, displayed at emarket place. The bidders should invariably upload the statement showing the list of documents etc., in the e-market place in support of their technical bids. The bidder should load scanned copies of all relevant certificates. The bidder shall sign on all the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness / authenticity. d) If any tenderer fails to submit original DD/BG for EMD, hard copies of uploaded documents on or before the date of opening of Technical Bid , the tenderer will be suspended and disqualified from participating in the tenders on e- procurement platform for a period of 3 years from the date of bid submission. The suspension of tenderer shall be automatically enforced by the e- procurement system. e) Technical bid evaluation of the tenderers would be done on the certificates/ documents uploaded towards qualification criteria furnished by them. 10.0 PRICE ADJUSTMENT: Prices quoted against this Specification towards supply of materials shall be FIRM. Bids quoting variable price will be rejected. 11.0 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION: 11.1 All Bids must be accompanied by duly authenticated copies of the documents defining the constitution of the company, power of attorney and other relevant documents, and any bid submitted by a partnership firm must be accompanied by duly authenticated extracts from the partnership deed or other documents, so as to show by which person and in what manner contracts may be entered into by or on behalf of the company, partnership for the due execution of such contracts and responsibilities. 11.2 The said documents must be legalised by the local authorities at the place of issue. Such documents should indicate current address of the firm and full name and current address of all partners of the firm. 11.3 Any Bid not containing these documents, or if such documents are incomplete, or do not conform with the aforesaid forms, may at the discretion of the corporation be excluded from the judicature. 12.0 DUE DATE & TIME FOR UPLOADING OF BIDS: The corporation may, at his discretion, extend this due date & time for the submission of bids by amending the Bidding Documents, in which case all rights and obligations of the corporation and Bidders previously subject to the due date & time will thereafter be subject to the due date & time as extended. 13.0 BID OPENING: 13.1 Bids will be opened by Superintending Engineer/Hydel-II, APGENCO, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad-500082, Andhra Pradesh or his authorized representative at Projects Wing, A-Block, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad on due date as specified in summary sheet. 13.2 If the bid-opening day falls on a Holiday/Declared as Holiday the bid will be opened on the succeeding working day. 14.0 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION: 14.1 The "Bid" under e-procurement package will be opened to assess whether the Bidder qualifies and whether his offer is technically acceptable and substantially responsive. The corporation will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, whether relevant hard copies have been furnished and whether the Bids are generally in order. The bids of only such Bidders whose bids are technically and commercially in accordance with the specification and who have submitted the necessary Bid Security in the form required will be considered for opening of price bid. 14.2 A responsive Bid i.e. the one which accepts and fulfils all the terms and conditions of this specifications and documents is supported by the necessary sureties, and is complete in respect of details as asked for in the Bid document. 14.3 The responsive Bids received will be evaluated by the corporation to ascertain the lowest evaluated Bid for complete works covered under these specifications and documents. 14.4 Bidder shall quote for full quantity and Part bids will not be considered. 14.5 The corporation is the final authority in deciding the above and his decision cannot be contended. 15.0 CLARIFICATION OF BIDS: 15.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the corporation may, at his discretion, ask the BIDDER for a clarification on his Bid. All responses to requests for clarifications shall be in writing, and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. Clarifications will be sought for wherever needed on the details furnished in the bid. 16.0 CORPORATION RIGHT TO ACCEPT ANY BID AND TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS: 16.1 The corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to Award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders. e) Technical bid documents uploaded evaluation towards of thequalification tenderers would criteria be furnished done on the bycertificates/ them 17.0 Tender shall be fully in accordance with the requirements of general terms and conditions and the specification attached thereto. 18.0 TELEFAX OR TELEGRAPHIC TENDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Conditional offers and offers containing vague and indefinite expression will not be considered. 19.0 The tenderers may deviate from the specification while quoting, if in their opinion such deviation is in line with the standard practice and is conducive to better and more economical offer. All such deviations should however be clearly indicated giving full justification for such deviation (Annexure-IV to be enclosed). 20.0 Tenderers shall carefully examine the technical specification and shall fully acquaint themselves to all the conditions and other related matters, which may in any way, affect the tender and the cost thereof. Should a tenderer find any discrepancy or omissions from the specification or other documents, or be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once intimate the authority and obtain clarification in writing. This, however, does not entitle the tenderer to ask for time beyond the due date fixed for receipt of tenders. Any verbal clarifications and/or information given by the authority or its employees or its representatives shall not be binding on the authority. 21.0 Offers must accompany EMD as per summary sheet for Rs. 35000 /-. EMD can be furnished by way of DD in INR drawn in favour of Pay Officer, APGENCO, Vidyuth Soudha, Hyderabad–82. Submission of EMD in any other form shall not be considered and shall be treated as disqualification.. EMD of the successful tenderer will be returned on receipt of the Security Deposit amount in full / after approval of Composite Bank Guarantee No interest will be paid on EMD. In case the tender is accepted and the tenderer fail to accept the order within the stipulated acceptance period or 30 days of issue of LOI/Work Order, and wish(es) to withdraw his offer before the expiry of the validity period of the offer, then the EMD shall be forfeited without further reference to the tenderer, which however will be governed by the rules. The EMD shall be forfeited, if i) ii) 21.1 iii) a) b) c) 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 Bidder withdraws the bid before expiry of its validity. Successful bidder does not accept to enter into a contract within validity period of offer. Successful bidder fails to furnish Security Deposit The security agency at his own cost, expense and all liabilities shall deploy and maintain the trained and fully uniformed security staff. The security agency shall keep the security staff on its own pay roll, pay their salary / wages not less than the prescribed minimum rate of wages as notified by the Govt. from time to time. The security agency has to provide his security personnel with Uniforms, Shoes, Lathis, Belts, badges, Caps and shall ensure the use of the same by the security personnel during duty hours. The security agency shall ensure that its personnel do not directly or indirectly involve themselves in trade union activities and also ensure that the security personnel when on duty shall strictly abide by the rules and regulation for the maintenance of discipline, safety and security of project properties and if any one is found violating the rules and regulations, action shall have to be taken, by the security agency, against him as per the instructions of APGENCO management. The security personnel should be of good health, good conduct, reliable, sober in nature and free from bad habits of any type of intoxication and their height shall not be less than 5 ft 6 inch. SITE OF DEPLOYMENT: Security personnel will be deployed