A meeting he!d on 18.05.2015 headed bv M.D.,NBPDCL regarding critica! Issues re:ated to important points of different departments a:ong with instructions are mentioned underneath. 1. M/s Feedback lnfra is Consultant for not working as per agreement as their performance is very poor. During previous meetings, it was found that the Consultant is not doing any exercise through which the progress of work could be analysed. They are not doing field visits for verification of work being done by agencies. Director (Project) shall ensure that the Consultant deliver as per agreement and take action for the termination of the contract. The payment of their BRGF. Consultant is 2. bill should be considered only after inputs provided by them as per agreement. RAPDRP Part-B Projects is ongoing in different towns under North Bihar. The major scope of work 3 of augmentation, reconductoring is being carried out by the agency but the devolution of the old material is not being done. This is a serious issue. Chief Engineer (Projects-l) should ensure that the payment has to be done only after proper accounting of devolution details. M/s Gopi Krishna is a agency under BRGF Phase-tt for Kishanganj, purnea, Araria and Siwan. The includes removal of distribution constraints in town areas. The work progress under BRGF Phase-ll is not satisfactory. Bank Guarantee of the agency should be invoked considering the agreement details. 4 Village electrification is being done under 11th and 12th Plan. BPL connections are being given through L.T. line in l1th Plan and through A.B. Cable in 12th Plan. New Service Connection to balance BPL and APL families are to be given in villages. SMCB box is being fixed at L.T. poles for giving BpL connections. All Agencies should provide extra SMCB box in all such locations, where there is a possibility for giving new service connections. Eυ ´ 0 Chief Engineer (O&M) should give a detailed report regarding the 3.15 MVA or 5 MVA transformers which are being augmented and replaced by higher capacity about their utilization. lt was found that so many such transformers are being kept idle without any plan. A large number of BPL connections are being provided in ongoing RGGVY scheme but they are not being included billing cycle. This has to be monitored by Revenue and projects team. 7 8 16, 25 and 40 KVA transformers have been replaced to higher capacity of transformers in CMLAD/MPLAD scheme. These transformers have been kept in different stores. Many of these transformers are in working condition. E.E.E., Electric Supply Division of all districts through MRT should give a detailed inspection report regarding working of transformers and further Chief Engineer (S&P)/ Chief Engineer (O&M) should chalk out the plan for utilization of these transformers. Divisional Stores and Central Stores are having bulk scrap material including burnt PT, DT and other items. Chief Engineer (S&P) should list out of these items so that it should be disposed as per definite pla n. 9 Rationalisation of meters in different stores has to be done. During field visit it was found that a number of materials like WOLF conductor, DOG conductor, power Cable, A.B. Switch etc. were allotted to different stores which are not bein8 utilized as per scheduled plan. Chief Engineer (s&p) should make a list of all these items and divert all these items wherever required. 10 Planning Department should work as monitoring for various works under State Plan. Fund received under State Plan should be monitored by the Chief Engineer (Planning) and submit progress report accordingly. of Single Phase and Three Phase meter are pending for July 2012. Chief Engineer (Commercial) and General Manager (Revenue) should do proper exercise for giving the UCs of meters provided to all J.E.Es. A large number of meters which have been installed had also not 11. Utilisation Certificate been included in Billing Cycle. These should be included in Billing Cycle immediately. 12. Annual Action Plan has been made by different Divisions and it has been compiled by chief Engineer (O&M). There were certain items included in Annual Action Plan which has already been covered under different ongoing Projects of NBPDCL. Chief Engineer (O&M) should make a clear plan for requirement of materials under Annual Action Plan excluding of those items' work which has been included in different Projects. 13. Load matrix has to be prepared by Chief Engineer (O&M) considering different aspects for providing the electricity to different Districts. This should be included revenue parameters, geographical scenario, population, district headquarters locations etc. 14. H.T. consumers' bills for next month should be given adjusting the interest payment on the Security deposit as per latest BERC order. This should be monitored by Chief Engineer (Commercial) and Genera I Manager (Revenue). 15. Considering a large number of billing disputes in different locations, it has been decided to organize a Camp which will provide solution to various billing arrears on pilot basis. The Camp has to be organized on 26 and 27 May 2075 at Chapra, Siwan and Gopalganj. General Manager (Revenue) along with his team should personally camp at these locations for the successfully implementation of the Camp. for training programme at different towns for easy accessibility and user friendly implementation of SAP. They should give a schedule for this training. 17. During review visit of different Districts the Divisional Stores/Central Stores it was found that they are in pathetic condition. The stock maintenance is not being done properly. The Reliance lnfra should immediately start roll out of SAP MIS in all RAPDRP stores. E.5.E. (S&P) shall plan for manpower requirement and also co-ordinate with Reliance for the roll out. 1.8. Chief Engineer (Commercial) should make a comprehensive report for the disc,lnpancies performed by M/s ESSEL D.F. for Muzaffarpur town. 1.6. Reliance as lTlA RAPDRP Part-A should organize a f[\ ,,..Jkll*'l','- Managing Director tvtemoNo. 158 Copy forwarded / to Director (P&O)/ patna,dated tnu A/-og-t{ G.M.(H.R./Adm.)/ G.M.(Rev.)/ t C.E.(Pla (Com.)/ c.E. (o&M)/ c.E. (Projects-l)/ C.E. (Projects-ll) for information and necessary nrlr!g)/ C.E.(S&P)/ actYh 'q,1,{ (aalam(ftlLBlro Memo No ′38 /Patna,dated the 沢ル00/平 t Director Copyfomarded to cMD′ BSP(H)CL for kind information (Bala │lf Managing Director C.E.
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