Ap r il 2 0 15 Vol. 3 Issue 8 Lower School Newsletter Dr. Patricia Carbó Lower School Principal [email protected] From the Principal´s office Dear AAS parents and students, Due date: April 23, 2015 Young writers and poets needed! I hope that you all had a happy and blessed Easter. First to fifth grade students were happy to exchange good deeds for candy. This year´s Kindness Jars were full of good actions and acts of love. Well done Bears! Can you imagine that we only have 47 remaining days of schools before Summer Break! Please continue to encourage your child to do his or her best at school. Let’s make this the last quarter the best! Our students has been happy with the arrival of our new keyboards and have started learning how to play it and even composing their own music! Also, I want to ask families to keep actively involved in school related activities like attending the Family Picnic in Avila, or to our 3rd Family Day on May 23. Let´s keep the AAS spirit growing! Fondly, Mrs. Carbo AAS Spring Book Fair Choose from hundreds of great titles from Scholastic and Usborne book publishers! Most books range from about 8 to 15 euros. You may send cash with your child in an envelope provided by the school and hand this in to the classroom teacher. You may also plan to come at 4:30 and buy books with your child. The Lower School classes will visit the Book Fair with their homeroom teacher as per the following schedule: 10:30-11:00 11:10-11:40 11:40-12:00 12:00- 12:30 1:40- 2:10 2:10 - 2:30 3:00 - 5:00 4I & 4C 2N & 2O 1E & 1W 5C 3C K3S & K3K Free Lower School and Pre-school students may visit the Book Fair with their parents in the afternoon. Page 2 April 2015 To Remember April 10: April 14: April 16: April 17: April 20: April 23: April 26: May 1: May 7: May 14: May 15: May 23: May 25: May 27: May 30: June 2: June 5: June 9: June 12: Easter egg Hunt K1-K3 Gr. 1 & 2 Field Trip: Hansel & Gretel 4I & 4 C Field Trip: ArqueoPinto Report Cards 4th Quarter Begins AAS Spring Book Fair Young Writers Contest AAS Family Picnic to Avila No School- Labor Day/Com. De Madrid K1, K2, & K3 Spring Concert Gr. 3C, 4I, 4C &5C Field Trip El Escorial and Saint Exúpery’s The Little Prince play San Isidro Celebrations K1-3rd Grade No School – San Isidro – Family Day K1H, K1G, K2B, K2L, K3S & K3K Field Trip Granja Albitana First Reconciliation and FHC/Choir rehearsal First Holy Communion Fun & Fitness Day Grades 4-5 Fun & Fitness Day Grades 1-3 Celebration of Learning Grades 4-5 Celebration of Learnin Grades 1- 3 Grade 1 & 2 Spring Concert Family Day Luau Aloha, Helpers needed! Bakers Soccer players Ticket sellers Decorators Mahalo, Mahalo! Free online Reading Resources Tumblebooks Free thanks to the Junta de Andalucía http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/culturaydeporte/o pencms/export/bibliotecas/bibhuelva/ Children´s Storybooks online http://www.magickeys.com/books/ The Story Place http://www.storyplace.org/storyplace.asp Alvaro García Angela Sánchez Alex Rosell Tommy Estrada Jimena Galán Carlota Silberberg Adelaida de la Lastra Diego Tomás Jorge Pellicer Antonio Costa Almudena Fernández Olivia García Simòn Méndez Adela Sanz Martina Abad Clara Videla RazKids- Interactive ebooks School subscription. Use your username and password Starfall www.starfall.com B for Ball Pre-school learning website https://www.bforball.com/index.php Storyline Online www.storylineonline.net FunBrain http://www.funbrain.com/brain/ReadingBrain/ReadingBrain .html Always access internet sites with your child. I have personally checked these ones, and although great, some of them may have links to ads. April 2015 Page 3 What´s been going on in Lower School? St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations Easter First Grade Publishing Party Page 4 Page 4 February 2015 April 2015 Aloha, AAS Ohanas! Research Project Come to our 2015 Ohana Luau Day Wear your lei and your print shirts Bring your kiekies and the whole ohana We´ll hula and will have good food Let´s have a tiki time! Hawaiian Words Aloha = Hello or goodbye Ohana = Family Hula= Hawaiian dance Lei= Garland of flowers Kahuna= Big boss Keiki= Child, children Luau= Hawaiian party Mahalo= Thank you
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