at different locations under Machkund Hydro Electric Project premises at Onukudelli, Dist. Koraput (Odisha). Service to be executed as instructed by the Engineer-in-charge from time to time. The security personnel shall be engaged round the clock in 3 shifts of 8 hours each. Details of engagement is furnished at Annexure-I under section–V of Annexure to Technical Specification of Technical Bid. However, APGENCO reserves the right to modify the place of deployment if required. VALIDITY: The tender should be valid for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of tenders failing which the tender will be rejected REPEAT REJECTED. PRICE : The eligible tenderers are requested to quote their price as per annexure prescribed under price bid. Quoting price in any other mode will be out-rightly rejected. CORRECTION, OVERWRITING AND ILLEGIBILITY : 26.1 Tenders with overwritten or erased, illegible, rate or rates not shown in figures and words in English will be liable for rejection. In case of discrepancy between words and figures noted against each item rate of the price bid of the tender and between item wise unit rates and the total amount, the price quoted against unit item rate in words shall be taken into consideration for evaluation of bid. The decision of the competent authority accepting the tender will be final and binding on the tenderers. Price quoted without signature by tenderer will be rejected. 26.2 Correction in the tender, if unavoidable, should be made by rewriting with dated initial of the tenderer after scoring out the wrong entries. Clerical and mathematical mistakes may result in rejection of the tender. DISBURSEMENT OF WAGES : The terms of payment of wages to security personnel, as applicable in this case is indicated in Clause No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 of the Section-III (General Terms and Conditions). TAXES : TDS will be deducted at the prevailing rate. 27.0 28.0 29.0 EVALUATION OF BIDS: In comparing bids and in making awards, APGENCO may 30.0 consider such factors as compliance with specification and ability of tenderer in services, experience, financial soundness, performance of personnel earlier supplied etc. APGENCO may call any of the tenderers for negotiation, for finalisation of contract, regarding wages and others. APGENCO reserves the right to award the work in whole or in part to one or more bidders for proper watch and ward activities. Post tender correspondence on the quoted rate will not be entertained. 31.0 The tenderer shall make his own arrangements for engagement of security personnel. 32.0 AGREEMENT: After evaluation of the tenders, the successful bidder shall enter into an agreement in non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as per Annexure of this specification. This agreement shall be signed within 10 days of issue of the acceptance letter from this tender calling authority. At the time of signing of agreement, the Contractor shall submit the following; 32.1 a) Security deposit : As per clause No. 18 of Section-III (General Terms & Conditions) b) Valid Contract Labour License : As per Contract Labour Act c) Details of Security Personnel to be deployed. 33.0 While tenders are under consideration, tenderers and their representatives or other interested parties are requested to refrain from contacting, by any means, any of the authority’s personnel on matters relating to the tenders under study. The authority, if necessary, will obtain clarification by requesting such information from any or all the tenders either in writing or through personal contract, which may be necessary. The tenderer will not be permitted to change substance of his tender price through revisions/major modifications. In the event of non-compliance with this provision, the tender is liable to be disqualified. The detail of Machkund Hydro Electric Project, Onukudelli Premises proposed to be provided with security Guards for watch and ward activities are indicated in enclosed Annexure-I, which may change as per requirement. INSPECTION : Interested tenderer are advised to inspect the different areas / locations of Machkund Hydro Electric Project, Onukudelli premises where deployment of the security personnel are proposed for watch and ward activities before quoting their rates. PERIOD OF CONTRACT: The period of contract shall be initially for a duration of 12 months from the date of Agreement. However the period of the contract can be increased on good performance and on mutual agreement. The Agreement can be terminated with 30 days written notice by either side. DOCUMENTS TO BE ENCLOSED : The offers should contain the required documents 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 duly filled in & signed with seal and date, failing which the offer will be liable for rejection. 38.0 The authority reserves the right to award the contract in favour of one or more eligible tenderers. 39.0 The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. TECHNICAL BID SECTION-III GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The contractor at his own costs, expenses and all liabilities shall deploy and maintain the trained and fully uniformed Security staff as per the allotment of duties / areas of responsibilities as detailed in Annexure-I and as per the instruction of APGENCO from time to time and shall : a) Keep the Security staff on its own pay roll, pay their salary / wages not less than the prescribed minimum rate of wages as notified by the appropriate Government in terms of the minimum wages Act-1948 and Rules made there under in this regard from time to time and deposit / pay / provide the statutory dues, allowances, contributions, facilities. and benefits etc. as applicable and in force from time to time. Revision of statutory dues, if any as per rule, shall be reimbursed by APGENCO on submission of supporting documents in proof of such deposit or, payment. b) Provide round the clock Security service to the Machkund Hydro Electric joint project 2. The detail break up of payment in respect of engagement of Security guard, which shall be paid to the contractor by the APGENCO, subject to compliance of the terms and conditions by the contractor, is as per Annexure-I. 3. Irrespective of payment received or not from APGENCO for the concerned period, the contractor shall ensure to pay the wages in respect of his employees during working hours of first 7 days of every succeeding month of wage period and in case of termination of contract before expiry of the contract period, final payment shall be made by the contractor to his employees deployed under APGENCO within 48 hours of their last working day positively. 4. The contractor shall disburse the wage at Main gate of Machkund Power House with prior notice to his employees so also to the authorized representative of APGENCO in whose presence the disbursement shall be made. 5. The contractor shall have to deposit statutory contributions (both for employees and employer share) in respect of his employees towards EPF and ESI with the concerned authorities in each month in time and produce the proof of the same as token of deposit to the authorized representative of APGENCO for payment of the next month’s bill. 6. Similarly, the contractor shall have to maintain the Muster Roll, Register for payment of wages and such appropriate registers in terms of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules. 7. Apart from that Service tax as applicable shall be reimbursed by APGENCO on production of documentary evidence in support of deposit by the contractor. 8. The contractor shall undertake to indemnify the APGENCO of any default in such payment including the dues and contributions as stated above by the contractor. 9. The contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the properties of Machkund Hydro Electric joint project, the properties jointly under the possession of AP and Odisha and other such places of the Project where the security services are required and prevent any crime, trespass, mischief, theft, burglary, fire etc. in the required manner and as per the terms and conditions and the contractor shall compensate to APGENCO in the event of any loss / damage is sustained due to the negligence of the personnel of the contractor. In case of theft / pilferage the cost of the same will be recovered from the contractor, if it is established that the given responsibilities has not been discharged satisfactorily by the contractor. In case of any dispute with regards to responsibility, the decision of Director (HRD), APGENCO Ltd., Hyderabad will be final and binding. 