Sarah R. Jansen curriculum vitae Carleton College Department of Philosophy 308 Leighton Hall/ N. College Street Northfield, MN 55057 [email protected] (507) 222-7997 EDUCATION University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Philosophy; Ph.D., 2012 University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Philosophy; M.A., 2008 University of California, Los Angeles; B.A., Summa Cum Laude and Departmental Honors in philosophy, 2005 ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Carleton College, 2012-2013 Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Carleton College, 2013-present AREA OF SPECIALIZATION Ancient Philosophy (esp. Plato and Aristotle) AREAS OF COMPETENCE Aesthetics, Ethics (esp. Animal Ethics), Logic, Modern PUBLICATIONS 2013 2014 2015 “Plato’s Phaedo as a Pedagogical Drama,” Ancient Philosophy, Vol. 33, No. 2 , pp. 333-352 “Review of Plato on Art and Beauty by A.E. Denham (ed.),” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 104-106. “Audience Psychology and Censorship in Plato’s Republic: The Problem of the Irrational Part.” Epoché, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 205-215 REVISE AND RESUBMIT “Poetry and Metaphysics in Republic X,” Journal of the History of Philosophy (under review) WORKS IN PROGRESS (conferences papers transitioning into journal articles) “More Regrets” “Plato on Good and Bad Laughter” DISSERTATION Title: “Plato on Popular Poetry” Committee: Gavin Lawrence (Chair), David Blank, Calvin Normore & John Carriero CV – Sarah R. Jansen 1 SELECTED HONORS AND AWARDS Large Faculty Development Endowment grant, Winter 2016 (research leave) Future Learning Technologies Departmental Development Grant, Summer 2015 Future Learning Technologies Curriculum Development Grant, Summer 2014 Selection and stipend for Verity Harte’s JHP Masters Class, Summer 2014 (June 23-27) HHMI Curriculum Development Grant, Winter 2013 Middle Eastern Studies Curriculum Development Grant, Summer 2013 UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2011-2012 UCLA Summer Research Mentorship Fellowship, 2006 Departmental Mention for Logic Fluency exam, 2006 Departmental Fellowship, 2005-2006 Donald Kalish Prize for “most promising undergraduate,” 2004-2005 Phi Beta Kappa, 2005 PRESENTATIONS Comments on Michael Wiitala’s “Self-moving and the motion of forms” – West Coast Plato Workshop, University of Arizona (Spring 2015) Comments on Brian Collins’ “A Political Interpretation of Aristotle’s Ethics” - Eastern APA, Philadelphia (Winter, 2014) “Plato on Laughter” – Lighthearted Philosophy Society Annual Conference, Galveston, Texas (Fall, 2014) “Audience Psychology and Censorship in Plato’s Republic” – Ancient Philosophy Society annual conference, University of South Florida (Spring, 2014) “Poetry & Metaphysics in Republic X” (symposium paper) – Central APA, Chicago (Winter, 2014) “Audience Psychology and Censorship in Plato’s Republic: The Problem of the Irrational Part” – Salmon Rushdie Carleton Faculty Symposium on Censorship, Blasphemy and Free Speech, Northfield (Fall, 2013) “Reinterpreting the Irrational Part: What Book X's Division of the Soul Reveals about the Aesthetic and Psychological Theories of the Republic” - International Plato Society U.S. conference, University of Michigan (Fall, 2012) “Plato and Movie Violence” (symposium paper) - Pacific APA, Seattle (Spring, 2012) “The Phaedo: A Platonic Reinvention of Tragic Drama” - West Coast Plato Workshop, Portland (Spring, 2011) “Plato on Popular Entertainment and the Psyche” (Spring, 2010) – CUNY Graduate Conference, Manhattan and Berkeley-Stanford-Davis Graduate Conference, Berkeley INVITED TALKS “More Regrets” – Philosophy Mountain Workshop, Whistler, B.C. (Winter, 2014) “Plato on Laughter” - MSU philosophy colloquium series, Mankato (Fall, 2014) “Poetry & Metaphysics in Republic X” - St. Olaf philosophy colloquium, Northfield (Fall, 2012) TEACHING EXPERIENCE (Carleton) Tragedy, Myth and Philosophy (cross-listed in Classical Languages, team taught with Clara Hardy) Soul: Mind, Morality and Cosmos (ancient philosophy A & I) Ancient Greek Moral Psychology (upper-level seminar) Ancient Greek Philosophy (x2 at Carleton, x1 at UCLA) Early Modern Philosophy (x2) Animal Ethics (x2, with Civic Engagement component) Philosophical Problems (intro course, x3) Philosophy of Film and Emotion (x2, cross-listed in Cinema & Media Studies) CV – Sarah R. Jansen 2 ACADEMIC SERVICE Student Research Assistant, June-July (Summer 2014) UCLA-USC Philosophy Graduate Conference Organizer, 2010-2011 UCLA Philosophy Reading Room Librarian, (paid position) 2010-2011 UCLA Undergraduate Logic Tutor, (paid position) 2004-2005 RESEARCH LANGUAGES Reading knowledge of Greek, Latin & French REFERENCES Gavin Lawrence Professor & Chair of Philosophy, UCLA 310-206-2726 [email protected] David Blank Professor & Chair of Classics, UCLA 310-206-8562 [email protected] Anna Moltchanova Professor & Chair of Philosophy, Carleton 507-222-7163 [email protected] Calvin Normore Professor of Philosophy, UCLA & McGill 310-825-2291 [email protected] CV – Sarah R. Jansen 3
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