10. Any damage, deterioration, loss caused to the Machkund Hydro Electric joint project property due to negligence, carelessness on the part of workmen employed by the contractor shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost. If he fails to do this, APGENCO shall within their right to effect necessary recoveries from the contractor’s bill or security deposit or through other means as per law. 11. The personnel deployed by the security agencies have to be vigilant and check / assist in checking if required, at entry and exit gates etc. of office accommodation, buildings and such other places as aforesaid of Machkund Hydro Electric joint project and maintain the records in this regard all incoming and outgoing persons, vehicles, materials etc at the time of entering / leaving and maintain the records in this regard strictly and produce to the APGENCO authority on demand. 12. To regulate traffic and ensure proper and systematic parking. To protect the Machkund Hydro Electric joint project property and premises against all outside and inside forces including malicious acts of any person. To keep the premises free from all unauthorised persons and undesirable elements creating nuisance and disturbances. Patrolling in area of responsibility and to check all the locks and seals while on patrol. In the event of any theft, pilferage, fire, disobedience, indiscipline, un-authorised / anti-institutional activities and all other criminal activities in Project premises, the security personnel shall report the same to the officer concerned of the Project. The contractor shall apprehend culprits and hand them over to local police authorities and lodge complaints / FIR with the police authorities on behalf of Machkund Hydro Electric joint project management, and shall keep close liaison with local police authorities for follow up action of theft or pilferage of Project property and un-authorised trespassing. 13. In case of failure of the contractor to deliver the satisfactory services or to pay wages with all statutory dues and contributions in respect of their employees in time or for any such reason, the contractor will be liable to pay compensation to the APGENCO. The decision on the compensation payable by the contractor to the APGENCO shall be determined by the APGENCO, which will be binding on the contractor. In case of any dispute in this regard the decision of the Unit Head, Machkund Power Project will be final and binding on both the parties. 14. The APGENCO shall have the power to withhold partly or fully the dues / security deposit of the contractor for reasons to be communicated to the contractor for contravention of any terms and conditions. But in such cases, the contractor will not with hold payment of wages and statutory dues / contributions to statutory authorities in respect of their employees. 15. The contractor shall abide by all the instructions of the APGENCO from time to time. The agreement shall be effective from the date of agreement, with option of the contractor to renew the agreement for a further period on the same terms and conditions or / different terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon. The agreement is terminable by either party serving one month’s prior notice in writing only during the tenure of the agreement. This agreement shall automatically cease at the end of the last day of agreement period and no prior notice is required to be served on contractor for this purpose. 16. 17. Any legal dispute arising out of this agreement shall only be subject to the jurisdiction of the civil court situated at Vizag and of the High Court of A.P. 18. The contractor shall deposit a sum equivalent to 10% of the contract value in favour of APGENCO as security deposit or in shape of Demand Draft / Composite bank guarantee of equivalent amount from any nationalized bank as per Annexure-V, within 15 days of issue of work order, failing which the order will be cancelled. The security deposit shall be refunded only after satisfactory execution of the contract and no interest will be paid on security deposit amount. 19. The contractor has to submit all particulars such as bio-data and passport size photograph of the security guards employed by them to the Project. The contractor shall ensure that the physical standard of the security guards should not be less than 5ft 6 inch and having a good physique to perform the job of a security guard. However, the deployment of such security guards by the contactor shall be subject to clearance / approval of the APGENCO. 20. If the contract firm dissolve due to death of any partner or for any other reason before duly completing the work or any part of it undertaken in the principal agreement, each and every partner shall remain jointly, severely and personally liable to complete the whole work to the Satisfaction of the APGENCO and to pay compensation for loss sustained, if any, by the APGENCO due to such dissolution. Amount of such compensation shall be decided by the APGENCO and the decision in the matter shall be final and binding on the contractor. No work other than specified in the tender / agreement shall be carried out by the contractor without prior approval of APGENCO administration in writing. If any work in order to be carried by the contractor, the rate for which does not appear in the agreement, the rate for such work should be mutually agreed upon first before undertaking such work by the contractor. 21. 22. 23. 24. As per the contract labour Act, contractor shall provide for the first aid facilities during all working hours alongwith a first aid box equipped with the prescribed first aid facilities at every place where contract labour is employed by him. The contractor shall provide the security services everyday (i.e. for Monday to Sunday) and every week. Rest, compensatory rest, leave etc. to the manpower engaged by the contractor shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. No extra payment shall be made for working on Sundays and National / General Holidays. The APGENCO representative shall have the authority to advice the contractor to remove or replace any workman / workmen, engaged by the contractor under the contract, whom he consider incompetent or unsuitable. 25. The work executed shall be to the satisfaction of the unit head of the Machkund Hydro Electric joint project, Rate shall include all incidental and contingent expenses and the cost of materials which, although not specifically mentioned in the scope, are necessary for its completion in a sound and efficient manner. 26. The contractor shall take out and keep in force a policy / policies of insurance against all liabilities and recognized risks in respect of accidents to the persons employed by the contractor for the purpose of carrying out the works under this contract. In respect of all staff engaged by him, the contractor shall be solemnly responsible against all claims under workmen compensation Act and Labour Contract Act. 27. The contractor shall maintain centralized cell for the purpose of coordination. Contractor will have to provide a system by which their senior most / responsible official at field level can be contacted any time of day or night in emergency. 28. The contractor shall carryout any other order or task allotted by management in the interest of watch and ward duties of Machkund Project premises within the staff strength The fire fighting operation with fire extinguishers, in case of fire, in the location / installation / offices of Machkund Hydro Electric joint project would be the responsibility of the security personnel deployed. The contractor will be required to maintain attendance register to guarantee that number of persons as required is actually being employed and such books after necessary checking will be countersigned by the unit head of the Project. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. The APGENCO administration reserves the right of termination of the contract with immediate effect. This will also apply if it is established that the agency has not been able to follow Central Govt. / State Govt. laws or has breached any contract agreement. The APGENCO administration also reserves the right to terminate the agreement by giving one month notice in case APGENCO administration desires to have alternative security arrangement. The contractor shall employ only such staff who are of good character, physically fit, well behaved and trained in their duties and also will undertake to discharge duties as entrusted to them by the APGENCO administration. Such employees who are found to be creating nuisance and not up to the required standard should never be engaged by the security agency. It should be ensured that the employees employed by the contractor are having proven antecedents and no police case is pending against such people. The contractor shall be solely responsible for all acts of commission / omission of its employees. The contractor shall ensure that all their men are semi skilled, wear standard uniform badges, caps and shoes and are equipped with torches, batons and other equipments considered necessary for discharging their duties effectively. All these items will be provided and recouped by the agency at their own cost. The staff on duty shall be always respectful to the APGENCO management / Supervisory staff of Machkund Project. They shall be courteous to all APGENCO/OHPC staff members and visitors and politely seek information if any. All guards should be at least 10th class pass and should have minimum working knowledge of English and Hindi. In no case, guard should be found in untidy condition, drunken or sleeping during night duty. Every guard should have torch, whistle and baton always in hand and should whistle all around regularly. Uniform, socks etc. should be washed and ironed daily and leather shoes should be polished daily. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. The contractor shall comply with all relevant statues of the Govt. including contract labour Act , minimum wages Act, Employees State Insurance Act, Employees Provident fund Act, Employment of Children Act, Untouchability Act, and other Labour Laws, Service Tax Act as amended from time to time. The contractor shall also indemnify the APGENCO against any claims / liabilities under these acts and if any penalty is to be paid, the same will be deducted from Contractor’s bills. The contractor has to submit proof of compliance of the above laws whenever required by the APGENCO. The contractor will have to obtain necessary license as required in respect of its employees from Labour Commissioner in addition to the other requirement / license etc. for its registration and operation as a housekeeping agency. This license will be kept current all the items. The contractor will also be required to guard the two wheelers and four wheelers of staff kept at Project premises as assigned in the contract. Shift timing should be as follows 1st shift : 06.00 to 14.00 hrs 2nd shift : 3rd shift : 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 14.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs 22.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs The guards should report at the duty beats half an hour before commencement of their duty and remain in touch with the Officer in charge assigned by the Machkund Project authorities. Mode of Payment: On completion of the work to the satisfaction of Project authority, the contractor shall be entitled to payment due to him at the end of each month subject to the laid down terms and conditions. The monthly bill on the basis of actual attendance of security guards, as verified from attendance register and duly verified by Officer in charge assigned by the Project authority, will be submitted to the payment authorities of the Project by 7th of incoming month by the contractor. The contractor is required to submit the proof of deposit of statutory dues of the current month to get the payment of next month’s bill. Income tax etc. shall be deducted from the bills from contractor as applicable. Proportionate deductions will be made for absence of security guards from duty similarly, penalty for any place / location found unmanned, will be imposed @ 500/- per head per day and for not wearing complete uniform during duty hours a fine of Rs. 100/- will be imposed. Appeal if any, against the fine, will be decided by the Unit Head, Machkund Project. (Penalty for absence, one day wages + 50% of one day wages, per one shift, per one staff. The penalty for negligence, dereliction of duty default and undesirables act shall be minimum of payment of one staff for one shift and may exceed to Rs. 500/- for one instance) Before commencement of contract or within the month of start of contract, the contractor has to submit police verification certificate for good character and not involved any criminal cases in respect of his employees. The contractor will supply list of personnel (with name and address) in advance who are likely to be deputed in the Machkund Project. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the maintenance of discipline of the personnel so deployed by it from time to time. The contractor shall be solely liable for any accident / injuries caused to their personnel arising out of and in the course of employment and that the contractor shall comply with the procedures such as reporting to appropriate authorities, treatment of the injured and meeting the expenses incidental there to, payment of compensation etc. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. In the event of any theft, pilferage, loss, damage or injury, if any to the properties of the Machkund Project or to their employees due to negligence or omission of duty committed by any of the personnel of the agency, the agency shall be held liable for all the loss / damage. Whether any such loss attributed to the negligence of any such act on the part of security agency’s security personnel or not will be decided by the Project authorities concerned after a joint enquiry is conducted by the representatives of Project authority and the agency. In case of any dispute in this regard the same will be referred to Chief of Vigilance and security/APGENCO whose decision shall be final. The Security agency shall provide at its cost proper and attractive uniforms with nameplates and equipments as decided by Project authority. All security personnel deployed shall kept smart, active and impressive appearance and shall put on the uniform in neat and tidy condition. The successful security agency only should execute the contract work awarded and sub-contracting of work is not permitted. The prices mentioned in the contract order shall not be subjected to escalation or increase of any account whatsoever. No escalation / overrun compensation shall be paid. The security agency shall also be responsible for the various taxes / levies of the State Govt / Central Govt. and other statutory bodies. The security agency shall not deploy / engage any worker, who has not completed the age of 18 years on the date of his deployment / engagement. Security agency before deploying any persons for working, shall issue an identity card with photo to every worker / employee duly countersigned by the authorized Officer in charge. The security agency shall cover each of his workmen under the provident fund and miscellaneous provision act from the very first day of his employment with him. Be able to provide in any emergency needs of the project, extra personnel at short notice. Such extra provisional shall be termed as spill over. Ensure that the security guards indulging in undesirable acts shall be changed by the contractor forthwith on receipt of advice from the unit head of the Project, the decision of the APGENCO as to what is an “undesirable act” will not be open to question. The security personnel shall be deployed for a maximum of 08 hours duty at a time. The contractor shall provide substitute guards immediately in case of absence of any guard. The Project authorities will conduct checking from time to time with respect to discharge of duties sincerely and as per terms of contract by the security personnel. Contractor shall obtain and hold the license issued under Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act. Persons suffering from contagious or infectious diseases shall not be employed or permitted to work in the Project premises. APGENCO reserves the right to terminate the contract at anytime without assigning any reason thereof. The Security agency shall indemnify APGENCO for whatever reasons there off with the conduct of their persons; on duty apart from official duties. The contractor shall mobilise the security guards within 15 days of issue of LOI TECHNICAL BID SECTION – IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION TENDER SPECIFICATION NO. TENDER SPECIFICATION FOR PROVIDING SECURITY SERVICES TO MACHKUND HYDRO ELECTRIC (JT) PROJECT REQUIREMENT: A. Sl. No. 1. Category Security Guard with Lathi No of Security Staff required 48 The agency will engage security personnel against weekly off, national & festivals holidays and the Nos to be engaged against the above original security personnel shall be clearly indicated. B. Eligibility Cateria for Security Personnels Eligibility Security guards Nationality Age Must be a citizen of India 18-32 years on the date of submission of tender. Educational Qualification Height At least 10th class pass Weight Chest size Eye sight NB : i) Minimum 167.5 cm without shoes 50 Kg or proportionate to height and age. Minimum 76 cm The minimum distance vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 both eye without glasses Upper age limit is relaxable by 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC / ST security personnel. ii) The age shall be counted from Educational Certificate. iii) The security personnel must not have knock-knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes and they should possess high colour vision. They must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect which is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties. TECHNICAL BID SECTION – V ANNEXURE TO SPECIFICATION ANNEXURE-I The location at various points of Machkund Hydro Electric Joint Project , Onukudelli, Koraput (Dt), Odisha State shall be generally as follows ANNEXURE-I Zone Sl. No. Location/Installation/Offices 1st Shift Deployment 2nd Shift 3rd Shift 1 Power House Main Gate 3 SG 3 SG 3SG 2 Winch House 2 SG 2 SG 2 SG 3 Tunnel Pond Dam 2 SG 2 SG 2 SG 4 Diversion Dam 2 SG 2SG 2 SG 5 Spill Way Dam at Jalaput 2 SG 2 SG 2 SG 6 Gallery at Jalaput Dam 1 SG 1SG 2 SG 1 Office of the SE/Machkund 1 SG 1 SG 1 SG Central stores 2 SG A 2 B 3 Project Guest House 2SG 2SG 2 SG NB ABSTRACT Security Guards : NOTE: 48 Nos. The Locations mentioned above are tentative only. The Contractor shall provide Security Guards as per the directions of station head. ANNEXURE – II LIST OF ORDERS EXECUTED Sl. No. Name of the firm where security personal engaged (Tender Specification No. ) Description of Work Order Value of the order Period of engagement SIGNATURE OF TENDERER : NAME : DESIGNATION (SEAL) : Performance report if any ANNEXURE-III (Tender Specification No. e-10/HPC&HP/APGENCO/2015 ) (This Proforma should be filled in with all information and should be furnished with tender) 1. Earnest Money furnished: Bank draft (details to be mentioned) Yes/No 2. Validity 120 days : Yes/No 3. Nature of Wages: “FIRM”: Yes/No 4. 5 6. Terms of Payment : Agreeable to terms of payment as mentioned in tender specification: Agreement– Whether agreeable to execute agreement in APGENCO prescribed form Whether agreeable to furnish security deposit/ composite bank guarantee as per specification: Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 7 Whether agreed to all the terms and conditions of the specification: Yes/No 8 Whether copy of earlier order/supply to reputed customers attached: Yes/No 9 Whether proof of turn over for the last two years enclosed Yes/No SIGNATURE OF TENDERER : NAME : DESIGNATION (SEAL) : ANNEXURE-IV DEVIATION FROM THE SPECIFICATION (Tender Specification No. e-10/HPC&HP/APGENCO/2015 ) The tender shall enter below, deviations if any, from the conditions of contract as herein. SIGNATURE OF TENDERER : NAME : DESIGNATION (SEAL) : ANNEXURE-V COMPOSITE BANK GUARANTEE (Tender Specification No.e-10/HPC&HP/APGENCO/2015) This Guarantee Bond is executed this __________________ day __________________________ of ________________ 20........ by us the ___________________________________________ (Bank) at _________________ P.O. ________________________ P.S._____________________ Dist. __________________________State ____________________________. WHEREAS the APGENCO (Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation) a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 (herein after called the Company) has entered an agreement No. ______________ Dt. ____________ (hereinafter called “the agreement”) on M/s _________________________________ (herein after called “the agency”) for engagement of private security personnel for watch and ward activities at vital locations of Machkund Hydro Electric Joint Project, AND WHEREAS the agency has agreed to engage security personnel in terms of the said agreement, AND WHEREAS the company has agreed (1) to exempt the agency from making payment of security(2) to release 100% payment towards engagement of security personnel as per the said agreement and (3) to exempt from performance guarantee on furnishing by the agency to the company a Composite Bank Guarantee of the value of 10% (ten percent) of the said agreement. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the Company having agreed(1) to exempt the agency from making payment of security (2) releasing 100% payment to the agency (3) to exempt from furnishing performance guarantee in terms of the said agreement as aforesaid, we, the ________________________ Bank (hereinafter referred to as ‘the bank’) do hereby undertake to pay to the company an amount not exceeding Rs. _____________ (Rupees ___________________________) against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by or would be caused to or suffered by the company by reason of any breach by the said agency (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said agreement. 2. We the _____________________________________________________________ do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the company stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or suffered by the company by reason of any breach by the said agency (s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said agreement or by reason of the agency(s) failure to perform the said agreement. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. ________________ (Rupees______________________________________). 3. We the ________________________________________________ Bank also undertake to pay the company and money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the agency(s) in any suit or proceeding instituted / pending before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this Bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the Agency(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4. We, ( __________________________________________________________) further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and affect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be so unforceable till all the dues of the company under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till unit head of Machkund Hydro Electric Joint Project certifies that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Agency (s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the (______________________________ ) we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter. 5. We, (__________________________________________________________ ) further agree that the company shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without effecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said Agency(s) and we shall not relieved from our liability by reason of any such variations or extension being granted to the said Agency(s) or for any for bearance, act or omission on the part of the company or any indulgence by the company to the said Agency(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provisions have effect of so relieving us. 6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the name, style and constitution of the bank or the Agency (s). 7. We, (__________________________________________________________) lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the company in writing. Dated at _______________________ the _____________ day of ______________________ Two Thousand ______________________________________. For __________________________________ (Indicate the Name of the Bank) WITNESS : 1. 2. N.B. :1. Name of the Supplier 2. No. & Date of order / agreement. 3. Name of the Bank 4. Validity period or date upto which the guarantee is valid. 5. Signature of the constituent Authority of the Bank with Seal. ANNEXURE AGREEMENT FOR SECURITY SERVICE CONTRACT AGREEMENT NO. __________ DTD. __________ ARTICLE OF Agreement made this ……….. day of …………. Between the (In case of Unit, Name and address of the Unit) Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited, a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office (hereinafter referred to as the “Corporate Office”) located at Vidyuth Soudha, Khairatabad, Hyderabad-500082 acting through (Designation of Concerned Executive) herein after called the “APGENCO” of the one part and M/s ……………… a …………… registered under ……………. Having its office at present ……………… (hereinafter called the “Contractor) which expression unless repugnant to the context or contrary to the meaning thereof shall include its successors heirs and assigness of the other part. WHEREAS the contractor has agreed with the APGENCO during the period of …….(……..) months from………. to ………… for the performance of “Providing …….. (……) Guards with Lathi (Semi-Skilled), ……… to guard and provide security to Machkund Hydro Electric joint project property round the clock and also to ensure that outsiders, vendors, beggars etc. do not enter into the premises as detailed in the Annexure-I on payment of monthly charges basis as per Annexure-II enclosed upon satisfying the covenants, conditions and stipulations hereinafter contained and that will be set-forth in the work order and/or issued with the work order (which work orders shall be deemed and taken to be part of the contract)”. AND WHEREAS THE CONTRACTOR has deposited with the APGENCO by way of security for the due fulfillment of the terms of contract, the sum of Rs. ……../- vide ………….. valid up to …….. months. (receipt whereof by the APGENCO is hereby acknowledged vide Money Receipt No. ……… date……..) NOW THESE INDENTURE WITNESS that in consideration of the payment to be made by the APGENCO, the contractor will duly perform the said works as set-forth in the said works order and shall execute the same with great promptness, care and accuracy in workman like manner to the satisfaction of the APGENCO and will complete the same in accordance with the said conditions and will observe, fulfill and keep all the conditions therein mentioned (which shall be deemed and taken to be part of this contract as if the same had been fully set-forth herein) AND the APGENCO both hereby agree that if the contractor shall duly perform the said work in the manner aforesaid and observe and keep the said terms and conditions the complete thereof the amount due in respect thereof at the rates specified in the Annexure-II hereto referred. Encl: Annexure-I and II NOW THESE PRESENT WITNESS that subject to the covenants, conditions and stipulations herein after contained, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties here to in the following manners, 2.The contractor at his own costs, expenses and all liabilities shall deploy and maintain the trained and fully uniformed Security staff as per the allotment of duties / areas of responsibilities as detailed in Annexure-I and as per the instruction of APGENCO from time to time and shall : a) Keep the Security staff on its own pay roll, pay their salary / wages not less than the prescribed minimum rate of wages as notified by the appropriate Government in terms of the minimum wages Act-1948 and Rules made there under in this regard from time to time and deposit / pay / provide the statutory dues, allowances, contributions, facilities and benefits etc. as applicable and in force from time to time. Revision of statutory dues, if any as per rule, shall be reimbursed by APGENCO on submission of supporting documents in proof of such deposit or, payment. b) Provide round the clock Security service to the Machkund Hydro Electric joint project. 3. The detail break up of payment in respect of engagement of Security guard, which shall be paid to the contractor by the APGENCO, subject to compliance of the terms and conditions by the contractor, is as per Annexure-I. 4. Irrespective of payment received or not from APGENCO for the concerned period, the contractor shall ensure to pay the wages in respect of his employees during working hours of first 7 days of every succeeding month of wage period and in case of termination of contract before expiry of the contract period, final payment shall be made by the contractor to his employees deployed under APGENCO within 48 hours of their last working day positively. 5. The contractor shall disburse the wage at Main gate of Machkund Power House with prior notice to his employees so also to the authorized representative of APGENCO in whose presence the disbursement shall be made. 6. The contractor shall have to deposit statutory contributions (both for employees and employer share) in respect of his employees towards EPF and ESI with the concerned authorities in each month in time and produce the proof of the same as token of deposit to the authorized representative of APGENCO for payment of the next month’s bill. 7. Similarly, the contractor shall have to maintain the Muster Roll, Register for payment of wages and such appropriate registers in terms of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules. 8. Apart from that Service tax as applicable shall be reimbursed by APGENCO on production of documentary evidence in support of deposit by the contractor. 9. The contractor shall undertake to indemnify the APGENCO of any default in such payment including the dues and contributions as stated above by the contractor. 10. The contractor shall be responsible for the protection of the properties of Machkund Hydro Electric joint project, the properties jointly under the possession of AP and Odisha and other such places of the Project where the security services are required and prevent any crime, trespass, mischief, theft, burglary, fire etc. in the required manner and as per the terms and conditions and the contractor shall compensate to APGENCO in the event of any loss / damage is sustained due to the negligence of the personnel of the contractor. In case of theft / pilferage the cost of the same will be recovered from the contractor, if it is established that the given responsibilities has not been discharged satisfactorily by the contractor. In case of any dispute with regards to responsibility, the decision of Director (HRD), APGENCO Ltd., Hyderabad will be final and binding. Any damage, deterioration, loss caused to the Machkund Hydro Electric joint project property due to negligence, carelessness on the part of workmen employed by the contractor shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost. If he fails to do this, APGENCO shall within their right to effect necessary recoveries from the contractor’s bill or security deposit or through other means as per law. 11. 12. The personnel deployed by the security agencies have to be vigilant and check / assist in checking if required, at entry and exit gates etc. of office accommodation, buildings and such other places as aforesaid of Machkund Hydro Electric joint project and maintain the records in this regard all incoming and outgoing persons, vehicles, materials etc at the time of entering / leaving and maintain the records in this regard strictly and produce to the APGENCO authority on demand. 13. To regulate traffic and ensure proper and systematic parking. To protect the Machkund Hydro Electric joint project property and premises against all outside and inside forces including malicious acts of any person. To keep the premises free from all unauthorised persons and undesirable elements creating nuisance and disturbances. Patrolling in area of responsibility and to check all the locks and seals while on patrol. In the event of any theft, pilferage, fire, disobedience, indiscipline, un-authorised / anti-institutional activities and all other criminal activities in Project premises, the security personnel shall report the same to the officer concerned of the Project. The contractor shall apprehend culprits and hand them over to local police authorities and lodge complaints / FIR with the police authorities on behalf of Machkund Hydro Electric joint project management, and shall keep close liaison with local police authorities for follow up action of theft or pilferage of Project property and un-authorised trespassing. 14. In case of failure of the contractor to deliver the satisfactory services or to pay wages with all statutory dues and contributions in respect of their employees in time or for any such reason, the contractor will be liable to pay compensation to the APGENCO. The decision on the compensation payable by the contractor to the APGENCO shall be determined by the APGENCO, which will be binding on the contractor. In case of any dispute in this regard the decision of the Unit Head,Machkund Power Project will be final and binding on both the parties. 15. The APGENCO shall have the power to withhold partly or fully the dues / security deposit of the contractor for reasons to be communicated to the contractor for contravention of any terms and conditions. But in such cases, the contractor will not with hold payment of wages and statutory dues / contributions to statutory authorities in respect of their employees. 16. The contractor shall abide by all the instructions of the APGENCO from time to time. 17. The agreement shall be effective from the date of agreement, with option of the contractor to renew the agreement for a further period on the same terms and conditions or / different terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon. The agreement is terminable by either party serving one month’s prior notice in writing only during the tenure of the agreement. This agreement shall automatically cease at the end of the last day of agreement period and no prior notice is required to be served on contractor for this purpose. 18. Any legal dispute arising out of this agreement shall only be subject to the jurisdiction of the civil court situated at Vizag and of the High Court of A.P. 19. The contractor shall deposit a sum equivalent to 10% of the contract value in favour of APGENCO as security deposit or in shape of Demand Draft / Composite bank guarantee of equivalent amount from any nationalized bank as per Annexure-V, within 15 days of issue of work order, failing which the order will be cancelled. The security deposit shall be refunded only after satisfactory execution of the contract and no interest will be paid on security deposit amount. 20. The contractor has to submit all particulars such as bio-data and passport size photograph of the security guards employed by them to the Project. The contractor shall ensure that the physical standard of the security guards should not be less than 5ft 6 inch and having a good physique to perform the job of a security guard.. However, the deployment of such security guards by the contactor shall be subject to clearance / approval of the APGENCO. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. If the contract firm dissolve due to death of any partner or for any other reason before duly completing the work or any part of it undertaken in the principal agreement, each and every partner shall remain jointly, severely and personally liable to complete the whole work to the Satisfaction of the APGENCO and to pay compensation for loss sustained, if any, by the APGENCO due to such dissolution. Amount of such compensation shall be decided by the APGENCO and the decision in the matter shall be final and binding on the contractor. No work other than specified in the tender / agreement shall be carried out by the contractor without prior approval of APGENCO administration in writing. If any work in order to be carried by the contractor, the rate for which does not appear in the agreement, the rate for such work should be mutually agreed upon first before undertaking such work by the contractor. As per the contract labour Act, contractor shall provide for the first aid facilities during all working hours alongwith a first aid box equipped with the prescribed first aid facilities at every place where contract labour is employed by him. The contractor shall provide the security services everyday (i.e. for Monday to Sunday) and every week. Rest, compensatory rest, leave etc. to the manpower engaged by the contractor shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. No extra payment shall be made for working on Sundays and National / General Holidays. The APGENCO representative shall have the authority to advice the contractor to remove or replace any workman / workmen, engaged by the contractor under the contract, whom he consider incompetent or unsuitable. The work executed shall be to the satisfaction of the unit head of the Machkund Hydro Electric joint project, Rate shall include all incidental and contingent expenses and the cost of materials which, although not specifically mentioned in the scope, are necessary for its completion in a sound and efficient manner. The contractor shall take out and keep in force a policy / policies of insurance against all liabilities and recognized risks in respect of accidents to the persons employed by the contractor for the purpose of carrying out the works under this contract. In respect of all staff engaged by him, the contractor shall be solemnly responsible against all claims under workmen compensation Act and Labour Contract Act. The contractor shall maintain centralized cell for the purpose of coordination. Contractor will have to provide a system by which their senior most / responsible official at field level can be contacted any time of day or night in emergency. The contractor shall carryout any other order or task allotted by management in the interest of watch and ward duties of Machkund Project premises within the staff strength The fire fighting operation with fire extinguishers, in case of fire, in the location / installation / offices of Machkund Hydro Electric joint project would be the responsibility of the security personnel deployed. The contractor will be required to maintain attendance register to guarantee that number of persons as required is actually being employed and such books after necessary checking will be countersigned by the unit head of the Project. The APGENCO administration reserves the right of termination of the contract with immediate effect. This will also apply if it is established that the agency has not been able to follow Central Govt. / State Govt. laws or has breached any contract agreement. The APGENCO administration also reserves the right to terminate the agreement by giving one month notice in case APGENCO administration desires to have alternative security arrangement. 33. The contractor shall employ only such staff who are of good character, physically fit, well behaved and trained in their duties and also will undertake to discharge duties as entrusted to them by the APGENCO administration. Such employees who are found to be creating nuisance and not up to the required standard should never be engaged by the security agency. It should be ensured that the employees employed by the contractor are having proven antecedents and no police case is pending against such people. The contractor shall be solely responsible for all acts of commission / omission of its employees. 34. The contractor shall ensure that all their men are semi skilled, wear standard uniform badges, caps and shoes and are equipped with torches, batons and other equipments considered necessary for discharging their duties effectively. All these items will be provided and recouped by the agency at their own cost. 35. The staff on duty shall be always respectful to the APGENCO management / Supervisory staff of Machkund Project. They shall be courteous to all APGENCO/OHPC staff members and visitors and politely seek information if any. All guards should be at least 10th class pass and should have minimum working knowledge of English and Hindi. 36. In no case, guard should be found in untidy condition, drunken or sleeping during night duty every guard should have torch, whistle and baton always in hand and should whistle all around regularly. Uniform, socks etc. should be washed and ironed daily and leather shoes should be polished daily. 37. The contractor shall comply with all relevant statues of the Govt. including contract labour Act , minimum wages Act, Employees State Insurance Act, Employees Provident fund Act, Employment of Children Act, Untouchability Act, and other Labour Laws, Service Tax Act as amended from time to time. The contractor shall also indemnify the APGENCO against any claims / liabilities under these acts and if any penalty is to be paid, the same will be deducted from Contractor’s bills. 38. The contractor has to submit proof of compliance of the above laws whenever required by the APGENCO. 39. The contractor will have to obtain necessary license as required in respect of its employees from Labour Commissioner in addition to the other requirement / license etc. for its registration and operation as a housekeeping agency. This license will be kept current all the items. 40. The contractor will also be required to guard the two wheelers and four wheelers of staff kept at Project premises as assigned in the contract. 41. Shift timing should be as follows 1st shift : 06.00 to 14.00 hrs 2nd shift : 14.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs 3rd shift : 22.00 hrs to 06.00 hrs Te guards should report at the duly beats half an hour before commencement of their duty and remain in touch with the Officer in charge assigned by the Machkund Project authorities. 42. Mode of Payment : On completion of the work to the satisfaction of Project authority the contractor shall be entitled to payment due to him at the end of each month subject to the laid down terms and conditions. The monthly bill on the basis of actual attendance of security guards, as verified from attendance register and duly verified by Officer in charge assigned by the Project authority, will be submitted to the payment authorities of the Project by 7th of incoming month by the contractor. The contractor is required to submit the proof of deposit of statutory dues of the current month to get the payment of next month’s bill. Income tax etc. shall be deducted from the bills from contractor as applicable. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Proportionate deductions will be made for absence of security guards from duty similarly, penalty for any place / location found unmanned, will be imposed @ 500/- per head per day and for not wearing complete uniform during duty hours a fine of Rs. 100/- will be imposed. Appeal if any, against the fine, will be decided by the Unit Head, Machkund Project. (Penalty for absence, one day wages + 50% of one day wages, per one shift, per one staff. The penalty for negligence, dereliction of duty default and undesirables act shall be minimum of payment of one staff for one shift and may exceed to Rs. 500/- for one instance). Before commencement of contract or within the month of start of contract, the contractor has to submit police verification certificate for good character and not involved any criminal cases in respect of his employees. The contractor will supply list of personnel (with name and address) in advance who are likely to be deputed in the Machkund Project. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the maintenance of discipline of the personnel so deployed by it from time to time. The contractor shall be solely liable for any accident / injuries caused to their personnel arising out of and in the course of employment and that the contractor shall comply with the procedures such as reporting to appropriate authorities, treatment of the injured and meeting the expenses incidental there to, payment of compensation etc. In the event of any theft, pilferage, loss, damage or injury, if any to the properties of the Machkund Project or to their employees due to negligence or omission of duty committed by any of the personnel of the agency, the agency shall be held liable for all the loss / damage. Whether any such loss attributed to the negligence of any such act on the part of security agency’s security personnel or not will be decided by the Project authorities concerned after a joint enquiry is conducted by the representatives of Project authority and the agency. In case of any dispute in this regard the same will be referred to Chief of Vigilance and security/APGENCO whose decision shall be final. The Security agency shall provide at its cost proper and attractive uniforms with nameplates and equipments as decided by Project authority. All security personnel deployed shall kept smart, active and impressive appearance and shall put on the uniform in neat and tidy condition. The successful security agency only should execute the contract work awarded and subcontracting of work is not permitted. The prices mentioned in the contract order shall not be subjected to escalation or increase of any account whatsoever. No escalation / overrun compensation shall be paid. The security agency shall also be responsible for the various taxes / levies of the State Govt / Central Govt. and other statutory bodies. The security agency shall not deploy / engage any worker, who has not completed the age of 18 years on the date of his deployment / engagement. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Security agency before deploying any persons for working, shall issue an identity card with photo to every worker / employee duly countersigned by the authorized Officer in charge. The security agency shall cover each of his workmen under the provident fund and miscellaneous provision act from the very first day of his employment with him. Be able to provide in any emergency needs of the project, extra personnel at short notice. Such extra provisional shall be termed as spill over. Ensure that the security guards indulging in undesirable acts shall be changed by the contractor forthwith on receipt of advice from the unit head of the Project, the decision of the APGENCO as to what is an “undesirable act” will not be open to question. The security personnel shall be deployed for a maximum of 08 hours duty at a time. The contractor shall provide substitute guards immediately in case of absence of any guard. The Project authorities will conduct checking from time to time with respect to discharge of duties sincerely and as per terms of contract by the security personnel. Contractor shall obtain and hold the license issued under Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act. Persons suffering from contagious or infectious diseases shall not be employed or permitted to work in the Project premises. APGENCO reserves the right to terminate the contract at anytime without assigning any reason thereof. The Security agency shall indemnify APGENCO for whatever reasons there off with the conduct of their persons; on duty apart from official duties. The contractor shall mobilise the security guards within 15 days of issue of LOI APGENCO CONTRACTOR In presence of In presence of Annexure-I PLACES / NUMBER OF DEPLOYMENT OF SECURITY GUARDS Sl. No. 01 Place No. of lathi guards, 02 03 04 05 N.B :- The place and number of Security guards are subject to change as per the requirement of station head. Annexure-II THE RATES FOR SECURITY SERVICE Sl. No. Description 01 Monthly wages 02 03 Service charges Any other charges Security Guard with Lathi @ Rs. Note : The statutory payment shall be reimbursed in addition to the above payment subject to production of supporting documents towards proof of such payment. PRICE BID ANNEXURE PRICE BID Sl. No. 1 2 3 Description Wages per month per security guard for Providing security guards at Machkund Hydro Electric Joint Project at various vital locations situated at Onukudelli, Koraput District, Odisha state. Supervision charges per month for 48 nos Security Guards at Machkund Hydro Electric Joint Project at various vital locations situated at Onukudelli, Koraput District, Odisha state. Any other charges like safety appliances, uniforms per month per security guard etc exclusive of VDA,EPF, ESI, and other statutory levies as applicable Quantity Rate/ Month Total 48Nos Security Guards LS 48 Nos Security Gurds Grand Total Note:- VDA, EPF, ESI, Service tax and other taxes & levies as applicable shall be loaded in evaluation. SIGNATURE OF TENDERER: NAME: DESIGNATION (SEAL): ANNEXURE- A (DECLARATION FORM) (Tender Specification No.e-10/HPC&HP/APGENCO/2015) To Sir, Having examined the e-tender specification referred to therein, I/We the undersigned hereby agree to undertake the work if allotted to us in all respects as per the specification and general conditions, at the rates offered by us. 1. I/ We hereby undertake to execute the work for the whole period / time specified in this tender. 2. I/ We hereby certify to have deposited the required Earnest Money in shape of Bank Draft vide No.______ Dt.________________of ________________. 3. In the event of work order is being decided in my/our favour, I/We agree to furnish the security deposit solvency certificate in the manner as prescribed within 30 days of issue of Letter of Intent / Order failing which I/We clearly understand that the said Letter of Intent/order will be withdrawn by Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation. without any further notice / reminder and which is binding upon me / us. Signed this day of 201….. Yours faithfully, SIGNATURE OF TENDERER: NAME: DESIGNATION (SEAL): (This form should be duly filled up by the tenderer and submitted along with the original copy of the tender).
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